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From a discussion of narrow-band observations of Zeta Aurigae in the 1963–64 eclipse, the duration of totality has been precisely found to be 36.901 days, which is appreciably smaller than the value 37.48 days currently used. The present result reveals that a hypothesis of gradual expansion of the K-type supergiant component could not be tenable.  相似文献   

The rate equations of a restricted set of gas-phase chemical reactions occuring in an expanding circumstellar envelope are integrated numerically on the assumption that no chemical evolution has occurred in the stellar atmosphere. Abundances of all species are found to peak at a time on the order ofr 0/u 0, wherer 0 is the initial radius andu 0 the expansion velocity. After this time geometrical dilution dominates. For an initial density of 108 cm–3, on the order of 1% of hydrogen is converted to H2, and CH and CO have comparable densities of 10–6 relative to H, OH and O2 remain very low in abundance. For higher initial densities, H and H2 are more nearly comparable, and nearly all carbon is in CO, CH, OH and O2 remain low in abundance. The relevance of these results to M giants and other objects is discussed.  相似文献   

Radial velocities of both components of Zeta Aurigae have been measured on 39 grating spectra obtained in the interval February 1970-November 1981.The evaluation of the orbital elements of the primary component confirmed, the elements observed so far. The velocity variation of the secondary component has been determined according to the method described by Popper (1961) yieldingK B=30.57±5.97 (m.e.) km s–1. The masses of the components were found to beM K sin3 i=6.4±1.7 andM B sin3 i=4.5±0.9 solar masses. With the elements obtained a radial velocity curve of the B-star has been calculated. Comparison of the radial velocities derived from the hydrogen lines of the B-star with the calculated radial velocity curve shows systematic deviations which indicate that these lines originate partly in an expanding circumstellar envelope of the system. The main constituent of the envelope must be neutral hydrogen of high density. Variations of the radial velocities indicate density variations due to condensations inside this envelope.  相似文献   

An object located approximately atl=8°,b=–4° with a mean radial velocity of –212.3 km s–1 has been observed in the 21 cm neutral hydrogen line. The mean weighted velocity dispersion is 11.2 km s–1 and the total mass is estimated to be 190R 2 (kpc) solar masses. We discuss possible interpretations of the origin and nature of this object. The most likely interpretation is that we observe an expanding object which has been ejected from the galactic nucleus.  相似文献   

The UBV observations of the massive binary BF Aur were made at the Ankara University Observatory during 1988, 1989 and 1996. Asymmetry of the light curves, arising from unequal height of successive maxima, indicates that the system is active. By analysing these observations in the framework of the Roche model (including the presence of bright regions on the components) one obtains a semidetached configuration of the system, with the cooler secondary component filling its Roche lobe. The analysis of the light curves yields consistent solutions for mass ratio q = m2/m1 somewhat less than one. The influence of the mass transfer on the change of the system-orbital-period is relatively small. The upward parabolic character of the O–C diagram (Zhang et al., 1993) indicates a mass transfer from the less massive secondary to the more massive primary. This inturn requires the less massive secondary to fill its Roche lobe. This is consistent with our solution. Based on these facts we introduced the following working hypothesis. At the place where the gas stream from the secondary falls on the primary, relatively small in size but a high temperature contrast active hot-spot (hs) region is formed. As a result of the heating effect caused by the irradiation of the hot-spot region, on the secondary's side facing the hot spot a bright-spot (bs) region is formed. The bright-spot region is larger in size but with significantly lower temperature than the hot spot. This region can be treated as a ‘reflection cap’. By analysing the light curves in the framework of this working hypothesis the basic parameters of the system and the active regions are estimated. The problem is solved in two stages: by obtaining a synthetic light curve in the case when the parameters of the corresponding Close Binary (CB) Roche model (Djurašević, 1992a) are given a priori (the direct problem) and by determining the parameters of the given model for which the best fit between the synthetic light curve and the observations is achieved (the inverse problem) (Djurašević, 1992b). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

N. L. Ivanova 《Astrophysics》1994,37(2):135-137
Results are presented from a spectrophotometric study of SU Aurigae in the continuum and on spectral lines.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 229–233, April–June, 1994.  相似文献   

Epsilon Aurigae has been observed during ingress and totality between 1982 and 1983 at Okayama. Analyses of profiles of H line and of radial velocities of neutral hydrogen and metals show that the secondary component consists of at least three parts in structure.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the molecule CO in the internal layer of the circumstellar shell of the cool carbon-rich star TX Psc is presented. The main source of the photodissociation of CO in the internal layer of the shell is chromospheric UV radiation. The abundance of CO is determined by the photodissociation through absorption of UV photons by line processes in the wavelength range of 1099 to 913.5 Å. We have used a weak extended and a strong extended chromosphere. While in a homogeneous shell, the molecule CO is not photodissociated, in a clumpy envelope, it is destroyed by the chromospheric UV radiation field, depending of the degree of clumpiness of the shell.  相似文献   

We present time-series echelle spectra of the Paβ line of the T Tauri star SU Aur, observed over three consecutive nights. The line shows strong variability (∼10 per cent) over the velocity range 100–420 km s−1 in the red broad absorption component, and weaker variability (∼2 per cent) over the velocity range  −200–0 km s−1  in the blue wing. The variability in the velocity range  −200–0 km s−1  is correlated with that in  200–400 km s−1  , and the variability in these velocity ranges anticorrelates with that in  0–100 km s−1  . The mean spectrum from the second night shows the suggestion of a blueshifted absorption component at about  −150 km s−1  , similar to that found in the Hα and Hβ lines. We find the position of the subpeak in the red absorption component changes steadily with time, and its motion modulates at half the rotational period. We also find that the modulation of the line equivalent width is possibly associated with a half and a third of the rotational period, which is consistent with the surface Doppler images of SU Aur. Radiative transfer models of a rotationally modulated Paβ line, produced in the shock-heated magnetospheric accretion flow, are also presented. Models with a magnetic dipole offset reproduce the overall characteristics of the observed line variability, including the line equivalent width and the motion of the subpeak in the red absorption trough.  相似文献   

Copious mass loss on the Asymptotic Giant Branch dominates the late stages of stellar evolution. Maps of extended circumstellar envelopes provide a history of mass loss and trace out anisotropic mass loss. This review concentrates on observations of millimeter wavelength molecular line emission, on high resolution maps of maser emission and on observations of submillimeter, millimeter and radio wavelength continuum emission. Radio continuum observations show that AGB stars are larger at radio than at optical wavelengths. The extended chromospheres indicated by these observations extend to distances from the star large enough for dust to form, thereby initiating mass loss. Molecular line maps have found time-variable mass loss for some stars, including detached shells indicating interrupted mass loss and evidence for a rapid increase in the mass loss rate at the end of the AGB phase. Maps of circumstellar envelopes show evidence of flattening, bipolar outflow and angular variations in both the mass loss rate and the outflow velocity. As stars evolve away from the AGB and planetary nebula formation begins, these structures become more pronounced, and fast bipolar molecular winds are observed. The time scales derived from the dynamical times of these winds and from the expansion rates of the central planetary nebulae are very rapid in some cases, about 100 years, in agreement with the predictions of stellar evolution theory.  相似文献   

Andrew T. Young 《Icarus》1977,32(1):1-26
A simple radiative-transfer theory that allows for the change in the absorptions of sulfur and carbon dioxide with depth in the atmosphere of Venus can account simultaneously for (1) the spectral reflectance of Venus; (2) the wavelength dependence of contrast in uv cloud features; (3) the CO2 line profile; (4) the change in slope of the curve of growth from the 7820- to the 10488-Å CO2 bands; and (5) the rotational temperature near 246°K found for all CO2 bands. The model cloud consists of 1-μm sulfuric-acid particles, which are well mixed between about 64 km and the 49-km cloud base found by Veneras 9 and 10, plus an overlapping cloud of much larger sulfur particles that extends down to the 35-km cloud base found by Venera 8. The mixing ratios (by number of molecules) below about 64 km are: H2O, 2 × 10?4; H2SO4, 10?5; and sulfur, 10?4. Although the cloud contains an order of magnitude more sulfur than sulfuric acid, the sulfur particles are an order of magnitude larger, and so have only about 1% of the number density of the acid droplets. The “black-white” radiative-transfer model assumes perfectly conservative scattering above the level (which depends on wavelength) where an absorber becomes “black” due to the local temperature and pressure. So-called homogeneous scattering models are inherently self-contradictory, and are inapplicable to planetary atmospheres; the vertical inhomogeneity is an essential feature that must be modeled correctly. The pressure of CO2 line formation is about half the pressure in the region where uv markings occur.  相似文献   

New UBV photometric observations of IU Aur were made at McDonald Observatory in December 1984 and January 1985, showing that the eclipse depth had kept on increasing and the light minimum time had shown periodic changes. Orbital elements were obtained using the Wilson-Devinney method. The inclination is now close to 90°. The continuous variation of inclination over the last few decades suggests the presence of a third body. Absolute parameters of IU Aur were calculated with the help of Mammano's spectral data.  相似文献   

The photoelectricV observations of the Scuti star 59 Aur have been analysed using the techniques of periodogram analysis and least-squares solutions. The fundamental mode is found to be more prominent than the first overtone in the pulsation of 59 Aur. The period ratio of the first overtone to the fundamental (i.e.,P 1/P 0=0.748) indicates that the star pulsates in the radial mode. The absolute magnitude, effective temperature and mass of the star are derived to be 1 . m 22, 7300 K and 2.0M , respectively. No variations exceeding±0 . m 01 about the mean values ofB-V andU-B colours have been found during a pulsation cycle.  相似文献   

By use of the data for VLBI observation of SiO masrs, and MERLIN observation of H2O and OH masers of VX Sgr, we found that the SiO, H2O, OH 1665/7, OH 1612 masers occur on a few separated shells, and the order of magnitude of the radii of their corresponding shells is 1014, 1015, 1016 cm, respectively. The field of the expanding velocity of the shells is obtained. It is important to note ice-layer covers on the surface of dust and grain for outlayer envelopes.  相似文献   

The relation between mass loss rate and pulsation period in carbon Miras is discussed. The dust mass loss rate is very low (about 2 × 10–10 M/yr) up to aboutP = 380 days, where there is a sudden increase. ForP > 400 days there is a linear relation between logM andP. The change in the mass loss rate near 380 days may be related to radiation pressure on dust becoming effective in driving the outflow.  相似文献   

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