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Lamellar inclusions of chromian spinel (Cr/Cr + Al> 0.7), clinopyroxene and chromian spinel-clinopyroxene symplectite occur in olivines from alpine-type peridotites which have equilibrated at relatively low temperature (<700°C). They occur most commonly in dunite with very magnesian olivine (Fo93 to Fo95) and discrete grains of Cr-rich spinel. Olivine which initially equilibrated with magnesian and Cr-rich liquid had contained small amounts of calcium and trivalent chromium in the octahedral site, and lamellar chromian spinel and diopsidic clinopyroxene exsolved during the annealing process. The ordinary depletion of chromium or absence of chromian spinel lamellae in olivines in igneous rocks may be partly due to the effective exclusion of chromium from olivine upon cooling.  相似文献   

The Adhi Kot EH4 enstatite chondrite breccia consists of silica-rich clasts (12+mn; 5 vol.%), chondrule-rich clasts (55+mn; 10 vol.%) and matrix (35+mn; 10 vol.%). The silica-rich clasts are a new kind of enstatite chondritic material, which contains more cristobalite (18–28 wt.%) than enstatite (12–14 wt.%), as well as abundant niningerite and troilite. The bulk atomic Mg/Si ratios of the clasts (0.22–0.40) are much lower than the average for enstatite chondrites (0.79). Kamacite and martensite (with 8–11 wt.% Ni and a martensitic structure) occur in all three breccia components. The clasts have kamacite-rich rims, and kamacite-rich aggregates occur in the matrix.A unidirectional change in the ambient pS2/pO2 ratio in the region of the solar nebula where Adhi Kot agglomerated can explain many of the breccia's petrologic features. If this region initially had a very high pS2/pO2 ratio in a gas of non-cosmic composition, sulfurization of enstatite and metallic Fe (e.g., MgSiO3 + 2Fe + C + 3H2S = MgS + SiO2 + 2FeS + H2O + CH4) may have occurred, producing abundant niningerite, free silica and troilite at the expense of enstatite and metallic Fe. The Ni content of the residual metal would have increased, perhaps to ~ 8–10 wt.%. The silica-rich clasts agglomerated under these conditions; a significant fraction of the originally produced niningerite was lost (perhaps by aerodynamic size-sorting processes), lowering the clasts' bulk Mg/Si ratios.The pS2/pO2 ratio then decreased (perhaps because of infusion of additional H2O) and sulfurization of metallic Fe and enstatite ceased. The chondrule-rich clasts agglomerated under these conditions, acquiring little free silica and niningerite. An episode of chondrule formation occurred at this time (by melting millimeter-sized agglomerates of this relatively silica-poor enstatite chondrite material and concomitant fractionation of an immiscible liquid of metallic Fe,Ni and sulfide). The chondrule-rich clasts agglomerated many such chondrules. Subsequently, the matrix agglomerated, acquiring the few remaining chondrules. Kamacite-rich aggregates formed, after the cessation of metal sulfurization, and agglomerated with the matrix. The kamacite-rich clast rims were acquired at this time.The components of Adhi Kot accreted to the EH chondrite parent body, where the breccia was assembled, buried beneath additional accreting material, and metamorphosed at temperatures of ? 700°C. Impact-excavation of the breccia and deposition onto the surface caused the formation of martensite from taenite inside the clasts and the matrix. At the surface, impact-melting produced an albite glass spherule, which was incorporated into the matrix. However, the absence of solar-wind-implanted rare gases in bulk Adhi Kot indicates that the breccia spent little time in a regolith.  相似文献   

Nitrogen contents range from a few parts per million in ordinary chondrites and achondrites to several hundred parts per million in enstatite chondrites and carbonaceous chondrites. Four major isotopic groups are recognized: (1) C1 and C2 carbonaceous chondrites have δ15N of+30to+50%.; (2) enstatite chondrites have δ15N of?30to?40‰; (3) C3 chondrites have low δ15N with large internal variations; (4) ordinary chondrites have δ15N of?10to+20‰. The major variations are primary, representing isotopic abundances established at the time of condensation and accretion. Secondary processes, such as spallation reactions, solar wind implantation and metamorphic loss may cause small but observable isotopic variations in particular cases. The large isotopic difference between enstatite chondrites and carbonaceous chondrites cannot be accounted for by equilibrium condensation from a homogeneous nebular gas, and requires either unusually large kinetic effects, or a temporal or spatial variation of isotopic composition of the nebula. Nitrogen isotopic heterogeneity in the nebula due to nuclear processes has not been firmly established, but may be required to account for the large variations found within the Allende and Leoville meteorites. The unique carbonaceous chondrite, Renazzo, has δ15N of+170%., which is well beyond the range of all other data, and also requires a special source. It is not yet possible, from the meteoritic data, to establish the mode of accretion of nitrogen onto the primitive Earth.  相似文献   

Petrographic and chemical studies of the Qingzhen chondrite strongly suggest that it is the most highly unequilibrated (type 3) enstatite chondrite recognized so far. Qingzhen contains abundant, well-defined chondrules, some of which were incompletely molten during the chondrule formation process. The relict olivine grains within these chondrules contain dusty inclusions of almost pure metallic Fe, which appear to be the in-situ reduction product of the fayalitic component of the olivine. The reduction process presumably took place at the time of chondrule formation and the chondrule precursor material must have been more oxidized than average enstatite chondrite material. We believe that this oxidized material may have formed at the enstatite chondrite formation location in the solar nebula, provided fluctuations in the degree of oxidation of the nebular gas existed at such locations. Reheating of this material under more reducing conditions would lead to the observed reduction of the olivine. Igneous olivines within chondrules always contain detectable amounts of CaO, while relict olivines are essentially CaO-free. This seems to suggest that the relict olivines did not originate during a previous igneous process of chondrule formation and might represent condensation products from the early solar nebula.  相似文献   

New measurements of mass-dependent calcium isotope effects in meteorites, lunar and terrestrial samples show that Earth, Moon, Mars, and differentiated asteroids (e.g., 4-Vesta and the angrite and aubrite parent bodies) are indistinguishable from primitive ordinary chondritic meteorites at our current analytical resolution (± 0.07‰ SD for the 44Ca/40Ca ratio). In contrast, enstatite chondritic meteorites are slightly enriched in heavier calcium isotopes (ca. + 0.5‰) and primitive carbonaceous chondritic meteorites are depleted in heavier calcium isotopes (ca. ? 0.5‰). The calcium isotope effects cannot be easily ascribed to evaporation or intraplanetary differentiation processes. The isotopic variations probably survive from the earliest stages of nebular condensation, and indicate that condensation occurred under non-equilibrium (undercooled nebular gas) conditions. Some of this early high-temperature calcium isotope heterogeneity is recorded by refractory inclusions (Niederer and Papanastassiou, 1984) and survived in planetesimals, but virtually none of it survived through terrestrial planet accretion. The new calcium isotope data suggest that ordinary chondrites are representative of the bulk of the refractory materials that formed the terrestrial planets; enstatite and carbonaceous chondrites are not. The enrichment of light calcium isotopes in bulk carbonaceous chondrites implies that their compositions are not fully representative of the solar nebula condensable fraction.  相似文献   

Allan Hills 85085 is a unique chondrite with affinities to the Al Rais-Renazzo clan of carbonaceous chondrites. Its constituents are less than 50 μm in mean size. Chondrules and microchondrules of all textures are present; nonporphyritic chondrules are unusually abundant. The mean compositions of porphyritic, nonporphyritic and barred olivine chondrules resemble those in ordinary chondrites except that they are depleted in volatile elements. Ca-, Al-rich inclusions are abundant and largely free of nebular alteration; they comprise types similar to those in CM and CO chondrites, as well as unique types. Calcium dialuminate occurs in several inclusions. Metal, silicate and sulfide compositions are close to those in CM-CO chondrites and Al Rais and Renazzo. C1-chondrite clasts and metal-rich “reduced” clasts are present, but opaque matrix is absent. Siderophile abundances in ALH85085 are extremely high (e.g., Fe/Si= 1.7 × solar), and volatiles are depleted (e.g., Na/Si= 0.25 × solar, S/Si= 0.03 × solar). Nonvolatile lithophile abundances are similar to those in Al Rais, Renazzo, and CM and CO chondrites.ALH85085 agglomerated when temperatures in the nebula were near 1000 K, in the same region where Renazzo, Al Rais and the CI chondrites formed. Agglomeration of high-temperature material may thus be a mechanism by which the fractionation of refractory lithophiles occurred in the nebula. Chondrule formation must have occurred at high temperatures when clumps of precursors were small. After agglomeration, ALH85085 was annealed and lightly shocked. C1 and other clasts were subsequently incorporated during late-stage brecciation.  相似文献   

Chondrules are the major high temperature components of chondritic meteorites which accreted a few millions years after the oldest solids of the solar system, the calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions, were condensed from the nebula gas. Chondrules formed during brief heating events by incomplete melting of solid dust precursors in the protoplanetary disk. Petrographic, compositional and isotopic arguments allowed the identification of metal-bearing Mg-rich olivine aggregates among the precursors of magnesian type I chondrules. Two very different settings can be considered for the formation of these Mg-rich olivines: either a nebular setting corresponding mostly to condensation–evaporation processes in the nebular gas or a planetary setting corresponding mostly to differentiation processes in a planetesimal. An ion microprobe survey of Mg-rich olivines of a set of type I chondrules and isolated olivines from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites and carbonaceous chondrites revealed the existence of several modes in the distribution of the ?17O values and the presence of a large range of mass fractionation (several ‰) within each mode. The chemistry and the oxygen isotopic compositions indicate that Mg-rich olivines are unlikely to be of nebular origin (i.e., solar nebula condensates) but are more likely debris of broken differentiated planetesimals (each of them being characterized by a given ?17O). Mg-rich olivines could have crystallized from magma ocean-like environments on partially molten planetesimals undergoing metal–silicate differentiation processes. Considering the very old age of chondrules, Mg-rich olivine grains or aggregates might be considered as millimeter-sized fragments from disrupted first-generation differentiated planetesimals. Finally, the finding of only a small number of discrete ?17O modes for Mg-rich olivines grains or aggregates in a given chondrite suggests that these shattered fragments have not been efficiently mixed in the disk and/or that chondrite formation occurred in the first vicinity of the breakup of these planetary bodies.  相似文献   

Shirouma-Oike volcano, a Quaternary composite volcano in central Japan, consists mostly of calc-alkaline andesitic lavas and pyroclastic rocks. Products of the earlier stage of the volcano (older group) are augite-hypersthene andesite. Hornblende crystallized during the later stage of this older group, whereas biotite and quartz crystallized in the younger group.Assemblages of phenocrysts in disequilibrium, such as magnesian olivine(Fo30)/quartz, iron-rich hypersthene(En55)/iron-poor augite(Wo43.5, En42.5, Fs14.0), and two different types of zoning on the rim of clinopyroxene are found in a number of rocks. Detailed microprobe analyses of coexisting minerals reveal that phenocrysts belong to two distinctly different groups; one group includes magnesian olivine + augite which crystallized from a relatively high-temperature (above 1000°C) basaltic magma; the second group, which crystallized from relatively low temperature (about 800°C) dacitic to andesitic magma, includes hypersthene + hornblende + biotite + quartz + plagioclase + titanomagnetite ± ilmenite (in the younger group) and hypersthene + augite + plagioclase + titanomagnetite ± hornblende (in the older group). The temperature difference between the two magmas is clarified by Mg/Fe partition between clinopyroxene and olivine, and Fe-Ti oxides geothermometer. The compositional zoning of minerals, such as normal zoning of olivine and magnesian clinopyroxene, and reverse zoning of orthopyroxene, indicate that the basaltic and dacitic-andesitic magmas were probably mixed in a magma reservoir immediately before eruption. It is suggested that the basaltic magma was supplied intermittently from a deeper part to the shallower magma reservoir, in in which dacitic-andesitic magma had been fractionating.  相似文献   

Nitrogen isotope fractionations have been measured in Fischer-Tropsch and Miller-Urey reactions in order to determine whether these processes can account for the large15N/14N ratios found in organic matter in carbonaceous chondrites. Polymeric material formed in the Fischer-Tropsch reaction was enriched in15N by only 3‰ relative to the starting material (NH3). The15N enrichment in polymers from the Miller-Urey reaction was 10–12‰. Both of these fractionations are small compared to the 80–90‰ differences observed between enstatite chondrites and carbonaceous chondrites. These large differences are apparently due to temporal or spatial variations in the isotopic composition of nitrogen in the solar nebula, rather than to fractionation during the production of organic compounds.  相似文献   

Blithfield (EL6) is one of five known enstatite chondrite breccias. It consists of troilite-rich clasts (35 ± 5vol.%) embedded in an extremely metallic Fe,Ni-rich matrix (65 ± 5 vol.%) that contains metal nodules up to 17 mm in size. Clasts and matrix agglomerated independently in the solar nebula under conditions of high and lowpS2/pO2 ratios, respectively. The matrix accreted to an EL chondrite planetesimal and was metamorphosed to~ 1000°C, above the FeNiS eutectic; chondrule textures were obliterated. The S-rich eutectic melt was lost from the matrix. The matrix material was buried to a depth of at least 3 km; accreting troilite-rich material was incorporated into the matrix as clasts. The breccia cooled through~ 500°C at 1000–10,000°C/Myr. After cooling below~ 500°C, Blithfield was quenched, possibly by impact excavation from depth and deposition onto the surface.Clasts or inclusions that are enriched in sulfide and depleted in metallic Fe,Ni are common in brecciated enstatite chondrites. Variations in thepS2/pO2 ratio in the nebular regions where these materials formed may explain many of their petrologic properties. The silica-rich clasts in Adhi Kot (EH4) formed at very highpS2/pO2ratios(> 1027); niningerite, free silica and troilite were produced from the sulfurization of enstatite and metallic Fe. The troilite-rich clasts in Blithfield and Atlanta (EL6) as well as the troilite-rich regions of the Hvittis (EL6) matrix formed at somewhat lowerpS2/pO2 ratios where sulfurization of metalic Fe produced troilite. The Ni content of the residual metal increased, forming some metal of martensitic composition. The dark inclusions in Abee (EH 4), which contain up to 9 wt.% oldhamite, formed at highpS2/pO2 ratios in the presence of an additional Ca-rich component.  相似文献   

Granoblastic olivine aggregates (GOA) have been discovered in some Type I magnesian chondrules within carbonaceous chondrites by Libourel and Krot [Libourel, G., Krot, A.N., 2007. Evidence for the presence of planetesimal material among the precursors of magnesian chondrules of nebular origin. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 254, 1–8], who proposed an origin from pre-existing planetesimals. Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOA), generally considered as aggregates of solar nebula condensates and found within similar carbonaceous chondrites, display similar equilibrium texture, though on a finer scale. For these reasons, we conducted experiments to determine if annealing of olivine required time scales appropriate to planetesimal or nebular heating. Pressed < 43 µm and < 63 µm San Carlos olivine powder (Fo88.4) was isothermally heated at temperatures ranging from 1350–1550 °C for 1–100 h. The 100 h runs yield olivine aggregates with well-developed granoblastic texture at all temperatures, manifest as a network of randomly-oriented and sutured olivine grains with 120° triple junctions. Individual olivine grains are 4–6 sided and polygonal by 1450 °C and equigranular texture is developed at high temperature (1500–1550 °C). Melting of olivine commences at 1450–1500 °C and aids in ‘ripening’ and suturing (grain coarsening and grain boundary migration). Textural equilibrium is clearly met at 1550 °C. A planetesimal origin cannot be ruled out; however, the experimental evidence reveals that granoblastic texture can be reproduced in an interval not inconsistent with heating times for nebular objects. GOA may have experienced higher degrees of thermal processing than the finer-grained AOA. If the precursors were the same, grain coarsening would have to be accompanied by modification to bulk and isotopic compositions. However, the precursors could have been olivine condensates formed later than AOA. Annealing may have been a widespread process operating in the primordial solar nebula responsible for thermal processing and formation of GOA prior to their incorporation into chondrules.  相似文献   

A87Rb-87Sr analysis of some enstatite meteorites has been made. Whole rocks plot on an isochron of age 4.508 ± 0.037b.y. and strontium initial ratio 0.69880 ± 0.00044 (2σ errors; λ87Rb= 1.42 × 10?11yr?1) . If the Norton County results are joined, we get an age of 4.516 ± 0.029b.y. and initial ratio of 0.69874 ± 0.00022. This result is indistinguishable from the whole rock isochron for H chondrites. It is interpreted as the age of condensation from the solar nebula. The identity of the87Sr/86Sr initial ratio with the ones for Allende white inclusions shows that this ratio was homogeneous in the solar nebula, and that the Rb-Sr fractionations observed between the different chondrite groups appeared only shortly before or during condensation accretion.Internal studies of the type-I enstatite chondrites Abee and Indarch and the intermediate-type Saint Mark's and Saint Sauveur have been done.Abee data scatter in the87Rb-87Sr diagram. For Indarch, Saint Mark's and Saint Sauveur, we obtained well-defined straight lines of “age” (T) and “initial ratio” (I): Indarch,T = 4.393 ± 0.043b.y.I = 0.7005 ± 0.0009; Saint Mark's,T = 4.335 ± 0.050b.y.I = 0.69979 ± 0.00022; Saint Sauveur,T = 4.457 ± 0.047b.y.I = 0.6993 ± 0.0014. Our result on Indarch agrees with the former result of Gopalan and Wetherill [5].A careful examination of the data shows that these straight lines are neither due to leaching effects by heavy liquids, nor result from terrestrial weathering. The “isochrons” for Indarch and Saint Sauveur can be mixing lines between enstatite and feldspar. The results are interpreted in terms of cosmochemical secondary effects: type-I and intermediate-type enstatite chondrites have been shocked 60–200 m.y. after their formation. This agrees with the idea of an early generalized bombardment of the inner solar system; this also indicates that type-I enstatite chondrites were rather situated in the outershells of their parent body and might be at the origin of the scatter of I-Xe ages of enstatite meteorites.Whole rock and enstatite from Bishopville, Cumberland Falls and Mayo Belwa have also been analysed. In these three aubrites, the87Rb-87Sr system is perturbed. Our Bishopsville sample might not be fresh and this makes the significance of our results uncertain. Cumberland Falls and Mayo Belwa probably suffered relatively recent shocks and open-system redistribution of Rb and Sr.  相似文献   

In order to better constrain the Li isotope composition of the bulk solar system and Li isotope fractionation during accretion and parent body processes, Li isotope compositions and concentrations were determined on a number of meteorite falls and finds. This is the first comprehensive study that systematically investigates a representative set of samples from carbonaceous chondrites (CI, CM2, CO3, CV3, CK4 and one ungrouped member), enstatite chondrites (EH, EL), ordinary chondrites (H, L, LL), and achondrites (one eucrite, diogenites, one pallasite, and a silicate inclusion from a IAB iron).

Carbonaceous chondrites have an average isotope composition of δ7Li = + 3.2‰ ± 1.9 (2σ) which agrees with the average composition of relatively pristine olivines (representative for the bulk composition) from the Earth primitive upper mantle (PUM). This is lighter than the average δ7Li of the basaltic differentiates of the Earth, Moon and Mars and the achondrites. It is an important observation, however, that the lighter end of the isotopic range of the differentiates always coincides with the averages of the mantle olivines and the carbonaceous chondrites. From this we conclude that the bulk of the inner solar system consists mostly of material from carbonaceous chondrites and that the variation seen in the differentiates is due to planetary body processes. Ordinary chondrites are significantly lighter than carbonaceous chondrites. No significant differences in δ7Li exist between enstatite chondrites (n = 3) and carbonaceous or ordinary chondrites. The difference between carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites and the variability within the chondrites could indicate the existence of distinct Li isotope reservoirs in the early solar nebula.  相似文献   

Isotopic anomalies in Mo and Zr have recently been reported for bulk chondrites and iron meteorites and have been interpreted in terms of a primordial nucleosynthetic heterogeneity in the solar nebula. We report precise Zr isotopic measurements of carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondrites, eucrites, mesosiderites and lunar rocks. All bulk rock samples yield isotopic compositions that are identical to the terrestrial standard within the analytical uncertainty. No anomalies in 92Zr are found in any samples including high Nb/Zr eucrites and high and low Nb/Zr calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs). These data are consistent with the most recent estimates of <10−4 for the initial 92Nb/93Nb of the solar system. There exists a trace of isotopic heterogeneity in the form of a small excess of r-process 96Zr in some refractory CAIs and some metal-rich phases of Renazzo. A more striking enrichment in 96Zr is found in acetic acid leachates of the Allende CV carbonaceous chondrite. These data indicate that the r- and s-process Zr components found in presolar grains were well mixed on a large scale prior to planetary accretion. However, some CAIs formed before mixing was complete, such that they were able to sample a population of r-process-enriched material. The maximum amount of additional r-process component that was added to the otherwise well-mixed Zr in the molecular cloud or disk corresponds to ∼0.01%.  相似文献   

For any given volcanic field the compositions of primary melts provide important constraints on models of magmatic processes and volcanic eruptions. In this paper, based on petrography, olivine and bulk rock compositions, two tholeiitic picrites (samples C122 and C123) from Haleakala Volcano, east Maui are evaluated as possible primary melts. Sample C122 (bulk rock MgO = 16.6%) has a high apparent Mg-Fe exchange coefficient, KD, between olivine phenocrysts and bulk rock (0.6). However, major-elements and Ni mass-balance calculations show that the olivines in C122 are in equilibrium with the residual melt (matrix) after closed-system equilibrium fractionation of 25 wt.% olivine. Therefore, the Mg/Fe ratio, Ca content, and Ni content of C122 are consistent with the hypothesis that the bulk composition of C122 is close to a primary melt formed by partial melting of a mantle containing olivine with composition around Fo89 to Fo91. The uniform composition and small size (mostly 0.2–0.3 mm) of the olivine, and the glass patches in the matrix suggest fast ascent, and rapid cooling at shallow depth for C122. On the contrary, sample C123, which has an apparent KD (between the most mafic olivine megacrysts and the bulk rock) close to the equilibrium value (0.27), the multiple planar subgrain boundaries in most of the olivine crystals indicate that it may not be a primary melt unless the deformed olivines are generated at magmatic condition as phenocrysts. If the deformed subgrain boundary texture in olivine could indeed be generated at magmatic condition, then the wide compositional range of olivine crystals in C123 (Fo74 to Fo91) suggests multi-stage crystallization over a wide range of cooling temperatures.The compositions of the two picrites, and a differentiated basalt which does not contain xenocrysts suggest that the Haleakala tholeiites are derived from primary melts with at least 16–17 wt.% MgO. Lavas with such high MgO content are rare in Haleakala and other Hawaiian volcanoes; therefore, most Hawaiian tholeiites must have undergone extensive fractionation histories.  相似文献   

The Angra dos Reis meteorite fell in 1869 and is a unique achondrite. It is an ultramafic igneous rock, pyroxenite, with 93% fassaite pyroxene which has 15.7% Ca-Tschermak's molecule, plus calcic olivine (Fo53.1; 1.3% CaO), green hercynitic spinel, whitlockite (merrillite), metallic Ni-Fe, troilite, as well as magnesian kirschsteinite (Ks62.3Mo37.7), within olivine grains, and celsian (Cs90.2An7.7Ab1.7Or0.4) which are phases reported in a meteorite for the first time, and plagioclase (An86.0), baddeleyite, titanian magnetite (TiO2, 21.9%), and terrestrial hydrous iron oxide which are phases reported for the first time in this meteorite. Petrofabric analysis shows that fassaite has a preferred orientation and lineation which is interpreted as being due to cumulus processes, possibly the effect of post-depositional magmatic current flow or laminar flow of a crystalline mush. The mineral chemistry indicates crystallization from a highly silica-undersaturated melt at low pressure. Since the meteorite formed as a cumulate, pyroxene crystals may have gravitationally settled from a melt which crystallized melilite first. Plagioclase would be unstable in such a highly undersaturated melt, and feldspathoids would be rare or absent due to the very low alkali contents of the melt. The presence of rare grains of plagioclase and celsian may be the result of late-stage crystallization of residual liquids in local segregations. Thus, the Eu anomaly in Angra dos Reis may be the result of pyroxene separation from a melt which crystallized melilite earlier, rather than plagioclase as previously suggested.  相似文献   

We report small but significant variations in the 58Ni/61Ni-normalised 60Ni/61Ni and 62Ni/61Ni ratios (expressed as ε60Ni and ε62Ni) of bulk iron and chondritic meteorites. Carbonaceous chondrites have variable, positive ε62Ni (0.05 to 0.25), whereas ordinary chondrites have negative ε62Ni (− 0.04 to − 0.09). The Ni isotope compositions of iron meteorites overlap with those of chondrites, and define an array with negative slope in the ε60Ni versus ε62Ni diagram. The Ni isotope compositions of the volatile-depleted Group IVB irons are similar to those of the refractory CO, CV carbonaceous chondrites, whereas the other common magmatic iron groups have Ni isotope compositions similar to ordinary chondrites. Only enstatite chondrites have identical Ni isotope compositions to Earth and so appear to represent the most appropriate terrestrial building material. Differences in ε62Ni reflect distinct nucleosynthetic components in precursor solids that have been variably mixed, but some of the ε60Ni variability could reflect a radiogenic component from the decay of 60Fe. Comparison of the ε60Ni of iron and chondritic meteorites with the same ε62Ni allows us to place upper limits on the 60Fe/56Fe of planetesimals during core segregation. We estimate that carbonaceous chondrites had initial 60Fe/56Fe < 1 × 10− 7. Our data place less good constraints on initial 60Fe/56Fe ratios of ordinary chondrites but our results are not incompatible with values as high as 3 × 10− 7 as determined by in-situ measurements. We suggest that the Ni isotope variations and apparently heterogeneous initial 60Fe/56Fe results from physical sorting within the protosolar nebula of different phases (silicate, metal and sulphide) that carry different isotopic signatures.  相似文献   

High-pressure polymorphs of olivine and enstatite are major constituent minerals in the mantle transition zone(MTZ).The phase transformations of olivine and enstatite at pressure and temperature conditions corresponding to the lower part of the MTZ are import for understanding the nature of the 660 km seismic discontinuity.In this study,we determine phase transformations of olivine(MgSi2O4) and enstatite(MgSiO3) systematiclly at pressures between 21.3 and 24.4 GPa and at a constant temperature of 1600℃.The most profound discrepancy between olivine and enstatite phase transformation is the occurency of perovskite.In the olivine system,the post-spinel transformation occures at 23.8 GPa,corresponding to a depth of 660 km.In contrast,perovskite appears at 23 GPa(640 km) in the enstatite system.The ~1 GPa gap could explain the uplifting and/or splitting of the 660 km seismic discountinuity under eastern China.  相似文献   

Major-element, Cl, S, F analyses have been performed on a wide selection of melt inclusions trapped in olivine (Fo81–87) from scoria and crystal-rich lapilli samples of Piton de la Fournaise volcano. As a whole, they display a transitional basaltic composition. The melt inclusions (8–9 wt.% MgO, 0.62–0.73 wt.% K2O) are in equilibrium with olivines (Fo81–85) in the samples from the Central Feeding Zone and the South-East Feeding Zone and show a slight alkaline affinity. The melt inclusions in olivines (Fo85–87) from the North-West Rift (NWR) contain 9.3–9.7 wt.% MgO and 0.54–0.58 wt.% K2O, with a more tholeiitic tendency. In oceanitic lavas and crystal-rich lapilli, the olivine xenocrysts are recognisable by the presence of one or more secondary shear plane fracture(s) filled up with CO2 and alkali-rich basaltic melt inclusions. In dunite nodules, olivines present also contain several secondary shear plane fracture(s) filled up with CO2 and high-SiO2 melt inclusions. Secondary CO2-rich fluid inclusions in olivine (Fo85–87) from the NWR samples indicate PCO2 up to 500 MPa whereas, PCO2 ranges from 95 MPa to few tenths of bars in the other samples. Both the primary melt inclusions and the secondary fluid inclusions strongly suggest that the olivine crystallises and accumulates over a wide depth range (15 km). It is envisioned that cumulative pockets with low residual porosity are repeatedly percolated with a CO2-rich fluid phase, possibly associated with basaltic to SiO2-rich melts, and are finally disrupted and entrained to the surface when vigorous magma transfer occurs. The SiO2-rich residual melts in early-formed dunitic or gabbroic bodies may have acted as contaminant agents for the more alkali character of magmas vented through the central feeding system, where a well-developed cumulative system is thought to exist. Finally, the existence of secondary fluid and melt inclusions in olivines implies that the dunitic bodies are weakened on the micrometric scale.  相似文献   

The November 2002 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise in the Indian Ocean was typical of the activity of the volcano from 1999 to 2006 in terms of duration and volume of magma ejected. The first magma erupted was a basaltic liquid with a small proportion of olivine phenocrysts (Fo81) that contain small numbers of melt inclusions. In subsequent flows, olivine crystals were more abundant and richer in Mg (Fo83–84). These crystals contain numerous melt and fluid inclusions, healed fractures, and dislocation features such as kink bands. The major element composition of melt inclusions in this later olivine (Fo83–84) is out of equilibrium with that of its host as a result of extensive post-entrapment crystallization and Fe2+ loss by diffusion during cooling. Melt inclusions in Fo81 olivine are also chemically out of equilibrium with their hosts but to a lesser degree. Using olivine–melt geothermometry, we determined that melt inclusions in Fo81 olivine were trapped at lower temperature (1,182 ± 1°C) than inclusions in Fo83–84 olivine (1,199–1,227°C). This methodology was also used to estimate eruption temperatures. The November 2002 melt inclusion compositions suggest that they were at temperatures between 1,070°C and 1,133°C immediately before eruption and quenching. This relatively wide temperature range may reflect the fact that most of the melt inclusions were from olivine in lava samples and therefore likely underwent minor but variable amounts of post-eruptive crystallization and Fe2+ loss by diffusion due to their relatively slow cooling on the surface. In contrast, melt inclusions in tephra samples from past major eruptions yielded a narrower range of higher eruption temperatures (1,163–1,181°C). The melt inclusion data presented here and in earlier publications are consistent with a model of magma recharge from depth during major eruptions, followed by storage, cooling, and crystallization at shallow levels prior to expulsion during events similar in magnitude to the relatively small November 2002 eruption.  相似文献   

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