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人教版高中地理新教材在每一章的后面安排了一个“问题研究”,它不仅指导师生探究现实中的地理问题,还通过开展地理调查和地理专题研究等实践活动,培养和发展学生搜集、处理、分析地理信息的能力。深入研究和落实新教材中“问题研究”的内容和要求,能充分发挥学生自主学习的积极性,有利于发展学生的地理素质和能力。  相似文献   

在学科教学中,普遍有这种观点:“史地不分家”。在地理教学中适当渗透历史知识不仅有利于拓宽学生的知识面,也有利于培养学生分析问题的能力,更有利于提高中学地理课的教学实效。在教学中我是这样联系历史知识来辅助地理教学的。  相似文献   

成继龙 《地理教学》2008,(12):12-15
美国学者布鲁巴克说“最精湛的教育艺术,就是让学生提出问题。”《地理教育国际宪章》把学生提出问题、收集和组织地理信息、处理分析资料、评价判断、解决问题等能力作为能力培养目标,强调这些能力培养要渗透在具体的地理技能培养的内容之中。在这些能力中,提出地理问题和解决地理问题所必须的能力是地理能力培养的核心。那么地理教师在课堂上如何开启学生思维的阀门,让学生提出问题呢?,  相似文献   

姜乔 《地理教学》2019,(3):33-36
合理创设教学情境是提高地理教学有效性的重要教学策略之一。地理教学情境丰富多彩、形式多样。直观情境有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,引发学生情感上的共鸣;问题情境有利于引发学生的认知冲突,激发学生的思维;合作情境有利于培养实践共同体,促进学生的互动交流;探究情境有利于激发学生的创新欲望,开发学生的创新潜能,培养学生的创新精神;生活情境有助于培养学生的实践能力,促进知识的迁移。创设教学情境应遵循实效性、和谐性、启发性和多元性原则。  相似文献   

本文以“服务业的区位因素”为例,依托真实情境,创设了一条基于全球、全国、长三角、杭州萧山区等不同尺度空间下“主题公园布局影响因素分析”的认知主线。该教学设计渗透地理空间尺度思维,有利于提升学生解决“区位分析”问题的能力,充分培养其区位分析能力、地理实践力、家国情怀、国际视野等素养。  相似文献   

何友丽 《地理教学》2012,(5):16-17,64
进入高三复习阶段以来,教师和学生所面临的较多状态是练习、考试与讲评。地理习题讲评是提高地理复习质量很重要的环节。积极高效的讲评有利于学生学习薄弱环节的解决,也有利于学生错误知识的纠正,更有利于学生综合能力的提高。有效地评讲也使高三地理教师综合业务素质得到培养和提高。  相似文献   

地理实践能力主要包括运用地图的能力、运用地理图表的能力、地理计算能力和野外观察、社会调查的能力。在地理教学过程中培养学生实践能力的途径和方法是多种多样的。乡土地理内容丰富,包括这个地区的化特征、人口状况、风俗习惯、自然资源、经济基础和环境保护等。学生对于乡土地理能具体、熟悉地感知或参与,具有直观性,运用所学的知识去理解、解决身边的问题,成就感更强,学习兴趣更浓,反过来更有利于教学的实施和知识的巩固,起着良性循环的功用。  相似文献   

《义务教育地理课程标准(2011)》提出"义务教育地理课程是一门兼有自然学科和社会学科性质的基础课程,具有区域性、综合性、思想性、生活性、实践性的特征"。地理课程的"生活性"表现为"地理课程内容紧密联系生活实际,突出反映学生生活中经常遇到的地理现象和可能遇到的地理问题,有助于提升学生的生活质量和生存能力"。这是由于地理课程有利于增强学生生活能力,更大程度满足学生生存的需要,用学到的地理知识、技能、原理来理解和解释生活现象,解  相似文献   

区域认知是地理学科核心素养之一,是认识、分析和解决区域地理问题的基本能力。本文通过对2022年高考地理全国卷区域认知素养的考核内容、图像形式及尺度范围等内容的分析研究,指出学生区域地理学习中的问题,并结合高中教学实践,提出培养学生区域认知能力的基本思路和途径。  相似文献   

翁英相 《地理教学》2013,(13):44-47
正新课程改革以后,高考地理题注重考查学生的地理学习能力和学科素养,同时也反映出考查地理基本知识、基本原理、基本技能、思维能力和分析解决地理问题的能力。高考地理题作为一种特殊的教学资源,笔者认为认真研读高考地理题可以很好地引领学生成长。  相似文献   


The poor performance of Pacific students at university is a concern for every level of society. Conventional models of teaching, learning and assessment have overlooked the cultural background of students, yet the effects of this oversight have been disastrous, alienating and disempowering. Studies of and developments in education in the Pacific and elsewhere offer opportunities to rethink the methods of teaching, learning and assessment of Pacific students in ways that are congruent with their home culture. Informed by the principle of so’a lau pule (the Samoan concept of consensus through consultation and conversation) and ethnographic research methods, this study describes an attempt to rethink ways of teaching, learning and assessing student performance in a third-year course on Resource Conservation and Management in the School of Geography, Earth Science and Environment at the University of the South Pacific. Introduced in 2007, the Student Innovative Contribution to Knowledge (SICK) allows students to participate in key decisions concerning teaching, learning and assessment. SICK is grounded in the principles of inclusiveness and participation. It takes account of the skills and abilities of Pacific students and is aligned with the philosophical basis of Pacific cultures. One hundred and fifty-eight students took part in this study over a 5-year period. Analysis was based on students’ written reviews of the semester’s work, in-depth conversation with individual students and the end-of-the-course evaluation. The findings show that, while students embrace the need for non-conventional forms of teaching, learning and assessment, the most frequently cited responses for non-participation are poor time management and varying perceptions of what is considered an innovative assessment. This study shows that understanding the cultural background of students is critical to creating culturally inclusive learning environments.  相似文献   

This short commentary discusses effective university teaching in the context of the pandemic, the corresponding digitalisation of tertiary education, and the recent lecture attendance crisis. By critically reflecting on my own experience as a university educator and as a student in a teacher education course, I suggest that the attendance crisis presents an opportunity to explore effective teaching in a rapidly changing context. To improve our teaching and learning, we can reflect on what students and teachers have gone through and seek to understand who our students are.  相似文献   

It is necessary for undergraduates majoring in geography to learn the history of geographic thought. Although there are different cultural and educational backgrounds between China and the West, teaching methods such as text teaching, students’ presentations and group learning are suitable for most of teachers and students even from different countries and regions. The blended method is helpful to popularize history of geographic thought and improve the level of teaching and learning. Owing to lack of the class on the history of geographic thought in countries like China, the authors try to explore a blended method for the first-year geography undergraduates and to assess the effects of this teaching based on some questionnaires. The students have different benefits and responses to this class. A special group consisting of one teacher and several undergraduates does the research and coauthors the paper through making questionnaire, interviewing and analyzing materials from 67 freshmen majoring in human geography and geography science (teacher-training) in China. For the undergraduates especially from the countries like China, it is well worth making the history of geographic thought become a necessary and interesting class.  相似文献   

德国大学的景观生态教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德国是景观生态学研究的发源地,在地理学跨学科发展背景条件下,景观生态的教学发展将如何变化?本文以德国开设景观生态教学的主要大学为例,介绍了德国景观生态教学课程体系、教学大纲、课程设置特点、发展趋势以及就业前景.  相似文献   

The article examines the relationship between selective traditions in geographical education, what middle school teachers choose to emphasise in geographical education, and student achievement. The study, conducted in Sweden, is based on observations made by students in teacher training programmes, interviews with teachers, and analyses of a test administered to middle school students. It shows that selective traditions in geographical education are strong, resulting in a focus on country-related knowledge and map-reading skills. Both teachers and students seem unclear about what other subject-specific skills geography teaching provides. Furthermore, students have difficulty achieving a high level of geographic reasoning. The authors argue that a subject-specific language in geography is important in both teaching and assessment. They stress that students need more practice in geographic reasoning, since this is required by the new curriculum and in the national test in geography for Year 6 (i.e. pupils in the age range 12–13 years). The study adds to earlier research by highlighting Swedish middle school teaching, which is a neglected field within curriculum studies, and by using a combination of methods to analyse the impact of selective traditions.  相似文献   

于洁  叶超 《世界地理研究》2021,30(6):1330-1337
思想是一门学科的灵魂,也是引导和创新教学的源泉。地理学思想教学不仅对地理学专业素养养成至关重要,也有助于提升和培养学生的地理学关键能力。地理学思想教学不仅要传递地理学的知识精华,更要引导学生批判性思考。在传授专业知识的基础上将人文元素融入其中,帮助学生在掌握知识和技能、认知世界与回归自我、反躬自省间取得平衡。本文总结了地理学思想教学的五大要领:正确认知地理、省视批判理论、内化人文精神、倡导学科交融和创新教学方法,以推进地理学思想教学的广泛开展。  相似文献   

This paper is positioned within current debates on education development and the value of fieldwork as a pathway to fostering a nuanced, sophisticated and empathetic world view among students. Here, we focus on one form of field‐based teaching within geography, that is, intensive field studies courses taught abroad. We draw on our experience as cofacilitators of a six‐week intensive field course conducted in various parts of Thailand. The course we discuss in this paper was focused on teaching students both applied research skills (critical engagement, ethnographic research methods and ethical research practice) and substantive content (the social, cultural, political and economic aspects of Thailand from a geographer's perspective). We argue that the value of field studies lies in the ability of such a course to help students enhance and deepen broad, generalisable skills such as problem solving; ethical research practice; critical engagement with complex social issues; and independent research skills.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that:

(1) High school and college teachers and their students are most likely to achieve success in the field when they are armed with a conceptual framework, a plan for discovering the framework and a body of instructional theory.

(2) There are distinct differences between field teaching or training and field experience.

(3) During a time when many students are dissatisfied with classroom instruction, field experience can revitalize geography teaching in colleges and high schools.

(4) Field experience can create concrete images which are likely to be meaningful for many years.  相似文献   

This article examines the implementation and impacts of a program intended to improve research-led teaching in schools. Little consideration is given to the role of research-led teaching in schools; the argument is that this is a consequence of fractures between schools and universities. A program was developed to bring contemporary geographical research of university scholars into schools. Examining this program, the finding is that being exposed to research: improves access to up-to-date knowledge; heightens student enthusiasm; and informs choices students make about their learning. This article calls for bridges to be built between universities and schools upon the nexus of teaching and research.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):245-252

Geographic information systems (GIS) is a fairly new and evolving curriculum area within geography and other disciplines at colleges and universities in the United States. The challenge of teaching underlying concepts of GIS functionality, the details of computer operation and software interfaces, as well as the contexts of various applications can be a difficult one. At Indiana University of Pennsylvania, a teaching strategy—Client-Life Cycle GIS Project Learning—has been introduced in which students in an upper level GIS course work with local organizations, faculty from other university departments, and governmental entities. This allows students with some GIS background to work with real clients; utilize and operationalize the concepts of the GIS Project Life Cycle; make the connection between data development, analysis, and applications development; provide expertise and needed data to local organizations; and see the utility and impact of their work. A group pilot project from the spring semester of 1998 is discussed to illustrate how students responded to this method of teaching GIS.  相似文献   

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