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Reaumuria soongorica is a short woody shrub widely found in semi-arid areas of China. It can survive severe environ- mental stress including high salinity in its natural habitat. Thus, we investigated the involvement of anti-oxidative enzymes, photosynthetic pigments and flavonoid metabolism in the adaptation of R. soongorica to saline environments. R. soon- gorica was treated with 0, 100, 200 and 400 mM NaC1 solutions for 14 days. Soil salt content increased significantly by watering with high content of NaC1 solution, and no variation between 8 and 14 days during treatment. The levels ofpe- roxidation of lipid membranes (measured by malondialdehyde content) and the activities of three antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX)) increased under salt stress. Chlorophyll and carotenoid content decreased with increasing salt content. The ratio of Chl a/Chl b and carotenoid/Chl exhibited sig- nificant increase under 400 mM NaC1. However, total flavonoid and anthocyanin contents and key enzyme activities in the flavonoid pathway including phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) and Chalcone isomerase (CHI) decreased under salt stress. These findings possibly suggest that R. soongorica has an adaptation protection mechanism against salt-induced oxidative damage by inducin~ the activity of antioxidant enzymes and maintaining a steady level of carotenoid/Chl.  相似文献   

Drought is a major production constraint for major fruits and vegetable crops in the tropics.This study was conducted to investigate the effect of limited water supply at three growth stages (vegetative,flowering and fruiting) on the accumulation of proline and soluble sugars in three pepper species.Seeds of the three pepper species,Capsicum chinense Jacq.,C.annuum L.and C.frutescens L.were raised in a nursery and the seedlings were transplanted into seventy two plastic pots arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates,25 days after planting.Four water treatments,200 mL of water supplied twice daily (W1),once in every three days (W2),once in every five days (W3),and zero water supplied throughout growing period (W0) were imposed at three vegetative,flowering,and fruiting growth stages.Data were collected on relative water content,free proline and total soluble sugar.Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance and means were separated using Duncan''s multiple range test.Results show that the concentration of proline and soluble sugar in leaves of the three pepper species were found to be remarkable at the different stages of growth in the stressed plants.  相似文献   

Lake Fidler is an ectogenic meromictic lake with a monimolimnion maintained by periodic incursions of brackish water from the lower Gordon River estuary. A dam across the middle reaches of the Gordon River has restricted these incursions of brackish water and meromictic stability has rapidly declined. A palaeolimnological study was carried in order to assess the historical development of meromixis and the impact of the dam on the microbiological communities in the lake. Fossil pigments in a 17 m sediment core were analysed using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (rp-HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS). In addition, taphonomic studies of pigment production, deposition and degradation in the water column and surface sediments were used to identify planktonic and benthic pigment degradation processes and constrain the stratigraphic interpretation. Results comparing the pigment composition of pelagic sediment traps and littoral surface sediments indicated that the core from the centre of the lake would permit a historical reconstruction of planktonic bacterial and algal communities. Marked increases in prokaryotic pigments ca 3500 yr B.P. suggested the possible colonisation of a chemocline by phototrophic bacteria. Further changes in chlorophyll: carotenoid ratios and changes in relative abundances of both chlorophyll a and bacteriochlorophyll c derivatives also indicated that a change in the depositional environment had occurred; possibly due to altered stratification or anoxia. From this we infer the onset of either intermittent or permanent meromixis. Further increases in prokaryotic pigment abundance suggested that the present state of permanent meromixis was firmly established by 2070 ±50 14C yr B.P., and diatom analysis confirmed the development of a stable mixolimnion. High resolution studies of the top 10 cm of sediments measured pigments in mean concentrations of 15.1 ng g-1 with a mean S.D. of only 2.78 indicating little change in pigment abundance since the construction of the dam. Thus, Lake Fidler still retains most of the features of meromixis. However, evidence from nearby Lake Morrison and Sulphide Pool has shown that any further declines in meromictic stability will cause a rapid reversion to holomixis. Palaeolimnological evidence from the early stages of meromictic development of Lake Fidler suggests that such reversion to holomixis may not permanently eliminate all the microbiological communities, and that, given time, they may return and prosper with re-establishment of a suitable chemocline. These studies will guide recommendations for a management strategy to prevent the further decay of meromixis in the Gordon River lakes.  相似文献   

The cluster planting pattern(3 plants per hole) for cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) may increase economic yield over those of the traditional planting pattern(1 plant per hole) in arid regions of China. This increase in yield depends on either increased biomass production or greater partitioning to fruit. This study was conducted to determine whether differences in biomass accumulation or partitioning to reproductive growth contributed to higher yield in the cluster planting pattern compared with the traditional one. Growth parameters, biomass accumulation, crop growth rate and partitioning between cluster planting pattern and traditional planting pattern was compared in northwest of China. The biomass production and partitioning in cluster planting plot was higher than in traditional planting one. Biomass accumulation was faster early in the clustered treatment, and it was also higher at harvest time. Total dry matter production per unit area was significantly higher than in the traditional planting. On a per plant basis, dry matter accumulation was faster and total biomass production was significantly higher in the cluster planting pattern. Numbers of sympodia and boll sizes were also larger, indicating that facilitation among plants was promoting crop yield. The increase in yield in the cluster planting treatment occurred through increased partitioning of dry matter to fruits than in the traditional planting pattern, resulting in more bolls and increased lint yield in arid regions.  相似文献   

包玉  王志泰 《干旱区地理》2011,34(2):208-214
以盆栽大叶黄杨为试材,研究了大叶黄杨生长与生理指标对不同程度土壤水分胁迫的响应.结果表明:土壤水分胁迫对生长指标(苗重、苗高和地径)有明显的影响,变化表现出一致的规律性,即随胁迫程度加剧均呈现出下降趋势.干旱胁迫下生理指标的变化表现出差异性:束缚水/自由水的比值随胁迫程度加强而增大;水分饱和亏缺变化和丙二醛活性在轻、中...  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to explore whether additional nitrogen (N) supply could enhance carbon (C) accumulation, and phosphorus (P) use efficiency (NUEP) of Sophora davidii seedlings under dry conditions. Two-month-old seedlings were subjected to a completely randomized design with three water (80, 40 and 20% water field capacity (FC)) and three N supply (N0: 0, Nl: 92 and Nh: 184 mg N kg−1 soil) regimes. Water stress decreased C, N and P accumulation, NUEP, N and P uptake efficiency (NUtEN and NUtEP) regardless of N supply. The S. davidii seedlings exhibited strong responses to N supply, but the responses were not consistent with the various N supply levels. Nl increased C, N and P accumulation, and improved NUEP, NUtEN and NUtEP in the same water treatment. In contrast, Nh did few or even depress effects on C, N and P accumulation, and NUEP, although NUtEN and NUtEP increased with Nh in the same water treatment. Even so, NUEN decreased with increase of N supply in the same water treatment. The results suggested that appropriate or low N supply should be recommended for S. davidii seedling establishment in dry environment by improving C accumulation and NUEP.  相似文献   

Though many studies have focused on the causes of shifts in trend of temperature, whether the response of vegetation growth to temperature has changed is still not very clear. In this study, we analyzed the spatial features of the trend changes of temperature during the growing season and the response of vegetation growth in China based on observed climatic data and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from 1984 to 2011. An obvious warming to cooling shift during growing season from the period 1984–1997 to the period 1998–2011 was identified in the northern and northeastern regions of China, whereas a totally converse shift was observed in the southern and western regions, suggesting large spatial heterogeneity of changes of the trend of growing season temperature throughout China. China as a whole, a significant positive relationship between vegetation growth and temperature during 1984 to 1997 has been greatly weakened during 1998–2011. This change of response of vegetation growth to temperature has also been confirmed by Granger causality test. On regional scales, obvious shifts in relationship between vegetation growth and temperature were identified in temperate desert region and rainforest region. Furthermore, by comprehensively analyzing of the relationship between NDVI and climate variables, an overall reduction of impacts of climate factors on vegetation growth was identified over China during recent years, indicating enhanced influences from human associated activities.  相似文献   

Predicted changes in future climate necessitate a better understanding of climate impacts on lake biota, and the role of within-lake processes in modifying biotic response. Therefore we examined two climate-related variables (lake-water conductivity and GRIP temperatures) and lake ontogeny (lake age), to determine their influence on lake autotrophic communities in two neighbouring closed-basin lakes from West Greenland spanning the past 8,000 years. Using sedimentary pigments as proxies for lake autotrophic communities, we used synchrony and variance partitioning analyses (VPA) to test three specific hypotheses (a) that lake primary production would increase with lake age, (b) that climate would be the dominant process controlling autotrophic communities in these pristine lakes and (c) that the response of autotrophs to conductivity and temperature would vary depending upon the age of the lake. The results supported our first hypothesis, showing that lakes changed significantly with age, exhibiting an increase and decline in production in the first millennium of their existence, followed by a steady increase in production and increasingly frequent abrupt switches between mixed and meromictic states. The highly synchronous detrended response (r = 0.769) of lake autotrophs in the two study lakes, supported our hypothesis that climate was the dominant factor controlling lake autotrophs. However, VPA revealed that our climate-related variables (temperature and conductivity) explained only small amounts of variance alone (<12.9%) because covariance among them hindered efficient partitioning. In support of our third hypothesis, autotrophs responded significantly to temperature and conductivity in interaction with lake age (>50% variance explained) and with each other (>28% variance explained), such that autotrophic response changed as lakes aged. In spite of this, lakes sometimes responded independently, as a result of differences in the relative proportion of benthic to pelagic production and because of differences in lake morphometry. Together these results show that long-term control of lake autotrophs by climate and lake age is modified on shorter timescales by non-linear responses related to within-lake processes, and by the interaction of different climate variables with each other and with lake age.  相似文献   

Fossil plant pigments and Cladophora fragments were analyzed in a 6.53 m long sediment profile from Lake Mývatn, Iceland, covering most of its history of about 2300 years. A decrease in myxoxanthophyll (produced by Cyanobacteria) with time and an increase in the benthic Cladophora reflects a gradual shift from planktonic to benthic primary production as water depth is reduced (to 3.15 m at the core site) because of sediment accumulation.Two periods of relatively high concentrations of myxoxanthophyll coincided with relatively frequent deposition of tephra (volcanic ash) but did neither conform with tectonic activity which might have changed the water level nor the available climatic record. Sediment depth, tephra content and percent undegraded chlorophyll (an indicator of pigment preservation) together could explain 56.7% of the variation in myxoxanthophyll. It is hypothesized that temporary increases in myxoxanthophyll resulted from periodic nutrient enrichment by fresh tephra deposited in the watershed or because tephra increased the erosion of organic soil in the water catchment area.Fluctuations in Cladophora show an inverse relationship with myxoxanthophyll in the uppermost 4 m of the core, and may result from a shading effect of planktonic Cyanobacteria on the phytobenthos or competition for nutrients released by the bottom sediments.  相似文献   

为探究根系水分胁迫响应函数对农田水分动态及产量模拟的影响,基于Richards方程和PS123作物生长模型分别进行了土壤水分动态和小麦产量的模拟,对比分析了VG(S型曲线)、MP(凹凸型曲线)及LS(S型曲线)3种水分胁迫响应函数.采用山西省霍泉站(3 a)及潇河站(2 a)的试验资料对模型中的土壤水力特征参数、水分胁...  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impacts of population growth and economic development on maize diversity in highland Guatemala. In the context of this discussion, economic development specifically refers to the recent expansion of the non-traditional agricultural exports (NTAEs). Population growth and economic development (i.e. NTAEs) are linked because as land has become scarce in highland Guatemala, due to the poor distribution of land resources and rapid population growth over the past 50 years, many farmers have turned to non-traditional economic strategies such as new crops that produce more income per unit of land. These new crops have improved the economic conditions of many farming families, but it has come at a cost regarding the maintenance of local maize varieties and household food security.  相似文献   

为探究不同程度干旱胁迫对华北一作区马铃薯生长发育及产量的影响,以内蒙古呼和浩特市武川县为例,基于多年马铃薯生长发育资料和气象资料,对APSIM-Potato模型进行调参与验证,评价模型在武川地区的适用性。利用验证后的模型模拟马铃薯叶面积指数(LAI)、地上部生物量和产量对不同发育阶段干旱胁迫的响应。结果表明:(1) 各发育阶段天数的模拟值与实测值的均方根误差(RMSE)均在3 d内;LAI、地上部生物量和产量的模拟值与实测值的归一化均方根误差(NRMSE)分别为12.82%、17.35%和14.48%,均低于20%,表明APSIM-Potato模型在武川地区具有较好的适用性。(2) 随着干旱胁迫时间和强度的增加,马铃薯LAI、地上部生物量和产量随之减小。模拟单一发育阶段干旱胁迫时,马铃薯LAI、地上部生物量和产量对分枝-开花期水分胁迫的响应最大;模拟连续发育阶段干旱胁迫时,LAI、地上部生物量和产量对全生育期水分胁迫的响应最大。  相似文献   

Climate constitutes the main limiting factor for tree-ring growth in high-elevation forests, and the relationship between tree-ring growth and climate is complex. Based on tree-ring chronology and meteorological data, the influence of precipitation, mean temperature and mean minimum temperature at yearly, seasonal and monthly scales on the tree-ring growth of Picea crossifolia was studied at treeline ecotones in the Qilian Mountains, northwestern China. The results show that growing season temperatures of previous and current years are important limiting factors on tree-ring growth, particularly June mean temperature and mean minimum temperature of current year. The precipitations in the previous winter and current spring have a positive correlation, and in the current fall has a negative correlation with tree-ring growth, but these correlations are not significant. Our results suggest that temperature controls tree-ring growth more strongly than precipitation at treeline ecotones in the Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

树木生长响应气候变化的敏感度是全球变化研究的重要内容。利用20世纪以来美国本土1058个样本点的树轮宽度指数和温度、降水数据,通过相关分析,揭示了树木生长速率年际变化响应气候变化敏感度的时空差异。研究发现:① 美国树木径向生长速率与温度普遍负相关、与降水普遍正相关,绝大多数地区树木生长受水分条件限制。② 径向生长速率对温度和降水响应敏感度呈现一定的季节差异,最敏感的季节因地区而异,这主要与不同月份温度、降水条件差异导致的水分条件变化有关。同时,径向生长速率对温度、降水响应敏感度还随着气候条件变化而变化,随着年平均温度升高(降低),径向生长速率与温度的负相关逐渐增强(减弱),随着年降水增加(减少),与降水的正相关强度逐渐减弱(增强)。  相似文献   

Patagonia grasslands are subjected to two main disturbances, fire and grazing, but little information is available about its effects on vegetation. We studied post-fire survival and resprouting ability of two dominant grass species, Stipa speciosa and Festuca pallescens, for four years; evaluated the effect of early post-fire defoliation on both species; and tested whether competition is important in post-fire recovery in San Ramón Ranch, NW Patagonia (Argentina). To simulate grazing, a clipping treatment was applied at the beginning and end of growing seasons. Survival rates were high (>60%) and, after three years, biomass of both species in the burned area was similar to the unburned area. Competition seems to play an important role in the early post-fire recovery of both species, particularly in the case of F. pallescens that increased 87% the biomass production without competition. Fire may improve forage quality by eliminating the standing dead material, but early post-fire grazing might endanger the persistence of F. pallescens. We suggest requiring a resting period before livestock introduction and controlling grazing intensity.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal patterns of urban growth can help identify impacts of urbanization, assess conceptual models of that growth, help predict future change, and inform associated urban management policies. Using multi-temporal spatial data (1938-2014), we categorized the newly urbanized area in Treasure Valley, Idaho into four urban growth forms and six urban land use classes. A time series analysis of new development revealed the existence of decadal-scale variability of urbanization at various levels of urban land use. Alternating dominance of dispersion and compaction processes were observed at the urban patch level. A similar periodicity was observed between edge-expansion and infill in terms of growth forms, and between residential and commercial development at the land use level. Our observations also indicate that recent urban densification is occurring in the Treasure Valley, similar to some other metropolitan regions in the United States.  相似文献   

Net photosynthetic rate (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) from leaves of Berberis buxifolia and Berberis heterophylla saplings were measured under different conditions of radiation and water availability and for leaves of different ages. Comparative studies of basic physiological performance would give insight how these shrubs survive and grow under this austral extreme ecosystem. B. buxifolia had higher A values than B. heterophylla for all light intensities measured. Values of gs for both Berberis species also declined as light intensity decreased. There was a negative relationship between A and water stress expressed as pre-dawn leaf water potential (ψlp) where the reduction in gs was the main factor that reduced A in both species. Also, A and gs of Berberis plants increased rapidly during the first days after leaf unfolding, reached a maximum value when the leaf was completely expanded, and then declined. These results could be used to estimate the responses of saplings to environmental conditions under the dynamic of natural stands in this austral extreme ecosystem and for restoration plans.  相似文献   

利用阿尔泰山中东部两个样点(AYS、SYK)的西伯利亚落叶松(Larix sibirica)树轮资料,采用新疆西伯利亚落叶松一元材积式获得1969-2011年材积生长量序列。利用相关分析和回归分析等方法对生长量数据和气象资料进行分析,研究气温要素与生长量的关系及树木生长对气温和降水变化的响应。结果表明:近50 a来,西伯利亚落叶松材积生长量表现出显著增加趋势,且与生长季气温有较好的相关性;与当年6月降水量呈负相关趋势,8月降水量呈正相关趋势;生长季平均气温在19~20.9℃时,西伯利亚落叶松生长量最大;SYK样点西伯利亚落叶松生长对气温变化的敏感性高,气温每升高1℃生长量增加0.936 mm3·棵-1;AYS样点西伯利亚落叶松生长对气温变化的敏感性较低,气温每升高1℃生长量增加0.661 mm3·棵-1。  相似文献   

额济纳绿洲胡杨的光合特征及其对光强和CO2浓度的响应   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
以额济纳绿洲胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv)为研究对象,用美国Li-cor公司生产的Li-6400便携式光合作用测定仪测定其光合速率的日变化及控制光强、CO2浓度和温度等环境因子,阐述了光合速率对光强和CO2浓度的响应特征。结果表明:在生长季胡杨阳叶光合速率的日变化呈现双峰曲线,具有明显的光合“午休”现象,但胡杨阴叶光合速率的日变化呈单峰曲线。光照、温度和CO2浓度皆对胡杨的光合作用有显著的影响。在控制环境条件下,光合速率随光强或CO2浓度的升高而增大,分别遵循Farquhar模型和Michaelis-Menten模型;在不同CO2浓度下,光饱和点随CO2浓度的升高而增大,表观量子效率和光补偿点则随CO2浓度的升高而减小,但在相同的CO2浓度条件下,阳叶的光补偿点高于阴叶;在不同光强下,表观羧化效率也随光的增强而增大。CO2补偿点随光强的增强而有所下降,且在同等光强条件下,阴叶的CO2补偿点大于阳叶。  相似文献   

In this article, we use parcel-based land-use data to analyze 50 years of residential development in the Toronto region. We test two hypotheses: (1) Toronto’s form does not conform to conventional definitions of suburban sprawl and (2) Toronto’s suburban development shows high levels of continuity over time with relatively high densities and mixed housing types. Contrary to recent research suggesting a convergence of urban forms among North American metropolitan regions, Ontario’s robust planning system has created a distinctive, highly consistent pattern of residential development that has, for half a century, achieved many of the core goals of smart growth including relatively compact, contiguous, and concurrent development. This form continues to be automobile dependent, however, and is not producing many of the benefits ascribed to smart growth. Rather than continuing to adopt United States-inspired smart growth policies, a more ambitious set of initiatives will be required to address current regional challenges.  相似文献   

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