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Service-oriented architecture in a distributed computing environment, with loosely coupled geo-services is a new approach for using GIS services in environmental modeling. The messages exchanged must follow a set of standard protocols which support syntactic interoperability, but do not address application semantics.  相似文献   

The interoperability of geographic data sets is required between geo-information system applications to use geographic data sets effectively. Thus, international standardisation organisation/technical committee 211 standards supporting model-driven architecture were examined to test the ability of producing interoperable geographic data sets. With Turkey case, unified modelling language application schemas were designed for base geographic data themes and encoded to data interchange model based on geography markup language. To test the applicability of the open data models, extract-transform-load (ETL) tools were developed and applied for case applications such as topographic map and web urban atlas. This study gives a methodology and indicates that ETL tools should be created to enable multiple uses of geo-data sets without spending time and labour. However, data model design should be refined and kept as simple as possible because data transformation is laborious to use the models in the applications.  相似文献   

冯仲科教授生于1962年5月,甘肃省灵台县人,北京林业大学资源与环境学院测绘与3S技术教授,博士,博士生导师,地理信息系统学科负责人,森林经理学科3S方向学术带头人,北京林业大学测绘与3S技术中心主任,国际测绘杂志《GIM》中国唯一编委,中国GPS应用研究会常务理事,资源与环境监测专业委员会常务副主任委员、秘书长,中国测绘学会理事,矿山测量专业委员会副主任委员,中国博士联谊会常务理事,国际矿山测量协会(ISM)第六专业委员会委员,北京测绘学会理事,测绘教学研究委员会副主任委员,教育部全国测绘学科指导委员会委员,济南市客座专业技术…  相似文献   


In much the same way as a spreadsheet is more appropriate to some needs than a fully relational DBMS, many users interested in analysis of spatially referenced data have fairly unsophisticated requirements for extensive data storage or complex retrieval functions, and limited needs for topographic detail, cartographic accuracy or advanced map editing; however, they do require access to a wide range of statistical functions for data transformation, reduction and smoothing, multivariate analysis, and the modelling of spatial relationships. This paper argues that the needs of such users are poorly met by the 'mainstream' model for GIS that is often presented in the literature. A PC-based system, equivalent in GIS terms to the spreadsheet, is described. It integrates simple data structures, limited map creation and editing, a powerful range of standard and spatially orientated statistical functions, and the ability to interactively present results through chloropleth, contour, proportionate symbol, or proximally shaded maps. It is particularly designed to be easily accessible and to encourage visual interactive analysis. For some users such a system has acted as an adequate solution in its own right and for others it has provided a useful educational transition to more extensive and powerful systems.  相似文献   

以《农用地分等规程》及《农用地分等数据库标准》为准绳,把专家系统的思想融合到G IS开发环境中,设计了满足因素法进行县级农用地分等的专家系统,该系统具有知识库创建、知识库选择、土地利用系数与经济系数等值划分与制图、自然质量等指数与利用等指数及经济等指数计算、自然等与利用等及经济等划分与制图等功能模块。研究与实验表明:该系统通用性强,提高了分等过程的自动化程度及图件成果的标准化程度。  相似文献   

The availability of multiple Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) will offer the opportunity to provide seamless navigation services and improved positioning performance. However, before this opportunity can be exploited, a number of issues need to be solved to ensure the compatibility and interoperability of existing GNSS. In particular, the GNSS interoperability can be technically defined as the capability of receivers to compute their global position using two or more GNSS signals. This capability can be more effectively achieved if Signal-In-Space interface specifications are available in a consistent, unambiguous, and possibly standard format, which can support engineers to design interoperable receivers. We aim to support the design of interoperable receivers with the introduction of the Interface Communication Modeling Language (ICML), a graphical language for the formal specification of Signal-In-Space interfaces. The ICML language enables receiver engineers to specify these interfaces at different levels of abstraction, such as analog signal or binary data. In addition, the ICML language also supports the specification of conversion routines between adjacent levels, for the representation of the dynamic aspects—e.g., convolution and encryption processes—of the interface specification. As such, the ICML language proposes an alternative format to textual-based interface specifications and can possibly integrate with the ongoing trend of the Model-based Systems Engineering approaches. We present the structure of the framework implementing the language and an example ICML-based specification for a simplified and reduced version of the Galileo Freely Accessible Navigation (F/NAV) message. The language metamodel is also attached for technical reference. An important caveat: no endorsement is made for the use of the ICML language for the official Galileo Signal-In-Space interface specification.  相似文献   

Web Service与地理信息互操作   总被引:37,自引:9,他引:28  
结合当今主流IT将互联网带入Web Service的趋势,以GIS工作者的视角剖析、审视这一发展趋势对GIS互操作的重要意义。文章在介绍Web Service的设计理念及相关技术的基础上,分析了传统空间地理信息互操作技术的局限性,概括总结了Web Service在空间地理信息的共享、互操作和集成上的良好支持和适应性,指出Web Service是未来实现GIS互操作的最佳解决方案。  相似文献   

An integrated urban systems model with GIS   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The main purpose of this paper is to explore a possible integration for the entire transportation modeling procedure – from data inventory to future demand forecasting – by implementing integrated land use and transportation models with a geographic information system (GIS). In order to make an integrated, procedural modeling system possible, Land Use and Transportation modeling system with GIS (LUTGIS) has been developed and presented in this paper.  There are four sub-systems in LUTGIS: (1) a data inventory system, (2) a traffic analysis zone generation system, (3) an integrated land use and transportation modeling system, and (4) a graphic user interface (GUI) system. Since the main target of this paper is to explore a possible way to create a viable system, LUTGIS integrates currently available and user-friendly computing technologies. For both transportation planners and administrative decision-makers, such an operable system is very desirable for sharing information so they may arrive at a consensus through the use of LUTGIS, an integrated land use and transportation modeling system. Received: 22 October 1998/Accepted 11 July 1999  相似文献   

In GIS field, great varieties of information from different domains are involved in order to solve ac- tual problems. But usually spatial information is stored in diverse spatial databases, manipulated by different GIS platforms. Semantic heterogeneity is caused due to the distinctions of conception explanations among various GIS implements. It will result in the information obtaining and understanding gaps for spatial data sharing and usage. An ontology-based model for spatial information semantic interoperability is put forward after the comprehensive review of progress in ontology theory, methodology and application research in GIS domain.  相似文献   

商用GIS软件在GIS教学中的应用削弱了学生对原理和算法的认知和探索,有必要采用开源GIS体系进行代替.本文针对GIS软件开发系列课程的教学目标和知识点,对开源GIS软件体系进行了分类,并从许可协议、开发模式等方面提出了一套涉及GIS软件底层开发、桌面端开发、WebGIS开发和移动GIS开发的开源解决方案.通过教学实践...  相似文献   

Mapping the cover of invasive species using remotely sensed data alone is challenging, because many invaders occur as mid-level canopy species or as subtle understorey species and therefore contribute little to the spectral signatures captured by passive remote sensing devices. In this study, two common non-parametric classifiers namely, the neural network and support vector machine were used to map four cover classes of the invasive shrub Lantana camara in a protected game reserve and the adjacent area under communal land management in Zimbabwe. These classifiers were each combined with a geographic information system (GIS) expert system, in order to test whether the new hybrid classifiers yielded significantly more accurate invasive species cover maps than the single classifiers. The neural network, when used on its own, mapped the cover of L. camara with an overall accuracy of 71% and a Kappa index of agreement of 0.61. When the neural network was combined with an expert system, the overall accuracy and Kappa index of agreement significantly increased to 83% and 0.77, respectively. Similarly, the support vector machine achieved an overall accuracy of 64% with a Kappa index of agreement of 0.52, whereas the hybrid support vector machine and expert system classifier achieved a significantly higher overall accuracy of 76% and a Kappa index of agreement of 0.67. These results suggest that integrating conventional image classifiers with an expert system increases the accuracy of invasive species mapping.  相似文献   

GIS发展瓶颈、理论及万象GIS实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了GIS发展中的 3个瓶颈问题:输入、更新、全面的空间概念,并分析了产生这些瓶颈的理论背景,提出了GIS对象结构、系统空间数学基础及结构,矢量、栅格结合的 3个重要理论问题,最后介绍了万象GIS的实践。  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市警务决策支持系统的设计和开发   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨昆  许泉立  彭双云  曹彦波 《测绘科学》2006,31(3):106-108,142
地理信息系统(G IS)应用于警务工作是当今警务信息化的重要内容之一。本文以实际的警用地理信息决策支持系统为基础,详细阐述了基于G IS的警务决策支持系统的设计原理和实现过程,为G IS在警务工作中的应用提供了一种解决思路和实现方法。  相似文献   

面向突发事件的防范应急GIS系统的设计与实现   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
根据目前发生突发事件的特点和GIS的功能,本文详细阐述了GIS支持下的防范应急系统的基本原理,设计了GIS支持下的面向突发事件的防范应急系统的总体框架和系统各应用平台的功能,并给出了具体的实现示例,对当前方兴未艾的突发事件应急系统建设具有示范性作用。  相似文献   

水库移民GIS辅助决策支持系统的设计和实现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
空间决策支持系统(Spatial Decision Support System SDSS)作为一个新兴科学技术领域,以地理信息系统(GIS)和决策支持系统(DSS)为基础,以解决生产实践问题为目标,目前已经被广泛应用于水利、交通、农业等行业。本文主要介绍应用SDSS数据和模型之间关系的思想设计和实现用于解决大型水库项目中涉及的移民安置处理问题的空间决策支持系统。系统中主要是以移民如何安置问题为基础来设计各种空间分析模型功能,其中与空间信息处理有关的几个模型主要有移民安置区选择,移民安置区环境容量分析,水库淹没损失赔偿以及移民安置区土地资源评价等问题。要解决这些生产实践问题需要对各种数据信息进行综合的宏观分析和深层次挖掘分析,结合专家知识设计可行的处理模型,并运用计算机技术和GIS技术加以实现。  相似文献   

杨之江  方建明 《测绘科学》2015,(10):133-137
针对不同地理网络GIS应用间信息集成和功能共享难于实现的问题,该文提出地理网络互操作模型OpenNet。该模型通过定义一系列与平台无关的地理网络对象和方法,扩展和完善了开放地理信息协会简单要素规范,并解决地理网络GIS互操作问题。OpenNet包括对象模型和操作模型两部分,前者定义网络对象并规范对象方法,后者定义网络类和网络对象两个层次的修改操作。该文以ARCGIS和MapGIS两种主流GIS平台上的地理网络互操作为例,验证了OpenNet模型的可行性,证明它能够实现数据和功能的互操作,并支持与平台无关的通用地理网络应用系统的开发。  相似文献   

基于开放互操作标准的分布式地理空间模型共享研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的单机环境和封闭式网络环境由于有限的资源利用能力, 难以充分支持分散地学数据、模型等资源的共享与应用集成。基于网络环境的信息交换特点, 提出了分布式地理空间模型共享的服务体系。该体系以数据、模型、元数据等互操作要素为核心, 通过网络将数据、模型等网络节点进行开放式耦合。针对地理空间模型服务的互操作问题, 提出了分布式环境下的模型共享服务交互接口, 该接口定义了模型服务元数据、模型服务的交互操作、模型服务的通讯方式等交互规则, 尽可能地降低模型服务与模型终端之间在数据交换、功能调用等方面的互操作困难。为了降低将模型共享为模型服务的实现难度, 设计和开发了地理空间模型共享平台, 并介绍了在该平台上发布地理空间模型的2种方法。最后介绍了研究成果在Prairie生态模型共享方面的应用实践。  相似文献   

阐述城市数字化 ,矿区数字化 ,地理信息系统以及它们之间的关系 ,讨论了建设数字矿区重要子集之一———数字矿山的必要性及其战略意义  相似文献   

分析了移动计算、移动GIS和移动数据库的概念和特点,剖析三者之间的联系,以宏观的视角思考基于此新技术框架下的空间应用,基于电子地图实践,归纳并提出改进空间信息服务可行性建议。  相似文献   

整个测绘GIS系统的开发是一项复杂的工程,不可能一步到位,应遵循循序渐进、先易后难的原则,以大地测量数据为基础,先进行重点区域的建设。整个过程中,各部门的协调和支持也是十分重要的。测绘产品多样化,社会服务多元化是必然的发展趋势。当前,全站议、GPS以及遥感等技术都极大促进了测绘行业的发展,建设测绘GIS系统,实现测绘数据的有效管理,必能进一步促进GIS系统的发展,为社会提供更好的服务。  相似文献   

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