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A linear model of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's collision with Jupiter ispresented, in which the Jovian atmosphere is taken to be a stratified, incompressible and inviscid fluid layer and the gravity wave associated with the impacts is caused by an initial impulse. Instead of adopting an initial surface deformation, we take an initial impulsive pressure P(r, z, 0) as the initial condition. It is found that this approach is more convenient for the mathematical formulation of the problem, especially for the computation of the vertical displacement of the fluid particles and the perturbation potential energy which can then be expressed by finite Fourier sine and cosine transform of P(r, z, 0).

A relationship among parameters of the impact and the Jovian atmosphereand the assumed initial impulse is deduced. We also derive the wave height of the surface wave analytically for two assumed forms of P(r, z, 0).  相似文献   

Both physical and dynamical issues are important in order to judge the origin and evolution of the Jupiter family of short-period comets. The steady-state condition for maintaining this structure at its present size by captures from the classical Oort cloud is reviewed on the basis of recent results concerning the absolute number of Jupiter family comets as a function of perihelion distance as well as the coupled physical and dynamical evolutions that evidently occur. Like in most earlier investigations, a clear shortage is found in the classical Oort cloud source. The shortage seems, however, less extreme than sometimes assumed. Monte Carlo simulations are envisaged as a way to shed further light on the fate of Jupiter family comets.  相似文献   

Nurmi  P.  Valtonen  M. J.  Zheng  J. Q.  Mikkola  S.  Rickman  H. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,77(3):239-244
We have developed an efficient Monte Carlo method by which we can evaluate the evolution of comets. There are many poorly known evolutional parameters, and we have investigated the influence of these parameters on the final populations and the inclination distributions of short-period comets. We compare the observed and calculated inclination distributions of different comet populations and obtain a good fit for the inclinations of the Jupiter family comets by assuming a mantle blow-off and a sudden brightening of the comet when its perihelion distance is lowered in a major jump. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Infrared images of Jupiter have been obtained on 5 nights before, during and shortly after the period of the impacts of the fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (1993e) with the giant planet. Long lived bright spots produced by the impacts have been measured and analyzed. By measuring the intensity variation of the spots as a function of Jupiter rotation we show that these spots are likely constituted by large and thin clouds of dust located above the methane layer. The IR relative albedos has been also measured for some of these spots.On leave from Center for Astrophysics - Cambridge (USA)  相似文献   

用上海天文台佘山观测站的1.56m望远镜和CCD照相机,观测到彗-木碰撞的六次事件。本文给出由撞击引起的木卫闪光K=12的光变曲线和一些碰撞后木星的照片。  相似文献   

To try to define specific physical properties of the dust of Jupiter-family comets (JFCs), we compare the light scattered by them. Amongst the more than 1000 JFCs, less than 200 are numbered, 40 of them being rather bright. In the present work we use data from the latter. In situ observations of three nuclei show low albedo surfaces. The albedo of the dust particles in the coma is low, with generally a red colour. The A(α) product is a measure of cometary activity and secular changes. Images of different regions (jets and fans) give indications on the nucleus rotation and position of the emitting areas, as compared to the position of the rotation axis. Differences in physical properties between the particles in different regions are pointed out by differences in the linear polarization of the scattered light and by spectral variations in brightness and polarization. Jupiter family comets are considered as dust-poor comets. Tails and trails’ studies give an estimation of the size distribution of the particles. However the dust production rates depend on the largest particles (up to centimetre size), which are mainly observed in the trails where large dark compact particles are found. These dark particles are also responsible for the high polarization in the inner most coma of some comets. The meaning, in terms of physical properties, of the linear polarization is discussed through different examples such as 2P/Encke, 9P/Tempel 1 or the fragments of 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3. Cometary outbursts and splitting events show that the properties of the dust ejected from the interior of the nucleus are similar to the ones of more active comets (new or with larger semi-major axis).  相似文献   

Near-infrared and mid-infrared observations of the site of the 2009 July 19 impact of an unknown object with Jupiter were obtained within days of the event. The observations were used to assess the properties of a particulate debris field, elevated temperatures, and the extent of ammonia gas redistributed from the troposphere into Jupiter’s stratosphere. The impact strongly influenced the atmosphere in a central region, as well as having weaker effects in a separate field to its west, similar to the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) impact sites in 1994. Temperatures were elevated by as much as 6 K at pressures of about 50-70 mbar in Jupiter’s lower stratosphere near the center of the impact site, but no changes above the noise level (1 K) were observed in the upper stratosphere at atmospheric pressures less than ∼1 mbar. The impact transported at least ∼2 × 1015 g of gas from the troposphere to the stratosphere, an amount less than derived for the SL9 C fragment impact. From thermal heating and mass-transport considerations, the diameter of the impactor was roughly in the range of 200-500 m, assuming a mean density of 2.5 g/cm3. Models with temperature perturbations and ammonia redistribution alone are unable to fit the observed thermal emission; non-gray emission from particulate emission is needed. Mid-infrared spectroscopy of material delivered by the impacting body implies that, in addition to a silicate component, it contains a strong signature that is consistent with silica, distinguishing it from SL9, which contained no evidence for silica. Because no comet has a significant abundance of silica, this result is more consistent with a “rocky” or “asteroidal” origin for the impactor than an “icy” or “cometary” one. This is surprising because the only objects generally considered likely to collide with Jupiter and its satellites are Jupiter-Family Comets, whose populations appear to be orders of magnitude larger than the Jupiter-encountering asteroids. Nonetheless, our conclusion that there is good evidence for at least a major asteroidal component of the impactor composition is also consistent both with constraints on the geometry of the impactor and with results of contemporaneous Hubble Space Telescope observations. If the impact was not simply a statistical fluke, then our conclusion that the impactor contained more rocky material than was the case for the desiccated Comet SL9 implies a larger population of Jupiter-crossing asteroidal bodies than previously estimated, an asteroidal component within the Jupiter-Family Comet population, or compositional differentiation within these bodies.  相似文献   

Measurements from the Galileo probe suggest that the zonal winds are deep rooted. Jupiter's high rotation rate makes it likely that the whole outer molecular H/He layer is involved in these long-lived jet flows. Assuming that the primary flows are geostrophic, and that the banded surface structure stretches right through the molecular H/He layer, we examine the conditions for such flows to be stable. As a first step, the linear stability of some prescribed banded zonal flows in a rotating spherical shell is explored. Incompressibility is assumed for simplicity, and the boundary condition is stress-free. We compare solutions for two aspect ratios, appropriate for the molecular H/He layers of Jupiter and Saturn, and two Ekman numbers (E=10−2 and E=10−4). Convective and shear flow instabilities compete in our system. The convective instabilities are of the well-known columnar structure. Shear flow instabilities for the larger Ekman number are similar to the Taylor-Couette instability in rotating annuli. At the lower Ekman number, shear flow instabilities adopt a geostrophic character, assuming the form of rotating columns, similar to the convective instabilities. While the convective instability always sets in outside the tangent cylinder, shear instability can become unstable inside the tangent cylinder. If even a weak zonal flow is present inside the tangent cylinder, the flow is unstable to shear instability. This offers an explanation why the jovian zonal jet structure is much weaker at the higher latitudes that correspond to locations inside the tangent cylinder.  相似文献   

The orbital stochasticity of comets P/Ciffréo (1985 XVI) and P/Maury (1985 VI), at the present time near the 5/3 and 4/3 resonances with Jupiter, is investigated using Lyapunov Characteristic Indicators. First results indicate a strong stochastic behaviour for the two comets, mainly induced by encounters with Jupiter, which looks roughly like the behaviour of the group of comets in 1/1 resonance with Jupiter.  相似文献   

The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft flew by Jupiter on December 30, 2000. The instruments aboard the spacecraft started making scientific observations three months earlier. Joint, collaborative observations were carried out with the teams of other spacecraft, notably Galileo, and with Earth-based observers. An operational overview of the flyby is presented and attention drawn to contributions of the eleven papers of this series which follow. Prime achievements of this campaign have been to better define the present state of fundamental elements of the jovian system, confirming many previously tentative conclusions. Particularly noteworthy is that the interactions between the solar wind and the jovian magnetosphere have been explored far deeper than before, along with the link to the morphology and dynamics of the jovian aurora.  相似文献   

Over an 18-year period, seasonal changes in the north-south asymmetry of polarization at high latitudes of Jupiter have been revealed by polarimetric observations in blue light. The average seasonal difference in the polarization degree between north and south is positive and equal to about 0.5%. There is some relationship between seasonal variations in the observed difference and the seasonal north-south asymmetry in solar radiation incident on Jupiter's atmosphere. There are two maxima on the observed seasonal curve, falling on the jovian spring and autumn and coinciding correspondingly with positive and negative maxima of the heliographic latitude of Jupiter. Two possible explanations are discussed: seasonal changes in insolation and/or time-dependent magnetospheric influence on the polar events.  相似文献   

Both deep zonal winds, if they exist, and the basic rotational distortion of Jupiter contribute to its zonal gravity coefficients Jn for n ? 2. In order to capture the gravitational signature of Jupiter that is caused solely by its deep zonal winds, one must take into account the full effect of rotational distortion by computing the coefficients Jn in non-spherical geometry. This represents a difficult and challenging problem because the widely-used spherical-harmonic-expansion method becomes no longer suitable. Based on the model of a polytropic Jupiter with index unity, we compute Jupiter’s gravity coefficients J2, J4, J6, … , J12 taking into account the full effect of rotational distortion of the gaseous planet using a finite element method. For the model of deep zonal winds on cylinders parallel to the rotation axis, we also compute the variation of the gravity coefficients ΔJ2, ΔJ4, ΔJ6, … , ΔJ12 caused solely by the effect of the winds in non-spherical geometry. It is found that the effect of the zonal winds on lower-order coefficients is weak, ∣ΔJn/Jn∣ < 1%, for n = 2, 4, 6, but it is substantial for the high-degree coefficients with n ? 8.  相似文献   

Meteor showers have been observed for a considerable time, and the cause, meteoroids from a meteoroid stream ablating in the Earth's atmosphere, has also been understood for centuries. The connection between meteoroid streams and comets was also established 150 years ago. Since that time our ability both to understand the physics and to numerically model the situation has steadily increased. We will review the current state of knowledge. However, just as there are differences between the behaviour of long period comets, Halley family comets and Jupiter family comets, so also differences exist between the associated meteoroid streams. Streams associated with Jupiter family comets show much more variety in their behaviour, driven by the gravitational perturbations from Jupiter. The more interesting showers associated with Jupiter family comets will be discussed individually.  相似文献   

We study the population of faint Jupiter family comets (JFCs) that approach the Earth (perihelion distances q<1.3 AU) by applying a debiasing technique to the observed sample. We found for the debiased cumulative luminosity function (CLF) of absolute total magnitudes H10 a bimodal distribution in which brighter comets (H10?9) follow a linear relation with a steep slope α=0.65±0.14, while fainter comets follow a much shallower slope α=0.25±0.06 down to H10∼18. The slope can be pushed up to α=0.35±0.09 if a second break in the H10 distribution to a much shallower slope is introduced at H10∼16. We estimate a population of about 103 faint JFCs with q<1.3 AU and 10<H10<15 (radii ∼0.1-0.5 km). The shallowness of the CLF for faint near-Earth JFCs may be explained either as: (i) the source population (the scattered disk) has an equally very shallow distribution in the considered size range, or (ii) the distribution is flattened by the disintegration of small objects before that they have a chance of being observed. The fact that the slope of the magnitude distribution of the faint active JFCs is very similar to that found for a sample of dormant JFCs candidates suggests that for a surviving (i.e., not disintegrated) object, the probability of becoming dormant versus keeping some activity is roughly size independent.  相似文献   

Brightness and linear polarization measurements at 678.5 nm for four south-north strips of Jupiter are studied. These measurements were obtained in 1997 by the Galileo photopolarimeter/radiometer. The observed brightness exhibits latitudinal variations consistent with the belt/zone structure of Jupiter. The observed degree of linear polarization is small at low latitudes and increases steeply toward higher latitudes. No clear correlations were observed between the degree of linear polarization and the brightness. The observed direction of polarization changes from approximately parallel to the local scattering plane at low latitudes to perpendicular at higher latitudes. For our studies, we used atmospheric models that include a haze layer above a cloud layer. Parameterized scattering matrices were employed for the haze and cloud particles. On a pixel-wise basis, the haze optical thickness and the single-scattering albedo of the cloud particles were derived from the observed brightness and degree of linear polarization; results were accepted only if they were compatible with the observed direction of polarization. Using atmospheric parameter values obtained from Pioneer 10 and 11 photopolarimetry for the South Tropical Zone and the north component of the South Equatorial Belt, this analysis yielded acceptable results for very few pixels, particularly at small phase angles. However, for almost all pixels, acceptable results were found when the parameterized scattering matrix of the cloud particles was adjusted to produce more negative polarization for single scattering of unpolarized light, especially at large scattering angles, similar to some laboratory measurements of ammonia ice crystals. Using this adjusted model, it was found that the derived latitudinal variation of the single-scattering albedo of the cloud particles is consistent with the belt/zone structure, and that the haze optical thickness steeply increases toward higher latitudes.  相似文献   

We estimate the total number and the slope of the size-frequency distribution (SFD) of dormant Jupiter family comets (JFCs) by fitting a one-parameter model to the known population. We first select 61 near-Earth objects (NEOs) that are likely to be dormant JFCs because their orbits are dynamically coupled to Jupiter [Bottke, W.F., Morbidelli, A., Jedicke, R., Petit, J., Levison, H.F., Michel, P., Metcalfe, T.S., 2002a. Icarus 156, 399-433]. Then, from the numerical simulations of Levison and Duncan [1997. Icarus 127, 13-32], we construct an orbit distribution model for JFCs in the NEO orbital element space. We assume an orbit-independent SFD for all JFCs, the slope of which is our unique free parameter. Finally, we compute observational biases for dormant JFCs using a calibrated NEO survey simulator [Jedicke, R., Morbidelli, A., Spahr, T., Petit, J., Bottke, W.F., 2003. Icarus 161, 17-33]. By fitting the biased model to the data, we estimate that there are ∼75 dormant JFCs with H<18 in the NEO region and that the slope of their cumulative SFD is −1.5±0.3. Our slope for the SFD of dormant JFCs is very close to that of active JFCs as determined by Weissman and Lowry [2003. Lunar Planet. Sci. 34. Abstract 2003]. Thus, we argue that when JFCs fade they are likely to become dormant rather than to disrupt and that the fate of faded comets is size-independent. Our results imply that the size distribution of the JFC progenitors—the scattered disk trans-neptunian population—either (i) has a similar and shallow SFD or (i) is slightly steeper and physical processes acting on the comets in a size-dependent manner creates the shallower active comet SFD. Our measured slope, typical of collisionally evolved populations with a size-dependent impact strength [Benz, W., Asphaug, E., 1999. Icarus 142, 5-20], suggests that scattered disk bodies reached collisional equilibrium inside the protoplanetary disk prior to their removal from the planetary region.  相似文献   

Gregory P. Smith  David Nash 《Icarus》2006,182(1):181-201
A box model sensitivity analysis was applied to output from a version of the 1-D JPL/Caltech KINETICS photochemistry-transport model of Jupiter's atmosphere. Results quantify the controlling chemical reaction parameters for the variety of observable hydrocarbons, and suggest changes to explore and new observations and rate measurements to pursue. High sensitivities are found to photolysis steps and to several hydrogen atom recombination steps and product branches. Complexity ranges from the relatively simple scheme seen for the methyl radical, to the rich variety of reactions tested by diacetylene.  相似文献   

本文给出了1994年7月17日至22日,彗星碰撞期间,福州和乌鲁木齐两个观测点所取得的部分光学观测资料。  相似文献   

In the deep interior of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn, ordinary hydrogen and helium are transformed into a conducting metallic liquid at extremely high pressure. It is likely that the giant planets' observed magnetic field is constantly generated in the metallic fluid core by magnetohydrodynamic processes, converting mechanic energy in the form of convection into magnetic energy. The maximum strength of their magnetic fields is likely to be limited by magnetic field instabilities which convert the magnetic energy back into convection. The parameter which governs the occurrence of magnetic instabilities is the Elsasser number, = B 2/2, where B is the field strength, is the electrical conductivity, is the rotation rate and is the density. Since magnetic instability will be very active when exceeds a critical value c 10 (the precise value depending on the magnetic field distribution), this imposes an upper bound on the effective electrical conductivity of the metallic fluid which comprises the bulk of Jupiter's interior and much of Saturn's.Stability calculations including both toroidal (model) and poloidal (observed) components of the magnetic field in a rapidly rotating spherical shell, have been performed. The most stable configuration of the field is when the poloidal component of field is strong and the toroidal field is weak; in this case we obtain an upper bound for electrical conductivity of 3 × 106 S/m; while the most unstable configuration of the field is when the toroidal and poloidal fields are comparable, giving rise to m 3 × 105 S/m. The implications of the results for general dynamo theory are also discussed.  相似文献   

Two asteroids 2001 QQ199 and 2004 AE9 and two comets P/LINEAR-Catalina and P/LINEAR are found to be quasi-satellites of Jupiter at present time. The Tisserand parameters of these four bodies lie between 2.3 and 2.5, which means two asteroids might be Jupiter family comets and will show a cometary’s activity in the near future.  相似文献   

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