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We have constructed a one-dimensional model of the nightside ionosphere of Venus in which it is assumed that the ionization is maintained by day-to-night transport of atomic ions. Downward fluxes of O+, C+ and N+ in the ratios measured on the dayside at high altitudes are imposed at the upper boundary of the model (about 235 km). We discuss the resulting sources and sinks of the molecular ions NO+,CO+,N2+,CO2+ and O2+. As the O+ flux is increased, the peak density of O+ increases proportionally and the altitude of the peak decreases. The O2+ peak density is approximately proportional to the square root of the O+ flux and the peak rises as the O+ flux increases. NO+ densities near the peak are relatively unaffected by changes in the O+ flux. If the ionosphere is maintained mostly by transport, the ratio of the peak densities of O+ and O2+ indicates the downward flux ofO+, independent of the absolute magnitudes of the densities. The densities of mass-28 ions are, however, still considered to be the most sensitive indicator of the importance of electron precipitation. We examine here the inbound and outbound portions of six early nightside orbits with low periapsis and use data from the Pioneer Venus orbiter ion mass spectrometer, the retarding potential analyzer and the electron temperature probe to determine the relative importance of ion transport and electron precipitation. For most of the orbits, precipitation is inferred to be of low to moderate importance. Only for orbit 65, which was the first nightside orbit published by Taylor et al. [J. geophys. Res. 85, 7765 (1980)] and for the inbound portion of orbit 73 does the ionization structure appear to be greatly affected by electron precipitation.  相似文献   

A study of the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the Venus nightside ionosphere is conducted by examining the configuration of the ionospheric trans-terminator flow around Venus and also the dawn-ward displacement of the region where most of the ionospheric holes and the electron density plateau profiles are observed (dawn meaning the west in the retrograde rotation of Venus and that corresponds to the trailing side in its orbital motion). The study describes the position of the holes and the density plateau profiles which occur at neighboring locations in a region that is scanned as the trajectory of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) sweeps through the nightside hemisphere with increasing orbit number. The holes are interpreted as crossings through plasma channels that extend downstream from the magnetic polar regions of the Venus ionosphere and the plateau profiles represent cases in which the electron density maintains nearly constant values in the upper ionosphere along the PVO trajectory. From a collection of PVO passes in which these profiles were observed it is found that they appear at neighboring positions of the ionospheric holes in a local solar time (LST) map including cases where only a density plateau profile or an ionospheric hole was detected. It is argued that the ionospheric holes and the density plateau profiles have a common origin at the magnetic polar regions where plasma channels are formed and that the density plateau profiles represent crossings through a friction layer that is adjacent to the plasma channels. It is further suggested that the dawn-dusk asymmetry in the position of both features in the nightside ionosphere results from a fluid dynamic force (Magnus force) that is produced by the combined effects of the trans-terminator flow and the rotational motion of the ionosphere that have been inferred from the PVO measurements.  相似文献   

Plasma and field relationships observed across the nightside of Venus evidence a chaotic variety of interactions between the ionosphere and the combined effect of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field draped about the planet. Close examination of these data reveal within the chaos a number of repeatable signatures key to understanding fundamental field-plasma interactions. Observed from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, (PVO), nightside conditions range from extensive, full-up ionospheres with little evidence of dynamic or energetic perturbations, to an almost full depletion, sometimes described as disappearing ionospheres. Between these extremes, the ionospheric structure is often irregular, sometimes exhibiting well-defined density troughs, at other times complex intervals of either abundant or minimal plasma concentration. Consistently, large B-fields (typically exceeding 5–10 nanoteslas) coincide with plasma decreases, whereas stable, abundant plasma distributions are associated with very low-level field. We examine hundreds of nightside orbits, identifying close correlations between regions of elevated magnetic fields featuring polarity reversals, and (a) exclusive low-frequency or distinctive broadband noise, or both, in the electric field data, (b) turbulent, superthermal behavior of the the ions and electrons. We review extensive studies of nightside fields to show that the correlations observed are consistent with theoretical arguments that the presence of strong magnetic fields within normal ionospheric heights indicates the intrusion of magnetosheath fields and plasma within such regions. We find abundant evidence that the ionosphere is frequently disrupted by such events, exhibiting a chaotic, auroral-like complexity appearing over a wide range of altitude and local time. We show that field-plasma disturbances, widely suggested to be similar to conditions in the Earth's auroral regions, are tightly linked to the electric field noise otherwise attributed to lightning. Owing to the coincidence inherent in this relationship, we suggest that natural, predictable plasma instabilities associated with the plasma gradients and current sheets evident within these events produce the E-field noise. The data relationships argue for a more detailed investigation of solar wind induced E-field noise mechanisms as the appropriate scientific procedure for invoking sources for the noise previously attributed to lightning. Consistent with these views, we note that independent analyses have offered alternative explanations of the noise as arising from ionospheric disturbances, that repeated searches for optical evidence of lightning have found no such evidence, and that no accepted theoretical work has yet surfaced to support the inference of lightning at Venus.  相似文献   

To date, ozone has only been identified in the atmospheres of Earth and Mars. This study reports the first detection of ozone in the atmosphere of Venus by the SPICAV ultraviolet instrument onboard the Venus Express spacecraft. Venusian ozone is characterized by a vertically confined and horizontally variable layer residing in the thermosphere at a mean altitude of 100 km, with local concentrations of the order of 107–108 molecules cm−3. The observed ozone concentrations are consistent with values expected for a chlorine-catalyzed destruction scheme, indicating that the key chemical reactions operating in Earth’s upper stratosphere may also operate on Venus.  相似文献   

The Visible and Infra-Red Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) instrument on board the Venus Express spacecraft has measured the O2(a1Δ) nightglow distribution at 1.27 μm in the Venus mesosphere for more than two years. Nadir observations have been used to create a statistical map of the emission on Venus nightside. It appears that the statistical 1.6 MR maximum of the emission is located around the antisolar point. Limb observations provide information on the altitude and on the shape of the emission layer. We combine nadir observations essentially covering the southern hemisphere, corrected for the thermal emission of the lower atmosphere, with limb profiles of the northern hemisphere to generate a global map of the Venus nightside emission at 1.27 μm. Given all the O2(a1Δ) intensity profiles, O2(a1Δ) and O density profiles have been calculated and three-dimensional maps of metastable molecular and atomic oxygen densities have been generated. This global O density nightside distribution improves that available from the VTS3 model, which was based on measurements made above 145 km. The O2(a1Δ) hemispheric average density is 2.1 × 109 cm?3, with a maximum value of 6.5 × 109 cm?3 at 99.2 km. The O density profiles have been derived from the nightglow data using CO2 profiles from the empirical VTS3 model or from SPICAV stellar occultations. The O hemispheric average density is 1.9 × 1011 cm?3 in both cases, with a mean altitude of the peak located at 106.1 km and 103.4 km, respectively. These results tend to confirm the modeled values of 2.8 × 1011 cm?3 at 104 km and 2.0 × 1011 cm?3 at 110 km obtained by Brecht et al. [Brecht, A., Bougher, S.W., Gérard, J.-C., Parkinson, C.D., Rafkin, S., Foster, B., 2011a. J. Geophys. Res., in press] and Krasnopolsky [Krasnopolsky, V.A., 2010. Icarus 207, 17–27], respectively. Comparing the oxygen density map derived from the O2(a1Δ) nightglow observations, it appears that the morphology is very different and that the densities obtained in this study are about three times higher than those predicted by the VTS3 model.  相似文献   

We present the spatial distribution of air temperature on Venus’ night side, as observed by the high spectral resolution channel of VIRTIS (Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer), or VIRTIS-H, on board the ESA mission Venus Express. The present work extends the investigation of the average thermal fields in the northern hemisphere of Venus, by including the VIRTIS-H data. We show results in the pressure range of 100–4 mbar, which corresponds to the altitude range of 65–80 km. With these new retrievals, we are able to compare the thermal structure of the Venus’ mesosphere in both hemispheres.The major thermal features reported in previous investigations, i.e. the cold collar at about 65–70°S latitude, 100 mbar pressure level, and the asymmetry between the evening and morning sides, are confirmed here. By comparing the temperatures retrieved by the VIRTIS spectrometer in the North and South we find that similarities exist between the two hemispheres. Solar thermal tides are clearly visible in the average temperature fields. To interpret the thermal tide signals (otherwise impossible without day site observations), we apply model simulations using the Venus global circulation model Venus GCM (Lebonnois, S., Hourdin, F., Forget, F., Eymet, V., Fournier, R. [2010b]. International Venus Conference, Aussois, 20–26 June 2010) of the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD). We suggest that the signal detected at about 60–70° latitude and pressure of 100 mbar is a diurnal component, while those located at equatorial latitudes are semi-diurnal. Other tide-related features are clearly identified in the upper levels of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The absolute reaction cross sections and reaction rate coefficients as a function of photoionisation energy for 25 ion-molecule reactions (charge transfer reactions except for one) have been measured between the most abundant species present as ions or neutral in the Mars, Venus and Earth ionospheres: O2, N2, NO, CO, Ar and CO2.This study shows the strong influence of electronic as well as vibrational internal energy on most ion-molecule reactions. In particular endothermic charge transfer reactions are driven by electronic excitation of O2+ and NO+ ions in their a4Πu and a3Σ+ metastable states, respectively. Moreover, it is shown that lifetimes of these metastable states are sufficient to survive the mean free path in the lowest part of ionospheres and therefore express their enhanced reactivity. The reactions of O2+ with NO as well as the reactions of CO2+ with NO, O2, CO and to a less extent N2 are driven by vibrational excitation. N2+ and CO+ reactions vary much less with photon energy than the other ones, except for the case of reactions with Ar. The effects of the molecular ion internal energy content on their reactivity must be included in the ionospheric models for most of the reactions investigated in the present work. It is also the case for the effect of collision energy on the CO++M reactions as we expect that a significant proportion of these CO+ could be produced with translational energy by dissociation of doubly charged CO22+, in particular in the Mars ionosphere. Recommended effective rate constant values are given as a function of VUV photon energy.  相似文献   

The electrodynamic model for the solar wind interaction with non-magnetic planets. (Cloutier and Daniell, Planet. Space Sci.21, 463, 1973; Daniell and Cloutier, Planet. Space Sci.25, 621, 1977) is modified to include the effects of non-ohmic currents in the upper ionosphere. The model is then used to calculate convection patterns induced by the solar wind in the ionospheres of Mars and Venus. For Mars the observations of the neutral mass spectrometer or Vikings 1 and 2 provided the neutral atmosphere. Model calculations reproduced the retarding potential analyzer data and indicate that the ionosphere above about 200 km is probably controlled by convection rather than chemistry or diffusion. For Venus a model atmosphere based on Dickenson and Ridley, J. Atmos. Sci.32, 1219 (1975) and Mayr et al., J. geophys. Res.83, 4411 (1978) was used. The resulting model calculations were compared to radio occultation data from Mariners 5 and 10 and Venera 9 which represent extremes in the variability of the upper Cytherean ionosphere. The model calculations are shown to fall within this variation. These results represent the state of the theory immediately prior to the Pioneer-Venus encounter.  相似文献   

Magnetic flux ropes are created in the ionosphere of Venus and Mars during the interaction of the solar wind with their ionospheres and also at Titan during the interaction of the Saturnian magnetospheric plasma flow with Titan’s ionosphere. The flux ropes at Venus and Mars were extensively studied from Pioneer Venus Orbiter and Mars Global Surveyor observations respectively during solar maximum. Based on the statistical properties of the observed flux ropes at Venus and Mars, the formation of a flux rope in the ionosphere is thought first to arise near the boundary between the magnetic barrier and the ionosphere and later to sink into the lower ionosphere. Venus flux ropes are also observed during solar minimum by Venus Express and the observations of developing and mature flux ropes are consistent with the proposed mechanism. With the knowledge of flux rope structure in the Venus ionosphere, the twisted fields in the lower ionosphere of Titan from Cassini observations are studied and are found to resemble the Venus flux ropes.  相似文献   

Spectro-imaging of Venus' nightside in the 2.3-μm window provides a powerful means of probing the lower atmosphere in the 25-40 km altitude range. We present observations recorded at the NASA/IRTF in February 2003 and August 2004, using the SpeX spectro-imager in the 2.1-2.5-μm region. Abundances of CO and OCS have been derived as a function of latitude for different longitudes. The CO abundance increases by about 15% between the equatorial region and higher latitudes (±40°). No longitudinal or temporal variations are observed. The OCS abundance shows the opposite variation in observational sets with sufficient S/N. These variations and anticorrelation are consistent with upwelling motions in the equatorial region and downwelling at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

Nightside infrared limb spectra of the Venus upper atmosphere, obtained by Venus Express VIRTIS, show strong scattering of thermal radiation. This scattering of upward-going radiation into the line-of-sight is dominant below 82.5 km even at a wavelength of 5 μm, which is indicative of relatively large particles. We show that 1 μm-sized sulfuric acid particles (also known as mode 2 particles) provide a good fit to the VIRTIS limb data at high altitudes. We retrieve vertical profiles of the mode 2 number density between 75 and 90 km at two latitude ranges: 20-30°N and 47-50°N. Between 20 and 30°N, scattering by mode 2 particles is the main source of radiance for altitudes between 80 and 85 km. Above altitudes of 85 km smaller particles can also be used to fit the spectra. Between 47 and 50°N mode 2 number densities are generally lower than between 20 and 30°N and the profiles show more variability. This is consistent with the 47-50° latitude region being at the boundary between the low latitudes and high latitudes, with the latter showing lower cloud tops and higher ultraviolet brightness (Titov, D.V., Taylor, F.W., Svedhem, H., Ignatiev, N.I., Markiewicz, W.J., Piccioni, G., Drossart, P. [2008]. Nature 456, 620-623).  相似文献   

Across the nightside of Venus, daily measurements from the PV Orbiter Ion Mass Spectrometer often indicate an ionosphere of relatively abundant concentration, with a composition characteristic of the dayside ionosphere. Such conditions are interspersed by other days on which the ionosphere appears to largely “disappear” down to about 200 km, with ion concentrations at lower heights also much reduced. These characteristics, coupled with observations of strong day to night flows of O+ in the upper ionosphere, support arguments that ion transport from the dayside is important for the maintenance of the nightside ionosphere. Also, U.S. and Soviet observations of nightside energetic electron fluxes have prompted consideration of impact ionization as an additional nightside ion source. The details of the ion and neutral composition at low altitudes on the nightside provide an important input for further analysis of the maintenance process. In the range 140–160 km, strong concentrations of O2+ and NO+ indicate that the ionization peak is at times composed of at least two prominent ion species. Nightside concentrations of O2+ and NO+ as large as 105 and 104/cm3, respectively, appear to require sources in addition to that provided by transport. The most probable sources are considered briefly, and no satisfactory explanation is yet found for the observed NO+ concentrations. Further analysis beyond the scope of this paper is required to resolve this issue.  相似文献   

Recently aurora-type UV emissions were discovered on the nightside of Mars [Bertaux, J.-L., Leblanc, F., Witasse, O., et al., 2005. Discovery of an aurora on Mars. Nature 439, doi:10.1038/nature03603]. It was suggested that these emissions are produced by suprathermal electrons with energies of tens of eV, rather than by the electrons with spectra peaked above 100 eV [Leblanc, F., Witasse, O., Winningham J., et al., 2006. Origin of the martian aurora observed by spectroscopy for investigation of characteristics of the atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM) onboard Mars Express. J. Geophys. Res. 111, A09313, doi:10.1029/2006JA011763]. In this paper we present observations of fluxes of suprathermal electrons (Ee≈30-100 eV) on the Martian nightside by the ASPERA-3 experiment onboard the Mars Express spacecraft. Narrow spikes of suprathermal electrons are often observed in energy-time spectrograms of electron fluxes at altitudes between 250 and 600 km. These spikes are spatially organized and form narrow strips in regions with strong upward or downward crustal magnetic field. The values of electron fluxes in such events generally could explain the observed auroral UV emissions although a question of their origin (transport from the dayside or local precipitation) remains open.  相似文献   

We use a 1-D chemical diffusive model, in conjunction with the measured neutral atmospheric structure, to analyze the Voyager RSS electron density, ne, profiles for the ionospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. As with previous studies we find serious difficulties in explaining the ne measurements. The model calculates ionospheres for both Jupiter and Saturn with ne peaks of 10 times the measured peaks at altitudes which are 900–1000 km lower than the altitude of peaks in the RSS electron densities. Based on our knowledge of neutral atmospheric structure, ionization sources, and known recombination mechanisms it seems that, vibrational excitation of H2 must play some role in the conversion of slowly radiatively recombining H+ ions to the relatively more rapidly recombining H2+ and H3+ ions. In addition, vertical ion flow induced by horizontal neutral winds or electric fields probably also play some role in maintaining the plasma peaks observed both for Jupiter and Saturn to be at high altitudes. For the ionosphere of Saturn, the electron densities are affected by a putative influx of H2O molecules, ΦH2O, from the rings. To reproduce the RSS V2 exit ne results model requires an influx of ΦH2O 2 × 107 molecules cm−2 s−1 without invoking H2f vibrational excitation. To maintain the model ne peak at the measured altitude vertical plasma drift maintained by meridional winds or vertical electric fields is required. The amounts of H2O are consistent with earlier estimates of Connerney and Waite (1984) and do not violate any observational constraints.  相似文献   

Negative ions may be formed in the ionospheres of Mercury, the Moon and Jupiter's satellites with densities about a few % of the ionospheric electron density. The negative ions are produced by three mechanisms at the planetary surface: charge inversion during energetic proton scattering, with simultaneous secondary negative ion emission, and micrometeorite impacts. The density and distribution of negative ions around planetary bodies depends primarily upon the negative ion life-times determined by photodetachment by solar radiation.  相似文献   

The resurfacing evolution of Venus has been evaluated through Monte Carlo simulations. For the first time, the sizes of volcanic flows in the models were generated using the frequency-size distribution of volcanic units measured on Venus. A non-homogeneous spatial generation of volcanic units was included in the models reproducing the Beta-Alta-Themis volcanic anomaly. Crater modification is simulated using a 3D approach. The final number of modified craters and randomness of the crater population were used to evaluate the success of the models, comparing the results from our simulations with Venus observations. The randomness of the crater population is evaluated using pair-correlation statistics. On the one hand, a catastrophic resurfacing event followed by moderate volcanic activity covering ≈40% of the planetary surface can reproduce the number of modified craters and the pair-correlation statistics do not reject randomness. On the other hand, the pair-correlation test for equilibrium steady-state resurfacing models rejects the randomness of the crater population when reproducing the observed frequency-size distribution of the volcanic units with a non-homogeneous spatial generation of volcanic units.  相似文献   

Life on Venus     
A fundamental question in exobiology remains the degree to which habitats on Venus, past and present, were, or are suitable for life. This has relevance for assessing the exobiological potential of extrasolar Venus-like greenhouse planets. In this paper the parameters of the Venusian surface and atmosphere are considered and the biochemical adaptations required to survive them are explored in the light of new information on microbial adaptations to extreme environments. Neither the pressure (9.5 MPa) nor the high carbon dioxide concentrations (97%) represent a critical constraint to the evolution of life on the surface or in the atmosphere. The most significant constraints to life on the surface are the lack of liquid water and the temperature (464°C). In the lower and middle cloud layers of Venus, temperatures drop and water availability increases, generating a more biologically favorable environment. However, acidity and the problem of osmoregulation in hygroscopic sulfuric acid clouds become extreme and probably life-limiting. If it is assumed that these constraints can be overcome, considerations on the survival of acidophilic sulfate-reducing chemoautotrophs suspended as aerosols in such an environment show that Venus does come close to possessing a habitable niche. Conditions on the surface and in the atmosphere may have been greatly ameliorated on early Venus and may also be ameliorated on extrasolar planets with early Venus-like characteristics where temperatures are less extreme and liquid water is available.  相似文献   

The non-condensing neutral helium exosphere is at its most concentrated levels on the cold lunar nightside. We show herein that these He atoms are susceptible to impact ionization from primary and secondary electrons flowing in the vicinity of the negatively-charged nightside lunar surface. The secondary electron beams are a relatively recent discovery and are found to be emitted from the nightside surface at energies consistent with the negative surface potential. The effect is to create an electron impact-created ionosphere in nightside regions, possibly especially potent within polar craters.  相似文献   

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