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We have studied data from the Galileo spacecraft's three remote sensing instruments (Solid-State Imager (SSI), Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS), and Photopolarimeter-Radiometer (PPR)) covering the Zamama-Thor region of Io's antijovian hemisphere, and produced a geomorphological map of this region. This is the third of three regional maps we are producing from the Galileo spacecraft data. Our goal is to assess the variety of volcanic and tectonic materials and their interrelationships on Io using planetary mapping techniques, supplemented with all available Galileo remote sensing data. Based on the Galileo data analysis and our mapping, we have determined that the most recent geologic activity in the Zamama-Thor region has been dominated by two sites of large-scale volcanic surface changes. The Zamama Eruptive Center is a site of both explosive and effusive eruptions, which emanate from two relatively steep edifices (Zamama Tholi A and B) that appear to be built by both silicate and sulfur volcanism. A ∼100-km long flow field formed sometime after the 1979 Voyager flybys, which appears to be a site of promethean-style compound flows, flow-front SO2 plumes, and adjacent sulfur flows. Larger, possibly stealthy, plumes have on at least one occasion during the Galileo mission tapped a source that probably includes S and/or Cl to produce a red pyroclastic deposit from the same vent from which silicate lavas were erupted. The Thor Eruptive Center, which may have been active prior to Voyager, became active again during the Galileo mission between May and August 2001. A pillanian-style eruption at Thor included the tallest plume observed to date on Io (at least 500 km high) and new dark lava flows. The plume produced a central dark pyroclastic deposit (probably silicate-rich) and an outlying white diffuse ring that is SO2-rich. Mapping shows that several of the new dark lava flows around the plume vent have reoccupied sites of earlier flows. Unlike most of the other pillanian eruptions observed during the Galileo mission, the 2001 Thor eruption did not produce a large red ring deposit, indicating a relative lack of S and/or Cl gases interacting with the magma during that eruption. Between these two eruptive centers are two paterae, Thomagata and Reshef. Thomagata Patera is located on a large shield-like mesa and shows no signs of activity. In contrast, Reshef Patera is located on a large, irregular mesa that is apparently undergoing degradation through erosion (perhaps from SO2-sapping or chemical decomposition of sulfur-rich material) from multiple secondary volcanic centers.  相似文献   

Two classes of volcanic plumes on Io   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comparison of Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 images of the south polar region of Io has revealed that a major volcanic eruption occured there during the period between the two spacecraft encounters. An annular deposit ~1400 km in diameter formed around the Aten Patera caldera (311°W, 48°S), the floor of which changed from orange to red-black. The characteristics of this eruption are remarkably similar to those described earlier for an eruption centered on Surt caldera (338°W, 45°N) that occured during the same period, also at high latitude, but in the north. Both volcanic centers were evidently inactive during the Voyager 1 and 2 encounters but were active sometime between the two. The geometric and colorimetric characteristics, as well as scale of the two annular deposits, are virtually identical; both resemble the surface features formed by the eruption of Pele (255°W, 18°S). These three very large plume eruptions suggest a class of eruption distinct from that of six smaller plumes observed to be continously active by both Voyagers 1 and 2. The smaller plumes, of which Prometheus is the type example, are longer-lived, deposit bright, whitish material, erupt at velocities of ~0.5 km sec?1, and are concentrated at low latitudes in an equatorial belt around the satellite. The very large Pele-type plumes, on the other hand, are relatively short-lived, deposit darker red materials, erupt at ~1.0 km sec?1, and (rather than restricted to a latitudinal band) are restricted in longitude from 240° to 360°W. Both direct thermal infrared temperature measurements and the implied color temperatures for quenched liquid sulfur suggest that hot spot temperatures of ~650°K are associated with the large plumes and temperatures <400°K with the small plumes. The typical eruption duration of the small plumes is at least several years; that of the large plumes appears to be of the order of days to weeks. The two classes therefore differ by more than two orders of magnitude in duration of eruption. Based on uv, visible, and infrared spectra, the small plumes seem to contain and deposit SO2 in their annuli whereas the large plumes apparently do not. Two other plumes that occur at either end of the linear feature Loki may be intermediate or hybrid between the two classes, exhibiting attributes of both. Additionally, Loki occurs in the area of overlap in the regional distributions of the two plume classes. Two distinct volcanic systems involving different volatiles may be responsible for the two classes. We propose that the discrete temperatures associated with the two classes are a direct reflection of sulfur's peculiar variation in viscosity with temperature. Over two temperature ranges (~400 to 430°K and >650°K), sulfur is a low-viscosity fluid (orange and black, respectively); at other temperatures it is either solid or has a high viscosity. As a result, there will be two zones in Io's crust in which liquid sulfur will flow freely: a shallow zone of orange sulfur and a deeper zone of black sulfur. A low-temperature system driven by SO2 heated to 400 to 400°K by the orange sulfur zone seems the best model for the small plumes; a system driven by sulfur heated to >650°K by hot or even molten silicates in the black sulfur zone seems the best explanation for the large plume class. The large Pele-type plumes are apparently concentrated in a region of the satellite in which a thinner sulfur-rich crust overlies the tidally heated silicate lithosphere, so the black sulfur zone may be fairly shallow in this region. The Prometheus-type plumes are possibly confined to the equatorial belt by some process that concentrates SO2 fluid in the equatorial crust.  相似文献   

Clouds and hazes composed of sulfuric acid are observed to exist or postulated to have once existed on each of the terrestrial planets with atmospheres in our solar system. Venus today maintains a global cover of clouds composed of a sulfuric acid/water solution that extends in altitude from roughly 50 km to roughly 80 km. Terrestrial polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) form on stratospheric sulfuric acid aerosols, and both PSCs and stratospheric aerosols play a critical role in the formation of the ozone hole. Stratospheric aerosols can modify the climate when they are enhanced following volcanic eruptions, and are a current focus for geoengineering studies. Rain is made more acidic by sulfuric acid originating from sulfur dioxide generated by industry on Earth. Analysis of the sulfur content of Martian rocks has led to the hypothesis that an early Martian atmosphere, rich in SO2 and H2O, could support a sulfur-infused hydrological cycle. Here we consider the plausibility of frozen sulfuric acid in the upper clouds of Venus, which could lead to lightning generation, with implications for observations by the European Space Agency's Venus Express and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Venus Climate Orbiter (also known as Akatsuki). We also present simulations of a sulfur-rich early Martian atmosphere. We find that about 40 cm/yr of precipitation having a pH of about 2.0 could fall in an early Martian atmosphere, assuming a surface temperature of 273 K, and SO2 generation rates consistent with the formation of Tharsis. This modeled acid rain is a powerful sink for SO2, quickly removing it and preventing it from having a significant greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lunar meteorite Queen Alexandra Range 94281 is remarkably similar to Yamato 793274. Pairing in the conventional Earth-entry sense is difficult to reconcile with the 2500 km separation between the find locations for these two samples. Nonetheless, both of these regolith breccias are dominated by very-low-Ti (VLT) mare basalt, the pyroxenes of which feature exsolution lamellae on a remarkably coarse scale (typical lamella width = 0.5–1 μm) by mare standards. The pyroxenes also show similar compositional variations (e.g., Fe# vs. Ti# trends, which confirm parentage from VLT mare basalt). Plots using Al2O3 or FeO as a tracer of the highland component indicate indistinguishable internal mare-highland geochemical mixing trends. The same two distinctive glass types dominate the mare glass populations of both breccias. Glass type YQ1 features 0.37–0.63 wt% TiO2, 10–17 wt% MgO, and 9–11 wt% Al2O3. Glass type YQ2 features higher TiO2 (0.99–1.22 wt%), which is inversely correlated with MgO (12.6–13.8 wt%), and nearly constant (8.8 wt%) Al2O3. All of these similarities suggest that Y-793274 and QUE 94281 are a launch pair, which we designate YQ. Most of these similarities also extend to another mare-breccia meteorite, Elephant Moraine 87521. However, the EET 87521 mare basalt is unusually V-poor (~88 μg/g), whereas the YQ mare component contains ~166 μg/g. Queen Alexandra Range 94281 features a variety of textural domains. Discrete patches of dark matrix material appear to represent clods of mature regolith that have been mixed with a coarser, relatively immature material. Interior to a frothy fusion crust are areas of massive glass that probably formed as a splash coating on QUE 94281 when it was still on the Moon. The coarse YQ and EET 87521 pyroxene exsolution features imply relatively slow cooling in either a very shallow sill or an unusually thick (ponded) lava and/or later annealing within a cryptomare. Mare pyroclastic glasses, including the two YQ varieties, are systematically MgO-rich compared to crystalline mare basalts. This disparity may be a consequence of limited survival of graphite—the main fuel for explosive volcanism—during formation of the mare source regions as magma ocean cumulates. Graphite (2.2 g/cm3) survived preferentially in regions that avoided extensive early melting and thus remained MgO-rich. An apparent bimodality in the TiO2 contents of mare volcanics, especially the pyroclastic glasses, also seems a plausible consequence of petrogenesis by remelting of magma ocean cumulates. Cumulates deposited after the magma ocean evolved to ilmenite saturation had vastly higher TiO2 contents than cumulates deposited shortly before. The YQ regolith's subequal proportions of mare and highland matter are consistent with derivation from a terrain close to a mare-highland boundary. However, a similar mixture might also develop through vertical mixing in a cryptomare or a region of thin mare coverage. Thus, unfortunately, the YQ bulk composition is not a very useful clue to the identity of the source crater.  相似文献   

Observational and theoretical considerations, including near-surface energy constraints, suggest a model of Io that features a surface layer of sulfur overlying an active silicate crust. Such a model would imply frequent contact between silicate magma intrusions and the sulfur layer. This contact could produce volcanic plumes driven by high-temperature sulfur vapor. Plumes driven by sulfur vapor meet observationall constraint for a wide range of possible conditions, in contrast to the special conditions required for plume generation by SO2. Characteristics of the two models are compared, and it is suggested that high-resolution infrared radiometry could identify the driving volatile.  相似文献   

Volcanism on Io: New insights from global geologic mapping   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We produced the first complete, 1:15 M-scale global geologic map of Jupiter’s moon Io, based on a set of monochrome and color Galileo-Voyager image mosaics produced at a spatial resolution of 1 km/pixel. The surface of Io was mapped into 19 units based on albedo, color and surface morphology, and is subdivided as follows: plains (65.8% of surface), lava flow fields (28.5%), mountains (3.2%), and patera floors (2.5%). Diffuse deposits (DD) that mantle the other units cover ∼18% of Io’s surface, and are distributed as follows: red (8.6% of surface), white (6.9%), yellow (2.1%), black (0.6%), and green (∼0.01%). Analyses of the geographical and areal distribution of these units yield a number of results, summarized below. (1) The distribution of plains units of different colors is generally geographically constrained: Red-brown plains occur >±30° latitude, and are thought to result from enhanced alteration of other units induced by radiation coming in from the poles. White plains (possibly dominated by SO2 + contaminants) occur mostly in the equatorial antijovian region (±30°, 90-230°W), possibly indicative of a regional cold trap. Outliers of white, yellow, and red-brown plains in other regions may result from long-term accumulation of white, yellow, and red diffuse deposits, respectively. (2) Bright (possibly sulfur-rich) flow fields make up 30% more lava flow fields than dark (presumably silicate) flows (56.5% vs. 43.5%), and only 18% of bright flow fields occur within 10 km of dark flow fields. These results suggest that secondary sulfurous volcanism (where a bright-dark association is expected) could be responsible for only a fraction of Io’s recent bright flows, and that primary sulfur-rich effusions could be an important component of Io’s recent volcanism. An unusual concentration of bright flows at ∼45-75°N, ∼60-120°W could be indicative of more extensive primary sulfurous volcanism in the recent past. However, it remains unclear whether most bright flows are bright because they are sulfur flows, or because they are cold silicate flows covered in sulfur-rich particles from plume fallout. (3) We mapped 425 paterae (volcano-tectonic depressions), up from 417 previously identified by Radebaugh et al. (Radebaugh, J., Keszthelyi, L.P., McEwen, A.S., Turtle, E.P., Jaeger, W., Milazzo, M. [2001]. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 33005-33020). Although these features cover only 2.5% of Io’s surface, they correspond to 64% of all detected hot spots; 45% of all hot spots are associated with the freshest dark patera floors, reflecting the importance of active silicate volcanism to Io’s heat flow. (4) Mountains cover only ∼3% of the surface, although the transition from mountains to plains is gradational with the available imagery. 49% of all mountains are lineated and presumably layered, showing evidence of linear structures supportive of a tectonic origin. In contrast, only 6% of visible mountains are mottled (showing hummocks indicative of mass wasting) and 4% are tholi (domes or shields), consistent with a volcanic origin. (5) Initial analyses of the geographic distributions of map units show no significant longitudinal variation in the quantity of Io’s mountains or paterae, in contrast to earlier studies. This is because we use the area of mountain and patera materials as opposed to the number of structures, and our result suggests that the previously proposed anti-correlation of mountains and paterae (Schenk, P., Hargitai, H., Wilson, R., McEwen, A., Thomas, P. [2001]. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 33201-33222; Kirchoff, M.R., McKinnon, W.B., Schenk, P.M. [2011]. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 301, 22-30) is more complex than previously thought. There is also a slight decrease in surface area of lava flows toward the poles of Io, perhaps indicative of variations in volcanic activity. (6) The freshest bright and dark flows make up about 29% of all of Io’s flow fields, suggesting active emplacement is occurring in less than a third of Io’s visible lava fields. (7) About 47% of Io’s diffuse deposits (by area) are red, presumably deriving their color from condensed sulfur gas, and ∼38% are white, presumably dominated by condensed SO2. The much greater areal extent of gas-derived diffuse deposits (red + white, 85%) compared to presumably pyroclast-bearing diffuse deposits (dark (silicate tephra) + yellow (sulfur-rich tephra), 15%) indicates that there is effective separation between the transport of tephra and gas in many Ionian explosive eruptions. Future improvements in the geologic mapping of Io can be obtained via (a) investigating the relationships between different color/material units that are geographically and temporally associated, (b) better analysis of the temporal variations in the map units, and (c) additional high-resolution images (spatial resolutions ∼200 m/pixel or better). These improvements would be greatly facilitated by new data, which could be obtained by future missions.  相似文献   

A series of calculated thermal histories of Mars is presented, and their possible relation to surface tectonic history is discussed. The models include convective heat transport through an empirical approximation, and heating by radioactivity and core segregation. Initial temperature, Ti, and the timing and duration of core segregation are treated as free parameters. Ti is the main determinant of Martian thermal evolution: as it is varied from 20 to 100% of the present mean temperature, the maximum in surface heat flux moves from very recent to very early in Martian history. For the latter cases, the details of core segregation control the detailed timing of a peak in the thermal flux that exceeded 100 mW/m2. It is suggested that the early disruption of cratered terrain crust in the northern hemisphere and subsequent volcanic resurfacing may have been related to core segregation. This would be consistent with a scenario in which an early period of core segregation generated a marked peak in the thermal flux that may have lead to extensivev partial melting and volcanism. This scenario would require Mars to have had an initial mean temperature comparable to the present value.  相似文献   

The wavelength dependence of the reflectivity of Io indicates the presence of two materials on the surface of this satellite of Jupiter. These materials are sulfur and an unspecified material (R1) which shows a wavelength dependence of its reflectivity for 0.3 μm < λ < 1.0 μm similar to the non-H2O frost spectrum of the rings of Saturn. A 60/40 admixture of these two spectra matches the observed reflection spectrum of Io from 0.3μm–3 μm, if the spectrum of R1 is featureless for λ > 1 μm. Sulfur will give rise to a posteclipse brightening. The variation with wavelength of the temperature dependence of the reflectivity of sulfur will allow an observational confirmation of the presence of sulfur on Io. The material R1 should show a large geometrical albedo. The translucency of sulfur is consistent with the polarization-phase curve to Io. The material R1 is also required to be translucent. The thermal conductivity of a cooled sulfur powder under vacuum was measured and found to agree with the value determined for the upper layer of Io from observations at 10 μm. It is shown that this agreement is not necessarily meaningful.  相似文献   

On 14 January and 6 October 2008 the MESSENGER spacecraft passed within 200 km of the surface of Mercury. These flybys by MESSENGER provided the first observations of Mercury from a spacecraft since the Mariner 10 flybys in 1974 and 1975. Data from the Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) provided new information on the equatorial shape of Mercury, and Doppler tracking of the spacecraft through the flybys provided new data on the planet’s gravity field. The MLA passes were on opposite hemispheres of the planet and span collectively ∼40% of the equatorial circumference. The mean elevation of topography observed during flyby 1, in the longitude range 0-90°E, is greater than that seen during flyby 2 in the longitude range 180-270°E, indicating an offset between centers of mass and figure having a magnitude and phase in general agreement with topography determined by Earth-based radar. Both MLA profiles are characterized by slopes of ∼0.015° downward to the east, which is consistent with a long-wavelength equatorial shape defined by a best-fitting ellipse. The Doppler tracking data show sensitivity to the gravitational structure of Mercury. The equatorial ellipticity of the gravitational field, C2,2, is well determined and correlates with the equatorial shape. The S2,2 coefficient is ∼0, as would be expected if Mercury’s coordinate system, defined by its rotational state, is aligned along its principal axes of inertia. The recovered value of the polar flattening of the gravitational potential, J2, is considerably lower in magnitude than the value obtained from Mariner 10 tracking, a result that is problematic for internal structure models. This parameter is not as well constrained as the equatorial ellipticity because the flyby trajectories were nearly in the planet’s equatorial plane. The residuals from the Doppler tracking data suggest the possibility of mascons on Mercury, but flyby observations are of insufficient resolution for confident recovery. For a range of assumptions on degree of compensation and crustal and mantle densities, the allowable crustal thickness is consistent with the upper limit of about 100 km estimated from the inferred depth of faulting beneath a prominent lobate scarp, an assumed ductile flow law for crustal material, and the condition that temperature at the base of the crust does not exceed the solidus temperature. The MESSENGER value of C2,2 has allowed an improved estimate of the ratio of the polar moment of inertia of the mantle and crust to the full polar moment (Cm/C), a refinement that strengthens the conclusion that Mercury has at present a fluid outer core.  相似文献   

To determine how active volcanism might affect the standard picture of sulfur dioxide photochemistry on Io, we have developed a one-dimensional atmospheric model in which a variety of sulfur-, oxygen-, sodium-, potassium-, and chlorine-bearing volatiles are volcanically outgassed at Io's surface and then evolve due to photolysis, chemical kinetics, and diffusion. Thermochemical equilibrium calculations in combination with recent observations of gases in the Pele plume are used to help constrain the composition and physical properties of the exsolved volcanic vapors. Both thermochemical equilibrium calculations (Zolotov and Fegley 1999, Icarus141, 40-52) and the Pele plume observations of Spencer et al. (2000; Science288, 1208-1210) suggest that S2 may be a common gas emitted in volcanic eruptions on Io. If so, our photochemical models indicate that the composition of Io's atmosphere could differ significantly from the case of an atmosphere in equilibrium with SO2 frost. The major differences as they relate to oxygen and sulfur species are an increased abundance of S, S2, S3, S4, SO, and S2O and a decreased abundance of O and O2 in the Pele-type volcanic models as compared with frost sublimation models. The high observed SO/SO2 ratio on Io might reflect the importance of a contribution from volcanic SO rather than indicate low eddy diffusion coefficients in Io's atmosphere or low SO “sticking” probabilities at Io's surface; in that case, the SO/SO2 ratio could be temporally and/or spatially variable as volcanic activity fluctuates. Many of the interesting volcanic species (e.g., S2, S3, S4, and S2O) are short lived and will be rapidly destroyed once the volcanic plumes shut off; condensation of these species near the source vent is also likely. The diffuse red deposits associated with active volcanic centers on Io may be caused by S4 radicals that are created and temporarily preserved when sulfur vapor (predominantly S2) condenses around the volcanic vent. Condensation of SO across the surface and, in particular, in the polar regions might also affect the surface spectral properties. We predict that the S/O ratio in the torus and neutral clouds might be correlated with volcanic activity—during periods when volcanic outgassing of S2 (or other molecular sulfur vapors) is prevalent, we would expect the escape of sulfur to be enhanced relative to that of oxygen, and the S/O ratio in the torus and neutral clouds could be correspondingly increased.  相似文献   

The full set of high-resolution observations from the Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS) is analyzed to look for spectral trends across the surface of Europa. We provide the first disk-resolved map of the 280 nm SO2 absorption feature and investigate its relationship with sulfur and electron flux distributions as well as with surface features and relative surface ages. Our results have implications for exogenic and endogenic sources. The large-scale pattern in SO2 absorption band depth is again shown to be similar to the pattern of sulfur ion implantation, but with strong variations in band depth based on terrain. In particular, the young chaos units show stronger SO2 absorption bands than expected from the average pattern of sulfur ion flux, suggesting a local source of SO2 in those regions, or diapiric heating that leads to a sulfur-rich lag deposit.While the SO2 absorption feature is confined to the trailing hemisphere, the near UV albedo (300-310 nm) has a global pattern with a minimum at the center of the trailing hemisphere and a maximum at the center of the leading hemisphere. The global nature of the albedo pattern is suggestive of an exogenic source, and several possibilities are discussed. Like the SO2 absorption, the near UV albedo also has local variations that depend on terrain type and age.  相似文献   

Europa's surface is chemically altered by radiolysis from energetic charged particle bombardment. It has been suggested that hydrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4·nH2O) is a major surface species and is part of a radiolytic sulfur cycle, where a dynamic equilibrium exists between continuous production and destruction of sulfur polymers Sx, sulfur dioxide SO2, hydrogen sulfide H2S, and H2SO4·nH2O. We measured the rate of sulfate anion production for cyclo-octal sulfur grains in frozen water at temperatures, energies, and dose rates appropriate for Europa using energetic electrons. The measured rate is GMixture(SO42−)=fSulfur (r0/r)βG1 molecules (100 eV)−1, where fSulfur is the sulfur weight fraction, r is the grain radius, r0=50 μm, β≈1.9, and G1=0.4±0.1. Equilibrium column densities N are derived for Europa's surface and follow the ordering N(H2SO4) » N(S)>N(SO2)>N(H2S). The lifetime of a sulfur atom on Europa's surface for radiolysis to H2SO4 is τ(−S)=120(r/r0)β years. Rapid radiolytic processing hides the identity of the original source of the sulfurous material, but Iogenic plasma ion implantation and an acidic or salty ocean are candidate sources. Sulfate salts, if present, would be decomposed in <3800 years and be rapidly assimilated into the sulfur cycle.  相似文献   

We analyze observations of Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock taken on 1983 May 10 to determine the spatial molecular abundance of C2 in the inner coma via the Δν = +1 Swan band sequence near 4690 Å; total molecular abundance for C2 is ~6 × 1027 molecules across a projected linear diameter of ~9700 km centered on the nucleus. These observations show a deficiency of C2 emission across a projected diameter of ~2000 km centered on the peak of continuum emission. Comet imagery reveals a sunward-pointing coma suggestive of an outburst of subsurface volatile ices through a nonvolatile surface crust as predicted for periodic comets. Moreover, such imagery suggests that Haser model scale lengths for C2 and its parent molecule, as derived from our observations, do not fit the data very well. Our results are discussed in terms of the then-developing instrument and observational constraints which applied at the time.  相似文献   

Recent spacecraft observations of Venus permit a detailed model of sulfur chemistry in the atmosphere-lithosphere system. Pioneer Venus experiments confirm that, as predicted, COS and H2S are dominant over SO2 in the lower atmosphere, and that the equilibrium concentrations of S2 and S3 are significant. Many criteria serve to bracket the oxidation state of the crust: it is nearly certain that the S22?/SO42? buffer regulates the oxygen fucagity, and that FeO is at least as abundant as Fe2O3 in crustal silicates. A highly oxidized crust (as, for example, would result from O2 absorption complementary to escape of vast amounts of H2) is incompatible with the gas-phase sulfur chemistry. If the Pioneer Venus mass spectrometer estimates of the abundance of sulfur gases are correct, Earth-like models for the bulk composition of Venus are seriously in error, and a far lower FeO content is required for Venus.  相似文献   

Based on meteorite evidence, the present‐day Martian mantle has a combined abundance of up to a few hundred ppm of H2O, Cl, and F, which lowers the solidus and enhances the magma production rate. Adiabatic decompression melting in upwelling mantle plumes is the best explanation for young (last 200 Myr) volcanism on Mars. We explore water undersaturated mantle plume volcanism using a finite element mantle convection model coupled to a model of hydrous peridotite melting. Relative to a dry mantle, the reduction in solidus temperature due to water increases the magma production rate by a factor of 1.3–1.7 at 50 ppm water and by a factor of 1.9–3.2 at 200 ppm water. Mantle water also decreases the viscosity and increases the vigor of convection, which indirectly increases the magma production rate by thinning the thermal boundary layer and increasing the flow velocity. At conditions relevant to Mars, these indirect effects can cause an order of magnitude increase in the magma production rate. Using geologic and geophysical observations of the Late Amazonian magma production rate and geochemical observations of melt fractions in shergottite meteorites, present‐day Mars is constrained to have a core–mantle boundary temperature of ~1750 to 1800 °C and a volume‐averaged thermal Rayleigh number of 2 × 106 to 107, indicating that moderately vigorous mantle convection has persisted to the present day. Melting occurs at depths of 2.5–6 GPa and is controlled by the Rayleigh number at the low pressure end and by the mantle water concentration at high pressure.  相似文献   

The temporal signature of thermal emission from a volcano is a valuable clue to the processes taking place both at and beneath the surface. The Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) observed the volcano Prometheus, on the jovian moon Io, on multiple occasions between 1996 and 2002. The 5 micron (μm) brightness of this volcano shows considerable variation from orbit to orbit. Prometheus exhibits increases in thermal emission that indicate episodic (though non-periodic) effusive activity in a manner akin to the current Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha (afterwards referred to as the Pu'u 'O'o) eruption of Kilauea, Hawai'i. The volume of material erupted during one Prometheus eruption episode (defined as the interval from minimum thermal emission to peak and back to minimum) from 6 November 1996 to 7 May 1997 is estimated to be ∼0.8 km3, with a peak instantaneous volumetric flux (effusion rate) of ∼140 m3 s−1, and an averaged volumetric flux (eruption rate) of ∼49 m3 s−1. These quantities are used to model subsurface structure, magma storage and magma supply mechanisms, and likely magma chamber depth. Prometheus appears to be supplied by magma from a relatively shallow magma chamber, with a roof at a minimum depth of ∼2-3 km and a maximum depth of ∼14 km. This is a much shallower depth range than sources of supply proposed for explosive, possibly ultramafic, eruptions at Pillan and Tvashtar. As Prometheus-type effusive activity is widespread on Io, shallow magma chambers containing magma of basaltic or near-basaltic composition and density may be common. This analysis strengthens the analogy between Prometheus and Pu'u 'O'o, at least in terms of eruption style. Even though the style of eruption appears to be similar (effusive emplacement of thin, insulated, compound pahoehoe flows) the scale of activity at Prometheus greatly exceeds current activity at Pu'u 'O'o in terms of volume erupted, area covered, and magma flux. Whereas the estimated magma chamber at Prometheus dwarfs the Pu'u 'O'o magma chamber, it fits within expectations if the Pu'u 'O'o chamber were scaled for the greater volumetric flux and lower gravity of Io. Recent volumetric eruption rates derived from Galileo data for Prometheus were considerably smaller than the rate that produced the extensive flows formed in the ∼17 years between the Voyager and Galileo missions. These smaller eruption rates, coupled with the fact that flows are not expanding laterally, may mean that the immediate heat source that generates the Prometheus plume is simultaneously running out of available volatiles and the thermal energy that drives mobilization of volatiles. This raises the question of whether the current Prometheus eruption is in its last throes.  相似文献   

The effects of the equilibrium figure theory to within terms of the second order in a small parameter α on figure parameters and gravitational moments of the Galilean satellite Io have been considered. Integro-differential equations of the theory of figure to second order have been first solved numerically. Relations between the low-order coefficients of the gravitational field for satellites in hydrostatic equilibrium are generalized according to the second order theory. To show the effects of the second approximation, two three-layer trial models of Io are used. The considered models of the Io’s interiors differ by the size and density of the core, while having the same thickness and density of the crust, and the mantle density difference is only 20 kg/m3. The corrections of second order in smallness to the gravitational moments J2 and C22 decrease the third decimal digit of model gravitational moments by two units. As the effects of third and forth harmonics are determined mostly by outer layers of Io, to distinguish between model mantle density, the gravitational moments J4, C42 and C44 should be determined to accuracy with three or four decimal digits. The second order corrections mostly effect the semi-axis a, and less the semi-axes b and c.  相似文献   

We present the first JHK near-infrared colorimetry giving some indication of the surface materials on the peculiar object 2060 Chiron. The colors appear to exclude relatively clean bright ice surfaces, such as those of Europa, Ganymede, Rhea, Dione, and theoretically studied micronscale clean ice particles. The colors are consistent with those of numerous outer solar system asteroids, which in all measured cases have: albedos of only a few percent, C?, RD?, or DM-type spectra, and no known H2O ice absorption features. The colors are also consistent with theoretical colors for certain size distributions of dirty ice grains. These and additional VJHK colorimetric data suggest that the spectrally dominant surface is C-type material, probably dark carbonaceous-like silicate dust, with a possible admixture of ice grains on a microscale. If Chiron has the low albedo common to such material on known interplanetary bodies, its diameter would be about 310 to 400 km, placing Chiron among the eight largest “asteroids”. Relationships to comet observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Radiometric age dating of the shergottite meteorites and cratering studies of lava flows in Tharsis and Elysium both demonstrate that volcanic activity has occurred on Mars in the geologically recent past. This implies that adiabatic decompression melting and upwelling convective flow in the mantle remains important on Mars at present. I present a series of numerical simulations of mantle convection and magma generation on Mars. These models test the effects of the total radioactive heating budget and of the partitioning of radioactivity between crust and mantle on the production of magma. In these models, melting is restricted to the heads of hot mantle plumes that rise from the core‐mantle boundary, consistent with the spatially localized distribution of recent volcanism on Mars. For magma production to occur on present‐day Mars, the minimum average radioactive heating rate in the martian mantle is 1.6 times 10?12 W/kg, which corresponds to 39% of the Wanke and Dreibus (1994) radioactivity abundance. If the mantle heating rate is lower than this, the mean mantle temperature is low, and the mantle plumes experience large amounts of cooling as they rise from the base of the mantle to the surface and are, thus, unable to melt. Models with mantle radioactive heating rates of 1.8 to 2.1 times 10 ?12 W/kg can satisfy both the present‐day volcanic resurfacing rate on Mars and the typical melt fraction observed in the shergottites. This corresponds to 43–50% of the Wanke and Dreibus radioactivity remaining in the mantle, which is geochemically reasonable for a 50 km thick crust formed by about 10% partial melting. Plausible changes to either the assumed solidus temperature or to the assumed core‐mantle boundary temperature would require a larger amount of mantle radioactivity to permit present‐day magmatism. These heating rates are slightly higher than inferred for the nakhlite source region and significantly higher than inferred from depleted shergottites such as QUE 94201. The geophysical estimate of mantle radioactivity inferred here is a global average value, while values inferred from the martian meteorites are for particular points in the martian mantle. Evidently, the martian mantle has several isotopically distinct compositions, possibly including a radioactively enriched source that has not yet been sampled by the martian meteorites. The minimum mantle heating rate corresponds to a minimum thermal Rayleigh number of 2 times 106, implying that mantle convection remains moderately vigorous on present‐day Mars. The basic convective pattern on Mars appears to have been stable for most of martian history, which has prevented the mantle flow from destroying the isotopic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

In this study we examine a set of lunar mare domes located in the Hortensius/Milichius/T. Mayer region and in northern Mare Tranquillitatis with respect to their formation along crustal fractures, their rheologic properties, the dimensions of their feeder dikes, and the importance of magma evolution processes during dome formation. Many of these domes display elongated summit vents oriented radially with respect to major impact basins, and several dome locations are also aligned in these preferential directions. Analysis of Clementine UV/VIS and Lunar Prospector gamma ray spectrometer data reveals that the examined mare domes formed from low-Si basaltic lavas of high FeO and low to moderate TiO2 content. Based on their morphometric properties (diameter, height, volume) obtained by photoclinometric and shape from shading analysis of telescopic CCD images, we derive rheologic quantities (lava viscosity during eruption, effusion rate, duration of the effusion process, magma rise speed) and the dimensions of the feeder dikes. We establish three rheologic groups characterised by specific combinations of rheologic properties and dike dimensions, where the most relevant discriminative parameter is the lava viscosity η. The first group is characterised by and contains the domes with elongated vents in the Milichius/T. Mayer region and two similar domes in northern Mare Tranquillitatis. The second group with comprises the very low aligned domes in northern Mare Tranquillitatis, and the third group with the relatively steep domes near Hortensius and in the T. Mayer region. The inferred dike dimensions in comparison to lunar crustal thickness data indicate that the source regions of the feeder dikes are situated within the upper crust for six of the domes in northern Mare Tranquillitatis, while they are likely to be located in the lower crust and in the upper mantle for the other examined domes. By comparing the time scale of magma ascent with the time scale on which heat is conducted from the magma into the host rock, we find evidence that the importance of magma evolution processes during ascent such as cooling and crystallisation increases with lava viscosity. We conclude that different degrees of evolution of initially fluid basaltic magma are able to explain the broad range of lava viscosities inferred for the examined mare domes. The spectral data reveal that differences in TiO2 content may additionally account for the systematic difference in lava viscosity between the two examined lunar regions. We show that the described mechanisms are likely to be valid also for other lunar mare domes situated near Cauchy and Arago, regarded for comparison. On the other hand, we find for the Gruithuisen and Mairan highland domes that despite their inferred high lava viscosities of , no significant magma cooling in the dike occurred during ascent, supporting previous findings that the highland domes were formed during a specific phase of non-mare volcanism by highly silicic viscous lavas.  相似文献   

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