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多源分布式CSW和WMS地理信息服务集成与互操作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了当前地理信息服务与其元数据不对称导致多源地理信息服务难于无缝集成的现状,提出根据OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)网络地图服务(Web Map Service,WMS)动态生成自身元数据的方法,并基于OGC CSW(Catalogue Service for the Web)、WMS规范和ISO19139元数据标准开发了MS2MD中间件.提出用于监测地理信息服务质量的方法,实现了对多源、分布式CSW与WMS的准实时动态监测;同时,设计了多源分布式CSW和WMS地理信息服务的集成体系结构,并将上述方法应用于全球综合地球观测系统(Global Earth Observation System of Systems,GEOSS)的空气质量与健康项目中,解决了WMS与其自身元数据信息不对称以及地理信息服务质量的准实时监测问题,实现了多源分布式CSW和WMS地理信息服务的无缝集成与互操作.  相似文献   

针对通用搜索引擎对于地理信息Web服务检索存在的不足,提出了一种基于主题相关度的服务爬虫方法,利用向量空间模型表示主题特征,通过引入特征值权重的计算方法分析页面内容与主题的相关度,过滤与主题无关的页面;并利用改进的PageRank算法从URL和锚文本两方面分析链接的重要性,优化爬取队列。实验表明,该方法在服务检索效率和抓取能力上都取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

随着开源网络地图服务Open Street Map(OSM)数据精度的提高和数据覆盖范围的扩大,其应用已逐渐渗透到各个领域,国内外专家学者对OSM的研究也不断地深入。为探究OSM在极地科考领域的应用实现,同时促进我国极地信息化事业的快速发展,从应用角度出发,论证了OSM在补充谷歌地图实现"雪龙在线"网络信息平台功能的可行性。实现了本地OSM全球地图数据库的建设,并在实现极地网络地图服务(WMS)功能基础之上提出多源空间数据的融合与可视化表达的技术路线,为极地海冰检测与动态变化研究提供了有利的支持,为极地主管部门决策的制定与实施提供了可靠的保障。  相似文献   

分析网络地图界面用户兴趣对完善网络地图界面设计和提升网络地图用户体验十分重要。现有的分析方法大多针对人机交互数据进行研究,无法直接反映用户的真实兴趣。为解决此问题,该文提出了基于眼动数据的网络地图界面用户兴趣分析方法。首先通过眼动实验,获取了用户在网络地图兴趣区内的注视点数量,并利用熵权法计算用户兴趣度;其次,融入用户背景信息,建立了网络地图用户兴趣信息集,通过决策树ID3算法对其进行分类,归纳提取了用户兴趣分析结果集;最后利用查全率、查准率与F值进行分析结果评价。实验表明,分析结果集匹配成功率为90%,基于眼动数据的用户兴趣分析成功率为85%,高于基于Web日志的用户兴趣分析结果,证明了该方法能有效分析网络地图界面用户兴趣。  相似文献   

基于规则的植被地图综合的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
植被地图综合是专题地图综合的一个特例,需要遵循地理数据综合规则,以解决因表达空问缩小而造成的地物要素间的冲突问题,确保图面上图形表达的合理、清晰和美观;同时植被地图综合也要遵循植被分布自身的规律。该文主要研究和分析影响植被地图综合的主要规则,首先描述植被地图的特征,在此基础上分析讨论影响植被地图综合的主要综合规则,并简要介绍了用于表达综合规则的产生式规则方法,用实例描述了这些规则在植被地图综合各个阶段的应用和结果,以此来反映综合规则在植被地图综合过程中的重要性。  相似文献   

随着网络技术迅速发展,海量数据分布在万维网内,如何从数据中挖掘到特定的需要的数据成为时下研究的热点。网络爬虫是一种按照一定的规则,自动抓取万维网信息的程序或者脚本。本文探讨使用网络爬虫的概念和方法,开发基于互联网的聚焦网络爬虫软件,迅速通过互联网搜索山洪灾害点相关及时的第一手资料,形成对灾害的第一认识。再经过人工判读,精确动态提取、更新山洪灾害信息专题成果。  相似文献   

SOA体系结构是目前构建Web数据集成系统的理想结构,服务发现是其中一个重要的研究问题。传统的服务发现方法基于关键字匹配技术实现,缺乏对具有空间约束的空间Web服务的支持,使服务执行的整个过程受到影响。该文基于空间数据服务的尺度和范围约束,提出一种计算空间Web服务相关性的模型,并实现两种基于空间索引结构的服务发现算法。实验结果表明,该方法能明显提高服务发现的查准率。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网和街景地图的发展,基于360°全景影像的街景地图服务将成为移动互联网时代位置服务的主流趋势。该文提出了一种面向iOS移动端的全景地图应用构建方法。首先,提出基于球面模型的移动端全景场景构建、纹理贴图和渲染优化的技术方法;其次,针对移动终端应用模式,设计了面向移动终端的全景地图数据服务的技术框架;最后,采用移动端全景地图模型和数据服务框架,实现了iOS下移动端全景地图的开发。实验结果表明移动端全景浏览流畅,可以广泛应用在增强现实位置服务,具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对地图制图综合逐步向多要素乃至全要素综合发展,而地图综合知识规则仍停留在单要素知识规则这一问题,该文结合地图协同综合提出地图多要素协同综合知识规则,对协同综合中知识规则进行详细分类,提出协同综合过程控制模型,为多要素协同综合中知识规则的建立提供一种可行的处理方法。  相似文献   

基于Web Service的分布式互操作的GIS   总被引:50,自引:1,他引:50  
分布式、可互操作的Web GlS一直是人们追求的目标,传统的Web GIS建立于B/S结构之上,该文介绍一种新型的Web GIS,即基于Web Service的GIS。Web Service是近几年发展起来的基于网络的新技术,基于Web Ser—vice的地理信息系统具有分布式、可互操作、方便集成现有GIS资源的特点并具有良好的扩展性,是Web GIS自勺发展趋势。该文介绍了基于Web Service的分布式互操作的GIS的特点、提出了其系统框架,并阐述了其关键技术,包括:地理对象在Web Service中的表达,服务的描述、发现、注册,以及用Web Serivce集成现有的GIS系统等。  相似文献   

基于Web的空间OLAP研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OLAP(在线分析处理)是空间信息集成,查询与分析的重要领域和手段,基于Web的OLAP需要解决体系结构,空间数据仓库构建,多维数据模型,WebGIS,数据挖掘等诸多理论和工程问题,体系结构规定了系统开发和应用的模式,多维数据模型中定义了基于数据仓库的度量和维度结构,是OLAP和某些数据挖掘模型的基础,是数据仓库应用的重要手段,传统的体系架构,多维数据模型和OLAP技术在处理穸间数据过程中具有较大的局限性,文章尝试探讨在Internet环境下,在传统多维数据模型中引入空间维度,度量中指向空间聚合结构的空间数据索引及其空间算子集合,从而构造出空间多维数据模型,并在模型物理实现的基础上,试验了空间立方体的Web OLAP操作,可以预测,空间OLAP研究将成为GIS研究的热点,具有极大的应用价值。  相似文献   

This article discusses the state of the art in geovisualization supporting climate change adaptation. We reviewed twenty selected map-based Web tools, classified by their content and functionality, and assessed them by visual representations, interactive functions, information type, target audience, and how vulnerability and adaptation to climate change are addressed. Our study concludes that the tools (1) can be classified as data viewers with basic functionality and data explorers offering more sophisticated interactive functions; (2) mostly feature moderate or high richness of data content; and (3) predominantly target expert users.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of Xerox PARC Map Viewer, there is a high growth in the number of Web GIS (Geographical Information System) applications for public use in different contexts. These applications instruct, advise and provide the tools for spatial analysis to their users, and the people who use them depend or rely on these systems. Many of these users are non-experts who have no GIS expertise and a limited understanding of spatial data handling. These inherent characteristics of non-expert interaction establish risk and uncertainty, which are further increased due to the complexity of Web GIS interfaces. These issues of uncertainty, risk perception and dependence are all trust-related aspects. Online trust has been repeatedly identified as a major concept for online information systems and its value recognised as it influences the intentions to use and the acceptance of online systems and the overall user experience. However, there is a very limited understanding as to exactly how trust is constructed when people, especially non-experts, interact with Web GIS. To improve knowledge in this domain, this article explores the theoretical foundations on how trust can be investigated in this context. Trust studies (mainly from the e-commerce domain) suggest that a trust-oriented interface design may improve the trustworthiness of online systems, and such attention can be given to Web GIS interfaces. Such studies are reviewed and their applicability is considered in the Web GIS context, taking into consideration their special characteristics. A case study is used to discuss how some features may potentially influence the trustworthiness of Web GIS applications. This article concludes by suggesting future research directions for the implementation of a holistic approach, which is necessary to investigate trust in this context.  相似文献   

基于空间语义学基础理论,将传统的地理信息服务技术与新兴的语义服务技术相结合,建立地理信息语义服务框架及知识标注方法体系,并应用于地理空间信息服务处理中,提供智能化、自动化的地理信息服务发现、组合与触发策略;设计基于文本挖掘算法的半自动知识标注引擎,提高服务处理自动化程度,实现包含丰富语义信息的地理空间语义服务的发布;建立基于规则和推理引擎的地理信息服务匹配与发现机制,提高服务发现效率;建立地理信息服务语义标注与服务匹配评价方法,采用基于空间关联规则的标注正确性评估策略,验证知识标注价值。  相似文献   

International labor migration is produced and patterned through the activities of government and private institutions, such as labor recruiters and government officials. Recently, labor recruitment agencies have utilized the World Wide Web as a means of facilitating the procurement of foreign employment contracts. The purpose of this research is to examine the institutional usage of the Web as a means to facilitate the global flow of labor. Based on a qualitative assessment of 27 recruitment-related Web sites, I suggest that Web-based recruitment reinforces global patterns of gendered, racial, and occupational segregation. Moreover, Web-based recruitment offers the potential for revolutionizing patterns and processes of international labor migration.  相似文献   

国外旅游研究领域Web点击流分析研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Web点击流数据记录了在线旅游者使用互联网实际发生的电子记录,为旅游研究提供了新机会。该文介绍了Web点击流数据的特性及Web点击流数据分析在旅游研究中的价值,回顾了国外Web点击流分析在旅游研究领域的相关进展,包括旅游网站(目的地网站和酒店网站)访问者行为、旅游者在线信息搜索以及旅游目的地建议系统等,并对其发展前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Attesting to the powerful capabilities and in technology trends, many scholars envisioned the consolidation of geographic information systems (GIS) into vital tools for disseminating spatial information. GIS are presently used to inform, advise and instruct users in several contexts and to further engage citizens in decision-making processes that can impact and sustain policy development. Interaction with these applications incorporates risk and uncertainty, which have been repeatedly identified as preconditions in nurturing trust perceptions and which instigate a user's decision to rely on a system and act on the provided information. Research studies consistently demonstrated that a trust-oriented interface design can facilitate the development of more trustworthy, mainly e-commerce, systems. Trust in the Web GIS context, despite its significance, has only relatively recently received some attention. A set of human–computer interaction (HCI) user-based studies revealed some Web GIS trustee attributes that influence non-experts' trust beliefs and found that when these are problematic or absent from interface design, users form irrational trust perceptions, which amplifies the risk and may impose dangers to the user. These Web GIS trustee attributes that influence non-experts' trust perceptions are formulated here into a set of trust guidelines. These are then evaluated using the PE-Nuclear tool, a Web GIS application, to inform the public about the site selection of a nuclear waste repository in the United Kingdom. Our preliminary results indicate that the proposed trust guidelines not only support the development of rational trust perceptions that protect non-experts from inappropriate use of Web GIS technology but also contribute towards improving interaction with such applications of public interest issue.  相似文献   

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