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The structure and evolution of isolated giant gaseous protoplanets in the mass range 0.3 to 4.5 Jovian masses is investigated. Under the assumptions of the calculations, the following properties are found: (1) The central region of protoplanets of mass less than about 1 Jovian mass is, at some evolutionary epoch, thermodynamically favorable to the liquification of major interstellar grain constituents. Grains in this region can grow and infall to form a planetary core in tens to hundreds of years. (2) All protoplanets studied are convective through-out most of their interior. This property is in contrast to Bodenheimer's fully radiative proto-Jupiter models. We attribute the difference to the use of improved opacities. The presence of convection has at least two important consequences. First, it can mix grains into the central regions during planetary core formation, possibly allowing a core of mass ~ 1 Earth mass to grow. Second, convection can transport angular momentum outward as the protoplanet quasi-statically contracts. (3) The thermal contraction time depends sensitively on the surface opacity (T < 200°K). This opacity is uncertain within a factor of 5. The contraction times imply that some protoplanets can remain stable against tidal disruption by the proto-Sun and solar nebula during core-forming stages.  相似文献   

The manner in which a giant gaseous protoplanet becomes embedded in the primitive solar nebula determines surface boundary conditions which must be used in studying the evolution of such objects. On the one hand, if the system resembles a contact binary system, then the envelope of the protoplanet should approach the entropy of the surrounding nebula. On the other hand angular. momentum transfer by resonance and tidal effects between the nebula and the protoplanet may cause the nebula to exhibit a zone of avoidance near the protoplanet, thus inhibiting exchange of material. This problem has been studied with a computer program developed by D. N. C. Lin which simulates disk hydrodynamics by particle motions with dissipation. These studies suggest that for expected values of the protoplanet/protosun mass ratios, significant inhibition of mass exchange is likely, so that it is a reasonable next step to undertake protoplanet evolution studies with the imposition of minimum protoplanet surface temperatures.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of circumplanetary discs formed in three-dimensional, self-gravitating radiation hydrodynamical models of gas accretion by protoplanets. We determine disc sizes, scaleheights, and density and temperature profiles for different protoplanet masses, in solar nebulae of differing grain opacities.
We find that the analytical prediction of circumplanetary disc radii in an evacuated gap  ( R Hill/3)  from Quillen & Trilling yields a good estimate for discs formed by high-mass protoplanets. The radial density profiles of the circumplanetary discs may be described by power laws between   r −2  and   r −3/2  . We find no evidence for the ring-like density enhancements that have been found in some previous models of circumplanetary discs. Temperature profiles follow a  ∼ r −7/10  power law regardless of protoplanet mass or nebula grain opacity. The discs invariably have large scaleheights  ( H / r > 0.2)  , making them thick in comparison with their encompassing circumstellar discs, and they show no flaring.  相似文献   

The migration and growth of protoplanets in protostellar discs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the gravitational interaction of a Jovian-mass protoplanet with a gaseous disc with aspect ratio and kinematic viscosity expected for the protoplanetary disc from which it formed. Different disc surface density distributions are investigated. We focus on the tidal interaction with the disc with the consequent gap formation and orbital migration of the protoplanet. Non-linear two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations are employed using three independent numerical codes.
A principal result is that the direction of the orbital migration is always inwards and such that the protoplanet reaches the central star in a near-circular orbit after a characteristic viscous time‐scale of ∼104 initial orbital periods. This is found to be independent of whether the protoplanet is allowed to accrete mass or not. Inward migration is helped by the disappearance of the inner disc, and therefore the positive torque it would exert, because of accretion on to the central star. Maximally accreting protoplanets reach about 4 Jovian masses on reaching the neighbourhood of the central star. Our results indicate that a realistic upper limit for the masses of closely orbiting giant planets is ∼5 Jupiter masses, if they originate in protoplanetary discs similar to the minimum-mass solar nebula. This is because of the reduced accretion rates obtained for planets of increasing mass.
Assuming that some process such as termination of the inner disc through a magnetospheric cavity stops the migration, the range of masses estimated for a number of close orbiting giant planets as well as their inward orbital migration can be accounted for by consideration of disc–protoplanet interactions during the late stages of giant planet formation.  相似文献   

A.G.W. Cameron 《Icarus》1985,64(2):285-294
During recent years my research on the primitive solar nebular has followed two main themes: (1) Very early in the development of the nebula conditions probably favored the occurence of major gaseous instabilities leading to the formation of giant gaseous protoplanets, but the rapid rise of the external temperature soon evaporated the envelopes of these protoplanets, possibly leaving behind precipitated solids which formed the cores and mantles of the terrestrial planets. (2) Models of the nebula indicate a later stage when conditions in the inner Solar System became very hot; at the position of Mercury the temperature was probably in the range 2500–3500°K. This leads to the hypothesis that the original protomercury was a body substantially more massive than the present planet and of normal composition, but that when it was immersed in the high-temperature field of the dissipating solar nebula, most of the rocky mantle was vaporized and mixed into the solar nebula gases and carried away by them. This hypothesis is investigated in the present paper. For simplicity the vaporization of a mantle composed of enstatite, MgSiO3, was computed for a planet with 2.25 the mass of Mercury at a temperature of 3000°K. It is argued that the mantle could probably be largely removed in the available time of 3 × 104 years. Subsequent accretion would restore some magnesium silicates to the mantle of the planet.  相似文献   

Protoatmospheres and surface environment of terrestrial protoplanets during the oligarchic accretion phase and the giant impacts phase are discussed from theoretical points of view. Mars-sized protoplanets form during the stage of the oligarchic growth. Since protoplanets are formed from more or less ‘local’ planetesimals, the surface environment of the accreting protoplanets depends on availability of volatile material in planetesimals. Even if no volatile-bearing planetesimals are available, a gravitationary captured solar composition atmosphere is formed during accretion. In such cases the surface temperature is always kept under the melting temperature of mantle silicate and only a subsurface magma ocean is formed. Core formation proceeds under dry conditions, and volatile elements are not partitioned into metallic iron. Accretion of water-bearing planetesimals results in impact degassing. A surface hydrous magma ocean forms in response to the thermal blanketing effect of the proto-atmosphere. Then, some volatile materials dissolve into the magma ocean. If we consider reaction with metallic iron, the proto-atmosphere is likely to be rich in hydrogen. In addition, a large amount of hydrogen may be partitioned into metallic iron under high pressure, and delivered to the core. In the stage of giant impacts, both dry and water-bearing protoplanets collide on the proto-Earth. Substantial amount of proto-atmosphere (including water vapor) survives giant impacts. Moreover, giant impacts on protoplanets with oceans result in relative concentration of water against other gases.  相似文献   

We have performed N-body simulations on the stage of protoplanet formation from planetesimals, taking into account so-called “type-I migration,” and damping of orbital eccentricities and inclinations, as a result of tidal interaction with a gas disk without gap formation. One of the most serious problems in formation of terrestrial planets and jovian planet cores is that the migration time scale predicted by the linear theory is shorter than the disk lifetime (106-107 years). In this paper, we investigate retardation of type-I migration of a protoplanet due to a torque from a planetesimal disk in which a gap is opened up by the protoplanet, and torques from other protoplanets which are formed in inner and outer regions. In the first series of runs, we carried out N-body simulations of the planetesimal disk, which ranges from 0.9 to 1.1 AU, with a protoplanet seed in order to clarify how much retardation can be induced by the planetesimal disk and how long such retardation can last. We simulated six cases with different migration speeds. We found that in all of our simulations, a clear gap is not maintained for more than 105 years in the planetesimal disk. For very fast migration, a gap cannot be created in the planetesimal disk. For migration slower than some critical speed, a gap does form. However, because of the growth of the surrounding planetesimals, gravitational perturbation of the planetesimals eventually becomes so strong that the planetesimals diffuse into the vicinity of the protoplanets, resulting in destruction of the gap. After the gap is destroyed, close encounters with the planetesimals rather accelerate the protoplanet migration. In this way, the migration cannot be retarded by the torque from the planetesimal disk, regardless of the migration speed. In the second series of runs, we simulated accretion of planetesimals in wide range of semimajor axis, 0.5 to 2-5 AU, starting with equal mass planetesimals without a protoplanet seed. Since formation of comparable-mass multiple protoplanets (“oligarchic growth”) is expected, the interactions with other protoplanets have a potential to alter the migration speed. However, inner protoplanets migrate before outer ones are formed, so that the migration and the accretion process of a runaway protoplanet are not affected by the other protoplanets placed inner and outer regions of its orbit. From the results of these two series of simulations, we conclude that the existence of planetesimals and multiple protoplanets do not affect type-I migration and therefore the migration shall proceed as the linear theory has suggested.  相似文献   

We study the torque on low-mass protoplanets on fixed circular orbits, embedded in a protoplanetary disc in the isothermal limit. We consider a wide range of surface density distributions including cases where the surface density increases smoothly outwards. We perform both linear disc response calculations and non-linear numerical simulations. We consider a large range of viscosities, including the inviscid limit, as well as a range of protoplanet mass ratios, with special emphasis on the co-orbital region and the corotation torque acting between disc and protoplanet.
For low-mass protoplanets and large viscosity, the corotation torque behaves as expected from linear theory. However, when the viscosity becomes small enough to enable horseshoe turns to occur, the linear corotation torque exists only temporarily after insertion of a planet into the disc, being replaced by the horseshoe drag first discussed by Ward. This happens after a time that is equal to the horseshoe libration period reduced by a factor amounting to about twice the disc aspect ratio. This torque scales with the radial gradient of specific vorticity, as does the linear torque, but we find it to be many times larger. If the viscosity is large enough for viscous diffusion across the co-orbital region to occur within a libration period, we find that the horseshoe drag may be sustained. If not, the corotation torque saturates leaving only the linear Lindblad torques. As the magnitude of the non-linear co-orbital torque (horseshoe drag) is always found to be larger than the linear torque, we find that the sign of the total torque may change even for mildly positive surface density gradients. In combination with a kinematic viscosity large enough to keep the torque from saturating, strong sustained deviations from linear theory and outward or stalled migration may occur in such cases.  相似文献   

Stephen J. Kortenkamp 《Icarus》2005,175(2):409-418
Numerical simulations of the gravitational scattering of planetesimals by a protoplanet reveal that a significant fraction of scattered planetesimals can become trapped as so-called quasi-satellites in heliocentric 1:1 co-orbital resonance with the protoplanet. While trapped, these resonant planetesimals can have deep low-velocity encounters with the protoplanet that result in temporary or permanent capture onto highly eccentric prograde or retrograde circumplanetary orbits. The simulations include solar nebula gas drag and use planetesimals with diameters ranging from ∼1 to ∼1000 km. Initial protoplanet eccentricities range from ep=0 to 0.15 and protoplanet masses range from 300 Earth-masses (M) down to 0.1M. This mass range effectively covers the final masses of all planets currently thought to be in possession of captured satellites—Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Mars. For protoplanets on moderately eccentric orbits (ep?0.1) most simulations show from 5-20% of all scattered planetesimals becoming temporarily trapped in the quasi-satellite co-orbital resonance. Typically, 20-30% of the temporarily trapped quasi-satellites of all sizes came within half the Hill radius of the protoplanet while trapped in the resonance. The efficiency of the resonance trapping combined with the subsequent low-velocity circumplanetary capture suggests that this trapped-to-captured transition may be important not only for the origin of captured satellites but also for continued growth of protoplanets.  相似文献   

When a planetary core composed of condensed matter is accumulated in the primitive solar nebula, the gas of the nebula becomes gravitationally concentrated as an envelope surrounding the planetary core. Models of such gaseous envelopes have been constructed subject to the assumption that the gas everywhere is on the same adiabat as that in the surrounding nebula. The gaseous envelope extends from the surface of the core to the distance at which the gravitational attraction of core plus envelope becomes equal to the gradient of the gravitational potential in the solar nebula; at this point the pressure and temperature of the gas in the envelope are required to attain the background values characteristics of the solar nebula. In general, as the mass of the condensed core increases, increasing amounts of gas became concentrated in the envelope, and these envelopes are stable against hydrodynamic instabilities. However, the core mass then goes through a maximum and starts to decrease. In most of the models tested, the envelopes were hydrodynamically unstable beyond the peak in the core mass. An unstable situation was always created if it was insisted that the core mass contain a larger amount of matter than given by these solutions. For an initial adiabat characterized by a temperature of 450°K and a pressure of 5 × 10?6 atm, the maximum core mass at which instability occurs is approximately 115 earth masses; this value is rather insensitive to the position in the solar nebula or to the background pressure of the solar nebula. However, if the adiabat is lowered, then the core mass corresponding to instability is decreased. Since the core masses found by Podolak and Cameron for the giant planets are significantly less than the critical core mass corresponding to the initial solar nebula adiabat, we conclude that the giant planets obtained their large amounts of hydrogen and helium by a hydrodynamic collapse process in the solar nebula only after the nebula had been subjected to a considerable period of cooling.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the surface density evolution of a planetesimal disk due to the effect of type-I migration by carrying out N-body simulation and through analytical method, focusing on terrestrial planet formation. The coagulation and the growth of the planetesimals take place in the abundant gas disk except for a final stage. A protoplanet excites density waves in the gas disk, which causes the torque on the protoplanet. The torque imbalance makes the protoplanet suffer radial migration, which is known as type-I migration. Type-I migration time scale derived by the linear theory may be too short for the terrestrial planets to survive, which is one of the major problems in the planet formation scenario. Although the linear theory assumes a protoplanet being in a gas disk alone, Kominami et al. [Kominami, J., Tanaka, H., Ida, S., 2005. Icarus 167, 231-243] showed that the effect of the interaction with the planetesimal disk and the neighboring protoplanets on type-I migration is negligible. The migration becomes pronounced before the planet's mass reaches the isolation mass, and decreases the solid component in the disk. Runaway protoplanets form again in the planetesimal disk with decreased surface density. In this paper, we present the analytical formulas that describe the evolution of the solid surface density of the disk as a function of gas-to-dust ratio, gas depletion time scale and semimajor axis, which agree well with our results of N-body simulations. In general, significant depletion of solid material is likely to take place in inner regions of disks. This might be responsible for the fact that there is no planet inside Mercury's orbit in our Solar System. Our most important result is that the final surface density of solid components (Σd) and mass of surviving planets depend on gas surface density (Σg) and its depletion time scale (τdep) but not on initial Σd; they decrease with increase in Σg and τdep. For a fixed gas-to-dust ratio and τdep, larger initial Σd results in smaller final Σd and smaller surviving planets, because of larger Σg. To retain a specific amount of Σd, the efficient disk condition is not an initially large Σd but the initial Σd as small as the specified final one and a smaller gas-to-dust ratio. To retain Σd comparable to that of the minimum mass solar nebula (MMSN), a disk must have the same Σd and a gas-to-dust ratio that is smaller than that of MMSN by a factor of 1.3×(τdep/1 Myr) at ∼1 AU. (Equivalently, type-I migration speed is slower than that predicted by the linear theory by the same factor.) The surviving planets are Mars-sized ones in this case; in order to form Earth-sized planets, their eccentricities must be pumped up to start orbit crossing and coagulation among them. At ∼5 AU, Σd of MMSN is retained under the same condition, but to form a core massive enough to start runaway gas accretion, a gas-to-dust ratio must be smaller than that of MMSN by a factor of 3×τdep/1 Myr.  相似文献   

The theory of viscous accretion disks developed by Lynden-Bell and Pringle has been applied to the evolution of the primitive solar nebula. The additional physical input needed to determine the structure of the disk is described. A series of calculations was carried out using a steady flow approximation to explore the effects on the disk properties of variations in such parameters as the angular momentum and accretion rate of the infalling material from a collapsing interstellar cloud fragment. The more detailed evolutionary calculations involved five cases with various combinations of parameters. It was concluded that the late stages of evolution of the disks would be dominated by the effects of mass loss from the expansion of a hot disk corona into space, and the effects of this were included in the evolutionary calculations. A new theory of comet formation is formulated upon these results. The most important result is the conclusion, which appears to be inescapable, that the primitive solar accretion disk was repeatedly unstable against axisymmetric perturbations, in which rings would form and collapse upon themselves, with the subsequent formation of giant gaseous protoplanets.  相似文献   

D.W. Sears 《Icarus》1979,40(3):471-483
The major iron meteorite groups are defined essentially by their Ga, Ge, and Ni contents. It now seems clear that the differences between their abundances of Ga and Ge were produced by the process of condensation and accretion in the primordial solar nebula. The simplest interpretation of the Ni abundance, and its variations between the groups, is also that it was fixed during condensation and accretion; more particularly, it reflects the oxidation state of the nebula during condensation and accretion. The abundance patterns of 17 other trace elements have been examined and are consistent with this model. It is believed to be the simplest model published and most consistent with analogous calculations for the chondrites. If it is correct, then the iron meteorite groups formed over a very wide range of pressures, 10?4 to 10?8 atm. Such a range could only be found in a restricted region of the nebula, such as the asteroid belt, if a complex accretion sequence inside a protoplanet occurred. More likely, the iron meteorites were formed in widely dispersed regions of the nebula and only one group formed in the asteroid belt, probably group IIIAB. Groups IAB and IIAB formed nearer the Sun, and group IVA formed much further out, say, beyond the orbit of Jupiter.  相似文献   

Peter Bodenheimer 《Icarus》1974,23(3):319-325
The evolution of the protoplanet Jupiter is followed, using a hydrodynamic computer code with radiative energy transport. Jupiter is assumed to have formed as a subcondensation in the primitive solar nebula at a density just high enough for gravitational collapse to occur. The initial state has a density of 1.5 × 10?11 g cm?3 and a temperature of 43 K; the calculations are carried to an equilibrium state where the central density reaches 0.5 g cm?3 and the central temperature reaches 2.5 × 104 K. During the early part of the evolution the object contracts in quasi-hydrostatic equilibrium; later on hydrodynamic collapse occurs, induced by the dissociation of hydrogen molecules. After dissociation is complete, the planet regains hydrostatic equilibrium with a radius of a few times the present value. Further evolution beyond this point is not treated here; however the results are consistent with the existence of a high-luminosity phase shortly after the planet settles into its final quasistatic contraction.  相似文献   

We discuss an adiabatic phase transition between a nebular ring and a protoplanet, taking into account the gravitational corrections to the perfect gas entropy. We compare the results of this model with those found in a previous paper from different assumptions, and we try a qualitative comparison with the structure of the real solar system, using the data for the four giant planets. We discuss the relevance of some primordial phenomena in the formation process of these planets such as a mass depletion within the asteroidal belt, a mass loss from the external regions of the nebula and a decrease of Neptune's orbital radius due to ejection of cometary material. The first and the second process seem to be significantly supported by the results of the phase transition model.  相似文献   

Models of giant gaseous protoplanets calculated by DeCampli and Cameron (1979) indicate that iron and probably other minerals in the interior of a planet would be in the liquid state during part of the protoplanet evolution. Liquid drops in a protoplanet would grow by coalescence much as cloud drops in the Earth's atmosphere grow to rain drops. We have modeled this process by using the stochastic collection equation (Slattery, 1978) for various initial conditions. In all of the cases considered, the growth time (to centimeter-sized droplets) is much shorter than the time, as estimated by detailed evolutionary calculations, that the drops are in the liquid state. Brownian collection is effective in quickly coalescing tiny liquid droplets to an average radius of about 0.005 cm with very few drops remaining with radii less than 0.001 cm. For radii larger than 0.005 cm gravitational collection is dominant. Since the particles are rapidly swept from interstellar grain sizes to much larger sizes, the opacity in the cloud layer is expected to drop sharply following melting of the grains.  相似文献   

When protoplanets growing by accretion of planetesimals have atmospheres, small planetesimals approaching the protoplanets lose their energy by gas drag from the atmospheres, which leads them to be captured within the Hill sphere of the protoplanets. As a result, growth rates of the protoplanets are enhanced. In order to study the effect of an atmosphere on planetary growth rates, we performed numerical integration of orbits of planetesimals for a wide range of orbital elements and obtained the effective accretion rates of planetesimals onto planets that have atmospheres. Numerical results are obtained as a function of planetesimals’ eccentricity, inclination, planet’s radius, and non-dimensional gas-drag parameters which can be expressed by several physical quantities such as the radius of planetesimals and the mass of the protoplanet. Assuming that the radial distribution of the gas density near the surface can be approximated by a power-law, we performed analytic calculation for the loss of planetesimals’ kinetic energy due to gas drag, and confirmed agreement with numerical results. We confirmed that the above approximation of the power-law density distribution is reasonable for accretion rate of protoplanets with 1-10 Earth masses, unless the size of planetesimals is too small. We also calculated the accretion rates of planetesimals averaged over a Rayleigh distribution of eccentricities and inclinations, and derived a semi-analytical formula of accretion rates, which reproduces the numerical results very well. Using the obtained expression of the accretion rate, we examined the growth of protoplanets in nebular gas. We found that the effect of atmospheric gas drag can enhance the growth rate significantly, depending on the size of planetesimals.  相似文献   

The discovery of isotopic anomalies in white inclusions of the meteorite Allende has led to fundamental questions concerning the origin of these anomalies and of the white inclusions themselves. An analysis of the FUN anomalies in the inclusions C1 and EK1-4-1 demonstrates that these isotopic anomalies may be decomposed into individual nucleosynthetic components, which have been subjected to separate mass and component fractionations. There is no evidence that any freshlysynthesized material injected into the primitive solar nebula was of abnormal isotopic composition, or that the FUN anomalies were due to an injection of unusual material. Rather, they show the effects of form of interstellar grains whose size or chemistry served as a memory for the nucleosynthetic origins of their constituent atoms. Giant gaseous protoplanets, as described for the early solar nebula by Cameron (1978), are a potential site for achieving both mass and component fractionations, and for producing white inclusions in general.  相似文献   

Bruce Fegley  John S. Lewis 《Icarus》1980,41(3):439-455
The results of the most extensive set to date of thermodynamic calculations of the equilibrium chemistry of several hundred compounds of the elements Na, K, F, Cl, Br, and P in a solar composition system are reported. The calculations are carried out over a wide range of temperatures and pressures and along an adiabat in the primitive solar nebula. Two extreme models of accretion are investigated. In one extreme complete chemical equilibrium between condensates and gases is maintained because the time scale for accretion is long compared to the time scale for cooling or dissipation of the nebula. Condensates formed in this homogeneous accretion model include several phases such as whitlockite, alkali feldspars, and apatite minerals which are found in chondrites. In the other extreme complete isolation of newly formed condensates from prior condensates and gases occurs due to a time scale for accretion that is short relative to the time required for nebular cooling or dissipation. The condensates produced in this heterogeneous accretion model include alkali sulfides, ammonium halides, and ammonium phosphates. None of these phases are found in chondrites. Available observations of the Na, K, F, Cl, Br, and P elemental abundances in the terrestrial planets are found to be compatible with the predictions of the homogeneous accretion model.  相似文献   

Ravit Helled  Gerald Schubert 《Icarus》2008,198(1):156-162
Sedimentation rates of silicate grains in gas giant protoplanets formed by disk instability are calculated for protoplanetary masses between 1 MSaturn to 10 MJupiter. Giant protoplanets with masses of 5 MJupiter or larger are found to be too hot for grain sedimentation to form a silicate core. Smaller protoplanets are cold enough to allow grain settling and core formation. Grain sedimentation and core formation occur in the low mass protoplanets because of their slow contraction rate and low internal temperature. It is predicted that massive giant planets will not have cores, while smaller planets will have small rocky cores whose masses depend on the planetary mass, the amount of solids within the body, and the disk environment. The protoplanets are found to be too hot to allow the existence of icy grains, and therefore the cores are predicted not to contain any ices. It is suggested that the atmospheres of low mass giant planets are depleted in refractory elements compared with the atmospheres of more massive planets. These predictions provide a test of the disk instability model of gas giant planet formation. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn were found to be ∼0.25 M and ∼0.5 M, respectively. The core masses of Jupiter and Saturn can be substantially larger if planetesimal accretion is included. The final core mass will depend on planetesimal size, the time at which planetesimals are formed, and the size distribution of the material added to the protoplanet. Jupiter's core mass can vary from 2 to 12 M. Saturn's core mass is found to be ∼8 M.  相似文献   

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