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A list of 300 tsunamis and similar phenomena known in the Mediterranean is given. Data reliability and wave intensity are estimated; mechanisms of tsunami generation are indicated and data from literature sources on the coordinates and magnitudes of tsunamigenic earthquakes are cited. Eighteen zones of excitation and manifestation of tsunamis are identified which can be integrated into four groups with respect to the recurrence period and maximum intensity of the tsunamis. The strongest tsunamis are excited in the Aegean Sea, and the Hellenic and Calabrian island arcs. The focal depth of the earthquake-generating tsunamis in the Mediterranean is, on average, less than that in the Pacific. Correspondingly, the magnitude of tsunamigenic earthquakes is lower. According to preliminary estimates, the Mediterranean tsunamis attenuate with distance more rapidly than do those in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

This work describes the characteristics of a tsunami with an initial negative wave in the Pacific Ocean. These tsunamis fall into two classes; one class is produced by strong earthquakes and the other by earthquakes of moderate size. The relationship between the run-up probability occurrence is determined for both classes of tsunami and the mechanisms by which the tsunamis are generated is considered with reference to the keyboard model of tsunamigenic earthquakes. Tsunamis in the Arica region of northern Chile were analysed in more detail and these analyses suggest that a catastrophic tsunami is likely to occur in the Arica region in the next 10–20 years.  相似文献   

We discuss issues related to a recognised shortcoming in existing tsunami hazard assessments for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), that of tsunamigenic slope failures (TSFs). Currently, TSFs are most likely underrepresented as sources in existing tsunami databases for two key reasons. First, relatively low magnitude earthquakes associated with subduction zones are generally assigned as the tsunamigenic source, as opposed to the TSFs they generate. A reassessment of such ‘anomalous tsunamis’ may yield clues that serve to reassign their tsunamigenic source. Second, there are thousands of oceanic islands and seamounts scattered across the Pacific and flank collapse of volcanic edifices such as these is a largely unquantified tsunamigenic threat. However, while it is now possible to model such TSFs, this is unlikely to happen in the near future because of the lack of detailed bathymetry and landslide mass data. Recent developments in the identification of past tsunamis in the Pacific Islands have developed a unique range of indicators that can be used for identifying such events. These are geological, oral tradition and archaeological components that include, but are not limited to, a modified Darwinian model of atoll formation, coastal megaclasts, oral traditions of vanished islands and giant waves, and the abandonment of prehistoric coastal sites. As such, the most logical way forward is to use the multiple indicators available to us to identify evidence of past tsunamis.  相似文献   

We present the results of work on the compilation of a fuller and more comprehensive historical catalogue of earthquakes and tsunamis in the basin of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, an area of primary importance for the Russian Federation. In the 20th century, there were no significant tsunamis in the Black Sea; therefore, its coast was not considered tsunami-prone. A systematic search for new data sources, a revision of earlier ones, and the use of new approaches to the identification of tsunamigenic events resulted in a more than doubling of the number of known tsunamigenic events in this basin, bringing it up to 50. The total length of the new tsunami catalogue reached 3000 years, which makes it the second longest after the Mediterranean tsunami catalogue (about 4000 years). Taking into account the seismotectonic features of the Black Sea region, we processed data on historical tsunamis and analyzed the geographical and temporal distributions of their sources. For all tsunamigenic events we performed a parameterization of available information about their sources and coastal manifestations, evaluated the tsunami intensity based on the Soloviev-Imamura scale, and proposed a classification of tsunami and tsunami-like water wave disturbances based on their genesis. Tsunami run-up heights, inland penetration, and damage were estimated with regard for the newly found data. Among the identified historical events, there are devastating tsunamis with run-ups of 4-5 m, sometimes up to 6-8 m, which resulted in disastrous consequences for several ancient cities (Dioscuria, Sebastopolis, Bizone, and Panticapaeum) and many coastal settlements. Expert assessments of the most tsunami-prone areas of the coasts are given.  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution of the ca. 2.0-1.75 Ga old Svecokarelian fold belt is reviewed, and evidence is presented for large-scale intraplate strike-slip movements along ductile megashears. After the formation of the Kola collision suture and the neighbouring Granulite-Tanaelv thrust belt around 1.9 Ga ago, dextral shearing was initiated along N-S trending megashears. Subsequent anticlockwise rotation of the initially NNE-SSW oriented principal compressive stress caused dextral shearing along a NW-SE trending megashear and reversal in the sense of shearing in the N-S trending ones. Further anticlockwise stress rotation (to a total of about 120°) brought an end to sinistral shearing along the N-S megashears around 1.8 Ga ago and caused reversal to sinistral slip along the NW-SE megashear. Both the older (1.9-1.85 Ga) and younger (1.84-1.8 Ga) parts of this evolution are recorded within the Karelian province and its southwestern margin, where consolidation of the lithosphere took place shortly after 1.9 Ga ago. In the Svecofennian province, where crustal accretion did not start until around 1.9 Ga ago, the older movements may have caused synaccretional crustal folding, but with increasing consolidation, the deformation was concentrated along megashears. Although it is still not possible to interrelate the function of active subduction zones and intraplate megashears. the evolution traced so far provides support for plate tectonic interpretations of the Early Proterozoic geodynamics of the Baltic Shield.  相似文献   

Large to great earthquakes and related tsunamis generated on the Aleutian megathrust produce major hazards for both the area of rupture and heavily populated coastlines around much of the Pacific Ocean. Here we use paleoseismic records preserved in coastal sediments to investigate whether segment boundaries control the largest ruptures or whether in some seismic cycles segments combine to produce earthquakes greater than any observed since instrumented records began. Virtually the entire megathrust has ruptured since AD1900, with four different segments generating earthquakes >M8.0. The largest was the M9.2 great Alaska earthquake of March 1964 that ruptured ~800 km of the eastern segment of the megathrust. The tsunami generated caused fatalities in Alaska and along the coast as far south as California. East of the 1964 zone of deformation, the Yakutat microplate experienced two >M8.0 earthquakes, separated by a week, in September 1899. For the first time, we present evidence that earthquakes ~900 and ~1500 years ago simultaneously ruptured adjacent segments of the Aleutian megathrust and the Yakutat microplate, with a combined area ~15% greater than 1964, giving an earthquake of greater magnitude and increased tsunamigenic potential.  相似文献   

Catastrophic tsunami events like those occurred in Papua New Guinea in 1998, Sumatra in 2004 and Japan in 2011, attracted the attention of the scientific community and promoted the development of different tools for assessing tsunami hazard. A preliminary step towards this goal is the knowledge of the events which might affect a specific coastal zone. In this context, we propose a method to identify the tsunami events possibly occurring in areas characterized by scarce data and a non-conservative environment. Accordingly, we propose different indices to summarize the knowledge on tsunami triggering mechanisms (earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions), the characteristics of those mechanisms (magnitude of earthquakes, volume of landslide, Volcanic Explosivity Index) and tsunami features (water height, run-up, wave amplitude, propagation time). This knowledge, considered over a wider area than that of interest, allows for a paramount vision of possible hazardous events that could affect a particular coastal zone. Moreover, the tsunami simulation data and the analysis of potentially tsunamigenic slides which occurred on the Campania continental margins were also considered in the analysis. We focused our attention on Napoli megacity, because the high population density (about 1 million of people live on a territory of 117 km2), together with the presence of active volcanic areas (Ischia, Somma-Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei), make this city potentially exposed to tsunami risk. The main outcome of such an approach shows that in the near field a tsunami amplitude varying from a few centimetres (30–40 cm) to some metres (1–4 m) might be expected at the coastline if the tsunami event was triggered by volcanic activity, whereas no relevant tsunami event should be expected given the peculiar seismicity of the Neapolitan volcanic areas, with earthquakes rarely exceeding 4 Mw, if any possible cascade effects are overlooked. A morphometric analysis of high-resolution bathymetry collected between Ventotene Island and the Gulf of Salerno has shown that the submarine southern sectors of the Ischia Island and the Sorrento Peninsula are characterized by a high density of landslide scars, being thus a potential source area of landslide-generated tsunamis. However, despite the susceptibility of these areas to recurrent slope failures, only four submarine landslide scars were found to be potentially tsunamigenic with estimated tsunami amplitude of few metres at the coastline as predicted by coupling slide morphometry with tsunami amplitude equations. Concerning the tsunamis generated by earthquakes in the Western Mediterranean, only those triggered by high magnitude events (value ≥ 6–7 Mw) might affect the city of Napoli with an amplitude not exceeding 0.5 m, in about 30′.  相似文献   

The major earthquake-induced tsunamis reliable known to have occurred in and near Greece since antiquity are considered in the light of the recently obtained reliable data on the mechanisms and focal depths of the earthquakes occurring here. (The earthquake data concern the major shocks of the period 1962–1986.) First, concise information is given on the most devastating tsunamis. Then the relation between the (estimated) maximum tsunami intensity and the earthquake parameters (mechanism and focal depth) is examined. It is revealed that the most devastating tsunamis took place in areas (such as the western part of the Corinthiakos Gulf, the Maliakos Gulf, and the southern Aegean Sea) where earthquakes are due to shallow normal faulting. Other major tsunamis were nucleated along the convex side of the Hellenic arc, characterized by shallow thrust earthquakes. It is probably somewhere there (most likely south of Crete) that the region's largest known tsunami occurred in AD 365, claiming many lives and causing extensive devastation in the entire eastern Mediterranean. Such big tsunamis seem to have a return period of well over 1000 years and can be generated by large shallow earthquakes associated with thrust faulting beneath the Hellenic trench, where the African plate subduces under the Euroasian plate. Lesser tsunamis are known in the northernmost part of the Aegean Sea and in the Sea of Marmara, where strike-slip faulting is observed. Finally, an attempt is made to combine the tsunami and earthquake data into a map of the region's main tsunamigenic zones (areas of the sea bed believed responsible for past tsunamis and expected to nucleate tsunamis in the future).  相似文献   

The rocky coastline of the Sultanate of Oman between Fins and Sur is decorated by a number of large blocks and boulder accumulations forming ramparts. The blocks occur as individual rocks of up to 40 tons, as imbricated sets and as ??boulder trains.?? Landward, the deposits change into a sand/boulder mixture and distal into sands. The coast is made up of Tertiary folded limestones and beach rock of Quaternary age, both also constitute the megaclasts. The transport distance from the fractured seaward platform of 6?C10?m above mean sea level varies between 20?m and more than 50?m. We found individual blocks of recent corals and overturned blocks with attached oysters and rock pools. Terrestrial laser scanning was used to analyze geomorphologic features as well as for volumetric estimates of the block weights. Tropical cyclones such as Gonu in 2007 or Phet in 2010 are known to have affected Oman??s coastline in the past. The coastal changes during recent cyclones were minor; therefore, we interpret the block deposits as tsunamigenic. However, this interpretation is not unambiguous. The most likely source area for a tsunami is seen in the Makran Subduction Zone situated in the northern Indian Ocean. Here, at least 4?C5 tsunamigenic earthquakes are documented.  相似文献   

Some earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean are tsunamigenic and some of their tsunamis affected the coastal area of the Gulf of Fethiye, SW Turkey. Recent trenching surveys on the low-lying coastal areas of Dalaman delta beach across the Rhodes Pass revealed three probable tsunami impacts as a result of the historical earthquakes of 1303, 1481 and 1741. Yet, there have been relatively few studies of the processes associated with tsunami sediment transport, their deposition and nature in geological record. In addition to the interpretation of sedimentary features, accurate paleoenvironmental assessments might be possible by distinctive biogeochemical researches on marine-sourced organic matters, geochemical properties, quantitative amounts of marine-sourced biomarkers and deterministic ratios. The identification of major lipid biomarkers (fatty acids and sterols) in the samples recovered from the sidewalls of the studied trench, for example, indicated biogenic contributions due to the presence of phytoplankton, zooplankton, dinoflagellates and bacteria. Quantitative estimation of biomarkers and deterministic ratios also indicated some evidences for marine-sourced organic matters, implying that biomarkers can be used to answer the open questions in tsunami and paleotsunami researches.  相似文献   

A Late Holocene cliff-top deposit of large boulders well above the limits of modern storm waves is described from the southern coast of the Atacama Desert (northern Chile). The largest moved boulder weighs >40 t and field data point to a flood height >18·5 m above high tide level and an inland penetration greater than 284 m from the cliff edge. The minimum flow velocity needed for particle entrainment was estimated as 10·1 ms−1 and the most likely processes of sediment deposition for different boulders were deduced. The boulder distribution, sorting and orientation of imbricated debris, together with the significant wave height of extreme storms reported and the occurrence of interplate earthquakes in the study area indicate that the deposit records a single event, interpreted here as a tsunami wave train rather than exceptional storm waves. The boulder field was dated to between the 13th and the 16th Centuries ce and possibly correlates with the 1420 Oei orphan tsunami, that affected the eastern coast of Japan. A magnitude of 8·8 to 9·4 has been estimated for the earthquake, which may be one of the larger events of a super-cycle of earthquakes in the southern Atacama Desert. These cycle-ending earthquakes involve large rupture areas (lengths in excess of 600 km) and highly destructive ocean-wide tsunamigenic events.  相似文献   

A catalogue of 1873–1972 earthquakes with M > 6.9 for the New Guinea—Solomon Islands region (130–165° E) is compiled. There are 152 events listed. Duda's (1965) results for 1900–1968 are improved for the Papua New Guinea area (141–156° E) because of the availability of historical data for that area.Although there is evidence of rapid Holocene uplift in the main seismic zones, there is little historical evidence for visible uplift or subsidence resulting directly from modern major earthquakes. Coastal subsidences commonly reported as a result of earthquakes are of smaller extent and appear to be due to settlement. However, the occurrence of tsunamigenic earthquakes does suggest that surface deformations do take place off-shore.Using Davies and Brune's (1971) method, regional fault slip rates over 5° -segments of the shallow seismic zone are determined from the seismicity catalogue. The slip rate for the island of New Guinea (Gutenberg and Richter's Region 16) is found to be at least 4.4 cm/y which is almost double the very anomalously low rate of 2.3 cm/y found by Davies and Brune (1971). If allowance is made for shear movement without seismicity and for the approximately ratio of dip-slip versus strike-slip faulting indicated by fault plane solutions, the agreement with Le Pichon's (1970) approach value of 10.7 cm/y for the Pacific—India (Australia) plates is reasonable. The fault slip rate in the area between east New Britain and Bougainville at the Pacific—Bismarck—Solomon triple junction is extremely high (20.6 cm/y at least). The smallest slip rate (1.5 cm/y) is found for westernmost New Guinea (130–135° E).Temporal cumulative summation of moments curves show a periodicity of approximately 25 years in the seismic activity at the triple junction (150–155° E). Elsewhere the rate of seismic activity is aperiodic.  相似文献   

Tokutaro Hatori 《GeoJournal》1996,38(3):313-319
The regional characteristics of tsunami magnitudes in the SE Asia region are discussed in relation to earthquake magnitudes during the period from 1960 to 1994. Tsunami magnitudes on the Imamura-Iida scale are investigated by the author's method (Hatori 1979, 1986) using the data of inundation heights near the source area and tide-gauge records observed in Japan. The magnitude values of the Taiwan tsunamis showed relatively to be small. On the contrary, the magnitudes of tsunamis in the vicinities of the Philippines and Indonesia exceed more than 1–2 grade (tsunami heights: 2–5 times) compared to earthquakes with similar size on the circum-Pacific zone. The relation between tsunami magnitude, m, and earthquake magnitude, M s, is expressed as m = 2.66 M s– 17.5 for these regions. For example, the magnitudes for the 1976 Mindanao tsunami (M s= 7.8, 3702 deaths) and the 1992 Flores tsunami (M s= 7.5, 1713 deaths) were determined to be m = 3 and m = 2.5, respectively. The focal depth of tsunamigenic earthquakes is shallower thand< 36 km, and the detectively of tsunamis is small for deep earthquakes being d > 40 km. For future tsunamis, it is indispensable to take precautions against shallow earthquakes having the magnitudes M s> 6.5.  相似文献   

华北燕山中—新元古代震积岩系列及其地震节律   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
段吉业  刘鹏举等 《地质学报》2002,76(4):441-445,T001,T002
在燕山北缘河北平泉地区中,上元古界中,鉴别出一系列震积岩。主要类型有脆性型,塑性型,液化型及复合型四种。提出了啸积岩与风暴岩的鉴别标志,指出鲍马序列模式的真正拥有者是啸积岩与风暴岩,而非典型的半深海浊积岩。根据其在纵向上出现的类别和频率,划分出10个地震活跃期,其地震节律为60-80Ma,这一地震节律反映了燕山裂陷槽裂陷的历程,裂陷高峰期在高于庄至雾迷山期。  相似文献   

In 1997, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the five western States of Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington joined in a partnership called the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) to enhance the quality and quantity of seismic data provided to the NOAA tsunami warning centers in Alaska and Hawaii. The NTHMP funded a seismic project that now provides the warning centers with real-time seismic data over dedicated communication links and the Internet from regional seismic networks monitoring earthquakes in the five western states, the U.S. National Seismic Network in Colorado, and from domestic and global seismic stations operated by other agencies. The goal of the project is to reduce the time needed to issue a tsunami warning by providing the warning centers with high-dynamic range, broadband waveforms in near real time. An additional goal is to reduce the likelihood of issuing false tsunami warnings by rapidly providing to the warning centers parametric information on earthquakes that could indicate their tsunamigenic potential, such as hypocenters, magnitudes, moment tensors, and shake distribution maps. New or upgraded field instrumentation was installed over a 5-year period at 53 seismic stations in the five western states. Data from these instruments has been integrated into the seismic network utilizing Earthworm software. This network has significantly reduced the time needed to respond to teleseismic and regional earthquakes. Notably, the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center responded to the 28 February 2001 Mw 6.8 Nisqually earthquake beneath Olympia, Washington within 2 minutes compared to an average response time of over 10 minutes for the previous 18 years.  相似文献   

Tsunamis are reconstructed on the basis of distribution of tsunamigenic sediments in coastal lowland sections. Reflections of anomalous tsunamis are recorded in detail in the lacustrine–boggy sections of the Lesser Kuril Ridge, while only fragments of these sediments have been found on the islands of the Greater Kuril Ridge. The distribution and composition of the sediments left by recent large-scale tsunamis (locally documented 1994 and 1894 Shikotan tsunamis and transoceanic 2011 Tohoku tsunami) are analyzed for the purpose of understanding deposition features during large and megatsunamis. Interregional correlation of the events during the last ~2.5 kyr is carried out with estimation of their scales. It is established that large events took place in the 17th and 18th centuries and approximately at 1.0, 1.4–1.6, 1.7–1.8, and 2.0–2.1 ka ago. New data on large tsunami chronology since the Middle Holocene are presented. A unique natural peatland section with abundant tsunamigenic sand layers is studied on the Pacific side of Zelenyi Island (Rudnya Bay), where deposition continued through the entire Holocene. The largest tsunamis which happened on the South Kuril Islands during the last ~7.5 kyr and can be classed as megatsunamis are revealed.  相似文献   

The Japan Trench subduction zone, located east of NE Japan, has regional variation in seismicity. Many large earthquakes occurred in the northern part of Japan Trench, but few in the southern part. Off Miyagi region is in the middle of the Japan Trench, where the large earthquakes (M > 7) with thrust mechanisms have occurred at an interval of about 40 years in two parts: inner trench slope and near land. A seismic experiment using 36 ocean bottom seismographs (OBS) and a 12,000 cu. in. airgun array was conducted to determine a detailed, 2D velocity structure in the forearc region off Miyagi. The depth to the Moho is 21 km, at 115 km from the trench axis, and becomes progressively deeper landward. The P-wave velocity of the mantle wedge is 7.9–8.1 km/s, which is typical velocity for uppermost mantle without large serpentinization. The dip angle of oceanic crust is increased from 5–6° near the trench axis to 23° 150 km landward from the trench axis. The P-wave velocity of the oceanic uppermost mantle is as small as 7.7 km/s. This low-velocity oceanic mantle seems to be caused by not a lateral anisotropy but some subduction process. By comparison with the seismicity off Miyagi, the subduction zone can be divided into four parts: 1) Seaward of the trench axis, the seismicity is low and normal fault-type earthquakes occur associated with the destruction of oceanic lithosphere. 2) Beneath the deformed zone landward of the trench axis, the plate boundary is characterized as a stable sliding fault plain. In case of earthquakes, this zone may be tsunamigenic. 3) Below forearc crust where P-wave velocity is almost 6 km/s and larger: this zone is the seismogenic zone below inner trench slope, which is a plate boundary between the forearc and oceanic crusts. 4) Below mantle wedge: the rupture zones of thrust large earthquakes near land (e.g. 1978 off Miyagi earthquake) are located beneath the mantle wedge. The depth of the rupture zones is 30–50 km below sea level. From the comparison, the rupture zones of large earthquakes off Miyagi are limited in two parts: plate boundary between the forearc and oceanic crusts and below mantle wedge. This limitation is a rare case for subduction zone. Although the seismogenic process beneath the mantle wedge is not fully clarified, our observation suggests the two possibilities: earthquake generation at the plate boundary overridden by the mantle wedge without serpentinization or that in the subducting slab.  相似文献   

Prognostic characteristics of tsunamis in the East (Japan) Sea based on numerical simulations are investigated by using linear long wave theory. Due to the lack of observed data, the concept of the synthetic catalogue is applied to generate possible tsunami scenarios. It includes four real events that occurred in the East (Japan) Sea during the 20th century, 24 hypothetical tsunamigenic earthquakes located in the gap zones of the seismic map, and 76 idealized model ‘hydrodynamic’ sources covering the eastern part of the East (Japan) Sea uniformly. The tsunami wave height distributions along the East (Japan) Sea coastline due to these hypothetical events are computed. From the geographical distributions of tsunami wave height for all possible events, it is found that there exist several coastal locations where the tsunami risk is relatively lower than in other zones. The relation between the maximal value of the tsunami height and its average value is analyzed. It is found that the maximal tsunami height does not exceed the mean wave height times a constant. The uniform bounded curve for all areas can be obtained if the mean wave height is replaced by the modified mean wave height (1/3 of largest waves). The problem of quantitative definition of the prognostic tsunami wave height for each location based on the data from the synthetic catalogue is discussed. The results of tsunami wave height analysis based on the synthetic catalogue can be used as a tool for coastal disaster mitigation planning.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report that the ratio of broadband energy (0.01?C2?Hz) to high-frequency energy (0.3?C2?Hz), E r, estimated from regional seismograms of India, might be a useful parameter in estimating tsunami potential of earthquakes in the Sumatra?CAndaman region. E r is expected to be sensitive to the depth as well as to the source characteristics of an earthquake. Since a shallow and slow earthquake has a greater tsunamigenic potential, E r may be a useful diagnostic parameter. We base our analysis on broadband seismograms of the great earthquakes of Sumatra?CAndaman (2004, M w?~?9.2) and Nias (2005, M w 8.6), 41 of their aftershocks, and the earthquakes of north Sumatra (2010, M w 7.8) and Nicobar (2010, M w 7.4) recorded at VISK, a station located on the east coast of India. In the analysis, we also included the two recent, great strike-slip earthquakes of north Sumatra (2012, M w 8.6, 8.2) recorded at VISK and three south Sumatra earthquakes (2007, M w 8.5; 2007, M w 7.9; 2010, M w 7.8) recorded at PALK, a station in Sri Lanka. We find that E r is a function of depth; shallower earthquakes have higher E r values than the deeper ones. Thus, E r may be indicative of tsunamigenic potential of an earthquake. As M w and E r increase so does the tsunami potential. In addition to the parameter E r, the radiated seismic energy, E s, may be estimated from the regional seismograms in India using empirical Green??s function technique. The technique yields reliable E s for the great Sumatra and Nias earthquakes. E r and E s computed from VISK data, along with M w and focal mechanism, may be useful in estimating tsunami potential along the east coast of India from earthquakes in the Sumatra?CAndaman region in less than ~20?min.  相似文献   

Extensive bathymetric and two-dimensional seismic surveys have been carried out and cores collected in Pago Pago Bay (Tutuila, American Samoa) in order to describe and gain a better understanding of the sediment fill of the bay, which was affected by the 2009 South Pacific Tsunami. Eight sedimentary units were identified over the volcanic bedrock. The basal transgressive unit displays retrograding onlaps towards the shore, whereas the overlying seven aggradational layers alternate between four draping units and three pinching out seaward units. ‘Core to seismic’ correlation reveals that draping units are composed of homogeneous silts, while pinching out units are dominated by very coarse coral fragments showing fresh cuts, mixed with Halimeda plates. The basal unit is attributed to transgressive sedimentation in response to flooding of the bay after the last glacial maximum, followed by the upper aggradational units corresponding to highstand sedimentation. The changeovers in these upper units indicate an alternation between low-energy silt units and high-energy coral debris units interpreted as tsunami-induced deposits. The 14C dating reveals that high-energy sedimentation units can last up to approximately 2000 years while low-energy sedimentation units can last up to approximately 1000 years. This alternation, deposited during the last highstand, may be explained by cycles of tectonic activity and quiescence of the Tonga Trench subduction, which is the main source of tsunamigenic earthquakes impacting the Samoan archipelago. In the uppermost silt unit, only the geochemical signature of the terrestrial input of the 2009 SPT backwash deposits was detected between 7 cm and 9 cm depth. Hence, Pago Pago Bay offers a unique sediment record of Holocene bay-fill under the impact of past tsunamis intermittently during the last 7000 years.  相似文献   

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