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This study reports on the first quantitative assessment of the geochemical cycling of volcanogenic elements, from their atmospheric release to their deposition back to the ground. Etna’s emissions and atmospheric depositions were characterised for more than 2 years, providing data on major and trace element abundance in both volcanic aerosols and bulk depositions. Volcanic aerosols were collected from 2004 to 2007, at the summit vents by conventional filtration techniques. Precipitation was collected, from 2006 to 2007, in five rain gauges, at various altitudes around the summit craters. Analytical results for volcanic aerosols showed that the dominant anions were S, Cl, and F, and that the most abundant metals were K, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, and Ti (1.5-50 μg m−3). Minor and trace element concentrations ranged from about 0.001 to 1 μg m−3. From such analysis, we derived an aerosol mass flux ranging from 3000 to 8000 t a−1. Most analysed elements had higher concentrations close to the emission vent, confirming the prevailing volcanic contribution to bulk deposition. Calculated deposition rates were integrated over the whole Etna area, to provide a first estimate of the total deposition fluxes for several major and trace elements. These calculated deposition fluxes ranged from 20 to 80 t a−1 (Al, Fe, Si) to 0.01-0.1 t a−1 (Bi, Cs, Sc, Th, Tl, and U). Comparison between volcanic emissions and atmospheric deposition showed that the amount of trace elements scavenged from the plume in the surrounding of the volcano ranged from 0.1% to 1% for volatile elements such as As, Bi, Cd, Cs, Cu, Tl, and from 1% to 5% for refractory elements such as Al, Ba, Co, Fe, Ti, Th, U, and V. Consequently, more than 90% of volcanogenic trace elements were dispersed further away, and may cause a regional scale impact. Such a large difference between deposition and emission fluxes at Mt. Etna pointed to relatively high stability and long residence time of aerosols in the plume.  相似文献   

This study addresses a framework to evaluate and map environmental hazard with reference to spatial distribution of major and trace metal contamination and its relationship with lithology in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, India using geospatial, statistical and GIS tools. In all, 208 ground water and 35 surface water samples were collected using global positioning system (GPS) synoptically with satellite imagery IRS P6 LISS III and were analyzed in ICP-AES. Analytical results reflect the presence of major and trace metals in ground water in terms of % as Fe (48%), Mn (12%), Zn (9%), Al (8%), Pb (7%), Cu (6%), Ni (4%), Cd (3%) and Cr (3%) of the total average concentration. The contamination is attributed to weathering of rocks and also to mining activities. Similarly, surface water contribution of major and trace metals was found as Al (47.8%), Fe (42.8%), Mn (5.5%), Zn (2.3%), Pb (0.56%), Ni (0.42%), Cu (0.16%), Cr (0.16%) and Cd (0.10%) of the total average concentration. Ordinary kriging interpolation method was adopted to assess the spatial distribution of different major and trace metals in groundwater samples with their best model fit variogram Classical statistical method like principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out in order to establish correlation between spatial pattern of metal contamination and geology of the area in GIS environment. Various surface and subsurface aspects like landuse/land cover, structural features, hydrogeology, topography etc were also considered to ascertain their impact to supplement the inference of the study.  相似文献   

Carbon sources were estimated by measuring carbon isotope ratios (??13C and ??14C) with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) in forest soils of different lithology. Six locations were selected in temperate deciduous and coniferous stands in Slovenia (?irovski vrh, Idrija, Ko?evski Rog, Pohorje, Gori?nica, and Rakitna), where carbonate rocks consisting of limestone and dolomite are abundant as underlying bedrock. Carbon isotope fractionation would not have occurred in two carbonaceous soils, since the values of both ??13C and ??14C changed consistently in these soils after thermal (550°C, 2?h) or chemical (1?M HCl, 24?h) treatments. Organic components were found to be predominant carbon sources (70?C100%) in the uppermost portions (0?C2?cm in depth). In deeper portions at a depth of about 30?C35?cm, soil carbon may be derived completely from underlying carbonate minerals in Idria, western part of Slovenia. The Combination of heat and chemical treatments with AMS provides practical information on soil carbon sources in carbonaceous soils.  相似文献   

Petrographic, fluid inclusion, geochemical and isotopic evidence from xenoliths in alkali basalts suggests that low-viscosity fluids rich in O-H-C, dissolved silicates and especially the incompatible elements may ascend, decompress and precipitate crystalline phases and/or induce partial fusion in the upper mantle. Such mantle metasomatic fluids (MMF) may be important in generating isotopic heterogeneity and in transporting and focusing mantle heat. In order to model the movement of MMF, the ordinary differential equations governing the variation ofP, T, ascent velocity and fluid density of a compressible, viscous, single-phase (H2O or CO2) non-reacting fluid ascending through a vertical crack of constant width have been solved. A large number of numerical simulations were carried out in which the significant factors affecting flow behavior (thermodynamic and transport fluid properties, roughness and width of cracks, geothermal gradient, initial conditions, etc.) were systematically varied. The calculations show that: (1) MMF tends to move at uniform rates following a short period of rapid initial acceleration, (2) MMF ascends nearly isothermally, (3) MMF acts as an efficient heat transfer agent; numerical experiments show that transport of heat into regions undergoing metasomatism can lead to partial fusion. The heat transported by movement of MMF averaged over the age of the Earth is sufficient to generate about 0.1 km3 of basaltic magma per year, which is approximately equal to the production rate of alkaline magma. If an intense period of mantle degassing occured early in the history of the Earth, the transport of heat and mass (K, U, Rb, LREE) by migrating fluids might have been important.  相似文献   

经过前期(1995~2000年)及近2 a对桂林盘龙洞13个滴水点的2个水文年的滴水和现代碳酸钙沉积的动态监测,发现现代洞穴碳酸钙(CaCO_3)沉积有两种类型:①常年性滴水沉积碳酸盐,其δ~(13)C值记录了全年气候变化特征;②季节性滴水沉积碳酸盐,其δ~(13)C值记录了季节性气候变化特征.现代碳酸盐沉积监测和碳同位素分析表明,桂林盘龙洞外部峰体主要为C_3植物(几乎没有C_4植物),现代沉积碳酸盐的δ~(13)C记录显示.在夏半年,夏季风强、降水丰沛、生物的活动量大,现代碳酸盐沉积量大,δ~(13)C值则较偏负,平均为-13.13‰:现代碳酸盐的δ~(13)C全年平均值为-12.23‰,最负值达-14.5‰;而在冬半年,由于降水相对较少,新沉积碳酸盐的艿δ~(13)C值,显示稍有增加(或偏正),其δ~(13)C值为-10‰~11‰.此外,当在降大雨或暴雨后(无论是在夏半年或是在冬半年),滴水在滞后半个月或1个月后沉积形成的碳酸盐,其艿δ(13)C值显示突然偏负,主要反映的是降雨效应引起的CO_2效应的影响.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(11-12):1429-1445
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in surface sediments and dated core sediments from the Pearl river and estuary, China, to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of anthropogenic pollutants. The sediments from the sampling stations at the Guangzhou channel have the highest concentrations of PAHs, owing to contributions from the large amount of urban/industrial discharges from the city of Guangzhou. The significant decrease of PAHs concentrations in sediments from the Shiziyang channel is mainly attributed to the increasing degradation and desorption of low molecular weight PAHs and alkyl PAHs, and the dilution by less contaminated water and particles from the East river. The PAH contaminants were concentrated on the western side in the Lingding bay of the Pearl river estuary because of the hydrodynamic and sedimentation conditions. Based on the characteristics of the parent compound distributions (PCDs) and the alkyl homologue distributions (AHDs) of PAHs, the potential source of PAHs in sediments from each sampling station was identified. Results indicated that the pyrogenic (combustion) source, characterized by the abundance of parent PAHs, were predominant in the heavily contaminated station (ZB01) near the aging industrial area, and the petrogenic (petroleum- derived) PAHs were more abundant in the stations (ZB02, ZB03) adjacent to the petrochemical plant and shipping harbor. Sediments from Lingding bay show variable distributions of PAH composition and variety in the proportion of combustion and petrogenic sources for the PAHs in different stations. Perylene, a naturally derived PAH, was found to be highly abundant in less contaminated stations. Analysis of the dated sediments (210Pb) indicates that higher PAH concentrations occurred in the sediments deposited after 1980, and higher fluxes of PAHs discharged to the Pearl river are found after 1990.  相似文献   

<正>Carbonate rocks, as soluble rocks, will dissolve and experience karstification driven by flowing water. This process consumes CO2 from the air and converts atmospheric CO2 and CO32-of rocks into HCO3-, resulting in the transfer of carbon from the atmosphere to the hydrosphere. Part of those dissolved HCO3- in the groundwater and surface water will degrade as CO2 and return to the atmospher...  相似文献   

Nitrate and water quality parameters (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and depth) were measured continuously with in situ NO3 analyzers and water quality sondes at two sites in Elkhorn Slough in Central California. The Main Channel site near the mouth of Elkhorn Slough was sampled from February to September 2001. Azevedo Pond, a shallow tidal pond bordering agricultural fields further inland, was sampled from December 1999 to July 2001. Nitrate concentrations were recorded hourly while salinity, temperature, depth, oxygen, and turbidity were recorded every 30 min. Nitrate concentrations at the Main Channel site ranged from 5 to 65 μM. The propagation of an internal wave carrying water from ≈100 m depth up the Monterey Submarine Canyon and into the lower section of Elkhorn Slough on every rising tide was a major source of nitrate, accounting for 80–90% of the nitrogen load during the dry summer period. Nitrate concentrations in Azevedo Pond ranged from 0–20 μM during the dry summer months. Nitrate in Azevedo Pond increased to over 450 μM during a heavy winter precipitation event, and interannual variability driven by differences in precipitation was observed. At both sites, tidal cycling was the dominant forcing, often changing nitrate concentrations by 5-fold or more within a few hours. Water volume flux estimates were combined with observed nitrate concentrations to obtain nitrate fluxes. Nitrate flux calculations indicated a loss of 4 mmol NO3 m?2 d?1 for the entire Elkhorn Slough and 1 mmol NO3 m?2 d?1 at Azevedo Pond. These results suggested that the waters of Elkhorn Slough were not a major source of nitrate to Monterey Bay but actually a nitrate sink during the dry season. The limited winter data at the Main Channel site suggest that nitrate was exported from Elkhorn Slough during the wet season. Export of ammonium or dissolved organic nitrogen, which we did not monitor, may balance some or all of the NO3 flux.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the temperature variation mechanism of a small and relatively closed cave, the surface temperature, the cave air temperature and the drip water temperatures were monitored with high-resolution recorders for a 7-year period. The results indicated that the cave temperature is mainly affected by the external seasonal oscillations. The temperature curve of the inner cave area (with standard deviation between 0.59 and 0.87) was much smoother in comparison with that of the surface (with SD as high as 8.46). However, the cave reacted to the temperature drifts with some delay, for example, at VP3 in 2006, the internal temperature increased for additional 49 days after the surface temperature dropped colder than inside of the cave. This seasonal variation and delayed response of the internal temperature were mainly affected by conduction from the epikarst rock mass. Air convection also occurred in the cave, especially when the surface temperature dropped lower than that of the inside cave (during the winter time) and in the outer section (close to the entrance), which caused an abrupt and irregular variation of the outer section. In addition, the influence from the percolating water was ephemeral and depended on its supplementary amount and temperature difference, e.g., there were more apparent responses at VP1 and VP3 when the intensive rain fell. The percolating water temperature could be a good indicator for water flow in epikarst.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide gas is a key component in dissolution and precipitation of carbonates in karst and cave systems. Therefore, characterizing the internal aerology of a cave is essential to obtain the spatiotemporal distribution of temperature and CO2 level. In this research, Lascaux Cave (France), an important adorned cavity, was studied. First, the spatiotemporal distribution of CO2 and temperatures were examined using continuous monitoring at a per minute basis. High-resolution spatial measurements (14 PCO2 locations and 27 locations for temperature) were carried out for a year in the epikarst and the cave (February 2015 to February 2016). The spatiotemporal analysis presents that air and rock temperatures vary for less than a degree Celsius (12.4–12.9 °C). These are controlled by the conduction of the external thermal waves through the overlying calcarenite massif. As a consequence, two seasonal internal aerologic regimes were identified: stratification and convection. These regimes govern the spatiotemporal distribution of the CO2 levels (1.1–3.7%), showing that this parameter is a good natural marker of the internal air movements. Second, a method was proposed to estimate the calcite mass potentially affected by condensation water (dissolution process) and exfiltration water (precipitation process). This method, based on numerical simulations, relies on CO2 and air and rock temperature spatiotemporal distributions in the cave. Third, the method was applied using the case of the left wall of the Hall of the Bulls (one of the most adorned part of the cave). Results showed that the calcite mass, possibly dissolved, varies from 0.0002 to 0.006 g when the mass potentially precipitated is higher (from 0.013 to 0.067 g) depending on the aerologic conditions. This method allows determining which alteration process (e.g., precipitation or dissolution) could eventually lead to the largest variation of calcite on the wall. The results can serve as useful data to the cave experts of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication in terms of Lascaux Cave management policies.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(2):318-334
To evaluate the extent of human impact on a pristine Antarctic environment, natural baseline levels of trace metals have been established in the basement rocks of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica.From a mineralogical and geochemical point of view the Larsemann Hills basement is relatively homogeneous, and contains high levels of Pb, Th and U. These may become soluble during the relatively mild Antarctic summer and be transported to lake waters by surface and subsurface melt water. Melt waters may also be locally enriched in V, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn and Sn derived from weathering of metabasite pods. With a few notable exceptions, the trace metal concentrations measured in the Larsemann Hills lake waters can be entirely accounted for by natural processes such as sea spray and surface melt water input. Thus, the amount of trace metals released by weathering of basement lithologies and dispersed into the Larsemann Hills environment, and presumably in similar Antarctic environments, is, in general, not negligible, and may locally be substantial.The Larsemann Hills sediments are coarse-grained and contain minute amounts of clay-size particles, although human activities have contributed to the generation of fine-grained material at the most impacted sites. Irrespective of their origin, these small amounts of fine-grained clastic sediments have a relatively small surface area and charge, and are not as effective metal sinks as the abundant, thick cyanobacterial algal mats that cover the lake floors. Thus, the concentration of trace metals in the Larsemann Hills lake waters is regulated by biological activity and thawing–freezing cycles, rather than by the type and amount of clastic sediment supply.  相似文献   

We review the main results, with several new analyses, obtained in recent times about the structure, present dynamics and hazard evaluation at Somma–Vesuvius volcanic complex. We present a global review and interpretation of structural features, both at local and regional scale, constrained both by seismic and petrological data. The local structure of Somma–Vesuvius is reviewed in three depth ranges, shallow, intermediate and deep. The shallow velocity structure is inferred by the joint inversion of shot and local earthquake arrival time data. The main feature pointed out at shallow depth is a high velocity anomaly at the crater axis, extending down to about 5 km of depth. Such an anomaly, first observed at Vesuvius, seems to be common to many other volcanoes. It can be interpreted in terms of the presence of solidified residual magma in the shallow conduits, accumulated in last eruptive cycles. The local seismicity is strongly clustered around this anomaly, due to the focusing effect of the rigidity contrast. The seismic occurrence appears as a result of the superposition of a background level, mainly due to gravitational instability of the Vesuvius cone, and of intense activity episodes, which possibly reflect episodic internal activity. Two main zones of magma accumulation in the upper crust are evidenced by the joint interpretation of seismic and petrological data. The first one, located in the depth range 4–6 km, is mainly constrained by the crystallisation depth of phonolitic magmas which fed Plinian and sub-Plinian eruptions; the second one, around 11–15 km of depth, is mainly constrained by reflected–converted seismic waves, and in agreement with crystallization depths inferred for the moderate eruptions. The study of the deep structure, performed by regional tomography with teleseisms, further points out magma roots at higher depths (15–30 km). An additional result for the deep structure, studied at regional scale and very important for geodynamic interpretations of the Tyrrhenian volcanisms, has been the evidence for a subducting slab under the Apennines, in an area where previous models hypothesised a slab window.New original studies of crystal growth (phenocrystals and microlites) on the eruptive products allow to infer typical times of magma rising from such reservoirs, which appear very low, on the order of minutes to tens of minutes. Static deformation at this volcano, in the last 30 yr, has been detected by the joint use of levelling, GPS and DIFSAR techniques. It indicates subsidence, very concentrated in the crater area and in a narrow strip all around the volcanic edifice, with maximum rates less than 0.01 m/yr. Static deformation in the crater area appears in agreement with the mechanism of gravitational instability generating local volcano-tectonic seismicity, while the peculiar pattern around the volcanic edifice is probably due to the combination of extensional stress and volcanic loading, generating a ring normal fault-like structure. While the key results about structure and dynamics help to define pre-eruptive scenarios, a new probabilistic procedure to combine volcanological data and computer simulations has been used, in this paper, to build hazard maps giving the probability, at each location in the area, to be hit by a pyroclastic flow or to experience a destructive fall-out deposit. The review and new results of this work give then the first complete picture of the state of the art in our knowledge about Somma–Vesuvius volcano.  相似文献   

文章以斯洛文尼亚Velika Pasica溶洞为例,对洞内4个常流型滴点进行了近7年(2006-2013年)的监测,包括各滴点的水文特征,岩溶表层带水生甲壳类的微分布特征等;利用多元分析方法中的聚类分析和典范对应分析(CCA)讨论了岩溶表层带甲壳类微分布与水文因子之间的关系。研究发现:(1)4个滴点的水文变化特征表现出很大的差异性;通过聚类分析,12种甲壳类分为4个类型,与4个滴点有很好的对应关系;(2)排序分析发现,主要水文影响因子为最大排泄量(Max)、总排泄量(Q)和滴水温度(Temp),其中前两者与第一轴保持良好的正相关,Temp与第一轴负相关;(3)物种的分类与排序分析结果很吻合,在主要的7种甲壳类中,Pseudocandona albicans和Speocyclops infernus主要集中分布在VP1处,与Q成很好的正相关;VP2处的主要物种是Morariopsis dumonti和Bryocamptus typhlops,与Max 和Q成负相关;Byocamptus pyrenaicus和Elaphoidella millennii主要分布在VP3处,趋于较适中的水文环境;Moraria varica为VP4特有的物种,与滴水温度表现出较强的相关性;(4)CCA排序轴的特征根值之和占了总特征根的33.8%,可解释一部分重要的物种分布特征,未能被解释的部分可能归结于未被选取的因子如水化学或者随机过程等。因此,不同环境因子影响着各滴点处特定的物种微分布,同时不同的物种分布具有对相应环境特征的潜在的指示作用。   相似文献   

Carbon isotope ratio analysis of particulate, planktonic, and sedimentary organic carbon and dissolved inorganic carbon has been used to study the sources and sinks of the organic carbon in the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Particulate organic carbon (POC) isotope ratios in the upper St. Lawrence Estuary are uniform and indistinguishable from those of POC in the St. Lawrence River and of planktonic organic carbon in both areas. The abundance of freshwater diatoms in the upper Estuary suggests that upper Estuary POC is predominantly “fresh” organic matter of riverborne origin. Upper Estuary POC is isotopically different from POC in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary and Gaspé regions, but is not different from POC from the surface waters of the open Gulf of St. Lawrence. The isotopic composition of planktonic organic carbon mirrors that of the POC, indicating that the POC in the lower Estuary and Gulf is also “fresh” organic matter. Since the lower Estuary POC forms an isotopic barrier between the upper Estuary POC and the Gulf of St. Lawrence POC, there appears to be little mixing of POC between these three reservoirs. Therefore POC in the lower Estuary and Gulf is most likely both produced and deposited (or degraded) in situ.An examination of carbon isotope ratio differences between the planktonic and dissolved inorganic carbon reservoirs shows that this difference varies significantly and somewhat unpredictably between sectors of the study area. Interpretation of environmental carbon isotope data on the basis of an assumed, constant fractionation factor may be subject to large errors. Direct measurement of both reservoirs is obviously preferable.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen elemental (C-N, wt%) and isotopic (δ13C-δ15N, ‰) investigation has been carried out on alluvial and deltaic soils from the Padanian plain (northern Italy), an area interested by intensive agricultural activities, to refine previous inferences on depositional facies, pedogenetic processes and anthropogenic influences. Soil analysis, carried out by EA-IRMS, have been focused on inorganic and organic fractions properly speciated by a thermally-based method, whereas further insights on the organic matter constituents have been obtained by sequential fractionation. The bulk EA-IRMS analyses reveal a remarkable compositional heterogeneity of the investigated soils (TC 0.89 to 11.93?wt%, TN 0.01 to 0.78?wt%, δ13CTC -1.2 to -28.2‰, δ15N -1.2 to 10.0‰) that has to be explained as an integration between inorganic and organic pools. The latter have been subdivided in Non-Extractable Organic Matter (NEOM, δ13C -16.3 to -28.6‰) and in extractable fractions as Fulvic (FA, δ13C -24.7 to -27.5‰, δ15N 0.6 to 5.7‰) and Humic (HA, δ13C -24.6 to -27.0‰, δ15N 1.0 to 9.7‰) Acids, which have been used to infer soil dynamics and Soil Organic Matter (SOM) stability processes. Results indicate that SOM at depth of 100?cm was generally affected by microbial reworking, with the exception of clayey and peaty deposits in which biological activity seems inhibited. Peaty and clayey soils display an organic fraction loss of ca. 20% toward the surface, suggesting deterioration possibly induced by intensive agricultural activities. These latter may be the cause of the ubiquitous losses of organic fraction throughout the investigated area over the last seventy years, evaluated by the comparison with historical data on corresponding topsoils. The obtained insights are very important because these soils are carbon (and nitrogen) sinks that are vulnerable and can be degraded, loosing agricultural productivity and potentially contributing to greenhouse gases fluxes.  相似文献   

桂林盘龙洞岩溶表层带土壤CO2浓度的季节变化研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以桂林盘龙洞岩溶实验场为例,选择岩溶洼地里的坡地和洼地2个样地,通过长期定时监测土壤CO2浓度变化,表明:(1)土壤CO2浓度具有明显的季节性变化特征,夏季(6-8月)土壤CO2浓度是其它时期的2~3倍,并显示与气温、降水和生物活动密切相关;(2)洼地地段土壤CO2浓度比坡地地段要高,尤其夏季时洼地比坡地高近1000mg/m2;(3)在垂直剖面上,大多数的情况下土壤CO2浓度随土壤深度的递增而升高,但在雨季时坡地(-50cm与-80cm处)和洼地(-80cm与-100cm处)的土壤CO2浓度随深度的增加而降低。   相似文献   

Hydrological, chemical and meteorological data collected during the years 2006–2007 at Carburangeli Cave (Italy) have provided new insights on the near-surface cycle of carbon dioxide, particularly concerning the role played by fractures and karst conduits. Carbon dioxide is trapped in the underground atmosphere essentially when its temperature is lower than the outer one. By contrast, convective air circulation disperses all the excess CO2 in the external environment when the thermal differential is inverted. The network of fractures and karst conduits then works, in the vadose zone, as a re-circulator of CO2 from the soil to the atmosphere. The total amount of CO2 fixed in the underground is controlled, during the wet season, by the amount of infiltrating waters, which act as the main carrier of CO2 in the subsoil. By contrast, during the dry season, gravitational drainage is responsible for the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the underground voids. The quantitative balance demonstrated that the degassed CO2 amounts are one order of magnitude higher than the dissolved CO2. In light of this, if the near-surface outgassing processes are not taken into account, CO2 budgets may be affected by significant errors.  相似文献   

The quaternary volcanic complex of Mount Amiata is located in southern Tuscany (Italy) and represents the most recent manifestation of the Tuscan Magmatic Province. The region is characterised by a large thermal anomaly and by the presence of numerous CO2-rich gas emissions and geothermal features, mainly located at the periphery of the volcanic complex. Two geothermal systems are located, at increasing depths, in the carbonate and metamorphic formations beneath the volcanic complex. The shallow volcanic aquifer is separated from the deep geothermal systems by a low permeability unit (Ligurian Unit). A measured CO2 discharge through soils of 1.8 × 109 mol a−1 shows that large amounts of CO2 move from the deep reservoir to the surface. A large range in δ13CTDIC (−21.07 to +3.65) characterises the waters circulating in the aquifers of the region and the mass and isotopic balance of TDIC allows distinguishing a discharge of 0.3 × 109 mol a−1 of deeply sourced CO2 in spring waters. The total natural CO2 discharge (2.1 × 109 mol a−1) is slightly less than minimum CO2 output estimated by an indirect method (2.8 × 109 mol a−1), but present-day release of 5.8 × 109 mol a−1 CO2 from deep geothermal wells may have reduced natural CO2 discharge. The heat transported by groundwater, computed considering the increase in temperature from the infiltration area to the discharge from springs, is of the same order of magnitude, or higher, than the regional conductive heat flow (>200 mW m−2) and reaches extremely high values (up to 2700 mW m−2) in the north-eastern part of the study area. Heat transfer occurs mainly by conductive heating in the volcanic aquifer and by uprising gas and vapor along fault zones and in those areas where low permeability cover is lacking. The comparison of CO2 flux, heat flow and geological setting shows that near surface geology and hydrogeological setting play a central role in determining CO2 degassing and heat transfer patterns.  相似文献   

郑义  郭春丽  王登红  赵汀  王岩 《地质学报》2023,97(11):3569-3603
铟(In)是21世纪重要的紧缺战略性矿产,对国家稳定、发展和提升国际竞争力具有重要意义。中国拥有全球最丰富的铟资源,但尚未发现铟的独立矿床,目前已知的57个伴生铟矿床兼有镉(Cd)、镓(Ga)、锗(Ge)的资源潜力。本文在详细梳理所有伴生铟矿床的区域分布、成因类型、形成时代、赋存矿物、独立矿物和富集规律的基础上,总结了铟成矿作用的研究现状和发展方向。统计发现:我国伴生铟矿床高度集中于中亚造山带东段和华南地区;可划分为7种成因类型,包括矽卡岩型、岩浆-热液型、海相火山岩型、陆相火山岩型、叠加(复合/改造)型、斑岩型和受变质型;7类矿床中,铟无一例外主要赋存于闪锌矿中,作为副产品被回收;85%的伴生铟矿床形成于中生代,古近纪和中生代之前的矿床数量较少。目前全球已发现了19种铟独立矿物,我国报道了其中的5种。硫铟铜矿(CuI nS2)是我国最常见的铟独立矿物,其余的铟独立矿物如自然铟,羟铟矿等仅出现在特定的伴生铟矿床中。目前研究多关注扬子地台西南缘的矽卡岩型伴生铟矿床,而对散布于全国各地其他6类伴生铟矿床的研究尚处于起步阶段。这在很大程度上限制了对铟富集机制的认识,更不利于摸清国内铟资源家底...  相似文献   

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