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Our new 21-arcsec resolution CO J  = 2 → 1 map of the L 43 dark cloud shows a poorly collimated molecular outflow, with little evidence for wings at velocities 10 km s−1. The outflow appears not to be currently driven by a jet: its structure can instead be modelled as a slowly expanding shell. The shell may be compressed either by a wide-angled wind catching up with an existing shell (as in the case of planetary nebulæ), or by the thermal pressure of a hot low-emissivity medium interior to the shell. The outflow is most probably in a late stage of evolution, and appears to be in the process of blowing away its molecular cloud. We also present a 45-arcsec resolution CO J  = 1 → 0 map of the whole molecular cloud, showing that the outflow structure is clearly visible even in the integrated intensity of this low excitation line, and suggesting that rapid mapping may prove useful as a way of finding regions of outflow activity. We also examine the immediate surroundings of the driving source with 450 μm imaging: this confirms that the outflow has already evacuated a bay in the vicinity of the young stellar object.  相似文献   

We present proper motion measurements for a number of knots in the jets and bow shocks of the outflows from DG Tau, DG Tau B, T Tau, CoKu Tau 1, FS Tau, and FS Tau B in the nearby Taurus-Auriga star forming region. From these measurements and the available radial velocity data we derive tangential velocities, spatial velocities, angles of the outflows with respect to the plane of the sky, and in a couple of cases the pattern motions of the knots relative to the flow speed.  相似文献   

We present optical and near-infrared images and spectroscopy together with submillimetre images of the candidate FU Orionis pre-main-sequence star PP 13S. A comparison of historical plates with our new images shows that PP 13S has dimmed and changed optical morphology significantly over the last half-century. In addition, its optical spectrum has undergone dramatic changes over a period of 18 yr from one dominated by strong continuum emission to one showing only ionized, shock-excited emission lines. The current association with several features indicative of both accretion and outflow suggests that, within the last few hundred years, PP 13S passed through an elevated emission state characteristic of the high-accretion events of known FU Orionis-type stars, and has since declined, over the last few decades, to a more quiescent state. The result of the outburst may well have been the formation of the shock-excited Herbig–Haro jet seen to extend from the obscured young star.
We additionally see significant morphological evolution of the source PP 13N . Its apparent association with a Herbig–Haro flow suggests that it also is actively accreting and driving a bipolar outflow.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of bulk motion on the detection of molecular outflows in the sources S 146, GGD27, and IRAS 22566 5830. The traditional techniques do allow for bulk motions or systematic VLSR shifts of the core emissions, which may cause contamination of the high velocity gas emissions, and outflows may either fail to be detected or have their properties miscalculated. We used a program to follow the systematic shift of VLSR and better results have been obtained.  相似文献   

给出红外点源IRAS 20231 3440附近恒星形成区近红外.JHK’和H2成像观测结果,以及与该IRAS点源成协的近红外点源IRS1的K波段分光观测结果..JHK’观测显示该区域存在嵌埋的年轻星天体,H2窄波段观测揭示了若干个氢分子发射结点,其中有几个结点排列成线形,暗示分子氢喷流的存在.喷流的北部与已知观测的分子外流成协,表明二者之间存在联系.喷流的走向提示IRS1可能是其激发源,对IRS1的K波段分光观测给出了进一步的证据.从近红外、MSX及IRAS资料估计出IRS1的能谱分布,表明它是一个处于ClassI状态的中等质量的年轻星天体.  相似文献   

We present H α , [N  ii ] and [O  iii ] ground-based and HST archive images, VLA–A 3.6-cm continuum and H92 α emission-line data and high-resolution long-slit [N  ii ] spectra of the planetary nebula Hu 2-1. A large number of structural components are identified in the nebula: an outer bipolar and an inner shell, two pairs of collimated bipolar structures at different directions, monopolar bow-shock-like structures, and an extended equatorial structure within a halo. The formation of Hu 2-1 appears to be dominated by anisotropic mass ejection during the late-AGB stage of the progenitor and by variable, 'precessing' collimated bipolar outflows during the protoplanetary nebula and/or early planetary nebula phases. Different observational results strongly support the existence of a binary central star in Hu 2-1, among them (1) the observed point-symmetry of the bipolar lobes and inner shell, and the departures from axial symmetry of the bipolar lobes, (2) the off-centre position of the central star, (3) the detection of mass ejection towards the equatorial plane, and (4) the presence of 'precessing' collimated outflows. In addition, (5) an analysis of the kinematics shows that the systemic velocity of the bipolar outflows does not coincide with the systemic velocity of the bipolar shell. We propose that this velocity difference is a direct evidence of orbital motion of the ejection source in a binary system. From a deduced orbital velocity of ∼10 km s−1, a semimajor axis of ∼ 9–27 au and period of ∼ 25–80 yr are obtained, assuming a reasonable range of masses. These parameters are used to analyse the formation of Hu 2-1 within current scenarios of planetary nebulae with binary central stars.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei can produce extremely powerful jets. While tightly collimated, the scale of these jets and the stellar density at galactic centres implies that there will be many jet/star interactions, which can mass load the jet through stellar winds. Previous work employed modest wind mass outflow rates, but this does not apply when mass loading is provided by a small number of high mass-loss stars. We construct a framework for jet mass loading by stellar winds for a broader spectrum of wind mass-loss rates than has previously been considered. Given the observed stellar mass distributions in galactic centres, we find that even highly efficient (0.1 Eddington luminosity) jets from supermassive black holes of masses M BH≲ 104 M are rapidly mass loaded and quenched by stellar winds. For  104 M < M BH < 108 M  , the quenching length of highly efficient jets is independent of the jet's mechanical luminosity. Stellar wind mass loading is unable to quench efficient jets from more massive engines, but can account for the observed truncation of the inefficient M87 jet, and implies a baryon-dominated composition on scales ≳2 kpc therein even if the jet is initially pair plasma dominated.  相似文献   

We discuss wide-field near-infrared (near-IR) imaging of the NGC 1333, L1448, L1455 and B1 star-forming regions in Perseus. The observations have been extracted from a much larger narrow-band imaging survey of the Taurus–Auriga–Perseus complex. These H2 2.122-μm observations are complemented by broad-band K imaging, mid-IR imaging and photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope , and published submillimetre CO   J = 3–2  maps of high-velocity molecular outflows. We detect and label 85 H2 features and associate these with 26 molecular outflows. Three are parsec-scale flows, with a mean flow lobe length exceeding 11.5 arcmin. 37 (44 per cent) of the detected H2 features are associated with a known Herbig–Haro object, while 72 (46 per cent) of catalogued HH objects are detected in H2 emission. Embedded Spitzer sources are identified for all but two of the 26 molecular outflows. These candidate outflow sources all have high near-to-mid-IR spectral indices (mean value of  α∼ 1.4  ) as well as red IRAC 3.6–4.5 μm and IRAC/MIPS 4.5–24.0 μm colours: 80 per cent have [3.6]–[4.5] > 1.0 and [4.5]–[24] > 1.5. These criteria – high α and red [4.5]–[24] and [3.6]–[4.5] colours – are powerful discriminants when searching for molecular outflow sources. However, we find no correlation between α and flow length or opening angle, and the outflows appear randomly orientated in each region. The more massive clouds are associated with a greater number of outflows, which suggests that the star formation efficiency is roughly the same in each region.  相似文献   

We present Hα, [N  II ]6583 and 6-cm continuum images of the emission line nebula K 3-35. The optical images reveal an extended nebula (size ≃ 11 × 9 arcsec2 in [N  II ]) in which most of the emission originates in a very narrow (width 0.7–1.3 arcsec) S-shaped region which extends almost all along the nebula (≃ 7 arcsec). The 6-cm continuum emission also arises in this narrow region, which is characterized by an exceedingly high point-symmetry and systematic and continuous changes of the orientation with respect to the nebular centre. The properties of the narrow region suggest that it represents a system of precessing bipolar jet-like components. Two low-excitation, compact bipolar knots near the tips of the jet-like components are observed in the deduced [N  II ]/Hα image ratio. These knots may be generated by the interaction of the collimated outflows with surrounding material. A comparison of the optical and radio images shows the existence of differential extinction within the nebula. Maximum extinction is observed in a disc-like region which traces the equator of the elliptical shell previously observed at 20-cm continuum. All available data strongly suggest that K 3-35 is a very young planetary nebula in which we could be observing the first stages of the formation of collimated outflows and point-symmetric structures typically observed in planetary nebulae. The properties of the jet-like components in K 3-35 are in good agreement with models of binary central stars in which highly collimated outflows originate either from a precessing accretion disc or via magnetic collimation in a precessing star.  相似文献   

If the observed relativistic plasma outflows in astrophysical jets are magnetically collimated and a single-component model is adopted, consisting of a wind-type outflow from a central object, then a problem arises with the inefficiency of magnetic self-collimation to collimate a sizeable portion of the mass and magnetic fluxes in the relativistic outflow from the central object. To solve this dilemma, we have applied the mechanism of magnetic collimation to a two-component model consisting of a relativistic wind-type outflow from a central source and a non-relativistic wind from a surrounding disc. By employing a numerical code for a direct numerical solution of the steady-state problem in the zone of super-fast magnetized flow, which allows us to perform a determination of the flow with shocks, it is shown that in this two-component model it is possible to collimate into cylindrical jets all the mass and magnetic fluxes that are available from the central source. In addition, it is shown that the collimation of the plasma in this system is usually accompanied by the formation of oblique shock fronts. The non-relativistic disc-wind not only plays the role of the jet collimator, but it also induces the formation of shocks as it collides with the initially radial inner relativistic wind and also as the outflow is reflected by the system axis. Another interesting feature of this process of magnetic collimation is a sequence of damped oscillations in the width of the jet.  相似文献   

It has been two decades since astronomers first discovered that accretion disks around young stars drive highly collimated supersonic jets. Thanks to concerted efforts to understand emission line ratios from jets, we know that velocity variations dominate the heating within these flows, and motions in stellar jets, now observed in real time, are primarily radial. The fluid dynamics of the cooling zones can be complex, with interacting shocks, clumps, and instabilities that could benefit from insights into the physics that only experiments can provide. Recent laboratory experiments have reproduced jets with velocities and Mach numbers similar to those within stellar jets, and the field seems poised to make significant advances by connecting observations and theories with experiments. This article points out several aspects of stellar jets that might be clarified by such experiments.  相似文献   

We have imaged several known molecular (CO) outflows in H2 v=1-0 S(1) and wide-band K in order to identify the molecular shocks associated with the acceleration of ambient gas by outflows from young stars. We detected H2 line emission in all the flows we observed: L 1157, VLA 1623, NGC 6334I, NGC 2264G, L 1641N and Haro 4-255. A comparison of the H2 data with CO outflow maps strongly suggests that prompt entrainment near the head of a collimated jet probably is the dominant mechanism for producing the CO outflows in these sources.  相似文献   

The narrow optical filaments ('strings' or 'spikes') emerging from the Homunculus of η Carinae are modelled as resulting from the passage of ballistic 'bullets' of material through the dense circumstellar environment. In this explanation, the string is the decelerating flow of ablated gas from the bullet. An archive Hubble Space Telescope image and new forbidden-line profiles of the most distinct of the strings are presented and discussed in terms of this simple model.  相似文献   

We present a detailed kinematical analysis of the young compact hourglass-shaped planetary nebula Hb 12. We performed optical imaging and long-slit spectroscopy of Hb 12 using the Manchester echelle spectrometer with the 2.1-m San Pedro Mártir telescope. We reveal, for the first time, the presence of end caps (or knots) aligned with the bipolar lobes of the planetary nebula shell in a deep [N  ii ]λ6584 image of Hb 12. We measured from our spectroscopy radial velocities of  ∼120 km s−1  for these knots.
We have derived the inclination angle of the hourglass-shaped nebular shell to be ∼65° to the line of sight. It has been suggested that Hb 12's central star system is an eclipsing binary which would imply a binary inclination of at least 80°. However, if the central binary has been the major shaping influence on the nebula, then both nebula and binary would be expected to share a common inclination angle.
Finally, we report the discovery of high-velocity knots with Hubble-type velocities, close to the core of Hb 12, observed in Hα and oriented in the same direction as the end caps. Very different velocities and kinematical ages were calculated for the outer and inner knots showing that they may originate from different outburst events.  相似文献   

We have imaged H2O maser emission from the star-forming region S128 at milli-arcsec resolution using MERLIN, to complement 20 years of monitoring data from the Puschino radio telescope. The drift velocities of the masers and the velocity and location of a new maser region add depth to the model of two colliding CO clouds triggering collapse. Some H2O masers appear to originate directly from this shock front. The brightest maser appears typical of a YSO jet and remains unsaturated close to peak intensity. The distribution of maser clumps has a fractal dimension 0.4; combined with analysis of drift velocity variations this suggests that the masers trace the dissipation of supersonic turbulence. The spatial distribution of velocities shows that this is in parts more structured than the Kolmogorov cascade.  相似文献   

We present new images of the well-known molecular outflow and Herbig-Haro complex L 1551-IRS 5. Deep, high-resolution images of the central region of the flow in [SII] 6716,6731 and H (6565 Å) are complemented by a mosaic of much of the CO outflow in H2 v=1-0 S(1). While the optical data trace the intermediate-to-high excitation shocks in the flow (v shock > 30 – 50 km s–1), the near-IR data reveal the lower-excitation, molecular shocks (v shock 10–50 km s–1). In particular, the H2 data highlight the regions where the flow impacts and shocks ambient molecular gas.  相似文献   

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