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叶城晚新生代山前盆地的岩性主要由中新世的细粒泥岩和砂岩(乌恰群),上新世的砂岩夹薄层砾岩(阿图什组)及上新世-更新世的粗粒砾岩(西域组)构成.中新世的沉积以细颗粒泥砂岩为主,表明物源区较远,古流域坡度较小,搬运距离较长.古流向分析显示物源区位于南和偏南方,此时昆仑山的地势起伏尚不大.到上新世的阿图什组沉积时,开始出现砾石沉积,反映西昆仑山已经开始有规模地隆升.西域砾岩的沉积标志着作为物源区的西昆仑山已有相当的高度,随着山系的隆升,基底岩石被暴露和剥蚀.  相似文献   

青海贵德盆地晚新生代沉积演化与青藏高原北部隆升   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
青海贵德盆地发育巨厚的新生代地层,并含较丰富的重要哺乳动物化石,对确定盆地及周边相似地层的年代和研究高原隆升过程具有重要的科学意义。本文结合哺乳动物采用典型剖面精确古地磁测年为基础的时间框架,对近11 Ma BP以来盆地沉积相进行了分析,划分出19个沉积岩相和湖泊、三角洲、辫状河流、水下扇三角洲和水上洪积扇5个沉积环境,以及8个沉积演化阶段。通过盆地沉积对构造隆升的响应探讨表明:>11~7.65Ma BP为高原构造稳定期,7.65~3.6Ma BP高原具阶段性逐步隆升构造特征,3.6~>2.6 Ma BP为高原整体快速隆升,2.6Ma BP左右高原大规模挤压断陷,1.8 Ma BP左右高原大规模整体快速隆升并使贵德盆地古湖被切穿排干,黄河在此诞生。  相似文献   

叶城盆地属于塔里木盆地的西南坳陷 ,在晚新生代沉积了巨厚的磨拉石建造。盆地的演化具有阶段性 ,反映了西昆仑山不断的隆升。中新世 ,盆地的沉积环境为曲流河和辨状河等河湖相环境 ,到上新世早期变为冲积扇的远端。晚上新世 (~ 3.6 Ma)开始 ,盆地的沉积环境发生了质的变化 ,沉积物以粗颗粒砾岩为主 ,沉积环境为干旱气候条件下的冲 -洪积扇近端。沉积相的变化 ,反映了昆仑山在晚上新世有强烈的隆升。  相似文献   

酒西盆地晚新生代沉积物重矿物分析与高原北部隆升   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
沉积物的形成是地壳差异升降运动的物质记录.位于青藏高原北缘的酒西盆地晚新生代沉积比较敏感和全面记录了高原北部的构造运动和隆升过程.老君庙剖面晚新生代沉积物重矿物分析表明13 MaBP以来酒西盆地南部沉积物中重矿物具规律性变化;依据重矿物具规律性变化和沉积特征,揭示了青藏高原北缘晚新生代以来地壳运动经历了稳定期(13~8.26 Ma)、逐步阶段性隆升期(8.26~<4.9 Ma)和急剧强烈整体阶段性隆升期(>3.66~0 Ma)三个重大构造演化过程。  相似文献   

合肥盆地位于安徽省中部 ,南面紧邻大别造山带 ,大别造山带的活动必然在合肥盆地留下地层、构造的踪迹。本文通过研究近几年在合肥盆地完成的地质、地球物理以及钻井资料 ,从盆山耦合角度 ,探讨晚侏罗世大别山强烈隆升的地层证据。根据安徽省肥西县何老庄地质剖面 ,下侏罗统主要为灰白色、灰黄色石英砂岩夹砂砾岩 ,中上部见煤线 ,底部为巨厚的砾岩 ,厚度达 95m ,分选性差 ,砾石直径 2~ 10cm ,个别达30cm ,与太古宇不整合接触 ,这些特征是大别山隆起、遭受剥蚀的直接标志。砾石成分主要为伟晶岩、花岗岩、石英岩和片麻岩等 ,主要是佛子岭群…  相似文献   

据岩石地层、气候地层、生物地层和磁性地层等方法综合,将上海疏松地层划分为上第三系和第四系。古地磁测量表明,第四系和上第三系之间的界限位于考克斯年表上高斯正极性期凯纳事件或为英斯事件处。这与河北阳原盆地泥河湾、云南元谋盆地、华北平原东部及长江三角洲可以对比。上第三系为中新统白龙港玄武岩和陆相沉积的上新统崇明组组成。第四系划分为四个“统”,十“个组”。  相似文献   

在系统梳理扎达盆地、尼泊尔Thakkhola半地堑盆地、吉隆—沃马盆地、乌郁盆地磁性地层研究成果的基础上, 对古地磁年代所代表的地质事件进行了对比和分析, 认为藏南及邻区各近南北向裂谷盆地自形成以来均发育2次明显的沉积变动事件, 第一次为距今10.6~8.1 Ma期间各盆地分别开始接受沉积, 第二次为距今3.5~2.0 Ma各湖盆的连续消亡; 总结高原的气候变化可以发现, 高原在距今约8 Ma及3 Ma左右也有明显的2次气候变化, 即沉积事件与气候变化事件在时间上具有近同时性。扎达盆地、吉隆—沃马盆地、达涕盆地三趾马化石的时代都处于距今7.0~6.5 Ma之间, 也具有近同时性。结合高原的整体演化, 认为其可能在距今10.6~8.1 Ma、3.5~2.0 Ma发生了2期比较强烈的隆升运动。同时, 分析指出了青藏高原南部及邻区晚新生代盆地磁性地层研究过程中存在的问题及解决方法, 并对今后青藏高原南部及邻区地区晚新生代磁性地层研究提出了建议。   相似文献   

鄂尔多斯地区晚古生代沉积层序地层学与盆地构造演化研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
基于现代沉积学理论和层序地层学思想,在鄂尔多斯地区晚古生代岩相古地理展布及演化特征分析基础上,对该区晚古生代地层进行精确划分、对比和层序地层学研究。进而按其沉积物特征和充填层序特点将这一时期沉积盆地厘定为三种类型,了晚石炭世本溪期至早二叠世早期(太原期)的陆表海盆地及裂陷(坳陷)盆地、早二叠世山西期近海湖盆和中、晚二叠世石盒子期和石千峰期的内陆坳陷盆地,在不同阶段的盆地中,又可划分出若干次级盆地和演化阶段。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部的形成演化是检验高原隆升模型及其驱动季风-干旱环境形成假说的关键。青海贵德和西宁盆地新生代高精度磁性地层和盆地演化揭示出贵德和西宁盆地在早新生代两个盆地曾经为一个统一的、发育于东昆仑山前的弱挤压型陆内挠曲盆地或前陆盆地,可能包括兰州盆地、循化-化隆盆地和祁连山东部一些盆地在内的周边地区都向这个统一的盆地内注入水流和沉积物质,在西宁一带形成汇水中心,并在当时为行星风系的亚热带副高压带作用下形成巨厚的膏盐层。从约21Ma的中新世早期开始,前陆盆地挠曲下沉明显加剧,盆地早期地层被挤压变形,形成盆地中最显著的角度不整合,推测分隔贵德盆地东部的海宴—泽库右旋断裂强烈活动,分隔贵德和西宁盆地的拉脊山东部开始隆升,贵德盆地河流水系由北转向西流,至中中新世,隆升可能席卷整个拉脊山,贵德盆地水系明显南流,盆地挤压中心由早先的昆仑山前转移至拉脊山两侧。从约8Ma开始,拉脊山开始强烈阶段性幕式(3.6、2.6及1.8Ma)变形隆升,导致两侧断层以花状向盆地中心逐步扩展,断裂、掀斜和褶皱地层,盆地转变成山间盆地,并在约1.8Ma的强烈变形隆升后,黄河出现,紧接着形成上千米深切河谷和7级阶地,高原东北部现今构造地貌沉积格局最终形成。上述盆地形成演化过程总体揭示出印度板块碰撞早期最远端的高原东北部就已经开始变形隆升响应,这个过程阶段性由弱至强,至8Ma以来达到最大,反映了高原南北的同步变形隆升但幅度不同的动力学过程与形成模式,可能指示了脆性上地壳块体间柔性变形、块体内刚性挤压破裂变形和塑性下地壳连续变形增厚与流动的共同作用机制。  相似文献   

辽东南地区晚中生代地层发育不甚完全,具有两期盆地叠合演化的特征,即早中侏罗世和早白垩世两个演化阶段,经历了2次伸展裂陷和2次挤压反转。在详细研究辽东南地区各盆地岩石地层序列、生物化石组合特征、年代地层格架以及区域地层对比的基础上,讨论了盆地的演化阶段和演化规律,指出是古太平洋板块向东亚大陆边缘不同方向的俯冲与走滑,以及来自北方西伯利亚板块的持续碰撞挤压的联合构造应力场制约了中国东北地区晚中生代盆地的裂陷过程和构造反转的演化,进而为揭示华北克拉通晚中生代岩石圈演化的动力学机制提供参考依据。  相似文献   

晚三叠世中扬子北缘前陆盆地层序地层特征及沉积演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用沉积学和层序地层学的基本原理和方法,对中扬子北缘上三叠统4 条实测露头剖面和1 条测井剖面进行了详细的沉积相分析和层序地层划分,同时阐述了沉积相迁移规律、层序界面类型、层序发育特征及其控制因素。研究结果表明,该地区上三叠统可以划分为4 个三级层序(TS1,TS2,TS3 和TS4),进一步归为1 个二级构造层序。荆门—当阳盆地上三叠统沉积厚度约为1 200 m,4 个层序发育完整;向东至汉川、鄂州一带地层变薄不足40 m,向西越过黄陵背斜至秭归、利川一带层厚100~300 m,后两者保存残留不全的上三叠统只能归为1 个三级层序。层序界面类型主要有不整合面、河流冲刷侵蚀作用面和岩性岩相转换面等。在露头剖面和测井剖面层序地层划分的基础上建立的层序地层格架表明,中扬子北缘晚三叠世从TS1-TS2 到TS3-TS4 沉积组构发生了由低能到高能的转变。在构造、古地理背景和气候因素共同控制层序发育样式的背景下,研究区经历了从湖沼体系到冲积体系的转变,体现了晚三叠世中扬子北缘前陆盆地发育早期的沉积特征。  相似文献   

The Shuanghu basin is a NE-trending rift basin bounded by NE-striking normal faults and NW-striking shear-extensional faults of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Four samples from calcite veins in marginal faults and one sample from mudstone (S-3) were collected for dating the evolution of the Shuanghu basin by using the ESR spectrograph of EXM-type. Ages were calculated according to the close-equilibrium model on the basis of the measured ESR signal spectra of samples, providing good chronological information. It is known from the ESR dating that the extensional faulting and rifting of the Shuanghu area began at 4.92 Ma B.P., followed by regional folding in 3.56-1.36 Ma, NW-striking faulting in 0.60 Ma and normal faulting in 0.024 Ma in the Shuanghu basin.  相似文献   

库车前陆盆地古近系露头层序地层学   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
应用露头层序地层学基本原理和方法,在新疆库车前陆盆地古近系各种层序界面露头标志分析的基础上,探讨了该区三级层序、层序区域对比的基本特征以及层序发育的盆缘背景.研究表明:古近纪库车前陆盆地充填整体为一个二级层序,并进一步划分为8个三级层序;盆地基底的东、西分块是造成古近系充填层序纵向发育不协调的深部原因;通过沉积体系类型及演化与盆缘背景、构造活动的响应关系分析,推论了库车前陆盆地楔顶带的存在;楔顶带的发育抑制了构造活动期源于造山带的物源供给,使前陆盆地前渊带的沉积物供给速率趋于稳定.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部贵德盆地新生代沉积演化与构造隆升   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
通过对高原东北部贵德盆地新生代地层研究,为恢复高原隆升历史提供依据。贵德盆地形成于渐新世末,其新生代地层可划分出深水砾砂质网状河流、泥石流质网状河流、砾质网状河流、山麓洪积、三角洲、半深湖与浅湖、水下扇三角洲七个沉积相组合体系。根据其沉积相组合和沉积演化揭示出高原隆升过程先后经历了:早期隆升期 (渐新世末 )、较稳定剥蚀夷平期 (早中新世 )、小幅隆升期 (早中新世末 )、稳定剥蚀夷平期 (中中新世至晚中新世 )、持续逐步较快速隆升期 (8.2~ 3.6Ma)、急剧强烈阶段性隆升期 (3.6~ 0Ma) ;其中 3.6Ma±的隆升是新生代构造运动的一个重要分水岭,此前盆地海拔应不超过 10 0 0m,此后构造活动速度明显加速,地形高差显著增大。可见青藏高原的隆升是一个多阶段、不等速和非均变的复杂过程  相似文献   

VORTEX MOTION OF THE CRUST DEFORMATION IN THE TIBETAN PLATEAU AND ITS FORELANDFromtheresultsofthecooperativeprojectbetweenChengduInstituteofGeologyandMineralResources andMassachusettsInstituteofTechnology  相似文献   

The Xining basin is located in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is a rift basin formed in Mesozoic and Cenozoic and structurally belongs to the intersection of Kunlun and Qilian Mountains. Cenozoic fluvial and lacustrine sedimentary strata are continuous in the Xining basin, with a thickness of more than 800 m, completely recording the deformation uplifting, weathering and denudation history and climate change process of the northeastern plateau. Currently, early Miocene Xijia fauna, early Middle Miocene Danshuilu fauna and late Middle Miocene Diaogou fauna are discovered in the Xining basin, which provide an important basis for the stratigraphic correlation of the Cenozoic strata in the Xining basin. However, in the next few decades, there are no reports about the large mammal fossils in the Xining basin, especially about late Miocene fauna. The author discovered a large amount of mammal fossils in the Neogene sedimentary strata in Huzhu area, Xining basin. According to the identification results of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, these fossils mainly included Hipparion dongxiangense, Chilotherium sp., Parelasmotherium sp., Stephanocemas sp. and Kubanochoerus sp. and their age was early Late Miocene. Since the discovery of this set of fossils directly filled the blank that there were no large mammal fossils in the Xining basin in Late Miocene, it was very important for studying the magnetic stratigraphic chronology of fossil-forming strata and establishing the paleomagnetic chronology scale plate of mammal fossils. In this paper, the paleomagnetic data of the fossil-forming stratigraphic profile, Banyan profile, were measured and the paleomagnetic records were collected through high density sampling, and finally the paleomagnetic polarity column of the profile was established. The results showed that five positive and five negative polarity segments were recorded in Banyan profile, which corresponded well to the polarity between C3Br.1n-C4n.2n in the standard polarity column. The age of profile top was about 7.25 Ma and profile bottom was about 8.4 Ma, with an age range of 1.15 Ma. The mammal fossils discovered this time were exposed between positive and negative polarities N5 and R5 at the bottom of the profile, corresponding to C4r.1r at negative polarity and C4n.2n at positive polarity in the standard polarity column. The age of mammal fossils was about 8.3 Ma. The paleomagnetic chronology of the strata and paleontological fossils determined the absolute age of late Miocene mammal fossils and expanded the upper age of late Miocene Xianshuihe Formation (N1xn) in the Xining basin, which had provided new basic data for further studying the stratigraphic deposition and correlation of late Cenozoic strata and regional environmental evolution.  相似文献   

The Qiangtang basin is located in the central Tibetan Plateau. This basin has an important structural position,and further study of its tectonic and thermal histories has great significance for understanding the evolution of the Tibetan Plateau and the hydrocarbon potential of marine carbonates in the basin. This study focuses on low temperature thermochronology and in particular conducted apatite fission track analysis. Under constraints provided by the geological background,the thermal history in different tectonic units is characterized by the degree of annealing of samples,and the timing of major(uplift-erosion related) cooling episodes is inferred. The cooling history in the Qiangtang basin can be divided into two distinct episodes. The first stage is mainly from the late Early Cretaceous to the Late Cretaceous(69.8 Ma to 108.7 Ma),while the second is mainly from the MiddleLate Eocene to the late Miocene(10.3 Ma to 44.4 Ma). The first cooling episode records the uplift of strata in the central Qiangtang basin caused by continued convergent extrusion after the BangongNujiang ocean closed. The second episode can be further divided into three periods,which are respectively 10.3 Ma,22.6–26.1 Ma and 30.8–44.4 Ma. The late Oligocene-early Miocene(22.6–26.1 Ma) is the main cooling period. The distribution and times of the earlier uplift-related cooling show that the effect of extrusion after the collision between Eurasian plate and India plate obviously influenced the Qiangtang basin at 44.4 Ma. The Qiangtang basin underwent compression and started to be uplifted from the middle-late Eocene to the early Oligocene(45.0–30.8 Ma). Subsequently,a large-scale and intensive uplift process occurred during the late Oligocene to early Miocene(26.1–22.6 Ma) and the basin continued to undergo compression and uplift up to the late Miocene(10.3 Ma). Thus,uplift-erosion in the Qiangtang basin was intensive from 44.5 Ma to about 10 Ma. The timing of cooling in the second episode shows that the uplift of the Qiangtang basin was caused by the strong compression after the collision of the Indian plate and Eurasian plate. On the whole,the new apatite fission-track data from the Qiangtang basin show that the Tibetan Plateau started to extrude and uplift during 45–30.8 Ma. The main period of uplift and formation of the Tibetan Plateau took place about 22.6–26.1 Ma,and uplift and extrusion continued until the late Miocene(10.3 Ma).  相似文献   

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