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We present SPH simulations of the evolution of the interstellar gas during the formation of an elliptical galaxy. The gas dynamics is governed initially by the collapsing phase of the primordial fluctuation, and later by the star formation processes. The final configuration is critically related to the total mass of the system. For more massive galaxies the hot gas is confined in a galactic corona and radiates at X-ray frequencies, while in the central region the interstellar medium has a much lower temperature and forms a cooling flow. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The hot stellar component in elliptical galaxies offers clues to both stellar evolution and galaxy evolution. Current observations suggest that extreme horizontal branch (EHB) stars dominate the far-UV emission from galaxies with the strongest "UV upturns," while post asymptotic giant branch (PAGB) stars are probably significant contributors for weaker galaxies. Spectra near the Lyman limit indicate that a rather narrow range of temperature (and hence EHB star mass) is required. However, other arguments suggest that most of the helium-burning stars in elliptical galaxies are in the red clump. The HB star mass distribution therefore appears to be strongly bimodal. Such bimodality is qualitatively reproduced by two radically different stellar population models, (those of Lee and Bressan et al., 1994), both of which require that the galaxies be very old. However, the Galactic open cluster NGC 6791 also contains EHB stars and exhibits strong bimodality, indicating that old age may not necessarily be a requirement for the UV upturn phenomenon. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The UV upturn phenomenon found in bright elliptical galaxies has notable implications for stellar evolution, galaxy evolution and even for cosmology. The recent space observations of three galaxy clusters made by Brown and his collaborators shed great lights on this field of study. Theoretical models are being improved based on such data. While the core-helium burning stars remain the strongest candidate for the UV upturn, there is a growing concern that the canonical models may be missing important elements, such as binaries. I review the current theoretical understanding and future prospects.  相似文献   

Integrated broad-band colors and metallic lines cannot discriminate clearly between the effects of age and Z in old stellar populations. Such data are more sensitive to Z than to age. The Hβ feature provides a way to break this degeneracy. New measurements indicate that the mean stellar ages of typical E galaxy nuclei are fairly young, ranging from 2 to ∼12 Gyr. The outer parts of E galaxies are both older and more metal-poor than nuclei, consistent with the formation of E galaxies via mergers and starbursts. Age effects contribute strongly to the classic color-line strength sequence of E galaxies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

IRAS在12,25,60和100μm的巡天,给我们提供了研究各类星系红外辐射特性的可能。为了研究具有尘带的E和SO星系的红外辐射特性,我们利用了E.Sadler给出的完备的E和SO星系表。在该星系表中共列出248个夭体,其中38个被证记为IRAS点源,且又有确切的60和100μm的流量值。在这38个天体中有6个被列在K.Ebneter和B.Balik最新发表的具有全带的椭圆星系表中。我们以这6个星系作为具有尘带的E和SO星系的样本,其它32个没有尘带的E和SO星系即作为对照样本。为了讨论具有尘带的椭圆星系的红外辐射特性,我们利用非参数Mann-Whitney检验,对这两个样本的LIR和FIR/FB的分布作了讨论,结果是在对于置信度α=0.05的水平上,我们不能拒绝另一假设:这两个样本的LIR和FIR/FB的分布是相同的。对于同时具有25,60和100μm确切流量的E和SO星系我们讨论了它们的双色图,结果发现,不具尘带的E和SO星系都处于Rowan-Robinson.et al所指出的正常星系区,而一些具有尘和带的ESO星系,则远离这一区域,它们是LINER和SEYFERT星系。  相似文献   

Kimura  H.  Mann  I.  Wehry  A. 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1998,264(1-4):213-218
We deduce the mass distribution and total mass density of interstellar dust streaming into the solar system and compare the results to the conditions of the very local interstellar medium (VLISM). The mass distribution derived from in situ measurements shows a gentler slope and includes larger grains, compared to a model distribution proposed for the wavelength dependence of the interstellar extinction. The mass density of grains in the solar system is consistent with that expected from measurements of the visible interstellar extinction and the abundance constraints of elements in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM), instead of those in the VLISM. This may imply that interstellar dust grains are not associated with the VLISM and that the conditions of the grains are better represented by the ones expected in the diffuse ISM. If this is the case, then the flatter slope in the mass distribution and the detection of larger interstellar grains in the solar system may even indicate that coagulation growth of dust in the diffuse ISM is more effective than previously inferred. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a recent attempt to infer the age, metallicity and abundance ratios for a selected sample of elliptical galaxies, adopting the line-strength indices Hβ, Mg2 and 〈Fe 〉, which respond in different ways to different parameters such as age (Hβ), metallicity and abundance ratios (〈Fe〉 and Mg2). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We compare two different N-body models simulating elliptical galaxies. Namely, the first model is a non-rotating triaxial N-body equilibrium model with smooth center, called SC model. The second model, called CM model, is derived from the SC by inserting a central mass in it, so that all possible differences between the two models are due to the effect of the central mass. The central mass is assumed to be mainly due to a massive central black hole of mass about 1% of the total mass of the galaxy. By using the fundamental frequency analysis, the two systems are thoroughly investigated as regards the types of orbits described either by test particles, or by the real particles of the systems at all the energy levels. A comparison between the orbits of test particles and the orbits of real particles at various energy levels is made on the rotation number plane. We find that extensive stable regions of phase space, detected by test particles remain empty, i.e. these regions are not occupied by real particles, while many real particles move in unstable regions of phase space describing chaotic orbits. We run self-consistently the two models for more than a Hubble time. During this run, in spite of the noise due to small variations of the potential, the SC model maintains (within a small uncertainly) the number of particles moving on orbits of each particular type. In contrast, the CM model is unstable, due to the large amount of mass in chaotic motion caused by the central mass. This system undergoes a secular evolution towards an equilibrium state. During this evolution it is gradually self-organized by converting chaotic orbits to ordered orbits mainly of the short axis tube type approaching an oblate spheroidal equilibrium. This is clearly demonstrated in terms of the fundamental frequencies of the orbits on the rotation number plane and the time evolution of the triaxiality index.  相似文献   

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