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视超光速运动的相对论超光速模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从相对论出发,在视超光速源质心相对于观测静止的条件下,推导出两个向相反方向运动的视超光速子源之间的视速度方程,这一方程包含了相对论射束模型的表观横向速度公式,且对高,低速不同条件均为适用。  相似文献   

从相对论出发,在视超光速源质心相对于观测者静止的条件下,推导出两个向相反方向运动的视超光速子源之间的视速度方程,这一方程包含了相对论射束模型的表现横向速度公式,且对高、低速不同条件均为适用。  相似文献   

我们在利用上海和SHEVE组成的VLBI网做南天区5GHzVLBI普查的过程中,对致密射电源0106+013的视超光速运动作了进一步的研究.结果表明:(1)分量1最有可能是核;(2)原视超光速喷流分量仍以0.2mas/yr的自行速度向外运动;(3)发现一个新分量的爆发,新分量也是视超光速的,自行速度为0.18mas/yr;(4)喷流在大约5mas处有较明显的弯曲,然后趋于与VLA喷流的方向一致.  相似文献   

本文对视超光速源样本的有关数据进行统计分析,检验活动星系核统一模式。给出各类视超光速源的R(核光度与扩展区光度之比)分布和喷流与视线的平均夹角 。分析源样本的R、洛伦兹因子r、喷流的投影尺度d和线性尺度l间的关系,发现R和d之间存在反相关、r和l之间存在相关的特性,这些结果有利于说明活动星系核统一模式的取向效应。  相似文献   

给出了利用上海、乌鲁木齐、意大利NOTO、南非HartRAO射电望远镜对河外射电源PKS2345-167的VLBI观测结果,并讨论其喷流中的子源的视超光速运动。  相似文献   

VLBI观测表明,TeV伽马射线Blazar(耀变体)的喷流运动视速度远小于MeV/GeV伽马射线Blazar,然而TeV伽马射线辐射流量的快速变化却要求这些Blazar的相对论喷流速度与MeV/GeV Blazar的相当.对于这一矛盾,目前有多种解释.为了检验这些模型,我们收集了VLBI对Blazar喷流运动的监测数据,样本包括86个FSRQs(平谱射电类星体)、22个BL Lac天体,共108个Blazar;从统计上研究了,该样本中各Blazar最大视速度喷流节点的位置与射电光度相关关系.结果表明,Blazar最大视速度喷流节点的位置与射电光度有较强的相关关系,随着Blazar射电光度的减小,喷流中最大视速度VLBI节点的位置到VLBI核的距离逐渐变小.这意味着,TeV伽马源(低光度Blazar)的喷流减速区距离VLBI核较近,喷流从高能辐射区到VLBI可分辨尺度已经减速,支持减速喷流模型对TeV伽马射线Blazar上述矛盾的解释.  相似文献   

本文讨论了河外射电源3C390.3的VLBI监测和它的喷流中的视超光速运动。  相似文献   

高频VLBI观测揭示出河外射电源在pc或者亚pc尺度上大都有核-喷流的内部结构,尤其是对平谱致密射电源中毫角秒尺度的子源,能以相当高的概率观测到它的视超光速现象。多频观测可监测到一些新喷流子源的出现,特别在射电激变源中这些新喷流子源的出现与宽带内(从光学到γ射线)的爆发相关。且得到的一些源的核区谱指数分布,为确认源的VLBI核提供了支持。  相似文献   

高频VLBI观测揭示出河外射电源在pc或者亚pc尺度上大都有核-喷流的内部结构。尤其是对平谱致密射电源中毫角秒尺度的子源,能以相当高的概率观测到它的视超光速现象。多频观测可监测到一些新喷流子源的出现,特别在射电激变源中这些新喷流子源的出现与宽带内(从光学到γ射线)的爆发相关。且得到的一些源的核区谱指数分布,为确认源的VLBI核提供了支持。  相似文献   

本文报道南天区5GHzVLBI普查式观测结果.首次观测是在1992年11月期间进行的,共观测了23个河外射电源,获得了20个河外射电源的VLBI高分辨率的射电图象.有15个射电源呈现核喷流结构,1个有双向喷流,3个未分解,末发现有致密观源.在16个核喷流(包括一个双向喷流源)源中有11个呈现弯曲喷流现象.此外还首次发现有3个源中可能有超光速运动现象.  相似文献   

Based on the relativistic model of the apparent superluminal motion and under the condition that the center of mass of a superluminal radio source remains in motion relative to the observer, the equation of the apparent velocity between nucleus and component is derived. Assuming that the directions of jet and movement of superluminal radio source are opposite, then, supposing that the velocities of nucleus and components of SLS are equal and the nucleus is fixed, the equations of real velocity are respectively derived. With the data of Vapp and θ substituted in the equation of real velocity, the velocity of the components of SLS is obtained. Comparing the real velocity with the velocity of Hubble redshift of SLS, it is concluded that the movement of SLS has no influence on the velocity of components.  相似文献   

用相对论加速喷流模型对48个具有视超光速的射电源进行了分析,结果不但支持流行的喷流模型而且说明加速模型是合理的。  相似文献   

In the superluminal source quasar 3C 345, five VLBI knots have been observed to have superluminal motion and, in particular, the two knots C4 and C5 move along different curved orbits. This paper examines the possibility that this pair of orbits are due to the motion of the radio core. Using the available data, the motions of C4 and C5 are resolved as a superposition of a motion of the core and a motion along a common orbit. The results show that such a resolution can fit well the observations. A brief discussion is made on further test of the model and its physical implications.  相似文献   

本文提出一种数学方法来描述类星体3C345中视超光速节点的运动轨道、它既可以描述内部节点的螺旋运动,又可以描述外部节点的直线运动这种统一的描述方法可能对描述其它致密射电源(例如PKS0528+134)中视超光速节点的运动是有用的。并有助于研究节点流量的内禀变化。  相似文献   

The occurrence of superluminal motion in extragalactic radio sources is believed to be quite common. Among others, the geometrical scattering of radio radiation can also cause superluminal expansion and or motion and halo formation, In this paper, the effectiveness of the stimulated Raman scattering in producing these features is investigated. The scattering medium is a plasma whose position, density and temperature decide the rate and angle of scattering. When the radiation from a stationary and constant source gets scattered from a stationary plasma, a halo is formed around the source. However, the scattering of a rotating radiation beam does produce superluminal motion of the virtual source. It is found that the plasma should have the characteristics of the emission-line regions and the intercloud medium in order to Raman scatter the radiation. Since the scattering is polarization dependent, it is possible to estimate the rotation of the electric vector along the direction of the apparent motion of a radio source.  相似文献   

This paper describes a 5 GHz VLBI survey in the southern hemisphere. The first observation of 23 extragalactic radio sources was conducted in November 1992. Twenty VLBI images were obtained, of which 15 sources show core-jet structure, one has a two-sided jet, and three sources are unresolved. No compact double source was found. Eleven of the 16 sources with core-jet (including a two-aided jet) show evidence of jet bending. In addition, four sources appear to be superluminal, of which three sources are new.  相似文献   

本文提出一个持续供能的喷流—激波模型来解释视超光速射电节点频谱演化的普遍特性.理论计算指出,射电爆发频谱的反转频率νm和频谱极大流量Sm之间的关系具有典型的3阶段演化方式,并且与类星体3C345中观测到的视超光速节点C4的演化行为相当好地符合.令Sm∝ν,则在上升阶段ζ≤3;在平坦变化阶段ζ≈0,而在衰减阶段ζ≈1.爆发幅度和流量极大的迟后时间对频率的关系△Smax(ν)和△t(ν),都具有Blazar天体中观测到的射电爆发的普遍形式.本文提出的激波模型,考虑到驱动气体的持续注入和激波后等离子体的绝热膨胀.因此提供了对相对论喷流中激波形成和演化的物理原因更深入的理解.并对Blazar天体中视超光速节点频谱演化提出了新的解释.  相似文献   

Over the past fifteen years, observations of some quasars with the techniques of very-long-baseline interferometry have shown that the angular separation between pairs of radio-emitting regions in their cores is increasing year after year. If the quasars are indeed as far away as implied by Hubble’s law, then these angular motions translate into linear speeds several times the speed of light. Several theoretical scenarios have been proposed to show that the observed motions are illusory. The leading contender in this field — the relativistic beam model — and an alternative offered by the concept of a gravitational screen are described and compared in the light of recent observational data.  相似文献   

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