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Quality assessment as well as hydrogeochemical characterization of 45 representative groundwater samples around Umrer coal mine area was undertaken. The pH of the water lies in the normal range i.e. from 7.5 to 8.5, the electrical conductivity varies from 826 to 1,741, the total hardness varies from 289 to 1,302 and the TDS values range from 528.6 to 1,114.2 mg/l which reflects variation in lithology and thus, the distinction in hydrogeological regime. The cation chemistry is dominated by Ca2+ and Mg2+ while anion chemistry is dominated by Cl? and HCO3 ?. Out of total ten hydrochemical facies, the two dominant facies are Mg–Ca–HCO3 (37.7 %) and Ca–Mg–SO4–HCO3 (17.7 %). The groundwater in the study area, in general, is useful for drinking and domestic use; however, it has marginal utility for irrigation purpose. Standard US Salinity Laboratory classification shows that water of the study area belongs to C2–S1 and C3–S1 classes. The concentration of 9 trace elements analysed from 18 samples did not exceed the desirable limit.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples (n = 163) were collected across Kashmir Valley in 2010 to assess the hydrogeochemistry of the groundwater in shallow and deep aquifers and its suitability for domestic, agriculture, horticulture, and livestock purposes. The groundwater is generally alkaline in nature. The electrical conductivity (EC) which is an index to represent the total concentration of soluble salts in water was used to measure the salinity hazard to crops as it reflects the TDS in groundwater ranging from 97 to 1385 μS/cm, except one well in Sopore. The average concentration of major ions was higher in shallow aquifers than in deeper aquifers. In general, Ca2+ is the dominant cation and HCO \(_{3}^{-}\) the dominant anion. Ca–HCO3, Mg–HCO3, Ca–Mg–HCO3, Na–HCO3 were the dominant hydrogeochemical facies. High concentration of HCO3 and pH less than 8.8 clearly indicated that intense chemical weathering processes have taken place in the study area. The groundwater flow pattern in the area follows the local surface topography which not only modifies the hydrogeochemical facies but also controls their distribution. The groundwater in valley flows into four directions, i.e., SW–NE, NE–W, SE-NW and SE–NE directions. The results suggest that carbonate dissolution is the dominant source of major ions followed by silicate weathering and ion-exchange processes. The concentrations of all the major ions determined in the present study are within the permissible limits of WHO and BIS standards. The results of Total Hardness, SAR, Na%, Kelly Index, USDA classification, Magnesium absorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, and PI suggested that groundwater is good for drinking, livestock, and irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

Muzaffarnagar is an economically rich district situated in the most fertile plains of two great rivers Ganga and Yamuna in the Indo-gangetic plains, with agricultural land irrigated by both surface water as well as groundwater. An investigation has been carried out to understand the hydrochemistry of the groundwater and its suitability for irrigation uses. Groundwater in the study area is neutral to moderately alkaline in nature. Chemistry of groundwater suggests that alkaline earths (Ca + Mg) significantly exceed the alkalis (Na + K) and weak acids exceed the strong acids (Cl + SO4), suggesting the dominance of carbonate weathering followed by silicate weathering. Majority of the groundwater samples (62%) posses Ca–Mg–HCO3 type of hydrochemical species, followed by Ca–Na–Mg–HCO3, Na–Ca–Mg–HCO3, Ca–Mg–Na–HCO3–Cl and Na–Ca–HCO3–SO4 types. A positive high correlation (r 2 = 0.928) between Na and Cl suggests that the salinity of groundwater is due to intermixing of two or more groundwater bodies with different hydrochemical compositions. Barring a few locations, most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation uses. Chemical fertilizers, sugar factories and anthropogenic activities are contributing to the sulphate and chloride concentrations in the groundwater of the study area. Overexploitation of aquifers induced multi componential mixing of groundwater with agricultural return flow waters is responsible for generating groundwater of various compositions in its lateral extent.  相似文献   

Fifty groundwater samples were collected from Al-Hasa to analyze the pH, electrical conductivity (EC, dS m?1), total dissolved solids (TDS), major anions (HCO3?, CO32?, Cl?, SO42?, and NO3?), major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), and total hardness. The analyzed data plotted in the Piper, Gibbs, and Durov diagrams, and water quality index (WQI) were calculated to evaluate the groundwater geochemistry and its water quality. The results reveal that most of the investigated samples are Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42?, Cl? and Na+, and HCO3? water types using the Piper diagram. Na+?>?Ca2+?>?Mg2+ are the dominant cations, while Cl??>?HCO3??>?SO42??>?CO32? are the dominant anions. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) values varied from 0.79 to 10; however, the Kelly ratio (KR) ranged between 0.1 and 2.2. The permeability index (PI) showed that well water is suitable for irrigation purposes with 75% or more of maximum permeability. The US salinity diagram revealed that the water quality classes of studied waters were CIII-SI, CIII-SII, and CIV-SII, representing height hazards of salinity and medium- to low-sodium hazard. The water quality index (WQI) results indicated that total dissolved solids are out of the drinking water standard limits in Saudi Arabia. The WQI revealed that 38% of the studied wells were considered as poor water (class III), 52% are found as very poor water class (IV), and 10% are unsuitable water for drinking class (V).  相似文献   

In the light of progressive depletion of groundwater reservoir and water quality deterioration of the Neyveli basin, an investigation on dissolved major constituents in 25 groundwater samples was performed. The main objective was detection of processes for the geochemical assessment throughout the area. Neyveli aquifer is intensively inhabited during the last decenniums, leading to expansion of the residential and agricultural area. Besides semi-aridity, rapid social and economic development stimulates greater demand for water, which is gradually fulfilled by groundwater extraction. Groundwaters of the study area are characterized by the dominance of Na?+?K over Ca?+?Mg. HCO3 was found to be the dominant anion followed by Cl and SO4. High positive correlation was obtained among the following ions: Ca–Mg, Cl–Ca,Mg, Na–K, HCO3–H4SiO4, and F–K. The hydrochemical types in the area can be divided into two major groups: the first group includes mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Ca–Cl types. The second group comprises mixed Ca–Na–HCO3 and Ca–HCO3 types. Most of the groundwater samples are within the permissible limit of WHO standard. Interpretation of data suggests that weathering, ion exchange reactions, and evaporation to some extent are the dominant factors that determine the major ionic composition in the study area.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemical study of groundwater in Dumka and Jamtara districts has been carried out to assess the major ion chemistry, hydrogeochemical processes and groundwater quality for domestic and irrigation uses. Thirty groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness, anions (F?, Cl?, NO3 ?, HCO3 ?, SO4 2?) and cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+). The analytical results show the faintly alkaline nature of water and dominance of Mg2+ and Ca2+ in cationic and HCO3 ? and Cl? in anionic abundance. The concentrations of alkaline earth metals (Ca2+?+?Mg2+) exceed the alkali metals (Na+?+?K+) and HCO3 ? dominates over SO4 2??+?Cl? concentrations in the majority of the groundwater samples. Ca?CMg?CHCO3 is the dominant hydrogeochemical facies in 60?% of the groundwater samples, while 33?% samples occur as a mixed chemical character of Ca?CMg?CCl hydrogeochemical facies. The water chemistry is largely controlled by rock weathering and ion exchange processes with secondary contribution from anthropogenic sources. The inter-elemental correlations and factor and cluster analysis of hydro-geochemical database suggest combined influence of carbonate and silicate weathering on solute acquisition processes. For quality assessment, analyzed parameter values were compared with Indian and WHO water quality standards. In majority of the samples, the analyzed parameters are well within the desirable limits and water is potable for drinking purposes. Total hardness and concentrations of TDS, Cl?, NO3 ? , Ca2+ and Mg2+ exceed the desirable limits at a few sites, however, except NO3 ? all these values were below the highest permissible limits. The calculated parameters such as sodium adsorption ratio, percent sodium (%Na) and residual sodium carbonate revealed excellent to good quality of groundwater for agricultural purposes, except at few sites where salinity and magnesium hazard (MH) values exceeds the prescribed limits and demands special management.  相似文献   

Groundwater from 47 wells were analyzed on the basis of hydrochemical parameters like pH, electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl?, CO3 2?, HCO3 ?, NO3 ?, PO4 3? and F? in the Cauvery delta of Vedaraniyam coast. Further, water quality index (WQI), sodium percentage (Na %), sodium absorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index and Kelley’s ratio were evaluated to understand the suitability of water for drinking and irrigation purposes. The result shows significant difference in the quality of water along the coastal stretch. The order of dominance of major ions is as follows: Na+ ≥ Mg2+ ≥ Ca2+ ≥ K+ and Cl? ≥ HCO3 ? ≥ CO3 2? ≥ PO4 3? ≥ F?. Na/Cl, Cl/HCO3 ratio and Revelle index confirmed that 60–70 % of the samples were affected by saline water intrusion. WQI showed that 36 % of the samples were good for drinking and the remaining were poor and unsuitable for drinking purpose. The degradation of groundwater quality was found to be mainly due to over-exploitation, brackish aquaculture practice, fertilizer input from agriculture and also due to domestic sewage.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected from different formations of Gadilam river basin and analyzed to assess the major ion chemistry and suitability of water for domestic and drinking purposes. Chemical parameters of groundwater such as pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), Sodium (Na + ), Potassium (K + ), Calcium (Ca + ), Magnesium (Mg + ), Bicarbonate (HCO3  -_{3}^{\ \,-}), Sulphate (SO4  -_{4}^{\ \,-}), Phosphate (PO4  -_{4}^{\ \,-}) and Silica (H4SiO4) were determined. The geochemical study of the aquatic systems of the Gadilam river basin show that the groundwater is near-acidic to alkaline and mostly oxidizing in nature. Higher concentration of Sodium and Chloride indicates leaching of secondary salts and anthropogenic impact by industry and salt water intrusion. Spatial distribution of EC indicates anthropogenic impact in the downstream side of the basin. The concentration levels of trace metals such as Iron (Fe), Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni), Bromide (Br), Iodide (I) and Aluminium (Al) have been compared with the world standard. Interpretation of data shows that some trace metals such as Al, Ni and Pb exceed the acceptable limit of world standard. Geophysical study was carried out to identify the weathered zone in the hard rock and contaminated zone by anthropogenic impact in the downstream of river Gadilam. A few of the groundwater samples in the study area were found to be unsuitable for domestic and drinking purposes.  相似文献   

There are 70 abandoned quarries in and around Izmir city centre. Of these quarries, 56 are in andesites, 2 are in dasitic lavas, 4 are in flysch and 8 are in limestones. The quarries initially located near the Izmir city centre, are now within the city centre because of the expansion of the urbanization due to the rapid increase of population. Geo-environmental problems identified in the abandoned quarry sites are slope stability problems such as sliding and toppling. Geotechnical study of the abandoned stone quarries in and around the city centre of Izmir which has been carried out involves the recording and determining the properties of discontinuities for stability assessment of already-failed and standing slopes in the quarries, using stereographic projection techniques, and the statistical evaluation of different types of rock mass movements in these quarries. The number of mass movements that had already occurred and are likely to occur in 70 quarries lying in and near Izmir have been determined as 84 totally. Stability analyses of rock slopes have shown that rock falls, toppling, plane and wedge failure-type rock mass movements are more common in the south of Izmir Bay, but toppling-type slope failures are more frequent in the north.  相似文献   

The Chari Baguirmi groundwater in the Republic of Chad is undergoing a steady deterioration both qualitative and quantitative due to climatic (severe droughts) and anthropogenic (overexploitation) constraints. However, this major water resource has not been to date the object of any comprehensive scientific investigation. To fill this gap and consider a sustainable exploitation, a hydrodynamic and hydrochemical study was undertaken. This aquifer is located south of Lake Chad and displays a significant natural piezometric depression. Piezometric campaign on an area of 70,000 km2, bounded by Lake Chad, the Chari River, the mountains of Guera and the dunes of Harr, was conducted to understand the hydrodynamics of the groundwater. Water samples were collected on 124 points scattered over the study area. Hydrochemical and isotopic analyses (18O and 2H) were achieved on all samples. The interpretation of hydrochemical data was done using the Piper diagram, the multivariate analysis (hierarchical ascending classification), the index of base exchanges and ratios of Na/Cl, Na/SO4, Cl/SO4, Br/Cl, Sr/Ca. The hydrochemical results coupled with groundwater isotopes data allowed to understand the processes that govern the mineralization and the origin of groundwater salinity. These investigations allowed on the one hand to differentiate between two poles of water mixing and second, to demonstrate that the mineralization process and origin of salinity in the center of depression are both related to the lithology of the geological formations crossed by groundwater flow and climatic events causing evaporation of water from the aquifer.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigation of groundwater has been carried out in the coastal aquifers of southern Tamil Nadu, India. Seventy-nine dug well samples were collected and analyzed for various physicochemical parameters. The result of the geochemical analysis indicates the groundwater in the study area is slightly alkaline with moderate saline water. The cation and anion concentrations confirm most of the groundwater samples belong to the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and Cl? > SO4 2? > HCO3 ?. Thereby three major hydrochemical facies (Ca–Cl, mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Na–Cl) were identified. Based on the US Salinity diagram, majority of the samples fall under medium to very high salinity with low to high sodium hazard. The cross plot of Ca2+ + Mg2+ versus chloride shows 61 % of the samples fall under saline water category. Higher EC, TDS and Cl concentrations were observed from Tiruchendur to Koodankulam coastal zone. It indicates that these regions are significantly affected by saltwater contamination due to seawater intrusion, saltpan deposits, and beach placer mining activities.  相似文献   

The present study assesses the impact of coal mining on surface and groundwater resources of Korba Coalfield, Central India. Accordingly, water samples collected from various sources are analyzed for major ions, trace elements, and other mine effluent parameters. Results show that the groundwater samples are slightly acidic, whereas river water and mine water samples are mildly alkaline. Elevated concentrations of Ca2+, Na+, HCO3 ?, and SO4 2? alongside the molar ratios (Ca2++Mg2+)/(SO4 2?+HCO3 ?) <1 and Na+/Cl? >1 suggest that silicate weathering (water-rock interaction) coupled with ion exchange are dominant solute acquisition processes controlling the chemistry of groundwater in the study area. The overall hydrogeochemistry of the area is dominated by two major hydrogeochemical facies (i.e., Ca–Cl–SO4 and Ca–HCO3). Analysis of groundwater and river water quality index (GRWQI) elucidates that majority (82%) of samples are of “excellent” to “good” category, and the remaining 12% are of “poor” quality. Similarly, the effluent water quality index (EWQI) indicates that 6 out of 8 samples belong to excellent quality. Concentration of trace element constituents such as As, Zn, Cu, Cr, and Cd is found to be well within the stipulated limits for potable use, except for Fe, Mn, and Pb. Suitability of water samples for irrigation purpose, established using standard tools like Wilcox and USSL diagrams, reveal “excellent to permissible” category for majority of the samples. The present study also substantiates the effectiveness of the measures implemented for the treatment of mine effluent water.  相似文献   

The present work is an effort to develop an appraisal of the hydrogeochemical regime for the aquifers of Dhekiajuli, Sonitpur district, Assam, which is imperative considering: (i) excessive use of groundwater for irrigation; (ii) reported high arsenic (As) contamination; (iii) application of fertilizer is an inevitable process undergoing in this region to achieve higher yield owing to deteriorating water quality; and (iv) study area being the location of many tea estates of Assam, that export tea in many foreign countries. The highest As concentration of 44.39 µg/L was detected in this study (Bachasimalu and Sitalmari region), implying high As-contaminated aquifers being used for drinking and irrigation purposes in the area. The relative abundance pattern of major cations and anions was in the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and HCO3 ? > Cl? > SO4 2?, respectively. Majority of the samples belong to Na+–K+–Cl?–HCO3 ? and mixed water type. Closer inspection of Piper plot reveals that a higher As value (>40 µg/L) was prevalent in HCO3 ? water type. Results of hydrogeochemical plots suggest silicate and carbonate weathering, ion exchange and anthropogenic activities to be the dominant processes governing groundwater contamination, including As which is further supported from PCA loadings. The Singri area to the east of the affected areas and adjacent to the Brahmaputra River has oxic aquifers owing to the absence of mass deposition of younger sediments, while reducing conditions prevails in the Bachasimalu and Sitalmari region. High positive correlation between As and Fe (r = 0.83**) and a negative correlation between ORP and Fe (r = ?0.68**) further add that Fe (hydr)oxides are the direct source of As release in the affected region, the mechanism being reductive hydrolysis of such (hydr)oxides. The study implies that although groundwater is suitable for irrigation use, there is a high probability of As getting into the food chain through tea and other edible plants irrigated with As-contaminated water; thus, the area has a maximum probability of facing health hazards caused by As-contaminated groundwater.  相似文献   

Life and the sustainable growth of socioeconomic sectors such as agriculture and industry depend on groundwater, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions where surface water resources are limited. The objectives of the current study are to characterize groundwater chemistry and assess its suitability for industrial usage in the Guanzhong Basin located in the semi-arid region of northwest China. To better understand the hydrogeochemistry in the study area, statistical analysis, ionic plots and Pearson's correlation analysis were conjunctively used. Finally, a novel industrial water quality index (IndWQI) model was developed in this paper to determine the overall industrial water quality based on scaling, corrosion, and foaming coefficients as well as some physicochemical parameters. The contribution of each parameter to the overall industrial water quality was determined using multivariate statistical analysis approaches. The findings reveal that dissolution of minerals such as calcite, dolomite, anhydrite and gypsum regulate the groundwater geochemistry in the study area. In addition, human activities influence the groundwater quality in the study area. According to the novel IndWQI approach, 78.95 % of the confined water samples and 74.51 % of the phreatic water samples have excellent or good quality, and can be safely used for industrial boilers. The geospatial analysis shows that the most contaminated groundwater samples are mainly located in northeast Xi'an and the northeast region of the Guanzhong Basin. The IndWQI model is trustworthy, as it can combine several water quality indices and give an instantaneous impression of the whole groundwater quality for industrial uses. It can serve as a benchmark for other areas across the world with a comparable climate.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical assessment of groundwater in Isfahan province, Iran   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Groundwater quality in five catchment areas in Isfahan province of Iran is assessed by measuring physicochemical parameters including major cation and anion compositions, pH, total dissolved solid, electrical conductivity and total hardness. For this purpose, 567 piezometric well samples were collected in October 2007. The abundance of major ions in four of the catchment areas including Gavkhuni, Ardestan, Salt lake and Central Iran desert basins is similar and follows Cl??>?SO4 2??>?Na+?>?HCO3 ??>?Ca2+?>?Mg2+?>?K+?>?CO3 2? trend, while in the fifth basin (Karoon), the trend changes into HCO3 ??>?Ca2+?>?Cl??>?SO4 2??>?Mg2+?>?Na+?>?K+?>CO3 2?. In general, four water facies are determined and it is shown that alkali elements and strong acids are dominating over alkaline earth and weak acids. Statistical analysis including Mann?CWhitney U test indicate that physicochemical parameters in three of the five investigated basins [Gavkhuni, Ardestan and Central Iran desert (CID)] are similar, while Karoon and salt lake basins display different characteristics. The result indicate that groundwater west of the province is suitable for irrigation, while in the central and eastern parts of the province the groundwater loses its quality for this purpose. It is concluded that mineral dissolution and evapotranspiration are the main processes that determine major ion compositions.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in rural parts of Birbhum district, West Bengal, India, has been studied to understand the contaminants and prime processes involved in their enrichment with a focus on F? concentration. The lithological units consist of Quaternary alluviums with underlying Rajmahal basaltic rocks of Middle Jurassic age. Groundwater occurs in the alluviums, weathered residuum and fracture zone of Rajmahal rocks. Studies show elevated concentration of Cl?, SiO2, Fe and F?; excess Cl? is attributed to anthropogenic inputs, SiO2 is ascribed to high degree of weathering of silica rich host rocks, and high Fe is due to the interaction of water with Fe-rich sediments under reducing condition. The F? concentration is found high (>1.20 mg/L) mainly in water from Rajmahal rocks revealing a lithological control on F? enrichment. The weathering of silicates and ion exchange are the leading controlling processes for major ions in groundwater. The F? enrichment is due to the dissolution of F?-bearing minerals and perhaps also through anion exchange (OH? for F?) on clay minerals at high alkaline conditions; precipitation of CaCO3 favours CaF2 dissolution leading to elevated F? concentration. CaHCO3, the dominant water type, contains low F? while NaHCO3 and NaCl types exhibit high F? concentrations. Among the three spatial associations, Cluster-1 and Cluster-2 are CaHCO3 type; Cluster-3 shows NaHCO3 and NaCl waters with low Ca2+ and Mg2+ and high Na+ contents. Cluster-1 and Cluster-2 waters are, in general, drinkable barring the elevated Fe content, while Cluster-3 water is unsafe for drinking due to the high F? concentration.  相似文献   

The Janah alluvial aquifer is located in southern Iran with an arid climate. The type of groundwater in this aquifer is dominantly of sodium chloride and total dissolved solid of groundwater samples range from 1.63 to 335 g/L which confirms that groundwater quality has been severely degraded by salinization. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigations were conducted to identify the source of salinity. Total dissolved solids and major ion concentrations were measured at 51 selected sampling sites including springs, wells and surface waters. In addition stable isotopic composition (oxygen-18 and deuterium) was measured in 6 sampling points.The study indicates that the sources of salinity of the Janah aquifer include dissolution of salt diapir and evaporite rocks, a geothermal spring and intrusion of the river water which function individually or together in different parts of the aquifer. Based on the hydrogeochemical and geological studies conceptual flow models were prepared for different parts of the aquifer which illustrate how each source of salinity deteriorates the quality of the alluvial aquifer. We proposed few remediation methods including construction of cemented channel and sealed basins to improve groundwater quality. These methods would prevent infiltration of low quality water into the alluvial aquifer.  相似文献   

The overexploitation of groundwater in some parts of the country induces water quality degradation. The untreated industrial effluents discharged on the surface causes severe groundwater pollution in the industrial belt of the country. This poses a problem of supply of hazard free drinking water in the rural parts of the country. There are about 80 tanneries operating in and around Dindigul town in upper Kodaganar river basin, Tamilnadu, India. The untreated effluents from the tanneries have considerably affected the quality of groundwater in this area. To assess the extent of groundwater deterioration, a detailed analysis of groundwater quality data has been carried out. The concentration of cations such as Calcium (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Sodium (Na+) and Potassium (K+), and anions such as Bicarbonate (HCO3), Sulphate (SO42–), Chloride (Cl) and Nitrate (NO3) in the groundwater have been studied. Apart from these constituents, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solid and total hardness (TH as CaCO3) were also studied. The correlation of these constituents with the EC has been carried out. The highest correlation is observed between EC and chloride with a correlation coefficient of 0.99. Progressive reduction in correlation coefficients for Mg2+, (Na+ + K+), Ca2+ and SO42– are observed as 0.91, 0.87, 0.86 and 0.56, respectively. It is found that the quality of groundwater in the area under investigation is deteriorated mainly due to extensive use of salt in the leather industries.  相似文献   

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