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The present note is intended as a contribution to the clarification of the collision process, generally assumed to be active between the African and the Eurasian plates in the area of the Messina Straits.For this purpose detailed analyses are made of the surveys carried out in the Straits of Messina in order to investigate the 1908 earthquake. The magnitude and intensity are established; limits are set for the linear dimension of the fault and of the dislocation that gave rise to the earthquake and an estimate is then given of these parameters. The results are then set out of the investigation into the focal mechanism of the earthquake of 1908. The results are also studied of geodetic surveys carried out at the time for the purpose of measuring the variations in height that occurred during the earthquake.A study is also made of the results of geodetic surveys (some of which are still under way) designed to measure the horizontal movements of Sicily with respect to Calabria in order to study locally the continental collision process in the area of the Messina Straits.It is found that the old and recent geodetic measurements as well as the fault-plane solution of the old and recent earthquakes of that area and the slips associated with those earthquakes indicate a motion towards the north of Sicily with respect to Calabria.  相似文献   

Multichannel reflection seismic profiles extending southward from the Grand Banks show gently dipping reflectors within “basement” features underlying the Newfoundland Ridge. These reflections appear to be from sedimentary strata, indicating that the Newfoundland Ridge is a remnant of a former sedimentary basin, rather than a ridge of oceanic crust as prescribed by plate tectonic models. Probably this feature is underlain, and to some extent surrounded by, continental crust.  相似文献   

The spectacular arrival of a huge meteorite in central Siberia on February 15th 2013 was the largest event of its kind for more than a hundred years. Oxygen isotope analysis reveals the object involved was an ordinary chondrite of type LL. Petrological examination of the material analysed shows two main lithologies, metamorphic grade 5, were present both having veins of shock produced glass. All three types of material were investigated for carbon, nitrogen and noble gas content and isotopic compositions. The relatively low abundance of carbon and nitrogen indicate that Chelyabinsk is uncontaminated by comparison with other samples in meteorite collections so that indigenous components may be recognized. All the samples studied contained minimal amounts of cosmogenic and primordial noble gases, evidence that the pre-atmospheric size of the object was large, greater than two metres in diameter and that the explosion and break-up was accompanied by catastrophic degassing. The implications for other major meteorite falls and the Tunguska event are discussed.  相似文献   

鲍世才  马彪 《地下水》2012,34(6):121-122
介绍激发极化法与音频大地电场法相结合,在基岩地下水勘查中的应用效果,实践证明,合理选择物探方法组合,就能够确定断裂构造位置及含水情况,为基岩地下水勘查提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Analytical results for the material of the Chelyabinsk meteorite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the results of the mineralogical, petrographic, elemental, and isotopic analysis of the Chelyabinsk meteorite and their geochemical interpretation. It was shown that the meteorite can be assigned to LL5-group ordinary chondrites and underwent moderate shock metamorphism (stage S4). The Chelyabinsk meteorite contains a significant fraction (approximately one-third by volume) of shock-melted material similar in composition to the main volume of the meteorite. The results of isotopic analysis suggest that the history of meteorite formation included an impact event approximately 290 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of the Chelyabinsk meteorite: Preliminary results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the distribution of magnetic susceptibility, χ0, in fragments of the Chelyabinsk ordinary chondrite (LL5, S4, W0, fall of February 15, 2013) from the collection of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, and results obtained by standard magnetic techniques for the meteorite material, including thermomagnetic analysis, measurements of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM), as well as the spectra of their alternating field demagnetization at amplitudes up to 170 mT, measurements of hysteresis loops and back-field remanence demagnetization curves at temperatures from 10 K to 700°C etc. The mean logχ0 values for the light-colored (main) lithology of the meteorite material and impact-melt breccia from our collection are 4.54 ± 0.10 (n = 66) and 4.65 ± 0.09 (n = 38) (×10?9 m3/kg), respectively. According to international magnetic classification of meteorites, Chelyabinsk falls within the range of LL5 chondrites. The mean metal content was estimated from the saturation magnetization, M s, of the light- and dark-colored lithologies as 3.7 and 4.1 wt %, respectively. Hence, the dark lithology is richer in metal. The metal grains are multidomain at room temperature and show low coercive force, B c (<2 mT) and remanent coercive force, B cr (15–23 mT). The thermomagnetic analyses of the samples showed that the magnetic properties of the Chelyabinsk meteorite are controlled mainly by taenite and kamacite at temperatures >75 K. In the temperature range below 75 K, magnetic properties are controlled by chromite; the magnetic hardness of the samples is maximal at 10 K and equals to 606 and 157 mT for the light- and dark-colored lithologies, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on complex analysis of the results of instrumental observations during strong atmospheric disturbances, it is shown that hurricanes and squalls are accompanied not only by high wind velocities, but also by high-amplitude microbaric variations, variations in amplitudes of the microseismic background, and the vertical component of the electric field. It is established that 1–4 hours before the onset, squalls and hurricanes are characterized by increased amplitudes of microbaric variations in the range of periods of 2–6 min, as well as by low-frequency variations in the electric field and variations in the microseismic background, which together with the meteorological parameters can be considered as a complex prognostic criterion of an impending hurricane (squall).  相似文献   

Samples of the Chelyabinsk meteorite fallen in February 15, 2013, near Chelyabinsk, Russia, are analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. Olivines (forsterite), orthopyoxenes (enstatite), plagioclases (albite), iron oxides and sulfides, as well as calcite and, possibly, parisite were identified among mineral phases. Results were verified using scanning electron microscope with an energy-dispersive system (SEM-EDX). Data were compared with available materials on calcites from ordinary meteorites.  相似文献   

2013年2月15日,俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克(Chelyabinsk)发生了伴随罕见的空中爆炸的大规模陨石雨事件。本文对3块代表不同冲击变质程度的车里雅宾斯克陨石碎块进行了研究。它们都具有部分熔壳,其中1块仅出现碎裂,1块含有冲击熔融细脉,1块基本由冲击熔融囊和冲击熔脉组成。冲击变质程度最低的样品,代表了该陨石母体小行星的原始岩石矿物学特征:即具有粗粒的岩石结构和均一的矿物化学组成,但仍保留一些残余球粒,表明受到了明显的热变质作用,其岩石类型可划分为5型。铁镁质硅酸盐高的Fe O含量(橄榄石Fa:27.9mol%~28.2mol%,辉石Fs值:23.3mol%~23.7mol%)、以及较低的Fe-Ni金属含量,表明其化学群属于低铁低金属的LL群。我们所分析的样品与前人报导的结果相似,未发现不同岩性的岩屑,表明车里雅宾斯克陨石的原始岩矿特征较为均一。3块陨石碎块中,随着冲击程度的增强,其冲击变质特征依次表现为硅酸盐矿物的破碎、熔长石化更为普遍、陨硫铁与铁镍合金共熔、硅酸盐熔脉的形成、铬铁矿与长石共熔、以及大量熔融囊的发育等。但是,在冲击熔融囊和熔脉中,以及相邻围岩中均未发现高压矿物相。熔脉中的橄榄石晶屑和相邻围岩的橄榄石颗粒表现为化学成分的不均一,在背散射电子图像中呈不同灰度的结构。这与其他强烈冲击变质陨石中橄榄石的林伍德石或瓦茨利石相变相似。该陨石中林伍德石或瓦茨利石的缺失很可能是由于强烈撞击后高温产生的退变质。这也表明车里雅宾斯克陨石的母体小行星可能遭受了非常强烈的撞击事件。  相似文献   

Three minerals of the mayenite supergroup have been found in fluorellestadite-bearing metacarbonate rock (former fragment of petrified wood of ankeritic composition) from the dump at the Baturinskaya-Vostochnaya-1-2 mine. These are eltyubyuite Ca12Fe1°Si4O32Cl6, its fluorine analog Ca12Fe103+Si4O30F10, and chlormayenite-wadalite Ca12(Al,Fe)14O32Cl2-Ca12(Al,Fe)10Si4O32Cl2. The first two phases occur in the reaction mantle around hematite, magnesioferrite, and Ca-ferrite aggregates (“calciohexaferrite” CaFe12O19, “grandiferrite” CaFe4O7, and “dorrite phase” Ca2(Fe53 +Mn00.5Mg0.5)(Si0.5Fe5.53+)O20) and, rarely, as individuals in grained aggregates of fluorellestadite-cuspidine (± lar- nite ± rusinovite Ca10(Si2O7)3Cl2). Assemblages of zoned chlormayenite-wadalite crystals are found in grained aggregates of fluorellestadite- cuspidine, which lack Ca-ferrite. Also, harmunite CaFe2O4, chlorellestadite, fluorapatite, anhydrite, rondorfite CasMg(SiO4)4Cl2, fluorine analog of rondorfite CasMg(SiO4)4F2, “Mg-cuspidine” Ca3.5(Mg,Fe)0.5(Si2O7)F2, fluorite, barioferrite BaFe12O19, zhangpeishanite BaFCl, and other rare phases are identified in this rock. Data on the chemical composition and Raman spectroscopy of the mayenite-supergroup minerals are given. The genesis of metacarbonate rock is considered in detail: “oxidizing calcination” of Ca-Fe-carbonates with the formation of hematite and lime; reaction between hematite and lime with the formation of different Ca-ferrites; formation of larnite as a result of reaction between SiO2 and lime or CaCO3; and reactionary impact of hot Cl-F-S-bearing gases on early assemblages. Eltyubyuite and its fluorine analog crystallized at the stages of gas impact. It is presumed that the maximum temperature during the formation of rock reached 1200–1230 °C. © 2015, V.S. Sobolev IGM, Siberian Branch of the RAS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Necessity to increase economic reserves of kaolin in the Russian Federation stimulated us to examine perspectives of the Plast kaolin-bearing region in the southern Urals located 80 km south of Chelyabinsk. This region includes occurrences and differently explored eluvial kaolin deposits, including the largest currently mined Zhuravlinyi Log deposit. The sericite-bearing kaolin and sericitite are considered a potential source of fine-flaky light mica. It is expected that specialized geological exploration will expand mineral resources of kaolin in the Chelyabinsk district and the Ural federal region as a whole.  相似文献   

The Dead Sea basin is often cited as one of the classic examples for the evolution of pull-apart basins along strike–slip faults. Despite its significance, the internal structure of the northern Dead Sea basin has never been addressed conclusively. In order to produce the first comprehensive, high-resolution analysis of this area, all available seismic data from the northern Dead Sea (lake)–lower Jordan valley (land) were combined. Results show that the northern Dead Sea basin is comprised of a system of tectonically controlled sub-basins delimited by the converging Western and Eastern boundary faults of the Dead Sea fault valley. These sub-basins grow shallower and smaller to the north and are separated by structural saddles marking the location of active transverse faults. The sedimentary fill within the sub-basins was found to be relatively thicker than previously interpreted. As a result of the findings of this study, the “classic” model for the development of pull-aparts, based on the Dead Sea, is revised. The new comprehensive compilation of data produced here for the first time was used to improve upon existing conceptual models and may advance the understanding of similar basinal systems elsewhere.  相似文献   

全面采集并分析我国首个航空地球物理综合实验场(大井坡实验场)的地质和地球物理特征,综合地质、地形、遥感、磁、重力和电磁等资料,在试验场内选取3条典型剖面,以电阻率测深剖面为约束,采用多边形2.5D棱柱体模型组合法建立典型剖面地质-地球物理模型;对剖面进行重、磁联合正反演,并通过剖面与平面相互验证的方式,开展重、磁、电综合解释研究。通过研究,全面掌握了试验场内断裂及岩性构造的分布规律,试验场被中部近EW向和北部呈NEE向展布的两条断裂分割成南部褶皱区、中部断隆区和北部坳陷区3个区域,为试验场综合解释填图提供了依据和约束条件。  相似文献   

The fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite studied are represented by light-gray granular rock of chondritic structure. The chondrules and their cementing matter are mainly constituted by olivine and orthopyroxene. The matrix consists of a pyroxene-olivine aggregate with plagioclase, apatite, melted glass, and the inclusions of ore minerals: taenite, kamacite, troilite, pyrrhotite and pentlandite (more rarely), and individual grains of chromite and ilmenite. The comparison of the composition of the Chelyabinsk meteorite to the average composition of LL chondrites had shown their complete convergence. The concentrations of sidero- and chalcophile rare elements in the meteorite, normalized to CI chondrites, are much close to the values for LL chondrites and almost reproduce the character of their distribution in the spider diagram. However, some high-charged and lithophile elements (Nb, Zr, Hf, Sr, Ba, Th, and U) not belonging to the mentioned groups are characterized by somewhat increased contents. The enrichment of the samples of the Chelyabinsk meteorite in rare-earth elements compared to LL chondrite (5.18 against 3.58 ppm) is also revealed. This is related to the higher concentrations of light lanthanides in the meteorite samples, which is seen from the increased La/Yb ratio compared to the value for LL chondrite (1.9–2.3 and 1.4, respectively). Iron-nickel alloys are the main magnetism carriers in the Chelyabinsk meteorite. The compositions of kamacite, taenite, chromite, and Fe-sulfides are not much different. The optical and microprobe data are confirmed by the thermomagnetic parameters as well: (1) The specific magnetization of 4–6 Am2/kg points to small variations in the concentrations of magnetic minerals. (2) The M(T) curves for all the samples nearly repeat each other, and the Curie temperatures of 490–520 and 740–770°C are registered in the curves of the first and second heating, hence, these curves correspond to kamacite of various composition, right up to pure iron. (3) The monocline ferrimagnetic pyrrhotite of TC = 320–340°C is registered in the treated fragments in both the M(T) curves of heating and cooling. (4) The concentrations by thermomagnetic analysis amount to 0.6–1.6% (0.9% average) for kamacite, 0.7–1.5% (1.1% average) for taenite, and 0–1.5% (0.4% average) for monocline pyrrhotite. (5) No magnetite was found in the M(T) curve during the first heating of the samples. Hence, the content of magnetite is much below 0.1.  相似文献   

Analyses of some samples of the Chelyabinsk meteorite suggest that the meteoritic material can contain a mixture of complex organic compounds.  相似文献   

叙述了勘查地球物理技术发展的趋势,并提出我院该学科的发展策略。  相似文献   

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