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该文简述了世界海洋渔业现状,分析了烟台市的海洋环境条件、发展潜力和存在问题,在此基础上又重点论述了今后烟台市海洋渔业的发展方向,对烟台市海洋渔业的发展具有重要的指导意义并为决策提供依据。  相似文献   

烟台市在1993年提前实现了“海上烟台”的奋斗目标之后,又提出了全面创建海洋经济强市的战略。他们以抓开发、高效、科技、管理为主攻主向,使海洋渔业、海洋旅游、海洋工程等均有了长足的发展。尤其是渔业经济,1995年上半年全市水产品总产量达到30.8万吨,虽然比1994年同期只增长6%,但总产值却增长了34.5%,达到了10.9亿元。  相似文献   

海洋渔业是海洋产业中的传统产业,尽管现代科学技术使得海洋二、三产业获得快速发展,但海洋渔业仍是海洋三次产业中最主要的产业部门。进入90年代以来,海洋渔业资源衰退、生产结构失衡、病害严重、资源利用不充分等已经成为制约我国海洋渔业进一步发展的阻碍因素,渔...  相似文献   

海洋渔业的高风险性是海洋渔业生产的显著特点之一,是影响海洋渔业健康发展的重要因子。如何消除或减轻由海洋风险事故所带来的对渔村社会经济秩序的震荡和渔业生产发展的负效应,提高作业渔民和渔业生  相似文献   

山东省威海市海岸线长近千千米,海洋与渔业资源丰富,是全国重要的海洋与渔业基地。近几年来,近海渔业资源持续衰退,给海洋渔业发展带来了很大困难。尤其是随着中日、中韩渔业协定的实施,威海市成为受负面影响最大的地级市。以海洋捕捞为主导行业的海洋渔业经济承受着结构调整和转产转业的巨大压力,面临着较严峻的形势。据此,在充分调查研究的基础上,威海市委、市政府提出了实施海洋与渔业“二次创业”,加快海洋与渔业发展的重大决策。我们按照“改造传统产业,膨胀主导产业,提升优势产业,培植新兴产业”的思路,围绕海洋渔业结构调整这条主线,…  相似文献   

为促进舟山群岛新区海洋渔业经济发展水平的进一步提升,文章以绿色渔业为背景,采用PEST分析法综述舟山群岛新区海洋渔业创新发展的宏观环境和存在的问题,并提出措施建议。研究结果表明:舟山群岛新区海洋渔业创新发展具有优良的政治、经济、社会和技术环境,但存在渔业资源环境约束、渔业经营规模小、休闲渔业同质化和现代技术发展受阻等问题。未来舟山群岛新区海洋渔业创新发展应主要采取4项措施:加强海域资源环境修复,建设海洋牧场;提升海洋渔业信息化水平,建设渔业智库;深入挖掘旅游文化资源,打造特色休闲渔业综合体;推进互联网技术运用,开拓"互联网+海洋捕捞业"新模式。  相似文献   

渔业电子海图手持终端的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地理空间信息科学和技术是海洋渔业信息化研究与应用的重要领域之一。移动地理信息系统技术的发展为海洋渔业信息化建设提供了基础支持,促进了海洋渔业综合信息的互联互通和信息服务模式的转变。基于智能移动设备和Mobile GIS技术,提出了应用ArcGIS API for Android开发组件和Java编程语言设计渔业电子海图手持终端的技术方案,并介绍了实现的Web浏览器、渔业模式和导航模式等主要功能。  相似文献   

“十五”期间,山东省威海市积极实施海洋与渔业“二次创业”,通过深化海洋渔业结构调整,推进渔业产业升级,海洋渔业发展的资源性制约和结构性矛盾得到有效缓解,渔业经济运行质量和产业素质得到明显提高.2004年,水产品总产量245万t,保持了稳定增长;渔业主要经济指标连续多年保持在全省、全国的领先地位.  相似文献   

为了解渔业贷款与渔业经济增长之间的关系,文章依据1993-2012年渔业贷款和海洋渔业产业的相关数据,建立VAR模型,实证分析了渔业贷款与海洋渔业经济增长之间的关系。结果表明:渔业贷款能够促进海洋渔业经济增长,而海洋渔业经济增长对渔业贷款的影响不明显。在此基础上,提出进一步加强渔业贷款投入,促进海洋渔业经济增长的建议。  相似文献   

休闲渔业的发展不仅能拓展渔业发展的空间,开创新的渔业增长点,还能带动旅游等多种相关产业的发展,其对地方经济的总体效益远高于渔业本身,这在国内外休闲渔业的发展中得到了验证。本文通过对国内外休闲渔业发展的回顾以及对青岛市海洋渔业发展现状与问题的分析,反思了青岛市海洋渔业转型期休闲渔业发展的意义并提出了相关对策。休闲渔业(leisurefishing)或娱乐渔业(recreationalfish-ing)的概念涵义相对广泛,不同的国家和地区有不同的理解。狭义上说,休闲渔业指所有以娱乐或健身为目的的渔业行为,包括陆上或海上运动垂钓、休闲采集、家庭娱…  相似文献   

本文分析了莱州湾的渔业生态环境、渔业资源及其开发现状,提出了在莱州湾建设海洋农牧场的设想。进行海洋农牧场建设,海洋渔业生态环境首先需要恢复,还要对海区目前的渔业生产结构做适当调整,建立集约化养殖系统及其配套工程,是近海渔业生产摆脱狩猎式传统渔业走向养牧式渔业的必然途径。  相似文献   

There has been a gradual evolution in fisheries management over the past decades from a focus on sustainability of a single species or stock and resources to a focus on marine ecosystems. Among the issues to be addressed for effective implementation of ecosystem based fisheries management (EBFM) are the appropriate governance arrangements and scale for management. The purpose of this paper is to examine these issues of governance and scale as related to EBFM in tropical developing countries through an analysis of approaches being taken in the Philippines to manage fisheries on a multi-jurisdictional level. The management of fisheries and coastal resources in a number of bays and gulfs, which represent marine ecosystems, is presented. The opportunities and constraints to ecosystem based fisheries management in the Philippines are discussed and lessons for broader application of these governance structures in tropical developing country marine ecosystems are presented.  相似文献   

Long-term investment to drive the adoption of precautionary, adaptive and resilience-building fisheries management measures is urgently required, especially given the financially difficult transition period to reach sustainable fisheries. In this paper a case for investing in the recovery of large marine ecosystems is provided based on the future value of recovered fish stocks. It is argued that the current market-based sustainable seafood movement alone will not affect the scale of change needed and must be complemented by investment in fundamental conservation measures that will lead to the recovery of marine ecosystems and promote long-term sustainable use. A rationale for addressing the economically challenging transition period is provided and the basis of a new financial institution to finance the measures necessary for realising the economic, social and environmental benefits of large-scale fisheries reform is proposed.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(3):223-237
Access to and use of natural resources as a cornerstone in sustaining indigenous cultures has recently obtained considerable international attention. Access to marine resources has become a key issue for many aboriginal peoples struggling to move from dependency on the nation state to self-determining agency. This essay describes and compares recent developments respecting Eastern Canadian Mi’kmaq and North Norwegian Saami initiatives to achieve recognition and realization of their aboriginal entitlements. Core characteristics of the Canadian and Norwegian nation state responses to these initiatives are outlined and discussed, with an emphasis on the implications of aboriginal entitlements for the present ‘privilege allocation’ premise and paternalistic character of fisheries management systems. The essay concludes with a discussion of the potentials for an alliance between coastal zone non-indigenous peoples and indigenous peoples for the purpose of developing an alternative approach to fisheries management that will enhance local agency in and the ecological sustainability of fisheries livelihoods.  相似文献   

This article presents the first bottom-up analysis of the proportion of global marine fisheries subsidies to small-scale fisheries (SSF). Using existing data, the reported national subsidy amounts are split into the fraction that goes to small- and large-scale fishing sectors. Results reveal a major imbalance in subsidy distribution, with SSF receiving only about 16% of the total global fisheries subsidy amount of $35 billion in 2009. To bring this into perspective, a person engaged in large-scale fishing received around 4 times the amount of subsidies received by their SSF counterparts. Furthermore, almost 90% of capacity-enhancing subsidies, which are known to exacerbate overfishing go to large-scale fisheries, thus increasing the unfair competitive advantage that large-scale fisheries already have. The developmental, economic and social consequences of this inequity are huge and impair the economic viability of the already vulnerable small-scale fishing sector. Conclusions indicate that taxpayers' money should be used to support sustainable fishing practices and in turn ocean conservation, and not to foster the degradation of marine ecosystems, often a result of capacity-enhancing subsidies. Reducing capacity-enhancing subsidies will have minimal negative effects on SSF communities since they receive very little of these subsidies to begin with. Instead, it will help correct the existing inequality, enhance SSF economic viability, and promote global fisheries sustainability.  相似文献   

The basic structure of the fishing industry in the United Kingdom is outlined, followed by a discussion focusing on six stages of development from the industrial revolution to the present. The industrial focus is evaluated with regard to the catching and shore sides of the industry respectively. The management system is discussed in terms of stakeholder groups, the fisheries resource and marine ecosystem, and regional management. It is concluded that a regional management system closely adjusted to the regional geography of the industry will be most effective.  相似文献   

Assessment of fisheries vulnerability to climate change is an important step for enhancing the understanding and decision-making to reduce such vulnerability. This study aimed to provide an analysis of country level vulnerability focusing on food security implications of climatic disturbances on marine fisheries. The comparative magnitude and distribution of potential food security impacts of climatic disturbances on marine fisheries were assessed for 109 countries by scoring and ranking countries against a set of vulnerability criteria including metrics of national exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity, highlighting the contribution of marine fisheries to national food and nutrition security. Results showed that developing countries in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Latin America appeared to be most vulnerable, and the key sources of vulnerability differed considerably among the countries. For countries most vulnerable to climate-induced effects on marine fisheries, more than two-thirds of them depended on domestic marine fisheries as a main source of fish supply. Developing appropriate adaptation policies and management plans to reduce the impacts of changing climate is of great importance to sustain food security in these highly vulnerable and heavy marine fisheries-dependent countries.  相似文献   

为应对海洋渔业发展新挑战,促进渔业经济与生态环境协同发展,践行全面协调可持续发展要求。文章基于2009—2019年我国沿海省(自治区、直辖市)数据,运用包含生态环境的随机前沿生产函数、泰尔指数分别量化我国海洋渔业绿色生产效率及其地区差异与变化程度,并对其影响因素进行回归分析。结果表明:(1)2009—2019年我国海洋渔业绿色生产效率呈现逐年上升的趋势,但整体水平仍不高,随着海洋渔业绿色生产效率水平的逐步提升,其增长率呈下降趋势;(2)泰尔指数逐年降低,表明我国海洋渔业绿色生产效率的区域差异正逐渐缩小;(3)海洋渔业经济总产值占地区GDP比重、海洋捕捞产量占海水产品产量比重、渔业从业人员专业化程度、水产技术推广经费对我国海洋渔业绿色生产效率产生显著的正向影响,水产品因污染造成损失产生负向影响。据此提出加强海洋资源监测、强化海洋渔业科技支撑、转变渔业发展模式等对策建议。  相似文献   

Small-scale fisheries are often seen as a solution for ensuring sustainability in marine exploitation. They are viewed as a suitable alternative to industrial fisheries, particularly when considering their social and economic importance in developing countries. Here, we show that the booming small-scale fishery sector in Senegal, in the context of increasing foreign demand, has induced the collapse of one of the most emblematic West African marine fish species, a large grouper Epinephelus aeneus, historically called ‘false cod’ by European fishers. The overexploitation of this species appears to be on account of the increasing effort sustained by a growing international demand and important subsidies, which resulted in a relative stability of the average economic yield per fishing trip and an incentive for continuing targeting this species to almost extinction. It is a critical time for addressing and mitigating the pressure of the small-scale fisheries to prevent declines of fish species that are highly valued by northern markets. A balance between conservation and exploitation is necessary to maintain ecological viability while considering the socio-economic importance of the small-scale fisheries. However, a new strategy is needed for conservation that will consider and articulate simultaneously the concerns regarding unmanaged and growing small-scale fisheries, rampant subsidies and increasing foreign demand.  相似文献   

To describe marine recreational fisheries, their socio-economic importance and interactions with other fisheries and the environment, it is necessary to define what is meant by recreational fishing. A review of European Member States’ national legislation revealed considerable variation in ownership and access to coastal waters/fisheries, and in the legal distinction between sport fishing and other recreational uses of marine fisheries and their commercial (catching for sale and profit) counterparts. Together with a re-examination of existing definitions, this has enabled us to suggest definitions that may be used to develop a common approach to evaluate participation and socio-economic value of marine recreational fishing, and guide attempts to legislate for the benefit and development of marine recreational fishing across Europe.  相似文献   

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