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It is confirmed that the creation of stars in spiral (and perhaps also Irri) galaxies requires a physical parameter (X factor) additional to gas density. Consequently theX factor is an essential feature of stellar patterns and perhaps of stellar systems (spiral and other disk and spheroidal systems, globular clusters) and may be the key to the origin of the few, yet remarkably varied Hubble system of galaxies.
  1. It is shown that theX factor is organized over the whole galaxy and is a function of azimuth φ as well as radiusr. Only a galaxy-wide force field seems capable of explaining such anX(r, φ) factor either magnetic or gravitational in origin.
  2. If gravitational in origin, theX factor must be a shock wave, but a survey of observations in eight galaxies, including our own, shows no large-scale shocks associated with star creation. This provides further strong evidence against the density-shock theory of twin spiral arms.
  3. It is confirmed that galaxies of different Hubble types did not evolve from one another, so that each protogalaxy must possess a genetic factor which predetermines its evolution, and in particular its stellar systems. Thus the protogalactic genetic factor may be identical with theX factor.
  4. The case for a primordial magnetic field is strengthened, and it is shown that in our Galaxy and some others the field must be generally oblique to the disk. Such a field can explain theX(r, φ) factor in terms of a magneto-gravitational mechanism of gas clumping.
  5. An earlier, hydromagnetic theory of the Hubble types and of radio galaxies is extended by including theX factor to explain the various stellar systems observed in spiral, elliptical, lenticular and irregular galaxies.

Starbursts are systems with very high star formation rate per unit area. They are the preferred place where massive stars form; the main source of thermal and mechanical heating in the interstellar medium, and the factory where the heavy elements form. Thus, starbursts play an important role in the origin and evolution of galaxies. The similarities between the physical properties of local starbursts and high-z star-forming galaxies, highlight the cosmological relevance of starbursts. On the other hand, nearby starbursts are laboratories where to study violent star formation processes and their interaction with the interstellar and intergalactic media, in detail and deeply. Starbursts are bright at ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths, as they are in the far-infrared, due to the ‘picket-fence’ interstellar dust distribution. After the pioneering IUE program, high spatial and spectral resolution UV observations of local starburst galaxies, mainly taken with HST and FUSE, have made relevant contributions to the following issues:
  • The determination of the initial mass function (IMF) in violent star forming systems in low and high metallicity environments, and in dense (e.g. in stellar clusters) and diffuse environments: A Salpeter IMF with high-mass stars constrains well the UV properties.
  • The modes of star formation: Starburst clusters are an important mode of star formation. Super-stellar clusters have properties similar to globular clusters.
  • The role of starbursts in AGN: Nuclear starbursts can dominate the UV light in Seyfert 2 galaxies, having bolometric luminosities similar to the estimated bolometric luminosities of the obscured AGN.
  • The interaction between massive stars and the interstellar and intergalactic media: Outflows in cold, warm and coronal phases leave their imprints on the UV interstellar lines. Outflows of a few hundred km s?1 are ubiquitous phenomena in starbursts. These metal-rich outflows and the ionizing radiation can travel to the halo of galaxies and reach the intergalactic medium.
  • The contribution of starbursts to the reionization of the universe: In the local universe, the fraction of ionizing photons that escape from galaxies and reach the intergalactic medium is of a few percent. However, in high-z star-forming galaxies, the results are more controversial.
  • Despite the very significant progress over the past two decades in our understanding of the starburst phenomenon through the study of the physical processes revealed at satellite UV wavelengths, there are important problems that still need to be solved. High-spatial resolution UV observations of nearby starbursts are crucial to further progress in understanding the violent star formation processes in galaxies, the interaction between the stellar clusters and the interstellar medium, and the variation of the IMF. High-spatial resolution spectra are also needed to isolate the light from the center to the disk in UV luminous galaxies at z = 0.1–0.3 found by GALEX. Thus, a new UV mission furnished with an intermediate spectral resolution long-slit spectrograph with high spatial resolution and high UV sensitivity is required to further progress in the study of starburst galaxies and their impact on the evolution of galaxies.  相似文献   

    Image processing performed on a series of photographs of the superluminal Seyfert galaxy, 3C 120, shows the outer optical disc to consist of fragmented segments generally pointing toward the centre. One long arm of peculiar, separated knots comes off to the W and SW. A peculiar companion is seen along the line of the NW radio jet. In the interior, optical jets are detected which are aligned along the direction of the outer radio jets. A region of the sky 45 ×; 25 degrees around 3C120 is investigated. It is found that:
    1. A nebulous filament about 3/4 degree in length points to 3C 120.
    2. Hydrogen clouds of redshiftz = ?130 and ?210 km s?1 are situated at 3 and 1 degrees on either side of 3C 120.
    3. Eleven low-surface-brightness galaxies with 4500 <z < 5300 km s?1 fall within a radius of 8 degrees.
    4. Seven quasars withz ? 1.35 and radio fluxesS b ? 0.3 fall within a radius of 10 degrees.
    It is concluded that the concentration of these objects in the vicinity of this unique, active galaxy has a negligible chance of being accidental and that all those objects of diverse redshift are at the same nearby distance. This smaller distance reduces the supposed superluminal motions in 3C 120 to quite precedented ejection velocities.  相似文献   

    We present the 6-m SAO telescope spectroscopy of HS 2134+0400, a blue compact galaxy (BCG) discovered within the framework of a dedicated Hamburg/SAO survey for low-metallicity BCGs (HSS-LM). Its very low abundance of oxygen (12 + log(O/H) = 7.44) and other heavy elements (S, N, Ne, Ar) allows this dwarf galaxy to be assigned to the group of eight lowest-metallicity BCGs among the several thousand BCGs known in the nearby Universe. The measured heavy-element abundance ratios (S/O, Ne/O, N/O, and Ar/O) are in good agreement with the typical values found for other very metal-poor BCGs. The spatial location of HS 2134+0400 is atypical of the majority of BCGs: it lies in the Pegasus void, a large region with a very low density of galaxies with normal or higher luminosities. In addition to HS 2134+0400, we found a dozen more very metal-poor galaxies in voids. Therefore, we discuss the hypothesis that this type of objects may be representative for the population of dwarf galaxies in voids.  相似文献   

    The properties of rapidly changing inhomogeneities visible in the H and K lines above sunspot umbrae are described. We find as properties for these ‘Umbral Flashes’:
    1. A lifetime of 50 sec. The light curve is asymmetrical, the increase is faster than the decrease in brightness.
    2. A diameter ranging from the resolution limit up to 2000 km.
    3. A tendency to repeat every 145 sec.
    4. A ‘proper motion’ of 40 km/sec generally directed towards the penumbra.
    5. A Doppler shift of 6 km/sec.
    6. A magnetic field of 2100 G.
    7. A decrease in this field of 12 G/sec. This decrease is probably related to the flash motion.
    8. At any instant an average of 3–5 flashes in a medium-sized umbra. A weak feature often persists in the umbra after the flash. This post-flash structure initially shows a blue shift, but 100–120 sec after the flash, it shows a rapid red shift just before the flash repeats.

    Successful subtraction of instrumental background variations has permitted spectral analyses of two-dimensional measurement arrays of granulation brightness fluctuations at the center of the disk, arrays obtained from Stratoscope I, 1959B-flight, high-resolution frames B1551 and B3241.
    1. RMS's, uncorrected for instrumental blurring, are 0.0850 of mean intensity for B1551 and 0.0736 for B3241, somewhat higher than other determinations. These between-frame and between-investigation differences probably result from a combination of calibration errors, frame resolution differences, and, most likely, granulation pattern differences.
    2. Significant variations over each array of mean intensities and RMS's, determined for sub-arrays with dimensions in the 2500–10000 km range, indicate spatial brightness and RMS variations larger than the ‘scale’ of the granulation pattern, supporting a turbulent interpretation of photospheric convection.
    3. One-dimensional power-spectra shapes provide objective and discriminating criteria for determining granulation pattern differences and, possibly, frame resolution.
    4. Two-dimensional power spectra show small, essentially random deviations from axial symmetry which lie almost entirely within the 50% confidence limits.
    5. Spectral densities and fluctuation power spectra, computed from the two-dimensional power spectra and corrected for instrumental blurring, noise, and blemishes, have a useable radial wavenumber range nearly double that of earlier Stratoscope I analyses.
    6. Corrected RMS's obtained from the corrected fluctuation power spectra, 0.145 ± 0.046 for B1551 and 0.136 ± 0.048 for B3241, depend critically on the accuracy of the correction.
    7. The spectra's wavenumber range includes the granulation-fluctuation-producing domain but not the Kolmogoroff domain of turbulence spectra.

    He i 10830 Å images show that early in sunspot cycles 21 and 22, large bipolar magnetic regions strongly affected the boundaries of the nearby polar coronal holes. East of each eruption, the hole boundary immediately contracted poleward, leaving a band of enhanced helium network. West of the eruption, the boundary remained diffuse and gradually expanded equatorward into the leading, like-polarity part of the bipolar magnetic region. Comparisons between these observations and simulations based on a current-free coronal model suggest that:
    1. The Sun's polar magnetic fields are confined to relatively small caps of high average field strength, apparently by a poleward meridional flow.
    2. The enhanced helium network at high latitude marks the location of relatively strong polar fields that have become linked to the newly erupted bipolar region in that hemisphere.
    3. The distortion of the polar-hole boundary is accompanied by a corresponding distortion of the equatorial neutral sheet in the outer corona, in which the amount of warping depends on the magnitude of the erupted flux relative to the strength of the Sun's polar magnetic fields.

    Shock remagnetization is a significant mode of alteration of the intensity and direction of magnetization in planetary crustal rocks subjected to the dynamic and thermochemical effects associated with meteorite impact. Shock remagnetization will take place almost instantaneously during and following the transient shock episode, and over longer times depending on residual temperature effects associated with shock heating and the production of impact melt. Remagnetization will follow certain demagnetization effects. The following transitions and residual effects will result in remagnetization of planetary crustal material:
    1. First order reversible crystallographic transitions in bodycentered cubic iron-nickel alloys.
    2. Second order Curie temperature transitions in face-centered cubic iron-nickel alloys.
    3. Shock induced uniaxial anisotropy due to magnetoelasstic coupling of magnetic vectors to the shock wave.
    4. Shock melting of iron containing silicates.
    5. Subsolidus reduction and FeO decomposition.
    6. Partial ther moremanence due to post-shock temperature.
    7. Total thermoremanence due to post-shock temperature.
    8. Production of a superparamagnetic distribution of iron which is sensitive to surface temperature fluctuation.
    9. Thermal effects in metal and alloy phases.
    Lunar breccia and soil samples are generally more reduced than crystalline rocks and some of th's reduction is subsolidus probably associated with the transient thermal effects due to meteorite impact in teh porous reglith.  相似文献   

    Three different numerical techniques are tested to determine the number of integrals of motion in dynamical systems with three degrees of freedom.
    1. The computation of the whole set of Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents (LCE).
    2. The triple sections in the configurations space.
    3. The Stine-Noid box-counting technique.
    These methods are applied to a triple oscillator with coupling terms of the third order. Cases are found for which one effective integral besides the Hamiltonian subsists during a very long time. Such orbits display simultaneously chaotic and quasi-periodic motion, according to which coordinates are considered. As an application, the LCE procedure is applied to a triaxial elliptical galaxy model. Contrary to similar 2-dimensional systems, this 3-dimensional one presents noticeable zones in the phase space without any non-classical integral.  相似文献   

    Information about space distribution is collected for selected classes of evolving stars in the globular cluster M13. After a rigorous elimination of field stars, three samples are examined, corresponding to the red giant stage (G), the blue (B) and the yellow (YG) parts of the horizontal branch. It is shown that results are easy to understand in terms of:
    1. A substantial mass loss in the H-shell burning stage;
    2. Evolution along the horizontal branch from the blue side to the red one;
    3. A mixing in the observed giant branch of two populations with sensible differences in masses.
    Theoretical interpretations are briefly discussed with reference to the reliability and usefulness of this type of investigation.  相似文献   

    The radiation fluxes of the NGC 1275 galaxy central region are being observed on the 1.25-m telescope, using a scanning spectrophotometer with the entrance aperture 10″ in three Δλ=80 Å spectral regions: Hβ, 4959+5007 Å [OIII] and continuum. There were 35 nights of observations during 1982–1987. With the time resolution of half an hour 379 measurements were obtained in each spectral region. The analysis of these results shows:
    1. The standard deviations of measurements in each spectral region 2–3 times exceed the errors of observations.
    2. The radiation flux distribution resembles to normal one only for Hβ line.
    3. Two-humps forms of continuum flux distribution curve is like that of radio emission in 8 mm and 2.6 cm wavelengths.
    4. Various forms of fluxes distribution curves of Hβ and [OIII] lines permit us to suppose that the location of these lines emission regions near the sources of excitation are different.

    A classification scheme is proposed for the central regions of Sérsic-Pastoriza galaxies based on high resolution photographs of 50 objects in the integrated light (4000 Å-8700 Å). Structures of two different linear scales are recognized: (1) nucleus(?1 kpc) and (2) perinuclear formation (~l.5 kpc). The perinuclear formation is weak in classκ while the nucleus is too faint to detect in class ι. In the intermediate classesε andσ both the components are bright. Classε has an elliptical perinuclear formation with little gas while the classσ consists of bright H II complexes and dust. Observations of a few galaxies in the infrared and the blue ends of the image tube response show that the nucleus is generally redder than its surroundings. Equal intensity contours and the luminosity profiles are presented for the central regions of 27 galaxies. A comparison of their axial ratios with those of the parent galaxies indicates that the perinuclear formations are prolate or barlike. The dependence of the peak surface brightness of the central formation on the size of the bar is investigated as also the dependence of the central surface brightness of the bar on the size of the bar. The following major conclusions are drawn:
    1. The peak central surface brightness of the perinuclear formation varies as the square of the bar length. This relation implies that the bar induces the infall of gas from the bar-disk region.
    2. The formations of classσ move towards classε as star formation ceases and the massive stars die.
    3. The classι differs from classσ in the intensity of the burst of star formation. Low luminosity of the parent galaxies in classι implies less infall of gas and higher domination of the bar potential on the perinuclear formation. Thus the classι structures are more prolate than those of classσ.
    4. The central brightness of the bars varies directly as the length of the bar.

    At the Swedish Solar Observatory in Anacapri we have simultaneously used the following combination of instruments in our investigation of active regions:
    1. A spectrograph with an image rotator placed in front of the slit.
    2. A subtractive double dispersive spectrograph (solar Chromatograph).
    3. A Hα+0.5 Å patrol instrument. Scans over the 3b flare of August 4th 1972 are used to illustrate the method. The illustrations clearly show downflowing matter connected with bright knots and filaments in the emitting area, possibly in accordance with Hyder's infall-impact mechanism.

    Catalogs of bright galaxies in the central regions of 11 clusters in the Ursa Major supercluster are presented. Absolute and relative coordinates and total B and R magnitudes are given for each galaxy. Plates taken with the 2-m Tautenburg Observatory telescope and CCD images obtained with the 6-m and 1-m SAO telescopes are used. The luminosity functions (LFs) for galaxies in the cluster nuclei (3 Mpc×3 Mpc) and the composite LF for the supercluster are constructed. The composite LF is well fitted by a Schechter function with $M_B^ * = - 20\mathop .\limits^m 91$ , α=?1.02 and with $M_R^ * = - 22\mathop .\limits^m 39$ , α=?1.06. A comparison with the LFs of field galaxies and of various samples of clusters and superclusters shows that the Ursa Major supercluster have LF parameters characteristic of the field and, thus, differ from those of the Corona Borealis supercluster, which is apparently at a later stage of dynamical evolution.  相似文献   

    The authors present formulas in compact form for constructing high order planetary perturbations with respect to the disturbing masses. They have been built by an iterative process and give the variations of osculating elements. Singularities due to vanishing eccentricities and inclinations are not present in the differential equations. All elementary operations are manipulations of Fourier series with numerical coefficients, and great care has been taken to economize algebraic operations. Results are presented in three forms:
    1. vectorial form, with real components which may be useful in numerical integrations;
    2. complex form, to put in evidence the symmetries of the system of variables;
    3. scalar form, which is the most elaborate. This last form has been used for constructing the first order perturbations for any pair of planets. Two illustrations are given (Jupiter and Saturn, Venus and Earth). Further remarks are made about the practical manipulation of Fourier series, resolution of Kepler's equation in complex form and construction by iteration of the inverse of the distance between two bodies.

    An analysis of the data concerning high-velocity stars from Eggen's catalogue aimed at a determination of the approximate slope of the mass function for the spherical component of our Galaxy, and at estimating the local circular velocity, as well as the local rotation velocity, as by-products, has been performed. Our conclusions are that:
    1. A linear dependence of the mass on the radius is very likely;
    2. the value of the limiting radius is most likely equal to (40±10) kpc;
    3. the two local velocities are approximately equal to each other, being both equal to (230±30) km s?1;
    4. the local escape velocity appears to be most likely equal to (520±30) km s?1;
    5. the total mass of a corona, obtained in this way, is (5±1)×1011 M .

    Celebrating the diamond jubilee of the Physics Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, India, we look back over the last six decades in solar physics and contemplate on the ten outstanding problems (or research foci) in solar physics:
    1. The solar neutrino problem
    2. Structure of the solar interior (helioseismology)
    3. The solar magnetic field (dynamo, solar cycle, corona)
    4. Hydrodynamics of coronal loops
    5. MHD oscillations and waves (coronal seismology)
    6. The coronal heating problem
    7. Self-organized criticality (from nanoflares to giant flares)
    8. Magnetic reconnection processes
    9. Particle acceleration processes
    10. Coronal mass ejections and coronal dimming
    The first two problems have been largely solved recently, while the other eight selected problems are still pending a final solution, and thus remain persistent Challenges for Solar Cycle 24, the theme of this jubilee conference.  相似文献   

    This paper is primarily concerned with the questions of models and the mechanisms of radio emission for pulsars, the polarization of this radiation and related topic. For convenience and to provide a more complete picture of the problems involved, a short summary of the data on pulsars is also given. Besides the introduction, the paper contains the following sections:
    1. Some Facts about Pulsars.
    2. The Astrophysical Nature of Pulsars.
    3. Coherent Mechanisms of Radio Emission from Pulsars.
    4. Models of Pulsars: Magnetic, Pulsating White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars.
    5. The Polarization of the Radio Emission from Pulsars.
    6. A Synthesized Model of Pulsars — Magnetic, Pulsating and Rotating Neutron Stars.
    7. Concluding Remarks.

    Book reviews     
    A phenomenological model of double galaxy dynamics is constructed, assuming a Bohr model for isolated point galaxies bound together in circular orbits by the Newtonian gravitational force. The model is tested by using experimental data from three, independent, random samples of isolated pairs. In each case, the data provides cautious support for the existance of gravitational Bohr orbits in double galaxies, with a mean cosmic Planck's constant/2π given by: $$\langle \hbar _g \rangle \approx 5 \times 10^{74} {\text{erg s }}{\text{.}}$$   相似文献   

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