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Spatial and seasonal variations of fish assemblage composition were studied in three non-estuarine mangrove creeks of Zanzibar (Tanzania). Fish were collected monthly for one year at three sites (lower, intermediate and upper reaches) in each creek using a seine net (each haul covering 170 m2). Density, species number and diversity of fish were all higher at sites with dense cover of macrophytes (seagrass and macroalgae) than over unvegetated sandy sites. In general, fish assemblages mainly comprised juveniles of a few abundant taxa, e.g. Mugil cephalus, Mugilidae spp. and Leiognathus equulus at sites with mud substratum and Gerres oyena, Lethrinus harak and Sillago sihama at sites dominated by macrophytes. Multivariate analyses revealed significant separations in fish assemblage composition within the two creeks where the bottom substratum differed among sites. Overall, season seemed to have little effect on density, species number, diversity index (H′) and assemblage structure of fish. Water condition variables were also relatively stable across the season, although a short-term fluctuation primarily induced by decreased salinity, occurred during the heavy rains in April and May. Fish assemblage structure was not significantly affected by any of the abiotic factors tested. However, significant regressions were found between the other fish variables and environmental variables, but since these associations were mostly species-specific and generally inconsistent, we suggest that the overall distribution patterns of fish were mainly an effect of particular substrate preferences of fish species rather than contemporary water conditions.  相似文献   

近些年来,团水虱(Sphaeroma spp.)在红树林生态系统中的持续爆发已成为天然和人工红树林遭受破坏的主要原因之一,在我国海南、广东和广西都有不同程度的发生.目前国内有关红树林湿地团水虱的生物学特征研究较少,而明确团水虱的生物学特征是研发其防控技术的重要依据.本研究通过文献查阅和实地调查,总结了团水虱危害中国红树林的现状,团水虱的种类、分布和生活史,以及繁殖和聚集的季节、繁殖方式、营养物质偏好等,以期为团水虱的防控提供理论和技术方面的支撑.  相似文献   

The taxonomic sufficiency approach has been proposed as a surrogate for the typical analysis of speciesabundance data, especially in conditions involving prominent pollution gradients. Here, we evaluate the use of taxonomic sufficiency with infralittoral macrobenthic data derived from samples taken in a moderate polluted subtropical environment in southeastern Brazil, analysing five taxonomic levels and including two functional levels throughout polychaete feeding guilds and trophic groups. The data were collected seasonally at nine stations and studied for two abundance data series (0.5 and 1.0 mm sieve mesh-size). The results showed a similar ordination pattern between the two sieve mesh-size, but with the 0.5 mm sieve data a different pattern was observed during austral summer. A slight loss of information was detected using genus, family, polychaete species and their feeding guilds as taxonomic/ functional units. These results together with those of the cost/ benefit ratio, suggested that the family level seemed to be sufficient to detect the impact caused by moderate pollution in this shallow-water, subtropical environment. In additional, through the use of feeding guilds, similar patterns are obtained. Correlation analysis showed that chlorophyll a, total organic matter, zinc, and chromium sediment content were the variables that best explained the biological pattern observed and not always the best correlation coefficient occurring at the species level. The feeding guild approach seems to be useful and generates interpretable results similar to those obtained with the species level of the whole macroinfauna. The results showed an important cost reduction in the sample processing, suggesting that it is possible to adopt a coarser taxonomic level monitoring program even in species-rich communities.  相似文献   

Cross-shelf distribution and abundance of copepod nauplii and copepodids were measured during three summer upwelling seasons (2000–2002) in a coastal upwelling zone off northern California. These 3 years varied considerably in the intensity of winds, abundance of chlorophyll, and water temperature. The cruises in 2000 were characterized by relaxation conditions, with generally high levels of chlorophyll and high water temperature. The cruises in 2001 and 2002 were dominated by strong and persistent upwelling events, leading to lower chlorophyll and water temperatures. The copepod assemblage was dominated by Oithona spp., Acartia spp. and Pseudocalanus spp., with Metridia pacifica (lucens), Microsetella rosea, Oncaea spp. and Tortanus discaudatus also common during all 3 years. The cross-shelf distribution of copepods was generally shifted offshore during upwelling and onshore during relaxation events, although some variability between species occurred. Abundance of all life stages generally exhibited a negative correlation with cross-shelf transport averaged over at least 1–4 days and lagged by 0–3 days, indicating lower abundances during and immediately after active upwelling. However, copepod nauplii seemed to respond positively to wind events lasting 1–5 days followed by a period of relaxation lasting 6 or 7 days. These rapid rates of change in abundance are probably too great to be due to in situ growth and reproduction alone; physical processes must also play a role. These results suggest a highly dynamic relationship between copepods and upwelling events off northern California, with species-specific responses to upwelling to be expected.  相似文献   

Nereis diversicolor is generally considered to be a predator and deposit feeder, but have also been found to graze on benthic algae in shallow coastal areas. In this study we investigated the grazing effects on the development and growth of green algae, Ulva spp. Algal growth was studied in an experiment including two levels of sediment thickness; 100 mm sediment including macrofauna and 5 mm sediment without macrofauna, and three treatments of varying algal biomass; sediment with propagules, sediment with low algal biomass (120 g dry weight (dwt) m− 2) and sediment with high algal biomass (240 g dwt m− 2). In the 100 mm sediment, with a natural population of macrofauna, N. diversicolor was the dominating (60% of total biomass) species. After three weeks of experimentation the result showed that N. diversicolor was able to prevent initial algal growth, affect growth capacity and also partly reduce full-grown algal mats. The weight of N. diversicolor was significantly higher for polychaetes in treatments with algae added compared to non-algal treatments. There were also indications that a rich nutrient supply per algae biomass counteracted the grazing capacity of N. diversicolor.  相似文献   

Although small copepods are one of the main dietary sources for many commercially important fish, their role in the pelagic trophic dynamics has traditionally been underestimated due to the methodology commonly used in plankton sampling. Temporal variation in abundance of adults and nauplii of small copepods (particularly Oithona plumifera) in nearshore waters on the south coast of South Africa was investigated fortnightly over 14 months at site (km) and location (100 m) scales. Sampling was within <500 m of the shore, where depth was ca. 10 m, using vertical hauls of an 80-μm mesh plankton net from 1 m above the seabed to the surface. Twenty-seven adult copepod taxa were recorded, but Oithona spp. was consistently the most abundant. Taxon richness was 7–19 on each sampling occasion. There was strong temporal variation (Oithona varied between 0 and 2300 m−3), but much of this was short-term variability (e.g. between consecutive sampling sessions), with no seasonality or other long-term discernable patterns. There were periods of consistently low numbers, but very high numbers often followed samples with low abundances. Nor was there spatial structure at the location scale, though numbers differed between sites. Despite considerable variability at the location scale within sites, Kenton consistently showed higher densities than High Rocks. Separate analyses, with Bonferroni adjustment, showed that this difference was significant on eight out of 21 occasions for Oithona, six for other pelagic copepods and three for nauplii. This suggests that hydrodynamics favour aggregation of plankton at Kenton. A high degree of short-term variability, with a tendency for aggregation of small zooplankton at certain sites has implications for both pelagic processes and food-web links between the benthic and pelagic environments.  相似文献   

In the East China Sea(ECS), the succession of causative species responsible for blooms is a recurrent phenomenon during the spring, which changes from diatoms to dinoflagellates. Observations from space and in situ cruises captured this pattern of succession during spring of 2005. In this study, we coupled two biological models, which were developed previously for Skeletonema costatum and Prorocentrum donghaiense,into a circulation model tailored for the ECS. The coupled biophysical model was used to hindcast the blooms and to test the hypothesis proposed in earlier studies that phosphate(PO4 3–) is the first-order decider of the succession. The coupled model successfully reproduced the hydrodynamics(as described in a companion paper by Sun et al.(1), the spatiotemporal distribution of the chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentration, and the species succession reasonably well. By analyzing the effects of different factors on the surface Chl a distribution, we confirmed that the offshore boundaries of the blooms were confined by PO4 3–. In addition, we suggest that surface wind fields may modulate the horizontal distribution of blooms. Thus, during the dispersal of blooms, surface winds coupled with PO4 3– may control the succession of blooms in the ECS. The proposed coupled model provides a benchmark to facilitate future improvements by including more size classes for organisms, multiple nutrient schemes, and additional processes.  相似文献   

东海区短鳄齿鱼摄食生态的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2008年5月~ 2009年2月“东海区主要渔场重要渔业资源的调查与评估(26°00′~ 35°00′N,120°00′~126°30′E)”课题调查的渔获样品,对东海区短鳄齿鱼(Champsodon snyderi)的摄食生态进行了初步研究.结果表明:东海区短鳄齿鱼属于浮游动物食性,兼食游泳动物;其主要饵料生物为太平洋磷虾(Euphausia pacifica)、细螯虾(Leptochela gracilis)、七星底灯鱼(Benthosema pterotum)和麦氏犀鳕(Bregmaceros macclellandi);主要食物种类的优势度随体长段不同而变化,食物种类分化明显,符合“最佳摄食理论”;短鳄齿鱼食物种类的季节替代明显,更替率尤以春季为高,达100%,其余三季相对接近;不同区域出现的饵料生物的种类自北而南递增,区域间食物种类的相似性系数均低于50%,表明短鳄齿鱼食物种类的区域差异明显,其中又以北部与其他两区的差异最大;短鳄齿鱼的年空胃率为16.34%,不同季节、区域和体长组的空胃率变动幅度也较小;短鳄齿鱼的年平均胃饱满指数为27.13‰,四季呈高低相间分布,并以冬季最高春季最低;平面分布与空胃率态势相同,自北而南递增,不同体长组的胃饱满指数差距甚小.  相似文献   

The Banc d'Arguin, a non-estuarine area of shallows and intertidal flats off the tropical Saharan coast of Mauritania, is characterised by extensive intertidal and subtidal seagrass beds. We examined the characteristics of intertidal seagrass (Zostera noltii) meadows and bare areas in terms of the presence and abundance of molluscs (gastropods and bivalves). To explain observed differences between molluscan assemblages in seagrass and bare patches, some aspects of the feeding habitat (top-5 mm of the sediment) and of food (organic materials) of molluscs were examined. The novelty of this study is that phytopigments were measured and identified to assess source and level of decay (freshness) of organic material in the sediment and to study their importance as an explanatory variable for the distribution of molluscs. Over an area of 36 km2 of intertidal flats, at 12 sites, paired comparisons were made between seagrass-covered and nearby bare patches. Within seagrass meadows, dry mass of living seagrass was large and amounted to 180 ±10 g AFDM m− 2 (range 75–240). Containing twice the amount of silt per unit dry sediment mass, seagrass sediments were muddier than bare areas; the relative amount of organic material was also larger. The total number of species of bivalves and gastropods amounted to 27, 14 of which were found only in seagrass areas, 4 only in bare and 9 in both types of habitat. Among the three numerically most abundant species, the bivalves Anadara senilis, Dosinia hepatica and Loripes lacteus, the first was numerically most abundant in bare and the other two in seagrass-covered areas. Bare intertidal areas had greater mean total biomass of molluscs (80.5 g AFDM m− 2) than seagrass meadows (30.0 g AFDM m− 2). In both habitats, the bulk of the biomass was made up by A. senilis. Excluding this species, bare mudflats contained on average only 3.1 g AFDM m− 2 and seagrass meadows 6.9 g AFDM m− 2. As compared to previous surveys in 1980–1986, the biomass of A. senilis had increased almost 10-fold and D. hepatica, previously found in very small numbers, had become the most numerous species. However, the total biomass excluding that of A. senilis was similar. Concentrations of phytopigments were similar to those observed at temperate mudflats, indicating that the Banc d'Arguin might not be as oligotrophic as previously thought. Per unit of dry sediment mass, smaller amounts of phytopigments were found in bare than in seagrass areas. Per unit of dry organic material, bare sediments contained most (fresh) phytopigments. This suggests that in seagrass-covered meadows the organic material is more degraded than in bare sediments. Overall, the composition of phytopigments, quite surprisingly, indicated a benthic-diatom-dominated trophic system. Multivariate statistics revealed that patterns of zoobenthic assemblages were correlated with patterns of a combination of four environmental parameters: grain size of the sediment, amount of fresh phytopigments and amounts of leaves and roots of seagrass.  相似文献   

The depth-distribution profiles of meiofauna in four transects in the Mngazana River, Transkei were studied during summer 1980. Highest densities [±1000(100 cm3)−1] were encountered within the top 10 cm of the sediment. Nematodes dominated (80%) and the remainder was made up of ciliates, oligochaetes, gastrotrichs, and low numbers of polychaetes, copepods, kinorhynchs and various crustacean larvae. Among chemical parameters Eh correlated most consistantly with distribution, particularly at the lower tidal levels. Temperature and pH appeared to be of lesser importance. The maximum estimated depth of penetration was on average 72 cm at the HW levels; 32 at MW and 23 at LW. The mean dry biomass was estimated at 1073 mg m−2; 941 mg m−2 and 196 mg m−2 at these tidal levels respectively. The importance of preliminary studies designed to estimate the depth distribution of meiofauna is discussed.  相似文献   

根据mtDNA D-loop 序列分析东海银鲳群体遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据线粒体D-loop序列对舟山群岛附近海域的银鲳(Pampus argenteus)群体(n=24)的遗传多样性进行了研究。通过PCR技术对线粒体D-loop序列进行扩增,获得大小约为500bp的扩增产物。PCR产物经纯化并进行序列测定后,得到了357bp的核苷酸片段。在24个个体中,共检测到14个变异位点,其中8个转换位点,5个颠换位点,1个转换与颠换同时存在的位点。运用MEGA软件计算出不同个体间的遗传距离,并根据其遗传距离构建了UPGMA和NJ系统树。DNASP软件计算出的单倍型多样性(h)、核苷酸多样性(π)及平均核苷酸差异数(k)分别为0.89、0.007与2.57。此外,岐点分布及中性检验显示,东海银鲳群体在历史上可能经历过种群扩张。研究结果表明,线粒体D-loop基因可用于银鲳群体内及群体间遗传多样性的分析。  相似文献   

Mangrove ecosystems are sites with high biodiversity of benthic fauna, and fiddler crabs (genus Uca) are common benthic fauna in mangroves. The North Sulawesi in Indonesia has a good condition of mangrove while the information of the fiddler crabs is still limited. Manual samplings were conducted in wet, dry and transient seasons at a mangrove in Kema, North Sulawesi to investigate the species composition, density and distribution pattern of fiddler crabs. A total of 168 individuals, subjected to eight species of genus Uca crabs were collected at the mangrove, with U. triangularis having the highest abundance and U. annulipes having the lowest abundance. The densities of fiddle crabs were 27.56 ind./m2, 32.89 ind./m2 and 14.22 ind./m2 at the seaward, middle and landward zones, respectively, and the density was higher in dry and wet seasons than in transient season.  相似文献   

隋芯  汪金涛  陈新军 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):136-146
东海马鲛鱼(Scomberomorus Niphonius)的种群动态易受海洋环境条件的影响,在其资源评估和管理中需要考虑海洋环境条件的作用。假设马鲛鱼产卵场最适海表温度10~19℃(Suitable SST,Tsui)范围会影响种群环境容纳量(K),因此分别使用产卵季3月最适表温范围比值(Tsui-Mar)、4月最适表温范围比值(Tsui-Apr)和3、4月份最适表温范围比值的平均值(Tsui-Ave)作为剩余产量模型的环境因子,构建三种基于环境因子的剩余产量模型(environmentally dependent surplus production,EDSP),分别为Tsui-MarEDSP、Tsui-Apr-EDSP和Tsui-Ave-EDSP,利用贝叶斯估计模型参数,结果显示Tsui-Mar、Tsui-Apr、Tsui-Ave三个基于环境因子的EDSP模型偏差信息标准(deviance information criterion,DIC)值小于传统的剩余产量模型的DIC值,其中Tsui-Ave-EDSP模型DIC值最小,精度最高,估计的最大可持续产量(maximum sustainable yield,MSY)的范围为8.125×106~8.371×106 t,资源量(biomass)范围是1.429×106~1.455×106 t,从1994年到2015年,马鲛鱼的捕捞死亡率远低于目标死亡率(Ftar)和MSY水平捕捞死亡率(FMSY),种群资源量高于MSY水平资源量(BMSY)。东海马鲛鱼没有被过度捕捞或未发生过度捕捞,基于EDSP模型中的管理参考点更为保守,建议日后东海马鲛鱼的种群评估和管理应考虑产卵场环境条件。  相似文献   

Fish biomass is a critical component of fishery stock assessment and management and it is often estimated from ocean primary production(OPP). However, the relationship between the biomass of a fish stock and OPP is always complicated due to a variety of trophic controls in the ecosystem. In this paper, we examine the quantitative relationship between the biomass of chub mackerel(Scomber japonicus) and net primary production(NPP) in the southern East China Sea(SECS), using catch and effort data from the Chinese mainland large light-purse seine fishery logbook and NPP derived from remote sensing. We further discuss the mechanisms of trophic control in regulating this relationship. The results show a significant non-linear relationship exists between standardized CPUE(Catch-Per-Unit-Effort) and NPP(P〈0.05). This relationship can be described by a convex parabolic curve, where the biomass of chub mackerel increases with NPP to a maximum and then decreases when the NPP exceeds this point. The results imply that the ecosystem in the SECS is subject to complex trophic controls. We speculate that the change in abundance of key species at intermediate trophic levels and/or interspecific competition might contribute to this complex relationship.  相似文献   

基于案例推理的东海区鲐鱼中心渔场预报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据1998~2005年的东海区上海、宁波、江苏和舟山四大渔业公司的鲐鱼(Pneumatophorus japonicus)生产统计数据以及同期的卫星资料反演的海表温度、叶绿素a浓度数据,利用案例推理方法,设定了上级结果的相似距对下级检索的影响权重因子,进一步研究渔场渔情的分析预报.通过试验性预报实例的预报结果与实际情况比较表明,预测精度达到75%,可以较好地反映出渔场的分布,为渔业资源的开发利用服务.  相似文献   

Biological and procedural factors can influence DNA adduct detection in aquatic organisms. Among them, functional structure and metabolic traits represent major biological determinants for adducts formed by lipophilic pro-mutagenic contaminants. In detecting DNA adducts through the 32P-postlabelling assay, efficiency in DNA purification, digestion, labelling, as well as adduct enrichment and quantification may explain differences between independent studies. Reference DNA adducts have been used to verify some 32P-postlabelling aspects. Data obtained for mussels and fish treated with benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) and environmentally exposed to genotoxins confirm the above assertions. Although the 32P-postlabelling assay cannot be proposed for routine biomonitoring it appears a reliable and very sensitive index of exposure to genotoxic pollutants in both fish and mollusks.  相似文献   

Climatological variability of picophytoplankton populations that consisted of >64% of total chlorophyll a concentrations was investigated in the equatorial Pacific. Flow cytometric analysis was conducted along the equator between 145°E and 160°W during three cruises in November–December 1999, January 2001, and January–February 2002. Those cruises were covering the La Niña (1999, 2001) and the pre-El Niño (2002) periods. According to the sea surface temperature (SST) and nitrate concentrations in the surface water, three regions were distinguished spatially, viz., the warm-water region with >28 °C SST and nitrate depletion (<0.1 μmol kg−1), the upwelling region with <28 °C SST and high nitrate (>4 μmol kg−1) water, and the in-between frontal zone with low nitrate (0.1–4 μmol kg−1). Picophytoplankton identified as the groups of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes showed a distinct spatial heterogeneity in abundance corresponding to the watermass distribution. Prochlorococcus was most abundant in the warm-water region, especially in the nitrate-depleted water with >150×103 cells ml−1, Synechococcus in the frontal zone with >15×103 cells ml−1, and picoeukaryotes in the upwelling region with >8×103 cells ml−1. The warm-water region extended eastward with eastward shift of the frontal zone and the upwelling region during the pre-El Niño period. On the contrary, these regions distributed westward during the La Niña period. These climatological fluctuations of the watermass significantly influenced the distribution of picophytoplankton populations. The most abundant area of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus extended eastward and picoeukaryotes developed westward during the pre-El Niño period. The spatial heterogeneity of each picophytoplankton group is discussed here in association with spatial variations in nitrate supply, ambient ammonium concentration, and light field.  相似文献   

Satellite-derived ocean color data of Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) on board the Nimbus-7 and Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) on board the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) are jointly used with historical in situ data to examine seasonal and spatial distributions of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations in the East China Sea. Ocean color imagery showed that Chl-a concentrations on the continental shelf were higher than those of the Kuroshio area throughout the year. Satellite-derived Chl-a concentrations are generally in good accordance with historical in situ values during spring through autumn (although no shipboard in situ measurement was conducted at nearshore areas). In contrast, ocean color imagery in winter indicated high Chl-a concentrations (4–10 mg m–3) on the continental shelf where bottom depth was less than 50 m when surface water was turbid (2–72 g m–3 of SPM at surface), while historical in situ values were usually less than 1 mg m–3. This suggests that resuspended bottom sediment due to wind-driven mixing and winter cooling is responsible for the noticeable overestimation of satellite-derived Chl-a concentrations. The algorithm for ocean color needs to be improved urgently for turbid water.  相似文献   

Detritivorous fish generally refers to fish that primarily ingest unidentified organic detritus. We analyzed stomach contents in combination with stable isotopes to trace and compare the food sources of the large-scale mullet Liza macrolepis and other detritivorous fish species in subtropical mangrove creeks and a tropical lagoon in Taiwan. The volume of organic detritus always contributed >50% of the stomach content of L. macrolepis in the two habitats. However, consumed items were distinct between the two habitats and corresponded to the types in which they reside. The consumed items in the lagoon were more diverse than those observed in the mangroves. In the mangroves, the diet composition of L. macrolepis was primarily determined by season, not by body size. In the lagoon, there were no clear seasonal or size-dependent grouping patterns for the diet composition. There were significant seasonal and spatial variations in δ13C and δ15N values of potential food sources and L. macrolepis. However, neither δ13C nor δ15N values of L. macrolepis were correlated with fish body size. Joint analyses of stomach contents and stable isotopes indicated that benthic microalgae on sediments were the most important assimilated food in both seasons for the dominant detritivorous fish in the mangroves, whereas a greater reliance on microalgal and macroalgal periphyton on oyster-culture pens was observed in the lagoon. Mangrove and marsh plants and phytoplankton, which are mostly locally produced within each habitat, were of minor importance in the assimilated food.  相似文献   

系统报道了广西涠洲岛的潮下带海草、红树林以及互花米草的分布和群落结构特征.2019—2020年的调查结果表明,涠洲岛海草分布于南湾西侧,紧邻珊瑚礁区,面积4246 m2,为潮下带的生长形式,海草种类仅见卵叶喜盐草(Halophila ovalis);真红树植物有6种[红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa)、海漆...  相似文献   

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