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The innermost region of slim accretion disks with standard viscosity is unstable against axisymmetric radial inertial acoustic perturbations under certain conditions. Numerical simulations are performed in order to demonstrate behaviors of such unstable disks. It is shown that oscillations with the period of 10–3 (M
) s can be excited near the inner edge of the disks, whereM
BH is the mass of the central object. This kind of unstable disks is a possible origin of the periodic X-ray time variabilities with period of 104s observed in a Seyfert galaxy NGC 6814. 相似文献
G. A. Khorunzhev S. Yu. Sazonov R. A. Burenin A. Yu. Tkachenko 《Astronomy Letters》2012,38(8):475-491
The masses of 68 supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in nearby (z < 0.15) active galactic nuclei (AGNs) detected by the INTEGRAL observatory in the hard X-ray energy band (17?C60 keV) outside the Galactic plane (|b| 5°) have been estimated. Well-known relations between the SMBHmass and (1) the infrared luminosity of the stellar bulge (from 2MASS data) and (2) the characteristics of broad emission lines (from RTT-150 data) have been used. A comparison with the more accurate SMBH mass estimates obtained by the reverberation-mapping technique and from direct dynamical measurements is also made for several objects. The SMBH masses derived from the correlation with the bulge luminosity turn out to be systematically higher than the estimates made by other methods. The ratio of the bolometric luminosity to the critical Eddington luminosity has been found for all AGNs. It ranges from 1 to 100% for the overwhelming majority of objects. 相似文献
The migration of central black holes in galactic nuclei through their encounters with galactic globular clusters is studied. The black hole moves in the field of the galactic bulge with a fixed potential. The dependences of the black-hole drift amplitude on orbital parameters of the globular cluster, its mass, and bulge parameters have been found. The drift amplitude of the central black hole can reach several parsecs in our Galaxy and several tens of parsecs in early-type (Sa) and late-type (Sc) spiral galaxies. 相似文献
This paper studies the properties of self-gravity of accretion discs around supermassive black holes. With integration on the thin disc configuration, this paper has calculated the radial and vertical components of self-gravity of accretion discs. The discussion mainly concentrates on the radial component, and the results are briefly as follows: for accretion discs around supermassive black holes (M10
8–1010 M). At the distance where (R/R
g)105–104, the radial component of self-gravity dominates over the central one where the dynamical structure of the accretion discs completely differs from that of Keplerian disc. A turbulence driven by radial self-gravity instability as a kind of energy source is proposed. This paper has two criteria for the comparison of magnitude between the self-gravity of accretion discs and the gravity of the central black hole, from which an analytic estimation for the outer radius of the accretion discs has been derived. The results of this paper may be used to explain the accretion discs of quasars and AGNs.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 相似文献
We constructed a grid of relativistic models for standard high-relative-luminosity accretion α-disks around supermassive Kerr black holes (BHs) and computed X-ray spectra for their hot, effectively optically thin inner parts by taking into account general-relativity effects. They are known to be heated to high (~106–109 K) temperatures and to cool down through the Comptonization of intrinsic thermal radiation. Their spectra are power laws with an exponential cutoff at high energies; i.e., they have the same shape as those observed in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Fitting the observed X-ray spectra of AGNs with computed spectra allowed us to estimate the fundamental parameters of BHs (their mass and Kerr parameter) and accretion disks (luminosity and inclination to the line of sight) in 28 AGNs. We show that the Kerr parameter for BHs in AGNs is close to unity and that the disk inclination correlates with the Seyfert type of AGN, in accordance with the unification model of activity. The estimated BH masses Mx are compared with the masses Mrev determined by the reverberation mapping technique. For AGNs with luminosities close to the Eddington limit, these masses agree and the model under consideration may be valid for them. For low-relative-luminosity AGNs, the differences in masses increase with decreasing relative luminosity and their X-ray emission cannot be explained by this model. 相似文献
The stability of the innermost disk region orbiting a Kerr black hole is investigated for geometrically thin accretion disks. The infalling matter transports mass and angular momentum into the Kerr hole. This affects the inner disk boundary and leads to runaway instabilities in some cases. 相似文献
Luka Č. Popović 《New Astronomy Reviews》2012,56(2-3):74-91
It is now agreed that mergers play an essential role in the evolution of galaxies and therefore that mergers of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) must have been common. We see the consequences of past supermassive binary black holes (SMBs) in the light profiles of so-called ‘core ellipticals’ and a small number of SMBs have been detected. However, the evolution of SMBs is poorly understood. Theory predicts that SMBs should spend a substantial amount of time orbiting at velocities of a few thousand kilometers per second. If the SMBs are surrounded by gas observational effects might be expected from accretion onto one or both of the SMBHs. This could result in a binary Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) system. Like a single AGN, such a system would emit a broad band electromagnetic spectrum and broad and narrow emission lines.The broad emission spectral lines emitted from AGNs are our main probe of the geometry and physics of the broad line region (BLR) close to the SMBH. There is a group of AGNs that emit very broad and complex line profiles, showing two displaced peaks, one blueshifted and one redshifted from the systemic velocity defined by the narrow lines, or a single such peak. It has been proposed that such line shapes could indicate an SMB system. We discuss here how the presence of an SMB will affect the BLRs of AGNs and what the observational consequences might be.We review previous claims of SMBs based on broad line profiles and find that they may have non-SMB explanations as a consequence of a complex BLR structure. Because of these effects it is very hard to put limits on the number of SMBs from broad line profiles. It is still possible, however, that unusual broad line profiles in combination with other observational effects (line ratios, quasi-periodical oscillations, spectropolarimetry, etc.) could be used for SMBs detection.Some narrow lines (e.g., [O III]) in some AGNs show a double-peaked profile. Such profiles can be caused by streams in the Narrow Line Region (NLR), but may also indicate the presence of a kilo-parsec scale mergers. A few objects indicated as double-peaked narrow line emitters are confirmed as kpc-scale margers, but double-peaked narrow line profiles are mostly caused by the complex NLR geometry.We briefly discuss the expected line profile of broad Fe Kα that probably originated in the accretion disk(s) around SMBs. This line may also be very complex and indicate the complex disk geometry or/and an SMB presence.Finally we consider rare configurations where a SMB system might be gravitationally lensed by a foreground galaxy, and discuss the expected line profiles in these systems. 相似文献
Sandip K. Chakrabarti † Santabrata Das 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,327(3):808-812
We analytically study how the behaviour of accretion flows changes when the flow model is varied. We study the transonic properties of the conical flow, a flow of constant height and a flow in vertical equilibrium, and show that all these models are basically identical, provided that the polytropic constant is suitably changed from one model to another. We show that this behaviour is extendible even when standing shocks are produced in the flow. The parameter space where shocks are produced remains roughly identical in all these models when the same transformation among the polytropic indices is used. We present applications of these findings. 相似文献
Ramesh Chander Kapoor 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1983,95(2):425-429
Shklovsky (1982) has hypothesized escape of accreting supermassive black holes from galactic nuclei as a consequence of asymmetric ejection of plasma clouds from their accretion disks and their subsequent defunction for explaining evolutionary effects in quasars. It has been argued here that such an interpretation must accomodate the possibility of substantial capture of stars and gas by the black hole on its way out-which can prolong the life of the quasar-unless the mass of the black hole is less than ~107 M ⊙ and a large enough initial recoil velocity is achieved. 相似文献
Using the Grad-Shafranov equation, we consider a new analytical model of the black hole magnetosphere based on the assumption that the magnetic field is radial near the horizon and uniform (cylindrical) in the jet region. Within this model, we have managed to show that the angular velocity of particles ΩF near the rotation axis of the black hole can be smaller than ΩH/2. This result is consistent with the latest numerical simulations. 相似文献
Paolo Salucci Ewa Szuszkiewicz Pierluigi Monaco Luigi Danese 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1999,307(3):637-644
Under the assumption that accretion on to massive black holes (BHs) powers active galactic nuclei (AGNs), the mass function (MF) of the BHs responsible for their past activity is estimated. For this, we take into account not only the activity related to the optically selected AGNs, but also that required to produce the hard X-ray background (HXRB). The MF of the massive dark objects (MDOs) in nearby quiescent galaxies is computed by means of the most recent results on their demography. The two mass functions match well under the assumption that the activity is concentrated in a single significant burst with λ L L Edd being a weakly increasing function of luminosity. This behaviour may be indicative of some level of recurrence and/or of accretion rates insufficient to maintain the Eddington rates in low-luminosity/low-redshift objects. Our results support the scenario in which the early phase of intense nuclear activity occurred mainly in early-type galaxies (E/S0) during the relatively short period in which they still had an abundant interstellar medium. Only recently, with the decline of the quasi-stellar object (QSO) luminosities, did the activity in late‐type galaxies (Sa/Sab) become statistically significant. 相似文献
By taking magnetic stress in place of viscosity as the mechanism for angular moaentum transfer, the effect of frozen magnetic field on the structure of a geometrically thin accretion disk is examined. It is shown that the disk is quasi-Keplerian and its total luminosity is twice the luminosity in the standard disk model. In the inner region, there exists a narrow cool region and the highly collimated jet is formed under the action of the azimuthal component of the magnetic field. Also, we discuss the possibility that a magnetized corona be formed near the surface of the accretion disk and a wide band radiation issuing therefrom. The model suggested here can easily and reasonably explain the major AGN properties such as the radiation variation, the “bumps” in the optical, ultraviolet and soft X-ray ranges, etc. 相似文献
E. G. Körding S. Jester R. Fender 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,383(1):277-288
We derive accretion rate functions (ARFs) and kinetic luminosity functions (KLFs) for jet-launching supermassive black holes. The accretion rate as well as the kinetic power of an active galaxy is estimated from the radio emission of the jet. For compact low-power jets, we use the core radio emission while the jet power of high-power radio-loud quasars is estimated using the extended low-frequency emission to avoid beaming effects. We find that at low luminosities the ARF derived from the radio emission is in agreement with the measured bolometric luminosity function (BLF) of active galactic nucleus (AGN), i.e. all low-luminosity AGN launch strong jets. We present a simple model, inspired by the analogy between X-ray binaries (XRBs) and AGN, that can reproduce both the measured ARF of jet-emitting sources as well as the BLF. The model suggests that the break in power-law slope of the BLF is due to the inefficient accretion of strongly sub-Eddington sources. As our accretion measure is based on the jet power it also allows us to calculate the KLF and therefore the total kinetic power injected by jets into the ambient medium. We compare this with the kinetic power output from supernova remnants (SNRs) and XRBs, and determine its cosmological evolution. 相似文献
Rainer Spurzem 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2003,284(2):551-559
The formation and evolution of galactic nuclei is discussed, mainly from the viewpoint of the dense gaseous and stellar system
in the central portions of young galactic nuclei. A review is given on models of galactic nuclei containing one or more black
holes and how the standard historic Rees-Spitzer-Stone scenario of isolated nuclei formation has been changed by the cosmological
structure formation scenario. The dynamical interaction of two or more black holes with their stellar environment and their
merging possibilities is presented.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献