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Despite the great extent of the Brazilian coast, there are very few studies on the marine radiocarbon reservoir correction local offset (ΔR) for this region.In the present study, we used marine shells from the malacological collection of the National Museum of Brazil to obtain values of ΔR for different locations on the Brazilian coast. According to the museum records, the mollusks were collected alive from the coasts of Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and Bahia, prior to the 14C bomb-peak. The exact year of collection for each shell is known.The samples were chemically prepared and measured at the Radiocarbon Laboratory of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (LAC-UFF) in Brazil. The conventional ages were calibrated using the Marine13 curve and the ΔR values were calculated using the OxCal software. The values range from 17 ± 56 14C yr in São José do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul to 96 ± 48 14C yr in Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   

Natural cycles of irradiation during burial and bleaching due to solar exposure during transport increase the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) sensitivity of quartz sand grains. The relationship between the OSL sensitivity and sediment transport allows to discriminate quartz sand grains with different depositional histories. In this paper, we evaluate the variation of OSL sensitivity in quartz grains deposited during the progradation of the Ilha Comprida barrier on the southern Brazilian, coast. Changes in sand sensitivity recorded by barrier growth since 6 ka ago are controlled by the variation in the proportion of low versus high sensitivity quartz grains. Low sensitivity grains with short sedimentary history are supplied by the Ribeira de Iguape River and reach the barrier through southward alongshore currents during fair weather conditions. Storm conditions shift the alongshore currents to northeast and permit the transport of high sensitivity grains with long sedimentary history from distal southern coastal sectors to the barrier. Therefore, the input of distal sediments for the Ilha Comprida barrier depends on the frequency and intensity of storms. Thus, the OSL sensitivity can be used as proxy for storm activity. The variation of OSL sensitivity through time indicates that the Ilha Comprida barrier changed from a relatively stable to an unstable storm pattern around 2 ka ago. Periods with increased storm activity peaked around AD 500, AD 1500 and AD 1850, approximately on the boundaries of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Deep water observations of extreme waves with moored and free GPS buoys   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Point-positioning GPS-based wave measurements were conducted by deep ocean (over 5,000 m) surface buoys moored in the North West Pacific Ocean in 2009, 2012, and 2013. The observed surface elevation bears statistical characteristics of Gaussian, spectrally narrow ocean waves. The tail of the averaged spectrum follows the frequency to the power of ?4 slope, and the significant wave height and period satisfies the Toba’s 3/2 law. The observations compare well with a numerical wave hindcast. Two large freak waves exceeding 13 m in height were observed in October 2009 and three extreme waves around 20 m in height were observed in October 2012 and in January 2013. These extreme events are associated with passages of a typhoon and a mid-latitude cyclone. Horizontal movement of the buoy revealed that the orbital motion of the waves at the peak of the wave group mostly exceed the weakly nonlinear estimate. For some cases, the orbital velocity exceeded the group velocity, which might indicate a breaking event but is not conclusive yet.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of compressional-wave velocities in the mantle is determined fromdT/d measurements using the Uppsala seismograph array station (UPSAS). Short-period vertical-component seismograms from 181 events in the epicentral distance range 16°–100° have been used. The velocity distribution shows anomalous variations at depths of 750, 1500, 1800, 2300 and 2550 km. Evidence of lateral heterogeneity beneath the northern part of the Asian continent, in the depth range 1700–2300 km, is discussed. Computed travel times, based on this velocity-depth relation, are tested by an examination of travel-time residuals from the Long Shot and Milrow explosions on Amchitka, Aleutian Islands.  相似文献   

A total of 351 shear-wave splitting results at 25 stations were obtained from the seismic data recorded in period of January, 2013 to December, 2016, by a broadband seismic array deployed in the northern segment of Xiaojiang Fault Zone (n-XJFZ). Meanwhile, the stress field of the n-XJFZ was determined by inverting 140 focal mechanism solutions of the small earthquakes within the study area which were recorded in the same period. This determination confirmed a compressive stress in NW-SE orientation and an extensional stress in the NE-SW orientation, with little difference from those released by previous studies. The shear-wave splitting results show a spatial complexity in polarization orientation, different from one site to another. However, the polarization orientations integrated for the subareas suggest that the fault trends seemingly played important roles. All the subareas bear two dominant orientations, N10°E and N90°E, both of which are different from the azimuths of the principal compressive stress, due to the fault distribution. The time delay averaged over the entire region is 4.56 ms/km, close to that of the upper boundary of the generally accepted interval worldwide but larger than those in most of the investigated regions in the Chinese mainland, which probably implies an alignment of more micro-cracks in the n-XJFZ. Interestingly, the 2014 MS6.5 Ludian earthquake was found to have caused a variation in the time delays of the slow shear waves within the study area though its epicenter was outside. This earthquake resulted in an evident drop of the time delays remaining for 4 months, however, lifted a bit the time-delay level with respect to that prior to the earthquake.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is the characterization of the wave climate in the Southern Brazilian Shelf (SBS) based on a thorough review of existing field data and on numerical modeling experiments. A quantitative knowledge about the wave climate of this area is important to understand the mechanisms driving episodic mud bank attachments to the sandy shore, and the interaction of these banks with the flow and waves. The statistical analysis of existent data on the wave climate throughout the SBS indicates that the predominant wave directions are 100° and 160° (E–SE), with wave heights varying between 1 and 1.50 m. The wave period varies between 6 and 14 s, with predominance of mean wave period of 8 s (sea conditions) and 12 s (swell conditions). The spectral wave model SWAN version 40.41 [Booij, N., Haagsma, I.J.G., Holthuijsen, L.H., Kieftenburg, A.T.M.M., Ris, R.C., van der Westhuysen, A.J., Zijlema, M., 2004. SWAN Cycle III Version 40.41 Users Manual, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 118, http://fluidmechanics.tudelft.nl/swan/index.htm] is used to simulate the wave climate for the region. Special attention is given to Cassino Beach, describing the wave climate observed during the Cassino Experiment, carried out in 2005. The verification of the standard SWAN model was carried out based on the comparison between numerical modeling results and available data of significant wave height, peak period, mean wave direction and energy density for the period relative to February of 1998. Results showed satisfactory model predictions of significant wave height and reasonably accurate predictions of peak spectral wave period and direction. The model performance is also considered satisfactory in the representation of the wave climate of the region when the wave spectrum has only one spectral peak, but presents limitations for bimodal wave spectrum. When two spectral peaks are observed, the SWAN model agrees with the spectral level observed in the low frequency, but underestimates the spectral level in the high-frequency band. When considering the presence of mud deposits in the area, model results predict that although the presence of mud attenuates most of the wave energy on the low frequency peak, it has a smaller effect in attenuating the wave energy on the high frequency peak.  相似文献   

可控震源定向照明方法的仿真研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
当野外噪声很强,即使使用组合震源地震也无法获得满意信噪比的地震数据时,本文提出了一种基于可控震源阵列的定向照明控制方法,采用该方法可形成定向地震波.通过仿真研究合成了8激震器可控震源阵列分别采用简单组合及定向照明技术得到的单炮地震记录,可以看出采用合适的延时参数,定向照明单炮地震记录的反射波信噪比高于组合地震情况.定量的计算结果表明,实验条件下采用0.89 ms延时参数,各反射波信噪比分别提高了10.19 dB,3.23 dB和1.02 dB.由此可见,可控震源定向照明地震技术是一种提高原始地震资料信噪比的有效方法.  相似文献   

A relatively unknown coastal zone of southern Mozambique in Africa is covered by vast mobile and stabilized dunefields. The aeolian dynamics of these transgressive dunefields are studied based on mobility and stability models, statistical analysis of climate data and topographic profiles. Detailed analyses of regional winds, rainfall records, atmospheric temperature records and annual monitoring of dune migration rates helped to find reliable data about instantaneous aeolian sand transport rates, wind drift potential, dune mobility and dune migration rates. The data obtained suggest that the coastal transgressive dunefields are controlled by the southeast winds, availability of loose sediments on the beach, the presence of headland boundary between Maputo and Gaza provinces and the appropriate deposition spaces between the coastline and lacustrine‐lagoon systems. Two distinctive segments of transgressive dunefields were identified in the region studied, including the northern segment of Maputo province with active (mobile) and semi‐vegetated dunes that migrate 23 m/yr landward, and Gaza province dunefields with stabilized (vegetated) and semi‐vegetated dunes. The data obtained in this research have considerable potential to make a valuable contribution to the study of coastal dunefields. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A large aerosol plume with optical depth exceeding 0.7 engulfs most parts of the Arabian Sea during the Asian summer monsoon season. Based on Micro Pulse Lidar observations during the June–September period of 2008 and 2009, the present study depicts, for the first time, the existence of an elevated dust layer occurring very frequently in the altitude band of 1–3.5 km over the west coast of peninsular India with relatively large values of linear depolarization ratio (δL). Large values of δL indicate the dominance of significantly non-spherical aerosols. The aerosol optical depth of this layer (0.2) is comparable to that of the entire atmospheric column during dust-free days. Back-trajectory analysis clearly shows the advection of airmass from the arid regions of Arabia and the west Arabian Sea, through the altitude region centered around 3 km. This is in contrast to the airmass below 1 km originating from the pristine Indian Ocean region which contains relatively spherical aerosols of marine origin with δL generally <0.05.  相似文献   

The intraseasonal variability(ISV) of sea level anomalies(SLAs) along the southern coast of Java and its interannual modulation were studied based on a gridded SLA product produced from the Archiving, Validation, and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanography dataset. This ISV is induced by the propagation of intraseasonal Kelvin waves derived from the central equatorial Indian Ocean(EIO). Wavelet analysis and empirical mode decomposition of intraseasonal SLAs along the southern coast of Java showed interannual variability, with weaker ISV events during El Ni years and positive Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) years than during normal years. This interannual modulation of the ISV is influenced by the El Ni-Southern Oscillation teleconnection via the Walker Circulation and eastern Indian Ocean upwelling connected to IOD events. The anomalously weaker Walker Circulation during El Ni events generates anomalous surface easterlies over the central-eastern tropical Indian Ocean that produce upwelling Kelvin waves in the EIO and offshore water transport along the southern coasts of Sumatra and Java, resulting in negative SLAs along the southern coast of Java. These negative SLAs damp the positive SLAs induced by the eastward propagation of downwelling Kelvin waves from the central EIO during the following March–May of El Ni years. Similar features of SLAs and sea surface wind anomalies also occur during positive IOD years. Consequently, the sea level ISV along the southern coast of Java is weaker in El Ni and positive IOD years.  相似文献   

The relationship of hillslope erosion rates and sediment yield is often poorly defined because of short periods of measurement and inherent spatial and temporal variability in erosion processes. In landscapes containing hillslopes crenulated by alternating topographic noses and hollows, estimates of local hillslope erosion rates averaged over long time periods can be obtained by analysing colluvial deposits in the hollows. Hollows act as local traps for a portion of the colluvium transported down hillslopes, and erosion rates can be calculated using the age and size of the deposits and the size of the contributing source area. Analysis of colluvial deposits in nine Oregon Coast Range hollows has yielded average colluvial transport rates into the hollows of about 35cm3cm?1yr?1 and average bedrock lowering rates of about 0.07 mm yr?1 for the last 4000 to 15000 yr. These rates are consistent with maximum bedrock exfoliation rates of about 0.09 mm yr?1 calculated from six of the hollows, supporting the interpretation that exfoliation rates limit erosion rates on these slopes. Sediment yield measurements from nine Coast Range streams provide similar basin-wide denudation rates of between 0.05 and 0.08mm yr?1, suggesting an approximate steady-state between sediment production on hillslopes and sediment yield. In addition, modern sediment yields are similar in basins varying in size from 1 to 1500 km2, suggesting that erosion rates are spatially uniform and providing additional evidence for an approximate equilibrium in the landscape.  相似文献   

We assessed the occurrence of pollution indicators and antibiotic resistant bacterial isolates from water and sediment samples of three different eco-regions of the Chennai coast between March - May of 2010. Total of 960 bacterial strains belonging to four genera were isolated which show the highest frequencies of resistance to vancomycin (53.6%) and penicillin (52.6%) (except Enterococcus sp., which is highly resistant to erythromycin) and lowest frequencies of resistance to chloramphenicol (3.43%), ciprofloxacin (3.95%), gentamicin (4.68%), and tetracycline (6.97%). The E. coli, Vibrio sp., Salmonella sp. and Enterococcus sp. show high frequency of resistance to 2-5 antibacterials of 60.4%, 45.83%, 69.16% and 46.6%, respectively. High pollution indices (PI - 6.66-14.06) and antibiotic resistance indices (ARI - 0.29-0.343) indicate that the coastal environment is highly exposed to antibiotic sources that suggesting to avoid direct contact.  相似文献   

Wave climate simulation for southern region of the South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigates long-term variability and wave characteristic trends in the southern region of the South China Sea (SCS). We implemented the state-of-the art WAVEWATCH III spectral wave model to simulate a 31-year wave hindcast. The simulation results were used to assess the inter-annual variability and long-term changes in the SCS wave climate for the period 1979 to 2009. The model was forced with Climate Forecast System Reanalysis winds and validated against altimeter data and limited available measurements from an Acoustic Wave and Current recorder located offshore of Terengganu, Malaysia. The mean annual significant wave height and peak wave period indicate the occurrence of higher wave heights and wave periods in the central SCS and lower in the Sunda shelf region. Consistent with wind patterns, the wave direction also shows southeasterly (northwesterly) waves during the summer (winter) monsoon. This detailed hindcast demonstrates strong inter-annual variability of wave heights, especially during the winter months in the SCS. Significant wave height correlated negatively with Niño3.4 index during winter, spring and autumn seasons but became positive in the summer monsoon. Such correlations correspond well with surface wind anomalies over the SCS during El Nino events. During El Niño Modoki, the summer time positive correlation extends northeastwards to cover the entire domain. Although significant positive trends were found at 95 % confidence levels during May, July and September, there is significant negative trend in December covering the Sunda shelf region. However, the trend appears to be largely influenced by large El Niño signals.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - Wind and current measurements collected between February and March 2017 at three sites in the southern Texas coast were used to determine along-shelf flow variations induced by...  相似文献   

The release times of five buoys, which broke free of moorings on the Alabama inner shelf, are known. The locations of subsequent sightings or recoveries of the buoys gave estimated trajectories of the buoys. These results show that the inner-shelf circulation is strongly wind-driven. When the Loop Current penetrates deeply into the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, outer shelf waters are often entrained by the Loop Current.  相似文献   

Our goal is to determine vertical crustal movement rates from tide gauge and satellite altimetry measurements. Tide gauges measure sea level, but as they are fixed to the crust, they sense both sea surface height variations and vertical crustal movements. The differential sea level rates of sufficiently nearby stations are a good means to determine differential crustal movement rates, when sea level height variations can be assumed to be homogeneous. Satellite altimetric measurements determine sea surface height variations directly and can be used to separate the crustal signal from the sea surface height variations in tide gauge measurements. The correction of the tide gauge sea level rates for the sea surface height contribution requires collocation of the satellite pass and the tide gauge station. We show that even if this is not the case, the satellite altimetric observations enable correction of differential tide gauge rates for the effects of sea surface rate inhomogeneities.  相似文献   

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