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A Collision Tolerant Pile Structure (CTPS) for deploying navigation aids was developed having the ability to sustain collision by barge traffic. The CTPS concept consists of the aid itself mounted at the top of a pile which is hinged at the mudline. The hinge is omnidirectional, possesses complete downwards articulation, and provides a restoring moment to return the structure to the vertical position.To serve as a design tool, mathematical models were developed for stimulating pile dynamics during operating, hurricane and collision conditions. Using preliminary modeling results, a hinge component consisting of a central universal joint, peripheral stay arrangement was selected. A design based on this concept was developed, and a physical scale (1/15) model was built for testing.Initial experiments were conducted out of water to evaluate hinge stiffness characteristics, then uniform current tests were conducted at the Coast Guard Academy's circulating water channel. Results from both experiments indicate that the CTPS has enough stiffness to remain sufficiently vertical while acted upon by current, wind and wave loadings. Collision experiments carried out at the UNH indoor pool showed that the pile can endure barge collisions. A final computer model simulation predicted that the full-scale CTPS design presented here should meet the design requirements.  相似文献   

A new empirical pore pressure transform has been developed that includes many of the advanced, state-of-the-art concepts that are useful in today’s pore pressure estimation and theory. The rhob-velocity-effective stress (Rho-V-e) method produces a model-driven, stand-alone set of “virtual” rock property relationships, which at intermediate positions are consistent with Bowers method default values for the Gulf of Mexico. The RhoVe method uses a single transform to convert both compressional sonic and bulk density to common estimates of effective stress and pore pressure where convergence of the two transformed properties offers a robust solution.Velocity-density conversion functions are mathematically linked to a continuous series of velocity-depth normal compaction trend functions. The calculations are limited by bounding end-member curves that provide a basis for intermediate (fractional) solutions of velocity-effective stress and density-effective stress relationships that are applied to a well of interest.Paired “virtual” velocity-depth compaction trends were iteratively solved by using published theoretical smectite and illite porosity trends and velocity-depth normal compaction trends. By using the RhoVe-derived velocity-density functions that match the well of interest in cross-plot, normal effective stress for each end-member and intermediate solution can be calculated. Effective stress is calculated by taking the difference between the integrated density-depth virtual overburden profile, converted from velocity-depth, and the inclusion of hydrostatic pressure. The method produces robust solutions as tested on multiple deep water Gulf of Mexico wells, and extends the predictability of high-velocity, low-effective stress rock types such as those found in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Wilcox-equivalent Paleogene and older section. The velocity-effective stress trend curves can also improve pore pressure characterization of the overlying overburden section extending to the mud line. Advantages of the RhoVe method are that it can be made interactive and fast, relative to the application of other acoustic transform methods.This paper attempts to build on previous efforts by other workers to include the role of clay type, clay volume and diagenesis on altering velocity-effective stress relationships and presents a technique in which the effects of clay diagenesis and other factors may be captured and utilized empirically for pore pressure analysis and prediction.  相似文献   

江毓武  吴培木 《台湾海峡》1999,18(4):432-436
在台风风暴增水过程中,风应力占主要作用,气压项的作用要上对较小,许多风暴潮预报模式中气压项被忽略。本文在建立台湾海峡风暴潮预报模型的基础上峄台风气压项作用进行了模拟,结果发现在台湾海峡狭长的海域内,台风气压项的作用表现得较为特殊,在台风风暴潮模拟过程中,应考虑其贡献及大小。  相似文献   

The aggregation response of fish populations following the addition of artificial structures to seafloor habitats has been well documented in shallow-water reefs and at deeper structures such as oil extraction platforms. A long-term time-lapse camera was deployed for 27 four-month deployment periods at 4100 m in the eastern North Pacific to study abyssal megafauna activity and surface–benthos connections. The unique time-series data set provided by this research presented an opportunity to examine how deep-sea benthopelagic fish and epibenthic megafauna populations were affected by an isolated artificial structure and whether animal surveys at this site were biased by aggregation behavior. Counts were taken of benthopelagic grenadiers, Coryphaenoides spp., observed per week as well as numbers of the epibenthic echinoid Echinocrepis rostrata. No significant correlation (rs=−0.39; p=0.11) was found between the duration of deployment (in weeks) and the average number of Coryphaenoides observed at the site. There was also no evidence of associative behavior around the time-lapse camera by E. rostrata (rs=−0.32; p=0.19). The results of our study suggest that abyssal fish and epibenthic megafauna do not aggregate around artificial structures and that long-term time-lapse camera studies should not be impacted by aggregation response behaviors.  相似文献   

在数字电视条件接收系统中,单向密码体系存在服务器端无法获取用户端的信息出现伪造用户智能卡等现象。针对这些问题,在原有单向密码体系的基础上,提出了使用基于椭圆曲线的多对一加密认证方案实现客户端向服务器端传送认证信息,构成了数字电视条件接收系统双向加密体系结构。多对一加密认证方案的发送者使用的密钥与身份和解密密钥有关,解密者仅使用唯一的解密密钥就可以解密任何合法的密文,并可以认证发送者的身份。将多对一加密认证方案用于数字电视条件接收系统能够有效的抵制非授权用户窃取、伪造信息等安全问题。  相似文献   

Studies on selection of low temperature tolerant strain of Brachionus plicatilis¥//INTRODUCTIONThestudiesontherotiferBrachl'o...  相似文献   

基于无人机载多光谱相机的海面溢油分类方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海洋溢油事故发生后,及时准确地探测油污分布情况极为重要.无人机载多光谱探测海面油膜是高效的溢油监测手段之一,它能弥补卫星遥感的滞后性、精度低等不足,具有灵活性高、实时性强等优点.本研究研制了无人机载多光谱油污探测系统并进行了水面油膜机载探测实验,分别利用最大似然法、最小距离法以及光谱角填图法对成像结果进行分类,并将3种...  相似文献   

Using a digital camera for water quality measurements in Galway Bay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for using the red–green–blue (RGB) digital output from a digital camera, a Nikon Coolpix 885, to estimate water quality parameters is described. To eliminate reflection from the water surface, a tube is fitted around the camera lens which breaks the surface such that only the upwelling light from below is measured. To obtain consistency between stations, RGB values used for analysis are taken where the total cameras response (R + G + B) is a constant value, derived from pictures taken at a range of exposures.The method has been successfully used in Galway Bay, where the optical characteristics of the coastal water are dominated by yellow substance (or coloured dissolved organic material – CDOM) and chlorophyll. A strong linear relationship was found between CDOM and the Red/Blue camera output. The form of the relationship was consistent with previous measurements using more conventional narrow band irradiance sensors. In addition, a log–log relationship between chlorophyll and the Green/Blue camera output was also found. Some problems exist with the use of the camera, particularly with the cameras automatic functions such as ‘white balance’ which may artificially change the RGB output. Nevertheless, the use of a camera for simple water quality measurements has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

赵明  赵海涛  滕斌 《海洋学报》2005,27(3):90-96
提出了一种用于对不连续压力采样序列的傅立叶分析方法.此方法将周期函数展开成傅立叶级数,但在数值积分时取函数周期内有采样值的区间作为积分域,然后求解线性方程组得到傅立叶级数的系数值.为了检验本方法的有效性,利用此方法对解析函数进行了拟合,当一个周期内的取样时间大于1/2周期时,利用此方法能够得到满意的结果.利用实验方法研究了波浪作用下截断圆柱表面的压力分布.在波浪作用下静水面附近的测点在露出水面时没有压力值.利用所提出的傅立叶分析方法对略低于静水面位置的实测压力进行了分析,拟合结果与实测结果吻合很好,说明此方法在处理物理模型实验中间断采样得到的数据是有效的.利用数值方法对波浪压力进行了计算,并将一阶和二阶波压力的数值结果与实测值进行了比较.  相似文献   

With ever increasing information being collected by the offshore continental shelf tide gauges, it became inevitable that researches into ocean tides would require instrumentation to collect tidal data in the deep oceans.This paper briefly describes the temperature and pressure sensors developed, and used by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (Wormley), in response to this requirement. Also described are the techniques and equipment used to calibrate these sensors.The deep sea tide gauges, each of which include two pressure and one temperature sensor, have now been operationally deployed on four occasions at pressures up to 300 bars (3000 m) providing well over 100 days of tidal data. In an international exercise to evaluate the performance of existing deep sea pressure sensors, results show that the unit described in this paper compares favourably with the other sensors. For example, the amplitude of the semi-diurnal components were within 1% of the average value, determined by all the sensors. The temperature sensor has an operational range within the limits — 1° and + 40°C and exhibiting a stability of the order 8 milli°C/month.  相似文献   

At present, very few drilling surveys have been conducted on coral reefs, and comprehensive geological info on coral reefs is difficult to obtain. However, research on coral reefs is of great importance to development and exploitation of maritime resources. In the survey of Chenhang Island in Paracel (Xisha) Islands, we applied the digital borehole camera technology the first time in China, which resulted in a large amount of first-hand geological data. We utilized the rock mass integrity index (RMDI) method in our analysis of coral reef integrity, and the value of coefficient α in the RMDI was determined to evaluate the size effect of cavities on coral reefs. We then developed the correlation between RMDI values and coral reef integrity with references to the rock mass classification standard, which enabled the engineering evaluation of coral reef integrity. By statistical analysis of camera data gathered along the CK2 borehole for approximately 1-km length, we performed an integrity evaluation of the entire borehole length using the RMDI classification and created a coral reef stratum development diagram that was consistent with the actual cores. The results indicated: (1) the RMDI is a feasible approach for the analysis of coral reef integrity, (2) the classification system based on RMDI is feasible in the integrity evaluation of coral reefs, (3) the values of coral reef integrity obtained using the RMDI method are accurate, and (4) borehole camera survey and statistical analysis are important in the study of coral reefs.  相似文献   

Intertidal benthic macroalgae are a biological quality indicator in estuaries and coasts. While remote sensing has been applied to quantify the spatial distribution of such macroalgae, it is generally not used for their monitoring. We examined the day-to-day and seasonal dynamics of macroalgal cover on a sandy intertidal flat using visible and near-infrared images from a time-lapse camera mounted on a tower. Benthic algae were identified using supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised classification techniques, validated with monthly ground-truthing over one year. A supervised classification (based on maximum likelihood, using training areas identified in the field) performed best in discriminating between sediment, benthic diatom films and macroalgae, with highest spectral separability between macroalgae and diatoms in spring/summer. An automated unsupervised classification (based on the Normalised Differential Vegetation Index NDVI) allowed detection of daily changes in macroalgal coverage without the need for calibration. This method showed a bloom of macroalgae (filamentous green algae, Ulva sp.) in summer with > 60% cover, but with pronounced superimposed day-to-day variation in cover. Waves were a major factor in regulating macroalgal cover, but regrowth of the thalli after a summer storm was fast (2 weeks). Images and in situ data demonstrated that the protruding tubes of the polychaete Lanice conchilega facilitated both settlement (anchorage) and survival (resistance to waves) of the macroalgae. Thus, high-frequency, high resolution images revealed the mechanisms for regulating the dynamics in cover of the macroalgae and for their spatial structuring. Ramifications for the mode, timing, frequency and evaluation of monitoring macroalgae by field and remote sensing surveys are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a vision algorithm that enables automated jellyfish tracking using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) or autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The discussion focuses on algorithm design. The introduction provides a novel performance-assessment tool, called segmentation efficiency, which aids in matching potential vision algorithms to the jelly-tracking task. This general-purpose tool evaluates the inherent applicability of various algorithms to particular tracking applications. This tool is applied to the problem of tracking transparent jellyfish under uneven time-varying illumination in particle-filled scenes. The result is the selection of a fixed-gradient threshold-based vision algorithm. This approach, implemented as part of a pilot aid for the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute's ROV Ventana, has demonstrated automated jelly tracking for as long as 89 min.  相似文献   

在惯性约束聚变中,X射线条纹相机是一种诊断图像时空分辨的重要设备,其动态范围反映了条纹相机有效测量入射X射线强度的能力.由于空间电荷效应的存在,电子脉冲在运动过程中会不断展宽,从而限制了条纹相机的动态范围.本文采用一维流体力学模型,利用电子数守恒、动量守恒和Poisson方程等来对电子脉冲的展宽进行推导,最终得到了电子脉冲的密度分布随时间空间的变化情况,从而为条纹相机动态范围的评估提供了依据.  相似文献   

李英 《海洋预报》2005,22(Z1):183-188
作为海洋环境预报公益服务的窗口自开播至今,经历了20年的风风雨雨,海洋电视节目的内容从单一性的项目到海浪、海温、海冰、风暴潮、海水浴场综合性预报,电视视频信号从复合、分量信号到数字信号,通过光缆采用基带的方式传送视频信号到中央电视台.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an underwater docking procedure for the test-bed autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) platform called ISiMI using one charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. The AUV is optically guided by lights mounted around the entrance of a docking station and a vision system consisting of a CCD camera and a frame grabber in the AUV. This paper presents an image processing procedure to identify the dock by discriminating between light images, and proposes a final approach algorithm based on the vision guidance. A signal processing technique to remove noise on the defused grabbed light images is introduced, and a two-stage final approach for stable docking at the terminal instant is suggested. A vision-guidance controller was designed with conventional PID controllers for the vertical plane and the horizontal plane. Experiments were conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the vision-guided docking system of the AUV.  相似文献   

Considering the shear deformation and thickness stretching of large deformation, a modified numerical calculation method based on the thick shell theory is established to determine the collapse pressure of thick-walled pipes. Verification experiments are conducted on ten pipe specimens in hyperbaric chambers. The good agreement between experimental results and numerical predictions shows the validity and reliability of the new numerical calculation method. Combining DNV specification, the characteristic collapse pressure is also calculated for comparison. The difference between experimental results and DNV calculations illustrates the latter one is much conservative in predicting collapse pressure for thick-walled pipes. Sensitivity analysis on manufacturing imperfections and material properties is investigated for pipes with different D/t ratios. Thick-walled pipes are easier to be affected by initial ovality, residual stress and hardening factor. Based on the stress distribution at the moment of collapse, a novel discovery is found that the collapse pressure of thick-walled pipes is dominated by material plastic behavior.  相似文献   

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