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银厂坡银矿床碳酸盐化蚀变作用与银的矿化富集在空间上紧密相伴,这种蚀变作用导致矿石与围岩中组分有明显差异。本文通过定量计算阐明组分之间的迁移方向;计算表明在银的原生富集过程中,常量组分的带入与带出最不明显;而微量组分Ag和Cu、Pb、Zn、As、Sb、Cd、Ge带入围岩明显。在银的次生富集过程表现为Ag和Cu、Pb、Cd、Ga、Ge、REE、AlO3、Fe2O3、MnO、K2O、P2O5的强烈带入,以Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、P2O5带入强度最大,这是由于CaO、MgO被淋滤,体积亏损造成强烈带入的假象,而As、Sb、Zn、V、Cr、Co、Ni、CaO、MgO为自围岩中带出组分,以CaO、MgO带出强度最大。REE除原生富集的弱蚀变白岩→矿化白云岩表现为带出外,其余原富集过程均表现为带入围岩。造成组分发生迁  相似文献   

金家庄金矿围岩蚀变主要为蛇纹石化-滑石化、碳酸盐化,绿泥石化及硅化。根据不同蚀变程度透辉岩化学成分与微量元素组分得失定量计算,SiO2,CaO,Al2O,Na2O和CO,Cr,Pb等在各类蚀变透岩中明显亏损,在矿化蚀变岩和含金石英细中显著富集;CO2,H2O,S和Au,Cu在各类蚀变-矿化石中均显富集;TiO2,MgO,V,Sr及Pr表现为相对“惰性”。SiO2,CaO,Al2O3等物质组分得失变  相似文献   

<正>由于长期暴露于海底,大洋玄武岩多与海水发生了不同程度的反应,使得海底玄武岩中普遍沉淀了碳酸盐矿物、磷酸盐矿物、粘土矿物、铁锰氧化物等多种次生组分(Staudigel et al.,1983;Furnes et al.,1999;Bu et al.,2008)。次生组分的沉淀,改变了海底玄武岩的原生矿物组合、元素含量及同位素比值特征。从而海底玄武岩中次生  相似文献   

杨金沟白钨矿床围岩蚀变及组分迁移规律研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章以杨金沟白钨矿床主要赋矿蚀变围岩为研究对象,通过对不同种类蚀变岩石中主要氧化物和成矿元素特别是W、Mo和As的迁移和富集特征进行详细分析,结合近矿蚀变围岩稀土元素组成及其变化特征研究,初步揭示了杨金沟白钨矿床中钨矿化富集、成矿流体演化与围岩蚀变和元素组分迁移的关系。  相似文献   

玄武岩蚀变产生的次生黏土矿物充填于岩石孔隙和裂缝中,使岩石的有效储集空间减小、储集性能降低、储层有效性变差.笔者研究的目的乃是消除蚀变对储层有效性的影响,使储层的储集性能评价更符合生产实际.把玄武岩按蚀变程度分为轻度或未蚀变、中度蚀变、重度蚀变和泥化四个等级,根据不同蚀变程度的岩石孔隙在薄片上的特征,结合不同程度的蚀变对常规、成像和核磁共振测井响应的影响,综合分析蚀变玄武岩的孔隙有效性;根据次生黏土矿物对裂缝有效性的影响,利用DSI测井分析裂缝有效性和储层渗透性;最后综合孔隙和裂缝的有效性分析结果,对不同孔隙度大小的储层进行储集性能评价.结果表明,这种储集性能分类方法效果较好,经过流体测试验证,分类结果与生产测试结果相一致.  相似文献   

合成碲金矿及其热液蚀变实验研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亓锋 《现代地质》2001,15(2):197-201,T006
通过实验合成出了碲金矿 ,并对其进行了 2 0 0℃、80℃温度下不同 p H溶液中的蚀变实验。对碲金矿及蚀变产物分别进行了 X-射线粉晶衍射、矿相显微镜鉴定及电子探针和光电子能谱分析。实验结果表明 ,在中性、偏酸性和碱性溶液的实验条件下碲金矿基本保持稳定 ,而在碱性稀溶液实验条件下可观测到少量含 Fe、 Te、 Au新相的生成及碲金矿表面氧化态碲的明显增加。  相似文献   

俯冲作用是连接地表系统和地球深部系统的最为关键的地质过程,其对研究地球深部碳循环具有重要的意义。俯冲洋壳岩石圈中的碳主要存储在沉积物、蚀变洋壳玄武岩以及蛇纹岩中。俯冲变质作用过程含碳岩石的变质演化控制着其中含碳矿物相的转变及碳迁移过程。本文选取了蚀变洋壳玄武岩进行相平衡模拟,来研究其含碳矿物相的变质演化过程。计算结果表明,变质玄武岩体系中的碳酸盐矿物之间的转变反应除了受压力控制之外,还受到温度和体系中铁含量的影响。随着压力的升高蚀变玄武岩中碳酸盐矿物会发生方解石/文石-白云石-菱镁矿的转变,但在高压/超高压条件下,温度的升高可以使菱镁矿转变成白云石。碳酸盐矿物中的铁含量受到体系中铁含量的影响,白云石和菱镁矿中的铁含量随着体系中铁含量的增加而增加。在水不饱和条件下,洋壳不管是沿着低温还是高温地热梯度线俯冲到岛弧深度,蚀变玄武岩体系几乎都不发生脱碳作用。然而在水饱和条件下,当洋壳沿着高温以及哥斯达黎加地热梯度线俯冲到岛弧深度时,蚀变玄武岩体系中的碳几乎可以全部脱出去。蚀变玄武岩体系中水含量的增加可以促进体系的脱碳作用。  相似文献   

滇东-川西下二叠统白云岩的形成机理--玄武岩淋滤白云化   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:17  
金振奎  冯增昭 《沉积学报》1999,17(3):383-389
在滇东- 川西地区的下二叠统中,白云岩发育,并可分两种类型:块状白云岩和斑状白云岩。块状白云岩呈浅灰色、灰色,主要由细晶或中晶白云岩石组成。白云岩的δ13C为+0.8‰~+3.5‰, 平均+2.7‰; δ18O为 -6.8‰~-9.1‰, 平均 -7.8‰。 Sr 为 25×10-6~52×10-6, 平均 39×10-6; Na 为 52×10-6~74×10-6, 平均 64×10-6。斑状白云岩呈灰色,由白云岩斑块和交代残余的石灰岩斑块组成,其中白云岩斑块含量大于50 %。白云岩斑块呈云朵状,大小多为几厘米至二十几厘米。白云岩斑块由细晶和中晶白云石组成。白云石呈自形或半自形,含量60% ~ 90%。白云石的δ13C为+0.8‰~+3.5‰, 平均+2.7‰; δ18O为 -6.8‰~-9.1‰, 平均 -7.8‰。 Sr 为 25×10-6~52×10-6, 平均 39×10-6; Na 为 52×10-6~74×10-6, 平均 64×10-6。各种资料表明,块状白云岩和斑状白云岩成因相同,只是白云化程度不同。白云岩是在埋藏环境中较高温度条件下形成的。白云化水来自淋滤峨嵋山玄武岩的大气  相似文献   

We document compositions of minerals and melts from 3 GPa partialmelting experiments on two carbonate-bearing natural lherzolitebulk compositions (PERC: MixKLB-1 + 2·5 wt% CO2; PERC3:MixKLB-1 + 1 wt% CO2) and discuss the compositions of partialmelts in relation to the genesis of alkalic to highly alkalicocean island basalts (OIB). Near-solidus (PERC: 1075–1105°C;PERC3: 1050°C) carbonatitic partial melts with <10 wt%SiO2 and 40 wt% CO2 evolve continuously to carbonated silicatemelts with >25 wt% SiO2 and <25 wt% CO2 between 1325 and1350°C in the presence of residual olivine, orthopyroxene,clinopyroxene, and garnet. The first appearance of CO2-bearingsilicate melt at 3 GPa is 150°C cooler than the solidusof CO2-free peridotite. The compositions of carbonated silicatepartial melts between 1350 and 1600°C vary in the rangeof 28–46 wt% SiO2, 1·6–0·5 wt% TiO2,12–10 wt% FeO*, and 19–29 wt% MgO for PERC, and42–48 wt% SiO2, 1·9–0·5 wt% TiO2,10·5–8·4 wt% FeO*, and 15–26 wt% MgOfor PERC3. The CaO/Al2O3 weight ratio of silicate melts rangesfrom 2·7 to 1·1 for PERC and from 1·7 to1·0 for PERC3. The SiO2 contents of carbonated silicatemelts in equilibrium with residual peridotite diminish significantlywith increasing dissolved CO2 in the melt, whereas the CaO contentsincrease markedly. Equilibrium constants for Fe*–Mg exchangebetween carbonated silicate liquid and olivine span a rangesimilar to those for CO2-free liquids at 3 GPa, but diminishslightly with increasing dissolved CO2 in the melt. The carbonatedsilicate partial melts of PERC3 at <20% melting and partialmelts of PERC at 15–33% melting have SiO2 and Al2O3 contents,and CaO/Al2O3 values, similar to those of melilititic to basaniticalkali OIB, but compared with the natural lavas they are moreenriched in CaO and they lack the strong enrichments in TiO2characteristic of highly alkalic OIB. If a primitive mantlesource is assumed, the TiO2 contents of alkalic OIB, combinedwith bulk peridotite/melt partition coefficients of TiO2 determinedin this study and in volatile-free studies of peridotite partialmelting, can be used to estimate that melilitites, nephelinites,and basanites from oceanic islands are produced from 0–6%partial melting. The SiO2 and CaO contents of such small-degreepartial melts of peridotite with small amounts of total CO2can be estimated from the SiO2–CO2 and CaO–CO2 correlationsobserved in our higher-degree partial melting experiments. Thesesuggest that many compositional features of highly alkalic OIBmay be produced by 1–5% partial melting of a fertile peridotitesource with 0·1–0·25 wt% CO2. Owing to verydeep solidi of carbonated mantle lithologies, generation ofcarbonated silicate melts in OIB source regions probably happensby reaction between peridotite and/or eclogite and migratingcarbonatitic melts produced at greater depths. KEY WORDS: alkali basalts; carbonated peridotite; experimental petrology; ocean island basalts; partial melting  相似文献   

沂源县田庄水库农业面源氮素淋滤行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋辉  刘庆福 《地下水》2010,32(2):71-73
受农业面源影响,典型山区水库-田庄水库氮素超标,通过模拟土壤在不同降雨强度与不同降雨类型下的淋滤行为,探讨氮素淋溶释放规律,并对田庄水库农业面源氮素入库量进行了计算。结果表明,降雨类型和降雨强度只影响土壤中氨氮峰值浓度出现的时间,对其数值影响不大,由于土壤中硝氮含量较高,使降雨强度和类型对其淋出液中的硝氮峰值浓度产生的时间和数值都有所影响;农业面源氮污染通过田庄水库四条入库河流年均排入水库中的硝氮总量高达604.49t,氨氮为23.85t。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIn comparison with studies on the geochemistryof the REE and trace elements of the Emeishan Per-mian basalts ,there has been onlyli mited research onthe platinum group elements ( PGE) . Preli minarystudies have been carried out on the PGE geochemis-try of the basalts in the Emeishan area ( QingyingPower Station profile) and Xinjie area (Zhang andLi ,1998) ,andinthe Shuicheng and Weining areasinGuizhou (Li et al .,2003) . There are no PGEanaly-sis data of the basaltsin…  相似文献   

Since the Early Cenozoic, the Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) has undergone a complex tectonic evolution. During this period the Parece Vela Basin (PVB) was formed by seafloor spreading in the back-arc region of the proto-Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc. However, until now, studies of the geological, geophysical, and tectonic evolution of the PVB have been rare. In this study, we obtained in situ trace element and major element compositions of minerals in basalts collected from two sites in the southern part of the PVB. The results reveal that the basalts from site CJ09-63 were likely formed via ~10% partial melting of spinel-garnet lherzolite, while the basalts from site CJ09-64 were likely formed via 15%–25% partial melting of garnet lherzolite. The order of mineral crystallization for the basalts from site CJ09-64 was olivine, spinel, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase, while the plagioclase in the basalts from site CJ09-63 crystallized earlier than the clinopyroxene. Using a plagioclase-liquid hygrometer and an olivine-liquid oxybarometer, we determined that the basalts in this study have high H2O contents and oxygen fugacities, suggesting that the magma source of the Parece Vela basalts was affected by subduction components, which is consistent with the trace element composition of whole rock.  相似文献   

富Nb玄武岩在冀北前寒武纪地区的发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在冀北太古代麻粒岩带与北侧的古元古代红旗营子群之间,沿古断裂带存在一系列古洋壳残片。最近发现其中广泛存在在其它地区罕见的富Nb玄武岩,Nb含量大于7×10-6,Nb/Th+Nb/La大于0.6,为古洋壳的厘定提供了新的佐证,为早前寒武纪地质构造演化研究提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

内蒙古赤峰地区新生代玄武岩的时空分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贾文  邵济安等 《地质论评》2002,48(3):267-272
本文首次对内蒙古赤峰地区新生代火山活动旋回进行了划分,包括渐新世旋回(24-33Ma);中新世晚期旋回(6-10Ma);上新世旋回(4.8Ma)和更新世旋回(0.89-0.16Ma)。进一步结合火山岩空间分布以及玄武岩的岩石学和地球化学特征分析,揭示了新生代火山活动由南东向北西逐渐变新,岩浆来源逐渐加深的规律。  相似文献   

该地区陆地出露的新生代玄武岩的总面积和分区面积。结果表明:(1) 我国中-东部地区新生代玄武岩总面积为78
525 km2;(2) 以东部新生代盆地为界,盆地以西的中部地区新生代玄武岩面积为35 487 km2,盆地以东的东部地区新生代
玄武岩面积为43 038 km2,两边面积比为45:55;(3) 按时代划分,中国中-东部新生代玄武岩随时代变新分布面积递
增,S古近纪∶S新近纪∶S第四纪为0.36:21.65:77.99;(4) 中部地区的新生代玄武岩主要分布在北方,由北至南包括三个主要出露
区,分别为松辽盆地以西的大兴安岭地区(7334 km2)、锡林郭勒地区(13 843 km2) 和华北北缘(14 310 km2);(5) 东部地
区新生代玄武岩的分布范围更广,从黑龙江一直到海南岛,也可以分为三个区,包括松辽盆地以东的东北地区(33 324 km2)、从
山东到福建零星分布的华东地区(1707 km2) 以及位于海南岛和雷州半岛的雷琼地区(8007 km2);(6) 总体看,我国中-东
部地区新生代玄武岩主要分布在北方,如以山东省为界,北方玄武岩面积达69 191 km2,南方玄武岩面积达9334 km2,北南之
比为88∶12。  相似文献   

玄武岩CO2地质封存相比于常规的封存技术(如驱油驱气注入封存和深部咸水层封存),具有能促进快速碳矿化、封存效果长久且安全及封存容量巨大等明显优点.目前玄武岩CO2封存理论方面的研究已经取得了大量进展:①对常见主要成岩矿物的封存能力进行了排序;②进一步了解玄武岩的矿物成分、玄武岩层内孔隙分布特征及其形成机理;③完善了对玄...  相似文献   

Garnet megacryst with a multiphase inclusion from intraplate alkali basalts of the Shavaryn Tsaram(Tariat,Mongolia)was the object of the study.This unusual aggregate consists of porous glass,Ti-rich biotite,orthopyroxene,spinel,clinopyroxene,olivine,and ilmenite.Win TWQ 2.32 thermodynamic simulation of this system revealed a few intervals of equilibrium.Pressure and temperature adjustment reflected in the paragenetic minerals of the melt pocket.The capture of already crystallised garnet megacryst was at P=0.8-1 GPa and T=1120-1160℃.Mineral crystallisation inside the melt pocket,accompanied by external inputs,occurred at P=0.75-0.95 GPa;T=790-1120℃.Symplectite assemblage formed in the garnet megacryst due to decomposition at(P=0.55-0.7 GPa;T=850-930℃).The study of the oxygen isotope content in primary garnet and biotite of the melt pocket showed that the δ18OVSMOW values are the same and correspond to that of typical mantle xenoliths.However,the chemical and microcomponent composition of the melt pocket minerals reveals a material that differs from basalts and peridotites.Thus,it has been revealed that the multiphase inclusion in the garnet megacryst formed not only on account of the garnet’s substance,but also due to the entrapped material of the Earth’s interior.  相似文献   

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