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西藏的缝合带一直是西藏高原基础地质研究中最热门的科学问题之一.立足于西藏高原4条主要缝合带的物质组成、缝合结构以及形成时代等资料,根据时空结构分析认为古特提斯演化与转换构造有关,雅鲁藏布江洋盆扩张与羌塘-三江地区的印支运动具有耦合的时空变换关系;重点讨论了以班公湖-怒江带为中心的古-新特提斯转换扩张性质,构造体制上属左行走滑拉分,形成了西藏高原上颇具特色的与走滑拉分方向平行的伸展构造类型杂岩系,其重要意义不亚于高原周缘逆冲-拆离系构成的杂岩系和美国西部的盆-岭变质核杂岩;探讨了西藏东、西部地区不同地质结构的科学问题,提出了冈底斯岩浆弧拓展加宽受雅鲁藏布洋双重俯冲的制约.   相似文献   

缅甸是喜马拉雅造山带经东构造结东南向的延伸,是全面认识特提斯带造山带形成的关键地区,并且发育有重要的Cu-Au、Sn-W等金属矿产资源.本文对近几年有关特提斯东带构造演化和岩浆-成矿作用方面的研究成果进行了梳理和综述.西缅地体的白垩纪-渐新世岩浆岩及Cu-Au成矿作用与青藏高原冈底斯带可类比,而滇缅马苏地体的侏罗纪-始...  相似文献   

三江构造带与地震活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利启棠 《云南地质》1997,16(2):156-164
从大地构造、地壳结构与地震区域断裂带的特殊性角度阐述本区发震构造的背景。对三江断裂带地震活动时空分布特点和地震发生带的规律进行分析研究。从复杂的地震地质环境中分析了解云南地区地震活动频发原因。  相似文献   

西昆仑造山带位于中国新疆南部地区,近北西向延绵,其东端在苦牙克与东昆仑相连,南部与克什米尔地区相接,西端延入阿富汗、塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯坦。西昆仑地质组成及其演化与塔西南缘的构造演化密切相关(潘裕生,1990;杨克明,1994;毕华等,1999;刘训,2001;崔建堂等,2006),晚古生代—早中生代在原特提斯的  相似文献   

为了进一步理解南海地区前新生代的构造演化过程,明确古南海构造属性及其与特提斯和古太平洋构造域的关系,通过对古南海遗迹(蛇绿岩、蛇绿混杂岩以及俯冲增生带)的研究,结合周围陆区地质及古生物资料,将古南海的演化划分为4个阶段。①古特提斯残留海阶段(T1-T2):古南海是在早-中三叠世的古特提斯残余海基础上发展而来,与古特提斯残余海是一个连续的演化过程。②古太平洋边缘海阶段(T3):晚三叠世,由于古特提斯洋的全面关闭,古南海主要受古太平洋的影响。③中特提斯与古太平洋叠加影响阶段(J-K1):早侏罗世,古南海开始扩张,并受中特提斯和古太平洋叠加影响;晚侏罗世,南沙地块向华南大陆开始漂移,古南海进一步强烈扩张。④俯冲消亡阶段(K2末期-E):晚白垩世,南沙地块开始裂离华南大陆,古南海开始向南俯冲;至始新世,伴随着新南海的扩张,古南海加速消亡于巽他地块之下,并在南海南部地区形成了卢帕尔线蛇绿岩带以及一系列的俯冲增生带。  相似文献   

长山构造带(简称长山带,Truong Son)是印支陆块北部最大的构造岩浆岩带,保存了大量晚古生代-早中生代的岩浆记录,并被认为与马江古特提斯分支洋/弧后盆地的演化及随后的印支与华南陆块的拼合有关。本文系统综合了该带二叠纪-三叠纪的长英质火成岩数据并分析其岩石成因,阐明马江古特提斯分支洋/弧后盆地的构造演化过程。研究表明早二叠世花岗质岩石来自新底侵的基性岩源区,而早二叠世晚期-晚二叠世的花岗质岩石和流纹岩的源区为古-中元古代变火成岩和变杂砂岩组成的混合源区。二叠纪长英质火成岩形成于马江分支洋/弧后盆地向印支陆块的俯冲过程。三叠纪具负εHf(t)和εNd(t)值的花岗质岩石来自古-中元古代变火成岩和变沉积岩的混合源区,而具正εHf(t)值的晚三叠世花岗质岩石来自新生基性地壳并有一定变杂砂岩组分的加入。这些数据表明在三叠纪初期(~250 Ma),马江古特提斯分支洋/弧后盆地已经闭合,随后华南与印支陆块发生碰撞。在中-晚三叠世,长山带进入到碰撞后阶段。  相似文献   

青藏高原龙木错-双湖板块缝合带与羌塘古特提斯洋演化记录   总被引:27,自引:17,他引:27  
龙木错-双湖缝合带、西金乌兰-金沙江缝合带和昆仑-秦岭缝合带是青藏高原上3条主要的晚三叠世板块缝合带,目前的研究资料表明后2条缝合带不具备冈瓦纳北界的基本要素。简要介绍了龙木错-双湖缝合带中有关古特提斯洋存在的基本事实,即早古生代洋壳残片、二叠纪蛇绿岩、泥盆纪—二叠纪放射虫硅质岩、各类不同性质的增生岩片、2种类型的构造混杂岩带和蛇绿混杂岩盖层体系的时代与性质等,已有的资料初步确定羌塘古特提斯洋盆演化的时限为晚泥盆世到晚三叠世。认为龙木错-双湖缝合带是青藏高原上古特提斯洋消亡的主要场所,是恢复和反演青藏高原早期形成演化的最重要的窗口,也是地学界几十年关注的冈瓦纳大陆的北界。  相似文献   

研究苦海地区是否发育原特提斯洋盆有助于揭示阿尼玛卿构造带和秦岭勉略构造带是否具有相似的演化过程,确定"秦-祁-昆"原特提斯洋的南界.产出于苦海地区的镁铁质岩构造就位于上古生界强片理化浊积岩中,显示出混杂特征.LA-ICP-MS锆石年代学研究显示该地区雪穷辉长岩块结晶年龄为610~630 Ma,雅日玄武安山岩结晶年龄约为504 Ma.微量元素和同位素地球化学分析表明,雪穷镁铁质岩浆起源于大陆岩石圈地幔,未受到地壳混染,形成于板内环境,雅日镁铁质岩浆起源于受俯冲沉积物产生的流体交代的地幔楔,源区受到一定地壳混染,形成于俯冲环境,反映秦昆结合地区存在早古生代大洋的俯冲-增生作用.结合区域资料,阿尼玛卿构造带和勉略构造带都有新元古代晚期至早古生代的大洋物质记录,表明这一时期阿尼玛卿和勉略构造带有可对比性,原特提斯洋的南界达到阿尼玛卿和勉略构造带.   相似文献   

中国活动构造与地震活动   总被引:56,自引:3,他引:56  
文中研究了中国活动构造与地震活动的关系 ,包括活动断裂、活动褶皱、活动盆地和活动块体与地震活动的关系。全部 8级、绝大部分 7~ 7.9级地震均发生在活动块体边界活动构造带内 ;但对内部有次级活动构造的块体而言 ,少数 7~ 7.9级地震和部分 6~ 6 .9级地震也可能发生在块体内部的活动构造带上。大地震与活动断裂、活动褶皱和活动盆地的关系十分紧密 ,70多次 7级以上地震的同震破裂带及其位移参数与活动构造完全一致 ,7~ 8级地震均发生在活动断裂、活动褶皱和活动盆地带内 ,仅个别地震由于发生在高原和高山区 ,情况不明 ,6~ 6 .9级地震则大约有 5 %~ 15 %发生在活动构造带外或者情况不明。由于中国各断块区应力环境的差别 ,各区活动构造变形和地震发震构造类型也有所不同 ,文中对不同构造区走滑型 ,逆断裂褶皱型和正断裂拉张型活动构造和地震发震构造模型作了讨论。  相似文献   

The site of final closure of Paleo-Tethys Ocean during the Triassic-Jurassic was marked by the colli-sional event between the Shan Massif and Indochina plate, in eastern Myanmar. Previous site of consumption of Paleo-Tethys is now occupied by a complex zone of suturing and deformation along Than Lwin River and in the east of it, formed by drastic tectonic evolution. It is geographically located approximately between longitudes 98E and 100E, and it extends northwards to Yunnan and southwards into West Thailand. The sigmoidal wrench struc-tures of suture zone is situated in the east of step-like structures of Shan Massif, and the western boundary of the suture zone must be immediately on the west side of Than Lwin River and the eastern boundary is near the east border of Myanmar. The area is largely covered by younger rocks of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. The Upper Pa-leozoic units of Carboniferous to Permian comprise limestone and dolomite of the Plateau Limestone overlying unconformably the Lower Paleozoic rocks. Metasedimentary rocks of the Carboniferous and their metamorphic equivalents and the flysch-like Triassic-Jurassic units are found as folded and thrusted beds in the area. Large complex of granitic rocks of Late Triassic are also found. Metavolcanics, gabbro and a large number of chromite occur along with these units. A preliminary delineation of a suture zone as the site of closure of Paleo-Tethys Ocean in Myanmar territory is made for the first time and this zone is believed to be a tectonic linkage between Changning-Menglian belt of West China and Inthanon Zone of West Thailand.  相似文献   

西藏班公湖-怒江缝合带白垩系沉积特征及其构造意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
班公湖—怒江位于西藏中部 ,西起班公湖日土 (33.5°N ,79°E) ,向东经由措勤、尼玛、那曲至东部怒江带 ,走向近东西、其中部大致平行于北纬 32°线 ,延长大于 15 0 0km。该带蛇绿岩发育 ,是中生代板块缝合线 ,是南部拉萨地块与北部羌塘地块的分界线。其中段班戈地区白垩系地层发育 ,包括下白垩统底部川巴组 (K1c)、多巴组 (K1d)、郎山组 (K1l)和上白垩统江巴组 (K2 j)。川巴组为浅海相黑色页岩、泥岩、粉砂岩、砂岩、煤层和火山岩 ;多巴组为含有海侵夹层的陆相碎屑岩建造 ,海侵层为含园笠虫 (Orbitolinasp .)钙质砂岩 ;郎山组为浅海相—泻湖相台地型碳酸盐岩沉积 ;江巴组以陆相、厚层块状的砂砾岩红层为特征。本区白垩系层序的总体特征 ,是以海相火山岩—细碎屑岩为先导、经海陆过渡相碎屑岩和海相碳酸盐岩到陆相红层 ,形成于与B型俯冲作用有关的活动大陆边缘构造背景.  相似文献   

研究表明位于康古尔断裂和阿齐克库都克断裂之间的东天山板块缝合(区)带经历了4个阶段的演化过程, 即泥盆纪吐哈古大洋形成、早石炭世俯冲造山、晚石炭世碰撞造山以及二叠纪造山期后缝合带的进一步变形.自北而南划分为4个构造带, 共同组成了一个向下收敛的楔状缝合区(带).东天山的矿产严格受构造控制, 相应地从北向南分布有前缘推覆带斑岩型铜矿床→蛇绿混杂岩带铜(镍)硫化物矿床和韧性剪切带型金矿床→叠瓦岩片带矽卡岩型铜多金属矿床→热液型金矿床.这些类型的矿床集结成东天山地区4条大的成矿带: 康古尔断裂以北铜矿带, 金、铜镍硫化物矿床成矿带(北带), 阿齐山-雅满苏铁(铜)、银多金属成矿带(南带)和中天山地块铁、铅锌、银成矿带.   相似文献   

地幔柱构造是基于全地慢对流模式、主要依据热点火山活动提出的新的全球构造理论。它的主要表现形式和产物是地幔柱头上部地壳抬升、岩浆活动形成大火成岩省、大型放射状岩墙群,并导致大陆裂解、板块运动和大规模成矿,是生物灭绝、磁极倒转的诱因。中国大陆的地质演化历史中保存了多期地幔柱活动印记,它们主要是华南新元古代Rodinia地幔柱、古生代古特提斯和峨眉山地幔柱和中一新生代中国东部地慢柱构造事件。上述地幔柱活动产生了地壳抬升、强烈岩浆活动、大陆伸展与裂解、岩石圈剧烈减薄和大规模成矿等重要地质事件。  相似文献   

数字航空摄影测量学方法在活动构造中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了高效率、高精度地获取活动构造研究中的定量参数, 引入数字航空摄影测量学方法十分必要.在川西地势陡峻的鲜水河断裂带上进行了试验性研究, 探讨了测量精度和效率, 总结了工作流程与操作方法.利用空间信息增强的正射纠正影像、大比例尺地形图和地形剖面图, 获得康定南团结乡附近鲜水河断裂带康定段断层迹线的空间分布, 量测得到该断裂在T1洪积扇形成以来左旋水平位移量为43 m, 垂直位移量为5.8 m.结果表明, 利用数字航空摄影测量学方法进行活动构造地貌研究中水平累积位移量、垂直累积位移量、断层长度等定量参数的测量以及构造几何学精细解析与构造地貌成图完全能满足精度要求, 大大提高了野外工作效率, 是活动构造定量研究的一种有效的技术方法.   相似文献   

On May 5, 2014, an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 6.1 (the largest earthquake in Thailand so far) occurred in Chiang Rai of the Golden Triangle area in northern Thailand. We had an opportunity to conduct field survey immediately after the earthquake. Serious damage to buildings and casualties of lives were observed, and the estimated Maximum Mercalli Intensity (MMI) of the earthquake is VIII (evaluated according to the MMI scale of the Chinese Standard). No long continuous ground ruptures were produced during the earthquake,??but in the epicenter (commonly within MMI VIII extent), massive small linear ruptures (usually several tens of meters long) developed and displayed intriguing structural features, offsetting many roads several centimeters left laterally on NE trending cracks or offsetting right laterally on NW trending ones. The focal mechanism solution of earthquake shows that this is a pure strike-slip event, and two nodal planes in NW and NE directions had the same motion senses respectively as those of breakage associated with the earthquake. The long axis of the isoseismals and aftershock distributions are in NE direction,which is consistent with the strike of Luang Namtha fault. The 230-km-long Luang Namtha fault which starts from the border of China and Laos, runs through northern Laos, and terminates at Chiang Rai of Thailand is predominated by left-lateral strike-slip and active in late Quaternary, and two earthquakes over Ms 6.0 occurred along the fault in 1925 and 2007 respectively. This Mw 6.1 earthquake occurred at the southwestern end of the fault. All related features such as evident structural rupturing, elongated orientation of MMI and aftershock distribution,as well as the location of the epicenter,suggest that the Luang Namtha fault may be responsible for the 2014 Northern Thailand earthquake.  相似文献   

We present new data and interpretations on the Neogene tectonics of the Shan scarp area (central Myanmar) and its relationship with the India–Indochina oblique convergence. We describe ductile and brittle fabrics associated with the major features in this area, the Mogok Metamorphic Belt (MMB), the Shan scarp and the Sagaing fault. From these data we identify a succession of two tectonic regimes. First, a dominant NNW–SSE-trending extension, marked by ductile stretching that characterizes the MMB, and associated N70E brittle normal faults. Later, from Middle or Upper Miocene to the Present, these structures were cross-cut by brittle right-lateral faults, among which the most important are the N20W transpressive Shan scarp fault zone and the N–S Sagaing fault. To explain this transition from a dominant transtensive to a transpressive stress regime, that occurred during Miocene, we place our data within a larger geodynamic context. We suggest that, like the intraplate deformation in the Indian Ocean, the end of spreading in the South China sea, the opening of the Andaman basin or the end of subduction within the Indo-Burma range, the change in the tectonic regime in central Myanmar could be in response to a major Miocene regional plate kinematic reorganization.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric studies over the igneous arc of the Indo Burman range in the Sagaing province of Myanmar have delineated the high resistivity Indian plate subducting westwards beneath the Burmese block to depths of 30 km and beyond. The thick moderately resistive (20–100 Ω m) layer overlying the subducting Indian plate may be due to the low resistivity sediments. The entire region is covered with prominent sedimentary layer with a conductance varying between 20 and 3000 S showing a general increase from the east to west, suggesting that their thickness increases toward the west. The large unsystematic variations in the conductance are indicative of the widely varying depositional environments and also possible vertical block movements during the course of their deposition. A west dipping low resistivity zone to the east of Burmese block seems to demarcate its eastern limit, suggesting the possibility of a hitherto unknown deep seated fault, which is also supported by the several earthquake foci located over this zone. The nature of the crustal movements over this fault is not immediately apparent. Possibility exists that the Sagaing fault is an en echelon fault and the present feature observed here is a part of this en echelon fault. The possibility of channel flows of the weakened rocks in the deep crust observed in the vicinity of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis may also cause such low resistivity zones.  相似文献   

The Song Ma region, which is located in the northwestern Vietnam represents the zone of amalgamation between Indochina and South China blocks. Numerous scattered ultramafic rocks occur in this region in association with Early to Middle Palaeozoic greenschists and paragneisses, and all these rocks were subjected to hydrous metamorphism and deformation. Here, we present new field data, mineral chemistry and geochemistry from a suite of hydrated peridotites within the Song Ma region and discuss the tectonic significances of the region. We also combine the available data within the Song Ma region and Indochina–South China blocks to discuss the tectonic evolution of the subduction zone. Based on the results, we suggest that the peridotites from the Song Ma are mantle residues that suffered a high degree of partial melting in a forearc tectonic setting. The present data together with the available data within the Song Ma region and the Indochina and South China blocks clearly represent a southward directed Middle Palaeozoic subduction system. The Middle Palaeozoic subduction and accretion events mark the evolutionary history along an active convergent margin between the Indochina and South China blocks, possibly related to the amalgamation of the Pangaea supercontinent. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

作为地震灾害评估的理论基础,地震动力学主要研究与地震活动有关的断裂机制、破裂过程、震源辐射和由此而引起的地震波的传播及地面运动规律。对地震力学、震源辐射和能量释放等经典理论问题进行了系统研究。在此基础上,应用最新的定量地震学研究方法,以逻辑树的形式综合地震、地质和大地测量资料,提供了不同构造环境和断裂机制条件下地震灾害评估的概率分析和确定性分析实例。用于震源分析的典型构造类型包括板内地壳震源层、地壳活动断层及其速率、板块俯冲界面和俯冲板片。由于输入模型中不确定因素的存在,如输入参数的随机性和科学分析方法本身的不确定性,对分析结果的不确定性需审慎对待。通常对不同的模型或参量,包括地面衰减模型,进行加权平均可较为合理地减小结果的偏差:概率分析和确定性分析方法的结合亦为可取之有效途径。  相似文献   

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