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NS935钻孔沉积物不活泼微量元素记录与陆源输入变化探讨   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
探讨了NS93-5钻孔沉积物的部分高场强元素和大离子亲石元素的含量变化,结果表明,Ti、Rb、Ga、Y、Zr、Nb、Cs、Hf、Ta、Th和稀土元素(REE)相互间含量变化具有很好的相关关系,反映这些元素均基本来自碎屑组分。经Ti和Sc标准化后这些元素含量的变化,以及Zr/Y等特征元素比值和Ge异常指数Ce/Ce、Eu异常指数Eu/Eu的变化,均反映出碎屑输入的通量或者组成的变化,例如火山灰的富集。其中一些变化与气候变化有关,可能反映周边陆壳的风化强度的波动。NS93-5钻孔沉积物的不活泼元素记录,可提供反映输入陆壳物源区的环境演变证据。  相似文献   

通过对南海北部的ODP 1148站岩芯600 mcd以上(约30 Ma以来)的沉积物中自生富集Mn、Cd和Mo等过渡金属元素的含量变化的研究,并结合相关的化学组成结果,探讨了岩芯内部氧化-还原条件的变化以及相关元素的活动特征,反演了相应沉积时期的环境演变.结果显示,岩芯387 mcd以上,自生Mn富集明显,代表氧化的环境;387~485 mcd之间,自生Cd含量明显富集,Mn含量显著降低,代表少氧的环境;485 mcd以下,Mn和Cd含量极低,自生Mo明显富集,代表缺氧的环境.随氧化-还原条件的变化,Mo存在明显的向下迁移并在缺氧界面的缺氧一方达到最大值的趋势,而Cd在少氧环境形成的固相态则可能在缺氧环境下不稳定,溶解态的Cd有向上迁移的趋势,并且在少氧/缺氧界面的少氧一方富集.这些过渡金属元素记录的氧化-还原条件的变化,反映出ODP 1148站所在海区的沉积环境变化:早期有较丰富的陆源输入,表层海水生产力较高,随着南海不断扩张以及全球海平面上升,该海区表层海水生产力逐渐降低.  相似文献   

Lake Chalco (99.0°W, 19.5°N) in the Basin of Mexico, was formed during the Pleistocene after the emplacement of the Chichinautzin volcanic field that closed the former drainage system. The lake sediment record has been influenced by a number of factors, including glacial–interglacial cycles, local volcanism, erosion of soils and anthropogenic disturbances. The magnetic properties of the lake sediments and the associated tephra layers of the last 16500 yr have been studied. It is found that the magnetic properties of the Lake Chalco sediments are very distinctive. Magnetic concentration varies by a factor of 1000 and magnetic stability also varies over an extremely wide range. The predominant magnetic mineral is titanomagnetite in addition to an imperfect antiferromagnetic phase, possibly goethite. An unusually large range of coercivities is found in certain of the tephras. Down‐core variations in magnetic properties closely follow climatic/environmental changes previously established by other proxy methods. The late Pleistocene and late Holocene lake sediments display a higher concentration of magnetic minerals than the early–middle Holocene sediments. In the non‐volcanic sediments, fluctuations in the magnetic concentration reflect changes in both the intensity of erosion, as represented by ferrimagnetic and paramagnetic minerals, and by the maturing of soils, as represented by geothite. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

发现渤海湾中北部表层沉积硅藻21属37种,确定了Cyclotella striata/stylorum,Paralia sulcata和Coscinodiscusperforatus等9个优势种的地理分布;进而根据聚类分析,将研究区表层沉积硅藻划分为6个组合区。讨论了控制它们分布的环境因素,发现盐度与深度是重要控制因素,沉积物底质类型亦对硅藻的分布有一定的影响。  相似文献   

In polluted aquatic systems, toxic metals are often accumulated in bottom sediments. They are, however, not necessarily stored definitively because diagenetic processs can modify redox, pH and even the amount of complexing ligands, releasing the trace metals back into the pore waters and the water column. Especially the labile metal fraction in the pore waters is important since this is the bioavailable fraction determining the bio-toxicity of the sediments. The goal of our study was therefore to assess, with novel sampling techniques, this bioavailable metal fraction in the pore waters as well as the flux towards the overlying water column. High-resolution profiles of trace metals in pore waters of marine and riverine sediments were assessed by DET (diffusive equilibrium in thin films) and DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) gel techniques. The DET technique uses a diffusive gel layer that equilibrates with the aquatic system and with this technique the concentrations of total dissolved trace metals are obtained directly. The DGT technique uses an acrylamide diffusive gel backed by a resin gel (Chelex) which binds trace metals. With the DGT technique only labile species of selected metals can be captured. According to the redox potential measurements, the marine sediments were suboxic (200 mV to -220 mV versus Ag/AgCl electrode), while the riverine sediments were completely anoxic (-160 mV to -220 mV versus Ag/AgCl electrode). This redox potential was apparently controlling the trace metals species in the pore waters: for example a strong correlation between Mn and Co was found in the riverine sediments (for DET and DGT sampling), while in the marine sediments trace metals presented various behaviors.  相似文献   

系统探讨了黔中小流域水体悬浮物和沉积物中微量及稀土元素地球化学特征。结果表明,元素含量在河流与湖泊、悬浮物与沉积物之间均存在明显差异。稀土元素北美页岩标准化分布模式大致为轻稀土相对富集的平坦模式,δEu为0.82~1.25,δCe为0.79~1.25,整体变化不大,均表现为弱异常。麦翁河稀土总量与分布模式均发生异常,主要受上游盘龙煤矿影响。悬浮物的∑REE与pH呈反相关关系,而沉积物的∑REE却与pH表现出正相关关系,表明悬浮物与沉积物中稀土元素行为的控制因素不同。元素相关分析、因子分析及微量元素图解均表明悬浮物与沉积物中的元素具有同源性,主要来源于流域岩石化学风化和土壤物理侵蚀的产物,而某些金属元素Zn、Co、Cu、Cr、Ni则来源于周边工矿企业、农业生产等人为排放。本研究丰富和发展了喀斯特地区水体元素地球化学,揭示了小流域化学风化与物理侵蚀过程中的元素特征和物质输送状况,并为该流域的生态环境现状、治理及管理提供了科学依据和基础资料。  相似文献   

The contents and distribution patterns of the heavy metals including Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, As and Hg in the surface sediments of Beibu Gulf have been analyzed to understand the current pollution situation and the eclogical risk in Beibu Gulf. Hakanson's Potential Ecological Risk factors and indices were used to assess the potential ecological risk of heavy metals to marine ecosystem in Beibu gulf. The results showed that the contents of Cu,Pb,Zn,As and Cd were low, but in some sites Hg was higher than National Marine Sediments of I Quality Standard. The distribution trend of all the six heavy metals was similar in Leizhou Peninsula, Northwest and South Hainan Island, and the high value zone appeared in the vicinity of Dongfang City. The results of principal component analysis showed that the three major sources of heavy metals contamination were industrial wastewater, agricultural wastewater and degradation of organic matter, with the first three principal components contribution rates of 47.13%, 18.44% and 18.35%. The potential ecological risk of heavy metals for the single element shows that the potential ecological risk order of these heavy metals is Hg>Cd>As>Pb>Cu>Zn.And the potential ecological risk of As, Pb, Cu, Zn and Pb is minor, and the potential ecological risk of Hg is great. The comprehensive analysis of potential ecological risk of heavy metals show that Beibu gulf is of intermediate level, while some areas have reached strong level. The estuary of Changhua River has the lowest sediment environmental quality, and more attention must be paid to these areas.  相似文献   

为深入了解北部湾海域沉积物污染现状及生态风险,分析了Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As、Hg 6种重金属元素在北部湾海域表层沉积物中的含量及分布特征,并运用潜在生态危害指数法评价了这些重金属元素对研究区生态系统的潜在危害。结果表明: Cu、Pb、Zn、As、Cd元素含量不高,仅部分站位Hg元素含量高于国家Ⅰ类海洋沉积物标准值; 6种重金属元素在雷州半岛、海南岛西北部以及海南岛南部分布趋势相似,高值区均出现在东方市附近。主成分分析结果表明,重金属来源主要有3个途径,分别是工业及生活排污、农业(农药、化肥等)残留和有机物降解,前3个主成分贡献率分别为47.13%、18.44%和18.35%。单项重金属元素潜在生态风险等级评价结果显示,研究区重金属元素潜在生态风险强弱次序为Hg>Cd>As>Pb>Cu>Zn,As、Pb、Cu、Zn和Cd重金属元素潜在生态风险等级为轻微,而Hg潜在生态风险等级达到了强级。多项重金属元素潜在生态危害评价综合分析结果显示,北部湾海域生态风险等级为中等,部分区域生态风险等级达到了强级,特别是昌化江入海口附近地质环境较差,相关部门应予以足够重视。  相似文献   

陆架边缘海是“河口—陆架”体系重要的碳汇,黏土矿物作为主要载体将有机质与金属元素吸附于表面或层间,通常表现为粒度、有机质和金属元素含量之间高度正相关。本文通过分析南黄海中部沉积物粒度、总有机碳、主微量元素,探讨三者之间分布特征和相互关系,进一步开展金属元素、有机质与黏土矿物吸附模拟实验,结果表明,酸性条件(pH=4)下适量的金属离子(Zn2+、Ni2+、Pb2+)明显促进伊利石对腐殖酸(有机质主要组成部分)吸附,腐殖酸吸附量达到20.06 mg/g,其中金属离子加入使腐殖酸吸附量提高6.25%;同时碱性条件(pH=8)下金属离子也能够促进伊利石对腐殖酸吸附,腐殖酸吸附量达到15.7 mg/g,金属离子加入使腐殖酸吸附量提高38.9%。金属离子的阳离子键桥作用促进伊利石吸附腐殖酸,且酸性环境下腐殖酸的吸附量高于碱性环境。证实了陆架边缘海背下金属元素的参与对黏土矿物吸附腐殖酸具有明显促进作用,有利于在全球碳循环过程形成边缘海“碳库”,同时海洋酸化可能造成海洋溶解有机质降低和重金属离子浓度升高,对陆架边缘海海洋生态系统平衡构成威胁。  相似文献   

Solid phases, such as surface coatings (SC), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and deposited sediments (DS), contribute to the pool of heavy metals in natural waters. Their existing and forming conditions lead to potential differences in enrichment capacity of pollutants, chemical compositions and crystals. In this study, the contents of heavy metals in SC, SPM and DS were determined by GF-AAS after digestion with a mixture of concentrated HNO3 and HClO4. The selective extraction method was employed to remove Fe, Mn oxides and organic matters and associated heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn). X-ray diffraction analyses were performed to characterize the crystals in the samples. The results showed that no significant difference in the contents of Fe-oxides in DS, SPM and SC was found, but the contents of Mn-oxides and organic matter follow the order of SC〉SPM〉DS. The significant crystal characters were observed in DS, SPM and SC, and the kinds of minerals and crystallization degree follow the order of DS〉SC〉SPM. In addition, quartz was the most important matter of crystals in the solid phases. Enrichment capacity follows the order of SPM〉SC〉DS for Pb, Cu and Zn. Organic matter was the major sorbent for Cu, and Mn oxides and organic matter played an important role in the enrichment of Zn. However, Pb was absorbed mainly by Fe oxides. Moreover, compared with Fe oxides and organic matter, Mn oxides had a great enrichment capacity for these metals. Although DS, SPM and SC were formed in the same water system, contents of chemical components, crystals and enrichment capacities to heavy metals were obviously different.  相似文献   

王亚平  王岚    许春雪  季俊峰  王苏明 《地质通报》2012,31(04):594-600
河流沉积物中的重金属元素对水生生物和人类具有潜在的危害性,主要是由于环境条件的变化会使沉积物中的重金属元素释放到水体中。因此,研究影响沉积物中重金属元素释放的因素是十分重要的。研究了长江下游沉积物在不同pH条件下重金属元素Cd、Pb的释放能力和释放前后Cd、Pb形态的变化。结果表明,Cd、Pb在沉积物中的释放主要是在酸性条件下发生的,并且释放率随pH的升高而迅速降低,pH>7.0后,释放率都非常低。释放能力Cd明显大于Pb。形态分析的4个典型沉积物样品中,Cd在南京位点样品中主要存在于残渣态中,其余3个位点样品主要存在于弱酸态和可还原态中,Pb在4个典型沉积物样品中主要存在于可还原态中。pH的变化使沉积物中Cd的各形态都不同程度地发生了释放,弱酸态和可还原态释放的程度最大,而Pb的各个形态释放都不明显。  相似文献   

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