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Iovine  G.  Guagliardi  I.  Bruno  C.  Greco  R.  Tallarico  A.  Falcone  G.  Luc&#;  F.  Buttafuoco  G. 《Natural Hazards》2017,86(1):193-195

One of the most critical issues in the management of post-earthquake emergency is the prompt identification of the most damaged urban areas. Rapid detection of damage distribution is crucial for Civil Protection during the management of the first emergency phase, in order to both address assistance teams and identify priorities in planning the usability inspections, thus permitting people to go back, as safe as possible, to their houses. Generally, the estimation of building usability is performed by means of a building-by-building survey based on a form to be filled out by expert technicians (Masi et al. 2016). Different countries adopt different forms whose result in terms of usability is dependent essentially on building damage and, in some cases, vulnerability conditions of buildings. When the affected area is large, usability inspections can require a lot of time and a huge number of expert technicians. Therefore, great efforts have been made during past earthquakes in order to define rapid procedures to identify areas not severely damaged and then potentially with a low percentage of unusable buildings. In this framework, many experiences have been carried out worldwide in order to identify, in the immediate aftermath of an earthquake, the damage distribution through remote sensing approaches, possibly combined to field survey data (e.g., Saito and Spence 2004; Yamazaki et al. 2004; Chesnel et al. 2007; Zhai et al. 2016; An et al. 2016; Huang et al. 2016).


The study area is located in the south-eastern part of the Crati valley (Northern Calabria, Italy), which is a graben bordered by N–S trending normal faults and crossed by NW–SE normal left-lateral faults. Numerous severe crustal earthquakes have affected the area in historical time. Present-day seismic activity is mainly related to the N–S faults located along the eastern border of the graben. In this area, much seismically induced deep-seated deformation has also been recognised.In the present paper, radon concentrations in soil gas have been measured and compared with (a) lithology, (b) Quaternary faults, (c) historical and instrumental seismicity, and (d) deep-seated deformation.The results highlight the following:
(a) There is no evidence of a strong correlation between lithology and the radon anomalies.
(b) A clear correlation between the N–S geometry of radon anomalies and the orientation of main fault systems has been recognised, except in the southernmost part of the area, where the radon concentrations are strongly affected by the superposition of the N–S and the NW–SE fault systems.
(c) Epicentral zones of instrumental and historical earthquakes correspond to the highest values of radon concentrations, probably indicating recent activated fault segments. In particular, high radon values occur in the zones struck by earthquakes in 1835, 1854, and 1870.
(d) Deep-seated gravitational deformation generally coincides with zones characterised by low radon concentrations.
In the studied area, the anisotropic distribution of radon concentrations is congruent with the presence of neotectonic features and deep-seated gravitational phenomena. The method used in this study could profitably contribute towards either seismic risk or deep-seated gravitational deformation analyses.  相似文献   

The geometric and kinematic characterization of landslides affecting urban areas is a challenging goal that is routinely pursued via geological/geomorphological method and monitoring of ground displacements achieved by geotechnical and, more recently, advanced differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (A-DInSAR) data. Although the integration of all the above-mentioned methods should be planned a priori to be more effective, datasets resulting from the independent use of these different methods are commonly available, thus making crucial the need for their standardized a posteriori integration. In this regard, the present paper aims to provide a contribution by introducing a procedure that, taking into account the specific limits of geological/geomorphological analyses and deep/surface ground displacement monitoring via geotechnical and A-DInSAR data, allows the a posteriori integration of the results by exploiting their complementarity for landslide characterization. The approach was tested in the urban area of Lungro village (Calabria region, southern Italy), which is characterized by complex geological/geomorphological settings, widespread landslides and peculiar urban fabric. In spite of the different level of information preliminarily available for each landslide as result of the independent use of the three methods, the implementation of the proposed procedure allowed a better understanding and typifying of the geometry and kinematics of 50 landslides. This provided part of the essential background for geotechnical landslide models to be used for slope stability analysis within landslide risk mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

On 15 February 2010, a landslide of great dimensions occurred at Maierato (Calabria, Southern Italy) after a long rainy period. Although the zone was continuously affected by ground movements especially during the wet seasons, no monitoring system was installed before the occurrence of the landslide. However, many photos and two videos were taken during the failure process of the slope. In the present study, the available images are used to reconstruct the kinematics of the landslide. In addition, a finite element analysis is performed to define the main factors of triggering and to interpret the failure mechanism of the slope. This analysis is also based on the data from a site investigation carried out after the landslide to characterise the involved soils from a geotechnical viewpoint. The analysis also accounts for the strain-softening behaviour of some soils. The results have shown that the Maierato landslide was the reactivation of a pre-existing landslide body, which was caused by a significant increase in groundwater level.  相似文献   

Southern Italy consists tectonically of ophiolite and basement nappes thrust over the Apenninic sedimentary nappes. Whilst all more recent authors agree that the sediments of the Apenninic nappes were deposited on Apulian basement (i.e. on African continental crust), and that the ophiolites were associated with the oceanic basement of the Mesozoic Tethys, the provenance of the basement nappes is still debated.New data based on microstructural criteria have shown that the main shear sense of the ophiolite nappes and of the overlying basement nappes in Northern Calabria is from west to east, in today's co-ordinate system. The basement nappes might not therefore be of Austroalpine (African) provenance, but could be of European origin.  相似文献   

A governmental regional drainage survey assessed the mineral potential of Calabria in 1974. The Calabria area of southern Italy is a mineralized region in which Penninic and Austro-Alpine nappes, comprising ophiolites, metasedimentary rocks (phyllites, paragneiss, granulites, amphibolites) and granitic and granodiorite plutons, are overthrusting carbonate Apenninic nappes. Pre-Alpine stratabound and vein-type base-metal sulfide mineralization predominate, tectonically redistributed during the Alpine orogeny.A total of 5518 samples of the original 6999 active stream sediments from an area of 10,000 km2 were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence and atomic absorption for Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, Fe, Mn, As, W, Mo, Sn, and Be on the minus 180 μm fraction. Follow-up investigation of a 39-km2 area around Bivongi-Ferdinandea using 760 soil samples analyzed for Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, K, Mo, and Au, investigated molybdenite and chalcopyrite occurrences associated with granodiorite.A five-factor R-mode factor analysis reflected geological and mineralization features in the reconnaissance data. Factor 1 (Fe-Mn-Cu-Zn) is related to the Fe and Mn distribution in the stream sediments. Factor 2 (Be-Sn) reflects presence of pegmatites within metamorphic and magmatic rocks. Factor 5 (Mo) is essentially a single-element factor. Factor 4 (As-Pb-Zn-Hg-Cu) reflects mineralization. Factor 3 (W-Ba) does not cluster in association with any specific lithological unit. Significant metal associations, recognized from R-mode factor analysis, were used as independent variables and regressed against the original metal concentration of each sample. Residuals of multiple regression analysis, differentiated features representing mineralization from those related either to lithologic or geochemical parameters. New prospecting targets were identified and areas of known mineral occurrences were evident in the distinction of residuals.R-mode factor analysis of data from the follow-up investigation identified three factors. Factor 2 (Mo-K) reflects Mo mineralization and associated hydrothermally altered areas but does not suggest additional target areas.  相似文献   

For two different zonations of the Calabro-Sicilian region the macroseismic intensity attenuation parameters are computed using the Grandori model.Some modifications to this relation are proposed here in order to allow its applicability also to those cases in which the data set available for each source zone does not present three successive epicentral intensity levels (I 0) as required for its application.Maps of theoretical distribution of maximum expected intensities were plotted for both zonations adopted, in order to test the reliability, also using other attenuation models.The results of the analysis show how the proposed modifications to the Grandori relation allow the macroseismic intensity attenuation modelling even in cases in which only one intensity level is available.Finally, the comparison of theoretical maximum expected intensity distribution maps, computed for different attenuation models and seismogenic zonations, shows that the maps plotted using the Grandori model and the zonation adopted by G.N.D.T. (Gruppo Nazionale Difesa dai Terremoti - C.N.R. Italy) are more reliable.  相似文献   

Determining the suitability of a local area at a regional or local scale for the geothermal application of low enthalpy systems requires the knowledge of rock thermal conductivity values to evaluate the possibility of low-enthalpy heat exchange. A digital cartographic tool is also needed to synthesize the thermal properties of the underground. This tool should be easily accessible and upgradeable and thus suitable for territorial planning and environmental control. In order to address these key issues, a methodological approach was developed within the framework of the national VIGOR Project, dedicated to evaluating the geothermal potential in southern Italy. In this paper the region of Calabria was selected as a case study. Around 70 samples that were representative of the main geological formations were collected from all over the area. Thermal property tests were carried out both in dry and wet conditions, using a thermal device in accordance with the modified transient plane source method. The thermal conductivity values were then compared with data from the international literature. In order to consider the influence of the entire stratigraphic sequence on the thermal conductivity parameters, a geostatistical analysis of the available lithostratigraphic data was performed using the MATLAB toolbox Modalstrata, specially developed for this purpose. A comprehensive geothermal subsurface characterization of Calabria was thus obtained.  相似文献   

Pseudotachylyte veins frequently associated with mylonites and ultramylonites occur within migmatitic paragneisses, metamonzodiorites, as well as felsic and mafic granulites at the base of the section of the Hercynian lower crust exposed in Calabria (Southern Italy). The crustal section is tectonically superposed on lower grade units. Ultramylonites and pseudotachylytes are particularly well developed in migmatitic paragneisses, whereas sparse fault-related pseudotachylytes and thin mylonite/ultramylonite bands occur in granulite-facies rocks. The presence of sillimanite and clinopyroxene in ultramylonites and mylonites indicates that relatively high-temperature conditions preceded the formation of pseudotachylytes. We have analysed pseudotachylytes from different rock types to ascertain their deep crustal origin and to better understand the relationships between brittle and ductile processes during deformation of the deeper crust. Different protoliths were selected to test how lithology controls pseudotachylyte composition and textures. In migmatites and felsic granulites, euhedral or cauliflower-shaped garnets directly crystallized from pseudotachylyte melts of near andesitic composition. This indicates that pseudotachylytes originated at deep crustal conditions (>0.75 GPa). In mafic protoliths, quenched needle-to-feather-shaped high-alumina orthopyroxene occurs in contact with newly crystallized plagioclase. The pyroxene crystallizes in garnet-free and garnet-bearing veins. The simultaneous growth of orthopyroxene and plagioclase as well as almandine, suggests lower crustal origin, with pressures in excess of 0.85 GPa. The existence of melts of different composition in the same vein indicates the stepwise, non-equilibrium conditions of frictional melting. Melt formed and intruded into pre-existing anisotropies. In mafic granulites, brittle faulting is localized in a previously formed thin high-temperature mylonite bands. migmatitic gneisses are deformed into ultramylonite domains characterized by s-c fabric. Small grain size and fluids lowered the effective stress on the c planes favouring a seismic event and the consequent melt generation. Microstructures and ductile deformation of pseudotachylytes suggest continuous ductile flow punctuated by episodes of high-strain rate, leading to seismic events and melting.  相似文献   

The first comprehensive geochemical data-set of the fluids circulating over a 14,000 km2-wide seismic-prone area of the Southern Apennines, Calabria Region (Italy), is presented here. The geochemical investigations were carried out with the twofold aim of constraining the origin and interactions of the circulating fluids and to investigate possible relationships with local faults. Sixty samples of both thermal and cold waters were collected, from which the dissolved gases were extracted. The geochemical features of the water samples display different types and degrees of water–rock interactions, irrespective of the outlet temperature. The calculated equilibrium temperatures of the thermal waters (60–160 °C) and the low heat flow of the whole study area, are consistent with a heating process due to deep water circulation and rapid upflow through lithospheric structures. The composition of the dissolved gases reveals that crustal-originating gases (N2 and CO2-dominated) feed all the groundwaters. The 3He/4He ratios of the dissolved He, in the range of 0.03–0.22Rac for the thermal waters and 0.05–0.63Rac for the cold waters (Rac = He isotope ratio corrected for atmospheric contamination), are mainly the result of a two-component (radiogenic and atmospheric) mixing, although indications of mantle-derived He are found in some cold waters. As the study area had been hit by 18 of the most destructive earthquakes (magnitude ranging from 5.9 to 7.2) occurring over a 280-a time span (1626–1908) in the Southern Apennines, the reported results on the circulating fluids may represent the reference for a better inside knowledge of the fault-fluid relationships and for the development of long-term geochemical monitoring strategies for the area.  相似文献   

Numerous tornadoes have traversed southern Apulia in the course of the last five centuries, causing severe damage and a significant loss of life. Historical chronicles and newspaper articles allowed more than 30 tornadic events to be identified; in particular, 26 of these have occurred during the last two centuries. In all, 24 small towns and villages of southern Apulia suffered on at least one occasion the disastrous effects of being hit by a tornado.Collated data reveals that tornadoes generally form from May to December, with the most powerful events taking place in the month of September, followed by October and November. Tornadoes generally cluster in the southernmost area of the region and typically follow a path leading from the south-west to the north-east. Path length were observed to vary from 8 to 73km, and widths ranging from 60 to 850m.The metereological analysis carried out for the events occurred after 1950, even if based on a limited data set, reveals a few typical meteorological scenarios associated with the development of tornadoes over Salento.In southern Apulia tornadoes can be classified from levels A2 to A4 in accordance with the Damage Area Scale.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences -  相似文献   

In the northwestern Serre, a near continuous section through the Palaeozoic lower continental crust crops out. This paper deals with granulite facies metasedimentary rocks of this section. Fifty-five chemical analyses (major elements, Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Rb, Sr, Y, Nb and Ba) are given. Chemical data indicate that the original sedimentary sequence was made up of arenites in the lower part and mainly Fe and Mg rich pelites in the upper part. The metapelites experienced anatexis and removal of some melt, whereas the meta-arenites suffered only incipient anatexis and became dehydration granulites. The various rock types display an overall relatively low K/Rb ratio due mainly to the stability of K- and Rb-retaining phases. A weighted mean composition of the fragment of the lower continental crust outcropping in the Serre has been established by integrating the chemical data for metasediments (55 analyses), metabasites (92 analyses) and dioritic and tonalitic gneisses (10 analyses) with the field data. This composition compared to the compositions of the bulk continental crust and of other sections considered as belonging to the lower crust, confirms the hypothesis that (1) the lower crust is heterogeneous, and (2) it is more basic than the continental crust.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphy based on calcareous nannofossils, integrated by magnetostratigraphic, geochronological and isotopic data, allowed establishing a precise chronological framework for the Pleistocene succession within the south-western sector of the Crotone Basin (Calabria, Southern Italy), where the Pliocene–Pleistocene global stratotype section and point is defined, thus demonstrating that sedimentation was quasi-continuous during most of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene.At a large scale, the Pleistocene succession in this sector of the Crotone Basin is characterized by an evident shallowing-upwards trend, showing facies changes from bathyal to shelfal to littoral/continental. However, comparison between adjacent sectors within the investigated area demonstrates that stratigraphic architectures change vastly on very short distances. Our chronological constraints indicate that such changes in sedimentation styles probably occurred in response to differential subsidence rates, which originated tectonically-controlled synsedimentary structures where accommodation space and sediment yield were allotted unevenly. This articulated physiography led to striking differences in the overall thicknesses and organization of Pleistocene stratigraphies and, eventually, to a distinct diachroneity in the first appearance of shallow-marine deposits. In addition, superimposed are complex interplays between regional and local tectonics, eustasy and orbitally-forced climate changes. These interactions have been highlighted by the oxygen isotope stratigraphy established for a part of the studied succession, which is likely to document almost continuously the interval from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 26 to MIS 17. In its younger part (post-MIS 17), chronological ties are poor, as the succession is dominated by shallow-water to continental deposits showing a prominent organization into cyclothems. Nevertheless, based on the chronology of the underlying units, it is feasible that basin infill ended during MIS 15-MIS 14 times.  相似文献   

Linking the deformation history of mylonitized continental rocks to the progress of devolatilization reactions that trigger reaction softening is critical for the understanding of crustal scale processes. We have analysed the field geometries and microstructures of deformed rocks within the southern Hercynian belt in Calabria, as well as modelled the pressure–temperature–deformation (P–T–d) trajectory of a main ductile shear zone that tectonically coupled the deeper crustal Mammola Paragneiss Unit with the upper crustal Stilo–Pazzano Phyllite Unit. P–T modelling of the mylonitic Mammola Paragneiss Unit was performed through calculation of phase equilibrium diagrams with the software thermocalc in the MnNCKFMASHTO model system. The prograde P–T–d trajectory is based on the zoning profiles of garnet porphyroblasts and their mineral inclusions, primarily barroisite and epidote. P–T modelling shows that peak metamorphic conditions of ~0.9 GPa and 585°C were reached during a Dn-1 under-thrusting event. The following exhumation during the Dn mylonitic event, and contact metamorphism during Dn+1 and Dn+2 folding events, have also been modelled because they are essential to restore the previous tectono-metamorphic history. The exhumation trajectory was modelled down to 0.3 GPa with temperatures of 440–460°C, under fluid-deficient conditions, as well as the final late Carboniferous contact metamorphism up to Tmax of 680–720°C. The prograde path shows clear evidence for thermal buffering during garnet growth at the expense of chlorite, with a heating-dominated stage after chlorite breakdown. Subsequently, a rheological change associated with epidote breakdown (i.e. reaction softening) occurred, highlighted by a net steepening of the P/T trajectory towards the pressure peak. On the basis of the barroisite inclusions within garnet porphyroblasts as well as the ‘hairpin’ shape of the reconstructed P–T–d path (before contact metamorphism), we infer that the unusual low T/P gradient for the Hercynian crust exposed in the Mammola Paragneiss Unit records its involvement in the Palaeotethys–Gondwana subduction beneath Laurussia during Dn-1 under-thrusting. We present a new palaeotectonic interpretation along the southern Hercynian belt in Calabria during the Upper Mississippian–Lower Pennsylvanian, that is consistent with previous geochronology studies.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry of Roccamonfina volcano (Southern Italy)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This is the first hydro-geochemical investigation carried out on the Roccamonfina Volcanic Complex groundwaters. The chemistry of Roccamonfina waters is defined by water–rock and water–rock–gas interactions. In fact, interactions between rocks of the first eruptive high-K formations and circulating groundwaters are recognized by high K concentrations. On the other hand, inverse concentration of calcium versus alkali metals is related to two different rock interactions occurring in different areas of the volcano: (a) within the caldera where groundwaters flow within latite and pyroclastic formations releasing calcium, and (b) similarly at the base of the volcano where groundwaters flowing from surrounding carbonates got strongly enriched in Ca. These geochemical processes are also associated with K (SE of caldera) and Mg/Ca (in sites located at the NE base of the volcano) decrease. Completely different dynamics occurs at Riardo groundwaters (SE). Here waters are the result of a mix between the Roccamonfina deep aquifer and the carbonate aquifer of the Riardo plain. Rich-CO2 emissions make these waters strongly mineralized. Minor elements show a similar geochemical behavior of major ions and are crucial defining interactions processes. The evolution of Roccamonfina groundwaters is also evident along the simultaneous enrichment of Ba, Sr, and Ca. Ba increase is the result of deep local carbonate alteration enhanced by CO2 emissions and, the lower Sr/Ca ratio, from 10 to 2 (ppb/ppm), is also due to the same process. In the light of our results the Roccamonfina aquifer can be schematically divided into two main reservoirs: (a) a superficial aquifer which basically follows the volcanic structure morphology and tectonics and (b) a deeper reservoir, originating within the oldest Roccamonfina volcano ultra potassic lavas and then flowing into the carbonate aquifers of the neighboring plain. Eventually, the chemistry of the Roccamonfina aquifer does not show any specific and visible pollution, contrary to what happens in the volcano surrounding plains. In fact, only 14% of the samples we collected (206) show a NO3 content >30 mg/l. These sites are all located at the base of the volcano, near the plain.  相似文献   

An approximately 7 km thick, continuous sequence of granulite-facies rocks from the lower crust, which contains a lower granulite-pyriclasite unit and an upper metapelite unit, occurs in the NW Serre of the Calabrian massif. The lower crustal section is overlain by a succession of plutonic rocks consisting of blastomylonitic quartz diorite, tonalite, and granite, and is underlain by phyllonitic schists and gneisses.Discordant apparent zircon ages, obtained from granulites and aluminous paragneisses, indicate a minimum age of about 1,900 m.y. for the oldest zircon populations. The lower intersection point of the discordia with the concordia at 296±2 m.y. is also marked by concordant monazites. Therefore, the age of 296±2 m.y. is interpreted as the minimum age of granulite-facies metamorphism.Concordant zircon ages were obtained from a metamorphic quartz monzogabbronorite sill (298±5 m.y.) and an unmetamorphosed tonalite (295±2 m.y.); they are interpreted as the intrusion ages.Discordant zircon ages from a blastomylonitic quartz diorite gneiss, situated between the lower crustal unit and the non-metamorphosed tonalite, reveal recent or geologically young lead loss by diffusion. The 207Pb/206Pb ages of the two analysed size-fractions point to an intrusion age similar to that of the overlying tonalite.Rb-Sr mineral ages are younger in the granulite-pyriclasite unit than in the overlying metapelite unit. Feldspars from the granulite-pyriclasite unit yield ages of about 145 m.y. and those from the metapelite unit 176±5 m.y. In the same way, the biotite cooling ages range between 108 and 114 m.y. in the granulitepyriclasite and between 132 and 135 m.y. in the metapelite unit and the tonalite. Some still younger biotite ages are explained by the influence of tectonic shearing on the Rb-Sr systems. A muscovite from a postmetamorphic aplite in the metapelite unit yields a cooling age of 203±4 m.y.The Rb-Sr isotopic analyses from migmatite bands do not lie on an isochron, perhaps due to limited isotopic exchange between the small scale layers during the long cooling period after the peak of metamorphism.In the phyllonitic gneisses and schists a Hercynian metamorphism is indicated by a muscovite age of 268±4 m.y., whereas the biotite age of 43±1 m.y. from the same sample can be correlated with an Alpine greenschist-facies metamorphism.On the basis of the radiometric dates and of the P-T path of the lower crustal section deduced petrologically, the following model is presented: the end of the Hercynian granulite-facies metamorphism was accompanied by an uplift of the lower crustal rocks into intermediate crustal levels and by synchronous plutonic intrusions into the lower crust and higher crustal levels, but essentially into the latter. Substantial further uplift did not occur until after cooling from the temperature of the granulite-facies metamorphism to the biotite closing temperature. This cooling lasted for about 185 m.y. in the lower part and for about 160 m.y. in the upper part of the lower crust section.A comparison between the geologic evolutions of the NW Serre of Calabria and the Ivrea Zone of the Alps demonstrates striking similarities. The activity of deep seated faults in both areas at least since late Hercynian time raises the possibility that a fault precursor of the boundary of the Adriatic microplate already existed at this time.  相似文献   

Metabasic rocks related to pre-Cambrian protoliths from the lower portion of the deep crust of the Serre (Calabria, southern Italy) contain porphyroblastic garnet up to 5–6 cm in diameter. Garnet forms coronas around the inclusions of clinopyroxene and is in contact with various matrix minerals. Both inner and outer coronas formed under granulite facies conditions after the thermal peak during the Hercynian reworking. Six porphyroblastic garnets (≥1 cm in diameter) from four samples have been dated with the Sm-Nd method to constrain the distinct metamorphic stages and, possibly, to investigate the diffusion of Sm and Nd in garnet. They show in the core major element flat profiles whereas one of these, analyzed for REEs, preserves only a feeble zoning. This suggests that the diffusion rates of REEs are effective at the crystal scale. The apparent Nd ages range from 354 to 88 Ma, without any reproducibility in each and in all rock samples. The oldest age of 354 Ma is interpreted as the primary isotopic signatures linked to prograde metamorphism. The interpretation of younger ages (309, 272, 215, 143 and 88 Ma) requires a detailed discussion about: (i) possible modification of chemical and isotopic composition of the rocks during and after garnet growth, (ii) possible contamination by inclusions in garnet, (iii) inherited isotopic disequilibrium, (iv) new growth or recrystallization of garnet and (v) possible isotopic resetting of large crystals which, in principle, is hampered by the slow diffusion of REE’s in garnet. Some of the Nd ages are similar to U-Pb ages of zircon from the metabasic rocks of deep crustal rocks of the Serre (350, 300 and 280 Ma). This convergence of apparent ages can hardly be considered as simply fortuitous. Thus, since: (i) corona formation was fluid-assisted and (ii) all porphyroblasts were broken up into several fragmented subgrains by sets of fractures resulting in smaller volumes, the volume diffusion and the possible role of high-T fluids on the resetting of Sm-Nd ages are discussed. The calculated ages of 354, 309 and 272 Ma are considered as geologically meaningful and related to the thermal peak and subsequent decompression and cooling stage of the Variscan metamorphism.  相似文献   

In the Northern Serre (S. Italy), a continuous section through a former lower continental crust is exposed (Schenk 1984, 1985). These granulite facies rocks have not been penetratively deformed during their uplift to higher crustal levels. Therefore, they allow to study the structural state of the lower continental crust. Most rockforming minerals, among them ortho- and clinopyroxene and cordierite, show recrystallization structures. Quarz basal subgrain boundaries are developed in lower levels of the lower crust and disappear toward higher levels. In addition to dimensional orientations of the rockforming minerals, the preferred crystallographic orientations of plagioclases, cordierite, amphibole, pyroxenes and, rarely, quartz reflect the strain orientation of the prograde high-T deformation. During this deformation, the stretching direction was constant NNE-SSW throughout the exposed lower crustal section. Shear indicators are rare. This points to the fact that deformation has been homogeneous and coaxial flattening. There is only a small variation in orientation and strength of textures throughout the exposed lower crust. Therefore, neighbouring layers of different composition rather than different deformation might serve as seismic reflectors in the former lower crust.
Zusammenfassung In der nördlichen Serre (Süditalien) ist ein zusammenhängender Bereich einer ehemaligen kontinentalen Unterkruste aufgeschlossen (Schenk 1984, 1985). Diese granulitfaziellen Gesteine sind bei ihrem Aufstieg in höhere Krustenbereiche nicht durchgreifend überprägt worden. Deshalb läßt sich an ihnen noch der strukturelle Zustand der ehemaligen Unterkruste studieren. Außer in Feldspäten, Quarz und Amphibol tritt auch in Ortho- und Klinopyroxen und in Cordierit Rekristallisation auf. In tieferen Krustenniveaus sind im Quarz basisparallele Subkorngrenzen entwickelt, die in höheren Krustenbereichen nicht auftreten. Sowohl die Gestaltregelungen der gesteinsbildenden Minerale als auch die kristallographischen Plagioklas-, Cordierit-, Amphibol-, Pyroxen- und (seltener) Quarzregelungen spiegeln die Strain-orientierung der prograden hochtemperierten Deformation wider. Während dieser Deformation blieb die Streckung im gesamten Unterkrustenbereich konstant NNE-SSW orientiert. Scherindikatoren sind selten. Beides deutet darauf hin, daß die Deformation homogen und als koachsiale Plättung abgelaufen ist. Im gesamten aufgeschlossenen Unterkrustenbereich variieren weder Intensität noch Orientierung der kristallographischen und gestaltlichen Regelungen der gesteinsbildenden Minerale wesentlich. Deshalb sollten in der ehemaligen Unterkruste Lagen unterschiedlicher Deformation weniger als seismische Reflektoren in Frage kommen als Lagen unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung.

Résumé Le Massif de la Serre Septentrionale en Calabre (Sud de l'Italie) représente un tronçon d'une ancienne croûte continentale profonde (Schenk 1984, 1985). Les roches du faciès granulite qui le constituent n'ont pas subi de déformation penetrative lors de leur ascension dans les niveaux plus superficiels de la croûte. Leur étude permet donc de reconstruire les caractéristiques structurales de l'ancienne croûte profonde. Non seulement les feldspaths, le quartz et l'amphibole, mais encore l'orthopyroxène, le clinopyroxène et la cordiérite ont recristallisé. Dans les niveaux les plus profonds de la croûte on observe dans les cristaux de quartz des bordures de sous-grains parallèles à la base. Celles-ci n'apparaissent plus dans les niveaux plus superficiels. L'orientation des cristaux des minéraux constitutifs des roches, de même que l'orientation des réseaux cristallins du plagioclase, de la cordiérite, de l'amphibole, du pyroxène et (mais plus rarement) du quartz réflètent la direction de contrainte de la phase de déformation prograde de haute température. Pendant cette phase de déformation, la direction d'extension est demeurée NNE-SSW. Les témoins de cisaillement sont rares, ce qui montre que la déformation s'est effectuée de façon homogène, en relation avec un aplatissement coaxial. Les textures varient très peu en orientation comme en intensité dans toute la coupe de croûte profonde exposée. En conséquence, l'existence de réflecteurs sismiques devrait refléter des différences dans les compositions minéralogiques des roches plutôt que dans leurs caractéristiques structurales.

Serre (Schenk, 1984, 1985). . . , , . , , . , , , , () . NNE-SSW. . , . , , . , , .

A pilot area within the Venetian Plain was selected to assess the arsenic (As) contamination of groundwater. The area represents a typical residential, industrial and agricultural organization representative of most western countries, and is also devoid of lithologies with high or anomalous As content. Hydrogeological and chemical data have been collected, the latter spatialized by a geostatistical approach. The unconfined aquifer reservoir varies from a predominantly gravel composition in the north to a sandy and silt–clay composition further south, including peat layers. The hydrochemical features of the waters are rather homogeneous, featuring low mineral content and a Ca-bicarbonate signature. In contrast, the redox state is highly variable; oxidizing conditions are predominant in the northern and coarse parts of the aquifer, whereas reducing potentials prevail in the southern and silt–clay parts. Several well waters contain arsenic in excess of drinkable limits (=10 ppb), and most of these wells are located in the southern area. A large portion of the studied area has a high probability of containing non-potable water (up to 150 ppb As). Remarkably, As “hot spots” (As > 300 ppb, up to 431 ppb) were identified at the transition from gravel to silt–clay sediments. No industrial or agricultural source of As has been found.  相似文献   

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