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本文利用搭载于我国风云三号B星上的微波成像仪(MWRI)观测亮温数据,结合戈达德廓线反演算法,对1102号"桑达"台风地面雨强和降雨云结构进行反演试验.利用AMSR-E业务降水产品对地面雨强反演结果进行了检验,结果表明,MWRI和AMSR-E反演的地面雨强在空间分布上非常吻合,相关性达76%,均方根误差约2.8 mm/h,二者的观测亮温及地面雨强反演结果具有较好的一致性.提取洋面台风雨区的平均水凝物廓线,其垂直结构显示,雨水和可降冰含量丰富,随高度变化明显,且具有明显峰值高度,云水和云冰含量则较少,且随高度变化不明显;当降水增强时,雨水和可降冰各层含量稳定增加,且峰值高度基本保持不变,云水和云冰含量则增幅不稳,且峰值高度有所改变.地面雨强随距台风中心距离的变化阐释了台风的螺旋结构及降水特点,距台风中心距离0.3°和0.6°附近分别出现了地面雨强峰值和次峰值,且66%的降水集中在距台风中心距离1°的空间范围内.MWRI提供的台风地面雨强和降雨云垂直信息具有较高的可信度,对于我们监测台风降水、分析台风降水结构的时空演变特征以及数值预报模式应用等具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

风云三号C星微波湿温探测仪的定标和验证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
风云三号C星(FY-3C)已经于2013年9月23日发射升空,其上装载的微波湿温探测仪(MWHTS)已于9月30日开机正常工作.MWHTS具有对大气温度和湿度垂直分布进行同步探测的能力.MWHTS为跨轨扫描式微波辐射计,在89~191 GHz毫米波段内设置了十五个探测通道,其中包括118.75 GHz氧气吸收线附近的8个大气温度探测通道,183.31 GHz水汽吸收线附近的5个大气湿度探测通道,以及89 GHz和150 GHz两个窗区通道.设置在118.75 GHz的一组毫米波探测通道是国际上业务卫星首次使用的大气探测通道,这组通道和183.31 GHz通道对大气进行联合探测,将获得更加精细的大气温湿度垂直分布数据,为数值预报和气候研究提供丰富信息.为保证MWHTS观测资料的定量应用,对仪器性能和定标精度进行了在轨测试.利用MWHTS在轨正常工作后的三个月数据,对仪器在轨定标的基础数据:冷空和黑体计数值,黑体和仪器温度进行监测分析和质量检验,经过质量检验的在轨定标基础数据,结合发射前真空试验得到的非线性订正项在轨定标生成MWHTS观测亮温数据.评估MWHTS在轨辐射定标结果的精度和偏差特性使用了三种方法:1 通过场地定标试验获取大气温湿廓线和地面温度等大气参数信息,结合微波逐线正演辐射传输模式MonoRTM(Monochromatic Radiative Transfer Model)模拟MWHTS的上行微波辐射亮温,与MWHTS实际观测结果进行对比分析;2 两个通道特性一致的同类星载被动微波载荷同时观测同一目标,观测亮温的差异主要取决于两个载荷的定标系统偏差.选取美国SNPP上搭载的微波探测仪器ATMS作为MWHTS的参考载荷,基于SNO(simultaneous nadir overpass)技术,对两个仪器的观测亮温进行交叉比对,观测亮温时空匹配及均匀性检验的条件为:观测时间差异小于20 min,观测像元中心距离小于3 km,观测角度在星下点附近差异小于5°,观测像元周围3×3像元内的亮温标准差小于1 K;3 基于美国国家环境预测中心的全球数据同化系统GDAS(Global Data Assimilation System)数据,利用快速辐射传输模式CRTM(Community Radiative Transfer Model)对MWHTS各通道亮温进行正演模拟,模拟结果(O)和仪器实际观测的亮温(B)之间的差异记为"O-B",对偏差值"O-B"进行统计特征分析.仪器中心频率的变化、正演模式模拟精度和模式输入廓线自身的误差都会对"O-B"产生影响.但是对于首次使用的探测频点而言(如118.75 GHz通道),由于国际上没有同类载荷可以进行交叉比对,借助于正演辐射传输模式计算得到"O-B"偏差的分析结果可以在一定程度上反映仪器整体定标情况.外场地定标试验结果显示除通道14外,其他14个通道的亮温差都在1.3 K以内;与同类载荷ATMS的在轨观测进行直接交叉比对表明通道14与ATMS的亮温偏差最大,但中心频点一致的5个水汽探测通道的标准差都小于1 K;将MWHTS观测结果和正演辐射传输模式模拟结果即"O-B"进行偏差分析显示,靠近118.75 GHz吸收线中心的通道2—6"O-B"标准差小于0.5 K,其他通道"O-B"标准差和ATMS相应通道的结果相当;MWHTS观测和模拟偏差随角度变化的研究表明通道1,7~13和15观测结果对角度有一定依赖性.  相似文献   

空间粒子探测中,几何因子是反演粒子能谱的关键参数.传统的几何因子以探测器的实际结构为输入条件,通过数值计算的方法获得.由于传统的几何因子没有考虑粒子与物质相互作用的物理过程以及不同能档间粒子干扰等因素对测量结果的影响,降低了数据反演的准确度.本文提出了一种改进的几何因子计算方法,该方法的思想是在GEANT4程序中对探测器的实际结构建模、考虑粒子与物质相互作用过程,通过蒙特卡罗模拟的方法,得到探测器对不同能档粒子的响应函数,并计算干扰粒子对几何因子的影响,最终得到探测器不同能档的几何因子.利用该方法获得的改进几何因子对我国风云三号卫星高能质子探测器的数据进行了反演,反演后的能谱更加符合空间物理公认的幂律谱分布,与POES卫星的实测结果比对表明:风云三号卫星数据与卫星的数据具有很好的一致性,说明该方法能够有效提高数据反演的质量.  相似文献   

台风移动的路径特征大多来自于最佳路径集资料的分析,由于其时间间隔多为6h或3h,因此不能体现台风运动的小尺度特征.为了更精细地揭示台风运动过程,将成熟台风最大风速半径内的密蔽云体视作刚体,并将其定义为"云陀螺".台风云陀螺一方面围绕自身的轴线自旋,一面围绕垂直轴作进动,通过引入陀螺运动力学原理,推导出了台风云陀螺的轨迹计算模型.分析发现,台风的运动是一种在引导气流作用下的平移运动上叠加进动运动,在外力矩作用下其轨迹呈现出旋进的固有特征.台风最大风速半径越小,切向风速越大或外力矩越大,都可以使旋进特征越明显.这些结论通过真实台风过程的高时间分辨率数值模拟得到了验证,对加深针对台风运动过程的认识具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

岳尚华 《地球》2013,(10):52-55
正9月23日11时7分,"风云三号"03星在太原卫星发射中心发射成功,由此,我国全球观测数据的时间分辨率从12小时提高到6小时。风云三号是我国第二代极轨气象卫星,目标是实现全球大气和地球物理要素的全天候、多光谱和三维观测。风云三号卫星观测资料和产品的主要用户包括气象、海洋、农业、林业、环保等部门,广泛应用于天气预报、气候预测、灾害监测、环境监测、军  相似文献   


FY-3B卫星为轨道高度约800 km,倾角98°的极轨气象卫星,星上高能电子探测器可开展宽能谱、高时间分辨的电子辐射长时间连续监测.2011-2015年极低太阳活动周期内,FY-3B卫星高能电子探测器对0.15~5.7 MeV不同能量高能电子在南大西洋异常区以外的辐射带区域的观测结果显示:在所有的辐射带区域,低能量的电子比高能量的电子更容易出现增强,填充槽区和进入到内带更低L区域的可能性更大.0.15~0.35 MeV的电子长期充斥于外辐射带和槽区,而1 MeV以上的电子大部分时间分布于外辐射带,在太阳风速度、地磁活动极弱的2014年呈现长时间极弱通量水平.2015年频繁增强的扰动导致电子通量水平整体升高,空间分布大范围扩散,1 MeV以上能量的电子在槽区位置也出现了分布.分析2014.5.10-7.30和2015.5.10-7.10两个典型时段内扰动参数对电子通量在不同区域动态分布的影响,结果表明:电子通量在外辐射带外边界区域动态与太阳风起伏变化关联显著.AE < 300 nT,Dst>-30 nT,SW < 500 km·s-1的持续长时间低水平扰动条件下,电子通量分布内边界出现在不低于L~4的位置,通量峰值出现在靠近L~5的位置;而在太阳风速度和地磁活动显著活跃的时候,电子会穿越外辐射带深入到槽区,在外辐射带的通量峰值则出现在L约3.5~3.9的位置.2015年的3月和6月两起强磁暴使得电子向更低L注入,>1 MeV以上的电子在低至L~2.8的槽区出现显著增长.在极低通量水平下,AE指数短时增加超过300 nT的亚暴活动会导致0.15~0.35 MeV电子超过1个量级的增长变化.上述结果对于准确认识辐射带电子不同时期的基本特性、发现能量电子动态潜在的基本物理过程,构建更准确的辐射带电子模型有着重要的参考意义.


地表发射率是地表的固有属性,也是反演地表信息和大气温湿度廓线的重要参数.为了获取准确且具有具体物理含义的沙漠地区微波地表发射率,首先选取塔克拉玛干沙漠部分地区为反演区域,根据二元函数泰勒定理,推导了该地区的微波地表发射率与地表温度、地表湿度的线性、非线性函数关系.其次,利用最优控制原理,结合FY-3C微波成像仪的观测亮温资料与辐射传输模式(CRTM)模拟亮温数据,构建了沙漠地区微波地表发射率的线性与非线性反演模型.通过对比发现,利用线性和非线性反演模型得到的地表发射率不仅提高了反演区域亮温的模拟精度,而且模拟亮温的变化趋势也与观测更吻合.最后,对地表发射率的线性和非线性反演模型进行了不同时间与空间上的独立性检验,结果表明:除了反演区域外,在整个塔克拉玛干沙漠地区,两种模型反演的地表发射率仍比原地表发射率模拟亮温更接近观测.总的来说,线性和非线性反演模型对沙漠地区的微波地表发射率反演均具有一定的有效性和普适性,且非线性反演模型优于线性反演模型.  相似文献   

The geometric factor of high energy protons detector on FY-3 satellite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Geometric factor is the key parameter for inversion of particle spectrum in space particle detection. Traditional geometric factor is obtained through the method of numerical calculation with the actual structure of the detector as the input condition. The degree of accuracy for data inversion is reduced since traditional geometric factor fails to take into account the physical process of interaction between the particle and substance as well as the influence of factors such as the particle interference between different energy channels on the measurement result. Here we propose an improved geometrical factor calculation method, the concept of which is to conduct actual structural modelling of the detector in the GEANT4 program, consider the process of interaction between the particle and substance, obtain the response function of the detector to particles of different energy channels through the method of Monte Carlo simulation, calculate the influence of contaminated particle on the geometrical factor, and finally get the geometrical factors for different energy channels of the detector. The imrpoved geometrical factor obtained through the method has carried out inversion for the data of high energy protons detector on China’s FY-3 satellite, the energy spectrum after which is more in line with the power law distribution recognized by space physics. The comparison with the measured result of POES satellite indicates that the FY-3 satellite data are in good accordance with the satellite data, which shows the method may effectively improve the quality of data inversion.  相似文献   

本文应用WRF(v 3.4) 模式输出资料,揭示了风垂直切变(Vertical Wind Shear:VWS)在垂直方向上的波状变化特征,这种波状变化在台风不同发展时期又有不同形态,其中在持续强盛期呈双模态分布.应用VWS引起的次级垂直环流影响台风对流分布和强度变化的基本原理,用模式资料分析发现:对流层中层具有的VWS是整层VWS的主要部分,台风强度变化滞后VWS的形态突变6h左右;双模态波状变化的VWS产生的次级环流和台风垂直环流的配置不同使台风强对流带结构变得不对称及眼墙区对流强度在垂直分布上变得不均匀,随着持续强盛期涡旋运动的增强,强对流带分布又趋于对称.又根据VWS形成的垂直方向上涡度力分布不均匀引起台风内中尺度滚轴状对流带不稳定发展原理,分析表明:对流层中、低层的涡度力有利于对流不稳定增强,垂直速度的最大值与风垂直廓线的拐点在同一高度上,这与理论模型的结论一致.因此,VWS的波状变化分布特征不仅影响台风强对流带中尺度结构的改变,也对台风持续强盛具有重要作用;同时也是台风内滚轴状对流带不稳定的可能启动机制.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of zero measurements on the spatial correlation function of rainfall is analyzed for the quantification of a rainfall field. The use of a bivariate mixed distribution function made it possible to analyze and compare the spatial correlation functions for these three different data sets: only the positive measurements at both gauge locations, positive measurements at either one or both gauge locations, and all measurements including zero at both locations. As an example, the spatial correlation functions are derived for the Geum River Basin, Korea and evaluated for the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Results show that the effect of zero measurements on spatial correlation structures is significant during the wet season, when the inter-station correlations were estimated significantly lower than those during the dry season. It was also found that only the case considering positive measurements are valid for the quantification of rainfall field. Even during the wet season, the inter-station correlation coefficients derived by considering the zero measurements show their high variability along with many abnormally looking high estimates, which made the quantification of the spatial correlation function become very ambiguous.  相似文献   

为满足地震科研与应急工作需要,建立基于B/S结构的地震信息数据库管理系统.该系统采用Oracle数据库、Java开发软件、Tomcat网站服务器组合开发,实现重点监视区域数据的共享及应用.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of rainfall variability on the spatial scaling structure of peak flows using the Whitewater River basin in Kansas as an illustration. Specifically, we investigate the effect of rainfall on the scatter, the scale break and the power law (peak flows vs. upstream areas) regression exponent. We illustrate why considering individual hydrographs at the outlet of a basin can lead to misleading interpretations of the effects of rainfall variability. We begin with the simple scenario of a basin receiving spatially uniform rainfall of varying intensities and durations and subsequently investigate the role of storm advection velocity, storm variability characterized by variance, spatial correlation and intermittency. Finally, we use a realistic space–time rainfall field obtained from a popular rainfall model that combines the aforementioned features. For each of these scenarios, we employ a recent formulation of flow velocity for a network of channels, assume idealized conditions of runoff generation and flow dynamics and calculate peak flow scaling exponents, which are then compared to the scaling exponent of the width function maxima. Our results show that the peak flow scaling exponent is always larger than the width function scaling exponent. The simulation scenarios are used to identify the smaller scale basins, whose response is dominated by the rainfall variability and the larger scale basins, which are driven by rainfall volume, river network aggregation and flow dynamics. The rainfall variability has a greater impact on peak flows at smaller scales. The effect of rainfall variability is reduced for larger scale basins as the river network aggregates and smoothes out the storm variability. The results obtained from simple scenarios are used to make rigorous interpretations of the peak flow scaling structure that is obtained from rainfall generated with the space–time rainfall model and realistic rainfall fields derived from NEXRAD radar data.  相似文献   

Degradations of reactive brilliant red X‐3B solution by both conventional UV irradiation and microwave electrodeless UV irradiation were investigated. Degradation processes were studied by UV–VIS spectrophotometry, total organic carbon (TOC), high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE), conductivity, pH value, and ion chromatography. The results of color removal (%) and TOC removal (%) showed that the degradation by microwave electrodeless UV irradiation was more effective than by conventional UV irradiation. The results of UV–VIS absorption spectra and HPCE analyses indicated that the degradation of reactive brilliant red X‐3B was occurred at the conjugation system first, the benzene ring and the naphthalene ring later. The reactive brilliant red X‐3B was cleaved into some new small compounds and eventually most of the organic substances were mineralized to CO2 and H2O. The results of the conductivity analysis suggested that the degradation has mainly occurred in the first 40 min of reaction. The pH value of reactive brilliant red X‐3B solution was decreased first and then was increased. The results of inorganic anions analysis hinted that many of the N, Cl, and S elements from reactive brilliant red X‐3B were still attached in organic molecules.  相似文献   

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