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We present a new spherically symmetric solution of the general relativistic field equations in isotropic coordinates. The solution is having positive finite central pressure and positive finite central density. The ratio of pressure and density is less than one and casualty condition is obeyed at the centre. Further, the outmarch of pressure, density and pressure-density ratio, and the ratio of sound speed to light is monotonically decreasing. The solution is well behaved for all the values of u lying in the range 0<u≤.186. The central red shift and surface red shift are positive and monotonically decreasing. Further, we have constructed a neutron star model with all degree of suitability and by assuming the surface density ρ b =2×1014 g/cm3. The maximum mass of the Neutron star comes out to be M=1.591 M Θ with radius R b ≈12.685 km. The most striking feature of the solution is that the solution not only well behaved but also having one of the simplest expressions so far known well behaved solutions. Moreover, the good matching of our results for Vela pulsars show the robustness of our model.  相似文献   

We present a well behaved class of Charge Analogue of Heintzmann (Z. Phys. 228:489, 1969) solution. This solution describes charge fluid balls with positively finite central pressure and positively finite central density ; their ratio is less than one and causality condition is obeyed at the centre. The outmarch of pressure, density, pressure-density ratio and the adiabatic speed of sound is monotonically decreasing, however, the electric intensity is monotonically increasing in nature. The solution gives us wide range of constant K (1.25≤K≤15) for which the solution is well behaved and therefore, suitable for modeling of super dense star. For this solution the mass of a star is maximized with all degrees of suitability and by assuming the surface density ρ b =2×1014 g/cm3. Corresponding to K=1.25 and X=0.42, the maximum mass of the star comes out to be 3.64M Θ with linear dimension 24.31 km and central redshift 1.5316.  相似文献   

In this paper, the self-consistent density wave theory containing both a gaseous shock and a linear stellar density wave is studied, and a quasi-stable, tightly-wound, two-arm solution is obtained. The solution is convergent if the incomplete, linearized hydrodynamic equations are used, and the solution then gives the same dispersion relation as the local, asympotic solution, but the density and field profiles will be non-sinusoidal. The stellar wave will be unstable if the complete, linearized hydrodynamic equations are used.  相似文献   

We present a conformally-flat metric in general relativity representing the gravitational field of a spherically-symmetric material distribution-radiating energy in the form of photons and neutrinos. A particular case of the solution is discussed and the corresponding expressions for mass function, linear dimension, and the luminosity have been derived. The solution seems to be physically sound as it corresponds to positive expressions for fluid pressure, fluid density, and radiation flux density.  相似文献   

We present three new categories of exact and spherically symmetric Solutions with finite central parameters of the general relativistic field equations. Two well behaved solutions in curvature coordinates first category are being studied extensively. These solutions describe perfect fluid balls with positively finite central pressure, positively finite central density; their ratio is less than one and causality condition is obeyed at the centre. The outmarch of pressure, density, pressure-density ratio and the adiabatic speed of sound is monotonically decreasing for these solutions. Keeping in view of well behaved nature of these solutions, one of the solution (I1) is studied extensively. The solution (I1) gives us wide range of Schwarzschild parameter u (0.138≤u≤0.263), for which the solution is well behaved hence, suitable for modeling of Neutron star. For this solution the mass of Neutron star is maximized with all degree of suitability and by assuming the surface density ρ b =2×1014 g/cm3. Corresponding to u=0.263, the maximum mass of Neutron star comes out to be 3.369 M Θ with linear dimension 37.77 km and central and surface redshifts are 4.858 and 0.4524 respectively. We also study some well known regular solutions (T-4, D-1, D-2, H, A, P) of Einstein’s field equations in curvature coordinates with the feature of constant adiabatic sound speed. We have chosen those values of Schwarzschild parameter u for which, these solutions describe perfect fluid balls realistic equations of state. However, except (P) solution, all these solutions have monotonically non-decreasing feature of adiabatic sound speed. Hence (P) solution is having a well behaved model for uniform radial motion of sound. Keeping in view of well behaved nature of the solution for this feature and assuming the surface density; ρ b =2×1014 g/cm3, the maximum mass of Neutron star comes out to be 1.34 M Θ with linear dimension 28.74 km. Corresponding central and surface redshifts are 1.002 and 0.1752 respectively.  相似文献   

We have obtained a simultaneous solution of the statistical equilibrium equation for a non-LTE two-level atom and the radiative transfer equation in the comoving frames by employing the angle-averaged partial frequency redistribution.R i with isotropic scattering. In the first iteration we have set the population density of the upper level equal to zero and allow it to be populated in the subsequent iterations. The solution converges within two to four iterations. The process of iteration is terminated when the ratios of population densities in two successive iterations at each radial point, attain an accuracy of 1%. The effects of partial frequency redistribution is to increase the population density of the upper level. Radial gas motions do not seem to have significant effects, although in highly extend geometries, velocity gradients change the population densities considerably.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive a special linear non-vortical wave propagation solution in the shearing sheet, a model of a compressible two-dimensional fluid system with constant density, constant shear and constant Coriolis force, but without self-gravity. The linear analysis of the shearing sheet leads to a single differential equation for the azimuthal velocity perturbation. A detailed derivation of a special solution with a prescribed azimuthal wavenumber k is presented. More general wave solutions, eventually excited by large local ‘impacts’, can be derived by superimposing all k-modes. The special wave functions so obtained describe the formation of two independent spiral wave arms originating out of a ring-shaped structure. The motivation for this investigation lies in the fact that similar wave propagators can be excited by the transit of a solid or ‘clumpy’ object through a protoplanetary disk. We speculate that a disk-brown dwarf collision can produce in the disk a pair of two spiral density wave fragments triggering the rapid accretion of two giant planets by a gravitational shear instability simultaneously (Hypothesis of a mechanism for the production of giant planets in pairs).  相似文献   

The stability of an infinitely conducting plasma of variable density has been investigated taking into account the finiteness of the ion Larmor radius. The perturbations propagating along the ambient magnetic field are considered. It is established that, in general,n 2 is necessarily real, wheren is the growth rate of disturbance, thus ruling out the possibility of overstability or damped oscillations. The solution is shown to be characterized by a variational principle, which provides the basis for obtaining an approximate solution of the problem. Two density distributions are considered: (i) a continuously stratified plasma layer and (ii) two semi-infinitely extending plasmas of constant densities separated by a horizontal interface. In both cases it has been shown that for the said disturbances the stability criterion remains unaffected by the inclusion of finite Larmor radius effects, though the amplified motion is strongly inhibited due to their inclusion.  相似文献   

A static spherically-symmetric model, based on an exact solution of Einstein's equation, gives the permissible matter density ~2 × 1014 g cm–3. By use of the change in radius density (i.e., central density per unit radius) minimum, Parui and Sarma (1991) have estimated the upper limit of the density variation parameter = 0.68 for a superdense star such as a neutron star withK = –2. In this paper we have verified this upper limit using the Reissner-Nordström interior solution of the Einstein-Maxwell's field equations withK = - 3.  相似文献   

A non-singular exact solution with an infinite central density is obtained for the interior of spherically symmetric and static structures. Both the energy density and the pressure are infinite at the center but we have e λ(0)=1 and e ν(0)≠0. The solution admits the possibility of receiving signals from the region of infinite pressure.  相似文献   

The Weber-Davis model of the solar wind is generalized to include the effects of latitude. The principal assumptions of perfect electrical conductivity, rotational symmetry, a polytropic relation between pressure and density, and a flow aligned magnetic field in a system rotating with the Sun, are retained. A flow aligned magnetic field in the rotating system may be expressed in terms of the flow velocity and density. Rotational symmetry fixes the longitudinal flow velocity Vφ in terms of the flow in the r?θ plane. Thus, the original three dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flow problem is reduced to a two dimensional hydrodynamic flow problem in the r?θ plane.There are three critical surfaces associated with the equations which supply conditions to determine three of six required boundary conditions. The specified boundary conditions at the base of the corona are the temperature, density, and magnitude of the magnetic field. The equations are then expanded about the radial, nonrotating Parker solution and an analytic solution is obtained for the resulting first order equations. The results show that for constant coronal boundary conditions there is a latitudinal flow toward the solar poles, as a result of magnetic stresses, which persists out to large distances for the Sun. Associated with this flow is a latitudinal component of the magnetic field. The radial flow parameters are, to within small first order differences, in agreement with those of the Parker and the Weber-Davis models of the solar wind.The equations are further generalized to permit first order latitudinal variations in the specified coronal boundary conditions. Results at 1 a.u. are presented for 5 per cent latitudinal differences between the equatorial and polar values. These results show that the solution at 1 a.u. is most sensitive to a latitudinal dependence in the boundary temperature and least sensitive to a latitudinal dependence in the magnetic field magnitude.A solution is then obtained for an approximate dipolar variation in the coronal magnetic field magnitude. This solution predicts that the latitudinal flow is initially toward the Equator due to magnetic channeling; however, this effect is rapidly overcome and the latitudinal flow at 1 a.u. is toward the pole and not significantly different from the solution for constant boundary conditions.  相似文献   

We have studied a new solution of charged gravastars with isotropic matter configuration in the framework of f(R, T) theory of gravity. For this purpose, we have assumed the electric charge as a constant. This stellar structure divided into three different regions: The preliminary part shows the interior charged region in which pressure equals to the negative density, second is the intermediate charged shell which is assumed to be very thin and filled with ultrarelativistic stiff fluid and the last corresponds to the electrovacuum region which is defined by an exterior Reissner-Nordström solution. Under these assumptions, we have found some physical aspects like length, energy, entropy and equation of state for charged spherical gravastar distribution. Moreover, we present an exact solution that free from event horizon and non-singular for this our new model.  相似文献   

We solve the cosmological equations for the bimetric scalar—tensor theory of gravitation (BSTT) for a flat model of the Friedmann type with the equation of state p = a. In the initial stage of expansion, the energy density of the scalar field dominates over the energy density of matter. As a result, the behavior of the solution in this limit does not depend on a. For later stages of expansion of the Universe, the solution obtained goes to a special solution having the form of a power law function of time. In this case, the relative change in the gravitational scalar is proportional to the Hubble parameter. In the limit of large values for the parameter of the theory, only a simple solution with zero value of the constant of integration goes to the corresponding Friedmann solution of general relativity theory.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 351–362, April–June, 1994.I would like to thank L. Sh. Grigoryan for valuable discussions and support.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of matter density perturbations and some properties of the peculiar velocity field for a special class of exponential potentials in a scalar field model for quintessence, for which a general exact solution is known. The data from the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) suggest a value of the present-day pressureless matter density  ΩM0= 0.18 ± 0.05  .  相似文献   

本文在假设荷电球体内部物质密度为ρ_m=μγ~α,电荷密度为ρ_e=ρ_0γ~(b_e-λ/2)的情况下,严格求解Einstein-Maxwell场方程,求得了静态荷电球体的一个较为普遍的内部解。这个解可以看作是Wyman得到的内部解推广到荷电情况下的结果,并且将Wilson,李鉴增,Santos,Pant和Sah等人给出的许多结果作为自己的特例包括在内。  相似文献   

Obukhov spin-driven inflation in general relativity is extended to include inflation fields. A de Sitter phase solution is obtained and new slow-rolling conditions for the spin potential are obtained. The spin potential reduces to Obukhov result at the present epoch of the Universe where the spin density is low with comparison to the Early Universe spin densities. A relation between the spin density energy and the temperature fluctuation can be obtained which allow us to determine the spin density energy in terms of the COBE data for temperature fluctuations.  相似文献   

A new self-similar solution describing the dynamical condensation of a radiative gas is investigated under a plane-parallel geometry. The dynamical condensation is caused by thermal instability. The solution is applicable to generic flow with a net cooling rate per unit volume and time  ∝ρ2 T α  , where  ρ,  T   and α are the density, temperature and a free parameter, respectively. Given α, a family of self-similar solutions with one parameter η is found in which the central density and pressure evolve as follows:  ρ( x = 0, t ) ∝ ( t c− t )−η/(2−α)  and   P ( x = 0, t ) ∝ ( t c− t )(1−η)/(1−α)  , where t c is the epoch at which the central density becomes infinite. For  η∼ 0  the solution describes the isochoric mode, whereas for  η∼ 1  the solution describes the isobaric mode. The self-similar solutions exist in the range between the two limits; that is, for  0 < η < 1  . No self-similar solution is found for  α > 1  . We compare the obtained self-similar solutions with the results of one-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations. In a converging flow, the results of the numerical simulations agree well with the self-similar solutions in the high-density limit. Our self-similar solutions are applicable to the formation of interstellar clouds (H  i clouds and molecular clouds) by thermal instability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the gravitational field of domain wall in fivedimensional space-time. Exact solutions of Einstein's equations for a scalarfield with a potential V(Ø) are presented, describing thegravitational field of plane symmetric domain walls. The solution showsthat the energy density as well as pressure in the perpendicular directionon both sides of the walls to be reflection symmetric with respect to thewalls.PACS numbers: 98.80 cq, 0450  相似文献   

The work is devoted to the study of the behavior of dispersive Alfvén waves, including inertial and kinetic Alfvén waves, in astrophysical plasma of very low, intermediate, and low pressure. New and full solutions were obtained. The solutions for “ordinary” and inertial Alfvén waves were shown to be particular cases of the general solution. The effect of the parameters of the astrophysical medium on the behavior and properties of dispersive Alfvén waves was analyzed. All the main wave characteristics were obtained, namely, the dispersion, fading, polarization, density perturbations, and charge density perturbations, whose consideration is essential for observation and detection of these waves and for more adequate understanding of their role in different astrophysical processes that occur in the space environment.  相似文献   

A new exact solution of Einstein's equations is derived, which constitutes a generalization of the well-known internal Schwarzschild solution, and may be applied to relativistic spheres with a finite density increase toward the centre.  相似文献   

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