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本研究了星族IRGB/AGB星外壳结合能为零时的核质量与其初始质量的关系,发现此关系与Weidemann和Koester得到的初始-终止质量关系的相符,并与Zhang和Kwok得到的行星状星云核质量分布的观测结果相符合,采用相同的假设,本还得到了星族Ⅱ恒星的初始-终止质量关系,对于相同的初始质量,星族Ⅱ恒星的终止质量比星族I的大-10-20%。 相似文献
钡星的形成机制(Ⅱ)Monte Carlo分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
韩占文 《中国天文和天体物理学报》1998,(3)
本文对文章Ⅰ所建立的钡星形成的完备模型进行了MonteCarlo分析,并同观测结果作了比较.结果表明,大部分强钡星可能产生于星风吸积过程、星风暴露过程和稳定的洛希瓣物质交流过程,而大部分中等钡星可能产生于星风吸积过程和星风暴露过程.银河系中钡星的数量、轨道周期分布和质量函数分布在本文各种模型计算结果范围之内.模型还预言钡星轨道周期与污染因子相关.模型给出,银河系中钡星的诞生率为002/年左右,亮于10个星等的钡星大约有6000颗,强钡星的平均质量为18M⊙左右,而钡星的白矮星伴星平均质量为060M⊙.另外,结果还显示,星族IAGB星热脉动开始较早,星风有潮汐增强效应存在(B~500),s过程最大恒星质量为2M⊙左右. 相似文献
韩占文 《中国天文和天体物理学报》1998,(2)
本文系统地研究了钡星的形成,提出了钡星形成的四种机制:星风吸积、星风暴露、稳定的洛希瓣物质交流和公共包层的抛射,从而建立了钡星形成的完备模型 相似文献
中等质量恒星在赫罗图中由E-AGB星进入TP-AGB星的分界点 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对3~10 M_☉恒星在赫罗图上演化轨迹的研究,分析恒星内部氦壳层燃烧峰值处能量、密度、温度、氦壳层表面光度与恒星表面光度比及恒星半径的变化,给出了中等质量恒星由早期AGB星演化至热脉冲AGB星阶段在赫罗图上的分界点,与119颗碳星的观测结果吻合得相当好.同时提出:在恒星演化至该分界点之后,其星风物质损失公式可能需要引入一个与表面光度无关的量以主导超星风的形成.在此基础上,通过对考虑湍流压效应下5 M_☉恒星的结构和演化及星风物质损失率的分析,发现湍流压在热脉冲AGB星阶段对星风物质损失影响较大,从而使得热脉冲AGB星的湍流压不可忽略,进而提出了影响热脉冲AGB星星风物质损失的可能的物理因素. 相似文献
本研究了2.8M⊙和7M⊙恒星由于主序到红巨星和AGB星阶段的演化,结果发现,湍流压的存在质量较大的7M⊙恒星的内部结构有较大的影响,它将使氢燃烧壳屋明显变厚并较早地消失,使恒星中心的温度降低,使HR图中的演化轨迹向温度降低和光度减小的方向变化,使氢壳层燃烧出现周期性脉动,氦壳层的热脉动周期变短等等。但是,对于质量较小的2.8M⊙恒星,湍流压的效应很微小。 相似文献
本文提供了一个判别红巨星和AGB星对流外壳中是否会产生动力学非稳定性的条件.根据这个条件和对28M及7M恒星从主序到巨星阶段和AGB阶段的演化计算,可以证明,湍流压效应是导致红巨星和AGB星靠近表面区域产生动力学非稳定性,从而造成物质向外喷流的原因.并认为它就是造成红巨星和AGB星表面温度很低(因而辐射压很低)从而产生强大星风物质损失的物理原因. 相似文献
中等质量富金属AGB长周期变星的振动研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本采用恒星演化计算与恒星振动计算相结合的方法,对中等质量富金属恒星演化到渐近巨星分支时的振动性质进行了分析研究,从理论上得出这类恒星的振动方式是处于一阶谐频振动,而振动的激发则是在氢电离区和氦的二次电离区由多种机制共同作用造成的,同时提出很长周期的AGB长周期变星只能是由中等质量恒星演化到AGB阶段形成的。我们的理论计算结果还比较支持在AGB顶端存在巨大星风物质损失的观点,且这种星风物质损失很可 相似文献
本文研究了28M⊙和7M⊙恒星由主序到红巨星和AGB星阶段的演化.结果发现,湍流压的存在对质量较大的7M⊙恒星的内部结构有较大的影响,它将使氢燃烧壳层明显变厚并较早地消失;使恒星中心的温度降低;使HR图中的演化轨迹向温度降低和光度减小的方向变化;使氢壳层燃烧出现周期性脉动;氦壳层的热脉动周期变短等等.但是,对于质量较小的28M⊙恒星,湍流压的效应很微小. 相似文献
本提供了一个判别红巨星和AGB星对流外壳中是否会产生动力学非稳定性的条件。根据这个条件和对2.8M⊙及7M⊙恒星从主序列到巨星阶段和AGB阶段的演化计算,可以证明,湍流压效应是导致红居星和ABG星靠近表达区域产生动力学非稳定性,从而造成质向外喷流的原因,并认为它就是造成红巨星和AGB星表面温度很低(因而辐射压很低)从而产生强大星风物质损失的物理原因。 相似文献
P. Bastien 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1998,260(1-2):135-144
Various aspects of mass loss associated with Young Stellar Objects are reviewed. The classification of the driving sources
of the outflows is presented, and the properties of the youngest sources, the Class 0 protostars, are given. The observed
properties of the molecular, atomic, and neutral components of the bipolar flows are discussed and critically compared with
the most recent theoretical models.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
We examine the relationship between the surface escape velocities and wind terminal velocities of A-type supergiants according
to the radiation-driven wind theory.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Along with the considerations of the effect of constraint of gravitation on the matter loss of stellar wind and the disturbances of the radiation pressure and turbulent pressure on it, by introducing the mechanism of compressible flow, the effect of promotion of the convective region in stellar outer shell on the matter loss of stellar wind is investigated. Hence a new formula of matter loss of stellar wind is established. After this and via the computation of the rate of mass loss of stellar wind in the theoretical model of 3∼5M? stars, the following is revealed. From the main sequence up to the stage of termination of central helium-core burning, the rate of mass loss of stellar wind calculated with the new formula agrees almost completely with that given by the classical formula. But in the TP-AGB stage the stellar model calculated with the new formula of mass loss of stellar wind is not affected by luminosity and gives rise to the persistent and large matter loss of stellar wind. This rather well agrees with the results of actual observations. 相似文献
具有不同质量的恒星在耗尽其热核能源后,最终可能会坍缩成为性质完全不同的致密天体,如白矮星、中子星或者黑洞。从20世纪30年代起,黑洞的观测及其证认一直是天体物理学的研究热点之一。首先简要地回顾了恒星级黑洞的形成及其候选天体的研究历史;然后介绍了如何从观测上证认恒星级黑洞:接着详细讨论了恒星级黑洞的质量和自转参数的测量方法;最后介绍恒星级黑洞观测及其证认的最新研究进展,并做出结论:目前已经有充分的证据宣告在部分吸积X射线双星中存在恒星级黑洞。 相似文献
The initial condition of the formation of massive stars is still unclear at present. In particular, it is still debatable whether or not massive stars are formed in the cluster center. Some people considered from the viewpoint of time scale and thought that the mass segregation phenomena in embedded clusters means that the massive stars can only be born in the cluster center. In this paper we used the Monte Carlo method to make numerical simulation of the dynamical evolution of embedded clusters and the result is compared with the observations. It is assumed that at the initial time massive stars are randomly distributed. It was found that, due to the random motions of massive stars, temporary mass segregation may exist at certain times in the course of evolution of a given embedded cluster, and this phenomenon may be very prominent in some of them. It is pointed out that massive star formation in the center is not the only explanation for mass segregation in embedded clusters. In addition, dynamical friction from the gas can effectively reduce the time scale of the dynamical mass segregation. In consequence, the probability of temporary mass segregation is increased. 相似文献
Oleg Malkov 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2002,280(1-2):129-132
In the area of binary stars the important contribution of GAIA will be towards statistical studies of the binary star distribution
functions. On the other hand, from the GAIA observations, more than 10 000 masses accurate to 1% can be expected. This improves
accuracy of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) still poorly known, particularly for the low-mass stars. A goal of the
present study is to simulate a solar vicinity model with 100% binaries for predicting observational distributions. Under the
assumption that star formation rate is constant, a random pairing of objects drawn from a pre-assumed single star power-law
IMF is generated. Stellar evolution and selection effects are taken into account. Orbital parameters are assumed to be spread
according to the common distributions. It is shown that under given assumptions the power-law IMF does lead to quasi-lognormal
turnovers for the resulting observational mass function. The described model can be used to estimate, under reasonable assumptions
on the IMF shape, the number of binaries of the different types that can be observed with GAIA.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
本文利用合理的成员判定方法对典型年老疏散星团M67进行了成员判定,直接得到了该团存在空间和速度空间质量分层效应的结论。在研究PDLF和PDMF时,我们还合理地作了由分析样本天区不完备而带来的修正。最后,从理论上提出了一种动力学演化对疏散星团IMP影响的简易而普适的修正方法,利用该方法得到了M67在0.7M⊙≤M≤1.3M⊙间IMF的斜率为-1.67±0.09,与Miller和Scalo场星IMF斜率较相符,并对该值的合理性进行了讨论。 相似文献
Feng-Hui Zhang Li-Fang Li Zhan-Wen Han National Astronomical Observatories Yunnan Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Kunming 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2005,5(4):371-378
We use two methods of constructing the initial mass distribution, the traditional way and Monte Carlo simulation, to obtain integrated U - B, B - V, V-R and V-I colours and absorption-line indices denned by the Lick Observatory image dissector scanner (referred to as Lick/IDS), for instantaneous burst solarmetallicity single stellar populations with ages in the range 1-15 Gyr. We find that the evolutionary curves of all colours obtained by the traditional method are smoother than those by Monte Carlo simulation, that the U - B and B - V colours obtained by the two methods agree with one another, while the V - R and V - I colours by the traditional method are bluer than those by Monte Carlo simulation. A comparison of the Lick/IDS absorption-line indices shows that the variations in all the indices by the traditional method are smoother than that for the Monte Carlo simulation, and that all the indices except for TiO1 and TiO2 are consistent with those for the Monte Carlo simulation. 相似文献