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扬子地块西南部地球化学异常层与地壳演化和成矿作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
裘愉卓  于炳松 《矿物学报》1997,17(4):369-375
本文通过对扬子地块西南部自上元古界板溪群到三叠系发育在盆地和下斜坡背景中泥质岩的系统元素地球化学研究,首次发现了下寒武统、上泥盆统和上二叠统这三个在元素地球化学性质上明显不同于其它层位的地球化学异常层。通过元素地球化学异常层与本区地壳演化和成矿作用关系的研究,使我们认识到,后太古代沉积地层中的元素地球化学特征与地壳演化之间存在着密切的内在联系,可通过这些地层的元素地球化学体系来恢复地壳发育和演化历史;同时,在正常沉积地层中,元素的富集和亏损程度是有限的,只有在那些与地壳发展演化的特定阶段相对应的层段中,某些元素才有可能高度富集而成为重要的矿源层。这对应用元素地球化学体系正确认识地壳演化和成矿作用的时控性具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

前寒武纪沉积岩地球化学特征及其对地壳演化的指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了运用前寒武纪沉积岩地球化学特征推断地球早期地壳的组成、增生历史及太古—元古宙界面构造性质突变问题,这已成为国际前寒武纪地质研究的前沿课题,并已相继在世界典型的前寒武纪低级区及部分高级区开展了这一方面的研究工作,取得了一系列重要进展。  相似文献   

本文通过讨论地幔对流的可能性以及大洋中脊的运动方式,证明了大陆漂移说对大陆漂移的源动力的解释仍存在漏洞,并提出大陆漂移源动力与地球膨裂的关系。对大陆漂移说具有补充性。  相似文献   

大洋中脊热水探测与新型传感器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对大洋中脊的探测带来了大量科学发现。在大洋中脊热水喷口的极端条件下,在大的温度梯度范围内,一方面在喷口(黑烟囱)周围形成巨量金属硫化物快速堆积;另一方面在喷口周围由内向外形成一个生物晕。为了研究洋中脊极端条件下的水热过程,模拟洋中脊水-岩相互作用条件下生命过程,需要在高温高压环境中原位获取数据,必须利用先进、灵敏的化学传感器。由于新材料技术的发展,美国和西方国家深海探测时广泛使用YSZ电化学传感器(氧化钇稳定的氧化锆陶瓷,YSZ:Yttria Stabilized Zirconia),这种传感器的优点是在温度大于200℃的高温时性能良好,在低于200℃条件下灵敏度降低,而且在国际市场上没有这些高温高压化学传感器出售。“十五”期间,科技部863计划,首次将发展深海高温高压传感器的海底多参数检测技术之一列入我国计划。根据863计划,中国科学家通过努力研制成功一系列具有中国自主知识产权的高温高压化学传感器,在自主研制了YSZ传感器的同时,发明了国际上首次可以在大温度范围、在海上实用的Zr/ZrO2高温化学传感器,可部分替代YSZ传感器。这两类集成式化学传感器可以探测大洋中脊400℃/40MPa热水的pH、H2、H2S、Eh等,并在2004年的南海的海试中取得成功。  相似文献   

黄小龙  徐义刚 《地球化学》2002,31(5):443-454
女山麻粒岩包体的Mg#值总体较低(28-51),在化学成分上主要表现为偏中性,没有明显的辉石、石榴子石或Fe-Ti氧化物的堆晶作用,但部分有斜长石的堆晶作用,略具Eu,Sr正异常,部分则有斜长石的分离结晶,略具Eu,Sr负异常。另外,女山麻粒岩包体亏损Rb,Th,Nb,Ta,富集Ba,LREE,Zr,Hf等,具较高的Nb/Ta,Zr/Hf比值,麻粒岩相变质作用过程造成了Rb的强烈亏损,但对Nb,Ta,U,Th的影响较弱。女山麻粒岩包体的形成过程中存在岩浆的结晶分异作用,通过分离结晶混染作用模型(AFC)模拟,表明华北克拉通太古宙基性火山岩和中必一麻粒岩分别为较可能的初始岩浆和混合源,初始岩浆经过10%-40%的AFC可以形成女山麻粒岩包体的微量元素组成。总体上,女山麻粒岩包体的主元素、微量元素特征均相似于华北克拉通太古宙中性麻粒岩、华北克拉通下地壳平均值,而与扬子克拉通下地壳平均值得明显差别。因此女山地区下地壳可能仍属华北克拉通的一部分,因而支持Li(1994)的碰撞拆离模式。  相似文献   

中地壳的地球化学动力学和矿石成因   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
笔者重点进行了大于300℃——在近临界区至超临界区条件下的硅酸盐矿物与水反应动力学实验。矿物(钠长石Ab、透辉石Di、阳起石Act和磁铁矿Mt)的溶解反应动力学实验是使用流体通过叠层反应器的开放体系在25~400℃和22MPa下完成的。实验发现矿物在300℃至400℃范围,在跨越水临界点时出现反应速率的涨落。各种多金属氧化物硅酸盐与水反应时,各个元素溶解到溶液里的释放速率一般不一样,常称为一致溶解作用。但是,在近300℃变为一致溶解作用。实验发现在22MPa时硅酸盐矿物的最大溶解反应速率多是在300℃,如硅的最大释放速率是在300℃。其余元素如Na、K、Mg、Ca、Fe、Al等释放速率在<300℃22MPa时都高于硅的释放速率,在>300℃时硅的释放速率要高于其它元素的释放速率。确切地说,金属与氧之间的键的性质决定了它们(金属氧化物)与水之间反应速率。在一般情况下,Na-Obr,Ca-Obr,Mg-Obr,Al-Obr和Si-Obr的键桥(br),它们之间相对地由具有离子键性质逐步变为具有极性键的性质。由常温常压到亚临界区(300~374℃22MPa),再到大于临界点374℃、22MPa进入超临界区,水的性质随温度、压力变化。水由容易溶解离子键逐渐变为容易打破极性键。笔者还研究了黑钨矿、锡石(玄武岩、花岗闪长岩)与水在250~400℃条件下的反应动力学过程,得出了相同的结果。实验均发现在跨越水临界点时矿物(或岩石)与水反应的动力学涨落。这些实验结果可以用于说明中地壳上部的水/岩相互作用的特征。发生于中地壳的水、岩相互作用大多是在300~450℃和20~50MPa条件下进行的。各地区的地壳厚度不一,中地壳温度压力并不完全相同。模拟中地壳条件下水/岩相互作用实验,目的主要是研究矿物(或岩石)在300~450℃条件下反应动力学过程。已有热液矿床矿物流体包体数据表明:有一批矿床的主要矿石形成于300~500℃,低于NaCl H2O溶液临界线的条件。中地壳的流体处于由亚临界态跨越临界态,进入超临界流体太的演化过程。这种流体的性质变化会引起水/岩相互作用的反应动力学涨落和矿石大量沉淀。  相似文献   

于炳松  裘愉卓 《现代地质》1998,12(2):173-179
摘 要  通过对贵州地区自新元古界板溪群—三叠系深水相泥质岩系统的稀土元素地球化学 研究‚发现寒武系、泥盆系和上二叠统这3个稀土元素组成明显不同于其他层位和后太古代 页岩稀土元素特征的异常层‚并由此构成了地质历史中3个明显的稀土元素地球化学旋回。 这3个稀土元素地球化学旋回与本区的大地构造旋回具有明显的一致性‚且上述的3个稀土 元素地球化学异常层正好与盆地发育的明显的拉张裂陷时期相对应‚说明在盆地拉张裂陷时 期来自盆下深部物源的加入是造成稀土元素地球化学异常的根本原因。这为我们正确认识本 区的地壳演化提供了强有力的地球化学证据。  相似文献   

鞍山是华北克拉通唯一保存有完整太古宙地质记录(3.81~2.5Ga)的地区。为了进一步了解本区太古宙早期花岗质地壳的形成及演化,本文对鞍山地区典型的太古宙杂岩——深沟寺杂岩进行了详细的岩石学、年代学及地球化学研究。根据岩石学及产状分析确定了始太古代奥长花岗质片麻岩和古太古代混合岩化片麻岩杂岩两个主要岩石单元:前者SIMS锆石U-Pb定年结果为3803±9Ma,代表始太古代古老的花岗质陆壳;后者年龄为3311~3335Ma,代表古太古代强烈构造-变质热事件。始太古代奥长花岗岩以高Si、富Na、贫K为特征;轻重稀土分异不明显,(La/Yb)N值介于6.76~35.96,具有弱的负铕异常(δEu=0.57~1.43);微量元素相对富集Rb、La、Hf和Zr等,亏损Nb、Ta、Sr和Ti等,且Sr/Y比值(8~29)、Mg#(21~30)、Cr(8.81×10~(-6)~28.00×10~(-6))和Ni(0.881×10~(-6)~18.55×10~(-6))含量较低,表明源区无地幔物质参与,且未与石榴子石发生平衡,斜长石可能残留源区,形成深度相对较浅。同时结合鞍山地区~3.8Ga锆石具有正的εHf(t)值,始太古代奥长花岗岩来源于地幔岩浆底侵导致地壳底部含水玄武质岩石(角闪岩)部分熔融形成的新生地壳。古太古代混合岩化片麻岩杂岩的主要矿物组合为石英+斜长石+黑云母,无不一致相矿物(钾长石、矽线石和石榴子石等),表明熔融过程中含水矿物未发生脱水反应,主要反应为Qtz+Pl±H2O=melt。此外,混合岩化片麻岩杂岩中未见富铝矿物和碎屑岩结构,推断其为正片麻岩,原岩为奥长花岗岩或英云闪长岩;结合岩石中存在大量始太古代继承锆石,且~3.3Ga锆石εHf(t)多为负值,混合岩化片麻岩杂岩形成于始太古代奥长花岗质地壳的重熔。本文研究结果表明,鞍山地区始—古太古代花岗质地壳演化可划分为两个主要阶段:始太古代奥长花岗质地壳生长(~3.8Ga)和古太古代花岗质地壳重熔(~3.3Ga)。  相似文献   

慢速-超慢速扩张西南印度洋中脊普遍发育转换断层,洋脊分段性明显,是研究地质构造与地幔部分熔融关系的理想场所。对西南印度洋中脊(52°20′53°30′E)Gallieni转换断层与Gazelle转换断层之间洋脊段6个站位的深海橄榄岩研究发现:尖晶石Cr#的变化范围为0.194~0.329,对应的地幔部分熔融程度为7.6%~13.0%,反映全球洋中脊系统中低程度的地幔部分熔融,并且离转换断层近的地幔部分熔融程度低于洋脊分段中心,这种差异除了受转换断层的冷却作用影响外,还可能与洋脊分段中心更强的岩浆抽提作用有关。将研究区与全球其他洋脊对比发现,尖晶石Cr#及对应的地幔部分熔融程度随洋脊扩张速率的降低而降低,在探讨地幔部分熔融程度与洋脊扩张速率的相关性时,通过对转换断层效应的校正,能够更准确地反映地幔部分熔融程度随洋脊扩张速率的变化趋势。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2003,335(10-11):825-852
Serpentinites are an important component of the oceanic crust generated in slow to ultraslow spreading settings. In this context, the MOHO likely corresponds to a hydration boundary, which could match the 500 °C isotherm beneath the ridge axis. Textures from serpentinites sampled in ridge environments demonstrate that most of the serpentinization occurs under static conditions. The typical mineralogical association consists of lizardite ± chrysotile + magnetite ± tremolite ± talc. Despite the widespread occurrence of lizardite, considered as the low temperature serpentine variety, oxygen isotope fractionation suggests that serpentinization starts at high temperature, in the range of 300–500 °C. The fluid responsible for serpentinization is seawater, possibly evolved by interaction with the crust. Compared with fresh peridotites, serpentinites are strongly hydrated (10–15% H2O) and oxidized. Serpentinization, however, does not seem to be accompanied by massive leaching of major elements, implying that it requires a volume increase. It results in an increase in chlorine, boron, fluorine, and sulfur, but its effect on other trace elements remains poorly detailed. The presence of serpentinites in the oceanic crust affects its physical properties, in particular by lowering its density and seismic velocities, and modifying its magnetic and rheological properties. Serpentinization may activate hydrothermal cells and generate methane and hydrogen anomalies which can sustain microbial communities. Two types of hydrothermal field have been identified: the Rainbow type, with high temperature (360 °C) black smokers requiring magmatic heat; the low temperature (40–75 °C) Lost City type, by contrast, can be activated by serpenintization reactions. To cite this article: C. Mével, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

Intuition suggests that all points on the same mid-ocean ridge should rotate around the relative pole of the two-plate system at the same instantaneous angular velocity. Contrary to intuition, the instantaneous angular velocity of a ridge varies from one point to another along the ridge, given the general case in which two plates move around different plate-specific poles of rotation. The variation in the instantaneous angular velocity of a ridge is a function of the motion characteristics of the plates and the position of the ridge relative to the poles of plate motion. The length or orientation of individual ridge segments is predicted to vary over time, leading to local changes in the shape of the ridge. The gradient in instantaneous angular velocity for the fast-spreading East Pacific Ridge, between the Cocos and Pacific plates, is an order of magnitude greater than the gradient along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, between the North American and African plates. This great contrast in ridge instantaneous velocity gradients may be reflected in the contrasting ridge geometries of the East Pacific and Mid-Atlantic Ridges.  相似文献   

Hafnium isotope results from mid-ocean ridges and Kerguelen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
176Hf/177Hf ratios are presented for oceanic volcanics representing both extremes of the range of mantle HfNdSr isotopic variation. Hf from critical mid-ocean ridgebasalts shows that 176Hf/177Hf does indeed have a greater variability than 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr in the depleted mantle. This extra variation is essentially of a random nature, and can perhaps be understood in terms of known Rb/SrSm/NdLu/Hf fractionation relationships. At the other extreme of mantle isotopic composition, 176Hf/177Hf ratios for igneous rocks from the Indian Ocean island of Kerguelen show a closely similar variation to published 143Nd/144Nd ratios for the same samples. Comparison of HfNdSr c relationships for Tristan da Cunha, Kerguelen and Samoa reveals divergences in the mantle array for ocean island magma sources, and perhaps suggests that these irregularities are largely the result of an extra component of 87Sr/86Sr variation.  相似文献   

The regularities of the concentration of ore matter in the mid-ocean ridges are considered, and the mechanisms of hydrothermal and cumulative treatment of the crust by ore elements are substantiated.  相似文献   

Episodic seafloor spreading, ridge topography, and fault movement at ridges find (more extreme) analogs in the arc and back-arc setting where the volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits that we mine today were formed. The factors affecting sulfide accumulation efficiency and the extent to which sulfides are concentrated spatially are the same in both settings, however. The processes occurring at mid-ocean ridges therefore provide a useful insight into those producing VMS deposits in arcs and back-arcs. The critical observation investigated here is that all the heat introduced by seafloor spreading at mid-ocean ridges is carried out of the crust within a few hundred meters of the ridge axis by ??350°C hydrothermal fluids. The high-temperature ridge hydrothermal systems are tied to the presence of magma at the ridge axis and greatly reduce the size and control the shape of axial magma intrusions. The amount of heat introduced to each square kilometer of ocean crust during its formation can be calculated, and its removal by high-temperature convection allows calculation of the total base metal endowment of the ocean basins. Using reasonable metal deposition efficiencies, we conclude that the ocean floor is a giant VMS district with metal resources >600 times the total known VMS reserves on land and a copper resource which would last >6,000?years at current production rates.  相似文献   

宋珏琛  李江海  冯博 《地质学报》2021,95(8):2273-2283
海底热液系统是地球热量平衡的重要组成,也是地球化学循环和成矿作用发生的主要场所,与洋中脊系统在空间上具有很强的联系.慢速-超慢速扩张洋中脊中确认的活跃热液喷口数量约占全球总数量的三分之一,查明热液发育位置及发育岩性与岩浆-构造活动的耦合关系,对于研究海底热液活动演化过程和海底找矿具有很好的指示意义.本文将全球慢速-超慢...  相似文献   

A world-wide correlation between satellite-derived gravity signatures and the relative abundance of teledetected earthquakes over mid-ocean ridges has yielded some unexpected results. Rift valley disappearances along slow-spreading centres and attendant excess volcanism coincide with seismicity gaps, at times related to nearby hotspots, whereas earthquake clusters along virtually aseismic, faster-spreading centres systematically indicate the presence of active propagating ridge tips. Therefore, at the world scale of investigation, seismicity fairly well predicts ridge morphology and 2nd order axial discontinuities. The occurrence of a certain degree of seismicity along the 'ductile' Reykjanes ridge south of the Iceland hotspot is tentatively explained in terms of prevailing shear stresses due to oblique spreading which accumulate on the available brittle volume on the flanks of the ridge rather than on its crest.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of high-temperature seawater/basalt interactions has been conducted in order to better evaluate the geochemical and economic implications of hydrothermal circulation of seawater in the oceanic crust along active mid-ocean ridges. The results indicate that, as seawater reacts with basalt between 200 ° C and 500 ° C at 500–800 bars, the fluid tends to change from an oxygenated, slightly alkaline, Na+, Mg++, SO4 =, Cl? solution to a reducing, acidic, Na+, Ca++, Cl?, solution with Fe, Mn and Cu concentrations up to 1500, 190 and 0.3 ppm respectively. Silica concentrations in the fluid reach concentrations of 200–600 ppm; however, Al abundances remain very low (~0.5 ppm). Gray and green smectites, anhydrite, albite, tremolite-actinolite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and hematite were the dominant alteration products formed. These data imply that large-scale circulation of seawater in the oceanic crust could account for the Al-deficient metalliferous sediments associated with mid-ocean ridges and could be important in the genesis of certain Fe-Cu sulfide ore deposists. The process could also affect the geochemical budgets of certain elements and exert substantial control of the steady-state composition of seawater by removing excess Na and Mg and adding Ca, Si, and H to the oceans.  相似文献   

Comprehensive analysis of detailed bathymetric data obtained during legs 24–27 of the R/V Akademik Nikolai Strakhov has been carried out on the Knipovich Ridge. The revealed variations of magmatic activity along the axis supplement the available information on segmentation of this ridge [7, 19, 33]. The new statistical data characterize seismic activity under settings of ultraslow oblique extension. As follows from the seismic data, the Knipovich Ridge belongs to structural units with intermediate geodynamics between the spreading ridge and transform fault. Magmatic and amagmatic segments of the Arctic ultraslow Knipovich and Gakkel mid-ocean ridges are compared.  相似文献   

The modern methods of physical modeling of structure-forming deformations in extension zones of oceanic lithosphere are discussed; the methods differ in their experimental equipment, model material, and experimental techniques. The simulation performed with an elastic-ductile model has demonstrated that extension of a brittle lithospheric layer results in disruption of its continuity and in formation of a rift valley according to the mechanism of running fracture propagation. The modeling results provide insights into qualitative pattern of faulting and fracturing within a rift zone, specific features of rift segmentation, and development of various structural elements (axis bends, echelons of fractures, nontransform offsets, small and large overlaps, etc.) under various geodynamic conditions of spreading. The modeling has shown that origination and evolution of structures of various types depend on the lithosphere’s thickness beneath the rift axis; the width of the lithosphere’s heating zone; the spreading orientation; and, to a lesser degree, on the spreading rate. A relatively rectilinear rift broken into particular segments bounded by small-amplitude offsets with or without minor overlaps arises in the case of both a small width of the heating zone, closely related to the axial magma chamber, and a small thickness of the lithosphere (fast-spreading conditions). In the case of a wide heating zone caused by ascent of an asthenospheric wedge or a mantle plume, offsets of rift are more pronounced and deformations embrace a wider region. If, as a result, the thickness of the lithosphere increases, the rift will be less linear and the structural heterogeneity will become more contrasting. In addition to the thickness of the lithosphere, the angle between the rift zone and the extension axis also controls the rift configuration: the greater the angle, the more conspicuous the en echelon arrangement of fractures. For any spreading type, the propagating front of linear microfractures that disrupt the upper brittle layer of the lithosphere predates the origin of mesoscopic fractures and predetermines a general trend of the rift zone. This indicates that the fractures of various sizes propagate simultaneously.  相似文献   

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