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The stratigraphy and landscape evolution of the Lodbjerg coastal dune system record the interplay of environmental and cultural changes since the Late Neolithic. The modern dunefield forms part of a 40 km long belt of dunes and aeolian sand‐plains that stretches along the west coast of Thy, NW Jutland. The dunefield, which is now stabilized, forms the upper part of a 15–30 m thick aeolian succession. The aeolian deposits drape a glacial landscape or Middle Holocene lake sediments. The aeolian deposits were studied in coastal cliff exposures and their large‐scale stratigraphy was examined by ground‐penetrating radar mapping. The contact between the aeolian and underlying sediments is a well‐developed peaty palaeosol, the top of which yields dates between 2300 BC and 600 BC . Four main aeolian units are distinguished, but there is some lateral stratigraphic variation in relation to underlying topography. The three lower aeolian units are separated by peaty palaeosols and primarily developed as 1–4 m thick sand‐plain deposits; these are interpreted as trailing edge deposits of parabolic dunes that moved inland episodically. Local occurrence of large‐scale cross‐stratification may record the head section of a migrating parabolic dune. The upper unit is dominated by large‐scale cross‐stratification of various types and records cliff‐top dune deposition. The nature of the aeolian succession indicates that the aeolian landscape was characterized by alternating phases of activity and stabilization. Most sand transported inland was apparently preserved. Combined evidence from luminescence dating of aeolian sand and radiocarbon dating of palaeosols indicates that phases of aeolian sand movement were initiated at about 2200 BC , 700 BC and AD 1100. Episodes of inland sand movement were apparently initiated during marked climate shifts towards cooler, wetter and more stormy conditions; these episodes are thought to record increased coastal erosion and strong‐wind reworking of beach and foredune sediments. The intensity, duration and areal importance of these sand‐drift events increased with time, probably reflecting the increasing anthropogenic pressure on the landscape. The formation of the cliff‐top dunes after AD 1800 records the modern retreat of the coastal cliffs.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon‐dated palaeontological remains and bedding features suggests that climatic changes in the northern Taklimakan Desert since the beginning of the Holocene can be divided into four stages: (i) 12 000–10 000 BP, a cool–to temperate–dry climate resulting in apparent alluvial–fluvial and weak aeolian activities; (ii) 10 000–8000 BP, a dry cold climate, resulting in large‐scale sand dune activity under regional desert expansion; (iii) 8000–3000 BP dry, warm climate, with a decreased area of shifting sand and the fixation of many sand dunes; (iv) 3000 BP to present, rising aeolian activity resulting in sandstorms, under the combined influence of climatic warming and excessive exploitation of land and water resources. Holocene deposits from profiles in the Northern Taklimakan Desert consist mainly of fine‐grained aeolian sand and silty clay. The fine aeolian sand was formed from re‐sorting of aeolian sand during the cold period of the Holocene, while the silty clay was formed by flood deposition in the Holocene warm period. The desert and desert steppe arboreal species and high CaCO3 content of the warm period strata suggest that the Holocene climate in the area, although generally dry, varied between warm/dry and cold/dry, and, especially in recent times, has become increasingly dry. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Accumulation within the unconformity‐based Hauterivian Avilé Sandstone of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, was characterized by a close interaction between fluvial and aeolian processes developed after a major relative sea‐level drop that almost completely desiccated the entire basin and juxtaposed these non‐marine deposits on shallow‐ and deep‐marine facies. Aeolian deposits within the Avilé Member include dune (A1) and sand sheet (A2) units that characterize the lower part of the unit. Fluvial deposits comprise distal flood units (F1) interbedded with aeolian dune deposits in the middle part of the succession, and low‐ (F2) and high‐sinuosity (F3) channels associated with floodplain deposits (F4) towards the top. The internal characteristics of the aeolian system indicate that its accumulation was strongly controlled by water‐table dynamics, with the development of multiple horizontal deflation super surfaces that truncate dune deposits and form the basal boundary of flood deposits and sand sheet units. A long‐term wetting‐upward trend is recorded throughout the entire unit, with an increase in fluvial activity towards the top and the development of a more permanent fluvial system overlying a major erosion surface interpreted as a sequence boundary. The upward increase in water‐table influence might be related to relative sea‐level rise, which controlled the position of the water table and allowed the accumulation of tabular aeolian units bounded by horizontal deflation surfaces. This high‐frequency, eustatically driven process acted together with a long‐term climatic change towards wetter conditions.  相似文献   

青藏高原脆弱的生态系统以及人类工程活动,加剧了青藏工程走廊线性工程两侧沙漠化、荒漠化发展趋势,尤其冻土块石路基面临日益严重的风积沙灾害问题。以多年冻土区高等级公路块石路基为研究对象,采用数值模拟分析风积沙环境下封闭块石路基的降温性能和长期热稳定性。结果表明:风积沙堆积对封闭块石路基下部土层冻土温度的影响程度高于冻土上限,1.0 m湿沙工况降低冻土温度,0.2 m干沙则增大冻土温度。升温背景下,随年平均气温增加风沙堆积对路基冻土上限影响程度增强,干沙增大冻土融化深度,湿沙抬升冻土上限。随冻土含冰量减小,路基中心冻土上限对气候升温敏感性增加,风沙堆积影响减弱。气候升温和风沙堆积条件下,在年平均气温低于-5.5℃时,宽幅沥青路面封闭块石路基能够满足降温要求,使人为冻土上限保持在块石层内。研究成果可为风沙危害区多年冻土块石路基的病害治理和拟建青藏高速公路块石路基设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Outcrops and cored/counter‐flushed boreholes in the coastal area between Espinho and Aveiro (north‐west Portugal) were investigated to reconstruct the changing patterns of sedimentation during the Late Pleistocene–Holocene. To obtain a common comparison basis, the grain‐size data from outcrop and borehole samples were analysed. The outcrops and the cored parts of the boreholes were dated by radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence. The results show that, on top of pebble‐rich beds of fluvial origin, a wet aeolian dune and interdune environment was active during the later part of the Pleistocene, turning to dry aeolian at the transition to the Holocene. The data indicate also that aeolian accumulation was controlled by vegetation changes (climate) and groundwater table fluctuations. During the Holocene, a podzol formed on the Pleistocene dunes and extensive vegetation precluded major aeolian accumulations. Remobilization of sand started again because of human deforestation and – last but not least – the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Cores and exposed cliff sections in salt marshes around Ho Bugt, a tidal embayment in the northernmost part of the Danish Wadden Sea, were subjected to 14C dating and litho- and biostratigraphical analyses to reconstruct paleoenvironmental changes and to establish a late Holocene relative sea-level history. Four stages in the late Holocene development of Ho Bugt can be identified: (1) groundwater-table rise and growth of basal peat (from at least 2300 BC to AD 0); (2) salt-marsh formation (0 to AD 250); (3) a freshening phase (AD 250 to AD 1600?), culminating in the drying out of the marshes and producing a distinct black horizon followed by an aeolian phase with sand deposition; and (4) renewed salt-marsh deposition (AD 1600? to present). From 16 calibrated AMS radiocarbon ages on fossil plant fragments and 4 calibrated conventional radiocarbon ages on peat, we reconstructed a local relative sea-level history that shows a steady sea-level rise of 4 m since 4000 cal yr BP. Contrary to suggestions made in the literature, the relative sea-level record of Ho Bugt does not contain a late Holocene highstand. Relative sea-level changes at Ho Bugt are controlled by glacio-isostatic subsidence and can be duplicated by a glacial isostatic adjustment model in which no water is added to the world's oceans after ca. 5000 cal yr BP.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Guará Formation comprises an 80–200 m thick continental succession exposed in the western portion of the Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil). It comprises four distinct facies associations: (i) simple to locally composite crescentic aeolian dune sets, (ii) aeolian sand sheets, (iii) distal floodflows, and (iv) fluvial channels. The vertical stacking of the facies associations defines several 5–14 m thick wetting-upward cycles. Each cycle starts with aeolian dune sets followed by aeolian sand sheets deposits and culminating in either fluvial channels or distal flood strata. Within some cycles, aeolian sand sheets are absent and fluvial deposits rest directly above aeolian dune facies. The transitions from one facies association to another are abrupt and marked by erosive surfaces that delineate distinct episodes of sediment accumulation. The origin of both the wetting-upward cycles and the erosive surfaces was controlled by the ground-water table level, dry sand availability and aeolian and fluvial sediment transport capacity variations, related to climatic fluctuations between relatively arid and humid conditions. Preservation of the fluvial–aeolian deposits reflects an overall relative water table rise driven by subsidence.  相似文献   

在滦河上游,全新世时期曾有过气候相对湿润阶段,具体表现是:就地起沙的风沙层内,形成了2层特殊的古土壤———黑沙土。黑沙土层分布的厚度不均匀,但具有明显的有机质半固结现象。2层黑沙土之间为黄色风沙层,上层黑沙土又为晚近风沙层覆盖。在下层黑沙土中散布着一些古文化遗存,石片、石核、石斧等石器主要见于下部,陶片数量则以近顶部居多。对黑沙土中的有机质进行14C测年,结果表明,下层黑沙土形成于约7990±150~3200±125aB·P·(cal·)之间,上层黑沙土形成于约3055±170aB·P·(cal·)以后。由这个遗址附近的环境分析证明,古代人类在此活动时期,当地气候处于相对湿润阶段,风沙活动虽依然存在,但可以断定黑沙土的成壤速度大于风沙物质堆积速度,使这里的先民能够依靠农耕、渔猎而生存。大约3200±125aB·P·(cal·)后,风沙堆积速度骤然加快,使黑沙土成土过程一度完全停止,在大约100多年的时间里,风沙活动强烈,形成黑沙土层之间的黄色风沙层堆积。这一时期恶劣的环境使得当时当地的先民无法生存,被迫迁移,从此出现新石器遗址的缺失。该遗址所在的丰宁地区,是影响北京沙尘暴的上源地区之一。因此,该地区环境考古学问题的研究,对了解北京地区沙尘暴变化历史有直接佐证的价值。  相似文献   

Sediment, pollen, and plant macrofossil stratigraphies from two small oligotrophic Chamaedaphne-Sphagnum peatlands provide data about local hydrologic changes in northern Michigan during the Holocene. Gleason Bog started about 8000 yr B.P. as a shallow pond that supported rich fen vegetation. After it was partly filled with peat and sand (about 4000 yr B.P.), the vegetation changed to oligotrophic bog. At Gates Bog paludification starting about 3800 yr B.P. caused peat accumulation over sand without an initial pond phase. The onset of peat accumulation at both sites is attributed to a rise in the water table resulting from the onset of cool and moist late Holocene climates. The water table of Gleason Bog is linked to the water level of adjacent Douglas Lake, which may have undergone a simultaneous rise. The results emphasize the individuality of hydrological conditions and hydroseral development in northern Michigan peatlands.  相似文献   

在毛乌素沙漠东南缘锦界地区发现的具有3层深棕色至黑色古土壤的全新世剖面,记录了至少3次大型沙地固定与活化的交替演化.在锦界剖面厚约5m的全新世地层中采集了10个光释光样品,利用石英光释光测年单片再生法(SAR),建立了锦界剖面全新世(>7.5-0.2ka)年代格架.结合粒度、磁化率气候变化代用指标和光释光年龄序列,得到...  相似文献   

榆林长城沿线处于环境变化敏感带,其风沙滩区沉积剖面的磁化率和粒度分析结果显示,该区全新世早期11500~10000aBP随着全球气候的逐渐转暖,磁化率、黏粒和粉沙含量逐渐增高;全新世中期的10000~45003BP气候相对比较湿润,植被覆盖度增大,风沙活动减弱,地表沉积物当-中粉沙和黏土成分含量显著增大,风化成壤作用增强,地表发育沙质弱古土壤;全新世中期后段的4500~3000aBP期间,气候以比较温和湿润为主,但在4200~4000aBP出现一个气候干旱事件,风沙活动强烈;近3000a以来,气候显著干旱化,波动频繁,地表风沙沉积物显著变粗,表现出有5次沙漠扩张。该区生态环境演化、人文历史变迁基本上是自然因素与人为活动综合作用的结果,以自然演化为主,近代人为因素对环境变化起着加强和放大作用。  相似文献   

Lake sediments from a closed basin in southern Patagonia (Argentina) provide a continental archive with which to reconstruct climate change and to test the interhemispheric synchroneity of abrupt events. High-resolution sub-bottom seismic profiles of Lago Cardiel indicate substantial lake-level changes since the late Pleistocene, which were identified and dated in a series of long piston cores. These data allow the reconstruction of the regional water balance at 49=" PSFT − BC "202S since the late glacial. The seismic stratigraphy reveals a dry late glacial climate with a desiccation of the basin around 11 220 yr BP (14C). Lake level rapidly increased by 135 m at the Holocene transition. Following the early Holocene highstand at + 55 m, lake level never dropped significantly below modern level. The palaeoclimate changes implied by the Lago Cardiel record are out-of-phase with those implied by records from tropical South America and demonstrate considerable latitudinal asynchroneity in the climate evolution of this continent.  相似文献   

Continental sediments and geomorphological features of the coastal Wahiba Sands, Sultanate of Oman, reflect environmental variability in southeastern Arabia during the late Quaternary. Weakly cemented dune sands, interdune deposits and coastal sediments were dated by luminescence methods to establish an absolute chronology of changes in sedimentary dynamics. The dating results confirm previous assumptions that during times of low global sea level sand was transported by southerly winds from the exposed shelf onto the Arabian Peninsula. Two prominent phases of sand accumulation in the coastal area took place just before and after the last glacial maximum (LGM). A final significant period of dune consolidation is recognised during the early Holocene. However, no major consolidation of dunes appears to have occurred during the LGM and the Younger Dryas. In the northern part of the Wahiba Sands, these two periods are characterised by substantial sand deposition. This discrepancy is explained by the lack of conservation potential for dunes in the coastal area, probably caused by a low groundwater table due to low sea level and decreased precipitation. While the times of aeolian activity reflect arid to hyper‐arid conditions, lacustrine and pedogenically altered interdune deposits indicate wetter conditions than today caused by increased monsoonal circulation during the Holocene climatic optimum. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sanguinet lake is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a wide Holocene coastal dunes system in SW France. The present day lake level is 21 m above mean sea level (msl). It formed when aeolian sand closed the mouth of the small La Gourgue river which gradually became a lagoon and then a lake. Dated sub‐lacustrine archaeological remains (human settlements, canoes, and wooden architectural structures), as well as paleoenvironmental evidence (drowned tree stumps and lagoonal deposits exposed on the beach) are used to interpret the formation and chronology of lake level rise during the past 4000 years. Around 2000–1650 B.C., the river flowed into a lagoon or an estuary which connected with the ocean west of the present Sanguinet Lake. Its level was affected by the tide, which ranged between 2 m below and 3 m above msl. The accumulation of aeolian sand before 1500–1000 B.C. began to close the connection with the sea. At this time, the elevation of the surface of the lake water was approximately 5 m above msl, but it still remained connected to the ocean. Around 1000 B.C., the lake level rose quickly by 1 to 2 m during a period of renewed mobility of the coastal aeolian sand, and continued to rise slowly until about 100 A.D. when there was a gradual closure of the lake outlet. This rise forced people who were living on the lake shore and along the rivers to move to higher land along the valley. The nearby Gallo‐Roman site of Losa was settled at the end of the 1st century B.C.; then the final blocking of the outlet occurred because of spit growth as a result of north‐south littoral drift accompanied by the deposit of aeolian sand. This led to the lake level rising rapidly. Consequently, Losa was abandoned in the 3rd century A.D. and ruins of its temple (at 17 m above msl) were submerged in the 6th century. Further oscillations of the lake level probably correspond to water table fluctuations before it became stable at around 1000 A.D. The highest lake level (23.35 m) was reached during the 18th century as a consequence of modern dune formation, and thus was artificially reduced to 21 m in 1840 by construction of an overflow channel. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Permian Cedar Mesa Sandstone represents the product of at least 12 separate aeolian erg sequences, each bounded by regionally extensive deflationary supersurfaces. Facies analysis of strata in the White Canyon area of southern Utah indicates that the preserved sequences represent erg‐centre accumulations of mostly dry, though occasionally water table‐influenced aeolian systems. Each sequence records a systematic sedimentary evolution, enabling phases of aeolian sand sea construction, accumulation, deflation and destruction to be discerned and related to a series of underlying controls. Sand sea construction is signalled by a transition from damp sandsheet, ephemeral lake and palaeosol deposition, through a phase of dry sandsheet deposition, to the development of thin, chaotically arranged aeolian dune sets. The onset of the main phase of sand sea accumulation is reflected by an upward transition to larger‐scale, ordered sets which represent the preserved product of climbing trains of sinuous‐crested transverse dunes with original downwind wavelengths of 300–400 m. Regularly spaced reactivation surfaces indicate periodic shifts in wind direction, which probably occurred seasonally. Compound co‐sets of cross strata record the oblique migration of superimposed slipfaced dunes over larger, slipfaceless draa. Each aeolian sequence is capped by a regionally extensive supersurface characterized by abundant calcified rhizoliths and bioturbation and which represents the end product of a widespread deflation episode whereby the accumulation surface was lowered close to the level of the water table as the sand sea was progressively cannibalized by winds that were undersaturated with respect to their potential carrying capacity. Aeolian sequence generation is considered to be directly attributable to cyclical changes in climate and related changes in sea level of probable glacio‐eustatic origin that characterize many Permo‐Carboniferous age successions. Sand sea construction and accumulation occurred during phases of increased aridity and lowered sea level, the main sand supply being former shallow marine shelf sediments that lay to the north‐west. Sand sea deflation and destruction would have commenced at, or shortly after, the time of maximum aridity as the available sand supply became exhausted. Restricted episodes of non‐aeolian accumulation would have occurred during humid (interglacial) phases, accumulation and preservation being enabled by slow rises in the relative water table. Subsidence analysis within the Paradox Basin, together with comparisons to other similar age successions suggests that the climatic cycles responsible for generating the Cedar Mesa erg sequences could be the product of 413 000 years so‐called long eccentricity cycles. By contrast, annual advance cycles within the aeolian dune sets indicate that the sequences themselves could have accumulated in just a few hundred years and therefore imply that the vast majority of time represented by the Cedar Mesa succession was reserved for supersurface development.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1027-1033
The Liwa region of the United Arab Emirates contains some of the largest and most areally extensive megabarchanoid sand dunes on a global scale. Here we present optical dating results on samples of aeolian sediment from deep drill cores extracted from the largest dune field of the Liwa area. Optical dating of these core sediments using the single aliquot regeneration protocol indicates Mid–Late Holocene phases of rapid dune deposition, the most recent period of reactivation began at ca 2.8 ka. This event was preceded by a period of deposition at ca 5 ka. These results suggest that the dune systems of the southeastern Arabian Peninsula are closely linked to changes in Late Quaternary global climate, particularly linked to the intensity and spatial extent of palaeomonsoon rainfall. Since the last precessional maxima at ca 9 ka, at which time a peak in monsoonal rainfall has been recognised, a significant environmental transition to widespread desert conditions occurred in an apparently abrupt fashion. During the initial period of aridification, large quantities of sand were transported and deposited in the form of large and very large (up to 160 m high) scale aeolian bedforms. Following the initial phase of aeolian accumulation, the system appears to have remained in stasis.  相似文献   

风积沙对青藏铁路块碎石路基降温效果的影响   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
风沙危害正在威胁着青藏铁路的安全营运. 通过数值方法研究了风积沙填堵和覆盖青藏铁路块碎石路基后, 块碎石层降温机理以及降温效果的变化特征. 结果表明:开放条件下块石路基具有较强的强迫对流效应; 风积沙填堵后, 块碎石层降温效果减弱. 封闭条件下, 冷季路基坡脚处自然对流较强, 冻土上限抬升; 路基内部自然对流较弱, 由于路基填土作用, 路基中心处冻土上限抬升较大, 但随时间增长而降低; 沙层覆盖后, 块碎石层降温效果减弱, 路基下部冻土上限下降. 在气候变暖背景条件下, 封闭块碎石层自然对流减弱, 冻土上限下降, 不利于冻土路基的热稳定. 因此, 建议对沙害路段的块碎石路基采取补强措施.  相似文献   

In this paper, nine sediment sequences in the inner desert, desert-loess transitional zone (agro-pastoral transitional zone) and the northern margin of the Loess Plateau were investigated to study the sediments of Mu Us (Maowusu) and Otindaq (Hunshandake) sandy land in northern China since the last glaciation. All of these sequences consisted of the upper Holocene dark paleosol and the lower aeolian sand formed during the last glacial stage. The Mu Us and Otindaq sandy land became the active desert since the last glaciation and covered a larger sandy area than at present. Mu Us sandy land began to show a landform of sandy desert and expanded southward towards the northern boundaries of the Loess Plateau. The Holocene was characterized by the advent of warmer and wetter climatic conditions in northern China, resulting in the rapid growth of surface vegetation and Mu Us and Otindaq sandy land became a steppe. The thickness of surface soil reached up to as much as 50–80 cm. Thick paleosol covered the drift sands, and served as a protective layer for the steppe and farmland. Although the last glacial cycle is far away, paleo-aeolian sands formed during that period are still the material sources of regional desertification. Unreasonable cultivation destroying the Holocene paleosol, combined with dry climate and strong wind would result in activation of paleo- aeolian sand leading to the desertification of the study areas.  相似文献   

秦作栋  冯起 《沉积学报》1997,15(1):168-171
本文通过塔克拉玛干沙漠北部平原区典型地层剖面(肖塘剖面)沉积物粒度及元素特征的分析,揭示了本区域全新世以来气候变化的基本规律。沉积物主要由河流冲积作用形成的粘粒层与风力作用所形成的砂粒层组成。粘粒物质与现代河流相特征相一致,砂粒物质与现代流沙性质相类同。沉积层位中元素的迁移转化状况与沉积时期气候k水文条件密切相关。全球性气候波动与地处内陆封闭盆地的协同影响,产生了本区多风、干燥、冷干与暖干相互交替的轮回气候。  相似文献   

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