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Despite their diverse and contested characters, queer and feminist geographies have much in common historically, theoretically, empirically, and politically. Following a brief discussion of their connections and divergences, I discuss the distinctive contributions of queer geographies and their potential, in continuing conversation and alliance with feminist geographies, to enliven and enrich geographical inquiry more broadly. I focus particularly on the potential of feminist‐inspired and allied queer geographies to rethink a variety of spatial (and other) ontologies, including space, place, placelessness, movement, gender, homophobias and heterosexisms, generational cultures, and cultural politics.  相似文献   

Although 97% of U.S. farms are “family-owned,” little research examines how gender and sexual relationships – inherent in familial dynamics – influence farmers’ practices and livelihoods. Gender and sexual dynamics – shaped by race and class – affect who is considered a farmer, land management decisions, and access to resources like land, subsidies, and knowledge. We use feminist and queer lenses to illuminate how today’s agricultural gender and sexual relations are not “natural,” but when left uninterrogated are constructed in ways that harm women and queer farmers while limiting potential to develop sustainable practices. Women and queer farmers also resist, “re-orienting” gender and sexual relations in ways that expand possibilities for achieving food justice and ecological sustainability. We offer “relational agriculture” as a tool for making visible and re-orienting gender and sexual relations on farms. Relational agriculture brings sexuality into food justice and demonstrates the centrality of gender and sexuality to agricultural sustainability.  相似文献   

A gendered consideration of rural geography has been barely discernible within Australian and New Zealand literature. The notable exceptions in this case have illustrated the complexity and merit of studying the gender patterns and relations of rural life. Outside geography, there is an expanding literature on rural women in Australia. These works parallel significant developments in the lives and politics of rural and agricultural women themselves. This paper reports selected findings from a study of the women in agriculture movement in Australia. As such, it illustrates the increased awareness of the gendered conditions of farming. The women in agriculture movement works to increase the recognition of women's contribution to agriculture. In doing so it affirms the legitimacy of women farmers’ voices and perspectives. There will be no sustainable rural systems while half the rural population is unseen or unheard. Women in agriculture demonstrate a social dimension of sustainability. They highlight the need to integrate gender equity and a ‘wider‐than‐economic’ conceptualisation of sustainable agriculture. Their actions can stimulate rural geographers to further consider the social and political aspects of rural sustainability beyond the conventional farm/industry and community service sites we usually consider.  相似文献   

如何实现农业资源的可持续利用依然是目前农业可持续发展研究的重点与难点。本文选择冀中南平原为研究区域,以农业资源利用方式与地域单元的耦合为切入点界定了农业资源可持续利用模式的概念与内涵,并通过分析模式5要素,即农业自然资源特征、农业主导产业(品)、农业产业链(产-加-销)、农民组织化程度和农村经济发展水平之间的关系,探讨了农业资源可持续利用模式的作用过程,构建了农业资源可持续利用模式的三级层次结构体系。在此方法框架的指导下,本文选取冀中南平原的曲周、藁城、馆陶三个典型县,具体剖析了第三级模式的基本运作状况,总结了农业资源可持续利用模式的应用前景。  相似文献   

河南农业发展形势与可持续发展对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
作为农业大省,面临加入WTO、市场经济、买方市场和西部大开发的机遇和挑战,如何培育新的农业发展优势,适应国内和国际市场的需要迫在眉睫。针对河南农业可持续发展存在的主要问题,提出了七个方面促进农业可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

21世纪中国农业与农村可持续发展方向和策略   总被引:48,自引:6,他引:48  
刘彦随  吴传钧  鲁奇 《地理科学》2002,22(4):385-389
中国是一个历史悠久的农业大国,农民占全国总人口的70%,农村占城镇居民点建成面积的86.1%,农业只占国民生产总值的17.2%,中国的基本国情决定了农业、农村、农民在国民经济和现代化建设中的关键地位;加入WTO后的中国农业和农村经济发展,既迎来了新的机遇,也将面临更大的挑战;基于对中国农业与农村经济发展特点与问题的初步分析,提出了21世纪中国农业与农村可持续发展应选择产业化,生态化,国际化和地区化的发展方向与模式,并将重点在优化制度环境、完善保障体系和突破结构制约等几个方面进行深化改革与创新。  相似文献   

生态农业是实施农业可持续发展的关键,文章用系统研究方法,从林州市生态农业可持续发展基础条件,现存问题入手,对生态农业可持续发展与对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

苏南地区可持续农业与农村发展模式探索   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
可持续农业与农村发展(SARD)在不同地区不同发展阶段表现出不同的特点,其发展模式各具特色。本文通过对乡镇工业发达、人地矛盾突出的苏南地区持续农业与农村发展实践的深入研究,概括出三个区域亚模式:一是集约高效的综合发展亚模式;二是有效利用与保护资源的双业齐动亚模式;三是优化组合的多维发展亚模式。在对三个亚模式抽象的基础上,概括出苏南可持续农业与农村发展的总体模式,即“高效集约可持续农业与农村经济发展”模式。  相似文献   

在分析四川盆地资源、农业问题特殊性与可持续农业相互作用的基础上 ,阐述了对可持续农业的理解及四川可持续农业发展的途径。可持续农业是资源、环境、经济粮食协调发展的农业体系 ;是一种开放的动态平衡的大农业 ;其前提是“发展” ,核心是“协调” ;由传统农业向可持续农业转型应有一个过渡时期。四川盆地可持续农业发展的通用途径是突破紫色母质资源的培育、水资源的合理利用两个薄弱环节 ,发挥资源的整体优势 ;建立复合型农业结构 ,提高农业的综合水平 ;建立永续利用的资源支持系统和以后续技术为中心的综合管理体系 ,保证可持续农业的健康发展。最后针对盆地的干旱、水土流失、冬水田问题提出了解决的技术途径。  相似文献   

Knowledge generation and the interactions that allow for knowledge exchange are key processes of innovation. Yet these processes are not well understood at the farm level, nor are they well reflected in policy approaches for agricultural innovation. Farmers in New South Wales have used diverse ways to implement innovations in land management. They employ a range of strategies including observing signals from the landscape, independent testing and trialling, use of agronomists, participation in farmer groups and in farmer-driven research programmes. Steps to foster farmer-driven innovations and knowledge-intensive agricultural systems require greater subtlety to enable flexibility, the incorporation of contemporary scientific knowledge and support for sustainable initiatives. More research on innovation and on policy engagement is required to foster on-farm innovative capacity.  相似文献   

从可持续发展的内涵和目标出发,选取能够反映农业生产、农业环境生态和农村社会经济等子系统可持续性的22项综合性指标和主要指标,建立了区域农业可持续发展指标体系、农业可持续能力评价和类型区划分方法。在此基础上,分析了2000—2005年全国各省农业生产、农业环境生态和农村社会经济等子系统的农业可持续指数变化范围、区域差异和制约因素,并且采用系统聚类的方法,将全国农业可持续发展能力划为4个类型区,分析各类型区内3个子系统发展的协调性以及限制因素。最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

通过实施"九五"农业开发项目,对延津沙地农业可持续开发技术进行了研究。综合应用风沙化土地环境治理技术,建立了沙地防护体系,控制了风沙危害;引进适宜沙地栽培的果树、经济植物品种,进行组装配套,实现了沙地果园的高产优质高效开发;探索了草食畜的发展模式及饲养管理技术,以及沙地农业集约化经营管理模式,带动了地方经济的发展;从理论和实践上探讨了农业知识系统的结构、功能及效果,表明延津试验站在促进农民致富中起着非常重要的作用  相似文献   

可持续农业是地域性较强的问题,若离开区域讨论可持续农业,并不符合持续农业发展人地系统结构优势的基本要求。文章对可持续农业的地域性和地域体系的等级结构进行了初步研究,认为可持续农业须立足一定的地域,构建良性的人口、资源、环境、和家业协调系统。将可持续农业地域体系划分为四类:自然地域类(N类型),行政地域类(P类型),经济区域类(E类型)及全球和区域组织类(G类型)。  相似文献   

汤青  李扬  陈明星  徐勇 《地理科学进展》2018,37(8):1022-1030
可持续生计理论方法不仅可以应用于城市务工的半城镇化农民,服务于有序推进中国的城镇化,而且可广泛应用于中国西部农村地区和农户尺度的研究,服务于农村可持续发展。本文首先梳理了当前可持续生计的概念及分析框架,并基于半城镇化农民可持续生计与农村可持续发展,从地理学的综合视角提出了一个适应于中国实证研究的理论分析框架。然后依托国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“半城镇化农民生计状态评估及市民化阻滞因素与政策调控”,梳理了可持续生计的国际国内研究进展以及半城镇化农民市民化与农村地区可持续发展的中国实证研究成果。最后提出了未来的研究展望,包括半城镇化农民市民化与农村地区可持续发展的联动研究,半城镇化农民市民化转变的主观意愿与客观阻滞因素综合研究,半城镇化农民与农村发展作用机理及其市民化效应,可持续生计与农村可持续发展的集成研究。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区农业可持续发展的问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着农地制度的改革、农业投入以及技术创新活动的加强,长江三角洲地区的农业现代化建设取得了较快发展,但从长远来看,影响和制约农业发展的问题非常严骏。文章主要从土地资源合理利用角度分析对农业可持续发展的影响。基于日趋严峻的人地矛盾和快速发展的市场经济条件,阐述了农业可持续发展对策;加强宏观调控和对资源开发利用保护的监督,坚持优质高效,从市场需求出发开发利用资源,建立高效地利用土地资源机制,面向国内国际  相似文献   

The land use system on Tikopia – a Polynesian outlier in Solomon Islands – is analyzed to determine how it has developed since it was first described in the 1930s and again in the 1970s. Fieldwork included a household questionnaire survey, in-depth interviews on farming practices and decision making, and the collection of soil samples from the major soil and garden types. The Tikopian land use system has not undergone significant changes since the 1970s; indeed the focus on self-sufficiency in food crops may have been strengthened over the past 30 years as ship arrivals have become increasingly unreliable. Local agricultural production and exploitation of marine resources are essential to sustain the population, and with few exceptions farming and fishing techniques remain unchanged. Most of the island is still farmed permanently and the intensive agricultural system has not suffered long-term setbacks, not even from extreme events such as Cyclone Zoe in 2002. The high fertility of Tikopian soils reported in the 1960s was found to be unchanged. It is concluded that the land use system is highly resilient to shocks and that there are no indications that Tikopian villagers would not be able to support their subsistence in the future, provided there is no substantial increase in the resident ( de facto ) population.  相似文献   

高前兆  刘发民 《中国沙漠》2000,20(Z2):107-113
豫北延津沙地,原为半湿润区黄河故道的风沙化土地,属半湿润区旱地季节性荒漠生态系统,在强度的人类活动和干旱气候波动下,极易发生沙漠化。通过1988年以来进行的中低产田的综合开发治理,采用建设以井灌沟排的水利系统,提供了沙地有效水分;建立完善沙岗林地和林带防护系统,控制了区域风蚀沙化;实施沙地土壤的培肥系统,稳定增加沙土的有机质和矿物营养元素。还通过建设成片的果园经济林子系统,沙地农业种植子系统和草食畜牧业养殖子系统,以果、农、林地之比为3:4:3的结构,建立了110 hm2的沙地农业科技开发试验示范区,初步取得了治理开发黄河故道沙荒地的经验;通过12年的建设,已初步建立起沙地林果业生产系统,特色农业种植生产系统和草食畜牧业生产系统;从而构成了一个沙地农业生态系统。  相似文献   

作为农村宅基地的使用主体,农户在农村宅基地流转决策中占据绝对的主导地位,他们对农村宅基地流转的认知与意愿对规范农村宅基地流转起着关键作用。文章通过对“江西省农村宅基地流转”专题调研,以实地调研数据为基础,分析江西省当前农户对农村宅基地流转的认知与意愿,并运用Logistic回归模型对影响农户农村宅基地流转意愿的因素进行了定量分析。研究表明:农民对于国家农村宅基地的相关政策了解程度一般,对于构建规范有效的农村宅基地流转机制期望较高,但反映出普遍担心农村宅基地入市后的高房价和投机行为的发生;户主年龄、家庭年收入、家庭农村宅基地面积及个数对农户农村宅基地流转的影响最大。最后,基于上述结论提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Research on Amazonian communities has focussed more often on rural‐urban linkages than on links among rural communities. This is unsurprising, given the low density of population, limited intercommunity commerce, and importance of direct city‐market relations. Social relations among rural communities are also important in shaping rural livelihoods and lifeways. We report on the findings of a large‐scale census of communities in the Napo River basin in northeastern Peru (n=174). Data were gathered on intervillage crop seed acquisition and cooperative labor sharing as two key inputs in agriculture, and on intervillage soccer matches, which are integral to rural social life. We analyze the socio‐spatial networks of each practice, paying attention to settlement patterns, community ethnicity, and differential access to the uplands. We find that seeds and labor flow along soccer network lines. Rural social networks appear to be structured strongly by ethnicity (homophily) and reflect important complementarities between upland and lowland communities (weak ties).  相似文献   

IntroductionTheterm"SUStainaleagricultUre"becamewidelyusedinthebeginningofthenddl98Os.TherearethreeimpohanndlestoneperiodsintheprogressofsustainableaghcultaldevelopmenLFiruly,theraiseoftheconceptandlocaIdiscussions.In1984,thebookAgricoIturalSustainabihtyinaChangingfforldOrdereditedbyGordonK.Douglasscameout.ItcoIhassiXteenPapersonagriculturaldevelopmentanditssustainability.ForthefirSthmeabookintroducesanddefinestheconceptinthreeaSPectSoffoodsffociency,environmentsignificanceandconunta…  相似文献   

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