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俄罗斯地质学家在近20年来以岩石圈板块构造理论和地体分析方法,对中-东西伯利亚和俄罗斯远东地区构造和区域成矿作用的研究取得了一系列重要进展。这些进展集中体现在2个多国合作项目取得的成果和2部最新的科学专著中。作者重点介绍了中-东西伯利亚和俄罗斯远东地区区域构造演化、区域构造和区域成矿单元及一些重要金属矿床的基本特征,并对本区地质演化的某些重要问题(转换陆缘、蒙古-鄂霍茨克造山带等)做了讨论,以此向读者提供一个有关俄罗斯东部地区上述领域基本研究现状的梗概。  相似文献   

The marine sedimentary formations of the Middle Albian to Maastrichtian in the Cretaceous Sakhalin Basin (CSB) were investigated. These successions of strata consist of interbedded sandy, clayey and calcareous rocks which are underlain by heterogeneous metamorphosed (up to greenschist facies) Paleozoic to Mesozoic (pre-Aptian) rocks. The studied sections display several different facies reflecting geological settings ranging from an inner shelf to a continental slope. Three depositional complexes bound by regional subaerial unconformities are recognized within the marine successions. Since the Albian, the CSB has been a rapidly subsiding marginal part of the Okhotsk Sea plate. The Naiba Valley succession, corresponding to a sublittoral zone, shows extremely high sedimentation rates up to 190 m/Ma. The stratigraphic distribution of lithofacies indicates that the CSB became shallower from the Middle Albian to the Maastrichtian.  相似文献   

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《Gondwana Research》2010,17(3-4):587-608
Plume-related oceanic magmatism form oceanic islands, seamounts and plateaus (hereafter “seamounts” or “paleoseamounts”), which are important features in geological history. The accretion of oceanic seamounts to active continental margins significantly contributed to the formation of the continental crust. This paper reviews occurrences of Late Neoproterozoic–Mesozoic seamounts of the Paleo-Asian and Paleo-Pacific oceans, which are hosted by accretionary complexes (ACs) of Russian Altai, East Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russian Far East and Japan. The paleoseamounts commonly consist of Ti–LREE–Nb-enriched plume-related basalts (OIB-type or intraplate basalts) capped with massive limestone and associated with other units of oceanic plate stratigraphy (OPS): oceanic floor basalts (MORB), pelagic chert, epiclastic slope facies, etc. The paper presents available geochemical data on the plume-related basalts including the first geochemical data on the Middle Paleozoic OIB-type basalts of the Paleo-Asian Ocean hosted by the Ulaanbaatar AC of Mongolia. An emphasis is made for the structural setting of OPS units, specific geochemical features of intraplate basalts, problems of their identification, and distinguishing from magmatic units of a different origin such as MORB, island-arc and back-arc basalts. Finally, we propose a continuous, though periodical, evolution of the Pacific superplume-related magmatism, which can be more reliably proved by studying Middle Paleozoic OPS units hosted by ACs of Mongolia and Tien Shan, and discuss prospects of future studies.  相似文献   

The catagenesis of the Jurassic-Cretaceous deposits and coals has been comprehensively examined based on a complex of features including the reflectance (R o and R a), the qualitative properties, and the petrochemical characteristics (the density and saturation porosity) of the host rocks. The catagenesis of the Jurassic-Cretaceous deposits was studied based on the structural zones in which the coal-bearing deposits occur at different depths ranging from ~ 10 to 300 m, down to 700m, and from 5 to 3460 m in the Western, Central, and Kyndal zones, accordingly. The following regularities of the changing of the coal’s catagenesis have been established: from group 3B to 1G, 2G, and GFL; from gradation PC3 to MC1-MC2; and from MC2 to MC3-MC4 with the changing of the composition of the coals from long-flame coal to gas and gasfat-lean coal. In the intrusive bodies distribution areas breaking through the coal-bearing deposits, the coal seams are metamorphosed to the marks of lean caking and lean coals. The data obtained have made possible the assessment of the hydrocarbon generation in the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits of the basin.  相似文献   

Plume-related oceanic magmatism form oceanic islands, seamounts and plateaus (hereafter “seamounts” or “paleoseamounts”), which are important features in geological history. The accretion of oceanic seamounts to active continental margins significantly contributed to the formation of the continental crust. This paper reviews occurrences of Late Neoproterozoic–Mesozoic seamounts of the Paleo-Asian and Paleo-Pacific oceans, which are hosted by accretionary complexes (ACs) of Russian Altai, East Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russian Far East and Japan. The paleoseamounts commonly consist of Ti–LREE–Nb-enriched plume-related basalts (OIB-type or intraplate basalts) capped with massive limestone and associated with other units of oceanic plate stratigraphy (OPS): oceanic floor basalts (MORB), pelagic chert, epiclastic slope facies, etc. The paper presents available geochemical data on the plume-related basalts including the first geochemical data on the Middle Paleozoic OIB-type basalts of the Paleo-Asian Ocean hosted by the Ulaanbaatar AC of Mongolia. An emphasis is made for the structural setting of OPS units, specific geochemical features of intraplate basalts, problems of their identification, and distinguishing from magmatic units of a different origin such as MORB, island-arc and back-arc basalts. Finally, we propose a continuous, though periodical, evolution of the Pacific superplume-related magmatism, which can be more reliably proved by studying Middle Paleozoic OPS units hosted by ACs of Mongolia and Tien Shan, and discuss prospects of future studies.  相似文献   

Brown coals with high Au and PGE concentrations from six deposits in the southern Russian Far East were analyzed for elemental composition, acid-base properties, and the molecular-size distribution of humic acids (HA). The ash contents of the coals were determined to be negatively correlated with their Au concentrations, and the content of “organic Au” (which is chemically bound to humic substances, HS) reaches 95%. The most probable mode of Au occurrence in the brown coals is submicrometer-sized particles of elemental gold stabilized by HA. Quantum-mechanical calculations of interactions between Au(0) clusters with model HS fragments confirm that HS could be originally strongly chemically adsorbed on the surface of elemental gold particles. Different stability of colloids during centrifuging of alkali extracts of the gold-bearing brown coals was proved to be likely responsible for the selective separation of free HA and those bound with gold particles, and this can be used to develop a technology for gold recovery from coals without decomposing their organic matrix.  相似文献   

Analysis of the distribution and fractionation of rare earth elements in the groundwater of the Sikhote Alin fold region reveals that their concentrations, geochemistry, and fractionation ability vary in different groundwater types depending on many factors, including the pH–Eh parameters and mineralization of the solutions and the composition of the host rocks. The results of monitoring of changes in the REE concentrations in the groundwater of the region over ten years provides the opportunity to establish the range of their variations. Inorganic forms of REE migration are rated for all geochemical types of water in the meteoric–surface–ground water system.  相似文献   

The Khungariisk high-alumina S-type granites (northern Sikhote-Alin fold system, Russian Far East) have been formed as a result of anatectic melting during collision of the Anyuy sialic block with the continental margin in the Early Cretaceous. Methane-rich fluid inclusions are characteristic of these granites. The CH4-H2O fluid composition is explained by the release of water and methane from the sedimentary units residing on the oceanic plate, as it was subducted beneath the sialic block. This fluid seeped into the heated and deformed metamorphic rocks of the overlying block and initiated partial fusion of the granites. A comparison of the new data with the results of fluid-inclusion studies of high-alumina collisional granites from the Pamir Mountains and Japan reveals similarities. Thus, methane-bearing fluid is probably one of the general features of this granite type, reflecting its anatectic origin.  相似文献   

We present the chemical and isotope compositions of the water and gas phases of the unique Mukhen cold high-pCO2 spa. Estimated 518O, 5D, and 513Ctic values and data on geology and hydrogeology of the studied area indicate that the source of the groundwaters is meteoric waters, whereas carbon dioxide is of deep genesis and numerous regional faults are gas-feeding channels. Calculations of equilibrium reactions in the water-rock system show that the upper-aquifer waters (HCO3-Ca-Mg) with low TDS are undersaturated with carbonate minerals, montmorillonites, and aluminosilicates but are oversaturated with kaolinite, whereas the lower-aquifer waters (HCO3-Na) with high TDS are oversaturated with calcite, dolomite, and clay minerals but are undersaturated with main aluminosilicates. We propose a new concept of the formation of these groundwaters, demonstrating that long interaction between rocks and groundwaters in the presence of CO2 and considerable precipitation of secondary minerals are responsible for the high TDS of the lower-aquifer waters (up to 14 g/L) and their geochemical type (HCO3-Na) and unusual isotope composition (518O = -25.2%c, 5D = -69.0%c).  相似文献   

It has been established that large ferromanganese deposits enriched in noble metals, Co, U, V, and REE in the Kimkan sedimentary basin are confined to Vendian–Cambrian black shales. Lithostratigraphy plays an important role in the localization of such deposits and promising ore-bearing fields. Deposits and occurrences of complex iron and ferromanganese ores are polygenous and polychronous, because they underwent intense hydrothermal alterations with the superposition of noble metal and uranium mineralization in the Cretaceous. Efficient utilization of complex iron ores in the Kimkan open pit needs the construction of a metallurgical plant.  相似文献   

The results of study of geochemistry of terrigenous rocks from the contrast (in structure) Cretaceous-Paleogene complexes of Sikhote Alin and Kamchatka are summarized. The data obtained were interpreted based on comparison with the geochemical composition of recent and ancient sediments accumulated in the well-known geodynamic settings. It is shown that the chemical composition of terrigenous rocks and some petrochemical ratios can serve as reliable indicators of various island-arc settings. These indicators make it possible to discriminate sufficiently reliably these settings in paleobasins of orogenic zones.  相似文献   

Abundant Buchiidae (Bivalvia) from the Upper Volgian-Lower Valanginian sediments of the Northern Sikhote-Alin (Russian Far East) were studied in the key section at right bank of the Amur River opposite to Komsomolsk-on Amur. The analysis of the Buchiidae stratigraphic distribution in the section allowed us to reveal the sequence of Buchia-bearing beds: this is well correlated with the Buchia zonal scales of many Arctic regions. Here, from the base upward, there have been recognized the following: beds with Buchia terebratuloides, beds with B. unschensis and B. terebratuloides, beds with B. volgensis, and beds with B. inflata and B. keyserlingi. The beds with B. unschensis and B. terebratuloides also yielded the Berriasian ammonite Pseudosubplanites? sp. of Tethyan affinity. The obtained paleontological data confirm the occurrence of a large syncline in the studied section. The data also permit one to refine the age spans of the local stratigraphic units.  相似文献   

The paper examines the prospects for resource-based development in the Russian Far East. It adopts a critical perspective on the potential for resource-based development by examining problems with Far East resource industries, specifically by looking at the experience of the other resource economies more generally. In particular, it highlights the new geo-economic context for resource development in the Far East of Russia as the world economy approaches the much touted, and now questioned, ‘Pacific Century’.  相似文献   

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