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《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(7):825-840
Hydrocarbon gases are ubiquitous in the hydrothermal systems of the East African Rift System (EARS), though often found at very low concentrations in the ‘volcanic’ eastern branch as compared to the ‘sedimentary’ western branch. Study of the chemical and isotopic compositions of these hydrocarbons from sites in Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Uganda reveals considerable homogeneity over hundreds of km of the various rift units. Consideration of C and He isotopic evidence points to a predominantly crustal thermogenic origin for the hydrocarbons, there being no evidence of mantle inputs in either the MORB or ‘hotspot’ sectors of the EARS. Temperature information from geothermal wells has been utilised to investigate the relationship between reservoir temperatures and ratios of CH4 to C2H6. The general C1/C2 geothermometric relationship proposed in Part 1 of this study holds reasonably well, and is shown to give results equal to or better than the ‘inorganic’ gas geothermometers presently in use, both in the wellfields and undeveloped high-enthalpy geothermal areas. Results from low-enthalpy hot spring systems are less well correlated with apparent deep temperatures, but consistent with data from similar systems elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal gases offshore Milos Island, Greece   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hydrothermal fluids emerge from the seafloor of Paleohori Bay on Milos. The gases in these fluids contain mostly CO2 but CH4 concentrations up to 2% are present. The stable carbon isotopic composition of the CO2 (near 0%) indicates an inorganic carbon source (dissociation of underlying marine carbonates). The carbon and hydrogen isotopes of most CH4 samples are enriched in the heavy species (δ13C = −9.4 to −17.8‰; δD = −102 to −189‰) which is believed to be characteristic for an abiogenic production of CH4 by CO2-reduction (Fischer-Tropsch reactions). Depletions in the deuterium content of three CH4 samples (to −377%) are probably caused by unknown subsurface rock alteration processes. Secondary hydrogen isotope exchange processes between methane, hydrogen and water are most likely responsible for calculated unrealistic methane formation temperatures.

We show that excess helium, slightly enriched in 3He, is present in the hydrothermal fluids emerging the seafloor of Paleohori Bay. When the isotopic ratio of the excess component is calculated a 3He/4Heexcess of 3.6 · 10−6 is obtained: This indicates that the excess component consists of about one third of mantle helium and two thirds of radiogenic helium. We infer that the mantle-derived component has been strongly diluted by radiogenic helium during the ascent of the fluids to the surface.  相似文献   

现代海底热液活动与块状硫化物矿床成因研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
现代海底热液活动的发现及对其分布特征和成矿机理的研究是近年来海洋地质学和矿床地质学的一大进展。对现代海底金属硫化物成矿作用的研究大大推动和促进了对古代块状硫化物矿床成因的认识。有关研究成果综合分析表明:(1)深部热液对流循环系统是块状硫化物成矿的核心,对流循环模式有简单的热液对流模式和双扩散对流模式。(2)块状硫化物矿床集中分布在大洋中张裂性活动板块边界,与大地构造活动紧密联系。(3)成矿流体与成矿物质均有多源性,在强调海水循环淋滤的同时,通过应用新的方法技术,岩浆来源物质(流体及成矿金属等)对一些块状硫化物矿床成矿的直接贡献得到初步确认。(4)在高温热液活动区及金属硫化物沉积中发现大量生命活动和生物群体,意义重大。  相似文献   

云南墨江金矿热水喷流沉积成岩成矿的地质地球化学证据   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
在墨江金矿区发现了两个热水喷流沉积旋回,赋矿地层烂山段出露的硅质岩和(黄铁矿)硫化物岩具有低TiO2,Al2O3和富含As,Sb,Au,Ag,Hg含量特征,稀土元素具有总量低,轻稀土总量高于重稀土特征,其球粒陨石标准化模式为向右倾曲线,大多数样品具有负Eu异常;而其北美页岩标准化曲线向左倾,在SiO2-Al2O3,Al-Fe-Mn和Al2O3-TFeO-CaO等地球化学图解上,大多数样品位于热水沉积区,当样品中含有火山角砾成分时偏离热水沉积区,研究表明硅质岩和(黄铁矿)硫化物岩主要由热水喷流沉积形成的,再结合矿床地质特征,认为墨江金矿存在早期热水喷流沉积成岩成矿作用,形成了矿化或低品位矿石,并可能与下伏火山喷发有关,这为墨江金矿的成因研究和进一步找矿开辟新的思路。  相似文献   

The enstatite-diopside solvus presents certain interesting thermodynamic and crystal-structural problems. The solvus may be considered as parts of two solvi one with the ortho-structure and the other with clino-structure. By assuming the standard free energy change for the two reactions (MgMgSi2O6)opx ? (MgMgSi2O6)cpx and (CaMgSi2O6) opx ? (CaMgSi2O6) cpx as 500 and 1 000 to 3 000 cal/mol respectively, it is possible to calculate the regular solution parameter W for orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. These W's essentially refer to mixing on M2 sites. The expression for the equilibrium constant by assuming ideal mixing for Fe-Mg, Fe-Ca and non-ideal mixing for Ca-Mg on binary M1 and ternary M2 sites is given by 1 $$K_a = \frac{{X_{{\text{Mg - cpx}}}^{{\text{M1}}} X_{{\text{Mg - cpx}}}^{{\text{M2}}} \exp \left[ {\frac{{W_{{\text{cpx}}} }}{{RT}}\left\{ {X_{{\text{Ca - cpx}}}^{{\text{M2}}} \left( {X_{{\text{Ca - cpx}}}^{{\text{M2}}} + X_{{\text{Fe - cpx}}}^{{\text{M2}}} } \right)} \right\}} \right]}}{{X_{{\text{Mg - cpx}}}^{{\text{M1}}} X_{{\text{Mg - opx}}}^{{\text{M2}}} \exp \left[ {\frac{{W_{{\text{cpx}}} }}{{RT}}\left\{ {X_{{\text{Ca - opx}}}^{{\text{M2}}} \left( {X_{{\text{Ca - opx}}}^{{\text{M2}}} + X_{{\text{Fe - opx}}}^{{\text{M2}}} } \right)} \right\}} \right]}}$$ where X's are site occupancies, R is 1.987 and T is temperature in oK. Temperature of pyroxene crystallization may be estimated by substituting for T in the above equation until the equation ?RT In K a=500 is satisfied. The shortcomings of this method are the incomplete standard free energy data on the end member components and the absence of site occupancy data in pyroxenes at high temperatures. The assumed free energy data do, however, show the possible extent of inaccuracy in temperature estimates resulting from the neglect of Mg-Ca non ideality.  相似文献   

The composition of light hydrocarbon gases in the Orca Basin, an anoxic, hypersaline intraslope depression on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, indicates that both methane and ethane are biogenic in nature with a C1(C2 + C3) ratio of 730 and a δ13C of methane of ?73%. relative to the PDB standard. The concentrations of methane (750 mM) and ethane (1300 mM) in the Orca Basin brine are higher than any other marine anoxic basin. These high levels result not from high rates of productivity, but from the long residence time of the brine in the basin, due to its high stability toward mixing with overlying seawater (Δσ1ΔZ = 3.2m). Both methane and ethane show well mixed distributions in the brine. These distributions probably result from convective mixing of the isohaline brine pool due to normal heat flow from the basin sediments. Methane and ethane maxima above the pycnocline at the brine/seawater interface reflect in situ production and/or consumption in the aerobic water column. Concurrent maxima in suspended particulate material distributions in this region suggest methane may be produced there in anaerobic microenvironments associated with the suspended matter. Reduced rates of anaerobic decomposition (including sulfate reduction) in the brine sediments are inferred from preserved Sargassum fronds in the sediments, vertical sulfate profiles in most cores, and the sediment organic carbon content which is two to three times higher in sediments below the high salinity brine than in the normal Gulf sediments nearby.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (K2qn) and Nenjiang Formation (K2n) in the Songliao Basin (SLB), China, contain discrete ostracod-bearing deposits. The ostracod-bearing layers range in thickness from 5 to 380 cm. Based on integrated analysis of seismic, drilling, core and logging data, the sedimentary characteristics, distribution patterns and hydrocarbon implications of the ostracod-bearing beds have been studied. Compared with mudstone and sandstone in lacustrine settings, ostracod-bearing beds have distinctive characteristics in terms of seismic response and logging features. Three types of depositional pattern of ostracod-bearing beds are recognised in different facies: mixed siliciclastic–ostracod deposits in the delta front, sheeted ostracod deposits, and dotted ostracod deposits in shallow or semi-deep lacustrine settings. In plan view, ostracod-bearing beds mainly occur in the Daqing area, the Longhupao–Honggang terraces and the Heidimiao depression, and are relatively less developed in the east of the SLB. Shallow and semi-deep lacustrine settings were favourable environments for the survival of ostracods. In the stratigraphic succession, ostracod-bearing beds mainly occur in the upper K2qn1, K2qn2, lower K2qn3 and K2n1 units. High-frequency sequence cycles controlled ostracod reproduction and death, and mass mortalities of ostracods commonly occurred during periods in which the lake base-level fell, leading to water shallowing, increasing salinity and sand intrusion into the shore-shallow lakes. Ostracod mortality was not associated with expansion of the lake area, marine transgression or volcanic eruptions. The ostracod-bearing beds were widely formed in shallow and semi-deep lacustrine settings in the SLB. Tight oil/gas reservoirs can be developed in thick ostracod-bearing beds. In addition, areas containing ostracod can be regarded as sweet spots for mud or shale oil/gas exploration, because extensive ostracods can improve the content of brittle minerals in mudstone.  相似文献   

The properties of the regular solution are described. A solid solution is assigned certain theoretical values of the heat of mixing and the results of the distribution of a component between two coexisting solutions are shown graphically on Roozeboom diagrams. Such representations may be useful in explaining the distribution of elements observed in natural mineral assemblages.  相似文献   

In this study, compositions and δ13C and δ2H isotopic values of hydrocarbon gases from 5 mines in the Witwatersrand basin, South Africa, support the widespread occurrence of microbially produced methane in millions of years-old fissure waters. The presence of microbial methane is, to a large extent, controlled by the geologic formations in which the gases are found. Samples from the Witwatersand Supergroup have the largest microbial component based on δ13C and δ2H signatures and CH4/C2+ values. Based on mixing between a microbial CH4 component and a more 13C-enriched and 2H-depleted C2+-rich end member, conservative estimates of the % contribution of microbial CH4 to the gas samples range from >90% microbial CH4 at Beatrix, Masimong, and Merriespruit, to between 5 and 80% microbial CH4 at Evander, and <18% microbial CH4 at Kloof. The Witwatersrand basin’s history of thermal alteration of organic-rich ancient sedimentary units suggests a thermogenic origin for this 13C-enriched end member. Alternatively, the potential for an abiogenic origin similar to hydrocarbon gases produced by water-rock interaction at other Precambrian Shield mines is discussed. Microbial methane is predominantly found in paleo-meteoric fissure waters with δ18O and δ2H values that fall on the meteoric waterline, and have temperatures between 30 to 40°C. In contrast, fissure waters with a larger component of nonmicrobial hydrocarbon gases show a trend towards more enriched δ18O and δ2H values that fall well above the meteoric waterline, and temperatures of 45 to 60°C. The enrichment in 18O and 2H in these samples, and their high salinity, are similar to the isotopic and compositional characteristics of saline groundwaters and brines produced by water-rock interaction at Precambrian Shield sites elsewhere. The reported 100 Ma ages of fissure waters from the Witwatersrand and Ventersdorp formations suggest that these microbial hydrocarbon gases are the product of in situ methanogenic communities in the deep subsurface of the Witswaterand basin. Small subunit ribosomal RNA genes were amplified using archaeal-specific primer sets from DNA extracts derived from several of these waters. Fissure waters with a high proportion of microbial methane also contained sequences resembling those of known methanogens.  相似文献   

论小坝梁铜矿床的海底火山热液成因   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈德潜  赵平  魏振国 《地球学报》1995,16(2):190-203
本文对内蒙古小坝梁铜矿床的成矿地质构造背景、成矿地质特征、同位素及矿床地球化学作了一系列研究,并与国外同类矿床进行对比,确定该矿床属海底火山热液型,成矿时代为晚华力西期。此项研究为该类矿床的勘查拓宽了思路,指出小坝梁矿区北部与东部为勘探铜矿床的远景区。  相似文献   

Principal component analysis, using eigenvalues and eigenvectors, of the encountered variation in the chemistry of 153 garnets indicates the following: (1) In low grade metamorphic rocks, spessertite and almandine are distinctly isomorphous. The variability of pyrope content does not influence the binary Fe-Mn relationship. However there may be some influence of the grossularite content. (2) In high grade metamorphic rocks, pyrope and almandine are distinctly isomorphous. Variability of grossularite content does not affect the binary Mg-Fe relationship. However, variability in spessertite content may influence the linearity particularly when there is little pyrope.Similar statistical analysis of the chemical data on 119 samples of clinopyroxenes indicates that only significant changes in the concentrations of Al in octahedral and/or of Al in tetrahedral sites and Ti could cause some change in the FeMg ratio in the mineral.Principal component analysis of the data on coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene could be used to classify rocks into their petrogenetic types.Distribution coefficient calculated by assuming ideal binary solution of Mg and Fe members in pyroxene and garnet is useful to indicate the P-T of the formation of the rocks.  相似文献   

Crystal fragments of pyrope from diatremes of ultramafic microbreccia in the Navajo Province of the Colorado Plateau contain inclusions of olivine, pyroxene, spinel, chlorite, amphibole, chlorapatite, and dolomite. The included suite supports earlier hypotheses that hydrous phases and carbonates were primary parts of some garnet peridotite assemblages in the Plateau lithosphere. Garnets with spinel and orthopyroxene inclusions likely all were sampled at pressures less than 36 kb and perhaps as low as 15–20 kb; no evidence was found for inclusions from greater depths. Temperature estimates are 800°–900° C for garnet-clinopyroxene equilibration, but only 500°–700° C for garnetolivine equilibration. Inherent differences between geothermometry methods account for only part of the discrepancy. Pronounced Fe-Mg zoning in garnet at olivine contacts and the lack of such zoning at clinopyroxene contacts are evidence that the difference in part relates to relative reequilibration rates with cooling. The garnet-olivine temperature estimates may be the best approximations to mantle temperatures before eruption. Our data are compatible both with the hypothesis that the garnet peridotite was emplaced in the mantle by large-scale, horizontal transport in the lithosphere and with the hypothesis that rocks were sampled from Precambrian lithosphere cooled to temperatures like those along a low heat flow geotherm. Discordances between the geothermometers here and in other lherzolite localities may be keys to evaluating tectonic histories of lherzolite masses.  相似文献   

海底沉积物中不同形式烃类气体的地球化学意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
付少英 《地学前缘》2005,12(3):253-257
顶空气法和酸解烃法将东沙群岛海域海底浅表层沉积物中不同形式的烃类气体释放出来,通过分析两类气体在沉积物中的含量及其甲烷碳同位素,发现两类气体的成因和来源不同。笔者认为,相对而言,吸附气(包裹气)反映的是一种更为早期的信息,而游离气(溶解气)则更具有“现代性”。笔者进一步认为,两类气体的不同形成过程,对于天然气水合物调查具有不同的意义,其中游离气(溶解气)具有直接的指示意义,而吸附气(包裹气)可能指示成岩时沉积物中的空间信息。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEasternShandongProvincerepresentsthelargestgoldconcentrationregioninChina ,withannualproduc tion >5 5 - 6 0tgoldandpresentreserveofmorethan90 0tgold ,accountingforaquarterofthetotalgoldproductioninthecountry .Amajorityofthegoldde positsishostedintheJurassic Cretaceousgranitoidin trusions .TimingofgoldmineralizationineasternShan donghasbeenamajorfocusofmanypreviousstudies .K Ar,Rb SrandconventionalU Pbisotopicdatinginthelasttwodecadeshaveyieldedawiderangeofminer alizationag…  相似文献   

Jowshan geothermal system comprises 6 thermal springs with outlet temperatures ranging from 39.3 to 46.6°C. The thermal water of these springs is presently used for swimming and as a treatment for rheumatism, sinusitis and skin diseases. The pH value of these springs is slightly acidic to neutral and the electrical conductivities about 1500 μS/Cm. The presence of many faults in the area, the alignment of all springs along the Sirch Fault and the similar chemical and isotopic composition of all springs in combination with the hydrogeological setting and geochemistry of water samples indicate that these springs are associated with deep circulation of meteoric water. According to this heating mechanism, meteoric waters infiltrate through fault openings to depth and after heating by geothermal gradient rise to the ground surface due to the hydraulic and buoyancy forces, a mechanism which is common in the southern parts of Iran. The use of various chemical geothermometers and mineral equilibrium states suggests a range of temperature about 50–90°C for the reservoir of Jowshan geothermal system.  相似文献   

The assemblage, plagioclase-biotite-garnet-muscovite is widespread in garnet to lower sillimanite zone metasedimentary rocks. The equilibria, (1) pyr+gr+mu=3an+phl and (2) alm+gr+mu=3an+ann, involve a change in Al coordination from 6 to 4 and in Mg-Fe coordination from 8 to 6 and should be strongly pressure dependent. Using an ionic solution model we can define solid activity products for (1) and (2). Using a linear least squares analysis of activity products and estimated P-T from natural assemblages we can derive equilibrium constant equations for (1) and (2). Combining either of these equations with that for Mg-Fe exchange for garnet-biotite from Ferry and Spear (1978) allows estimation of P and T of metamorphism. Pressures estimated from these equilibria compare favorably to pressures estimated from garnet-plagioclase-Al2SiO5-quartz equilibria.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》1992,94(4):321-329
Light hydrocarbon and isotope compositions of methane were analyzed in well steam samples from the Matsukawa vapour-dominated type geothermal system. Alkanes (C1-C4) and alkene (C2) were detected in all samples. Light hydrocarbon contents of CO2-type steam are slightly higher than those of CO2-H2S-type steam. The isotope composition of methane and the relationship between methane/ethane ratio and δ13C-value of methane suggest that these light hydrocarbon gases are mixtures of thermogenic and abiogenic components. The abiogenic hydrocarbon may be attributed to magmatic hydrocarbon gases equilibrated with carbon dioxide at fo2 defined by the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer (FMQ).  相似文献   

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