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Long-term measurements of fine particle number-size distributions were carried out over 9.5 yr (May 1997–December 2006), in the urban background atmosphere of Helsinki. The total number of days was 3528 with about 91.9% valid data. A new particle formation event (NPF) is defined if a distinct nucleation mode of aerosol particles is observed below 25 nm for several hours, and it shows a growth pattern. We observed 185 NPF events, 111 d were clear non-events and most of the days (around 83.5%) were undefined. The observed events were regional because they were observed at Hyytiälä (250 km north of Helsinki). The events occurred most frequently during spring and autumn. The observed formation rate was maximum during the spring and summer (monthly median 2.87 cm−3 s−1) and the modal growth rate was maximum during late summer and Autumn (monthly median 6.55 nm h−1). The events were observed around noon, and the growth pattern often continued on the following day. The observation of weak NPF events was hindered due to pre-existing particles from both local sources. It is clear that regional NPF events have a clear influence on the dynamic behaviour of aerosol particles in the urban atmosphere.  相似文献   

锡林浩特国家气候观象台是全区乃至全国观测项目最多、重要性最强的气象台站之一,但在近几年的发展过程中遇到了一些问题。文章重点分析了锡林浩特国家气候观象台观测系统的组成和存在的问题,探讨了推进锡林浩特国家气候观象台观测系统发展的思路。  相似文献   

The compositions of TSP between AD and NAD storm periods were compared to study their long-term variations and chemical characteristics. TSP samples were collected at Gosan site in Jeju Island of Korea from February to May of 1992–2004. The major ionic and elemental species of TSP aerosols were analyzed. During AD periods, the concentrations of crust components (nss-Ca2+, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Ba, Sr, Ti) increased remarkably, and the concentrations of anthropogenic components (nss-SO42−, NO3, S, Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd), with the exception of NH4+, increased weakly. The concentration ratios of all major components between AD and NAD periods showed ranges from 1.2 to 8.5, except for NH4+. The slope of the linear regression indicated that the contribution of CO32− may have comprised up to 17% of the total anions. Our results suggested that the AD storm greatly influenced TSP compositions. Linear regression analyses indicated that NH4+ was not correlated with NO3, but highly correlated with nss-SO42− during both periods. The nss-SO42− was also correlated with NH4+, K+, nss-Mg2+, and nss-Ca2+ during both periods. Interestingly, NO3 was associated with nss-Ca2+ and nss-Mg2+ during AD periods. Of the metal elements, Fe, Ca, Mg, Ti, Mn, Ba, Sr, V, and Co were highly correlated with Al during both periods, signifying that these metals were mostly originated from soils.  相似文献   

The concentrations of particulate Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured at Gosan, a background site in Korea for 1 year between November 2001 and November 2002. The total concentrations of 14 PAH compounds at Gosan were between 0.52 and 14.76 ng m− 3 and about 3–15 times higher than those at other rural or remote sites in the world. Seasonal trend was observed for particulate PAHs concentrations at Gosan with higher levels during heating season due to increased fossil fuel usage and the movement of air parcels from Asian continent. Principal component factor analysis (PCF) for PAHs showed three factors; combination of coal combustion and vehicular emission, natural gas combustion, and unidentified one. However, PCF for the combined data of PAHs, inorganic ions, and elements revealed that the unidentified factor consists of crustal species, sea salts, and four PAH compounds. Thus, this factor is thought to be transport of crustal species with organics from combustion sources. The major variables which determine the sources of PAHs are the heating season and the movement of air parcels from Asian continent.  相似文献   

利用WRF-Noah耦合中尺度模式对海南岛2012年7月5日的多云海风个例进行三维高分辨率数值模拟,重点分析多云天气条件下复杂地形区域的海风环流结构及其演变特征。通过观测资料与模拟结果的对比发现,WRF模式能够合理地模拟出岛屿四周的海风演变特征。与少云海风日相似,多云海风日中全岛海风于12时开始形成,15时海风发展最为强盛,影响范围最广,18时全岛海风的辐合程度最强,海风辐合区是主要的潜在降水区域。对比山区与平坦地区的海风环流发现,山区海风环流强盛期为13—18时,而平坦地区海风环流强盛期为15—18时。复杂的山地对海风环流结构有直接和间接的影响:一方面在山地地形动力阻挡和抬升作用下,海风环流变得更加清晰完整,间接延长了海风环流的维持时间;另一方面局地地形热力作用形成的谷风环流与海风几乎同时产生和消亡,两者汇合后,谷风的瞬间加强会引起海风锋锋消,瞬间减弱会引起海风锋锋生;两者同相叠加会使得海风环流结构更加完整。相比之下,平坦地区的海风受到的地形动力和热力作用小,海风水平分布比较规则,海风环流垂直结构的变化主要取决于不同方向海风之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

根据野外观测的实际状况,以及时、准确地采集数据为目标,应用目前比较先进的远程控制技术设计理念和管理思想,将Symantec PCanywhere软件和Winpower电源管理软件以及现有的通信技术资源进行优化、组织和管理,实现了对大气成分观测系统终端的远程控制及UPS电源的远程管理。  相似文献   

Downward longwave radiation (LW ) is a relevant variable for meteorological and climatic studies. Good estimates of this term are vitally important in correct determining of the net radiation, which, in turn, modulates the magnitude of the terms in the surface energy budget (e.g., evaporation). In remote sensing applications, the determination of daytime LW is required for estimation of the net radiation using satellite data. LW is not directly measured in weather stations and then is estimated using models with surface air temperature and humidity as input. In this paper, we identify the best models to estimate daytime downward longwave radiation from meteorological data in the sub-humid Pampean region. Several well-known models to estimate LW under clear and cloudy skies were tested. We use downward radiation components and meteorological data registered at Tandil (Argentina) from 2006 to 2010 (840 days). In addition, we propose two multiple linear regression models (MLRM-1 and MLRM-2) to estimate LW at the surface for all sky conditions. The new equations show better performance than the others models tested with root mean square errors between 12 and 16 W m?2, bias close to zero and best agreements with measured data (r 2?≥?0.85).  相似文献   

Measurements of vertical profiles of pollen concentration from local and remote sources have been made during convective conditions with balloon-mounted rotating impaction samplers.The vertical profiles of local particles appear to be usually characterized by a decrease in the ground layer and by almost constant values aloft. A minimum often occurs at levels between 100 and 200 m.The concentration profiles of pollen from remote sources present a peak at heights of some hundred meters.By comparing the observed profiles with some published models of transport, it appears that: (i) because of differing eddy scales, turbulent transport affects the settling of pollen differently close to the ground than aloft; and (ii) turbulent anisotropies related to the dynamic and thermal structure of the atmosphere may affect the vertical distribution of particulate matter in the boundary layer.  相似文献   

张掖国家气候观象台常规气象资料检验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取2007年建成的张掖国家气候观象台梯度塔2007年9月至2008年8月5层风速、温度、湿度和水汽压观测资料,统计了这段时期内资料的缺测率,分析了张掖地区不同季节的气候要素变化特征,通过与其他观测台站资料比较,验证了资料的可靠性。  相似文献   

This paper explores the links between economic growth and the impacts of climate change. Inclusive, pro-poor growth is central to the development of low-income countries. There is also a broad consensus that growth and development are important to reduce vulnerability to climate change. Growth does not automatically reduce vulnerability, only the right kind of growth does. The paper aims to develop a better understanding of what the ??right kind of growth?? may be. We find that many growth policies, such as investment in skills and access to finance, indeed reduce vulnerability to climate change. However, climate change calls for some adjustments in growth policy. In particular, investment in infrastructure and efforts to stimulate entrepreneurship and competitive markets must take more of a risk management perspective and recognise climate risks.  相似文献   

兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)是国内第一个在高校建立的研究型气候与环境观测平台,拥有各类精密大气探测仪器.针对当前气候站仪器分散、数据格式多的特点,本文提出了大气探测仪器系统集成新思路,利用1台主控计算机完成对所有观测仪器的控制:(1)将已具有网络接口的观测系统(微脉冲激光雷达、大气质量监测系统)通过Hub连接至主控机,利用远程桌面完成对观测子系统的控制;(2)利用PCI总线,扩展主控计算机的串口数量,使TP-WVP3000和CE-318与主控机直接通信;(3)采用电流环技术,将MFR等观测仪器输出的RS232信号经过长线驱动器,能够达到最远2 000 m的通讯距离;(4)对具有美国Campbell数据采集器的近地层观测、辐射、土壤、通量等仪器,使用串口设备联网服务器将RS232信号转换成TCP数据格式,经以太网口发送至主控计算机,同时创建出与真实串口无区别的虚拟串口,不需要修改原有的基于COM通讯的Loggernet软件.本文方法以现代通信技术为基础,建立多种数字通讯传输方式,实现观测仪器集成式的自动化管理.  相似文献   

The aerosol number spectrum and gas pollutants were measured and the new particle formation (NPF) events were discussed in Nanjing. The results showed that the size distributions of aerosol number concen- trations exhibited distinct seasonal variations, implying the relations of particle sizes and their sources and sinks. The number concentrations of particles in the nuclei mode (10-30 nm), Aitken mode (30-100 nm), accumulation mode (100 -1000 nm) and coarse mode (〉1μm) varied in the order of summer 〉 spring 〉 autumn, summer 〉 autumn 〉 spring, autumn 〉 summer 〉 spring, and spring 〉 autumn 〉summer, re- spectively. The diurnal variation of total aerosol number concentrations showed three peaks in all observed periods, which corresponded to two rush hours and the photochemistry period at noon. In general, the NPF in summer occurred under the conditions of east winds and dominant air masses originating from marine areas with high relative humidity (50%-70%) and strong solar radiations (400 -700 W m-2). In spring, the NPF were generally accompanied by low relative humidity (14%-30%) and strong solar radiations (400-600 W m-2). The new particle growth rates (GR) were higher in the summertime in the range of 10- 16 nm h-1. In spring, the GR were 6.8-8.3 nm h-1. Under polluted air conditions, NPF events were seldom captured in autumn in Nanjing. During NPF periods, positive correlations between 10- 30 nm particles and 03 were detected, particularly in spring, indicating that NPF can be attributed to photochemical reactions.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the retrieved NO2 vertical columns using satellite observations under cloudy conditions have been studied using the radiative transfer code SCIATRAN. It was found that the tropospheric nitrogen dioxide columns can be retrieved in the case of thin clouds, if their optical properties and the altitude are retrieved from independent observations. The dependence of the retrieval error on the accuracy of the information on cloud top height and cloud optical thickness is studied.  相似文献   

Concentration and source rate of precursor vapors participating in particle formation and subsequent growth were investigated during the Pearl River Delta intensive campaign (PRD2004, October 2004) in southeastern China. Four new particle formation event days and a typical non-event day were selected for our analysis. Atmospheric sulphuric acid, the important precursor vapor in nucleation and growth, were simulated with a pseudo steady-state model based on the measurements of SO2, NOx, 03, CO, non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) and ambient particle number concentrations as well as modeled photolysis frequencies obtained from measurements. The maximum midday sulphuric acid concentrations vary from 4.53 × 10^7 to 2.17 × 10^8 molecules cm^-3, the corresponding source rate via reaction of OH and SO2 range between 2.37 × 10^6 and 1.16 × 10^7 molecules cm^-3 s^-1. Nucleation mode growth rate was derived from size spectral evolution during the events to be 6.8-13.8 nm h^-1. Based on the growth rate, concentration of the vapors participating in subsequent growth were estimated to vary from 1.32 × 10^8 to 2.80 × 10^8 molecules cm^-3 with corresponding source rate between 7.26 × 10^6 and 1.64 × 10^7 molecules cm^-3 s^-1. Our results show the degree of pollution is larger in PRD. Sulphuric acid concentrations are fairly high and have a close correlation with new particle formation events. Budget analysis shows that sulphuric acid alone is not enough for required growth; other nonvolatile vapors are needed. However, sulphuric acid plays an important role in growth; the contribution of sulphuric acid to growth in PRD is 12.4%-65.2%.  相似文献   

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