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The H observations of a selected sample of bright Be stars are presented. The available infrared observations at K band (2.2 m) of these stars have been used to find the infrared excess emission. The analysis of the combined data show thatL H, the luminosity of the H emission line, is proportional toL IR, the luminosity of the infrared excess emission. The linear correlation betweenL IR andL H shows that both the infrared excess and the H line originate in a common region. It is also detected that the infrared excess emission is produced throughout the whole envelope whereas the H is emitted in some defined region of the circumstellar (CS) envelope.  相似文献   

On the basis of more abundant data a relation logPV/logR for cepheid variables (Fernie, 1965) is constructed. A linear relation between logP V and logR for classical cepheids is found, which perhaps has a break at R=10R . On the logR/logP diagram thes-cepheids (Efremov, 1968) show a distinct sequence. Alls-cepheids present a relative variation of the radii R/R0.075. The existence of non-s-cepheids with R/R0.075 raises a point about the evolutionary place of these stars (see Efremov, 1968). One could suppose that cepheids with logP>1.1 pulsate in the first overtone.  相似文献   

Evolution of massive stars losing mass with the rateM H L/V C is computed (for =1,2,7). It is shown that observed mass loss rates correspond to 0.3 and, therefore, mass loss by stellar wind cannot play any significant role in the evolution of normal massive stars. However, for several types of massive stars (WR, OH/IR, X-ray sources) enhanced mass loss explains their peculiar features. Computations of evolutionary sequences of massive stars with convective overshooting taken into account (as a formal increase of the convective core) show that a significant broadening of the hydrogen-burning band in the H-R diagram may be obtained.  相似文献   

On the basis of observational data for the absolute R and relative R/R amplitudes of variations in radius of galactic classical cepheids (55 stars from Balona and Stobie (1979) and 30 stars from Sollazzoet al. (1981)), four kinds of empirical linear relations are obtained: log(P V)–logR, logP–logR, log(P V)–log(R/R), and logP–log(R/R);P, R, and V are the pulsation periods, the mean stellar radii, and the amplitudes of light variations, respectively. Three groups of stars are considered: short-period cepheids (SPC)-with logP1.1; long-period cepheids (LPC)-with logP>1.1; and s-cepheids (sC). Both the R values and the R/R values increase withP andP V, for a given group of variables. A comparison is performed with our results obtained from data in other sources (Kurochkin, 1966; Gieren, 1982; etc.). The investigated relations can be applied for determining R and R/R of galactic classical cepheids, by using their observedP and V. All studied galactic classical cepheids have R/R<0.35, R<10R for SPC and 10R <R60R for LPC. The sC have smaller R and R/R values than other classical cepheids, at the same periods (the difference is about 2 times for R and 1.4–2.8 times for R/R); the studied sC have R/R in the range 0.025–0.075 and R in the range 1–3R (only Y Oph has R8R ).  相似文献   

The equivalent widths of the oxygen lines at 7774 and 8446 and of H (and some H) have been measured for 22 early-type, emission-line stars. A strong correlation between H and 8446 intensities has been found, although there is no such correlation between H and 7774. This confirms the probability that Bowen's mechanism is operative (the neutral oxygen 33 D state is overpopulated because the excitation energy of Ly- nearly coincides with that of theOi 1025 line). The possibility of using 8446 and H equivalent widths for a comparison of oxygen to hydrogen abundances in these stars is discussed.  相似文献   

One-hundred and three nearby bright Main-Sequence stars of spectral type F and G have been searched for infrared excess in order to find out Vega-like characteristics. In our sample of bright Main-Sequence F and G stars none of the G-type stars show infrared excess but 4 out of 28 F-type stars are Vega-like and the equilibrium distances of dust shells are within the planet-forming region.  相似文献   

The present observational status of the Sct stars, Dor stars and roAp stars is discussed. The Sct stars are the most intensively observed of the three groups, but it has become clear that there are severe problems in extracting asteroseismic information from them. Dozens of frequencies are observed, but hundreds of frequencies are predicted from the models; unique matches of observation and theory still elude us. The Sct stars are observationally complex – some recent `best case' campaigns are discussed. It is possible that substantial observational advances for Sct stars may need to await upcoming satellite missions. New Dor stars are beingdiscovered frequently, and new behaviour is being found for them. They constitutean observationally young field. Their pulsational frequency range is being expanded, their position in the HR diagram is becoming better known (but is yet to be fully constrained), and the possibility exists of hybrid Dor – Sct stars that have greatasteroseismic promise, although it is clear such stars are rare, if they do exist. It has been observationally challenging to extract more than a fewfrequencies for any Dor star so far. Exciting spectroscopic discoveries of new behaviour in roAp stars promise unprecedented information about the structure of the peculiar atmospheres ofthose stars – pulsation amplitude and phase in 3D, magnetic field structurein 3D, abundance stratification in 3D, realistic T- for the most peculiarstars – as well as entirely new information about the interaction of pulsation,rotation and magnetic fields. Recent theoretical work has led to new understandingof the previously inexplicable frequency spacing of HR 1217 with new Whole Earth Telescope observations supporting this theory. An `improved oblique pulsator model' has been developed in which the pulsationaxis is not the magnetic axis; this model has passed several observationaltests and new ones are being devised to examine it further.  相似文献   

Using the IRAM interferometer we have observed four carbon stars (U Cam, CIT6, Y CVn, IRC+40540) in the HCN(J=1 0) and CN(N=1 0) lines. Here we present some results for CIT6 and U Cam.  相似文献   

Spectral and photoelectric (ubvy, H, H) observations of the Herbig Ae/Be star HD 259431 are reported. It is found that as its brightness fades, this star becomes bluer in the Paschen continuum and the intensity and equivalent width of the hydrogen emission lines increase. The spectral observations reveal significant variations in the intensity of the Mg II 4481 Å photospheric absorption line. A rise and fall in the luminosity by 0m.04 within a period of 5-7 minutes was recorded. Radical variations in the H lineshape ("double" "P Cyg") and flare activity are not only observed in this star, but also in a number of HAEBE stars. It is suggested that flare activity may initiate a change in the velocity gradient at the base of the wind and, thereby, induce "double P Cyg" or "P Cyg single" transitions. The nonradial pulsations of this star are also discussed.  相似文献   

If we follow recent work and in order to extend theuvby photometric calibrations to spectral types later than G0, we present an attempt to use the combineduvby and systems for stars in the range G5-K7 and luminosity classes V to III.The behaviour in the MK-, (by)– and cl– diagrams of the 200 stars, only good spectroscopic data being considered, suggests the usefulness of the index as an independent parameter for late-type Main-Sequence stars, following in a natural way the general trend defined by Crawford for F- and G-type stars.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   

The implications of the intrinsic luminosity evolution with cosmological epoch on the value of the density parameter () and evolution of radio sizes of extragalactic radio sources have been considered. It is shown that a power law evolution model of the sortP (1 +z) can be used to contrain the value of . In the presence of a strong luminosity evolution, the model yields an upper limit of 0.5.It is also shown that the angular diameter redshift ( – z) relation for quasars can be interpreted in terms of the assumed luminosity evolution combined with a luminosity-linear size correlation with little or no linear size evolution required. On the other hand, strong linear size evolution is needed to explain the – z data for radio galaxies independent of luminosity.  相似文献   

Spherically symmetric, steady-state, optically thick accretion onto a nonrotating black hole with the mass of is studied. The gas accreting onto the black hole is assumed to be a fully ionized hydrogen plasma withn 0=108 cm–3 andT 0=104 K far from the black hole, and a new approximate expression for the Eddington factor is introduced. The luminosity is estimated to beL=1.875×1033 erg s–1, which primarily arises from the optical surface (1) ofT104 K. The accretion flow is characterized by 1 and (v/c)10. In the optically thin region, the flow remains isothermal, and the increase of temperature occurs at 1. The radiative equilibrium is strictly realized at (v/c)10.  相似文献   

Computations of polarization and intensity of radiation from a unit stellar surface area are presented, as well as a study of the numerical characteristics of atmospheres — single-scattering albedo and the initial source function(), which define the polarization behaviour of atmospheres. The radiatively stable models of stellar atmospheres presented by Kuruczet al. (1974) and Kurucz (1979) have been used for calculations. Since the versus optical depth dependence is rather weak, it has been assumed that (=cost. With a fixed effective temperatureT eff maximum values of are characteristic of stars featuring the lowest surface gravity accelerationg. Among stars with radiatively stable atmospheres, maximum values of (=5000 Å) 0.4–0.6 are exhibited by supergiants withT eff=8000–20 000 K. The plot of () is characterized by discontinuities at the boundaries of spectral series for hydrogen and, sometimes, for helium. Maximum are attained in the Lyman region of =912–1200 Å, where can reach the value 0.7–0.9 for supergiants, this value being 0.3 for Main-Sequence stars. For stars withT eff 35 000 K, high values of also are attained for <912 Å. Within the infrared region, is always small because of bremsstrahlung absorption.A rapid growth of the source functionB with < typical for ultraviolet range (within the Wien part of spectrum), together with high values of results in the strong polarization of emission from a unit stellar surface element, sometimes exceeding the values for the case of a pure electron scattering. For longer wavelengths, where the limb-darkening coefficient is smaller, the plane of polarization abruptly turns 90° in the central parts of the visible stellar disk.  相似文献   

Summary In the solar neighborhood, approximately half of all intermediate mass main sequence stars with initially between 1 and about 5 Mbecome carbon stars with luminosities near 104 L for typically less than 106 years. These high luminosity carbon stars lose mass at rates nearly always in excess of 10–7 M yr–1 and sometimes in excess of 10–5 M yr–1. Locally, close to half of the mass returned into the interstellar medium by intermediate mass stars before they become white dwarfs is during the carbon star phase. A much greater fraction of lower metallicity stars become carbon-rich before they evolve into planetary nebulae than do higher metallicity stars; therefore, carbon stars are much more importan t in the outer than in the inner Galaxy.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the minimum mass of a star at the time of its formation is approximately 0.01M . Making use of this fact and the stellar mass functionF(M) M , it is found that the hidden mass (or the missing mass) in the solar neighborhood may be explained by the presence of a large number of invisible stars of very low mass (0.01M M<0.07M ).  相似文献   

The present work deals with spectrophotometric studies of two Be stars ( Leo and 17 Tau) using 74 telescope at Kottamia observatory.The results obtained revealed the presence of variations in the general shape and the equivalent width of the profiles of hydrogen lines in the spectrum of both stars within short period interval.  相似文献   

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