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The problems related to the role of both natural and anthropogenic factors in global climate change are considered. The role
of ocean circulation in the Earth’s global thermodynamic processes is qualitatively analyzed. The balances of greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere and in the ocean and the effect of anthropogenic factors are analyzed. The requirements for new-generation
models of the Earth’s climate are formulated. 相似文献
1Introduction Seaiceplaysanimportantroleinmoderating heatandmoistureexchangesbetweentheatmosphere andtheoceanathighlatitudes.Seaicealsointeracts withthebroaderclimatesystembythepositiveice albedofeedback(Curryetal.,1995),whichamplifies projectedclimatewarmingatthehighlatitudes,andby theoceanicfeedbackinvolvingicegrowthandmelt, whichinfluencesglobalthermohalinecirculation(i.e., theNorthAtlanticDeepWaterandtheAntarcticBot- tomWater)(Walsh,1983;Barryetal.,1993). Recently,theimplementationofas… 相似文献
本文利用1951−2021年哈德莱中心提供的海冰和海温最新资料以及美国国家海洋和大气管理局气候预报中心提供的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析探讨了北极海冰70余年的长期变化特征,进而研究了其快速减少与热带海温场异常变化之间的联系,揭示了在全球热带海洋海温场变化与北极海冰之间存在密切联系的事实。结果表明,北极海冰异常变化最显著区域出现在格陵兰海、卡拉海和巴伦支海。热带不同海区对北极海冰的影响存在明显时滞时间和强度差异,热带大西洋的影响相比偏早,印度洋次之,太平洋偏晚。热带大西洋、印度洋和中东太平洋海温异常影响北极海冰的最佳时间分别是后者滞后26个月、30个月和34个月,全球热带海洋影响北极海冰的时滞时间为33个月。印度洋SST对北极海冰的影响程度最强,其次是太平洋,最弱是大西洋。全球热带海洋对北极海冰的影响过程中,热带东太平洋和印度洋起主导作用。当全球热带海洋SST出现正(负)距平时,北极海冰会出现偏少(多)的趋势,而AO、PNA、NAO对北极海冰变化起重要作用,是热带海洋与北极海冰相系数的重要“纽带”。而AO、PNA和NAO不仅受热带海洋SST的影响,同时也受太平洋年代际振荡PDO和大西洋多年代际AMO的影响,这一研究为未来北极海冰快速减少和全球气候变暖机理的深入研究提供理论支撑。 相似文献
红树林是以红树植物为主体的常绿灌木或乔木组成的潮滩湿地木本植物群落, 具有“四高”特性(高生产力、高归还率、高分解率和高抗逆性)的典型海洋生态系统; 目前, 全球约有红树林1700万公顷, 主要分布在南北半球25℃等温线内。红树林生态系统的净初级生产力高达2000gC·m-2·a-1, 具有高强度的物质循环、能量流动以及丰富的生物多样性, 对热带、亚热带海洋生态系统的维持与发展起到关键作用, 并在全球变化过程中扮演着十分重要的角色。近30年来, 全球气候变化已引起了国内外学者的极大关注。红树林生态系统位于热带、亚热带海岸潮间带, 是一个脆弱的、敏感的生态系统, 也是首先受全球气候变化影响的典型海洋生态系统之一。作为全球海岸带地区应对全球气候变化最为重要的生态屏障之一, 气候变化将严重影响着全球红树林的生存和分布方式。本文将从全球变暖、海平面上升、大气中CO2浓度的增加和极端天气4个主要方面, 揭示全球气候变化对红树林生态系统的影响与变化特征, 阐述红树林对全球变暖、海平面上升、大气中CO2浓度增加和极端天气响应与适应的生态学机制, 并简要概述了红树林在减缓全球气候变化危害中的重要作用。全球气候变化也将为红树林的研究、保护和发展带来机遇与挑战。 相似文献
I. I. Mokhov 《Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics》2011,47(6):653-660
Specific features of the extreme summer heat of 2010 in the European part of Russia are analyzed against the background of global and regional climate changes taking into account antropogenic influences and natural anomalies related, in particular, to the El Niño/La Niña phenomena. The tendencies of the characteristics of the activity of blocking anticyclones (blockings) responsible for the formation of drought regimes and the increase in the fire hazard at midlatitudes are estimated in connection with climate changes. 相似文献
极区海洋对全球气候变化的快速响应和反馈作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了全球气候变化与极区海洋的相互作用;集成极区快速变暖促使极区海洋出现快速变化的各种现象,如海冰快速变薄和退缩,格陵兰冰盖严重融化,北冰洋和南大洋碳池的固碳能力下降以及极地海洋酸化等.研究提出:北冰洋夏季海冰覆盖面积快速退缩,海冰覆盖面积在2012年8月26日呈现了记录以来的最低值,有模型预测到2035年北冰洋夏季将会见不到海冰.格陵兰冰盖的消融对全球海平面的上升和大洋环流均会产生影响,格陵兰冰盖全部融化将会使全球海平面上升7 m.通过近10 a的观测发现极地海域对大气二氧化碳的吸收能力不升反降,海水对大气二氧化碳的吸收趋向饱和,南大洋和西北冰洋碳吸收能力变弱.有模式预测,到21世纪末,北冰洋表层海水pH值将会降低0.23~0.45,成为全球海洋酸化最严重的海区,而南大洋的表层海水二氧化碳浓度在21世纪下半叶或将超过600μatm的水平,极地海洋酸化对海洋食物链和生态系统的影响可能成为不可逆转的损害.这些极区海洋的快速变化将对全球气候变化产生反馈作用. 相似文献
The sensitivity of the characteristics of atmospheric centers of action (ACAs) in the Northern Hemisphere to global climate changes is analyzed on the basis of models of different complexity, including the climate model of intermediate complexity of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences and the ECHAM4/OPYC3 and HadCM3 general circulation models of the atmosphere and ocean. The emphasis is on the analysis of trends of the change in ACA characteristics in winter, when the long-term global warming is most considerable. The global climate models are shown to be able to describe not only the intermediate regimes of ACAs but also their dynamics. In particular, ECHAM4/OPYC3 is capable of reproducing the statistically significant connection of the characteristics of the North Pacific centers of action with El Niño/La Niña events, revealed from observational data. With the use of the results of the global climate models, the possible changes in the characteristics of centers of action in the 21st century are estimated for an increased content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. 相似文献
利用1958-2005年(共48年)有关南海西沙群岛的气象资料与ENSO观测资料,从气温、降雨、台风3个方面研究南海西沙群岛海域气候异常与ENSO事件之间的关系.结果表明,南海西沙群岛海域气候异常与ENSO事件存在非常密切的关系,具体表现如下.气温方面,南海西沙群岛海域逐月气温距平百分率与月ENSO指数存在显著的统计正相关关系,在厄尔尼诺期间一般表现为气温偏高(正距平),拉尼娜期间则相反;功率谱分析显示该地区气温异常存在明显的周期性,并且周期与ENSO事件的周期非常一致.降雨方面,年平均ENSO指数与西沙群岛海域年降水量存在显著负相关,典型拉尼娜年的降雨量比厄尔尼诺年多约50%.台风方面,ENSO指数与到达该地区的热带气旋频次存在显著的统计负相关关系,在厄尔尼诺期间的热带气旋频次比拉尼娜期间明显要少. 相似文献
Interaction between two polar cold source and tropical ocean heat source effecting global climate changeXieSimei,BaoChenglana... 相似文献
Mangrove forests: Resilience,protection from tsunamis,and responses to global climate change 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This review assesses the degree of resilience of mangrove forests to large, infrequent disturbance (tsunamis) and their role in coastal protection, and to chronic disturbance events (climate change) and the future of mangroves in the face of global change. From a geological perspective, mangroves come and go at considerable speed with the current distribution of forests a legacy of the Holocene, having undergone almost chronic disturbance as a result of fluctuations in sea-level. Mangroves have demonstrated considerable resilience over timescales commensurate with shoreline evolution. This notion is supported by evidence that soil accretion rates in mangrove forests are currently keeping pace with mean sea-level rise. Further support for their resilience comes from patterns of recovery from natural disturbances (storms, hurricanes) which coupled with key life history traits, suggest pioneer-phase characteristics. Stand composition and forest structure are the result of a complex interplay of physiological tolerances and competitive interactions leading to a mosaic of interrupted or arrested succession sequences, in response to physical/chemical gradients and landform changes. The extent to which some or all of these factors come into play depends on the frequency, intensity, size, and duration of the disturbance. Mangroves may in certain circumstances offer limited protection from tsunamis; some models using realistic forest variables suggest significant reduction in tsunami wave flow pressure for forests at least 100 m in width. The magnitude of energy absorption strongly depends on tree density, stem and root diameter, shore slope, bathymetry, spectral characteristics of incident waves, and tidal stage upon entering the forest. The ultimate disturbance, climate change, may lead to a maximum global loss of 10–15% of mangrove forest, but must be considered of secondary importance compared with current average annual rates of 1–2% deforestation. A large reservoir of below-ground nutrients, rapid rates of nutrient flux and microbial decomposition, complex and highly efficient biotic controls, self-design and redundancy of keystone species, and numerous feedbacks, all contribute to mangrove resilience to various types of disturbance. 相似文献
Farn Parungo Clarence Nagamoto Cecilia M. I. R. Girz Jeff Torgerson Zhou Mingyu 《海洋学报(英文版)》1995,14(2):201-207
ObservationofcloudsandsolarradiationoverthePacificOceanasrelationtoglobalclimate¥FarnParungo;ClarenceNagamoto;CeciliaM.I.R.Gi... 相似文献
The problem of numerical modeling and analysis of the large-scale World Ocean circulation variability under variations of
the external forcing is considered. A numerical model was developed in the INM RAS and is based on the primitive equations
of the ocean circulation written in a spherical generalized σ-coordinate system. The model’s equations are approximated on
a grid with resolution of 2.5° × 2° × 33, and the North Pole is displaced to the continental point (60°E, 60.5°N). There are
two stages for the numerical experiments. The quasi-equilibrium circulation of the World Ocean under the climatological atmospheric
forcing is simulated at the first stage. The run is carried out over a period of 3000 years during which a quasi-equilibrium
model regime is formed. At the second stage, the sensitivity of the model ocean circulation to the atmospheric forcing perturbations
in the Southern Hemisphere is studied. According to the results, the strongest regional changes in the hydrography take place
in the Arctic Ocean. Substantial changes of sea’s surface height and local anomalies of the temperature and salinity are formed
there. 相似文献
IPCC第六次评估报告指出,随着全球变暖,强降水事件通常会变得更加频繁和强烈。暴雨是我国主要气象灾害之一,是引发洪涝的最主要原因。目前洪涝灾害已成为影响滨海城市公共安全和经济社会发展的重要因素,了解降水的变化特征对于科学应对气候变化和防灾减灾具有重要意义。本文研究结果显示,1966-2020年中国沿海降水量和暴雨及以上级别降水日数(日降水量≥50 mm的日数)总体均呈增多趋势,但变化趋势不显著;降水日数(日降水量≥0.1 mm的日数)总体呈减少趋势,且变化趋势显著。降水量和暴雨及以上级别降水日数在长江口至福建北部沿海和海南沿海增加趋势明显,山东省及以北沿海、广东省东部沿海呈减少趋势;降水日数除在长江口附近呈增多趋势外,其他沿海地区均以减少为主。降水日数总体减少,降水量总体增多,表明降水过程中降水强度有增加趋势。中国沿海总体暴雨及以上级别强降水主要集中在5-9月,出现频率占全年81.7%。多地出现最大日降水量超过250 mm情况,局部最大日降水量超过500 mm。强降水过程期间往往伴随高海平面,影响滨海城市行洪排涝,增加淹没风险。 相似文献
以夏季风强度指数和年均气温作为反映气候变化的指数,以人类净引水量和流域水土保持面积作为反映人类活动变化的指标,并以黄河流域为例,研究了三角洲造陆对气候变化和人类活动的响应.研究表明,夏季风强度指数的变化可分为三个阶段:(1)在1951~1963年夏季风强度指数呈持续增强的变化趋势;(2)在1963~1965年夏季风强度指数呈突变式减弱;(3)在1966~2000年夏季风强度指数保持在较低的水平上,且呈缓慢减弱的趋势.年降水量变化与夏季风强度指数有同步关系.从1950到1970年的年均温度在波动中略呈降低趋势,然而从1970年开始年均温度在波动中具有持续上升的趋势.气候变化会导致入海泥沙通量的变化,并可能进一步导致三角洲造陆速率的变化.黄河三角洲造陆速率、入海泥沙通量在1952~1964年均呈增大的趋势,1964年后则呈减小的趋势,在总体上与夏季风强度指数的变化趋势相同.除了气候变化以外,流域水土保持和引水对三角洲造陆也有影响.多元回归分析表明,三角洲造陆速率随夏季风强度指数的减弱而减小,随年气温的升高而减小,随梯田林草面积的增加而减小,随年净引水量的增加而减小,同时还表明,夏季风强度指数、年均气温、水土保持措施面积和人类净引水量对三角洲造陆速率变化的贡献率分别为34.94%,3.80%,53.82%和7.44%.表示气候变化的两个变量的贡献率之和为38.7%,说明气候变化对黄河三角洲造陆过程的影响是不容忽视的. 相似文献
不同气候模态下西北太平洋秋刀鱼资源丰度预测模型建立 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
秋刀鱼(Cololabis saira)资源对海洋环境因素极为敏感,不同气候模态可能对秋刀鱼资源丰度产生不同的影响。根据1990-2014年西北太平洋日本的秋刀鱼渔业中单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE,以此作为资源丰度),以及相应产卵场、索饵场的海表温(SST)遥感数据,探讨太平洋年际震荡(PDO)指数冷、暖年下,秋刀鱼资源丰度CPUE变化与产卵场、索饵场SST的关系,并分别建立资源丰度的预测模型。研究表明,PDO冷年索饵场4月SST与年CPUE显著相关(P<0.05),PDO暖年索饵场11月的SST与年标准化CPUE显著相关(P<0.05)。PDO冷、暖年的秋刀鱼资源丰度的预测模型中,CPUE均与索饵场11月的SST、索饵场4月SST呈现正相关的关系,统计学上为显著相关(P<0.05)。PDO冷年(2012年)和PDO暖年(2014年)的CPUE预测值与实际值相对误差分别为14.03%、-16.26%,具有较好的拟合效果。研究认为,不同气候模态下,可用于秋刀鱼资源丰度预测的环境因子不同,上述建立资源丰度模型可用于业务化运行。 相似文献