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利用2016年5月5个站位的温盐深(CTD)和海流(ADCP)同步测量资料,分析南黄海西部日照至连云港海域温跃层和化学跃层的日内生消过程及强度变化,探讨深层水温度、盐度的周期性变化及其与潮流的关系。结果表明:南黄海西部海域在5月已存在日内生消的温跃层和溶解氧(DO)、pH跃层。温跃层厚度为2~4 m,层位水深为4~7 m至7~10 m之间波动,跃层强度最大可达0.80 ℃/m。DO跃层和pH跃层位于温跃层之下,水深为10~14 m,两者的形成在时间上和深度上具有一定的同步性,且不受温跃层控制。在DO跃层之上,氧浓度在白天都保持在相当高的水平,甚至处于过饱和状态,但存在显著波动,其峰值并不出现在表层(0~2 m),而是位于次表层(2~14 m)。在DO跃层之下,氧浓度低且稳定,约为4 mg·L−1,向下呈缓慢降低的趋势。pH跃层表现为垂向上的快速跳变,包括向下的正跳变和负跳变,强度最大值可达0.03~0.04个pH单位。小潮期间,温跃层稳定,强度较大;大潮期间,温跃层强度明显减弱,稳定性变差;这表明潮流的增强对温跃层有明显的抑制和破坏作用。深层水的温度、盐度等参数存在日内周期性变化,与潮位变化同步,是潮流驱动下水体水平对流的结果。  相似文献   

黄海南部温跃层数值模拟——Aken模式的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏季黄海大部分地区的水温分布明显具有上、下两个均匀层。本文利用Aken的一维积分模式,同时考虑了风和潮的湍流混合作用对海洋层化的影响。以4月份观测水温为初值,模拟了1979和1978年4~8月南黄海各月水温的垂直变化。结果表明增温期(5~8月)的数值后报结果与实测符合程度良好,多效测站上、下混合层的预报温度和实测温度之差一般不超过1℃;上、下混合层的厚度及跃层强度分布也同实测一致。  相似文献   

南黄海西北部夏季潮锋的观测和分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据2001-2004年逐年6月多学科综合调查资料和同期NASA的MODIS/Terra卫星遥感SST资料,对南黄海西北部夏季潮锋的不连续分布现象做了分析;并通过三维潮流数值模式计算Simpson-Hunter参数(以下简称S-H参数)分布,对不连续分布的形成机制做了讨论.层化季节南黄海西北部的苏北浅滩-海州湾外侧和山东半岛东部的成山头-石岛外海存在显著潮锋现象,而在两海域之间、青岛以东的山东半岛南部121°~122°E的近岸海域无显著潮锋持续存在;较高分辨率的潮流数值模拟的结果表明潮锋的不连续性分布主要是由潮混合和地形的共同作用而形成.潮锋不连续处海域潮混合较弱,层化现象更为显著.南黄海西北部底层锋形态较为显著,位于通过潮流模式计算的Simpson-Hunter参数1.8~2.4之间,与2.2等值线分布较为一致;表层锋则在海州湾外侧和石岛沿岸海域较为明显.潮锋不连续的分布特征对该海域的生态环境造成一定的影响,叶绿素a、中华哲水蚤、鳀鱼卵子等的数量分布都在潮锋显著的苏北浅滩-海州湾外侧和成山头-石岛外海海域形成较为密集的分布.  相似文献   

南黄海西部“阿尼努德振动”现象的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于洪军  严理 《海洋科学》1994,18(5):62-67
通过对南黄海的大量浅地层部面仪资料的判读,发现在低于现代海面60m附近的地层中有2条古海岩线,从而证明了中国陆架上也曾发生过阿尼努德振动。这项发现对于进一步研究晚更新世末斯的陆架环境具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

南黄海夏季海水中悬浮体的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
南黄海夏季表层海水中悬浮体的高值区出现在苏北近岸一带,测得的最高值为7.57mg/L,其次是长江口和调查区的北部.低值区大面积分布在调查区的中部和山东半岛以南,悬浮体含量小于0.5mg/L.远岸的悬浮体垂向分布中有一个极为明显的分层性.在长江口外的悬浮体分布中可看到台湾暖流的影响,它的存在限制了长江入海物质的向东扩散.尽管7月是黄河和长江的丰水期,大量物质被携带入海,但还未能构成悬浮体的主要来源.其主要来源是沉积物的再悬浮,其次才是河流携入的物质,海水中的生物组分居三.现代河流入海物质的影响范围主要是调查区南北两端.在深水区,温度、盐度跃层的形成限制了底层悬浮体向上扩散.海水中物质的运移主要在海水底层进行,以悬浮-沉积-再悬浮-再沉积的方式进行着物质的运移和交换.  相似文献   

渤、黄海及东海北部强温跃层的基本特征及形成机制的研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
赵保仁 《海洋学报》1989,11(4):401-410



通过对2011—2013年夏季南黄海大型底栖软体动物的群落结构进行分析,揭示其与黄海冷水团之间的关系。使用Shannon-Wiener指数(H')、Pielou指数(J')、Margalef指数(D)和ABC(Abundance Biomass Comparison)曲线法分析群落多样性和稳定性。使用PRIMER6.0对大型底栖软体动物群落进行Cluster和MDS相似性分析。通过单因素方差分析(ANOVA)检验各指数之间的差异性。结果表明,三个航次共获得大型底栖软体动物36种,日本梯形蛤(Portlandia japonica)与薄索足蛤(Thyasira tokunagai)在三年中均为优势种。大型底栖软体动物平均丰度分别为27.250±22.15、31.765±27.948和30.476±30.818 ind./m2;平均生物量分别为8.164±9.145、6.942±7.139和5.071±10.015 g/m2。研究结果显示3年来黄海冷水团内大型底栖软体动物的多样性高于冷水团外大型底栖软体动物多样性,丰度分布由北到南逐渐增加且冷水团内的丰度大于冷水团外的丰度。南黄海海域大型底栖软体生物群落结构稳定,与2006年相比没有较大的变化。  相似文献   

基于2017年4月、5月、6月和8—9月在南黄海西部海域4个航次的现场调查,分析了春至夏季逐月的营养盐分布特征及其影响因素,初步探讨了营养盐与浒苔绿潮暴发的关系。结果表明:春至夏季苏北近岸浅水区总体呈现出高温、低盐、高营养盐的特征,且各理化要素垂向差异不明显;同时该海域表层水体中的营养盐含量自4月至5月有所下降,而后开始上升,至8—9月达到最大浓度。受长江冲淡水的影响,调查海域西南部表层存在向东北方扩展的低盐、高营养盐水体,在夏季与苏北海域向外扩展的营养盐高值区连成一体。在调查海域的中部至东北部深水区,入春后表层海水不断升温,至夏季于底层形成显著的黄海冷水团,并在其周围呈现出锋面特征;受初级生产过程和温跃层的影响,入春后该海域的上层营养盐浓度总体呈现出下降的趋势并在夏季维持了较低的水平,而底层营养盐浓度从春季至夏季有所升高且影响范围不断向西南方向扩展,至8—9月达到最大范围。苏北近岸海域丰富的营养盐为入春后大型藻类的生长和暴发提供了重要的物质基础,而且5月南黄海西部相关海域表层营养盐浓度降低与浒苔、马尾藻等大型漂浮藻类暴发对营养盐的吸收利用有关。  相似文献   

东海和南黄海夏季环流的斜压模式   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
王辉 《海洋与湖沼》1996,27(1):73-78
基于拉格朗日余流及其输运过程的一种三维空间弱非线性理论,引进了黑潮边界力及长江径流,给出了东海和南黄海的夏季环流及上升流区的分布。计算结果表明:在黑潮西侧存在着台湾-对马暖流系统;进入朝鲜海峡的对马暖流来自台湾暖流、黑潮、东海混合水和西朝鲜沿岸流;黄海暖流主要来源于东海混合水,表面有部分来自对马暖流;闽浙沿岸存在上升流区且构成一带状区域;在长江口外、东海东北部和陆坡上也存在在上升流式;陆坡处上升流  相似文献   

Using conductivity-Temperature-depth data of a recent cruise during July 22-28, 2008 and historical data, it is found that temperature inversions occur from time to time in the Huanghai Sea(Yellow Sea) cold water mass (HSCWM) in summer. The temperature inversions are produced by the movement of the fresh and cold HSCWM masses above the warm and saline Huanghai Sea Warm Current water at the central bottom of the Huanghai Sea Trough. The non-homogeneous profiles of the temperature and the salinity suggest that vertical mixing in the HSCWM, which is of great importance to the circulation in the Huanghai Sea in summer, is weak. Trajectories of satellite-tracked surface drifters suggest that waters in the northern reach of the Huanghai Sea move southward along the 40-50 m isobaths and descend into the southern Huanghai Sea to form the western core of the HSCWM.  相似文献   

The main processes of interaction between the coastal water, shelf water and Kuroshiowater in the Huanghai Sea (HS) and East China Sea (ECS) are analyzed based on the observation and study results in recent years. These processes include the intrusion of the Kuroshio water into the shelf area of the ECS, the entrainment of the shelf water into the Kuroshio, the seasonal process in the southern shelf area of the ECS controlled alternatively by the Taiwan Strait water and the Kuroshio water intruding into the shelf area, the interaction between the Kuroshio branch water, shelf mixed water and modified coastal water in the northeastern ECS, the water-exchange between the HS and ECS and the spread of the Changjiang diluted water.  相似文献   

初春南黄海水文特征及环流状况的分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
根据1996年初春中韩黄海水循环动力学合作调查所获资料,分析了南黄海水文特征及其环流状况,并获得了以下几点主要认识:(1)初春南黄海的温、盐分布特征及环流基本形态,与以往所揭示的冬季状况基本相似.然而,本次调查发现,在30m以浅,黄海中部暖水舌轴线比冬季的明显偏东;且出现一范围较小的孤立的相对高温高盐区.在垂向,一种中层冷水和表层逆温跃层现象出现在黄海局部区域.(2)直接测流的结果,不仅部分地印证了由温、盐场所显示的环流基本形态,而且较好地揭示了流场中发生的一些新现象,其中尤其是绕济州岛的流动.(3)黄海暖流水是对马暖流水和陆架水混合而成.而且,它主要是在济州岛西侧水域,从锋带中衍生出来的.  相似文献   

南黄海夏季微微型浮游植物丰度的分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2008年8月中韩合作对南黄海生态系统进行了整体调查,调查站位共计37个。利用流式细胞仪测定了南黄海微微型浮游植物丰度,结合理化环境因子,分析了它们在夏季南黄海的分布特征。所测微微型真核浮游植物丰度平均值为1.9×103个/mL,最大值为2.4×104个/mL;聚球藻丰度平均值为5.3×104个/mL,最大值为5.1×105个/mL;从河口近岸到南黄海中部的宽阔海域,随着环境因子的变化,微微型浮游植物在各海区的分布明显不同,表现为河口近岸区域丰度大,离岸丰度小的特点;各站位丰度垂直分布主要趋势是上大下小,在跃层突出。根据分布趋势,聚球藻可分为两种垂直分布类型,微微型真核浮游植物分为三种。这些分布差异源于长江冲淡水和黄海冷水团的影响。  相似文献   

Synoptic features in/around thermal fronts and cross-frontal heat fluxes in the southern Huanghai./Yellow Sea and East China Sea (HES) were examined using the data collected from four airborne expendable bathythermograph surveys with horizontal approxmately 35 km and vertical 1 m(from the surface to 400 m deep) spacings. Since the fronts are strongly affected by HES current system, the synoptic thermal features in/around them represent the interaction of currents with surrounding water masses. These features can not be obtained from climatological data. The identified thermal features are listed as follows : ( 1 ) multiple boundaries of cold water, asymmetric thermocline intrusion, locally-split front by homogeneous water of approxmately 18 ℃, and mergence of the front by the Taiwan Warm Current in/around summertime southern Cheju - Changjiang/Yangtze front and Tsushima front; (2) springtime frontal eddy-like feature around Tsushima front; (3) year-round cyclonic meandering and summertime temperature-inversion at the bottom of the surface mixed layer in Cheju - Tsushima front; and (4) multistructure of Kuroshio front. In the Kuroshio front the mean variance of vertical temperature gradient is an order of degree smaller than that in other HES fronts. The southern Cheju- Changjiang front and Cheju -Tsushima front are connected with each other in the summer with comparable cross-frontal temperature gradient. However, cross-frontal heat flux and lateral eddy diffusivity are stronger in the southern Cheju - Changjiang front. The cross-frontal heat exchange is the largest in the mixing zone between the modified Huanghai Sea bottom cold water and the Tsushima Warm Current, which is attributable to enhanced thermocline intrusions.  相似文献   

During spring and autumn of 2006,the investigations on abundance,carbon biomass and distribution of picoplankton were carried out in the southern Huanghai Sea(Yellow Sea,sHS) . Three groups of picoplankton-Synechococcus(Syn) ,Picoeukaryotes(PEuk) and heterotrophic bacteria(BAC) were identified,but Prochlorococcus(Pro) was undetected. The average abundance of Syn and PEuk was lower in spring(5.0 and 1.3 × 10 3 cells/cm 3,respectively) than in autumn(92.4 and 2.7 × 10 3 cells/cm 3,respectively) ,but it was opposite for BAC(1.3 and 0.7 × 10 6 cells/cm 3 in spring and autumn,respectively) . And the total carbon biomass of picoplankton was higher in spring(37.23 ± 11.67) mg/m 3 than in autumn(21.29 ± 13.75) mg/m 3 . The ratios of the three cell abundance were 5:1:1 341 and 30:1:124 in spring and autumn,respectively. And the ratios of carbon biomass of them were 5:7:362 and 9:4:4 in spring and autumn,respectively. Seasonal distribution characteristics of Syn,PEuk,BAC were quite different from each other. In spring,Syn abundance decreased in turn in the central waters(where phytoplankton bloom in spring occurred) ,the southern waters and inshore waters of the Shandong Peninsula(where even Syn was undetected) ;the high values of PEuk abundance appeared in the central and southern waters and the inshore of the Shandong Peninsula;the abundance of BAC was nearly three order of magnitude higher than that of photosynthetic picoplankton,and high values appeared in the central waters. In autumn,Syn abundance in central waters was higher than that in surrounding waters,while for PEuk abundance,it decreased in turn in the inshore waters of the Shandong Peninsula,the southern waters and the central waters;BAC presented a complicated blocky type distribution. Sub-surface maximum of each group of picopalnkton appeared in both spring and autumn. Compared with the available literatures concerning the studied area,the range of Syn abundance was larger,and the abundance of BAC was higher. In addition,the conversion factors for calculating picoplanktonic carbon biomass were discussed,with the conversion factors which are different from previous studies in the same surveyed waters. The result of regression analysis showed that there was distinct positive correlation between BAC and photosynthetic picoplankton in spring(r=0.61,P 0.001) ,but no correlation was found in autumn.  相似文献   

1996年春季南黄海水文特征和水团分析   总被引:29,自引:8,他引:29  
利用中韩“黄海水循环动力学及物质输运”合作研究项目第一航次1996初春所获得的CTD资料描述了南黄海初春温、盐和密度的水平和垂直分布特征,分析了水团结构,并揭示了春季在34°~36°N,121°45'~124°E的南黄海西部水域的中层冷水现象。分析结果表明初春黄海暖流上表层开始向济州岛方向退缩,黄海底层冷水团首先在青岛外海形成。  相似文献   

夏季南黄海跨锋断面的生态环境特征及锋区生态系的提出   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于2006年夏季综合调查资料,分析和研究了南黄海陆架锋的分布以及跨锋断面的生态环境特征,并结合锋区的生物学和生态学现象,提出了锋区生态系的观点.结果表明:在南黄海西部冷水团边界附近海域存在因潮混合而形成的浅水陆架锋(潮汐锋),其中以长江口东北部至江苏北部外海、山东石岛外海和海州湾外侧的陆架锋最明显,而且与表层冷水区相...  相似文献   

The distributions of different forms of nitrogen in the surface sediments of the southern Huanghai Sea are different and affected by various factors. The contents of IEF-N, SOEF-N and TN gradually decrease eastward, and those of SAEF-N northward, while those of WAEF-N westward. Around the seaport of the old Huanghe (Yellow) River, the contents of both SOEF-N and TN are the highest. Among all the factors, the content of fine sediment is the predominant factor to affect the distributions of different forms of nitrogen. The contents of IEF-N, SOEF-N, and TN have visibly positive correlation with the content of f‘me sediments, and the correlative coefficient is 0.68, 0.58 and 0.71 respectively, showing that the contents of the three forms of nitrogen increase with those of f-me sediments. The content of WAEF-N is related to that of fine sediments to a certain extent, with a correlative coefficient of 0.35; while the content of SAEF-N is not related to that of fine sediments, showing that the content of SAEF-N is not controlled by fine grain-size fractions of sediments. In addition, the distributions of different forms of nitrogen are also interacted one another, and the contents of IEF-N and SOEF-N are obviously affected by TN, while those of inorganic nitrogen (WAEF-N, SAEF-N and IEF-N) are not affected by SOEF-N and TN obviously, although they are interacted each other.  相似文献   

南黄海溶解氧的平面分布及其季节变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
根据中韩“黄海水循环及物质通量合作研究”项目1996~1997年现场调查获得的资料,首次对南黄海整个海域溶解氧的平面分布特征及其季节变化规律进行了探讨.对一些主要海洋过程如黄海暖流、台湾暖流、沿岸流、长江冲淡水、黄海冷水团及浮游植物的光合作用等对南黄海溶解氧含量分布的影响进行了讨论.  相似文献   

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