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The behavioural features of the IMF Bz component for different solar wind velocity regimes have been studied. The study revealed a significant difference in variations of the Bz component between high-speed and low-speed regimes. Formation mechanisms for the IMF meridional component as well as the relationship of Bz with dynamical properties of the large-scale magnetic fields on the Sun are discussed.  相似文献   

The formation of the solar wind, the plasma flows from the Sun, is studied by new methods that have been developed in recent years. Experiments on circumsolar plasma sounding at radial heliocentric distances of ~2.5–60R form their basis. Experimental data are used to construct the correlation diagrams-the location of the boundary of the transonic solar wind transition region versus the magnetic field strength in the region of the flow sources. The 2000–2004 correlation diagrams reveal flows of six types that differ by the magnetic field structure in their sources. During the decline of solar activity in 2003–2004, the evolution of the slow solar wind flows has been found to be determined not by the Wolf numbers, but by the total strength of the global magnetic field in the solar corona.  相似文献   

马兵  陈玲  吴德金 《天文学报》2023,(3):35-233
与太阳射电爆发相比,通常认为频率较低的行星际射电爆发产生于远离低日冕的行星际空间.地球电离层的截止导致地基设备无法对其进行观测.美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA)发射的帕克太阳探测器(Parker Solar Probe, PSP)是迄今为止距离太阳最近的空间探测器.其搭载的射电频谱仪能够对10 k Hz–19.17 MHz频段范围内的射电辐射进行观测. PSP能够靠近甚至可能穿越行星际III型射电爆发的辐射源区,因此使用PSP对行星际射电爆发进行观测具有前所未有的优势.简要介绍了目前为止使用PSP的射电观测数据对行星际III型射电爆发的多方面研究,包括爆发的发生率、偏振、散射、截止频率、可能的辐射机制和相关的辐射源区等方面的研究进展,并讨论了其未来的研究前景.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - Based on a large series (N = 14 038) of daily solar wind densities, we obtained the fluctuation power spectrum. The spectrum shows that the 399-day variation (the synodic period...  相似文献   

Non-linear, three-dimensional, time-dependent fluid simulations of whistler wave turbulence are performed to investigate role of whistler waves in solar wind plasma turbulence in which characteristic turbulent fluctuations are characterized typically by the frequency and length-scales that are, respectively, bigger than ion gyrofrequency and smaller than ion gyroradius. The electron inertial length is an intrinsic length-scale in whistler wave turbulence that distinguishably divides the high-frequency solar wind turbulent spectra into scales smaller and bigger than the electron inertial length. Our simulations find that the dispersive whistler modes evolve entirely differently in the two regimes. While the dispersive whistler wave effects are stronger in the large-scale regime, they do not influence the spectral cascades which are describable by a Kolmogorov-like   k −7/3  spectrum. By contrast, the small-scale turbulent fluctuations exhibit a Navier–Stokes-like evolution where characteristic turbulent eddies exhibit a typical   k −5/3  hydrodynamic turbulent spectrum. By virtue of equipartition between the wave velocity and magnetic fields, we quantify the role of whistler waves in the solar wind plasma fluctuations.  相似文献   

The ground-based radio astronomy method of interplanetary scintillations (IPS) and spacecraft observations have shown, in the past 25 years, that while coronal holes give rise to stable, reclining high speed solar wind streams during the minimum of the solar activity cycle, the slow speed wind seen more during the solar maximum activity is better associated with the closed field regions, which also give rise to solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CME’s). The latter events increase significantly, as the cycle maximum takes place. We have recently shown that in the case of energetic flares one may be able to track the associated disturbances almost on a one to one basis from a distance of 0.2 to 1 AU using IPS methods. Time dependent 3D MHD models which are constrained by IPS observations are being developed. These models are able to simulate general features of the solar-generated disturbances. Advances in this direction may lead to prediction of heliospheric propagation of these disturbances throughout the solar system.  相似文献   

In experiments that were regularly carried out in 1999–2002 with Pushchino radio telescopes (Russian Academy of Sciences), the study of the radial dependence of the scattering of radio emission from compact natural sources was extended to regions of circumsolar plasma farther from the Sun. Based on a large body of data, we show that, apart from the standard transonic acceleration region located at distances of 10–40 R from the Sun, there is a region of repeated acceleration at distances of 34–60 R attributable to the equality between the solar wind velocity and the Alfvénic velocity. The repetition in the trans-Alfvénic region of the characteristic features of the radial stream structure observed in the transonic region (the existence of a precursor, a narrow region of reduced scattering that precedes a wide region of enhanced scattering) suggests that the main characteristic features of the resonant acceleration of solar wind streams are preserved up to distances of the order of 60 R.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of decimetric radio bursts (RBs), X-ray flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is carried out. We consider all radio bursts recorded by the Cracow Solar Radio Telescope from the beginning of 1996 until the end of 2004. It is found that the decimetric radio bursts are associated and strongly correlated with X-ray flares. Correlation coefficients between RBs durations and the maximal fluxes of the radio bursts and flares are found to be 0.60 and 0.87, respectively. We also demonstrated that a significant population of the decimetric radio bursts are associated with CMEs. The correlation coefficient between the maximal radio flux density multiplied by the duration of the RBs versus velocity multiplied by width of CMEs is found to be 0.55.  相似文献   

The mechanical structure of the GREGOR telescope was installed at the Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife, in 2004. New concepts for mounting and cooling of the 1.5‐meter primary mirror were introduced. GREGOR is an open telescope, therefore the dome is completely open during observations to allow for air flushing through the open, but stiff telescope structure. Backside cooling system of the primary mirror keeps the mirror surface close to ambient temperature to prevent mirror seeing. The large collecting area of the primary mirror results in high energy density at the field stop at the prime focus of the primary which needs to be removed. The optical elements are supported by precision alignment systems and should provide a stable solar image at the optical lab. The coudé train can be evacuated and serves as a natural barrier between the outer environmental conditions and the air‐conditioned optical laboratory with its sensitive scientific instrumentation. The telescope was successfully commissioned and will start its nominal operation during 2013 (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper gives the main characteristics of the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope as well as some results derived by investigating the s-component sources and radio bursts on the Sun using the SSRT.  相似文献   

It follows from numerous measurements of the differential fluxes of energetic charged particles in corotating interaction regions between solar wind streams with different speeds that the spectra of particles accelerated by reverse shocks are harder than those of particles accelerated by forward shocks. The measurements cannot be explained in terms of the theory of diffusive acceleration (first-order Fermi acceleration). We show that the measurements can be easily explained in terms of the theory of drift acceleration of charged particles by shock waves with allowance made for their multiple scattering from the front.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a simple, analytic model for the dynamical evolution of supersonic velocity fluctuations at the base of the ambient solar wind. These fluctuations result in the formation of dense working surfaces that travel down the wind. It is shown how the initial parameters of the fluctuations (velocity, density and duration) are related to the characteristics of the working surfaces far from the Sun (for instance at the Earth). We apply the model to the evolution of the coronal mass ejections in the IP medium, finding that the model is in good agreement with satellite observations of these phenomena, thus providing physical insight into their dynamical evolution. Our model may contribute to future 'space weather forecasting' on the Earth, based on detailed satellite monitoring of the solar corona.  相似文献   

We present velocity estimates of bulk motions in the solar corona using data from the Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft ( SOHO ). We describe a new technique which automatically provides a mass-weighted mean velocity profile in an entirely objective fashion without the need for individual event identification. A weighted velocity profile of this kind reflects the motion of the energetically dominant component of the coronal mass ejection (CME) mass spectrum and is of particular interest in consideration of the overall energy budget of the CME process. We consider the mean motion within three latitudinal bands centred at 0°, 20° and 40° over a one-year period around the time of solar minimum. We find terminal velocities within the LASCO field of around 300 km s−1 in all latitude bands but note a latitudinal dependence in CME evolution through the low corona prior to reaching these velocities. We find evidence that ejections in the equatorial zone undergo continuous acceleration whilst at higher latitudes a discrete burst of acceleration is seen to occur at around 4 R from the Sun's centre with relatively little acceleration thereafter. We also consider the energy deposition rates necessary to generate these profiles.  相似文献   

Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) instruments use resonant scattering spectrometers to make unresolved Doppler velocity observations of the Sun. Unresolved measurements are not homogenous across the solar disc and so the observed data do not represent a uniform average over the entire surface. The influence on the inhomogeneity of the solar rotation and limb darkening has been considered previously and is well understood. Here, we consider a further effect that originates from the instrumentation itself. The intensity of light observed from a particular region on the solar disc is dependent on the distance between that region on the image of the solar disc formed in the instrument and the detector. The majority of BiSON instruments have two detectors positioned on opposite sides of the image of the solar disc and the observations made by each detector are weighted towards differing regions of the disc. Therefore, the visibility and amplitudes of the solar oscillations and the realization of the solar noise observed by each detector will differ. We find that the modelled bias is sensitive to many different parameters such as the width of solar absorption lines, the strength of the magnetic field in the resonant scattering spectrometer, the orientation of the Sun's rotation axis, the size of the image observed by the instrument and the optical depth in the vapour cell. We find that the modelled results best match the observations when the optical depth at the centre of the vapour cell is 0.55. The inhomogeneous weighting means that a 'velocity offset' is introduced into unresolved Doppler velocity observations of the Sun, which varies with time, and so has an impact on the long-term stability of the observations.  相似文献   

A series of solar radio bursts were observed in AR NOAA 10486 withthe Solar Broadband (1.1--7.6 GHz) Radio Spectrometers (SBRS of China). Here weanalyze four significant events associated with CME events and strong X-ray flaresthat occurred on 2003 October 22, 26, 27, 29. The Oct. 26 event is a long durationevent (LDE) with drift pulsation structure (DPS), narrowband dm-burst (DCIM),and more than seven types of Fine Structures (FSs); its time of the maximum flux(07:30 UT) is about half an hour later than the X-flare (06:54 UT).  相似文献   

日球边界射电辐射是太阳系最强的射电辐射现象,辐射功率至少达1013 W,能够提供日球边界附近高能电子束和背景磁等离子体结构的重要物理信息.自1983年旅行者号卫星首次探测到日球边界射电辐射后,其便受到研究者们的广泛持续关注.日球边界射电辐射大致有两类:辐射频率相对较高的瞬时辐射或称漂移辐射以及辐射频率相对较低的持续辐射或称非漂移辐射.通常两类辐射都从大约2 kHz开始,漂移辐射具有向高频率漂移的特征,频漂率约为1–3 kHz/yr,频率范围1.8–3.6 kHz,持续时间较短大致100–300 d;非漂移辐射没有明显的频率漂移,频率范围1.8–2.6 kHz,持续时间较长大致3 yr.目前普遍认为日球边界射电辐射与激波有关.介绍了该射电辐射可能的辐射产生源区、辐射物理机制以及与辐射相关的激波来源,并且讨论了尚存在的科学问题以及展望了未来可以进一步开展的研究.  相似文献   

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