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Heat flow and gas hydrates of the Baikal Rift Zone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Multi-channel seismic studies (MCS), performed during a Russian expedition in 1989 and a joint Russian-American expedition in 1992, have for the first time revealed a “bottom simulating reflector” (BSR) in Lake Baikal. These data have shown that gas hydrates occur in the southern and central basins of Lake Baikal in those places where the water depth exceeds 500–700 m. Four types of tectonic influence on the distribution of the gas hydrate were revealed: (a) Modern faults displace the BSR as they do with normal seismic boundaries. (b) Older faults displace normal reflectors, whereas the BSR is not displaced. (c) Modern faults form zones, where the BSR has been totally destroyed. (4) Processes that occur within older fault zones situated close to the base of the hydrated sediment layer lead to undulations of the BSR. The thickness of the hydrate stability field (inferred from seismic data) ranges between 35 and 450 m. Heat-flow values determined from BSR data range from 48 to 119 mW/m2. A comparison between heat-flow values from BSR data and values measured directly on the lake bottom shows an overall coincidence. Changes in water level and bottom-water temperature that occurred in the past have had no noticeable influence on the present BSR depths or heat-flow values. Determination of deep heat flow from BSR data is in this case more reliable than by direct measurements. Received: 10 December 1998 / Accepted: 15 November 1999  相似文献   

This paper considers gas outflow from the agglomerate composed of gas-saturated ice, free gas, and gas hydrates. The agglomerate is considered to be a multicomponent continuous medium.  相似文献   

天然气水合物资源量估算方法及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年大量的勘探与研究成果表明,中国南海海域具有良好的水合物资源前景.根据所掌握的勘探资料,尝试利用"概率统计法"对南海海域水合物资源前景进行了初步预测,在50%概率的条件下,南海海域的水合物资源量约为649.68×1011m3,与众多学者对全球天然气水合物资源量的估算相似.由于目前勘探程度较低和很多评价参数不能准确给定,因此对南海海域天然气水合物资源量的估算是初步的.该项研究旨在探索天然气水合物资源量的评估方法,随着勘探、研究程度的深入和评价资料的增多,水合物资源量的评价精度将会得到进一步的提高.  相似文献   

近年大量的勘探与研究成果表明,中国南海海域具有良好的水合物资源前景。根据所掌握的勘探资料,尝试利用“概率统计法”对南海海域水合物资源前景进行了初步预测,在50%概率的条件下,南海海域的水合物资源量约为649.68×1011m3,与众多学者对全球天然气水合物资源量的估算相似。由于目前勘探程度较低和很多评价参数不能准确给定,因此对南海海域天然气水合物资源量的估算是初步的。该项研究旨在探索天然气水合物资源量的评估方法,随着勘探、研究程度的深入和评价资料的增多,水合物资源量的评价精度将会得到进一步的提高。  相似文献   

青藏高原天然气水合物的形成与多年冻土的关系   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
天然气水舍物是一种新型清洁能源,赋存在多年冻土区和海洋沉积物等低温高压环境中。青藏高原多年冻土面积占高原总面积的一半以上.是可能的天然气水舍物赋存区。根据青藏高原多年冻土条件和天然气水舍物形成的热力学条件,讨论了多年冻土地温梯度、冻土厚度与天然气水舍物形成的热力学条件之间的关系和青藏高原存在天然气水合物的可能性。结果表明,青藏高原多年冻土区基本具备形成天然气水合物的热力学条件,最适宜的热力学条件是多年冻土地温梯度接近或略大于多年冻土底板附近融土的地温梯度,且融土地温梯度越小,越容易形成天然气水舍物。估算得到天然气水舍物最浅的顶界埋深为74m左右,最深的底界埋深达上千米。  相似文献   

Gas hydrates are solid-like substances naturally occurring beneath the oceans and in polar regions. They contain vast, and potentially unstable, reserves of methane and other natural gases. Many believe that, if released in the environment, the methane from hydrates would be a considerable hazard to marine ecosystems, coastal populations and infrastructures, or worse, that it would dangerously contribute to global warming. On the other hand, hydrates may contain enough natural gas to provide an energy supply assurance for the 21st century. This paper attempts to separate the myths, the facts and the issues that relate to natural gas hydrates beyond the doomsday environmental scenarios and overly optimistic estimates. To cite this article: B. Beauchamp, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

Earlier, the coexistence of spatially separated layers of gas hydrates of cubic structures I and II (CS-I, CS-II) in the bottom sediment cores from K-2 mud volcano (Kukui Canyon, Lake Baikal) was described. The layers of gas hydrates of different structural types were situated at different depths and overlain by the lacustrine sediments. Hydrate of CS-II contained 13–15 mol.% ethane, whereas CS-I hydrate contained only 3–4 mol.% ethane. We present a physicochemical model explaining the formation of such an unusual natural object. The model suggests that only CS-I hydrate was originally present at the sampling site. Some geologic event (tectonic shifts, landslide, etc.) stopped natural-gas emanation from the mud volcano or increased the heat flow in the hydrate pool. As a result, CS-I hydrate began to dissolve in interstitial water. We assume that the ethane-enriched CS-II hydrate is an intermediate product of the dissociation (dissolution) of CS-I hydrate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper presents new geochemical data on gas-hydrate-bearing mud volcanoes discovered for the first time in the Gulf of Cadiz during cruises TTR9 and TTR10 of the R/V Professor Logachev in 1999–2000. The estimated gas hydrate content is 3–16% of sediment volume and 5–31% of pore space volume. Estimated values of the water isotopic composition for the Ginsburg mud volcano are very heavy for δ18O (up to +53‰) and light for δD (up to − 210‰). Gas released from the hydrates contains 81% of C1 and 19% of C2+. The inferred source of the gas in the hydrates is enriched in C2–C6 (≤ 5%), indicating that the gas has a thermogenic origin. Gas hydrate of cubic structure II should be formed from a gas of such composition. It is interpreted that the composition of the mud volcano fluid corresponds to deep oil basins below the Gulf of Cadiz.  相似文献   

天然气水合物是一种新型清洁能源,赋存在多年冻土区和海洋沉积物等低温高压环境中。青藏高原多年冻土面积占高原总面积的一半以上,是可能的天然气水合物赋存区。根据青藏高原多年冻土条件和天然气水合物形成的热力学条件,讨论了多年冻土地温梯度、冻土厚度与天然气水合物形成的热力学条件之间的关系和青藏高原存在天然气水合物的可能性。结果表明,青藏高原多年冻土区基本具备形成天然气水合物的热力学条件,最适宜的热力学条件是多年冻土地温梯度接近或略大于多年冻土底板附近融土的地温梯度,且融土地温梯度越小,越容易形成天然气水合物。估算得到天然气水合物最浅的顶界埋深为74m左右,最深的底界埋深达上千米。  相似文献   

琼东南盆地南部隆起带天然气水合物赋存特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
天然气水合物是21世纪最具潜力的接替煤炭、石油和天然气的新型洁净能源之一。我国南海蕴藏着丰富的水合物资源,目前已在南海北部陆坡神狐、东沙、海马区发现丰富的水合物资源。本文分析了琼东南盆地南部隆起带天然气水合物赋存的地质条件,开展了地球物理资料的分析与海底反射(BSR)识别,计算了水合物热动力学稳定带厚度。研究表明,琼东南盆地南部隆起带具备水合物赋存的地质条件,渗漏构造发育,游离气丰富,BSR表现为强振幅、不连续等特征,水合物稳定带厚度大,具有较大的天然气水合物资源潜力。  相似文献   

Electrical Resistivity Tomography is a versatile, fast and cost effective technique for mapping the shallow subsurface anomaly. It covers a wide spectrum of resistivity ranging from <1 Ohm.m to several thousands of Ohm.m. In this paper applications and utility of two-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) technique are discussed to look into huge data density coverage, different signal strengths of data from subsurface and their implications in resolving the aquifer zones, related geological structures etc. of the substratum ranging from alluvium to tectonically disturbed hard rock ridge region of the country. The major advantages and flexibility of ERT over conventional resistivity methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

西藏羌塘盆地天然气水合物地球物理特征识别与预测   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
天然气水合物是21世纪的新能源,对它的研究受到世界上许多国家的高度重视。青藏高原北部的羌塘盆地分布着一套我国唯一的海相侏罗系,油气资源潜力巨大,具有丰富的天然气来源和圈闭构造及永久冻土层。在详细论述天然气水合物形成条件、羌塘盆地构造及永久冻土特征的基础上,重点讨论了羌塘盆地天然气水合物地球物理特征的识别与预测。得出羌塘盆地地质条件较好,是寻找永久冻土带天然气水合物的有利地区的结论。并指出应尽快全方位的开展羌塘盆地及青藏高原其他地区天然气水合物的研究。  相似文献   

青海木里煤田天然气水合物特征与成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青海木里煤田成功钻获天然气水合物实物样品,使我国成为世界上首次在中低纬度冻土区发现天然气水合物的国家。通过对钻获天然气水合物样品的分析,以及对以往异常可燃气体涌出钻孔的测井曲线的重新解释和对比分析,初步确定天然气水合物赋存于中侏罗统江仓组油页岩段的细粉砂岩夹层内的孔隙和裂隙中。研究结果显示,天然气水合物中的气体以重烃类为主,甲烷达52%~68%;其δ13C值为-50.5‰(PDB标准),并具有δl3Cl13C213C313iC4l3nC4的特征,其δD值分别为-266‰和-262‰(VSMOW标准),显示出明显的深部热解气特征。结合木里煤田煤层气地质特征,认为煤层气是木里煤田天然气水合物的主要来源,并将其命名为“煤型气源”天然气水合物。  相似文献   

祁连山冻土区天然气水合物激光拉曼光谱特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用显微激光拉曼光谱技术在77K和常压下对祁连山木里煤田聚乎更矿区钻获的冻土区天然气水合物进行了测试,得到中国冻土区天然气水合物典型的激光拉曼谱图,从微观角度证实DK3孔的133.30m、139.52~139.92m和141.00m 3段不同埋深的岩心中均有天然气水合物存在。对冻土区水合物的拉曼谱图进行详细研究,结合文献资料,初步判定3段不同埋深的水合物结构均为sⅡ型,并参照不同客体气体分子的特征振动信号对谱线的归属进行分析,得出了水合物中大致所含的气体组分。  相似文献   

天然气水合物是一种战略性替代能源。同时,开发天然气水合物将是全球气候环境问题和地质灾害的诱发因素之一。含天然气水合物沉积物(简称HBS)的相平衡问题对天然气水合物资源勘探、评估与开发利用以及环境影响均具有重要的基础作用。自然界中赋存于沉积物之中的天然气水合物的生成与分解与纯水体系中水合物的生成与分解具有很大区别。通过总结国内外研究资料,以天然气水合物开发利用中的岩土工程问题研究需要为出发点,详细介绍了HBS的沉积物物性、孔隙水盐度和气体组分对沉积物中水合物相平衡关系影响以及HBS相平衡研究中有关制样方法技术、各组分含量测试以及相平衡关系理论模型研究方面的国内外研究现状。研究成果表明,HBS的沉积物物性、孔隙水盐度和气体组分均对天然气水合物相平衡关系具有显著影响,试验研究中应用了很多先进方法技术,但仍然存在定量精度较低或实施成本较高等问题;基于微观尺度建立的有关HBS的相平衡宏观模型能较好地模拟与预测HBS的相平衡关系,但其表达式复杂、参数较多和不易获得制约了其在天然气水合物开采中的有关岩土力学与工程理论研究和工程实践中应用  相似文献   

马金凤  梁建  郭军  等 《江苏地质》2016,40(1):113-117
地球化学方法在天然气水合物勘探评价过程中的参数存在不确定性,且误差传递易导致结果不可信。运用BP神经网络技术,在天然气水合物勘探区域选取相关的应用切入点,通过训练建立神经网络模型,利用其非线性映射技术,揭示天然气水合物勘探评价中涉及的多个属性之间的非线性关系。计算结果显示,神经网络的分类方案有效弥补了当前地球化学评价方法存在的多解性等缺点,运用在地球化学数据的基础上建立的BP神经网络模型,对研究区块进行仿真预测,可以实现水合物矿藏的分等级评价。  相似文献   

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