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Measurements of the amplitudes of seismic body waves at teleseismic distances have rarely resolved significant features mainly because of the large scatter of the data. However, amplitudes are easy to measure and may provide additional constraints on structure to supplement times and waveforms. A new approach to analysing body wave amplitudes at a regional network of similar instruments seeks to minimize scatter by first deriving amplitude station corrections analogous to station corrections for times. After correction for station effects, amplitudes from several events can be combined to give regional amplitude–distance curves without using information on event magnitudes. However, the earthquakes providing the observations must lie in a restricted range of azimuths from the stations of the network and provide considerable overlap in the range of distances between adjacent events, with no gaps in distance coverage. The advantages of the method are explored using P wave amplitudes from two sets of earthquakes in the Indonesian and South American regions recorded by the Kaapvaal network deployed across southern Africa. In the first example, high amplitudes near 88° distance suggest the presence of a small discontinuity at the top of D″ that causes constructive interference between the closely separated arrivals of a small triplication in the travel times. The second example, supplemented by calculations using synthetic data, shows how long-wavelength regional variations in amplitudes can be resolved to assist the interpretation of times and waveforms. However, the limited range of distances in the observations and lateral heterogeneities at any depths can result in bias or tilt of the amplitude–distance relationships. Constraining the depths of the structure causing the long-wavelength variations is a subject for future research.  相似文献   

The variation of ground motions at specific stations from events in six narrow areas was inspected by using K-NET and KiK-net records. A source-area factor for individual observation stations was calculated by averaging ratios between observed values for horizontal peak acceleration and velocity, as well as acceleration response spectra for 5% damping, and predicted values using a ground-motion model (usually known as an attenuation relation) by Kanno et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am, 96:879–897, 2006). Standard deviations between observed and predicted amplitudes after the correction factor are less than 0.2 on the logarithmic scale and decrease down to around 0.15 in the short-period range. Intra-event standard deviation clearly increases with decreasing distance due to differing paths around near source area. Standard deviations may increase with amplitude or decrease with magnitude; however, both amplitude and magnitude of the data are strongly correlated with distance. The standard deviation calculated in this study is obviously much smaller than that of the original ground-motion model, as epistemic uncertainties are minimized by grouping ground motions at specific stations. This result indicates that the accuracy of strong ground motion prediction could be improved if ground-motion models for specified region are determined individually. For this to be possible, it is necessary to have dense strong-motion networks in high-seismicity regions, such as K-NET and KiK-net.  相似文献   

Long-period PKP amplitudes from 16 earthquakes in the distance range 110– 170° are compared with theoretical amplitudes which are derived from synthetic seismograms calculated for 56 systematic modifications of Earth model 1066B in the inner core. A suitable normalization procedure allows for the common representation of all observed amplitudes as a function of epicentral distance. Using the theoretical amplitude distributions it can be shown that the parameters of a regression line through the logarithmic and normalized amplitudes between 110 and 134° are related to the velocity and density jump at the inner-core boundary (ICB). The analysis shows that the dominant influence on the PKP amplitudes is the P-velocity jump which can be restricted to 0.64 ± 0.05 km s?1. There exists a trade-off between the S-velocity jump and the density jump. Restricting the latter to the reasonable range 0–1.2 g cm?3 the S-velocity jump at the ICB can be inferred to be 2.5–3.0 km s?1. A rather strong S-velocity gradient below the ICB follows from the condition that the S-wave travel-time through the inner core agrees with that implied by free oscillation observations. This leads to central S-velocities between 3.81 and 4.15 km s?1, assuming a parabolic velocity law.  相似文献   

We investigated sea surface temperature (SST) variability over large spatial and temporal scales for the continental shelf region located off the northeast coast of the United States between Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and the Gulf of Maine using the extended reconstruction sea surface temperature (ERSST) dataset. The ERSST dataset consists of 2°×2° (latitude and longitude) monthly mean values computed from in situ data derived from the International Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS). Nineteen 2°×2° bins were chosen that cover the shelf region of interest between the years of 1854 and 2005. Mean annual and range of SST were examined using dynamic factor analysis to estimate trends in both parameters, while chronological clustering was used to determine temporal SST patterns and breakpoints in the time series that are believed to signal regime shifts in SST. Both SST and SST trend analysis show that interannual variability of SST fluctuations shows strong coherence between bins, with declining SST at the beginning of the last century, followed by increasing SST through 1950, and then rapidly decreasing between 1950 and mid-1960s, with somewhat warmer SST thereafter to present. Annual SST range decreases in a seaward direction for all bins, with strong coherence for interannual variability of range fluctuations between bins. The trend in SST range shows a decreasing range at the beginning of the last century followed by an increase in range from 1920 to the late-1980s, remaining high through present with some spatial variability. A more detailed spatial analysis was conducted by grouping the data into 7 regions using principal component analysis. We analyzed regional trends in mean annual SST, seasonal SST range (summer SST−winter SST), and normalized SST minima and maxima. Both the summer and winter seasons were also analyzed using the length of each season and amplitude of the warming and cooling season, respectively, along with the spring warming and fall cooling rates. Trends in all of the parameters were examined after low-pass filtering using a 10-point convolution filter (n=10 years) and regime shifts were identified using the sequential t-test analysis of regime shifts (STARS) method. The analysis shows some difference between regions in the timing of minimum SST with minima being reached 1 month earlier in the south (February) relative to more northern regions (March). Regional annual SST range decreased in a seaward direction. Amplitude of summer warming and the length of summer have shown fluctuations with recent years showing stronger warming and longer summers but generally not exceeding past levels. Overall, the difference in SST range, with recent larger values may be the most significant finding of this work. SST range changes have the potential to disrupt species important to local fisheries due to combinations of differing temperature tolerances, changes in reproduction potential, and changes in the distributional range of species.  相似文献   

Equations have been presented previously which predict that reflector curvature can affect significantly seismic reflection amplitudes at both zero and nonzero source-receiver offsets. Here the fact that faults are generally concave-upward is used to examine the curvature effect for compaction-driven faults which the sediments have both exponential and logarithmic porosity decreases with increasing depth.The curvature effect is generally larger over upwardly concave reflectors where amplitudes can either increase with offset (exposed focus) or decrease with offset (buried focus). The magnitude of the effect depends on the ratio between the depth to the structure and the radius of curvature of the structure. A phase change of 90° also occurs at a critical offset in the case of an exposed focus concave-upward reflector, with decreasing amplitude at offsets larger than the critical value. Dip move-out (DMO) dominantly removes the amplitude variation with offset due to curvature. These results suggest that when looking for amplitude variations with offset in a fault prospect, DMO should be applied as a preprocessing step. Compaction-driven faults have an exposed focus and, for an exponential variation of porosity with depth, there is a maximum curvature effect at a depth roughly the same as the scaling depth for the porosity. Logarithmic porosity with depth variations suggest a continued increase in the curvature effect of faults with increasing depth, to a maximum amplitude increase of about 35% relative to a plane interface.  相似文献   

The reason why the synthetic amplitude distance curves of P-waves for models IASP91 and PREM, observed for shallow sources up to epicentral distance of 28°, oscillate is illustrated by means of synthetic seismograms. Furthermore the position of the beginning of the diffraction of the P-wave at the CMB, depending on the prevailing signal period, is discussed in connection with the extension of Fresnel volumes.  相似文献   

A brief review of proposed correlations between peak accelerations and earthquake magnitude and distance has been presented. It has been found that most investigators agree favourably on what should be the amplitude of peak accelerations for the distance range between about 20 and 200 km. For distances less than 20 km, there is significant disagreement in the predicted peak amplitudes, reflecting the lack of data there and the uncertainties associated with the extrapolation. Correlations of peak accelerations, peak velocities and peak displacements with earthquake magnitude, epicentral distance and the geologic conditions of the recording sites have been presented for 187 accelerograms recorded during 57 earthquakes. This data set describes strong earthquake ground motion in the Western United States during the period from 1933 to 1971. For large earthquakes, dependence of peak acceleration, velocity and displacement amplitudes on earthquake magnitude seems to be lost. This suggests that the amplitudes of strong ground motion close to a fault are scaled primarily by the maximum dislocation amplitudes and the stress drop, rather than the overall ‘size’ of an earthquake as measured by magnitude. The influence of geologic conditions at the recording station seems to be of minor importance for scaling peak accelerations, but it becomes noticeable for the peaks of velocity and even more apparent for the peaks of displacement.  相似文献   

We observed seiches at 55 ports in Japan facing the Japan Sea and obtained dominant periods from their maximum spectral amplitudes. These periods were mostly determined ranging from 10 to 40 minutes. They were compared with dominant periods of the 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-oki tsunami and the 1983 Nihonkai Chubu-oki tsunami at the same ports. As a result, relations of dominant periods between seiches and tsunamis are classified into three types. The first one is fundamental mode excitation, the second is higher mode excitation and the third is no excitation. Plotting the maximum spectral amplitude normalized at an epicentral distance of 50 km versus the ratio of the tsunami dominant period to the seiche dominant period, we obtained resonance curves having maxima at one. This fact shows a contribution of resonance to the amplification. Thus it is recognized that the dominant period of seiching is an important factor in interpreting amplification and resonance of tsunami.  相似文献   

Summary Records obtained at the permanent stations of the Swedish seismograph network from explosions carried out in Scandinavian waters in June 1969 are evaluated. The study includes determination of velocities for all crustal phases observed, furthermore of layer thicknesses, Poisson ratios and amplitude ratios. The purpose of the study is partly to provide a first approximation to the crustal structure in Sweden, partly to provide regional data for location of earthquakes and explosions in the area in the future. Average velocities (km/sec) are forPn 7.88±0.05,Pg1 6.25±0.08,Pg2 5.70,Sn 4.58±0.04,S * 3.70±0.04,Sg1 (Lg1) 3.58±0.03,Sg2 (Sg) 3.40±0.03,Rg 3.02±0.07. The average thickness is 12 km for the granitic layer, and 23 km for the basaltic layer, thus making the average crustal thickness equal to 35 km. Relative amplitudes plotted versus distance complete the dynamical side of the study and they are useful for identification of waves. A regional travel-time table is presented for the distance range 0°–10° with entries for each 0.1° and including all crustal phases read.  相似文献   

Coherency spectra derived from time series of stratospheric quantities indicate oscillations in the frequency range below 0.5 d–1 which are correlated on a global scale. Satellite observations of total ozone and stratospheric radiance (BUV and SIRS, Nimbus4, April–November 1970) have been used to derive phase relationships of such oscillations. As an example, an oscillation of total ozone with a period of 7.5 d and zonal wave number zero is analyzed in detail. The basic assumption is made and tested, that the oscillation reflects stratospheric planetary waves as obtained from Laplace's tidal equations. The observed latitudinal phase shifts for the total ozone oscillation are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. It is concluded from the observations of ozone and radiance that mainly divergence effects related to global-scale waves are responsible for the 7.5 d oscillations of total ozone at high and middle latitudes and at the equator whereas in the latitude range 10°S–20°S predominantly temperature effects are important. Meridional wind amplitudes of some 10 cm/s are sufficient to explain the high and mid-latitude ozone oscillations. At low latitudes vertical wind amplitudes of about 0.2 mm/s corresponding to height changes of the ozone layer of roughly ±20 m are obtained.  相似文献   

The variability of stratospheric planetary waves and their possible connection with the 11-year solar cycle forcing have been investigated using annual-mean temperatures for the period of 1958–2001 derived from two reanalysis data sets. The significant planetary waves (wavenumbers 1–3) can be identified in the northern mid-high latitudes (55–75°N) in the stratosphere using this data. Comparisons with satellite-retrieved products from the Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) confirm the significant planetary wave variability seen in the reanalyses. A planetary wave amplitude index (PWAI) is defined to indicate the strength of the stratospheric planetary waves. The PWAI is derived from Fourier analysis of the temperature field for wavenumbers 1–3 and averaged over 55–75°N latitude and the 70–20 hPa layers. The results include two meaningful inter-annual oscillations (2- and 8-year) and one decadal trend (16-year) that was derived from wavelet analysis. The stratospheric temperature structure of the wave amplitudes appear associated with the Arctic Oscillation (AO) which explicitly changed with the PWAI. The temperature gradients between the polar and mid-high latitudes show opposite tendencies between the top-10 strong and weak wave regimes.The variation of the planetary wave amplitude appears closely related to the solar forcing during the recent four solar cycles (20–23). The peak of the 2-year oscillation occurs synchronously with solar minimum, and is consistent with the negative correlation between the PWAI and the observed solar UV irradiance. The UV changes between the maxima and minima of the 11-year solar cycle impact the temperature structure in the middle-lower stratosphere in the mid-high latitudes and hence influence the planetary waves. During solar maximum, the dominant influence appears to be exerted through changes in static stability, leading to a reduction in planetary wave amplitude. During solar minimum, the dominant influence appears to be exerted through changes in the meridional temperature gradient and vertical wind shear, leading to an enhancement of planetary wave amplitude.  相似文献   

The possibility of determining local horizontal inhomogeneities of the shear and bulk moduli from data on amplitudes and phases of tidal tilts and strains is considered. Simple analytical formulas determining the sought effects are derived by the perturbation method, and their numerical estimates are determined for the simplest 2-D models. It is shown that relative variations in the shear and bulk moduli affect not only the amplitudes and phases of variations in tidal parameters but also the shape of curves of tidal amplitude anomalies versus the horizontal coordinate. Given adequate spatial resolution, this can significantly facilitate the elastic moduli inversion from tidal data.  相似文献   

利用震源距23 km范围内观测的2000年姚安MS65地震余震记录,计算了震源及近邻区域的尾波规一直达S波在频率15~20 Hz之间的傅里叶谱振幅.结果显示谱振幅随震源距增大而增大, 在对谱振幅进行了震源辐射方向性校正之后, 才出现谱振幅随震源距衰减的现象.由此获得了震源及近邻区域S波的Q(f)值,可表示为QS(f)=89f098其值比由尾波得出的姚安地区的平均QC(f)值低得多,表明了震源破裂带的强烈非均匀性对QS(f)的重大影响.  相似文献   

Frequency-time analysis was applied to records of Rayleigh surface waves due to teleseismic earthquakes (M ≥ 6.0) to obtain dispersion curves of fundamental mode phase velocities for paths between 51 pairs of digital seismic stations in the Asian IRIS networks; the range of periods was 10–200 s. For each of these pairs we derived 1D-shear-velocity sections that fit the corresponding dispersion curves and image the integral earth structure down to depths of ∼650–700 km beneath each of the interstation seismic paths, which traverse the area of study in different directions. These structures were used by Yanovskaya (2001) to derive a 3D-shear-velocity model by 2D tomography, imaging the distribution of the larger horizontal inhomogeneities in the Central Asia mantle for depths of 50 to 600 km, and to construct 2D-velocity sections for five lines passing through the major tectonic features of Central Asia.  相似文献   

A quantitative study of observations of the ionospheric signatures of magnetospheric ultra low frequency (ULF) waves by a high-latitude (geographic: 69.6°N 19.2°E) high-frequency Doppler sounder has been undertaken. The signatures, which are clearly correlated with pulsations in ground magnetometer data, exhibit periods in the range 100–400 s and have azimuthal wave numbers in the range 3–8. They are interpreted here as local field line resonances. Phase information provided by O- and X-mode Doppler data support the view that these are associated with field line resonances having large azimuthal scale sizes. The relative phases and amplitudes of the signatures in the Doppler and ground magnetometer data are compared with a model for the generation of Doppler signatures from incident ULF waves. The outcome suggests that the dominant mechanism involved in producing the Doppler signature is the vertical component of an E × B bulk motion of the local plasma caused by the electric field perturbation of the ULF wave.  相似文献   

Summary In order to compare the course of microseisms recorded at the seismic stations of Praha and Prhonice, the relation between Praha (Wiechert astatic inverted pendulum) and Prhonice (Kirnos — electromagnetic seismographs) amplitudes was derived, using data from the time interval September 1967 — June 1968. It was found that the amplitudes at both stations are almost parallel in time with three almost simultaneous local maxima. In addition corresponding relations have also been found to be valid for the periods.  相似文献   

Latent heat release associated with tropical deep convective activity is investigated as a source for migrating (sun-synchronous) diurnal and semidiurnal tidal oscillations in the 80–150-km height region. Satellite-based cloud brightness temperature measurements made between 1988 and 1994 and averaged into 3–h bins are used to determine the annual- and longitude-average local-time distribution of rainfall rate, and hence latent heating, between ±40° latitude. Regional average rainfall rates are shown to be in good agreement with climatological values derived from surface rain gauge data. A global linearized wave model is used to estimate the corresponding atmospheric perturbations in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (80–150 km) resulting from upward-propagating tidal components excited by the latent heating. The annual-average migrating diurnal and semidiurnal components achieve velocity and temperature amplitudes of order 10–20 m s–1 and 5–10 K, respectively, which represent substantial contributions to the dynamics of the region. The latent heat forcing also shifts the phase (local solar time of maximum) of the semidiurnal surface pressure oscillation from 0912 to 0936 h, much closer to the observed value of 0944 h.  相似文献   

In the absence of convincing magnetic anomaly information, topographic profiles have been used to infer the tectonic history of the East Pacific Rise between 5°S and 20°S. Profiles projected at right angles to the rise crest show a sharp drop in elevation at roughly the same distance on either side of the crest. Profiles to the east of the rise also show a second topographic high at 95°W. Comparison of these profiles with empirical depth versus age curves for the North Pacific suggests that this rise, the Galapagos Rise, is the fossil East Pacific Rise which terminated close to 6 mybp by the spreading center jumping 900 km to the west. The extreme youthfulness of the present East Pacific Rise, the step structure of its flanks, and the similarity in age of the top of this step and the crest of the Galapagos Rise substantiate this interpretation. This jump coincided with a similar readjustment involving the Mathematicians ridge at 5° to 20°N and the opening of the Gulf of California.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal tests are commonly found in tsunami deposits and provide evidence of transport of sea floor sediments, sometimes from source areas more than 100 m deep and several kilometers away. These data contribute to estimates of the physical properties of tsunami waves, such as their amplitude and period. The tractive force of tsunami waves is inversely proportional to the water depth at sediment source areas, whereas the horizontal sediment transport distance by tsunami waves is proportional to the wave period and amplitude. We derived formulas for the amplitudes and periods of tsunami waves as functions of water depth at the sediment source area and sediment transport distance based on foraminiferal assemblages in tsunami deposits. We applied these formulas to derive wave amplitudes and periods from data on tsunami deposits in previous studies. For some examples, estimated wave parameters were reasonable matches for the actual tsunamis, although other cases had improbably large values. Such inconsistencies probably reflect: (i) local amplification of tsunami waves by submarine topography, such as submarine canyons; and (ii) errors in estimated water depth at the sediment source area and sediment transport distance, which mainly derive from insufficient identification of foraminiferal tests.  相似文献   

Summary The Hindu Kush earthquake of July 6, 1962 produced anSa phase (vertical component or Rayleight type) which was clearly recorded at stations in North America in the distance range 90° to 110°. The propagation of this phase is studied in detail, both by the usual method of measuring velocity of first arrival and also by determining group velocities from the derivative of the phase of the Fourier transform (in the period range 20 to 80 seconds). The energy in theSa phase propagates in a manner intermediate between that of a single ray and that of a single isolated mode. The expected interference effects which vary as a function of distance are observed and complicate a straight-forward measurement of group velocities. The results are most reliable if only the group velocities corresponding to parts of the spectra with relatively high amplitudes are used.The results show a regional variation in the velocity of the Rayleigh typeSa for continental areas, being higher under shield areas than under areas of more recent tectonic activity. The results are compared with theoretical calculations for the Gutenberg, Jeffreys-Bullen and Canadian Shield models of the Earth and the results indicate regional variations in shear velocity in the upper mantle extending to depths of several hundred km under continents.Lamont Geological Observatory, Contribution No. 883. Division of Geological Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Contribution No. 1378.  相似文献   

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