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Although 97% of U.S. farms are “family-owned,” little research examines how gender and sexual relationships – inherent in familial dynamics – influence farmers’ practices and livelihoods. Gender and sexual dynamics – shaped by race and class – affect who is considered a farmer, land management decisions, and access to resources like land, subsidies, and knowledge. We use feminist and queer lenses to illuminate how today’s agricultural gender and sexual relations are not “natural,” but when left uninterrogated are constructed in ways that harm women and queer farmers while limiting potential to develop sustainable practices. Women and queer farmers also resist, “re-orienting” gender and sexual relations in ways that expand possibilities for achieving food justice and ecological sustainability. We offer “relational agriculture” as a tool for making visible and re-orienting gender and sexual relations on farms. Relational agriculture brings sexuality into food justice and demonstrates the centrality of gender and sexuality to agricultural sustainability.  相似文献   

Heteropatriarchy underpins contemporary U.S. agriculture, even within the alternative sector. This paper builds on the legacies of women farmers and farmers of color creating peer networks to circumvent heteropatriarchal hurdles by investigating how lesbian, bisexual, trans, and queer (LBTQ) sustainable farmers access human resources. If and how did the farmers encounter or resist heteropatriarchy in this process? Drawing on four years of ethnographic research with 40 LBTQ Midwest sustainable farmers, I argue that resources through government agencies, neighborhood farmers, and like-minded practitioners did not necessarily align with LBTQ farmers’ sustainable practices or queer identities. LBTQ farmers convened with others at the intersections of their queerness and sustainable practices formally, informally, and through the labor market to access human resources removed from heteropatriarchal domination. I conclude that LBTQ farmer networks bolster human resources in sustainable agriculture and conservation practices.  相似文献   

Using in-depth interviews with women engaged in sustainable farming in the western United States, this project explores an unanticipated finding: migration from an urban area to rural “Prairie County” was necessary for these farmers to secure farm land and sustain their farming operations. This article interrogates the role of migration in women’s access to farmland as both an economic and cultural phenomenon. My findings highlight the necessity of migration for women’s participation in sustainable farming and suggest that women’s success in sustainable farming may align with the processes of rural gentrification, by which cultural and economic in-migrants amplify their social privilege and transform the values and economy of rural communities. This project, then, situates gender as a key structure to understanding both the classed dynamics of sustainable agriculture and rural gentrification.  相似文献   

基于农户利用效率的平原和山区耕地利用形态比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用形态是土地利用转型研究的核心内容。农户土地利用决策是引起土地利用系统变化与土地利用转型的深层因素,当前学者从多个视角对耕地利用形态展开了系列的理论与实证研究,但从农户层面深入探讨耕地利用隐性形态及其形成机理的研究相对较少。为揭示农户耕地利用隐性形态的差异及其影响因素,本文以农户耕地利用效率为切入点基于平原区寿光市和山区沂源县农户调研数据,从农户家庭劳动力要素变动与农业生产决策视角对农户的耕地利用效率进行了测算,构建结构方程模型探讨了农户耕地利用效率的驱动机制。研究表明,寿光市和沂源县耕地利用效率较低,并且存在地貌类型和农户类型上的差异,平原(寿光市)耕地利用效率要高于山区(沂源县),老年农户耕地利用效率低于年轻农户。在影响路径方面,农户耕地经营规模、生产要素投入和耕地产出直接影响耕地利用效率,而种植结构对耕地利用效率的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Women own or co-own approximately half of the farmland in Iowa, United States, yet researchers are only beginning to study these landowners’ social relationships in relation to their land. This study analyzes qualitative data collected in Iowa through a series of meetings hosted by the Women, Food and Agriculture Network (WFAN). I find that social control through exclusion constrains women landowners’ access to information about and implementation of conservation. Specifically, I identify how women landowners experience the social processes of boundary maintenance and othering in land management. These processes create barriers to conservation adoption and maintain gendered agricultural landscapes. The women who participated in WFAN’s conservation programs express their experience of and resistance to dominant narratives as they attempt to create landscape change. These findings highlight the importance of further study of inequality processes and their relation to control of farmland if conservation goals are to be met.  相似文献   

This paper outlines pressures on agricultural land in periurban Kumasi, Ghana. A survey of agricultural practices underlines the recent and rapid transition from agricultural to urban land use in the periurban interface, and shows how farmers are reacting by reducing fallow periods. Farmers are also intensifying agriculture near streams and rivers through increased use of irrigation, in response to growing urban markets for a wider range of vegetables. We identify specific problems of water resource pollution and waste management, with particular reference to farmland irrigation. We report results of composting interventions as a community‐based waste management strategy. We consider integrated organic waste recycling as a generic strategy to help protect periurban natural resources, to enhance food production through nutrient recycling, and to improve community sanitation.  相似文献   

李翠珍  徐建春  孔祥斌 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1039-1049
以北京市大兴区为例,采用农户调查数据,设计不同资源群体农户分类评价指标体系,利用非系统聚类方法将农户划分为5类(①中等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;②高等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;③中等资源禀赋,低等非农收入;④纯农户;⑤非农户),进而分析了不同资源群体农户的生计多样化特点及对土地利用的影响。研究表明:(1)在大都市郊区,农户类型1~3、纯农户和非农户分别采取了农业和非农兼顾、留在农业和脱离农业的生计策略。(2)农户类型1~3和纯农户中,70%农户生计多样化指数分布在2~3之间,且依然呈现粮食作物播种面积较大,选择比例最高,其次是经济作物。(3)农户类型1~3和非农户中,以就地转移方式非农就业是农户家庭劳动力安排的主要选择,且非农就业劳动力年龄最轻和教育水平最高。(4)大都市郊区土地非农化的转型特点促使农户从类型1~4被动地向类型5转化,土地利用效益低下也持续推动了农户生计多样化,同时,农户生计多样化会引发粮食生产能力停滞不前、土地流转和产权调整大规模顺势而生、土壤养分富集等土地利用现象。  相似文献   

以Landsat5TM遥感影像、农户调查数据和统计数据为基础数据,运用3S技术提取了案例区河北省文安县1995~2007年土地利用变化信息,分析了杨树扩张的时空格局;并从农户杨树种植决策行为视角,运用数理统计、投入产出法分析了杨树扩张占地的驱动因素。结论如下:(1)杨树林地扩张幅度大、速率快。(2)杨树扩张所用土地92.14%来源于耕地,"杨上粮下"现象突出。(3)杨树扩张速率的空间差异显著。杨树扩张受生产要素、土地产品市场及政策因素的综合驱动,其中劳动力因素和经济因素起主要作用。(4)非农从业人员比率和农民年人均收入越高,杨树扩张速度越快。在劳动力由富余转为相对稀缺的情况下,农户为提高经济收益,倾向选择耗工少,劳动生产率较大的杨树,是杨树扩张占地的根本原因。  相似文献   

Farmers are both the producers and consumers of food, and as such have a dual role in food safety: they both generate risks and are exposed to them. Based upon a survey of the food production and consumption habits of 140 farm households and long-term research in two villages in Yunnan province, this study found that rural families are highly dependent on the market for food production and consumption. In their role as consumers, farmers are aware of food safety risks and concerned about them, but their ability to protect themselves is limited. They do so primarily by avoiding certain products and growing as much of their own food as possible. At the same time, in their role as producers, farmers engage in practices, primarily the overuse and inappropriate use of fertilizer and pesticides, that are damaging to food safety and the environment. There is therefore a disconnect in their roles as consumers and producers that needs to be addressed if policy goals for improving food safety and reducing the use of agricultural chemicals are to be achieved. Farmers need more information about food safety risks related to the products they consume themselves, and technical guidance on the safe use of farm chemicals when growing food for market. However, such measures will not be effective unless the external pressures on farmers are also addressed, through consideration of market incentives to use farm chemicals and the impact of consumer demand.  相似文献   

During rapid urbanization and industrialization process, non-farm employment of rural laborers has emerged as a prevalent phenomenon in rural areas of China and become an important driving factor for changes in agricultural land use. This article attempts to theoretically analyze the impacts of non-farm employment of rural laborers on agricultural land use based on economic frameworks. As rational agents, farmers aim to maximize their income and follow equilibrium principles when they decide how to allocate their labor forces (or working time) in two departments (farm and non-farm) and how to use their agricultural land with different quality and location. The income earned by non-farm employment is higher, and there exists a comparative advantage between labors, as a result the quantity and quality of labor input in agricultural land use decreases. With the limitation of labor input during agricultural land use decision-making of farm households, on the one hand, land with higher quality is still utilized by farmers. On the other hand, poor quality land will be less well managed and is more likely to be abandoned. Non-farm employment of rural laborers and the rising of opportunity costs will result in abandonment of poor quality land, and great importance should be attached to this by policy makers.  相似文献   

以湖北省武汉、孝感的832个农户为例,运用Bivariate Probit模型分析不同类型功能区农地经营权流转市场状况及影响农户流转决策的关键因素,探寻促进流转市场建设的差别化激励措施。结果表明:(1)重点开发区、农产品主产区农地流转市场活跃度与生态功能区相比具有比较优势,调研农户农地流转率依次为50.73%,70.50%,28.94%。(2)农地流转市场活跃度较高区域租金水平及非农就业率对农地流转起主导作用,农民生计转型依赖于收入水平能否满足家庭需求;活跃度较低区域家庭收入水平对农地流转起主导作用,农户流转意识相对薄弱。(3)重点开发区受无收入成员比重、非农就业率及规划管制影响显著,农地转出市场活跃;农产品主产区受男性劳动力比例、就业率及收入水平影响显著,小农经营模式短期内难以改变;生态功能区受劳动力人均耕地面积、非农就业率及收入水平共同作用,适宜发展生态农业。  相似文献   

阎建忠  卓仁贵  谢德体  张镱锂 《地理学报》2010,65(11):1401-1410
采用分层随机抽样、参与式农村评估、地块调查等方法,研究了重庆市涪陵区珍溪镇3 个典型村样本农户的土地利用和土地投入的差异。共调查了227 户,2250 个地块。结果发现:① 除了6.17%的非农户土地撂荒、退耕或出租外,纯农户、一兼户、二兼户的土地利用类型均以集约为主。纯农户因年龄结构老龄化,劳动力供应不足,相对粗放的耕地面积为48.95%。一兼户相对集约利用的面积比例为71.08%。二兼户相对集约利用的面积比例为67.20%。② 土地投入有明显差异。纯农户每公顷农业劳动力投入少,劳动力老龄化;由于缺乏资金,农业机械及省工性投入少,多选择农家肥及磷肥、碳铵等价格较低的传统肥料。一兼户劳动力投入的数量与质量都最高,有长期投资农业的意愿与动力,农业机械投资量最大,保持了较高的农家肥施用量,且各种化肥配合施用,用量适中;二兼户每公顷农业劳动力投入大,以老人与妇女为主;由于收入高,农业机械及省工性投入比纯农户多,首选价格高、省劳力的化肥。非农户无土地投入。`  相似文献   

The Australian home is a crucial site for both normalising and contesting acceptable modes of sexual identity, desire and behaviour. Social norms and government policies have imbricated the detached suburban dwelling with the heterosexual nuclear family form, consequently heterosexualising the ideal Australian home. But this discourse is simultaneously challenged by the domestic practices of gay men and lesbians, who use their homes to consolidate gay/lesbian identities, relationships and communities. As such, they unsettle the normative heterosexuality underpinning dominant, ideal conceptions of home. In this paper I present four vignettes which illustrate how some gay men and lesbians queer the ideal Australian home, generating domestic spaces which affirm sexual difference. In doing so, I highlight two key ways in which this process of ‘queering home’ works. First, through certain uses of home—activities taking place within domestic space. Second, through changes to the materiality of domestic space itself wrought by some homemaking practices, effectively embedding gay/lesbian identities and relationships within the physical environment of the home.  相似文献   

In Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone, rapid urbanisation combined with the lingering impacts of the devastating decade long civil war (1991–2002), has left large portions of the population without reliable work or income. One response to this has been an increase in urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) which provides participants with employment, income and food security. According to local government estimates, women comprise around 80% of Freetown’s UPA community, and many women rely totally on UPA as a livelihood strategy to feed and support their households. This article focuses on the experiences of these women farmers, and in doing so sheds new light on their vital contribution to Freetown’s growing UPA community who are not thus far represented in published literature. Globally, women are also underrepresented in UPA literature, and as a result their distinct challenges are not well understood. Reporting on field-based research, this article identifies challenges facing Freetown’s women farmers, including land tenure, access to clean water, limited capital for purchasing tools, fertilisers, and pesticides, and difficult relationships with government, NGOs, and other farmers. The manner in which these challenges manifest themselves in relation to women farmers, as distinct from their male counterparts, are identified, and opportunities for Freetown’s UPA community to support and empower women farmers will be highlighted.  相似文献   

Expanded organic food production has been an issue of public debate in Denmark since its promotion by two government-sponsored plans. Yet the number of organic farms, constituting 5% of alt Danish farms, is still small. Farmers' attitudes and motivations around converting their farms to organic agriculture were surveyed in the counties of Ribe and Vestsj?lland in order to assess the feasibility of expansion. New organic farmers come either from the ranks of conventional farmers or from ‘beginners’ who initiate organic agriculture from the start. Only 7% of conventional farmers plan to convert their farms by the year 2003, but beginners will have increasing importance and augment the number. Farmers most frequently mentioned consideration for the environment as a reason for conversion. A considerable expansion of organic agriculture will be difficult, due to an insufficient number of farmers interested in organic agriculture. A high number of less productive hobby or spare-time farmers among new organic farmers also hinders expanded organic food production. Organic agriculture shows parallels to conventional agriculture, with a surplus of very small and very large farms, regional specialisation, and oil-farm specialisation.  相似文献   

In the former coloured rural reserves of Namaqualand, land is held under an evolving form of communal tenure. This study, using in-depth interviews with both women farmers and non-farmers in Namaqualand, explores women's attitudes towards land and their experience of agriculture. It finds that women gain access to land for residential and production purposes mainly through dependent relationships with husbands, fathers and sons, and that unmarried women find it virtually impossible to obtain land rights in their own name. In the event of divorce or widowhood, women are vulnerable to loss of land rights and other resources. Women were found to engage in a range of agricultural activities, both on land allocated for their own use and on land controlled by male relatives, while a few better-off women engage in independent livestock farming. While the South African government's land reform programme has extended the area of communal land and attempted to secure the rights of existing land holders, this has largely benefited existing male farmers and appears to offer little to women farmers. Women's attitudes to the patriarchal system of land holding were found to be largely conservative. Few are willing to challenge the highly gendered nature of land rights within families, and women generally feel excluded from public processes around land. Nonetheless, women in the study expressed a demand for more secure access to land and an interest in agriculture as part of wider livelihood strategies.  相似文献   

基于生计视角的异质性农户转户退耕决策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对重庆市贫困与生态脆弱区的云阳县、石柱土家族自治县376 户农户调研基础上, 将农户划为纯农户、农业主导户、非农主导户和弃农农户, 基于生计视角对农户转户退耕决策进行了解释。结果表明:①重庆市农户兼业普遍, 兼业是农户重要的生计策略;从纯农户到弃农农户, 农户生计资产依次递增, 尤其是人力资产、金融资产和社会资产。②随着兼业程度提高, 农户生计策略逐渐多元化。纯农户生计高度依赖土地;农业主导户开始选择非农兼业;非农主导户生计多样化指数最高;弃农农户生计已经转移到非农产业。③生计是影响农户转户退耕决策的关键因素:纯农户生计资产匮乏, 决策受政策导向明显;作为理性经济人, 对土地经济收益的依赖使农业主导户转户退耕意愿不明显, 对政策响应平淡;非农主导户将权衡转户退耕的补偿与损失, 政策响应模糊;弃农农户资产丰富, 对转户退耕决策响应积极。基于户籍制度改革和可持续生计视角, 本文提出了理性政府行为的3 大对策, 即:建立转户退耕的社保及补偿、激励机制;基于农户生计视角, 实施各种工程措施及惠民政策, 促进农户生计策略多元化;针对不同区位的农户实施差别化的政策。  相似文献   

Frequent extreme weather events like drought, etc. in the context of climate change present huge challenges to agricultural production. To find out if farmers have taken measures against them and identify governments’ impact on their response measures are the foundation of and key to further improving relevant policies and farmers’ responsiveness. Taking the North China Plain as an example, the study analyzes farmers’ responses to frequent climate change-induced drought, and assesses the impacts of governments’ early-warning, policy support and other factors on farmers’ responses based on questionnaire survey data and an econometric approach. The results show that: (1) Farmers are responsive to drought, and they are more likely to take measures as the degree of drought deepening. (2) Governments’ regulation affects farmers’ responses, although only part of its regulation measures has remarkable effects. Governments’ early-warning messages can increase the possibility of farmers’ responding to drought, however, only when they get the early-warning in all the processes including before, during, and after disasters can the effects be significant. Currently, as the primary channel through which early-warning information is released, television cannot change farmers’ behaviors significantly. Early-warning is most effective when spread via two or more types of channels. In addition, governments’ (especially town and village level institutions’) policy support has certain impacts on farmers’ responses to drought, yet with less prominent effects in disaster years than in normal years; to provide subsidies, as a regulation measure, can encourage farmers’ initiative a lot in adopting response measures, but most of the farmers haven’t got support from any institutions. Both the structure and strength of government regulation need to be improved. (3) Farmers with different conditions respond differently. Farmer households in irrigation areas, those whose farmland is lower fragmented, and those with numerous agricultural family members tend to take response measures. The study can provide scientific reference to the making of relevant regulation policies under the background of acidifications.  相似文献   

文章先从农地农用价值、农地转用价格和农地社会保障功能3个方面分析了农地所有者在面对政府农地城市流转决策时的主观判断,选取了武汉市周边的农户样本进行调查分析,发现该区域内大部分农户在面对农地城市流转决策时大多倾向于保有农地。文章在实证研究基础上,提出培育农地所有者的市场主体地位,鼓励其参与农地城市流转决策是保障农地所有者利益及今后农地城市流转决策应当努力的方向。  相似文献   

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