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We present Fe Kα line profiles from and images of relativistic discs with finite thickness around a rotating black hole using a novel code. The line is thought to be produced by iron fluorescence of a relatively cold X-ray-illuminated material in the innermost parts of the accretion disc and provides an excellent diagnostic of accretion flows in the vicinity of black holes. Previous studies have concentrated on the case of a thin, Keplerian accretion disc. This disc must become thicker and sub-Keplerian with increasing accretion rates. These can affect the line profiles and in turn can influence the estimation of the accretion disc and black hole parameters from the observed line profiles. We here embark on, for the first time, a fully relativistic computation which offers key insights into the effects of geometrical thickness and the sub-Keplerian orbital velocity on the line profiles. We include all relativistic effects such as frame-dragging, Doppler boost, time dilation, gravitational redshift and light bending. We find that the separation and the relative height between the blue and red peaks of the line profile diminish as the thickness of the disc increases. This code is also well suited to produce accretion disc images. We calculate the redshift and flux images of the accretion disc and find that the observed image of the disc strongly depends on the inclination angle. The self-shadowing effect appears remarkable for a high inclination angle, and leads to the black hole shadow being in this case, completely hidden by the disc itself.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that if the broad-line region clouds are in approximate energy equipartition between the magnetic field and gravity, as hypothesized by Rees, there will be a significant effect on the shape and smoothness of broad emission-line profiles in active galactic nuclei. Linewidths of contributing clouds or flow elements are much wider than their thermal widths, because of the presence of non-dissipative magnetohydrodynamic waves and their collective contribution produce emission-line profiles broader and smoother than would be expected if a magnetic field were not present. As an illustration, a simple model of isotropically emitting clouds, normally distributed in velocity, is used to show that smoothness can be achieved for less than ∼8×104 clouds and may even be as low as a few hundred. We conclude that magnetic confinement has far-reaching consequences for observing and modelling active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

The central engines of active galactic nuclei (AGN) contain cold, dense material as well as hot X-ray-emitting gas. The standard paradigm for the engine geometry is a cold thin disc sandwiched between hot X-ray coronae. Strong support for this geometry in Seyferts comes from the study of fluorescent iron line profiles, although the evidence is not ubiquitously airtight. The thin disc model of line profiles in AGN and in X-ray binaries should still be benchmarked against other plausible possibilities. One proposed alternative is an engine consisting of dense clouds embedded in an optically thin, geometrically thick X-ray-emitting engine. This model is also motivated by studies of geometrically thick engines such as advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). Here we compute the reprocessed iron line profiles from dense clouds embedded in geometrically thick, optically thin X-ray-emitting discs near a Schwarzschild black hole. We consider a range of cloud distributions and disc solutions, including ADAFs, pure radial infall and bipolar outflows. We find that such models can reproduce line profiles similar to those from geometrically thin, optically thick discs and might help alleviate some of the problems encountered from the latter. Thus, independent of thin discs, thick disc engines can also exhibit iron line profiles if embedded dense clouds can survive long enough to reprocess radiation.  相似文献   

We propose a model for the source of the X-ray background (XRB) in which low-luminosity active nuclei ( L  ∼ 1043 erg s−1) are obscured ( N  ∼ 1023 cm−2) by nuclear starbursts within the inner ∼ 100 pc. The obscuring material covers most of the sky as seen from the central source, rather than being distributed in a toroidal structure, and hardens the averaged X-ray spectrum by photoelectric absorption. The gas is turbulent with velocity dispersion ∼ few × 100 km s−1 and cloud–cloud collisions lead to copious star formation. Although supernovae tend to produce outflows, most of the gas is trapped in the gravity field of the star-forming cluster itself and the central black hole. A hot ( T  ∼ 106 − 107 K) virialized phase of this gas, comprising a few per cent of the total obscuring material, feeds the central engine of ∼ 107 M⊙ through Bondi accretion, at a sub-Eddington rate appropriate for the luminosity of these objects. If starburst-obscured objects give rise to the residual XRB, then only 10 per cent of the accretion in active galaxies occurs close to the Eddington limit in unabsorbed objects.  相似文献   

Fluorescent iron line profiles currently provide the best diagnostic for engine geometries of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Here we construct a method for calculating the relativistic iron line profile from an arbitrarily warped accretion disc, illuminated from above and below by hard X-ray sources. This substantially generalizes previous calculations of reprocessing by accretion discs by including non-axisymmetric effects. We include a relativistic treatment of shadowing by ray-tracing photon paths along Schwarzschild geodesics. We apply this method to two classes of warped discs, and generate a selection of resulting line profiles. New profile features include a time-varying line profile if the warp precesses about the disc, profile differences between 'twisted' and 'twist-free' warps and the possibility of steeper red and softer blue fall-offs than for flat discs. We discuss some qualitative implications of the line profiles in the context of Type I and II Seyfert AGN and other sources.  相似文献   

X-ray reflection spectra from photoionized accretion discs in active galaxies are presented for a wide range of illumination conditions. The energy, equivalent width (EW) and flux of the Fe K α line are shown to depend strongly on the ratio of illuminating flux to disc flux,   F x/ F disc  , the photon index of the irradiating power law, Γ, and the incidence angle of the radiation, i . When   F x/ F disc≤2  a neutral Fe K α line is prominent for all but the largest values of Γ. At higher illuminating fluxes an He-like Fe K α line at 6.7 keV dominates the line complex. With a high-energy cut-off of 100 keV, the thermal ionization instability seems to suppress the ionized Fe K α line when  Γ≤1.6  . The Fe K α line flux correlates with   F x/ F disc  , but the dependence weakens as iron becomes fully ionized. The EW is roughly constant when   F x/ F disc  is low and a neutral line dominates, but then declines as the line progresses through higher ionization stages. There is a strong positive correlation between the Fe K α EW and Γ when the line energy is at 6.7 keV, and a slight negative one when it is at 6.4 keV. This is a potential observational diagnostic of the ionization state of the disc. Observations of the broad Fe K α line, which take into account any narrow component, would be able to test these predictions. Ionized Fe K α lines at 6.7 keV are predicted to be common in a simple magnetic flare geometry. A model that includes multiple ionization gradients on the disc is postulated to reconcile the results with observations.  相似文献   

We present spectropolarimetric observations of seven broad-line radio galaxies. We find significantly polarized broad Hα emission in four objects including two, Arp 102B and 3C 390.3, which have double-peaked line profiles. In these objects the prominent redshifted and blueshifted peaks of the broad Hα line have no clear counterparts in polarized flux. This conflicts with theoretical predictions for a relativistic line-emitting disc with an electron scattering atmosphere, one of the leading models advanced to account for the double-peaked lines. The shapes and widths of the polarized line profiles can be explained if, as expected in unified schemes, the scattering occurs near the poles of an obscuring torus. However, the observed polarization position angles favour geometries in which the scattering plane is perpendicular to the radio jet. A configuration in which Hα photons emitted by a biconical flow are scattered off the inner wall of the torus has this property, and would also produce a single-peaked scattered line profile. With the exception of 3C 227, the sample as a whole conforms to the general trend in powerful radio galaxies for the optical polarization to be aligned with the radio source axis, favouring toroidal rather than polar scattering.  相似文献   

We study properties of Fe K lines of a large sample of Seyfert 1s observed by ASCA . Fits with power laws and Gaussian lines yield the average linewidth and equivalent width of 0.22±0.03 keV and 0.13±0.01 keV, respectively. Thus, the typical lines are weak and narrow. We then obtain the average line profile of all our spectra, and find it to consist of a narrow core and blue and red wings, with the red wing being much weaker than that of e.g. MCG −6-30-15. We obtain three average spectra of Seyferts grouped according to the hardness, and find the equivalent width of the core (originating in a remote medium) to be ≃50 eV in all three cases. The wings are well fitted by a broad line from a disc with strong relativistic effects. Its equivalent width correlates with the slope, increasing from ∼70 eV for the hardest spectrum to ∼120 eV for the softest one. The inner disc radius decreases correspondingly from ∼40 to ∼10 gravitational radii, and the fitted disc inclination is ∼45°. The obtained correlation between the slope and the strength of the broad Fe K line is found to be consistent with the previously found correlation of the slope and Compton reflection.  相似文献   

We present a sample of 21 ROSAT bright active galactic nuclei (AGNs), representing a range of spectral classes, and selected for follow-up snapshot observations with XMM–Newton . The typical exposure was between 5 and 10 ks. The objects were primarily selected on the bases of X-ray brightness and not on hardness ratio; thus the sample cannot be strictly defined as a 'soft'sample. One of the main outcomes from the XMM–Newton observations was that all of the AGN, including 11 type 1.8–2 objects, required low levels of intrinsic absorption  ( N H≲ 1021 cm−2)  . The low absorption in type 2 systems is a challenge to account for in the standard orientation-based unification model, and we discuss possible physical and geometrical models which could elucidate the problem. Moreover, there does not appear to be any relation between the strength and shape of the soft excess, and the spectral classification of the AGN in this sample. We further identify a number of AGN which deserve deeper observations or further analysis: for example, the low-ionization nuclear emission regions (LINERs) NGC 5005 and NGC 7331, where optically thin thermal and extended emission is detected, and the narrow-line Seyfert 1 II Zw 177, which shows a broad emission feature at ∼ 5.8 keV.  相似文献   

We use ROSAT HRI spatial data and ASCA spectral measurements for a sample of seven nearby, early-type spiral galaxies, to address the question of whether a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (LLAGN) is present in galaxies that have a LINER 2 classification. The brightest discrete X-ray source in the ROSAT HRI observations is invariably found to be positionally coincident with the optical galactic nucleus, and in most cases its flux dominates the X-ray emission from the central region of the galaxy. All seven galaxies have X-ray spectra consistent with a two-component, soft thermal plus hard power-law, spectral form. If we exclude the two galaxies with relatively hard X-ray spectra, NGC 3628 and NGC 4594, for which there is supporting evidence for a LLAGN (or alternatively in the case of NGC 3628 a dominant ultraluminous X-ray binary), then the remaining galaxies show surprisingly similar X-ray spectral properties. Specifically the flux ratio F X(0.5–1)/ F X(2–5) , which measures the relative strengths of the thermal and non-thermal emission components, shows little scatter about a mean of 0.66, a value very similar to that measured in the classic starburst galaxy NGC 253. As there is no obvious reason why the luminosity of the hard power-law continuum emanating from a putative LLAGN should be very closely correlated with the thermal emission of the surrounding region, this suggests that that the broad-band (0.5–5 keV) X-ray emission from these LINER 2 galaxies may originate in a common set of processes probably associated with the starburst phenomenon. Conversely, it appears that in many LINER 2 galaxies and perhaps the majority, the nuclear X-ray luminosity does not derive directly from the presence of a LLAGN.  相似文献   

We study the N H distribution in a complete sample of 88 active galactic nuclei (AGN) selected in the 20–40 keV band from INTEGRAL /Imager on Board the Integral Satellite (IBIS) observations. We find that the fraction of absorbed  ( N H≥ 1022 cm2)  sources is 43 per cent while the Compton thick AGN comprise 7 per cent of the sample. While these estimates are fully compatible with previous soft gamma-ray surveys, they would appear to be in contrast with results reported by Risaliti, Maiolino & Salvati using an optically selected sample. This apparent difference can be explained as being due to a selection bias caused by the reduction in high energy flux in Compton thick objects rendering them invisible at our sensitivity limit. Taking this into account, we estimate that the fraction of highly absorbed sources is actually in close agreement with the optically selected sample. Furthermore, we show that the measured fraction of absorbed sources in our sample decreases from 80 to ∼20–30 per cent as a function of redshift with all Compton thick AGN having   z ≤ 0.015  . If we limit our analysis to this distance and compare only the type 2 objects in our sample with the Risaliti et al. objects below this redshift value, we find a perfect match to their N H distribution. We conclude that in the low-redshift bin we are seeing almost the entire AGN population, from unabsorbed to at least mildly Compton thick objects, while in the total sample we lose the heavily absorbed 'counterparts' of distant and therefore dim sources with little or no absorption. Taking therefore this low z bin as the only one able to provide the 'true' distribution of absorption in types 1 and 2 AGN, we estimate the fraction of Compton thick objects to be ≥24 per cent.  相似文献   

We report on the iron Kα line properties of a sample of Seyfert galaxies observed with the XMM‐Newton EPIC pn instrument. Using a systematic and uniform analysis, we find that complexity at iron‐K is extremely common in the XMM‐Newton spectra. Once appropriate soft X‐ray absorption, narrow 6.4 keV emission and associated Compton reflection are accounted for, ∼75% of the sample show an improvement when a further component is introduced. The typical properties of the broad emission are both qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with previous results from ASCA. The complexity is in general very well described by relativistic accretion disk models. In most cases the characteristic emission radius is constrained to be within ∼50R g, where strong gravitational effects become important. We find in about 1/3 of the sample the accretion disk interpretation is strongly favoured over competing models. In a few objects no broad line is apparent. We find evidence for emission within 6R g in only two cases, both of which exhibit highly complex absorption. Evidence for black hole spin based on the X‐ray spectra therefore remains tentative. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The fluorescent iron K α emission-line profile provides an excellent probe of the innermost regions of active galactic nuclei. Fe  xxv and Fe  xxvi in diffuse plasma above the accretion disc can affect the X-ray spectrum by iron K α resonant absorption. This in turn can influence the interpretation of the data and the estimation of the accretion disc and black hole parameters. We embark on a fully relativistic computation of this effect and calculate the iron line profile in the framework of a specific model in which rotating, highly ionized and resonantly absorbing plasma occurs close to the black hole. This can explain the features seen in the iron K α line profile recently obtained by Nandra et al. for the type 1 Seyfert galaxy NGC 3516. We show that the redshift of this feature can be mainly gravitational in origin and accounted for without the need to invoke fast accretion of matter on to the black hole. New X-ray satellites such as XMM , ASTRO-E and Chandra provide excellent opportunities to test the model against high-quality observational data.  相似文献   

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