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In order to simulate earthquake ground motions for the Instanbul (Turkey) region, acceleration time series from western Turkey are modeled by transforming the series into a stationary one which can be described by an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) process. The ARMA and other parameters used in the stationary transformation are related to physical parameters (e.g. magnitude, distance to epicenter, depth to hypocenter and duration) via a regression analysis. To create simulations for a given set of physical parameters, the modelling procedure is reversed.  相似文献   

Processing of strong-motion accelerograms: needs, options and consequences   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
Recordings from strong-motion accelerographs are of fundamental importance in earthquake engineering, forming the basis for all characterizations of ground shaking employed for seismic design. The recordings, particularly those from analog instruments, invariably contain noise that can mask and distort the ground-motion signal at both high and low frequencies. For any application of recorded accelerograms in engineering seismology or earthquake engineering, it is important to identify the presence of this noise in the digitized time-history and its influence on the parameters that are to be derived from the records. If the parameters of interest are affected by noise then appropriate processing needs to be applied to the records, although it must be accepted from the outset that it is generally not possible to recover the actual ground motion over a wide range of frequencies. There are many schemes available for processing strong-motion data and it is important to be aware of the merits and pitfalls associated with each option. Equally important is to appreciate the effects of the procedures on the records in order to avoid errors in the interpretation and use of the results. Options for processing strong-motion accelerograms are presented, discussed and evaluated from the perspective of engineering application.  相似文献   

基于强震记录估算同震位移的研究进展及方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对强震加速度记录估算同震位移技术自20世纪40年代以来国内外研究成果的总结,系统地阐述了通过近断层加速度记录计算同震位移的相关理论、方法的发展历程和成就。首先简述了基于强震记录估算同震位移的意义和普遍存在的漂移现象,然后总结了从模拟记录到数字记录两个阶段计算同震位移所取得的成果,接着归纳了为解决漂移现象所采取的3种基于时程拟合的方法和2种基于小波分析的方法,最后对基于数字强震仪记录估算同震位移的未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

The Italian strong-motion database was created during a joint project between Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Italian Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology) and Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC, Italian Civil Protection). The aim of the project was the collection, homogenization and distribution of strong motion data acquired in Italy in the period 1972–2004 by different institutions, namely Ente Nazionale per l’Energia Elettrica (ENEL, Italian electricity company), Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente (ENEA, Italian energy and environment organization) and DPC. Recently the strong-motion data relative to the 23th December 2009, Parma (Mw = 5.4 and Mw = 4.9) and to the April 2009 L’Aquila sequences (13 earthquakes with 4.1 ≤ Mw ≤ 6.3) were included in the Italian Accelerometric Archive (ITACA) database (beta release). The database contains 7,038 waveforms from analog and digital instruments, generated by 1.019 earthquakes with magnitude up to 6.9 and can be accessed on-line at the web site . The strong motion data are provided in the unprocessed and processed versions. This article describes the steps followed to process the acceleration time series recorded by analogue and digital instruments. The procedures implemented involve: baseline removal, instrumental correction, band pass filtering with acausal filters, integration of the corrected acceleration in order to obtain velocity and displacement waveforms, computation of acceleration response spectra and strong motion parameters. This procedure is applied to each accelerogram and it is realised to preserve the low frequency content of the records.  相似文献   

On 6 April 2009, 01:32 GMT, an Mw 6.3 earthquake hit the Abruzzi region of central Italy causing widespread damage in the City of L’Aquila and its nearby villages. The mainshock of this earthquake was recorded by 57 digital strong-motion instruments, four of which are located on the hanging wall of the Paganica Fault near L’Aquila. These stations are no more than 6 km from the epicentre. We use accelerometric data from these four stations to estimate permanent ground displacements caused by the mainshock. Our numerical results reveal south-east and downwards directed permanent co-seismic displacements which are in fair agreement with the outcomes of GPS and InSAR measurements reported in preliminary Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) reports.  相似文献   

本文详细地分析了用数字化仪和激光扫描仪对模拟加速度记录进行数字化时所产生的误差及消除这些误差的方法,并开发了相关处理软件。数字化误差由数字化设备的系统误差和读数员在操作过程中的随机误差迭加而成,随机数字化误差是具有各态历经性质的、其振幅按高斯规律分布的平稳随机过程。利用激光扫描仪做强震记录数字化,工作效率很高。本文给出了激光扫描仪分析处理软件和消除数字化噪声实例。  相似文献   

从工程应用角度详细介绍水工强震动加速度记录正确处理分析的方法与原理.主要介绍了震源的评估原理,强震动加速度记录预处理过程中单位换算、奇异点剔除、基线校正、滤波除噪等步骤的方法原理,后处理分析中一次、二次积分、谱分析原理.阐述了利用强震动加速度记录进行震害快速评估原理.文中以二滩拱坝强震监测台阵监测到的一次强震加速度记录的处理过程为例,以图表形式直接明了地强调指出了强震动加速度记录处理中容易发生错误的过程,并提出相应的处理方法.  相似文献   

Branching river channels and the coexistence of valleys, ridges, hiils, and slopes'as the result of long-term weathering and erosion form the unique loess topography. The Changqing Geophysical Company, working in these complex conditions, has established a suite of technologies for high-fidelity processing and fine interpretation of seismic data. This article introduces the processes involved in the data processing and interpretation and illustrates the results.  相似文献   

3D seismic data are usually recorded and processed on rectangular grids, for which sampling requirements are generally derived from the usual 1D viewpoint. For a 3D data set, the band region (the region of the Fourier space in which the amplitude spectrum is not zero) can be approximated by a domain bounded by two cones. Considering the particular shape of this band region we can use the 3D sampling viewpoint, which leads to weaker sampling requirements than does the 1D viewpoint; i.e. fewer sample points are needed to represent data with the same degree of accuracy. The 3D sampling viewpoint considers regular nonrectangular sampling grids. The recording and processing of 3D seismic data on a hexagonal sampling grid is explored. The acquisition of 3D seismic data on a hexagonal sampling grid is an advantageous economic alternative because it requires 13.4% fewer sample points than a rectangular sampling grid. The hexagonal sampling offers savings in data storage and processing of 3D seismic data. A fast algorithm for 3D discrete spectrum evaluation and trace interpolation in the case of a 3D seismic data set sampled on a hexagonal grid is presented and illustrated by synthetic examples. It is shown that by using this algorithm the hexagonal sampling offers, approximately, the same advantage of saving 13.4% in data storage and computational time for 3D phase-shift migration.  相似文献   

位场数据处理中的最小曲率扩边和补空方法研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在频率域中进行位场数据的各种处理和转换时必须对网格数据进行扩边或补空处理,而扩边和补空结果的精度直接影响到位场数据处理和转换结果的精度.本文提出了一种精度较高的位场数据扩边和补空方法——最小曲率方法,给出了该方法的迭代格式,讨论了相关的技术措施.理论模型的补空试验表明,最小曲率方法补空结果的精度高于余弦方法7倍以上;而扩边和补空结果对位场数据处理和转换结果精度的影响试验表明,最小曲率方法比余弦方法平均提高2倍以上,甚至可以达到一个数量级.将最小曲率方法应用到实际资料的扩边和补空计算表明,最小曲率方法明显优于余弦方法.上述研究表明最小曲率扩边和补空方法效果好、精度高,可用于任何连续且光滑的数据的扩边和补空计算.  相似文献   

利用视线加速度数据恢复月球近区重力异常的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文阐述了利用分步最小二乘方法拟合视线加速度来确定月球重力异常的原理和计算步骤,并利用"Lunar Prospector"扩展任务实测的视线方向加速度数据计算了月球近区的重力异常.最后将计算结果和现今最高阶次的月球重力场模型LP165进行了比较和分析,得出标准差在纬度-75°~75°范围内为±27.354 mGal,75°~85°和-85°~-75°范围内为±61.965 mGal的精度,从而验证了该解算方法的可行性和可靠性.  相似文献   

We investigate the dependence of the S-wave high-frequency spectral-decay parameter, κ (“kappa”) — a measure of wave attenuation — on ground-motion amplitude. 21 three-component accelerograms from two adjacent sediment sites in the town of Lefkas, western Greece, are used, representing 17 earthquakes with magnitudes Mw 4.7–7.0 and hypocentral distances 12–93 km. Recorded peak horizontal ground accelerations (PGA) and velocities (PGV) are 22–540 cm/s2 and 1.3–54.5 cm/s.Fourier amplitude spectra are computed for S-wave windows, and the frequency range is visually determined where the high-frequency spectral decay can be approximated by a straight line on the linear-log plot; its slope (and hence κ) is computed by linear regression. κ is found to depend on hypocentral distance as κ=0.108+0.058R (r=0.518).As PGV increases from 1.3 to 54.5 cm/s, κ0 (κ at 0 km, characterising inelastic attenuation in the site's subsurface geology) varies between 0.060 and 0.160 s. κ0 is found to correlate very strongly with log MGA (r=0.645) (MGA — mean horizontal acceleration in the S-wave window) but also with log PGA (r=0.447) and log PGV (r=0.627). We attribute this behaviour to sediment non-linearity (shear-modulus degradation), resulting in the decrease of the site's dominant-resonance frequency (from about 3.5 to 2.4 Hz) and leading to the increase of κ0. Our results imply that at sediment sites, an important contribution to κ comes from wave attenuation (damping) in the softest sediments and show that κ0 is amplitude dependent, thus being a measure of sediment non-linearity.  相似文献   

The Earth Physics Branch of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources operates a variety of seismological installations throughout Canada including nineteen Standard and fourteen Regional Stations. At Yellowknife there is an 18-element short-period medium-aperture array with on-site processing which produces a daily detection bulletin. At Ottawa and Victoria, regional telemetered networks have been established which employ wide dynamic range digital data transmission and on-line event detectors. A six-element transportable array employing FM telemetry in the UHF band is used for local seismicity studies. Microprocessor-controlled event-triggered casette recorders are being developed as a further aid to regional seismicity studies. On the West Coast the Branch operates a strong-motion network that includes 28 accelerometers. At Ottawa, the data management group controls the flow of data and arranges for the distribution of seismograms, tape recordings, phase data and other derived information to Branch seismologists and other outside agencies.  相似文献   

GOCE卫星提供的梯度数据含有非常大的低频误差,如何处理这种误差是GOCE数据处理中最为关键的工作之一.本文根据GOCE卫星的运行情况,首先分析了梯度数据的频率特性,推导了频率与阶次的对应关系;并在此之上,介绍了针对低频误差的滤波方法,即移去恢复和向前向后滤波方法,前者可解决滤波中的低频信号损失问题,后者则主要解决了滤波中的相位漂移问题.最终结果表明:引力梯度的时间频谱与球谐展开中的阶次虽不是一一对应的,但各阶所对应的最大截止频率与阶次却有一定的显式表达.同时也表明,本文所采用的滤波方法是有效的,达到了消除低频误差但保留观测频段信号的目的.  相似文献   

GOCE引力梯度的频谱分析及滤波   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
GOCE卫星提供的梯度数据含有非常大的低频误差,如何处理这种误差是GOCE数据处理中最为关键的工作之一.本文根据GOCE卫星的运行情况,首先分析了梯度数据的频率特性,推导了频率与阶次的对应关系;并在此之上,介绍了针对低频误差的滤波方法,即移去恢复和向前向后滤波方法,前者可解决滤波中的低频信号损失问题,后者则主要解决了滤波中的相位漂移问题.最终结果表明:引力梯度的时间频谱与球谐展开中的阶次虽不是一一对应的,但各阶所对应的最大截止频率与阶次却有一定的显式表达.同时也表明,本文所采用的滤波方法是有效的,达到了消除低频误差但保留观测频段信号的目的.  相似文献   

A joint Discussion Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society and the Royal Irish Academy, held on January 11th, 1991, commemorated the establishment of some early magnetic observatories, discussed recent research using global geomagnetic data and described the present status of magnetic observatories in the United Kingdom. The observatory and instruments at the Dublin magnetic observatory; the origins of the Greenwich magnetic observatory, and why it eventually had to be resited; and the history of the Munich magnetic observatory formed the historical part of the proceedings. Current research topics discussed were the geomagnetic secular variation and deep Earth structure and dynamics; fluid flow patterns near the top of the core; the origin of the annual variation of the geomagnetic field; results of an analysis of monthly means from some British observatories; a new theory of the geomagnetic daily variation; and the interactions between ionospheric science and geomagnetism. The present-day observatory scene was described in terms of the information that can be derived from the almost 40 year series of data from Hartland magnetic observatory; of the methods used to process data from the three UK magnetic observatories, which nowadays are operated automatically and remotely; and (a look into the future) of a new project, INTERMAGNET, which aims to make available, in near real time, data from the world-wide network of magnetic observatories.  相似文献   

An approach to generate artificial earthquakeaccelerograms on hard soil sites is presented. Eachtime-history of accelerations is considered as arealization of a non-stationary gaussian stochasticprocess, with statistical parameters depending onmagnitude and source-to-site distance. In order tolink the values of these parameters for each groundmotion record with the corresponding magnitude andsource-to-site distance, semi-empirical functionalrelations called generalized attenuationfunctions are determined. The set of realground-motion time histories used to obtain thesefunctions correspond to shocks generated at differentsources and recorded at different sites in thevicinity of the southern coast of Mexico. The resultsshow significant dispersion in the parameters of themodel adopted, which reflect that associated with thereal earthquakes included in the sample employed.The problem of conditional simulation of artificialacceleration time histories for prescribed intensitiesis briefly presented, but its detailed study is leftfor a companion paper. The criteria and modelsproposed are applied to generate two families ofartificial acceleration records for recurrenceintervals of 100 and 200 years at a specific sitelocated in the region under study. The results shownin this article correspond to acceleration timehistories recorded on firm ground for earthquakesgenerated at the subduction zone that runs along thesouthern coast of Mexico, and cannot be generalized tocases of earthquakes generated at other sources orrecorded at other types of local conditions. Thismeans that the methods and functional forms presentedhere are applicable to these other cases, but thevalues of the parameters that characterize thosefunctions may differ from those presented here.  相似文献   

本文基于星间加速度法开展了插值公式、相关系数和采样间隔对GRACE Follow-On星间加速度精度影响的研究. 模拟结果表明:1)适当增加数值微分公式的插值点数可有效提高插值精度. 基于9点Newton插值公式,星间加速度的插值误差为4.401×10-13 m·s-2,分别基于7点、5点和3点插值公式,插值误差增加了1.192倍、6.912倍和274.029倍. 2)适当增大相关系数可有效降低星间加速度的误差. 基于相关系数0.99,星间加速度方差为3.777×10-24 m2·s-4,分别基于相关系数0.90、0.70、0.50和0.00,方差增加了9.780倍、22.404倍、26.217倍和26.820倍. 3)随着采样间隔增大,星间加速度方差逐渐降低,但卫星观测值的空间分辨率也同时降低,因此合理选取采样间隔有利于地球重力场精度的提高. 4)基于9点Newton插值公式、相关系数(K波段测量系统星间距离和星间速度0.85、GPS轨道位置和轨道速度0.95、星载加速度计非保守力0.90)和采样间隔10 s,利用预处理共轭梯度迭代法,精确和快速反演了120阶GRACE Follow-On地球重力场,在120阶处累计大地水准面精度为4.602×10-4 m.  相似文献   

The complementary advantages of GPS and seismic measurements are well recognized in seismotectonic monitoring studies. Therefore, integrated processing of the two data streams has been proposed recently in an attempt to obtain accurate and reliable information of surface displacements associated with earthquakes. A hitherto still critical issue in the integrated processing is real-time detection and precise estimation of the transient baseline error in the seismic records. Here, we report on a new approach by introducing the seismic acceleration corrected by baseline errors into the state equation system. The correction is performed and regularly updated in short epochs (with increments which may be as short as seconds), so that station position, velocity, and acceleration can be constrained very tightly and baseline error can be estimated as a random-walk process. With the adapted state equation system, our study highlights the use of a new approach developed for integrated processing of GPS and seismic data by means of sequential least-squares adjustment. The efficiency of our approach is demonstrated and validated using simulated, experimental, and real datasets. The latter were collected at collocated GPS and seismic stations around the 4 April 2010, E1 Mayor-Cucapah earthquake (Mw, 7.2). The results have shown that baseline errors of the strong-motion sensors are corrected precisely and high-precision seismic displacements are real-timely obtained by the new approach.  相似文献   

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