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东秦岭二郎坪群蛇绿岩中的火山成因块状硫化物矿床   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
二郎坪群蛇绿岩中多金属矿床属火山成因块状硫化物矿床。加里东期火山作用早期形成铁(铜)矿层、中晚期随着酸性火山岩的增多和火山爆发作用的加强,形成火山成因块状硫化物矿床和黄铁矿化层。矿床具有距火山喷发中心远近不同的分带性和厚层基性熔岩成铁(铜)矿、酸性火山岩赋存铜-锌型或铅-铜型矿的成矿专属性。后者伴有金银矿化。  相似文献   

古代与现代火山成因块状硫化物矿床研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
    火山成因块状硫化物(VolcanogenicMas siveSulfide,简称VMS)矿床可见于前寒武纪至现代的各个地质时代。现代海底热液成矿作用为研究VMS矿床提供了一种新的途径,DSDP/ODP钻探资料揭示:①VMS矿床虽然可产生于不同环境,但均与张裂断陷有关。②成矿物质可能来源有 2种:一种是含矿火山岩系及下伏基底物质的淋滤;另一种是深部岩浆房挥发份的直接释放。③洋中脊海底热液循环呈双扩散对流模式。在有沉积物覆盖的洋中脊,热液循环更多地考虑流体与沉积物相互作用产生的效果。④从矿物组合的空间分布来看,热液硫化物堆积体上部以烟囱体为主,下部以块状硫化物为主,深部以网脉状硫化物为主,这在不同热液活动区似乎具有普遍性。
    VMS矿床的矿化模式反映的是一种热液成因,这种热液是深部(1~3 km)岩浆侵入所引起并通过海水在热穹隆之上循环产生的。VMS矿床的深入研究要求我们致力于发现新的矿产地,提高样品采集、分析技术,加强海底热液活动与构造、岩浆作用和环境演变的一体化研究。  相似文献   

火山成因块状硫化物矿床第一部分:描述模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

火山成因块状硫化物矿床研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
火山成因块状硫化物(VMS)矿床可形成于太古宙至现代各个地质时期.现代海底热液成矿作用是赋存于海相火山岩系中的古代VMS矿床成矿作用的再现.VMS矿床可形成于多种构造环境,但均与拉张背景有关.按照构造环境和容矿岩系将VMS矿床分为黑矿型、塞浦路斯型、别子型和沙利文型.VMS矿床的热液蚀变由下盘蚀变带和上盘蚀变带两个结构单元组成.下盘蚀变一般有两种类型:(1)不整合的蚀变岩筒,直接产在块状硫化物带的下方;(2)半整合或层控的上盘蚀变带,并可以在区域范围内展布.与下盘蚀变类似,上盘蚀变也具有蚀变岩筒和半整合的蚀变带两种类型.成矿金属主要有两种可能的来源:(1)在岩浆侵入体和浅位岩浆房之上被加热的循环海水对含矿火山岩系及下伏基底物质的淋滤;(2)深部岩浆房挥发分通过释气作用直接释放.下渗的海水是成矿流体的主要来源,同时流体包裹体和稳定同位素资料显示岩浆流体对成矿流体系统亦有较大贡献.VMS矿床具有明显的金属分带现象,其金属序列组合从下至上依次为Fe→Fe-Cu→Cu-Pb-Zn→Pb-Zn-Ba,这种金属分带的演化反应了流体的演化和块状硫化物丘的生长机制.根据成矿流体温度变化而不断演化的4阶段成矿模式可以很好的解释经典丘堆式矿床的形成过程.  相似文献   

青海锡铁山块状硫化物铅锌矿床成因探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王可 《矿物岩石》1993,13(1):76-83
本文着重分析研究区成矿的构造背景、成矿物质来源、成矿机理等,提出以海水为主下渗滤形成热液,由火山地震泵驱动热液上升喷发沉积成矿的观点,并探讨后期热液对矿体的改造过程。  相似文献   

郭云峰  安芳 《世界地质》2018,37(2):436-446
别子型矿床最早形成于古元古代,并在显生宙海沟环境或弧前盆地广泛发育,其成矿区域发育厚层沉积岩地层,覆盖在火山岩之上,对成矿流体物质交换和金属元素富集有重要意义。别子型块状硫化物矿床下盘发育强烈的黄铁绢英岩化,而上盘仅发育微弱的绿泥石化、碳酸盐化。矿床常呈单个矿体产出或2~3个矿体连生,剖面上,由下至上表现为枕状玄武岩→块状含铜黄铁矿矿石→块状、条带状燧石黄铁矿矿石→块状碧玉岩。别子型矿床的火山岩围岩多为钙碱性系列,少量拉斑系列,与活动大陆边缘的岛弧火山岩具有相似的微量和稀土元素地球化学特征。成矿流体中的硫为幔源硫和海水硫的混合来源,成矿元素来源为幔-壳混合源。  相似文献   

The Gacun Kuroko-type deposit, Southwestern China, is hosted in rhyolitic rocks associated with the underlying mafic rocks occurred in the ~1000 m deep fault-hounded basin within the intra-arc rifting zone which formed on the Triassic Yidun island-arc. Two vertically separated alteration systems are recognized: one is conformable or semiconformable alteration zone developed in ~150 m thick mafic unit 1-1.5 km below the massive sulfde orehody; the other is discordant alteration pipe directly surrounded around stockwork ore within rhyolitic unit. The lower conformable alteration zone extending for several kilometers along strike is characterized by silicification and epidotization which result in the development of quartz vein and quartz-epidote vein systems in mafic lava flows and replacement of primary minerals and groundmass in spilitized mafic volcanics and dikes by quartz, epidote-group minerals and sodic plagiocluse. Sulfides often occur in the vein system and altered mafic volcanics. Quartz solubi  相似文献   

呷村银多金属块状硫化物矿床银的赋存状态   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过大量岩石、矿石光(薄)片观察鉴定、电子探针分析、首次查明呷村海相火山岩型银多金属状块硫化物矿床有硫砷铜银矿和硫砷铜矿两种硫盐矿物。研究表明,除硫化物外(主要为方铅矿、闪锌矿、黄铁矿,其次为黄铜矿,毒砂,斑铜矿,铜铜银矿,螺硫银矿,磁黄铁矿等),硫盐矿物十分发育,主要有黝铜矿、车轮矿、硫砷铜矿、硫砷铜银矿等。该矿床中的银主要在喷流-沉积成矿阶段富集。  相似文献   

Abstract. The Re-Os isotopic compositions of sulfide ores were analyzed for the Gacun, a volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in southwestern China, to constrain the timing of mineralization. Sulfide ores from the deposit have a wide range of Re and Os concentrations, varying from 80.2 to 1543.2 ppb and from 0.307 to 8.83 ppb, respectively, and yielded a limited field of high 187Re/188Os and high 187Os/188Os ratios, ranging from 1452 to 3309 and from 5.77 to 13.24, respectively. All sulfide samples yielded an isochron with an age of 217±28 Ma and an initial 187Os/188Os ratio of around 0.52±0.73. The Re-Os isochron age agrees with ages previously constrained by the other isotopic dating of the host rocks and fossil strata for the deposit. The rhythmic variation in 187Os/188Os and 187Re/188Os ratios within massive sulfide zone records a complicated process for ore-forming fluids episodically vented into the brine pool on the Mesozoic seafloor.  相似文献   

四川呷村V HMS矿床:从野外观察到成矿模型   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:11  
呷村矿床是一个与晚三叠世海相钙碱性酸性火山岩系有关的典型块状硫化物(VHMS)矿床。热水流体系统和贱金属成矿作用发育于义敦岛弧碰撞造山带上的弧间裂谷盆地内,并受其内部的一系列局限盆地及SN向基底断裂-裂缝系统控制。含矿岩系为双峰岩石组合,具火山碎屑岩-矿体-喷气岩“三位一体”特征。硫化物矿床具有“块状矿席+层控网脉状矿带”式三维结构特征。块状矿席发育多旋回的硫化物-硫酸盐韵律型式,揭示热水流体在海底的幕式排泄以及硫化物-硫酸盐在卤水池内的韵律式化学淀积和滑塌堆积过程。层控网脉状矿带产出于流纹质火山岩系,与上覆的块状矿席平行展布,揭示高渗透性碎屑岩层和多条同级别断层或断裂共同约束海底下部热水流体,并诱导其“弥散式”排泄和侧向流动交代。热水流体的传导冷凝过程导致硫化物沉积、热水流体与冷海水的简单混合导致硅质岩或/重晶石淀积,传导冷凝与海水混合的联合作用导致含硫化物重晶石、硅质岩和红碧玉形成。  相似文献   

主要通过清水沟-白柳沟矿田与白银厂矿田的火山岩成分、微量元素特征成矿蚀变特征、地质特征等综合分析和对比研究,从块状硫化物矿床成矿系列角度,分析和讨论了清水沟-白柳沟矿田与典型的白银厂矿田的某些相似性或可比性,以期指出清水沟-自柳沟-带进一步找矿的潜力和远景地段。结果表明,2矿田无论是在成矿时代、赋矿岩石组合方面,还是在火山机构和成矿特征等方面皆有一定的可比性。由此提出在清水沟-白柳沟地区还有发现白银厂式块状硫化物矿床的潜力,并提出尕大坂是最具找矿潜力的远景区,值得进一步投人勘查工作。  相似文献   

浙江西裘矿区新元古代火山-热泉活动强烈,矿石Cu:Zn:Pb原子百分比与火山岩和热水沉积硅质岩相似。矿床δ^34S值为-6.5‰~2.8‰,δ^18O值为8.14‰~22.32‰,铅同位素示踪主要为下地壳铅;矿石具较高的As、Sb、Bi、Ga、Zn、Ba等含量;具较低的Al/(Al+Fe=Mn)比值,Zn(Pb+Zn)比值接近1,均表现出火山-热泉沉积成矿地球化学特征。  相似文献   

新疆昆仑式火山岩型块状硫化物铜矿床及成矿地质环境   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新疆西昆仑奥依塔克-恰尔隆拗陷带内阿克塔什-萨落依成矿带发现多处火山岩型块状硫化物铜矿床。这些矿床产在石炭系双峰式火山岩系之内,沿着下石炭统基性火山岩和上石炭统酸性火山岩两个层位产出,分别以玄武岩和流纹岩为容矿主岩,可以明显地分成基性火山岩型和酸性火山岩型两种类型。矿石主成矿元素均以铜为主,含少量的锌,几乎不含铅,矿床类型属于铜型。这些基性火山岩型和酸性火山岩型矿床被统称为昆仑式火山岩型块状硫化物铜矿床。根据矿床产出地质环境、双峰式火山岩系、沉积建造以及火山岩地球化学特征,推断昆仑式火山岩型块状硫化物铜矿床最可能形成于泥盆纪-石炭纪弧后拉张构造环境。  相似文献   

Abstract. The Takara volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit occurs in Miocene formation of the Misaka Mountain, the South Fossa Magna region, central Japan. The tectonic setting of the Misaka Mountain is reconstructed to be a part of the paleo Izu-Ogasawara arc which collided with the Honshu arc and to form accreted body in the present position. The Takara deposit, therefore, is considered to have formed in the paleo Izu-Ogasawara arc.
The ores from the Takara deposit are classified into pyrite-type ore, chalcopyrite-type ore, and sphalerite-type ore on the basis of chemical composition and their mineral assemblages. Some pyrite-type ores are characterized by their high Au content. The Au content is hardly recognized in the chalcopyrite-type and sphalerite-type ores.
The ores from the Takara deposit have intermediate bulk chemical composition between those from the Besshi-type deposits and the Kuroko-type deposits that are two representative VMS deposits. However, the bulk chemical composition is closer to that from the Kuroko-type deposits. And moreover, chemical composition of tetrahedrite-tennantite series minerals (tetrahedrite) is similar to that from the Kuroko-type deposits. The bulk chemical composition (Cu, Zn, Co, Pb, and As contents) of ores is affected by the chemical composition of volcanic rocks associated with VMS deposits.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Ashele Cu-Zn deposit is a recently discovered volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in Xinjiang, Northwestern China. It is the largest Cu-Zn deposit in this type of deposits in China, which were formed in the early period of later Palaeozoic Era. This deposit is hosted within a suit of bimodal submarine volcanic rocks of the Ashele Formation of Lower-Middle Devonian System formed in an environment of paleocontinental margin rift setting. Lensoid orebodies occur between spilitic rocks developed at footwall and quartz-keratophyric tuff at hanging wall. Zonation of metal elements in the Ashele mine is one of typical volcanic-related exhalative Cu-Zn sulfide deposits in the world. Black ores enriched in Pb, Zn and Ag occurs on the top of the No. 1 orebody in the Ashele deposit, yellow ores enriched in Cu in the middle part, and the chalcopyritization stringer below the massive sulfide ores. Zonation of ore-structure in the No. 1 orebody is also apparent and corresponds to the zoning of elements, i. e. lamellar and/or banded sulfide-sulfate ores on the top, massive sulfide ores in the middle, and stockwork veinlets associated with altered breccia pipe on the bottom. Four epochs of mineralization in the Ashele deposit has been recognized. The first period of syngenetic-exhalative deposition of sulfides is the main epoch of mineralization, and the ores deposited subsequently subjected to thermo-metamorphism at the second epoch, superimposed by hydrothermal mineralization at the third epoch, and weathered or oxidized at the fourth epoch.
More than 100 categories of minerals have been recognized in the Ashele mine, but only pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, galena, barite, quartz, chlorite, sericite, and calcite are dominant, making up various types of ores, and alteration pipes or horizons. Studies of ore petrology suggest that the massive ores were volcanogenic and deposited by exhalative process.  相似文献   

阿舍勒铜锌块状硫化物矿床地质特征和成因   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
阿舍勒矿床与早-中泥盆世双峰式火山活动有着成因联系,产于火山洼地中,它在喷气-沉积阶段形成,后又细历了变质改造和岩浆热液叠加。矿床具有双层结构,很好的矿化分带和刨变分带。成矿流体的温度,压力和酸碱度等物理化学条件变化引起了围岩蚀变和矿石堆积,在海底界面上下形成了具有成因联系的两套矿化。  相似文献   

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