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The variability of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) can be divided into an ENSO-related part (EAWMEN) and an ENSO-unrelated part (EAWMres).The influence of EAWMres on the ENSO-East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) relationship in the decaying stages of ENSO is investigated in the present study.To achieve this,ENSO is divided into four groups based on the EAWMres:(1) weak EAWMres-E1Ni(n)o (WEAWMres-EN); (2) strong EAWMres-E1Ni(n)o (SEAWMresEN); (3) weak EAWMres-La Ni(n)a (WEAWMres-LN); (4) strong EAWMres-La Ni(n)a (SEAWMres-LN).Composite results demonstrate that the EAWMres may enhance the atmospheric responses over East Asia to ENSO for WEAWMres-EN and SEAWMres-LN.The corresponding low-level anticyclonic (cyclonic) anomalies over the western North Pacific (WNP) associated with El Ni(n)o (La Ni(n)a) tend to be strong.Importantly,this feature may persist into the following summer,causing abundant rainfall in northern China for WEAWMres-EN cases and in southwestern China for SEAWMres-LN cases.In contrast,for the SEAWMres-EN and WEAWMres-LN groups,the EAWMres tends to weaken the atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with E1 Ni(n)o or La Ni(n)a.In these cases,the anomalous WNP anticyclone or cyclone tend to be reduced and confined to lower latitudes,which results in deficient summer rainfall in northern China for SEAWMres-EN and in southwestern China for WEAWMres-LN.Further study suggests that anomalous EAWMres may have an effect on the extra-tropical sea surface temperature anomaly,which persists into the ensuing summer and may interfere with the influences of ENSO.  相似文献   

冬季东亚大槽强度年际变化及其与中国气候联系的再分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及国家气象局整编的中国160站逐月降水和气温资料,定义了一个北半球冬季500hPa东亚大槽强度指数(IEAT),并分析了该指数所反映的冬季东亚大槽强度的年际变化规律及其与同期中国冬季降水、气温的关系.结果表明:IEAT指数反映了对流层中层冬季亚洲大陆高压脊与西北太平洋上空的低压槽系统之间的平均经向风强度,且能够较好地反映冬季东亚大槽的强度.东亚大槽的强度在20世纪80年代之前相对较弱,并存在2-3年和准4年的年际变化周期.冬季东亚大槽强弱变化可能与源自地中海地区的罗斯贝波动能量沿亚洲急流东传有关,且这种西风带中的扰动具有准正压结构.IEAT指数与青藏高原东部地区的冬季降水和气温相关显着.当IEAT指数为正(负),东亚大槽偏强(弱),对应着中国华中地区以及华东大部分地区冬季总降水量偏少(多),且华中地区冬季平均气温偏高(低).进一步研究发现,在东亚大槽偏强年,华中地区冬季平均气温异常升高主要是由于异常非绝热加热和下沉运动导致的异常动力增温所致.这些研究结果有助于更好地理解由于东亚大槽强度的变化而导致的中国冬季气候变化特征及其原因.  相似文献   

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