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成都地质调查中心云南区调项目组2007年在罗平县中三叠统关岭组二段中发现了罗平生物群。罗平生物群是三叠纪的化石宝库,化石包含了脊椎动物和无脊椎动物。脊椎动物以海生爬行类和鱼类为主。无脊椎动物以节肢动物为主,伴生有双壳类、腹足类、菊石、棘皮动物、腕足类、牙形石、有孔虫和植物类化石。牙形石研究显示罗平生物群处于Nicoraella kockeli牙形石带,时代上属于中三叠世安尼期Pelsonian亚期。罗平生物群保存在一个局限的台盆环境中。其化石的特异保存很可能与底层水缺氧和微生物席的密封作用有关。罗平生物群目前是研究三叠纪海洋生态系统复苏的最好的一扇窗口,也是三叠纪海生鱼类和节肢动物化石保存最好的产地之一,为研究二叠纪末大绝灭后海洋生态系统复苏以及中生代海洋生态系统的演化历史提供了新材料。  相似文献   

云南罗平中三叠世安尼期生物群的发现及其意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文介绍了云南罗平地区新发现的罗平生物群的产出层位、生物面貌、保存特征、古地理位置及其研究意义。该生物群产于关岭组二段薄层泥晶灰岩中,地层对比和化石鉴定表明其时代为中三叠世安尼期,以鱼类为主,伴生有爬行类、两栖类(?)、棘皮动物、节肢动物(甲壳类、昆虫等)、双壳类、腹足类以及植物化石;化石保存完好,分布广泛,埋藏方式独特。罗平生物群无论在丰度、分异度及化石保存上都极为罕见和独特,对研究埋藏学、古生态学、古地理以及三叠纪海洋生物尤其是海生爬行类都具有极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

云南罗平岔江新江底村发现的十足目节肢动物化石产出于三叠统卡尼阶小凹组,是十足目化石在关岭生物群的首次发现,也是此类化石在中国上三叠统中首次报道。此发现增加了关岭生物群的多样性,为今后在中国三叠纪其他特异埋藏化石库中寻找更多的十足目节肢动物化石提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

洛南生物群化石体表面大都具有一层黑色碳质薄膜,并且普遍具有次圆形或长椭圆形形态,因而与立体保存的Chuaria或Tawuia等宏观藻类易于混淆。对比研究表明,洛南生物群在化石体保存方式、主要化石形态、化石体表面构造、化石体壁结构、体壁厚度、壁厚与化石直径比以及化石化学成分等诸多方面与宏观藻类化石有着质的区别。三维立体保存的介壳状的生物体形态,较厚的体壁及三层式结构更多的显示壳状实体化石的特征。  相似文献   

辽西首次发现保存毛发和软件的中生代哺乳动物化石   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
季强 《地质通报》2002,21(1):29-34
中国辽西地区素以产出丰富多彩的中生代热河生物群闻名于世。特别是近几年来,该区大量长羽毛的恐龙、原始鸟类、原始哺乳类和被子植物化石的发现更加引起了国际科学界的极大关注。1997年秋,作者在辽宁北票四合屯地区发现了一块完整的保存有毛发和软体印痕的对齿兽类哺乳动物化石。身体保存有手发和软体印痕的中生代哺乳动物化石在世界上也是罕见的。对对于研究对齿兽形态结构、生物习性、系统关系等方面均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

安徽巢湖马家山地区下三叠统南陵湖组上段的4枚粪化石中含有牙形石,首次提供了三叠纪牙形动物被捕食的证据。粪化石颜色为黑灰色,压型保存,呈长条形或近椭圆形;含粪化石的围岩为暗色的泥质灰岩,含丰富有机质。依据粪化石的形状、保存状态,以及同层位共生化石组合等,初步推断粪化石的来源可能系同层位产出的节肢动物。粪化石内含有18枚牙形石,经鉴定发现包含有Neospathodus homeri,Neospathodus.sp.indet.I,Neospathodus.sp.indet.II等分子,它们系N.homeri牙形石带的带分子或重要化石,指示南陵湖组上段的时代为早三叠世奥伦尼克期斯帕斯亚期,这与前人对此区域的生物地层研究结果一致。  相似文献   

行蜕壳式增长的节肢动物个体发育及性双形特征的研究必须建立在其化石种群结构的恢复之上。简单的数理统计是揭示其种群结构特征的钥匙:鉴别是否属正常化石种群,确定蜕壳期数,解释早期幼壳高死亡率与其化石低保存牢的统一。高肌虫个体发育常表现为六至七期明显的蜕壳阶段,蜕壳期间壳体增长率常在性成熟期有显著的减小趋势。物种的正确鉴定及性双形特征的辨识也只有通过个体发育研究才能得到合理的解决;物种在个体发育过程中表现出来的性伏变化,为研究谱系的演化趋向提供重要依据。这种数理统计方法无疑对三叶虫、介形虫等其他节肢动物的个体发育及性双形研究也完全适用。  相似文献   

李玉兰  王浩  刘傲然  李明  梁永忠  周颖  唐烽  任留东 《地质论评》2022,68(4):2022082009-2022082009
云南东部伊迪卡拉(震旦)系顶部灯影组旧城段的江川生物群是华南又一大类丰富且多样化的宏体化石群,其以碳质压膜的方式保存。在该生物群中,我们发现大量香肠状碳质压膜的宏体化石,与成冰(南华)纪全球大冰期之前中、新元古代地层中广泛分布的Tawuia碳膜化石的大小、形态非常相似。其最大宽度达4. 5 mm,最大长度可达4 cm,长宽比均>2,膜面光滑,未见其他稳定纹饰,有的化石标本边缘碳质保存较多,可见深黑色边缘环带。但部分化石保存的形态与常见的直棒状I形、U形、C形Tawuia化石相比却较为特殊,呈现直角L形、8字形、宽U形、环状O形等多种保存形态,个别标本弯折部位可见明显的碳质增厚和横脊纹残留,边缘残存有大小不一的刺状突起构造。这类特异形态保存的似Tawuia化石显然不能解释为以往较为公认的浮游型叶状体藻类,而可能与冰期前的新元古代早期鲁西、淮南宏体化石群中的疑似蠕形动物亲缘的化石有传承关系。上述新发现的化石形态表明:似Tawuia的碳膜宏体化石可能是多源属性的早期多细胞生物。其中短带至长带状叶状体,可见短柄突起及疑似固着器构造的化石可确认为底栖宏体藻类;多数的叶状体推测为香肠状或长囊状,生活史中包含远洋浮游的类型,可能归属于原始不分枝的多核体藻类或早期分化出的中空囊状的多细胞藻类;本文展示的部分规则变形的似Tawuia化石,更可能是两侧对称动物亲缘的,生活于近海的底栖生物体发生主动扭曲后,被特异埋藏所呈现出的特殊保存形态,而随机浮游或表栖的多细胞藻类死亡沉积时不会形成类似形态的化石。  相似文献   

云南东部伊迪卡拉(震旦)系顶部灯影组旧城段的江川生物群是华南又一大类丰富且多样化的宏体化石群,其以碳质压膜的方式保存。在该生物群中,我们发现大量香肠状碳质压膜的宏体化石,与成冰(南华)纪全球大冰期之前中、新元古代地层中广泛分布的Tawuia碳膜化石的大小、形态非常相似。其最大宽度达4. 5 mm,最大长度可达4 cm,长宽比均>2,膜面光滑,未见其他稳定纹饰,有的化石标本边缘碳质保存较多,可见深黑色边缘环带。但部分化石保存的形态与常见的直棒状I形、U形、C形Tawuia化石相比却较为特殊,呈现直角L形、8字形、宽U形、环状O形等多种保存形态,个别标本弯折部位可见明显的碳质增厚和横脊纹残留,边缘残存有大小不一的刺状突起构造。这类特异形态保存的似Tawuia化石显然不能解释为以往较为公认的浮游型叶状体藻类,而可能与冰期前的新元古代早期鲁西、淮南宏体化石群中的疑似蠕形动物亲缘的化石有传承关系。上述新发现的化石形态表明:似Tawuia的碳膜宏体化石可能是多源属性的早期多细胞生物。其中短带至长带状叶状体,可见短柄突起及疑似固着器构造的化石可确认为底栖宏体藻类;多数的叶状体推测为香肠状或长囊状,生活史中包含远洋浮游的类型,可能归属于原始不分枝的多核体藻类或早期分化出的中空囊状的多细胞藻类;本文展示的部分规则变形的似Tawuia化石,更可能是两侧对称动物亲缘的,生活于近海的底栖生物体发生主动扭曲后,被特异埋藏所呈现出的特殊保存形态,而随机浮游或表栖的多细胞藻类死亡沉积时不会形成类似形态的化石。  相似文献   

陕西南部宁强地区的李家沟剖面灯影组高家山生物群产有大量磷酸盐化实体化石,包括各类管状化石、瓶状化石、疑难化石以及钙化蓝细菌等,类型丰富。近年来,随着研究的深入,微生物假形化石在该生物群中也被不断发现。由于微生物假形化石是生物死亡后腐解埋藏过程中生物体被微生物(球状和丝状蓝细菌)直接取代,因而原始生物体的结构形态得以完好保存。微生物可以通过改变环境中的物理化学条件使磷酸盐富集和快速堆积,对生物的非矿物组织包括软躯体的保存起到了很重要的作用。根据替代程度不同可以划分为完全替代类型和未完全替代类型。这一发现提供了高家山生物群中生物非矿化组织的另一种保存方式。微生物通过铸型完整复制了生物软躯体以及可能的胚胎形态特征,提供了对此时期软躯体保存的新认识。  相似文献   

The creatures that gaze back at us through the binocular microscope are so uniquely well‐preserved and life‐like that had we not known better we would have thought that they were modern. Instead they are half‐a‐billion‐year‐old arthropods extracted from Cambrian rocks of Sweden. The microscopic fossils, colloquially known as the ‘Orsten’ fossils, are now world‐famous and basking in the light of the research catwalk since their discovery in the 1970s. These fossils have provided significant insight into the long lost Cambrian biotas and early animal evolution.  相似文献   

贵州早寒武世早期黑色页岩中生物化石保存及生态学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
早寒武世早期黑色页岩中以前只发现少量的海绵骨针,但随着研究的深入,各类动物化石被发现。最近,贵州早寒武世早期黑色页岩中发现碳质和薄膜型化石,它们包括大量的简单线状遗迹、碳质膜状高肌虫、完整海绵动物、管虫、薄壳双壳动物、碳质膜状软舌螺以及一些圆形膜状化石等。通过对黑色页岩的粘土矿物定量和定性分析,结合地球化学特征,认为早寒武世早期小壳动物繁盛期之上有一个大型动物繁盛期,随后由于地壳拉张作用,大规模的海底热液和火山喷发作用的加强,海洋环境变成酸性环境,不利于生物生存,发生生物绝灭作用,随后海洋环境逐渐趋于碱性,大量的生物又开始繁盛。  相似文献   

<正> 35亿年前,地球上开始有生物存在,主要是兰藻和细菌。距今10亿年左右,开始出现软躯体动物所形成的遗迹化石。9亿年有蠕形动物的实体化石——淮南生物群保存。7亿年软躯体后生动物——埃迪卡拉动物群(西陵峡生物群、高家山生物群)大量繁殖,使晚前寒武纪的生物演化进入一个新阶段。6亿年左右,骨骼化动物——梅树村动物群(或托莫特动物群)的出现,开创了生物发展、演化史上的新纪元。使更多的生物能够以化石  相似文献   

Exceptionally preserved fossils,such as those from Cambrian Burgess Shale-type fossil-Lagerstatten are critical because of their unique contributions to knowledge of the phylogenetic radiation and palaeoecological expansion of metazoans during the Cambrian explosion.Critically,these deposits provide information that is usually unobtainable from shelly and skeletonized fossils alone.The Guanshan Biota(Cambrian Series 2,Stage 4)in the Yunnan Province of South China,has produced abundant and diverse,exquisitely preserved fossils that often retain soft tissues and organs.To date,most fossils from the Guanshan Biota have been collected from localities such as Gaoloufang and Gangtoucun,which have become inaccessible due to new urban expansions and constructions of residential buildings.Here we present the first report of soft bodied fossils from a new section at Kanfuqing,close to the Wulongqing village in Malong County,approximately 3 km east of the Wulongqing Formation stratotype section.Fossils retain soft morphology,and include brachiopods with delicate marginal setae,priapulids with well-preserved sclerites and vetulicolians with entire sections of body.In addition,this fauna includes rare occurrences of trilobites preserved with soft tissues replicated as pyrite pseudomorphs after weathering.This discovery represents an important palaeogeographical extension of soft-bodied fossils of the Guanshan fauna to the east of the Xiaojiang Fault(related to Tsinning tectonic movements ca.700 Ma).The fauna from the new Kanfuqing section is similar to that reported from the Wulongqing Formation west of the Xiaojiang Fault,and thus has significant implications for early Cambrian palaeogeography,faunal successions and palaeoenvironments of eastern Yunnan.  相似文献   

The Early Cambrian Balang Formation is comprised of mudrock and shale, which was deposited in a shelf environment in the eastern part of Guizhou, south China. The Balang Fauna, which consists of seven phyla, occurs in the middle and upper parts of the Balang Formation. Arthropods are important constituents of the Balang Fauna and include a great number of trilobites, large bivalved arthropods, and newly-discovered well-preserved bradoriid fossils. The bradoriids present include three genera and four species : Comptaluta inflata (Cheng, 1974) emend Hou et al., 2002; Comptaluta kailiensis sp. nov., and Alutella elongeta sp. nov., Aluta sp. This faunal assemblage in the Balang Formation is distinguished from the Tsunyiella Chang, 1964, Songlinella Yin, 1978 and Kunmingella Hou, 1956 assemblage which occurs in the Niutitang and Mingxinsi formations of the Yangtze Platform in middle region of Guizhou and which is earlier than the Balang Formation in age. However, this assemblage resembles the Comptaluta pik, 1968 assemblage from the Early Cambrian Heilinpu Formation in Wuding County, Yuanan Province and from the Ordian Stage of the Cambrian of Australia. The great abundance of Comptaluta pik, 1968 and overall taxonomic diversity of the Comptaluta pik, 1968 assemblage set it distinctly apart from the Alutella Kobayashi et Kato, 1951 and Aluta Hou, 1956 assemblages of the Balang Formation. Alutella Kobayashi et Kato, 1951 and Aluta Hou, 1956 also occur in the Early Cambrian Niutitang Formation of the Yangtze Platform of Guizhou. Individual Bradoriids from the Balang Formation are characterized by large size (3 mm). The discovery of new Bradoriid assemblages not only expands the group’s geographical range and assemblage affinities, but also indicates that Bradoriids migrated eastward from shallow-water to deeper-water environments during the Early Cambrian, indicating that they were capable of life in deeper-water, and adaptation to a new ecological setting.  相似文献   

As an extinct group, the origin, diversification and relationships of Cambrian lobopods have long been one of the most hotly-debated subjects. Lobopods used to be regarded as closely related to modern onychophorans and tardigrades, but the similarities are based on the few species of Cambrian lobopods and often on a fairly general level. With the discovery of new creatures and based on new observations on fossil lobopods, we consider that Cambrian lobopods show great diversity and reveal a close relationship between Cambrian lobopods and arthropods. In addition, comparison between the dorsal spines of Cambrian lobopods and small shelly fossils suggest that Cambrian lobopods might have originated from the Meishucun radiation and diversified in the Qiongzhusi radiation.  相似文献   

欧强 《地学前缘》2020,27(6):47-66
叶足动物在显生宙最早期的海洋中曾一度繁盛,但如今茫茫大海中它们已杳无踪影。不过,学术界主流认为它们并没有绝灭——早期叶足动物的一个分支成功演化出原始的节肢动物,成就了当今地球上最庞大的动物家族(六足类、甲壳类、多足类、螯肢类等);叶足动物另一个分支则离开海洋,保持基本躯体构型,变身为陆生叶足动物,然而历经沧桑后,仅余一两脉(有爪动物及缓步动物)残喘幸存至今。这个史诗般的精彩演化故事,深深吸引了众多学者竞先求索。近30年来,以我国云南澄江生物群为代表的一系列寒武纪特异埋藏化石库中发现了大量叶足动物化石。经研究,学术界迄今似已破解了早期叶足动物重重疑团,足以额手称庆。然而治学须严谨,考证不偏狭。作者认为,围绕早期叶足动物的迷雾尚未消散,许多问题还有待解答,部分观点仍需确证。本文对早期叶足类研究的部分主流观点提出一些不同看法,并对尚未破解的疑难问题提出尝试性的见解和猜想。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(2):205-214
During the Late Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian, a series of paleogeographic and paleoecological events occurred associated with deglaciations and the evolution of life. The appearance of fossils representing diverse phyla, novel body plans and complex ecologies in Ediacaran and Cambrian sedimentary successions has sparked diverse hypotheses about potential drivers for the radiation of early animals during this interval. Recently, new macroscopic fossils of carbonaceous compressions with unique features have been found in Anning, Yunnan, China. The fossils’ bodies are ribbon-shaped and bilaterally symmetric, with dense longitudinal features and transversal features. The fossils occur 0.68 m below a bentonite interlayer which has been dated 535.2 ± 1.7 Ma by Ri-xiang Zhu and his team in 2009. The relatively simply morphology of these fossils, coupled with a lack of preserved internal structures challenge efforts taxonomically identify the precursor organism and definitively ally it to a living group. However, the symmetry and unusual features of the body are analogous to members of Platyzoa. The presence of ribbon-shaped fossils in the Zhongyicun Member in Anning indicates that these organisms were at least a locally significant component of Cambrian seafloor ecosystems, and may hold important implications for our understanding of the early evolution of Bilateria.  相似文献   

The final assembly of the supercontinent Gondwana during the Pan-African orogenic episodes (ca. 550–520 Ma) almost simultaneously took place with the Cambrian explosion that is best manifested by a number of Cambrian Burgess Shale-type Lagerstätten in South China. The relationship between South China and Gondwana during the Cambrian is far from consensus. Burgess Shale-type Lagerstätten may have potential importance for the paleogeographic reconstruction. However, such Lagerstätten have been known in large number only in Laurentia and South China, far less common in Gondwana and other continents. Burgess Shale-type Lagerstätten in South China are not evenly spaced through the Cambrian. They appear to be concentrated in the Lower Cambrian, particularly in the Canglangpuian and Qiongzhusian stages, much reduced in number from the uppermost Lower Cambrian. Of ten reported such Lagerstätten, only the Kaili biota (basal Middle Cambrian) is known to be younger than Early Cambrian. This reduction could be explained by the fact that vast areas of siliciclastic facies in both the western plate interior (platform) and the eastern slope basin during most time of Early Cambrian (Meishucunian to Canglangpuian) is evolved into carbonate facies at the very end of Early Cambrian (Longwangmiaoian). It has been known from this study that both siliciclastic platform facies and slope basin facies (shale basin) could preserve soft-bodied fossils. Cambrian Burgess Shale-type Lagerstätten in South China are of great significance for providing a sequences of exceptionally preserved biota in a chronological succession. Comparison of such Lagerstätten in a chronological framework may give us more details on the Cambrian explosion events.  相似文献   

淮北地区寒武系/新元古界界线讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
淮北地区寒武系与新元古界的界线 ,长期以来存在争议 ,主要有 5种划分意见 :猴家山组 /沟后组 ,沟后组 /金山寨组 ,沟后组上段 /沟后组下段 ,金山寨组 /望山组及猴家山组 /金山寨组之间。通过近年来的实地考察和室内研究 ,从叠层石、宏体碳质压膜化石及小壳动物化石组合综合考虑 ,认为该区新元古界最上面的岩组应是沟后组 ,而超覆于区内新元古界不同层位上的长期被描述为猴家山组“豹斑状”灰岩、白云岩 ,实为昌平组 ,属下寒武统  相似文献   

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