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The Ulster White Limestone Formation is an unusual chalk because it underwent a period of post-depositional emergence and erosion, followed by burial under 1·5–2·0 km of Tertiary basalts. A high degree of pressure solution and cementation produced a well-lithified limestone with low porosities (2·3–10·4%). The Ulster White Limestone shows no evidence of thermally induced textural alteration, except for thin (<0·5 m) pseudospar contact recrystallization zones adjoining basalt dykes. Whole-rock δ18O values of samples not associated with basalt dykes range from - 3·26%o to - 6·50%o (PDB). The δ18O values of macropore cements range from - 4·96%o to - 11·52%o (mean=-8·27%o). Modelling of the diagenesis of the Ulster White Limestone using trace element concentrations and carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopic ratios of whole rock and cement samples suggests a low water-rock ratio and either marine or mixed marine-meteoric pore water environment during the main episode of recrystallization. The maximum possible burial temperature was modelled to be ? 105°C. The diagenetic history of the Ulster White Limestone is similar to that of North Sea chalks that are at comparable burial depths as the Ulster White Limestone after basalt deposition. The geochemical data show no indication of hydrothermal alteration associated with the overlying basalts. The degree of alteration of fine-grained limestones composed predominantly of low-magnesium calcite, such as the Cretaceous/Tertiary chalks, appears to be controlled largely by the burial (effective stress) history of the limestone.  相似文献   

Cretaceous brachiopods (Moutonithyris dutempleana) and belemnites (Neohibolites minimus) from the (Albian) Hunstanton Red Chalk Formation (Hunstanton, UK) were isotopically analysed with the aim of identifying palaeoecological and palaeotemperature trends. Shell preservation was assessed via thin section petrography and geochemical analyses. Oxygen isotopic compositions (and corresponding temperature interpretations) of well-preserved belemnites are similar in comparison to the brachiopod shells. Assuming calcite precipitation in isotopic equilibrium, they are interpreted to have occupied the same or similar warm (15–19 °C) shallow marine environment. Further, these findings indicate that the belemnites mineralised in relatively warm waters and not in deep and cool waters as suggested for some belemnite species. The isotope data are thus inconsistent with the belemnites being associated with a cool water pulse, contrasting with events associated with the Cenomanian chalks. A difference δ13C between the belemnites and brachiopods is interpreted to originate from differences in metabolic rates.  相似文献   

Woodeaton Quarry in Oxfordshire has previously yielded a number of large sauropod vertebrae and other (unpublished) dinosaur remains from a horizon in the Rutland Formation. No review of the wider terrestrial fauna from Woodeaton has been published to date. Here we present an overview of new material recovered from a microvertebrate site at the top of the White Limestone Formation (Middle Jurassic, Bathonian, Great Oolite Group, Retrocostatum Zone) and review the stratigraphy to provide a comprehensive local stratigraphic framework and place the quarry in the correct regional context. The terrestrial fauna is similar to that found from other UK Bathonian microvertebrate sites and includes probable dromaeosaurid theropods, ornithischians, tritylodontids and mammaliaforms such as amphitheriids, docodonts, ‘eutriconodonts’, ‘haramyids’ and multituberculates. Placement of the White Limestone Formation boundaries are clarified with respect to the Rutland and Forest Marble Formations. This indicates that the microvertebrate bed from Woodeaton is slightly older than that of the well-known mammal bed from nearby Kirtlington Quarry.  相似文献   

Groundwater chemistry in a coastal region (Kunsan, Korea) having complex contaminant sources was investigated. Water analysis data for 197 groundwater samples collected from the uniformly distributed sixty-six wells were used. Chemical analysis results indicate that groundwaters show wide concentration ranges in major inorganic ions, reflecting complex hydrochemical processes. Due to the complexity of groundwater chemistry, the samples were classified into four groups based on Cl and NO3 concentrations and the processes controlling water chemistry were evaluated based on the reaction stoichiometry. The results explained the importance of mineral weathering, anthropogenic activities (nitrification and oxidation of organic matters), and Cl-salt inputs (seawater, deicer, NaCl, etc.) on groundwater chemistry. It was revealed that mineral dissolution is the major process controlling the water chemistry of the low Cl and NO3 group (Group 1). Groundwaters high in NO3 (Groups 2 and 4) are acidic in nature, and their chemistry is largely influenced by nitrification, oxidation of organic matters and mineral dissolution. In the case of chloride rich waters (Group 3), groundwater chemistry is highly influenced by mineral weathering and seawater intrusion associated with cation-exchange reactions.  相似文献   

Rapid radiation of the Bittacidae during the Jurassic resulted in high diversity within this family of Mecoptera. More than 40 species within 23 genera have been described from this period. However, around the end of the Jurassic the abundance and diversity of Bittacidae decreased and only seven species in five genera are known to date from the Cretaceous. A new specimen from the basal Cretaceous of England, Tytthobittacus jarzembowski sp. nov., described here, represents the eighth species and the second fossil representative of this family from the European Cretaceous. This hangingfly belongs to an extant and relictual genus previously known only from Australia. The paper also includes a review of all known Cretaceous bittacids and a re-examination of European species Antiquanabittacus nanus Petrulevičius and Jarzembowski, 2004.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3 ) is major pollutant in groundwater worldwide. Karst aquifers are particularly vulnerable to nitrate contamination from anthropogenic sources due to the rapid movement of water in their conduit networks. In this study, the isotopic compositions (δ15N–NO3 , δ15N–NH4 +) and chemical compositions(e.g., NO3 , NH4 +, NO2 , K+) were measured in groundwater in the Zunyi area of Southwest China during summer and winter to identify the primary sources of contamination and characterize the processes affecting nitrate in the groundwater. It was found that nitrate was the dominant species of nitrogen in most of the water samples. In addition, the δ15N–NO3 values of water samples collected in summer were lower than those collected in winter, suggesting that the groundwater received a significant contribution of NO3 from agricultural fertilizer during the summer. Furthermore, the spatial variation in the concentration of nitrate and the δ15N–NO3 value indicated that some of the urban groundwater was contaminated with pollution from point sources. In addition, the distribution of δ15N–NO3 values and the relationship between ions in the groundwater indicated that synthetic and organic fertilizers (cattle manure) were the two primary sources of nitrate in the study area, except in a few cases where the water had been contaminated by urban anthropogenic inputs. Finally, the temporal and spatial variation of the water chemistry and isotopic data indicated that denitrification has no significant effect on the nitrogen isotopic values in Zunyi groundwater.  相似文献   

Globally, aquifers are suffering from large abstractions resulting in groundwater level declines. These declines can be caused by excessive abstraction for drinking water, irrigation purposes or industrial use. Basaltic aquifers also face these conflicts. A large flood basalt area (1.1?×?105 km2) can be found in the Northwest of the USA. This Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) consists of a thick series of basalt flows of Miocene age. The two major hydrogeological units (Wanapum and Grand Ronde formations) are widely used for water abstraction. The mean decline over recent decades has been 0.6 m year?1. At present day, abstraction wells are drying up, and base flow of rivers is reduced. At the eastern part of CRBG, the Moscow sub-basin on the Idaho/Washington State border can be found. Although a thick poorly permeable clay layer exists on top of the basalt aquifer, groundwater level dynamics suggest that groundwater recharge occurs at certain locations. A set of wells and springs has been monitored bi-weekly for 9 months for δ18O and δ2H. Large isotopic fluctuations and d-excess values close to the meteoric water line in some wells are indicating that recharge occurs at the granite/basalt interface through lateral flow paths in and below the clay. A soil moisture routing (SMR) model showed that most recharge occurs on the granitic mountains. The basaltic aquifer receives recharge from these sedimentary zones around the granite/basalt interface. The identification of these types of areas is of major importance for future managed-aquifer recharge solutions to solve problems of groundwater depletion.  相似文献   

Northern Ireland's Jurassic succession has received relatively little detailed investigation. Late Sinemurian and early Pliensbachian strata are present in parts of north Antrim but they are poorly exposed at outcrop and have been penetrated by just a single borehole, at Portmore, in which parts of the succession are missing. Collecting from White Park Bay over more than two decades, augmented by examination of museum material, has established the presence within the Rathlin (North Antrim) Basin of ammonite zones and subzones additional to those proven in the Portmore Borehole. This suggests that parts of the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian stages, from the Obtusum Zone through to the Davoei Zone, and possibly even higher, may be preserved in onshore or nearshore parts of the basin. Despite the generally poor exposure, the material recovered encompasses more than 40 ammonite species, including several taxa that are poorly represented elsewhere in the UK, of which two, Vicininodiceras dalriatense sp. nov. and Cheltonia howarthi sp. nov., are previously undescribed.  相似文献   

The present study focused on the estimation of submarine groundwater discharge(SGD)and the effects of nutrient fluxes due to the SGD process.The parameters of SGD such as magnitude,character,and nutrient flux in Punnakayal region of South East coast of India were evaluated using multiple tracers of groundwater inputs in 2019.It was found that the elevated values for the tracers in the study area,displayed a gradational change in the values as move from estuarine part to the offshore.Simultaneous occurrence of fresh and saline SGD is observed on the study sites.Also,indicated that the SGD fluxes ranged from 0.04 to 0.12 m^3 m^-2d^-1 at the estuary and0.03-0.15 m^3 m^-2d^-1at the groundwater site.A substantially increased value for 222 Rn activities is distinguished in the estuary to values over 312 dpm L^-1.Nutrient embellishments were generally greatest at locations with substantial meteoric elements in groundwater;however,the recirculation of saltwater through the geological formation could provide a way of transferring terrestrially-derived nutrients to the coastal zone at many places.  相似文献   

Stable isotope compositions (18O and 2H), determined for underground and surface waters from the watershed of a hill reservoir and downstream from the reservoir, suggest that (i) the reservoir water, which is more or less evaporated, represents a mixture between surface waters (rainfall, runoff) and the upstream alluvial groundwater meteoric in origin; (ii) the downstream alluvial groundwater have a stable isotope composition of a previously infiltrated reservoir water. The 18O isotope enrichment modelling of the mixed reservoir water shows that an input flux of 50 m3 day−1 is balanced by an output flux of 300 m3 day−1 when the reservoir water level is above 4.5 m, and by an output flux of 170 m3 day−1 when water levels are lower. The contribution of hill reservoirs to local groundwater movements must be considered in any regional scale hydrological investigations of areas that contain hill reservoirs. To cite this article: O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


La composition isotopique (18O et 2H) d'eaux souterraines et superficielles, déterminée pour le bassin versant d'une retenue collinaire et sa partie aval, suggère (i) que l'eau de la retenue, qui est plus ou moins évaporée, représente un mélange entre les eaux de surface (pluie, ruissellement) et la nappe alluviale amont d'origine météorique et (ii) que la nappe alluviale aval a la composition isotopique d'une eau de la retenue anciennement infiltrée. La modélisation de l'enrichissement en isotope 18O pour l'eau mélangée de la retenue montre qu'un flux entrant de 50 m3 j−1 est compensé par un flux sortant de 300 m3 j−1, lorsque le niveau d'eau de la retenue est supérieur à 4,5 m, et par un flux sortant de 170 m3 j−1 en dessous. La contribution des lacs collinaires aux écoulements souterrains doit être prise en compte pour de futures études hydrologiques à l'échelle régionale. Pour citer cet article : O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The concept of groundwater recharge and quality improvement is often implemented in arid and semi-arid areas with depleted aquifers. Nalgonda district in Andhra Pradesh, India, has endemic fluoride, with concentrations in drinking water varying between 3 and 8?mg/l. Numerous techniques adopted in the recent past for defluoridizing groundwater proved to have limitations. The integrated approach of a geographic information system (GIS) and an analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to identify suitable sites for recharge structures over an area of ??115?km2, is highlighted. Further, to validate the delineated sites, a micro-watershed basin (2?km2) was selected for detailed recharge assessment and site feasibility studies through geophysical and tracer tests. Groundwater velocity (7?m/day) and flow direction through fractures in the shallow horizon were established through tracer experiments. The efficacy of the recommended recharge structures and their impact on groundwater quality were assessed over a period of 5?years, from 2002 to 2007, and the mean groundwater fluoride concentration of?>?3.5?mg/l over the study area was brought down to?<?1.5?mg/l.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to understand and reproduce the hydrological dynamics of a slope that is terraced by dry retaining walls. This approach will help to assess the influence of temporary groundwater perched tables, which can form at the area of contact between the backfill of the wall and the bedrock, on the wall’s stability. The study area is located in Valtellina (Northern Italy) near the village of Tresenda, which was affected by three debris flows that caused 18 casualties in 1983. In 2002, another event of the same type affected this area, but that event only caused the interruption of a major transport road. Direct observations of one of the three flows in 1983 and the reconstruction of 2002 indicated that the most probable triggering cause was the collapse of a dry retaining wall after its backfill was saturated. After field work was conducted to discover the principal hydrological and hydrogeological characteristics of the slope, numerical modelling was performed to determine under what conditions the soil will saturate, and therefore, when the collapse of a dry retaining wall might occur. First, a study of the interaction between pluviometric events and groundwater behaviour was conducted; then, modelling was performed using finite element analysis software that permits the calculation of groundwater flow both for completely and partially saturated conditions. The model was calibrated and validated using the hydrographs of the groundwater table recorded on site. It can be used as a predictive instrument for rainfall events of a given duration and return period.  相似文献   

Groundwater in mountainous karst regions is vital for regional water budgets and freshwater supply. Owing to increasing water demand and climate change, detailed knowledge of the highly heterogeneous alpine aquifer systems is required. Multi-tracer analyses have been conducted in the steep karstic Wetterstein Mountains, which includes Germany’s highest summit, Zugspitze (2,962 m asl). Results of artificial tracer tests demonstrate well-developed flow paths through the unsaturated zone (up to 1,000 m thickness). Flow paths cross topographic divides and contribute to deep drainage systems underneath alpine valleys. Cross-formational flow has been identified. Quantitative analysis of tailing-dominated breakthrough curves and stable isotopes (18O) has enabled determination of the mean transit-time distribution. A fast-flow component with transit times between 3 and 13 days was found in karst conduits and open fissures, dependent on flow conditions. An intermediate-flow component, showing mean transit times of about 2.9–4.9 months, was found in well-drained fissures and fractures. A slow-flow component with mean transit times greater than 1 year is attributable to slow flow and low storage in the poorly drained fissures and rock matrix. The conceptual model enables a better understanding of drainage, water resources and vulnerability of the high-alpine karst system.  相似文献   

The irreversible water–rock mass exchanges leading to the production of the Fiume Grande valley (Calabria, Italy) stream waters and groundwaters, starting from local rainwaters, were simulated through reaction path modeling in reaction progress (stoichiometric) mode. The simulations assumed bulk dissolution of a phyllitic rock and calcite and precipitation of gibbsite, kaolinite, amorphous silica, illite, a smectite solid mixture, a hydroxide solid mixture, and a trigonal carbonate solid mixture. The analytical contents of major and trace elements in stream waters and groundwaters were satisfactorily reproduced. However, further investigations are necessary to clarify the fate of As in this natural systems.
Rosanna De RosaEmail:

Ayadi  Rahma  Trabelsi  Rim  Zouari  Kamel  Saibi  Hakim  Itoi  Ryuichi  Khanfir  Hafedh 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(4):983-1007

Major element concentrations and stable (δ18O and δ2H) and radiogenic (3H and 14C) isotopes in groundwater have proved useful tracers for understanding the geochemical processes that control groundwater mineralization and for identifying recharge sources in the semi-arid region of Sfax (southeastern Tunisia). Major-ion chemical data indicate that the origins of the salinity in the groundwater are the water–rock interactions, mainly the dissolution of evaporitic minerals, as well as the cation exchange with clay minerals. The δ18O and δ2H relationships suggest variations in groundwater recharge mechanisms. Strong evaporation during recharge with limited rapid water infiltration is evident in the groundwater of the intermediate aquifer. The mixing with old groundwater in some areas explains the low stable isotope values of some groundwater samples. Groundwaters from the intermediate aquifer are classified into two main water types: Ca-Na-SO4 and Ca-Na-Cl-SO4. The high nitrate concentrations suggest an anthropogenic source of nitrogen contamination caused by intensive agricultural activities in the area. The stable isotopic signatures reveal three water groups: non-evaporated waters that indicate recharge by recent infiltrated water; evaporated waters that are characterized by relatively enriched δ18O and δ2H contents; and mixed groundwater (old/recent) or ancient groundwater, characterized by their depleted isotopic composition. Tritium data support the existence of recent limited recharge; however, other low tritium values are indicative of pre-nuclear recharge and/or mixing between pre-nuclear and contemporaneous recharge. The carbon-14 activities indicate that the groundwaters were mostly recharged under different climatic conditions during the cooler periods of the late Pleistocene and Holocene.


In the coastal western part of Saudi Arabia at Thuwal area located close from the Red Sea, the shallow groundwater specific electrical conductivities measured at the drill holes range from 6 to 13 mS/cm. In order to study the origin of this salinity, a good knowledge is required of the aquifer geometry with depth. Ninety nine transient electromagnetic (TEM) soundings were carried out over an area of about 100 km2. From the TEM profiles, a conductive substratum with a resistivity of 1–13 Ωm was identified at most of the sites at depth ranging from 50 to 150 m. This substratum is related to Oligocene–Miocene sediments (Shumaysi Formation) which are mainly red clay-rich formation containing brines at coastal zones. Clayey sediments are more likely present in the southeastern part and along the faults that run NE–SW across the study area and parallel to the Quaternary volcanic which runs NW–SE. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of the TEM sounding method to map conductive zones.  相似文献   

Life and the sustainable growth of socioeconomic sectors such as agriculture and industry depend on groundwater, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions where surface water resources are limited. The objectives of the current study are to characterize groundwater chemistry and assess its suitability for industrial usage in the Guanzhong Basin located in the semi-arid region of northwest China. To better understand the hydrogeochemistry in the study area, statistical analysis, ionic plots and Pearson's correlation analysis were conjunctively used. Finally, a novel industrial water quality index (IndWQI) model was developed in this paper to determine the overall industrial water quality based on scaling, corrosion, and foaming coefficients as well as some physicochemical parameters. The contribution of each parameter to the overall industrial water quality was determined using multivariate statistical analysis approaches. The findings reveal that dissolution of minerals such as calcite, dolomite, anhydrite and gypsum regulate the groundwater geochemistry in the study area. In addition, human activities influence the groundwater quality in the study area. According to the novel IndWQI approach, 78.95 % of the confined water samples and 74.51 % of the phreatic water samples have excellent or good quality, and can be safely used for industrial boilers. The geospatial analysis shows that the most contaminated groundwater samples are mainly located in northeast Xi'an and the northeast region of the Guanzhong Basin. The IndWQI model is trustworthy, as it can combine several water quality indices and give an instantaneous impression of the whole groundwater quality for industrial uses. It can serve as a benchmark for other areas across the world with a comparable climate.  相似文献   

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